St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 17, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West lJurllnglon Street.
Thk Kkvikw Is entered nt rwslodicc
In Snint John. Oregon, ns mnlt nmttcr
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gres of March i, 1879,
MMrmrnt ol imnemlilp ami inmigtniit of
the St lohiit Review rtm
11 If mi in me b. t nl All-
Him 4, 1911
11. tan. luiuor nna iiumi.ner. a
Owner", A. W. MnrkU ml II It Markle
W. Mnr-
Bworn to anil oiilncrllKd lielore mr linn fitil
day ol April. 1914. V. A Hlrp I'nMU-
All communication! ahoald aditrr-aied lo
Tb BitIiw, Ht. Johnt, Oregon.
OffleUl Mtwipapar ot th Oltr of M. Join.
Subiorlptlon prlc $1.00 por year.
In view of the fuel that the
members of the fire department
have tendered their resignations
to take efrcct April 21st, the city
council is forced to inuko provis
ion for better flrc fighting equip
ment in order to preserve any
effective fire fighting force.
This fact is fully realized by the
new city officials, but they are in
.Homcwhut of a dilemma as to the
nature of the additional equip
mcnt to be secured, A commit
tee has boon appointed to inves
tigate the merits of a combina
tion hose and chemical ongino,
and also look into the merits of
a commercial truck of a ton or
more capacity. It is certain that
some sort of equipment that is
adequate and competent to fight
fire with celerity and dispatch
must be acquired in order to
keep a capable fire company on
duty. The voters, ( by some
strange line of reasoning, turned
down a proposition to secure the
best engine that could be procur
ed. Why they did so is rather
difficult of comprehension. One
city oliicial staled that he heard
the proposition discussed freely
while he was making his cam
paign, and the concensus of
opinion seemed to be that a com
bination hose, chemical and
pumping engine would be of no
particular benefit to the people
removed from the business dist
rict because the pressure of
water or the pipes were believed
to be not large enough to use the
pumping attachment to the best
advantage. Therefore, they did
not feel like helping to pay for
something that would benefit
the business district only,
and so they voted against
the bonds. How illogical! An
opportunity was afi'ordod to pur
chase the best lire fighting equip
ment known, complete in every
respect. And the only thing
that St. Johns iiad need to con
cern itself about was tiie interest
on the bonds. The principal
would in all probability have
been taken care of after annexa
tion to Portland. The cost lo
each of the more moderate prop
erty owners woudl not have been
ovorUT) cents per year. And a
lowering, in the insurance rules
of approximately twelve per cunt
was assured, which would wipe
out all tiie cost and more of the
engine on the part of the small
property owner carrying insur
ance, until the bonds would have
matured, and even then they
could no doubt have been con
tinued indefinitely. And so far
us the business district being the
only section benefited by a com
bination hose, chemical and
pumping engine, it is an orrono
ous impression. Where the
water pipes are too mall or the
water supply inadequate to work
the pumping attachment to ad
vantage, the districts would have
had the benefit of the hose mid
chemical and the apiH'd of the
auto truck in getting to the lire.
And later, when the other dist
ricts had been better supplied
with water equipment, they
would gut all tho benefit to bo
derived. Now the city council
is forced into a inwition where
it must supply something ade
quate and satisfactory to (Wo
men. And the chances are that
it will purchase a combination
hose and chomicnl.costing in the
neighborhood of $(.000. This
cannot bo bonded for without
another election, but the people
of St. Johns must pay it outright
or on the installment plan, both
principal and interest, and the
insurance rates will not be low
ered as much as with a better or
more completo machine, Tho
result is that wo pay more mon
ey and get loss for it than if the
bonds had carried on April (Uh.
Thoro is much business from
St. Johns goes to Portland
which had just as won be kept
at homo if morchanls in certain
illnes would adopt tho methods
of their city competitors- tidvoi
tise. Tho city merchant has
long since dispelled from his
mind the uncertainty of news
paper advertising as a business
getter, and anticipates bis ml
vertising wants for long poriods
ahead uy contracting space in
the newspapers. lie considers
his advertising as fixed a
change as, his rent or tho cost
of goods Which ho soils, realiz
ing that if he quits advertising
bo had just as well quit
business. This is tho advor
tieing age, and its principles
are as applicable in tho small
town or city suburb as it is in
tho greater cities.
Located us St. Johns is at the
portals of a largo city, thoro is
a'double incontivo why tno local
morchunts should roach out and
get this trade which at present
feMW 'tI
can be secured
notice providing that you ' 'make
hay while the sun shines.' ' It
is not always possible to earn
money, but while you are; why
not store away some of it for
. the inevitable rainy day? The
savings bank is the warehouse
of the peoples' surplus money
where it. not only is as safe as
man can make it, but where it
gradually increases by com
pound interest.
l'ul your funds where you run draw them
when needed. This It the jilucc,
goes to Portland. Hut they can
not gel it by simply displaying
their goods in the show win
dows. They have got to tell the
people about them, so that in the
quiet and leisure of their homos
they can draw a mental picture
of tho stores and the stocks they
carry through the advertise
ments. The city merchant pays
an enormous price for his adver
tising space based on circula
tion, and none will deny that a
iwiit mm iiwni' hi biitib ii ,
vonvinrgo part ol tins ativertis
ng is wasted ny papers circuiat-1
ing over a wide range ol terri
tory from which the advertiser
cannot hope to get any returns.
With tho country or the suburb
an merchant this is dilforent.
His advertising in the local pap
ers circulates only among his
home people, and these are the
only ones from whom he can
hope to got any trade. No fair
minded man will deny that it in
the advertising the city mer
chant does which draws tho trade
from the country immediately
Hiirroujiding, and if the local
merchant would counteract this
advertising inlluoiico it is abso
lutely necessary for him to nl
s keep his store and goods
ore hiB home people, and
there is ony one cheap, practical
and dignified way in which lie
can do this, and thai is uy ad
vertising in bis homo paper.
Advertising to get the best re
sults must be planned as careful
ly lis the selection of the stock
carried. The city stores employ
specialists to look after this most
important feature of their busi
ness, and so it passos along a
certain routine and with few ex
ceptions is devoid of the person
nifty of the firms themselvos,
while the country or suburban
merchant by a little careful
study can impart his personality
in his advertising as markedly
as he can within the confines of
his store, andonco ho has tho at
tentive oar of his homo people
tho future of his business can
be in little doubt, for "ho who
plans his advertising as ho plans
his well bought stock, has the
future of his business just as
solid as a rock."
The famous Willamette boule
vard caso has finally boon decid
ed, and decided in such a man
ner that no quostion can ovor a-
gain arise as to its true width.
111.- . ...,.... !.. .. .1.. ..!..!....
mr auiuuiiiu v-imii, in 11 iiui-iaiuu
handed down Tuesday, allirmed
the finding of tho lowor court,
making the width of this woll
known thoroughfaro eighty
foot. For tho past seven or
oight years tho width of this
s t root has boon a none ot con
tontion botwoon interested prop-
orty ownors, and it wns finally
docided that tho only way to do
termino tho quostion was to tako
it to tho courts, and later to tho
Suprome Court, It is now sot- j
tied, and woll settled. Tho city'
of St. Johns paid the expense1
incurred in taking tho matter to i
the highest court. Work of im
provomont of this most import-1
ant and scenic highway can now
be undertaken with a full degree1
of certainty, and since a dofinito!
decision has been obtained, tho i
miestion of the width of Willam !
otto boulevard will pass into his-1
tory as a sottlod issue, and the!
distention it wrought will
speedily bo forgotton and har
mony reign suprome.
The Orogoniau complains that
"John Lind. the silent man,
probably lost his tongue down in
Mexico." Of course Mr. Lind
should have como directly to tho
Orogonian office with his infor
mation concerning tho Mexican
situation before placing it before
the rrosuiont.
at a moment's
And after all should it not be
beneath the dignity of this pow
erful government to care a conti
nental whether a little bankrupt
whipper snapper of a nation like
Mexico takes the trouble of salut
ing the American Hag or not. A
similar act of disrespect shown
it by one of the other countries
more prominently displayed on
the map would be a different
proposition, but a slight of any
nature coming from sucli a rag'
god little Urchin as Mexico
should provoke nothing more
serious than an indulgent smile.
It being the case that President
Wilson does not recognize lluer-
ta as the chief executive of the
Mexican ' Republic and ns bis
(Huerla's) own followers are
only half hearted in their sup
port of Itis administration, then
why should the United States de
clare war upon the entire federal
forces for an - innult inflicted by
a few of his subordinates?
If this government deems the
slight shown the American flag
worthy of notice, coining from
such an insignificant source, tho
proper and most justifiable mode
of procedure would bo to send
ashore a detachment ofjackies
under arms and backed by a gun
boat or two, with orders to ar
rest the Mexican officers guilty
of the outrage, force thorn to
fire the required salute and also
apologize for their indescretion,
Any hesitation shown in comply
ing with this demand could be
quickly overcome by tho swift
application of a No. 10 govern
ment shoo to the spot where it
would do tho most good. Any
desire by Mexican henchmen to
interfere in these ceremonies
would be quickly dissipated by
a glance at those 13 inch muz
zles gazing mournfully nt thorn
from Undo Sam's persuasion
boats just outside tho harbor.
Later:- Huerta has decided
to salute the flag and no further
trouble with Mexico is expected
on that score.
Elsewhere in this issue will
bo found the announcement of
Mayor J. U. Schaofer of Linn
ton, who is a candidate for
County Commissioner. Mayor
Schaofer Is a man who does
things, and does them in an
effective manner. Uo is a man
who would fill tho position of
county commissioner in almost
admirable manner, and would
make a splendid choice for tho
people of this section. There is
no reason why tho voters of St.
Johns should not give him their
united support.
Several now faces are seen in
tho lineup of tho new city ofli
cinls. Councilmen Cornell, Gra-
den and iquuiwicK are new
officers, as aro also Attornoy
Parker and Recorder Dunsmore.
Mayor Vincent and Aldermen
Garlick, Waldref, Munson and
Davis have served ns city ofli
cials previously, as lias also
Treasurer Rice, Tho new
officials look like a good business
body, and thoro is every reason
to expect that thoy will make
good in ovory sense of the word.
Tiro Lancaster (Pa.)
to the
turned their paper over
suffragettes of Lancaster county
for tho issuo of April 11th. Tho
town was decorated in yellow to
celebrate the event. It is quite
improbable that tho yellow
colors wero selected with the
cheerful approval of tho good
Irish momoers ot the organizn
Most wild oats are sown at
night and harvested in the morning.
S. & H.Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on
in Full at least every
30 days.
Phone Columbia 137
The old body of city officials
have lieen deposed nnd a new
sot installed. Mayor Hredoson,
who ia replaced by Dr. A. W.
Vincent, has mude a most cap
able oliicial, faithful nnd careful,
and during his campaign for re
election not one act could be
pointed out where he had failed
or boon' remiss in his duties.
Every one had a good word to
say concerning his conductance
of the oflice. He has been fair,
honest and courageous in all
affairs connected witli tho olllce,
and can retire to private life
well sntisflcjl with tho record he
has inndeT ' "
Aldermen Martin, Wright and
Wi'eox, who also retire to pri
vate life, have loft records be
hind them that they may feel
proud of. F. A. Hico has made
tho best city recorder the city
over had. He wns obliging,
ollicient. faithful nnd accurate,
ami if Recorder Dunsmore
proves equal to his predecessor
tho people of St. Johns will be
fully content. J. R. Tanch as
city treasurer measured up to
th fullest extent in all that go
to mako a good treasurer, being
careful, accurate and systemat
As to theoldollicials who havo
been retained in olllce, the fact
that they havo been re-elected is
satisfactory evidence thnt the
public watt fully satisfied with
the records they have made.
Many people will regret tho
fact that 0. W. Allen has boon
superseded as chief of police,
even though they are aware
that his successor is n good man
in every respect, nnd fully cap
able of conducting the oflice ns
it should be conducted. Mr.
Allen has mndo a good public
servant, ana uo compiaiur. una
been heard of his manner of con
ducting tho oflice of chief. Tho
moral conditions of tho city have
never been in a more satis
factory condition than during
his regime, and he can feel wel
pleased with tho record he has
established. Mr. John Poff, his
successor, is also a man in
whom all can repose confidence.
He is a pioneer resident of
St. Johns, and is well liked nnd
respected by all. Here's hoping
that he will make a splendid sue
cess of tho oflice, and there is
no reason to doubt that such will
not prove tOibe the case.
It may he possible that Htterta's
disinclination to salute the Amen
can flag was actuated more by the
uecessity of economy rather than
a feeling of hostility. The powder
required to fire a salute of, 21 guns
would uesulticieut to put a company
of rebels out of commission, and
powder is n mighty scarce article
in Mexico nt present. To prevent
a recurrence of this embarrassing
incident it would be well for Uncle
Sam to present the Greasers with a
keg or two of powder to be used
for saluting purposes only.
A rumor has been circulated
to the effect that tho Milwaukee
railway system has secured eigh
ty acres of ground along the Oregon-Washington
Railway &
Navigation Co.'s line in the
northern part of St. Johns, and
that they will erect car shops
thereon. We have been unable,
however, to confirm the rumor.
FOR RENT cards i this offig.
make meals more toothsome, that gives zest to
plainer foods. That's the kind of fancy groceries we
offer. The best in quality, the lowest in price for
articles of similar grade. Try our olive oil, mustard,
vinegar and other relishes. They are great.
PATTERN COUPONS: Our supply of Free Patterns have arrived,
redeem your Coupons before April 1st.
II ( Ul M 'U.'J MM! S
charge ac
when Paid
S. &. H.
Stomp aro
umer Uucount
All the latest nnd best stvlcs arc here in Ladies' Home
each. New Style Book devoted to Children's Clothes 5c
Regulnr Style Book of Home Journal Patterns is 2c the copy.
Conic in nnd look over our line of New Dress Goods.
credit to any. store of this size.
bear inspection.
Central School Notes
In spite of ball games and
weather the "mid terms" go
merrily on in Central building.
Arrangements were made to
havo two examinations Thurs
day morning and the afternoon
given for recreation, grading of
papers, or "cramming" for Fri
day's exams.
The writing papers which were
on exhibition in the halls have
been replaced by Inter lessons.
Irene Johnson, who came from
Pocatello, Idaho, entered room 8
Monday. There are now 43
pupils in Miss Romig's room.
Tho writing on exhibition
from Room 9 was executed by
Borgliot Tollofson, Ivy Burk and
Cec I Roberson from the G B sec
ond division, and Mildred Green,
Pearl Monroo and Sybil Bugbee
from OH first 1 v s on.
from GB first division.
Room 11.- The highest aver
age, 89 per cent, was made by
Nettio Moody for last month's
work in tho 7B. Tho average of
03 per cent was made by Eldora
Montgomery and Mabel Ross,
each in tho 8A class.
Room 12 Florenco Kind of
Grade A8 has moved from St.
Johns to McCormick, Wash.
SI10 is greatly missed among her
classmates in tho room. Thurs
day, 3:80 p. ni. of Inst week, we
gavo a surprise picnic in her
honor in the basement of the
Evangelical church, the rain
hnvingspoiled our outdoor plans.
Games, progressive story tol
ling, music and a sumptuous
feast filled the evening until
Tho nnmes of the pupils whoso
writing exercises were profi
cient enough to be posted on ex
hibition are in Grade 8A2, Ella
Asplund, Minnie Young nnd
Laura Titus. Those in Grade
8A1 are Mablo Smock, Fay
Smith nnd Doris David.
Room 15. Each dny this year
in Room 15 Esther Fitterer has
written a different quotation on
the board in
sard in hones that the nun-
11 mmII 1n l,or,nrtf,wl ht, tl.a nnhla
ii t.i 1 ii ija
tie gems for the memory. . Each
dny Freda Payne has written the
latest news items. The teacher
has secured for her pupils a fine,
large 1U14 government mop of
the U. S. The "landscape car-
dener" of Room 15, Glen Wright,
brought to school some botanical
specimens of "Solomon's Seal"
measuring over fifty inches in
height. Room 15's question box
proved a source of instruction
for the pupils during the review
preceding examinations. Dur
ing the "honor time" April 10.
Mrs. Bellinger gave a brief talk
and reading which was thorough
ly nppeciated by the Central
School graduating class. Repor
First Baptist Church
Preaching services both morn
ing and evening. Special music
by the choir at these services.
All are invited to attend these
services. Sunday School at 10
a. m. Come and join our Sun
day School classes for all ages,
Our Sunday School is growing
rapi ily. Come and have a part
in the Lord's work. Reporter.
NU th lilwl on yur
This Coupon Good for
Ten 10 S. &
If presented upon timkltiR a
more, these stamps will be
Uiven with
Not Good After April 21st
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
Our line of Children's and Ladies' Ready-to-wear Dresses
i "Gleaners" Entertain
The "Gleaners" entertained
tho "Faithful Students" at a
banquet last Friday evening in
the dining hall of the M. E.
Church. Some months ago the
two classes entered into n con
test for attendance and the
r.,tM. r.,i ot.,,i. .. 1..,.,:.,..
1 minim uiwiiuum iiuviiiK
won, the "Gleaners" proceeded
to tender them n banuuot long
to bo remembered. The table 1
fairly groaned with good things, I
besides being beautifully dcco
rated with Spring flowers. Cov-(
ors worolnid for thirtv. and nt'
7:20 they wero seated' with Mrs.
Margaret Nelson, tho class poet,
read the following noem com
! W5e? ,or u,e, ocension:
01,1 & nnd irl8' beforc w0
? r , ,
posed for the ocension:
u 10 V?1 " F4i . .
Tho cnuse of giving of this feast
You nrobablv have heard.
I won't repeat, but I would like!
10 say uoioro wo'ro done, 1
Tho ono who gives is hnppicst
Wo "Glenner8"havo tho fun. '
But yet, oh "Faithful Students,"
Are glad to have you here,
And try to fill your souls and
hearts j
With gladness, mirth and.
And hope that you'll enjoy your-J
Be glad that you have come,
And Mrs. Brown, wo also wish
You, jollity and fun.
And Mrs. Cook, our Honor
We likewise wish that you,
May spend the evening joyfully
With pleasures not n few.
So with our teacher, Mrs.
We now extend our hands,
And hope you'll recollect this
On other isles or strands.
So let us hope some passerby
May see the lights and take
A bit of jollity and fun
Vpon.. n
Upon his homeward wake.
I would like to say.
f How fair.
though very small,
A ttle candle throws its beams,
1 m 8Uro 1 thak '?u a- .
, -k muuiiiw.
. After the reading of tho poem
the "Gleaners" nnd their teach
er, Mrs. Weeks, were given
three rousing cheers by the
"Faithful Students", and their
teacher, Mrs. H. 0. Brown. All
went home at a late hour voting
the occasion a huge success.
The Treasurer of the City of
St. Johns. Oregon, will redeem
on May 1, 1914, the following
outstanding Improvement Bonds :
Numbers 119 to 143. inclusive.
The said bonds Will cease to bear
interest after above date. Bonds
may be presented for payment
at the First National Bank, St.
Johns, Oregon, or Treasurer's
Published in the St. Johns Re
vie April 10, 17, 24; May 1. 1914.
Transfer and Storage
Vr dalivwr your eooda to and fro a.
all part of Portland, Vancouver, Linn
ton, PertUad and Suburban xpru
Co., city deck and all pebtU accasibl
H. & Free
purchase nmouiiliiij; lo 50c
In addition to rcj-ulnr stamps
the purchase.
Tournnl Patterns
ioc and
the cony. The price
of the
Our showing would be a
10 Years in St. Johns
I WILL GIVE $1 000
I TREATBEFCtlE II Pclsons 3qrc orOeep Glands
NOXIilFIi cr PA!i
Ho Pay Until Curod,
NoX lUy or other
til ! , I 'I iC
' fiK ISft&JpK
, :o m roo
I "f' .V'0"15
I "- m ,jrHrH,ToT
1 NeVNei 'JL SS?r!LlJRo!?
I cm Teut.' wobvaturi lo.ouoioioyriL
Irfrfro nil 9, UHC Ml MAUI CY Ml win w itiiiwi win viinmkui w vvi
1 TAitnuiA ii., san rHANiisuu, CAL.
KINDLY HAIL Ibis to tmt oat with CANCER
Furniturc'-Mfg. Co.
533-535 Dawson St.
In the l'rench Mock
Will REPAIR Furniture
Stwclal I'liriilturv Unlit to Orik-r.
Geo. S. Shepherd
Republican Candidate
Deep Water
To The Sea
C. R. Thompson deserves praise
from St. Johns people for introduc
ing here the simple buckthorn bark
aud glycerine mixture, known as
Adler t ka. This simple German
remedy first became famous' by
curing appendicitis and it has now
beeu discouered that A SINGLE
DOSE removes sour stomach, gas
on the stomach and constipation