sen 1 Do It Thoroughly In your business if you can do anything particularly wall, n scout will call on you, and ofTor you a better job. Sovon tonths of the big men of today, in every calling, have been nicked up by scouts in small villages or on farms. Don't say you haven't a chance, because you have; a scout is watching you everyday, and you are promoted as you de serve. ( A good clerk in a country town is fought for by fannera, and ho is soon picked up by a scout who lias a farm to soli at a low price, on long time. And the more modest and capable you arc, the more apt a scout is to lind you. Hut you can t fool a scout: he knows trood work. There are times when it is a good thing to be victor in a fist fight. Some men cannot under stand any other argument, and will annoy you until knocked down. Only one in ten thousand can be a genius, but anyone can be a hard worker, which nays bet tor. The biggest business men are nothing more than the host workmen who have been promot ed. The world is full of three quarters men: they are three quarters industrious, and cannot got all the way. A man should know his job thoroughly and fill it with enthusiasm. His work is his backer: h s source of crcd it;his hope of prosperity and distinction. He as careful of your job as you are of your note . H. 1 1. -!..!.! ill III UIU WIIIIK. I -rlLll IBIU will do you more good than compli mcnts. A compliment makes you lazy; a rebuke causes you to become more ucjivo, and the more a romjko hurts, the longer you havo been needimr it. By the time some people make up their minds what to do it's too late. The bust friend a man can havo is a imputation for being lair, capable, industrious, polite, intelligent and lomnornlu. Noarly all capable men are modest. J'jxchango. Geo. S. Shepherd Republican Candidate Tor CONGRESS Deep Water To The Sea 4v. C ANCER IN A WOMAN'S BREAST UWiTS Mm 1 tail) iuwr lilt THIS NO ALWAYS POISONS Oltr QIANOB IN thk AnMrir and kills quickly IWILLGIVE$1000 IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR NO Knife W PAIN , Ht PAY Until Cwid ( No X-Rty or othtr' iwkittt. WRIITEN AliaOlC CtUINIlt; ANV TUMOR, LUMP er SOAl on the IIP, I ACE er body tool I CANCtR. It lull fiat Bin I lit tint. IIO PACE BODS MUt Iff.) Will- oqUi. or imsi Ulti tt (ML Villi lifeat ANY LUMP in WOMAN'S BREAST e vs( vmiHin utsiii mbtivitu un but Our Pilnliu liltae Plint lliitti CURES la 10 DAYS MILLION IKK LVIHV VI' AH y .hint Too Iwu IOU may r.lute la until TOO LATE I SWEAR WE HAVE CURED 10.000 Peer cutis tt HAlf PftlOC II ciitir It ! imtll Address Old DR. & MRS. CHAMLEY & CO. 40 years GREATEST CANCER SPECIAIISIS IIVINQ" A O 438 VALENCIA ST., SM flAKCIICO, CU. iunult mail mis to tomtons with CANCtR J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We dollver your eoode to and from an paru 01 rorwanu, vnncouvor. i, inn ton, Portland and Suburban Kxpnu ton, Portland and Suburban Express Co., city dock and all points accessible rj weyii, i ine enu lurnnurs niewif NOTICE TO ADVERTI8ER8. In order to Inture a chanao of ad vertliement tho copy for such chanrje should reach this office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m, Please remember this and save the printer REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS Ths following list of legal blanks ar kept for sale at tills oQick and thtra will b added as the demand ariaesi WarraHtjr deeds, Quit Claim Oiedl, Realtv and Chattel Mort- JagftB, Satisfaction of Mortgages, ontractt for Sale of Realty, Dills f $tt, I.MSM. Proved Hit Claim. W'lillc n building won lu proem of construct Ion two of tlio tilers become ensnged In n violent titinrrel. 8o vio lent tvn It Hint tlio pollco wuro rtilloil In nml tlio olTrsiitlers tnken bofnru n majil'trnto. Itotli of llic inon wore no. ber nml Industrious nml Rood work men. Tills, nccordliiR to tlio testimony of tlio foruiiinn In rhnrRo of tlirtr work, who liml followed In liopos of boltiK nblc to lnterclo for tlium. Tlio uiHKlfltnito naked In nttnnlMi- inwit Hie wmao of tlio qiiurrol. It coma tlmt one limn lind neciifed tlio otlior of stcnlltiK IiIn ennt. "And I enn provo It, too." ndded tlio inn n. "HowV" naked tlio nwKlatrjito. "I nlwnys keop my cord In tlio pock et," Mid tlio mini. Tlio iiolleumnn woro dlroctcd to dearth (ho k nn out. Hut (hoy found HlwolHtely iwithltig. "Clmmo my cohU" Pfllil the workmnti. It wnn hniidcd to him. IIo took two dried potts) out of tlio iwkots mid hold (hum up trliim. pbnntly. "I'. I'. Potor Powell. Tliiifn mo n nine. Them's my cnnl." IIo tot bin coflt. Now York fJIobu. Inner "Significance. I like to etna; of IiIosioim, nn4 I tlks to Imr of ink. A a rough ntid rtndy ulnitsr ouulil to do: I llkrt to ulnn of little birds that wnrhla In Ilia trcwi And of tlow'ret! yollow. whlto or blue. Ilut the thought that ipost ilellKlite mo Very eoMmn I expr Vlin I lift mr more or Imr exultant tun. It' Butitlft. f t linprcwilon otenllritf tlirmiKli mr umiHonsiifSs That we're coin to liavo a Ireu prellr soon, Oh, tho siinshlne nn the river and It cloudlet In the KKf And the blmmilnir that la leuttcreit from Ilia trees Are Ultima of hciuly In themselrea they bo ilririlntc W. T, iti.ii nt iImih alfftilllfMfMtM fnr inn! Baoli lor In hut a proinUe of Itiu creator liilM to oiuna. T n rtttt .if ajiu'flitttl In llm Infwill. Ami tho breeiwi brlmta fororr eelioee of the lire mi band nnl the it rum, 'Canao there'll Kolns to t a olreiii pret ty noon, Washliuitoti Htnr. Favorite Fiction. "Your lmt chiince to buy n lot In this subdivision." "When 1 mil on tho roof of n nky- semper I nlwnyn feel tin IrrosMlhlo In- clliiiiUon to throw niVMolf down." "CoilMlnly, Mr. Joiiom. It will nfford in Ktmt pliWNtiro to contribute some- Ihlne to that fund." "1 know your nnmo ns well ns my own, but It oHcnpo mo for tho mo ment." "Myrtle, Iiavo you been nwny only month? Why, It seems to mo more than n your." "1 mil not nuxlous to sell tlio bouse. but my wlfo wniil to movo out to ono of tho summit, whoro her relatlom llvc."-ChlcnRo Tribune. Earthly diary. . I 1o not pnvy any klnit Tho royul pmplo Hint he wesrs. A mown Is but a foollnh Ihlnir. Aoeiinlilil by many onrrs. T twAiilil ..a, tli 1.1 I.A n nMJIP. OuniillMl to hlile from jealous foes. j il miner ifl a imtnau niur, Who ilaiilee overywhtro ho koi. I would not Jwirney over leas To loom tin ns n dminmut. With lirnHJIiee leoohlim to my knrea- I fur I lack the Irgi fur Hint. I would not be the bard who wnkes The harp, to thrill a Homer thrilled. I'll talber be tlio man wlio muxe A iMMne run with the im mm Sllml. ChletiKO ltora-Iterull. Nature'! Part. f.'flllmrlv mtwvuuiii flilwiittllir voilllif . . . - ' v - itMiish onir in run imiihmvi wuy noil t you )mo yonr hair u It whh imwnt to no. my ciiikit ir nature iwu waiiioti your hair to curl u would havo curl' ed It fur u. )(ToihI(1 Yuuhk ljdy-Wlioii 1 was n lit I lu L-lrl i hi it il. sir. llllt. I HUD- poso. she now HilnbH I urn obi enough w uo it ror tujuoir. .owarit Hiar. Ounny Sue. Illie Jroppetl n iWHHy smile utun Tli a Iwrd ami fraem i,tniw1. There waa an awful thaw tlwt itay for ntany mile around. I'eerta Jaurnnt. rhe raleeil Iter tearful eye to Hmhi the euH nt arHwI. lie hat hi fao. and for tw tlaya It lalneil to beat tb band, -ChhMiio Tribune. Bhe danced to lUjhtly In ainl out, UK aoetamer she lien', Aua all the Utile hllU about Were elralgblwav OauelHK tue. -aivckitd Hah I)jr. An Excue. "I am ao emlHirrtiMed when nmouK fahlnablo ludlun," declared Mrs. YYom hat ' Why nor I don't umoko." That needn't lofift you hu caste. Tell tho other Indloit Hint your doctor forbid It " Hiwton Advertiser. Alike, Yet Different. The cluui le .lletit; Na'a the owl. The olem'e ctoiMtilered elicorful. Tlse owl by night dulh rouin und prowl Ana liuat In manner tearful. Ami et tlio owl's otMteklarod '!, Wliloli iloubllv nutkee It prouder. The olaut far eptlwlem trln Aiul wbiJe up In the oliouder. -Wilbur U. Natblt In Judge. Unfair. Hoy (who has Just lost n sack race) Aw. It ain't fair! MamtBor Whut's not fair, son? lloj -I.etllu' dut Klrl lu do nice. LVurso she'd win! Ain't sho used to duiu narrer skirts? Indlnmiolls Star. September Muilc. I enly hear a w Inter Bound, TlioiiKli euinraer tilnts oajole, Wr now the tluiri eltticn l'uts In LU veeily oosl - MtlJiiulbiirch VVIUon. G. W. OVERSTREET Plumbing and Gas Fitting Job work promptly attended to. Phone Columbia 590 311 S, Jersey Street St, Johns, Oregon Wiltflh nut fnr tlm nlmrnetov social Riven by the Christian church in Bickner hull April 18. Tho nhndow of the pigskin ii over the lioraciildo. Tlio I'ntinmn cnnnl tin rnt thus fur $165,000,000. And (lint U "nit rati too. Tho hlRhwny to liniiliioi Ii hk ed by tho trcilluy us wt-ll im t i auto. Tho Itltf Dipper, nays n Krleiitlxt U to vniilali In l'(K,(KH) yenm. Wo mIixiiM sit up nml wnlu "I.inmli nl misfortune," wiys nil Ox ford pmfosor. Vet It Is wild n llrltoii hint no Monsu of humor. A Scottish scientist any tho world Is litniled for stnrviillon. What n re vuiiko on tho licuf trust. I'erhnps tho nppri'honded derllno of eilclii't In Itughind Is due to the link of n Ixisulmll voenbulnry, Since tho KOVoriiincntH of tho world . . i.. i. i.. ...... i invested in iiitniiiiiiun u iiiimh i uci'ii no mini io riso in inu nruiy. "ylnst," sny n theOHOphlcnl expert "cntisox stutterliiR." Not If you thitil: tip your story well In mlviuiee. I'wiry'n nretle records linvo been found nml returned to him. hut Dr. i Cook'ri iiN'oids Htlll rcmulii n mysti-ry A London xpeclnllst siiys froiim-iit hnlrcuttlnt; ciiuse bnldiie. but It's our Kiitwi It only unikoH It look llko It fiixKl milk tiiiist eniitnlii only 'JOO.tlOO meter In Her cubic enntlmeter, Con Burners nro wnrned to ncccpt no more. Still, when you come to think of It lu the llslit of tho well known Inw of cntvllnlloti, tlio leaves cun do nothing but full. They any (lint tho imvy nerds metro dry docks. Of course. No mutter how liumlsomtrn imvy miiy bo It In never so siifo us lu drydock. Tnlos nro comlni: In from different points of Imimmso meteorltoH. dm It bo Hint Miirx from Its superior height U throwing stones nt us? Now tlint .Mntiuel tins mnrrlcd mid settled down, perluis tho rortuituosc will look more toleniutly on bis stniiil liiK iippllcntloii for it Job. There In it report Hint another comet Is liemlod for tho earth, which seems iiunecesKiiry In view of nil tho illlToreut kinds of incitement wo nro now enjoy lot;. It Is snld Hint but 2.11 mllllonnlrcs linvo been enumerated In C'IiIciiko. Ilut who wants to bo tauKed us n mil- llounlro lu these parlous Income tax times? Tho landlords linvo got their nine foot nhcotM Just lu time. A l'hllndel- phlit doctor has discovered u process by which ho cnu urently Increaso n uiau'H Htnturo. .Many persons will bo surprised to liMirii Hint tho Kovernment of Hanto DomliiKO bus niiy KUiibonts. Ilut It has; nlso n proslduut who wan allvo nt tlio last writing. An ICiikIIsIi jwllco Htntlnn provided Its prliHiuerM with n billiard room mid a Hhnotluir millury. And uo proceed tho htudublu offort to niako tuvful vltl- nous out of convicts. Tho dUutiNNlon iih to whether women dross to ploowo tho men or to excite tho envy of encli otlior looks llko n wasto of tliua, Nobody knows but tho worn on, n nd they won't tell. Chancellor Ilnldauo nays Hint lu llfty yearn tlio United State will bo tho lisidlnu nation, IIo may bo a brluht Unlit In bis own line, but ho l.t n tilllo behind tho t linos In his reek oiilui;. .Now Hint n mnii has succeeded lu tlylni; upsldo down and women havo decided to add X my ahoai to their attliu this Jaded world will bo hard put to It for a now thrill In tho wny of sensations. Ilecontly collected statistics show that the proportion of bachelors to mnrrlcd men Is steadily lucreaslni; lu ICniilund. 'flint's probably becauxo tiioro American glrU nro marrying at homo nowaday. A now folding bed Is nttnehed to tho elotitit door and disappears when tho door Is closed, but tho old hind that vUktm with you lu tho middle of the nliiht and Koutly sNps Into tho bureau drawer will remain In public favor. A youth, dumb ten years, became so excited over n cricket matoli that his spetK'b was restored. A ik'raon who could sot oxelteil over cricket would be a raving maniac aver tho game of llirowlnjc n cord of hardwood Into the NhCIUCIlt. Tho onuestrlan statuo of Oconto Washlueton In Union sininre, Now ork, Is to bo turned around so that tho tlrst president will look down Itroadway. This Is calculated to hide from his reproving kuxo the wickedest soctlou of tho bad old town. Dr. MoDoueall of Oxford soys that It Is rijjht and proper t IiiukIi nt oth ers' mishaps, thus turning into a stim ulant which promotes well belli); a iiiiiss of minor ills. Which Is ipilto Hue. no doubt. Alt- ouo inn try It fur himself, botlnnliik' with his owu inlxhiips. Good Clothes for iMcn and Women ON CREDIT EASTERN OUTFITTING GO. 405 Washington St. Portland, - Oregon H m , aj : I IMI 111! n IMIYl MMW'L Vile. '1. Hl' I f . . . iHBV WW' X IT M Q eAHlinMEM.rHvluCMSMCaJRaMHHaeHeA This is because of Satisfied Customers; and that applies to Shoes, Hats and other furnishings. Satisfied Customers are made by our constant endeavor to please. Last week samples of Spring Wash Goods were mailed to 100 patrons; Samples were placed in the Post Office at 11:30 c'clock and' at 1:30 we had the first response; we have had several since but there yet remains at least a part of the Goods sampled and new Patterns have came in to re place those sold. The selection of trimmings for your dress is almost a work of art. To aid vou at our store we have stocked a moderate as sortment of all the late materials; late in weaves and colors. We have a varied supply because of being able to get short lengths. Our particular business in St. Johns is to maintain a merchandise store, to do this you must be treated fairly; you must be given true values, must be served promptly. To do this we follow the principle of treating our trade as we should like to be were circumstances reversed. BON HAM EDMONDSON CO. 107 S Jersey Street MODCRNMCTHODS ks IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 St. Johns furniture tapanyj Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Ex changed Central Market! 205 S, Jersey Stret See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtninubie. Order fUItd and fondly Trade SotkJt4. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. We buy or sell St. Johns Property AkKINNEY & DAVIS Real Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns DR. FRANK F. CASSEDAY Specialist In Diseases of ttw Eye, Eir, Nose, mroit anaiujjs Operative and Medical Treatment Expeit filling ot GUtece Moderate Price Sift-Jir Dckum UlUs Vim J and Washington SU. rnouca Jiain i una a 7i. roiuana, ore. Bring lo your Job printing while Tom tnluk ot It. Don't wait uutll you art enUrely out. V ara equipped te turn out neat and tut- printing I- TEN ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS Where Located Portland (x) Oregon City Silverton Cazadero Kstacada Hull Run Boring St. Johns Snlem Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Broadway and Aider Streets Phone Marshall 5100 Home A. 6131 Keep Your Fowls Free from Lice Chicken Uce cut the poultry min more money than all other Item o( poultry expentc com blned They kill thouunds of chicken every year. Prevent thlt lot by dusting your fowl with Conkey' Lice Powder a combination of effective lice killing Ingres dients. It' quick and iuie. Kill the Lice, Doetn't HarmChickeni It ue mean bigger poultry profit. Ketlore health and vitality to your flock. Guaranteed. Price 25c and JOc Conkey'a Lice Liquid Sprayed about the poultry houte will rid your chicken of the hle-aapping mite that live in the crack and crevice. Ql J5C half gaL 60c, gal JI-00. Conkey'a Head Lice Ointment rubbed on the heads of little chick will quickly kill the deadly head Iouk without Injury to the chick. Safe and ture. 10cand2Sc Vow Mom, If OA.,1. Lk. KUiM Pi.u.lbu O MM S.Utfr t Ask for Conkey'a Frea Poultry Booklet Lauthers Mercantile Company Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul- ing done to and from Portland Residence 400 East Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street Daily trine to Portland. CHAS. SAGERT, Prop. ORDER EASTERN STAr Minerva Chapter No. 105 Meeta Rverv First and Third .Tuesday livening of Each Month in Hickncr's Hail. Zella K, Johmtou, Worthy Matron, lit. J, At Stephen, Seeretary, The new Peck Suits they arc up to the minute; they I fit, are all wool and they wear. The volume of business at our Men's Toggery steadily increases; the Suit Sales were about double over last March. & CURRIER Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Ulit & Power Co in puny for the purpose of providitig Reliable Electric Service to its patrons. Through high tension transmission lines each of these generating plants are inter- communicative, so that the service is insured against unforeseen interruptions. 3SJftk Ql.a5.2Qt(S -1 10..U Co. Phoue Columbia 215 "HIAWATHA" That Good Coal One Ton S10.00 Two Ton $19.00 Cord wood, first growth $6.00 per Cord, Lev Orders at St. Johns Water OMce. Edlefsen Fuel models of are dressy; R. A. JAYNG, Al. D. Office over Flr.t National Dunk Office Phone Columbia 262 Nee. Phone Columbia 1 96 JOSCPH McCtinSNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day Nlht Ofllca in McChemey b!k. St. John. . On ton. I Paio instruction Studio 401 Altn Street. llrglnncraa Hpeclalty I MISS AlALGNA E. LONG J Phone Columbia 7 O. J. QATZAIYER ATTORNEY AT LAW M.Donald Dulldina ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Firtt National Dank Building ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON THAD, T. PARKER ATTORrifiY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW- Rooms 7 and 8 Holbrook UuilditiK ST. JOHNS DK. RAMBO DtiMTlST Phone Columbia M First National Bank building. ST.WhNS. OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Opn Evening and Sunday by Ap pointment, Office Phone Columbia 140 Retident Phone Columbia 38 jjjfefc LAUKlI lODGt No. 186 I. O. 0.;i ST. JOHNS, OHCGOr Meeta each Monday evening in Odd FmV lows hall at 7:30. A cordial welcome to all vUitinR brothers. Noble Oram!, O II. Rcnbam. Trraurr. It. V. Claik. Kc See. O. S. Havoc.. Fiu. Sec. . K. S.TWrigbt. HOLMES LODGE NO. 101 . KWCHfs or pvtmias: Meets every Pridav night at 7:30 o'clock in I.'O. O. V Hall. Visitors always wel. come. A. W. PICKRI..C. C. D. P. HORSMAN, K. X. S DORIC DODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Reeular communications on first Wednesdays of each month in Blckner's Hall, Visitors welcoae. Cbs A. W, W. M. A, W, arts, Secretary,