St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 10, 1914, Image 3

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Wo have a Wonderful line of Brass Beds. They
arc the kind that add refinement and comfort to the
Brass Bed with 2 hi. continuous posts; seven
itf in. fillers. Regular $45; special $34.50
Brass Bed, 2 in. straight posts; seven in.
fillers and y, in. cross rods, Regular $36;
special . 27.00
Brass Bed with 2 in. continuous posts. Regular
$31. special 23.00
Brass Bed, 2 in. straight posts: Regular $28;
special 21.00
Brass Bed 2 in. continuous posts. Regular $24;
special 18.50
Brass Bed, 2 in. posts and 2 in. cross rods. Reg
ular 520; special 15.00
Brass Bed, 2 in. continuous posts. Regular
$17.50: special 13.50
Brass Bed, 2 in. straight posts. Regular $13;
special 9.50
Buy Where You Get
Ormandy Bros.
J?to til &mh umr
Jn Utt4 mi n kvi tl Nth
JuIkI M t4 Air bj trm U4n Hit
7h (If u Uj I W f
mn. tfmM t uk! M kMp IMm ml
Set to Spitzenberg and
Newtown Apples
Trees in perfect condition;
fourth year. Located in the best
part of the famous valley, in Fruit
Home Colony. On the Trout Lake
road and also a public road run
ning along one side. Splendid
spring of water on the place.
Probably worth $10,000 in three
years, with a large and ever in
creasing income therefrom.
A Rare Bargain at $7,000
Also 8 acres adjoining the
above orchard, five acres in bear
ing commercial orchard, and three
acres set to- almonds, 3 years old.
Good house and other outbuild
ings on place. Will be sold at a
bargain. Call at or
:lu mber:
Rough, Prompt
Dressed, Deliveries.
Flooring, Quality
Finish. Guaranteed.
Phone Columbia 131
j j H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street j
j Real Estate, Loans, Insurance j
t Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed S
Alost For Your Money
Gel a Fly SWaller 10c
Now i tlic time to put up your
Scrccm, Wu linvc n complete
Mock of ccrcen Doom, AdjuMnblc
Wlinlow Screen, nt the riht
Juiit Tclcplioncj hc will ciul a
iiiiiii to mciiMirc your window ami
Scicpii Doot from f 1 ,2f up to
f 2.C0.
Ailjutlnhlc Screen 2Sc to 60c .
Ito.e Cttinrnutccil, f3.75 to J7.G0.
I.nwii Mowcru CO to f 12.00.
Everything in the Hard
ware Line at the
St, Johns Hardware Go.
address this office. j
Slabwood '.
Local News.
DAN'S That's all.
Bond issues are not popular in
at. joiuis.
I The Commorclnl fihih is nm
jecting big things these days.
Too bad there is not enoturh
otiices to supply each candidate.
Miss L. S. Perkins, teacher of
elocution, G34 Windell street, ad
Mrs. Julia Marselliot. of Forest
brovc, was vis.iting her sister,
Mrs. John Jewson, last week.
Easter Cards. Booklets. Eirer
uyes and Fancy Candies at the
St. Johns Pharmacy, adv.
The Commercial Club dance to
be held in the rink Monday even-
ng, April 20th. is to be the
greatest social event given here
in a long while, so it is said.
The city of Linnton has been
given permission to erect a fire
station between the Germantown
and St. Helens roads, the road
master having examined and ap
proved the site.
Farmers in the vicinity of
West Stayton will plant 35 acres
of Refugee wax beans this sea
son for delivery to the the Sa
lem cannery. The crop is ex
pected to bj highly profitable.
The Bercan Class of the M. E.
Sunday School will hold their
next meeting at the home of
Gladys Nolan, 1007 S. Gresham,
Tuesday, evening, April 13. All
members are urged to be uresent.
Come and have a good time.
It was erroneously stated in
one of the Portland evening
papers that Geo. W. Munson,
who was re-elected Councilman
from the Second Ward Monday,
was a prohibition candidate.
Such was not the case, as Mr.
Munson was the nominee of the
three parties Republican, Dem
ocratic and Progressive.
Jack Campbell, a former well
known resident of St. Johns,
was a visitor here the latter end
of last week. He owns u fine
ranch near North Plains and is
getting along in first class style.
He says that n two-story brick
K. of P. hall is being construct
ed at North Plains, and that the
town is growing at a rapid rate.
Mrs. Harbrige. of FonduLac.
Wisconsin, who has been visit
ing Mrs. John Jewson, 91b E. Mo
hawk, the past week, and who
has spent tfio past few months
visiting in the western states,
left for the East last WcdneS'
day morning. She was delighted
with tho western climate, and
especially that of Oregon.
There arc over 500 unregister
ed voters in tho St. Johns Dist
rict. To accommodate all those
who wIbIi to register. Justice of
the Peaco Williams, in the Hoi
brook Block, will keep his office
open every Monday, Thursday
and Saturday nights until 8 o'
clock. Books close April 30. Only
twenty days more to register be
fore tho May IB primary.
Some miscreant poisoned the
fine bulldog pup owned by Alex
Kerr, 919 North Hayes street,
Wednesday night. A number
of others havo lately lost valu
able dogs in tho Bamo manner
in that neighborhood. Tho ras
cal who is doing this despicable
work had better bo a little care
ful in the future or he is liable
to be arrested and punished as
this crime deserves.
Under a recent ruling of the
postal authorities, farm and gar
den produce may be shipped di
rect from producer to consumer
when properly packed for ship
ment. This provision also in
eludes farm and garden imple
ments. castings, parts of ma
chinery, etc. This should bo of
immense benefit to farmers
within easy reach of towns or
cities, as offering an outlet for
fruit, vegetables, eggs, poultry
and butter which have hereto
fore been of little value on ac
count of excessive transportation
That the wheat farmers of
Eastern Oregon do not spend all
their coin in tho purchase of
more land to grow more wheat
is indicated by figures supplied
4 bythe automobile dealers in that
section. Within the past six
weeks buzz wagons to the value
of $98,000 have been furnished
to Umatilla County alone and
the other wheat counties have
taken nearly as many. The
wheat growers with big acreage
find the automobile a necessity
and they purchase them as a
regular part of their business
Seated within the bodies of
huge moths, flies and other in
sects, visitors to the Panama
Pacific International Exposition
may enjoy the novel sensation of
flying about a giganic candle
110 feet in height. This is to be
one of the features of "Toyland
Grown Up" the concession upon
the exposition grounds at San
Francisco, in which Frederick
Thompson expects to spend $1,
000,000. It will be known as
the "Gee Whiz Candle," consist
ing of a huge candle stick hold
ing a burning candle of enorm
ous size. Mechanically propell
ed areoplanes will fly about the
flame of the candle, each car
resembling an insect,
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's
barber shop. adv.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at H. I7. Clark's, the fund
utrc man. Adv.
The Corona Orchestra was
honored by the Rebecca Lodge
at a social entertainment April
A new list of Phonograph
Kecords just received at the St.
Johns Pharmacy. Uet a cata
logue. adv.
Miss Edna Rowan, a National
W. C. T. U. lecturer, will be nt
the Baptist church April 22. A
more complete notice next week.
The lecture and stereopticon
views in the skating rink last
Friday evening were entertain
ing and instructive. The at
tendance, however, was not
nearly so largo as the affair de
The "Live Wires" of the Cor
ona Club arranged for tho base
ball game Tuesday noon between
the girls' and the boys' teams.
The "shock" came when the
girls won the game. The official
ly accepted yell still echoes
through the gulch: "Corona,
Corona, crown with wings, it's
Room 15 that doea the things."
Another nclivity of the Corona
Club is the shorthand class,
numbering over twenty mem
bers, under tho supervision of
M. F. Burghduff, the manager
of the club. Evening sessions
are held every week. The Corona
orchestra at present consists of
twelve musicians, and rehearsals
are held twice a week.
Additional mall service has
been installed in St. Johns. An
auto now comes from Portland
at about 7:30 every evening and
nicks up tho mail from the vari
ous mail boxes along the streets
and takes it to the general office
at Portland. This is an innova
tor! that is quite pleasing to the
people of St. Johns, especially to
the business men, as it affords
letter service and more of it.
The Benedict Social club gave
a delightful danco in the Eagle
in last Friday evening. Mrs.
Day and Miss Long donated un
abundnnce of delightful punch,
which added considerable en
joyment to the occasion. Snced's
orchestra furnished the music,
and it was of tho usual high
order. Everybody had a good
time. Another dance will bo
given in tho same hall Friday
evening of next week.
1 rlnnirn nnlilirlv tooxnrcas niv
thanks to tho voters of tho Sec
ond Ward for tho handsomo voto
I rccoived for re-election as
Councilman of tho Second Ward,
and wish to nssuro those voters
who cast their ballots for me
that I w endeavor to represent
the residents of my ward in as
fair and honorable manner as
nnnuUilo. and Unit 1 will lit!
ready nnd willing at all times to
servo them to tho best ot my
ability. GEO. W. MUNSON.
Tho illustrated lecture given
in tho auditorium of the high
school building last Friday even-
ing by the rortianu uauway,
Licrht &. Power comnany was
attended by 300 or more, nnd
they were nil plensed with tho
entertainment afforded. Tho
progress made in street car de
velopment since tho past decade
was shown, together wun iacis
and figures relative to tho busi
ness of conducting a street rail
way system. The lecture was
highly instructive ns wen as en
tertaining, and tho nudienco had
a better insight into the busi
ness than over before, and
could better renlizo tho difiicul-
ina thai: hnva to be met nnd over
come by trolley companies.
T. J. Monahan. F. P. Drinker
and Mrs. L. N. Bellinger acted
in tlm canncitv of ludcrcs at a
dnhnto last Fridav afternoon in
Mnbe 1. uurghduirs scnooi
room. Tho subject of the de-
hnto was. "Resolved. That the
HnlrvmR flhnll ho abolished Janu
ary 1st. 1915." Tho debate was
won by the ainrmativo z to i.
The judges were presented with
nnhhv nnd attractive souvenirs
of the occasion in tho shape of
largo folders containing the en
rollment of the class, and a poem
hv thfi class noet. Thev were
embellished handsomely with
illnstrntmns nortinent to the SUb
iect bv Onal R. Weimer. the
class artist, rne souvenirs
nr hicrhlv nrized bv the re
cipients for their originality and
Mr. J. D. Keliher was most
delightfully surprised WedneE
rinv AVPiiinir. Anrn i. uv u nun '
ber of friends, the occasion being
Mr fi2nd birthdav. (Jard niav
ing was indulged in the greater
part of the evening, Mr. Wright
and Mrs. Jannesen being the
winners in the end. Refresh
ments were served and the
mipntn rlnnnrted at a late hour.
wiahincr Mr. Keliher manv more
nanny birthdays. Those present
warn: Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keli
her. Mr. and Mrs. Petters of
Portland, Mrs. Marselliot of For
est Grove, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewson,
Verner Jewson. Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Manuel. Mrs. Jannesen. Rosie
Jannesen, Mrs. W. D. Wright,
Lewis, Earl and Mattie Keliher,
and Hazel Peterson,
Where shall I get my hair cut?
At Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
Housekeeping rooms for Rent.
Inquire 535 South Jersey street.
For Sale Silver Campinc Kggs
and early seed potatoes U. 1.
Lamb, 613 Smith Avenue N. adv
For Sale G room house close
in: will take lot as payment.
019 E John street. adv.
Sassafras for the blood Na
ture's Spring tonic nt the St.
Johns Pharmacy, adv.
Found A lady's kid glove.
Owner can have same by calling
at this office and paying for no
Screens of all kinds and sizes
made nromntlv and at reasonable
prices at the Jersey Street Re
pair Shop.
The White House gives good
rooms and good straight board
for five dollars per week. Your
patronage is solicited. adv.
Ambulance service, day and
night. St. Johns Undertaking
Co., successors to Blackburn
Undertaking Co.; office Col. 527;
Residence, Col. 299.
The Moose Lodge held a most
interesting session last night in
the rink. Fifty new members
were added to tho enrollment.
Sports of various kinds were in
dulged in.
The homo of Mr. Barron, on
East Tioga street, was partial
ly destroyed by fire last evening
and the loss is said to be esti
mated at about $500.
For Sale Thoroughbred white
Wyandott eggs, $1.00 for setting
of 15. Phono Columbia 270, or
call ut 1008 S. Gresham street.
The Women of Woodcraft will
give a 500 party in Bicknor hall
Tuesday evening, April 11, at
8:30. Come and bring your
frends. Admission 10 cents.
tefreshments included, adv.
For Salo- IGO Egg St. Helens
ncubator. cheap. Also, a few
settings from choice nuttings
White Leghorns, the greatest
egg machines in the world.
Come and be shown.- W. Loren-
zen, G13 Myers street. St. Johns.
For Rent-Modern five room
louse in St. Johns, close to bus-
nimu noftimi- Miri rooniH fnrn.
ished complete for housekeeping.
Yard and garden. All conven
iences. $18 monthly in advance.
Cnll at or address this officce.
Patent medicines and drugs nt
Portland prices St. Johns Phar
macy, adv.
The Women or Woodcraft will
givo a Maypolo dance in the St.
Johns rink Fridny ovenmg, fliay
1st. Dancing at 8:30. Admis
sion. 50c per couple; extra ladies
25c; spectators 10c. Everybody
welcome, adv.
Jerome Whistler and Jack
McNiven spent this morning
washing the windows of tho
Culof Bros' store. As this stunt
will ho repeated each week dur
ing tho summer, the boys win
have lots of practice and wished
to have this fact called to the at
tention of Centrnlia's young lad-ies.-Daily
Hub, Centralia, Wash.
Tho Christian church will irive
a character social at Bickuer's
Hall noxt Monday evening, April
13. An cxcentionnllv fine uro
gram will ho given. Tho church
orchestra will furnish music and
refreshments w be served.
Come dressed to represent some
character. Admission 15 cents.
The S. P. I. will sell candy at
their booth.
Next Friday at 8 P. M. James
John High meets urient High in
the last game of the basketball
season in tho High School gym
nasium. A week ago these two
teams met in n close game the
score being 29 to 25 in favor of
James John, on the Orient floor.
A fast game is assured. 'Ihose
from whom tho lineup will bo so
lected are: C. Kretiger, F. Bug
bee and T. West, forwards; F.
Wriirht. J. McGregor and U.
Sundstrom, guards, b. matt
will probably play center. The
admission will bo 15 cents.
Editor Review: Tho election
is over. The neonle have ex
pressed themselves. Selections
for city of ces have been mado.
Surprises were in the ballet
boxes, and no doubt there are
some disappointed ones, but
such things always happen
politics. In the new council will
he some new material, along
with experienced men. The new
mayor has had experience nnd
can guide tho city aright. Let
us all now forget the past and
work for a bigger and better St.
Johns. All shoulders to the
wheel. D. C. LEWIS.
Tho Treasurer of the City of
St. Johns, Oregon, will redeem
on Mav 1. 1914. the following
outstanding Improvement Bonds:
Numbers 119 to 143. inclusive,
The said bonds will cease to bear
interest after above date. Uonds
may be presented for payment
at tho First National Hank, fct.
Johns. Oregon, or Treasurer's
Published in the St. Johns Re
vio April 10, 17, 24; May 1, 1914.
Oldest Bank on
Pktkk Aut.un, Pres.
John N. Uduui'SKN, Cosh.
An Interesting Meeting
The Commercial Club had a
most interesting meeting Wed
nesday evening, with President
Bonham presiding, it was de
cided that an effort should be
made to havo the approach to
the interstate bridge changed
from Union nvenue to I'atton
avenue, so that the lower penin-
suln might derive some benefit
from the bridge. Resolutions
were ordered drafted to this of.
feet, which will-be presented to
tho county commissioners by D.
C. Lewis. Efforts are being
made to make the Swce Pea
Show. School Garden and Man
ufacturers Exhibits excel any
thing of a like nature that has
iiiimened 111 the past, bpecini
ellorts are being made to inter
est the children in sweet pea
culture. . . .
It was decided to make the
club danco to bo given 111 the
skating rink Monday evening
nr 20th. the sweiiest aiiair
that has occurred in the city for
manv moons, ueane
H. Know-
ten. C. A. Frv. O. J. Gatzmyer,
J. N. Edlefsen and W. M. lower
. . n ....
compose the dance committee,
and they are making eluborato
plans for allair, at which ltuud's
seven piece orchestra will fur
nish tho iniiBie. A committee
composed of Perry C. Stroud,
K. U. Hrand. u. i woicoi, .1.
II. VI. Ulllllll, V. if,
N. HarnevandC. B. Russell was
anno tiled to endeavor to induce
the promoters 01 tne proposed
now rortianu street railway w
. I .1 ...II A
extend their linos to St. Johns
via Columbia boulevard.
G. Brand, S. W. Rogers and .1.
E. Ililler were unpointed as a
committee to provide ways and
moimn for circulating petitions
asking for a charter amendment
giving tlie Port of Portland
power to expend puniie money
in dredging and otherwise de
veloping Columbia Slough.
F. P. Drinker. J. N. Edlefsen,
Tli'. Autzen. C. II. Boyd and
Dr. Gambeo woro appointed as a
committee to investigate tho fea
sibility of constructing a club
building on a modest scaio ior
club purposes, and commodious
enough to hold dances and other
oniei'iainmonis tnuruin.
A committee consisting 01 J,
F. (lillmore, A. E. Dunsmore. S.
W. Rogers, W. M. Tower and C.
11. Hovd was appointed as a
membership committee for April.
Tho March committee secured
eight new mombers. It is pro
posed that a new commttieo on
membership bo appointed each
month, ami the committee secur-
inir tho east number 01 new
members shall banquet the mem
bers of the other committees.
Prof. C. H. Boyd, Dr. Gambeo
S. W. Roirors irave interest
ing talks on f'.ies nnd how they
nould ho exterminated, and it is
likely that tho club will soon take
an activo part in 1110 campaign
being wagwl to do away with
tho flv ni'st.
Tho subject of a high bridgo at
St. Johns was broached, but it
was decided that it would bo best
to conserve all energies on tho
project in hand before taking
up the bridge proposition.
Expresses His Thanks
To tho Editor: I hereby do
sire to thank all voters, both
those who worked and voted for
mo. as wo as those who worked
and voted against me. To those
who voted for me, 1 wish to ex
press my thanks for their good
will and confidence, and to those
who did not vote for mo, for tho
responsibility, time and grief
and worry they have spared me,
as any one who holds a public
office and has the welfare of tho
people at heart must and should
feel the responsibility of tho
office they hold, and they must
often neglect their private
affairs to do justice to a public
office Also they often have their
best intentions misconstrued,
and you face a dissatisfied public
or faction, as it is impossible to
please all, I did not seek the
office, and only consented to run
at the request of many voters,
and as tho returns show who is
the choice of the people, I wish
to heartily congratulate tho suc
cessful opes, and bcliove thoy
You Can Point
With Pride
lu your savings lunik book.
One bIiowIiijj regular, even if
small, cm trie is the best tec.
oinmiMiclatlon fur thrill unit
j;ood scn.c you enn show your
employer. The l'ciiiusuln Snv
itiK llauk. will open nti Account
with you even i( you hnve no
more lliau fl.00 to Url with.
Think it over.
the Peninsula
F. C. KNAfi', Vice Pres.
S. L. Doimt, Ass't Cusli.
Cheaper Water Rates
By virtue of a ruling of tho
Railways Commission, St. Johns
will enjoy lower water rates. In
an order handed down last Satur
day, the rates will be materially
reduced for some time at least.
While in some particulars the
ruling is not quite clear to the
average mind, yet it is apparent
, that quite 0 1 ttio saving win no
" sureu 10 inu wuim- imiruns.
Those who have heretofore been
1 paying, per mount ior
1 water, in oruinary cases win get
the same service for 90 cents.
Those who have been paying the
two dollar rate will got the same
service for $1.(1!), although in
both cases more may bo collect
ed if an unusual number of fau
cets arc used. Rates for sprinkl
ing bavo been reduced to one
dollar per month. Where met
ers are installed for domestic
use a minimum charge of $1.40
is allowed. The ruling carries
with it a rebate for all who have
paid in excess of the now rates
since February of last year.
While the rates are not neany
so low as the city council had
attempted to establish some
time ago, yet they represent
quite a saving. Attorneys
Stroud nnd Gatzmyer represent
ed the city before the Commis
sion, and it was through the ac
tivity of the former that dellnite
- - - - - - - - - -- --- ,
action was first taken toward se
, curing mwur ruw.
While the new rates may not
bo as low as some have expect
I cd, yet it was as much us the
I Commission found to be justi
fiable at the present time, taking
' into consideration all circtim
! stances connected with the busi
1 ness. Tho Commission was in
possession of nil the facts, and
it is presumed that the new rates
are based entirely upon a lair
and equitable basis, both 111 re
gard to the patrons and tho
water company as well. Twen
ty days time is given to the com
pany to adjust itself to the new
Time to Clean Up
Get pusy on cluiiiilng up your
premises. April 20th is the day
designated for removal of all debris,
ami It is import mcnt that all take-
up the mutter in time aim clean the
premises of all accumulations of tin
cans, and all other rubbish. Get
it piled up neatly near the curb in
Imnels or boxes. A thorough clean
ing up will do more toward exter
minating flies than all the swatting
that can be done. Following are n
few rules that might well be ob
served in this connection:
Aim to make every day n clean
up day.
ltanisli the tln-cnn district from
Clean up all back yards nnd
Destroy that hulf-buruod rubbish
Fine every property owner who
has not heeded the mayor's pro
clamation for clean-up day.
Give filial official notice to those
whose property has not been
throughly cleaned.
Have campaign against unsightly
Interest every citizen in keeping
the town clean all the time.
Let your slogan be, "Do it for
home, sweet home.''
Make request of council to en
force Cleati'tip-yeur-orotttid.
Next to godliness is cleaulluos.
Organize the children for beauti
fying of public grounds.
Plant trees and shrubbery.
Your city is you. Never forget
will, one and all, work for a
greater and better St. Johns.
Again thnnking you, I remain
yours very truly.
Obtainable to buy, build or im
prove farm, ranch and city prop
erty or remove incumbrance
therefrom. Special privileges
and reasonable terms. For prop
osition, address: Finance Dept.,
1527 Busch Bldg., Dallas, Texas.
Nou th labtt an your pEr,