St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 10, 1914, Image 2

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Publlnhcd Every Friday
At 117 West Darlington Stroot.
Tint Ruvntw is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as ltinil matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
fttatemtnl of ownerthln Anil niAiincemtiit of
me St. jolnu Keview ttcmite
tun 14,1912: minor nnu ri
kle. Owner. A. W. Mnrkle
Iteil Ijt the net of A'
publisher. A. W. Mr
I. ....I ir tf
I. it HlklC HIIIJ It II itlMIJtfC
Bworn to ami tihcrlU.-ii helore me thlt flrit
tlay of April, 1914. l'i A. Kite, Notary Public
All communication hoold ba addritied to
Tns Bartew, Ht, Johns, oracon.
Officii! Mtwtpaper of tba Olty of St. Johns.
Subiorlptlon prlca $1.00 per year.
A high bridge at St. Jolins is
only a matter of a very few
years. It is somcthimr that is
bound to happen, but its coming
can be greatly advanced if some
energy be expended toward its
acquirement. It is lime that
some organization take the mat
ter in hand and work actively
for is acquirement.
The people of St. Johns have
again emphntieally demonstrated
that they uo not want parks.
The attitude of the city in this
regard has never varied, excopt
to become more pronounced, and
it is useless to expect that the
question will again be raised for
many months to come. It was
presumed that the prices asked
'was the reason that purks have
not been secured in the past, but
in the light of Monday's vote
this docs not altogether seem to
be the case. For instance, the
Caplos tract was voted down by a
much larger majority than was
the case when it was voted upon
several years ago at a much high
er price. Therefore, the park
question is a dead isuuu in at,
Johns. It does not appeal to the
HERB are many books of almost priceless value
books by the old masters, single copies of which
have often brought thousands of dollars. But
most coveted of all, is that precious book the con
tents of which bespeaks its owner's independence,
influence and power. The edition is unlimited
and a copy awaits every man and woman who is
thrifty enough to get together as little as five dollars,
the presentation of which at this bank will entitle
the bearer to Volume 1 of the most useful book on
earth. An account once started- Chapter No. 1
will soon attract towards it other chapters (of real
cash), and you will soon find that your book offers
unlimited possibilities for the founding of an inde
pendent fortune. "The Best Book'' now awaits
your call at the
liMitw nttil until nti iiitfrtiiitfttiin1
avoratro mind, neeuliur an mich
condition may seem. Lre dishonest In not ulvlnir tin our
1 riuht to jHitittfv the urectl of other
Thorc seems to be considerable nntioim the tmtrlotic nconlc of this
disappointment that the bonds country will never willingly abide
for a modern lire engine did not by the terum of the Ilnyl'atitice
carry at the polls and particular- fate treaty n interpreted by houcnt
ly is it a disappointment to the
members of the fire department.
They have gotten along an beet
they could with the inadequate
apparatus nt hand, however (lis
-heartened they have at times be
come with using it. and bad
fondly hoped that they would bo
supplied with something that
could bo utilized with celerity and
be fully adequate to cope with
any conllngration that could
arise. Hut it was not to bo bo.
No relief was alforded. Some
said tho proposed new on tilt was
too cosily, some said it was tin
necessary and what wo had was
good enough, some favored a ma
chine without a pumping attach
meat, and some said one thing
and some said another, but not
enough favored the bond issue
to make it carry by a two-thirds
"WI( must, or ahoiihl 1 liouenl
with nil the world," write n prom
inent Dumocrut in defenne of Mr.
Wilson's attitude toward the ctinl
tolls issue. Itiuht. Hut on thi
but uiiHtnkeu Wood row Wilson and
foxy Johnny Hull.
TIIK fact Unit the rank unci file of
the Democratic party are not in ac
cord with President Wilson's views
on the ciiunl tolls issue should not
fiiiggeat the implication that they
are tint in harmony with the policies
of bin administration generally, for
they are einpnatlcnlly so.
I'.vcry official movement the
President has made since his
occupancy of the White House,
with the exception of the tolls
puzzle, display the masterly action
of a far-sighted, dcep-thiukini:,
practical mind.
.Mr. wilaou ' wise revision of the
tariff downward, cnualiig it to af
ford reasonable protection to
industries ami yet assure the con
sumer a tMtr ileal from will pro
ducer is uradttnlly showing its
utetuled effect. His "IinuiU off"
policy on the Mexican situation in
which he refuses to invoke armed
intervention nt the cost of thotis
amis of lives ami millions of dollars
is proiHir and eood. I.ut Mexico
peninsula lias no better booster
than Mr. Lewis, and if elected to
the Legislature could he a ureal
power lor this section. I he only
time St. Johns ever trot anything
nt the hands of the Legislature was
when a St. Johns man was one o
its members.
Centra! School Notes
question there would be but little wUc h own disputes. Ainuricnns
virtue in a desire to prove our lion
esty to the world for the reason that
in so doing it becomes necetuury to
be unfair and dishonest with the
interests of our own nation in order
to show so-called honesty towards
Americans, as a rule, are game
losers, nnu rather than dodge a
bona-fide agreement once umde with
hut-land they would cheoi fully
present that country with the en
tire canal .otic just as it stands and
ulso loan to the tccipieuts the V. S
navy with which to protect the
big ditch, but this nation is not
easy enough to willingly do so tin
less ureal wiiain can pi ounce uu
I ud i sput able ugreement made with
them by authorized representatives
of this government to the tiled that
we are under uudeuisble obliga
.1 . - . ... r
uousio exact ions iroin our own
coastwise vessels. The lUy
Puuucefote treaty is too iiniiitelliiti
ble to be accurately interpreted. For
instance, the term "all nations'
could easily mean all nations other
than the one building the cnual
The repeal of exemption will be
who remain in that country in the
interests of their property must
take their chances.
The Wilson administration is
yet young, hut already the good
results proceeding from many need
ed governmental reforms inaugurat
ed by Mr. Wilson are being felt
throughout the nation the Port
land Oiegoniait and other calam
ity Mcliers to the contrary not
We sincerely believe that in after
years the name of Woodrow Wilson
will be mentioned with as much
reverence as are those of Washing
ton mid Lincoln to-day.
AND now, Gentlemen, since the
election is over, forget it. If you
wic defeated remember that there
were other good men on the ticket
who also failed to win. Don't im
agine that your friends all gave you
the double cross. Don t be led to
believe that you are not popular
with the community simply be
cause you did not receive the high
est number of votes. Console
a hard blow to the lumber trade 0f yourself with the thought that had
Orei-on for r.inn Hint itrina, you won out in this contest the
Columbia will get our btisiutas by fnf bintiou of the game may have
tuecutial route with the Atlantic yw w iiuwuuuny una
menus cotiuin t
your sorrowing
pull you out of politics with n boat
hook. So don t be sore and cuss
em alt out, thus showiue. how
hard you arc hit. He game, smile
ami you will get credit for being a
migiity good loser anyway.
One of the Twelve
const. Payment of tolls by Amer
icati traders will increase the
trade of Cauadinti ports and hence
decrease the business of our own
shipping points through the inn
bllity of American vessels to coin
pete with the more cheaply operat
ed Kuglish ships. The regulations
imposeu upon our steamers arc
conducive of greater expenditures
than required of Knglish shiiw,
while the cheap cooley laborers em-
iwiyeu on w lis 11 traders irives Citizens who nr.. nt,r..i.wl 1..
mem a sun greater advantage having elected to the next Legls
over American vessels with their Mature men of known aud tried
weii-paid, wen-text crews. Free business capacity and of demon-
ions would remove this hand can on st rated intecr tv. who it is )
siuieucau snips ami inns n ace t he will work together tiiulnr-iininlinctlu
kUmai.,wi3ui uuiu countries in carrying out n programme ot re
.a ,orc e(Pa' basis. trencluiicut in public expenditure
i his is a world of comnetttion. and of creater ofllrlpnoir ;,, ,,,,i,nr.
. " . " " J
Had Great Iiritaiu built the cnual
we would naturally expect that
country to derive some benefit from
the labor mid expense involved.
By repealing the exemption Act
this government is casting aside
its one chance of securing for its
shipping interests commercial equal,
qualizatlou lit return for its services
in performing one of the most
service, nave united ill n can to la
men to become candidates for 12
places to be filled in the lower
house from Multnomah County.
Those 12 men are all well known.
The standing of oach is unquest
ioned. Several have had previous
legislative uxporieuce. Thqy rep
resent 110 class or spcaial intercut.
All arc men who can work together
Two students from Heed Col
logo spoke Monday afternoon
urging a "Swat the Flv" cam
pnign. Tuesday evening another
talk as given on the snmo sub
ject by Professor Beam. The
regular wookly meeting of the
teachers' sewing class was hold
Monday evening and tho Art
class Wednesday evening.
Miss Romigand Mrs Crecraft
spent the week end nt the homo
of tho former, near McCoy
rolu County. Oregon.
uoom l'i Lonore Kiuon lias
ontored Room M, having mover
bore from Nowberg. Hay Clarko
and Lyle Niccolls have returnee
to rortinmi, alter having spent
part of tho year hero. In grade
UA tho highest average for tho
month, 1)1. tl, was made by Le
land Stone. In 8 H tho highes
average, 93. G, was made by Gladys
hvans. Koom v Virginia Duns
nioro made 90 per cent average.
the highest in G H, second divi
sion. Helen Edmonson, Lewis
Clarko and Francis Drinker re
ceived 92 per cent, tioing for
highest averago in G B, first di
Room 10 Tho geography clns-
sos in tlioir study of Uuropo.
have contributed to tho interost
of tho subjoct by bringing cur
ios, dishes, spoons, etc., types
commonly seen in European
homos. 1-Jtliol and Cnlvin Kim
mcl uro in school again after t
throe wooks absence. Olive
Whuelor ranks highest nmong
tho pupils of room 10, averaging
93 nor cont.
Room 12 A mock city election
was hold in room 12 Monday,
sample ballots being used. A
groat amount of enthusiasm and
j individuality was manifested.
It seems tho younger generation
is just as keonlv interested in
tho wolfare of tho city as their
eldors. Tuesday forenoon from
10:15 to 11:40 has been set asido
in room 12 for tho discussion of
current events, In 8 A, second
division, Nettie Moo and lonin
Cooper each averaged 90 per ct,
being tho highest in tho class. In
8 A, first division, Ruth Edmon
son and Mnulo Hartle received
93 per cont each. In tho G A
second division, Alico Rawson
averaged 91.5 per cont. In tho
5 B second division, Thelma
Stoke averaged 93.5 per cont.
Room 15 had tho best record
for speed and accuracy in the re-
Lcontly conducted arithmetic test,
freda I'ayno solving the 150
examples in 2 minutes and 50
seconds. The debato on the li
quor quostion was decided in
favor of the allirmative, Mr.
Drinker, Mr.Monahnn, and Mrs.
Bollinger kindly acting as judg
es. Tho pupils of Room 15 will
soon tnko ,Jn trip around the
world." The "Student Guides'
redeem your Coupons before April 1st.
and on
marvelous feats of the century. , on n common basis for public good,
Honesty is good policy, hut lion-1 --Morning uregouiau.
esty, line cnariiy, siiouiu uegin nti uur townsman, u. i. j.ewis, is
one of the 12 selected. 1 he lower
are always attractive to men and women of taste.
Neatness, however, is not the sole requirement in
footwear. Style and comfort are also important.
Our footwear combines all these good qualities and
that of durability beside. See our newest models and
they'll convince you. 0uf 'upp,y 'xZrJ.n9 dB"- Drop n ond
have arrived. Kindly
S. & H. Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases.
charge ac
when Paid
Full at least every
30 days.
Tills Coupon Good for
Ten 10 S. & H. & Free
11 presented upon making n purclmsc amounting to COc or
more, these stumps will be In mlillHou to regular stnmps
given with the purchase.
Not Good After April 21st
S. &. H.
Stamp, ore the Con
turner's Ditcounl.
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
All the latest and best styles arc here in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns 10c and
15c each. New Stj'lc Book devoted to Children's Clothes 5c the copy. The price of the
Regular St3'lc Book of Home Journal Patterns is 2c the copy.
Conic in and look over our line of New Dress Goods. Our showing would be a
credit to any store of this size. Our line of Children's ahd Ladies' Ready-to-wear Dresses
will bear inspection.
Phone Columbia 137
10 Yoars in St. Johns
M. E. Church Notes
Many are planning to o and
hear Ex-Governor Patterson of
Tennessee at the Armory at 3
o'clock next Sunday afternoon.
If you can possibly arrange to
XO and hear this, one of tho most
renowned men of tho Nution, do
so by all means.
Next Stinduy is Easter day,
and special sorvicos aro arrang
ed as follows, viz:
A young people's union ser
vieo in tho early morning at 7
o'clock at the Evangelical
church. Everybody invited.
At tho M. E; church tho Sun
day school will givd an Easter
program at tho time of tho reg
ular Sunday school hour. 0:50 to
11 o'clock. At 11 a. m. public, nnrl
Evangelical Church
Evangelical Church: Sunday
morning, sunriso prayer meet
ing; 0:45 a. m.. Sunday School;
11 a. m., preaching, an Easter
service and sermon; 7 p. m., K.
L. C. E.. subject, "A Long Look
Ahead;' 8 p. m., preaching,
theme, "Our Life tho Mould in
Which Character is Cast." Wed
nesday p. m. A. S. meet in the
church; 8:15 n. m., choir meets
for rehearsal. Thursday, 8 p.
m., payer meeting.
Last Sunday, April Cth, tho
pastor being away attending
tho annual conference of our
church, the leader of our choir
gave a concert, which was very
much appreciated by our pcoplo
spoken very highly of by
service, wiui tiio faster sermon the visitors who were there, and
jy tne pastor, toiioweu by recep- those who wero not thero surely
tion.ot members, benevolent missed a musical treat. After
uu vi 111K. umiciuHu wan 1110 sue- 8ongs 198 and 138 were sung,
rjimont of the Lord's Supper. Brother Gordon Ogden from
UOmC, 11) UIO 8I I I OI WOrS I I) mnmnxu nim IIia lA Ahnnln..
uu i uHi-ivi, unu u.u 111 uiio linnesmnB. urotnor Her t John
son read n short sketch of the
life of Lanny Crosby, after
bloHsed day and Bervice.
Tho hour of tho Junior League
service will uo changed from 3
o'clock to 0 p. m.
Senior J.oagiio at 7, and oven
ing preaching at 8 o'clock. A
cordial welcome to all.
Tho famous "Dynamite"
Adams, formerly of i t. Worth.
lexas. and the horo of a of the
Southorn Prohibition state wide
victories, will occuny the nulnit
01 me iu. cnurcn in tins c tv
on Thursday and Friday nights
ot April and 1, at 8 o'clock.
Salem. Springfield. Harrisburcr.
Ore., all bear eloquent testimony
to nis citt'cuveness in tho dry
victories which they gave this
last lall. He has been 19 t mes
arrostcd and 12 times in jail.
Like Governor Patterson, he
knows tho liquor trallte from
both sides. Ho is a natural born
wit and humorist, a consummate
actor, and a convincing orator.
lie is a rapid tiro talker, and av
erages a joko nnu a tact, everv
minute, watch for large post
and come and hear him. If
which was n male chorus. The
duet by Miss Jackson and Mr.
Perkins was fine. Then there
was tho chorus from tho Gipsy
Smith Hymnal, after which Mr.
Hoy Perkins gavo one of his
beautiful solos. Then tho read
ing by Miss Lillian Perkins was
listened to with rant attention.
A duet followed by Miss Bessio
Jackson and Mrs. Mao Wright
that was excentionnllv fine.
Then the ladies quartette put
the finishing touch on tho even
ing's program. One number that
all looked for and were disap
pointed in was a reading by
Mrs. G. M. Hall, who on account
of ill health had to cancel her
We extend a cordial invitation
to all to attend our church ser
vice. Our beloved nastor. Rev.
J. A. Goode, has been returned
to this charge for tho comincr
conference year, for which we
are all very thankful, and hone
may come
First Baptist Church
Services at First Baptist
Church Sunday. April 12th:
Subject for morning, "Resur
rection of Jesus Christ." At
the evening service will be an
Easter program assisted by
members of tho Sabbatli school,
followed by .baptism.
"Christ Our Passover," Me-Phail-Choir.
Recitation. "If I could be a
Big Church Bell" Nelson Boom-
Song by Primary Class Car
ols of Easter.
Recitation, "A Wish"-Clar-enco
Duct, violin and clarinet, se
lected Cliir Crouch and Marsh
all Shaw.
Song by class of girls "Eas
ter Dawn."
Duet, "Jesus is Risen" Mis
ses Alico Gee, Madona Wright,
Mattio Keliherand Ruth Cowles.
Reading. "Como Unto Mo"
Florenco Wnss.
AnMmm M?ntntn Piwrmnm
.VJWI VW ih. . V. (HVI V,
Recitation, "A "Sunbeam
Basket," by five primaries.
Violin solo, cradle song, Steano
Mr. Paul Behnko.
Solo, "Excelsior," Stanfield
Sir Thomas Newton, lato of Ed.
Anthem. "Sing Unto tho Lord,
Myers Choir.
"Now tho Day is Over.
F. W.
ColTyn, Organist and
Over the Telephone
0 nrst night you nnd near hIm anU got acquainted
to hear him the with him and his estimable wife,
iivo your friends wh0 ia not onjy a rent heln t
urs, aiiu como ana near nun. 11 n,.n..
ju iii-iii mill iiivj ill 01. iiiiit jruu
win surely want t
1 1 1
OtLUIllI, UIIU IU IlllVO VOlir iriOIlUS wlin 1R nnr nn v n crronf t, nln in
in linn n cn I.v.n.K VVV " t.'- v.w i
y Mini mow. Jtviiiuiiiuvi iiiuiriio nnarni- in hicnfiolnra iihno
dates. Admission free: everv. k, f r.T'n " t " T. :"7'.V; "MV"I
l.n.l.. A inn - 1 1 I ""k " lMO ui luuil n uu
uuu) wuw. txmii iviu ia 10 00 chr stmn womnn.
uu iu uiiuien aiuuiiiv. le 111 a f u.- i .
hom? corner ami TwarS weN
r"... K,Z?l: r v,',1V como awaits you in God's house.
iu ixuui-ii ouiiiiay. mini iyin. om-nnn nf tu j 1
"i . f r 1 iivi vt Willi iillU lYilllllUU
ivory one is going. It makes streets. Bishon Swmwi m
uu uiiiunjiiii) wiivic, uiii k", preach n the Evangelical
and you will be cordia y we - M,u a-h or. t o .TlT b ' J
vw...x.w ..k 1 v. uiu... uiimi ana iear n m Reporter.
t,IU, UIIU lllllQIW 1UI ,IU UllJ ,
morning and oveninc.
Come to at least one or both of
theso services on tliat day.
"Get the habit." Come.
W, Edwin Ingalls, Pastor.
How Is Your Title?
are studying maps and guide
books nnd will norsnnnllv rmiliirt
tho rest on tho imairinurv trios lyjnff that this year the 14th of
thru tho various cities. Room' I?,.sa al,s Friday, thus the
15 boys defeated Room 14 boys J"'"1 day being Sunday, the
in tho base ball came last Fri- 1882nd anniversary of Christ's
day and thoy in turn wero do- resurrection; tho International
Have your abstracts made.
turned or examiued at the Peninsu
la Title. Ahstrael
u is a generaiiv accented fact Accurate work. Knnnhu
that our Lord was crucified on H. Henderson, manager, in North
i i . i. ...
rnuiiv nnu was resurreciea on ersev street Aiiw
ii.- n" i i. .. I'
uio ounuoy louowing. according
iu uiuiicw s i L'CKunmir ui Limi i r:i i a.. .111. .- ul m.
1... r Ti. " "s -MMiiKicr a nuuuunum. itia ou.
versary of this momontous event the " suK of "Resur
seldoin occurs on Sunday. Obser- ?idc?:n; PMuSnnwJ''
foaated by Room 15 girls.
FOR RENT cards at this offlM.
Bible Students Association have
arranged for Evangelist Norman
M. Lewton to give an address at
3 P, M, Sunday afternoon at
rection; Fact and Philosophy.'
SALARY to look after our busi
ness in your community. Inter
esting.dignified. healthful work.
International Magazine Compa
ny, 119 W. 41st St., New York
City. adv.
"Hello, Central I Give me Col-
tmibiaj365. Hello I this Bess?
How nre vou? As usual.
feeling dull What? Slent too
late? Well, why don't you net
up early Suudays as well as other
days? Use a little will power; get
up early aud feel good all day.
I ! ! Listen, Bess; next Sun-
. 1 . . i T ..A I.I
uuy ia busier ana mere is to De a
Sunrise Christian Endeavor bervice
held at the Evangelical church at
7.00 a. ui. Yes, its the little
white church near Central school
'IM 111 t I .
4 ukic win uc Kpeci u music aim a
program. Will you go? Good 1
I lien we will have a long, happy
Easter day. Yes. then I will
call for you at 6:30. All richtl
Good-bye I"
Ihistsauuiou meetimr. Don't
forget the time. 7:00 a.m. Everv.
body welcome. Come one. come
all. Reporter.
It it rotolvcil ly tlic City of St. Johiu,
'flint It ilccim It expedient and nccei
wry to Improve Ilurr utrcet
(rout the northerly line of Dawson
street to the Aotitherly line of Smith
Ave. In the city of .St, Jolnu In the
following manner, to wit:
It v KriuliiiK Mill portion of utrcet to
KMilc or ub-KinIc to he citnbliihcil,
nnd hy InyiiiL' a ilx foot cement
vlk nnd n fificcii'fixit curb on both
Iilci of said itrcct. with I iicceimrv
cement crom-wnlkl anil corrugated
iron KUcr.
Work lo be done ncconlliiK to the
pliiuii mid ipeclfienlloni of the city ciik
necr on file In the .office of the
city ucouUr relative thereto,
which mIiI jtliin uil Ml(ietoni
nml cttiuintci nre MlUfactory ami are
hereby approved, Stlil Improvcmeuti
to be made in accordance with the
charier nml ordinance of the city of
St. Johns, nml under the supervision
nml direction of the city engineer.
That the cost of salil improvement to be
assessed on a pro rata bails as provided by
city clmrtcr utxin the property especially
nnd particularly benefitted thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of lots
parts of lots, blocks mid iwirccls of land
j between the termini of such Improve
j incuts abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate u Min street ironi the
marginal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tract of
laud iibuttiiig thereon or proximute
That all the property Included In Mid
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to 1m Iocnl Improvement
district No, 103.
That the city engineer's auttsuiciit of
the probuble total cost of said improve,
incut of said street Is 4,018.24.
That the cost of Mid street be
assessed airaltikt the monertir
in said local assessment district as pro
vided by the charter of the city of St,
Adopted by the council (his 31st day of
March, 1014. '
Published In the St. Johns Keview
April 3, 1014, and April 10, 1014.
Furniture'-Mfg. Co.
533-535 Dawson St.
Iu the l'rench Block
Wilt REPAIR Furniture
Special Furniture Built to Order,
An electric massacre, onlv nn
in town.Giimore's barber shop.
Work (or. a QrvaUr St. Jefcai,
It is resolved bv the cltv of St. inlm
That it deems It expedient and neces
sary to improve Burr street
from the northerly line of Smith Ave.,
to the southerly line of Banks street
In the city of St. Johns in
the following manner, to wit;
By jading said portion of street to
urade or subgrnde to I established, and
b" 'a'lnK a ix foot cement walk and
a 15-foot curb on both sides of said street
with necessary cement crosswalks and
corrugated Iron gutters, except at the
intersection of I'essendcn street.
Said work to be done according to the
plans and specifications of the city engl.
neer on file in the officeof thecitv recor
der relative thereto, which said plans,
specifications and estimates are satisfac
tory and nre hereby approved. Said iai
provemeuts to be made in
with the charter and ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, and under the supervis.
ion aud direction of the citv engineer.
That the COSt Of said imnrnu,nnt n
be assessed on a pro rata basis, as
provided by the city charter upon
the property especially ami - mr.
ticularly benefited thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots, parU of lots, blocks and parcels of
laud between the termini of such improve
inents abutting upon, adjacent or proxi-
mate to said street, from the marginal
lines of said street back to the center of
the block or blocks or tracts of land
abutting thereon or proximate thereto.
That all the property included in said
Improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared lo be "Local Improvement Dis
trict No. 109."
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve- .
ment of said street is f4.151.40.
That the cost of Mid street is to be as
sessed against the property in said local
assessment district as provided by the
charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this 31st day
of March, 1914.
- F. A. RICK,
Recorder. .
Published in the St. Johns Review oa
AP-niHnii.. . ,t-