St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 03, 1914, Image 4

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    More About Parks
Editor Review: As the date
of the annual election is draw
insr'near. that is April Gth, and
the important question of park
locations for the city of St.
Johns will be voted on at that
election, and as I feel that the
question of park locations is one
rcfrardinR which all should be
interested and informed, I want
to Rive the voters of St. Johns
such assistance as I can that will
aid them in casting an intelligent
I have read the Committee's
renort of March 2Gth on the sub
ject of parks for St. Johns, and
as that renort advises every vol
er to make a visit to the various
tracts that have boon offered for
park sites, I have followed the
1 want to call particular niton
tion to the tract called the Ca-
Clcs Tract, which is one that has
cen olTerod for a park site, fac
ing on Dawson street, and I
want to call tlio attention of Die
voters to the fact that this tract
lies considerably below grade.
and in addition to the high price
which the city will bo compelled
to pay for the same in case it
should be selected by the voters,
at least $2,000 will be required
to nil in the tract to the proper
grade, and in comparing tins
with the neighboring tract,
which has been olTered for park
site, the Jaeger tract, it .com
pares very unfavorably, as the
Jaeger tract is at least two feel
above grade, which will give il
proper drainage and allWl am
ple opportunity for sloping pur
poses, and thereby add beauty
to it without much expense, and
the Jaeger tract also has quite a
number of fine trees on it, which
could be left and utilized for
beautifying purpoues.
1 have aso beon informed that
tho owners of the Caples tract
bavo been conducting a vigoroiiH
campaign, during which she has
circulated lilernture from house
to house, advocating what she
calls a "centrally located park,"
meaning by this the niliclmsj of
the uipics tract and uIho of the
Jaeger tract, I presume, joining
them in one park site, and by so
doing, uoieai the selection o
park sites in other purl of St
While I have no objection to
the solection of tho Jaeger tract
for park purpoHoa, I do bulievo
thero is good reason for objec
tion to tho selection of the Ca
nles tract, and joining tho two,
and having only one park in the
city or bt. Johns.
Krom my investigations, and
from what I have learned of
others who have been intereatix
in this question, tho Cnllin tract
should not bo overlooked by the
voters oi tins city, and the Cut
lin tract chosen in preference for
tho Caplos tract; will need no
lining in, and has nt Die prestMit
time beautiful tree growing
on it, tnus avoiding a grout don
of expense in the planting of
trees, mid it lias a view surimsH
ing any park site in Uu city of
bt, Johns, and even surimssing
any view that can be obtained
from any park in the city of
Portland. Oregon; and while, n
1 linvo snid before, I Imve no 1
A 1 il t . ...
juciion to me jaeger tract ocing
selected lor a park site, hh 1 be
Move the public in tlmt commu
nuy are untitled to one, 1 muttt
emphatically statu tlmt I believe
the people in North St. John
are also entitlod to a park ito.
and that tho Cntlin tract is the
one nbovo all others that should
bo chosen for that purpose.
i aiso wnni 10 say irom my in
vestigation that I think that the
people in Hunt St. Johns are en
titled to a park, and that the
Cook tract would bo n very good
choice for that purpose, ami
should not be overlooked bj the
voters, as it is oll'orod for a ivn
sonblo price; it is woll situated
for park purposos, and should be
considered as far superior to the
Caplos tract.
1 have furthor ascertained that
tho cost of buying and maintain-
..wo 41.u,. I. il .1. .i.
iiij; wiruu puma in tut e.iiy oi St.
Johns- that is to say, the Cntlin
tract, tho Jaogor tract and th
uook irnct would not ex cm
tlio sum or dac per annum to
each property ownor. nnd 1 f
that tho city of St. Johns is go
ing to bo one of such sisso that
it will certainly need three park
in a very fow years to como, if
it is not by some considered to
need them now, nnd tho oxpori
once of nil citios that have hm
the growth that St. Johns is
having, nnd is going to have,
nas oeen that in their infnncv
they havo been short sighted in
the selection of park sitos, have
neon satisiicd with only ono in
me central part of tho town,
which has brought about tho on
ly ono result; that is. as the
years go on nnd tho city grows,
and tho children need plncos for
recreation, ns well ns tho older
folks, tho city hns been compell
ed to select other sites in tho
different sections of tho city nnd
pay a price many times greater
than would havo beon necossnry
if these tracts had been selected
and purchased during tho days
of the early growth of tho citv,
and as I am u property ownor In
the city of St. Johns nnd always
expect to be, and am very proud
f the city, and desirous to sea it
grow and .beautify itself, I want
to urge upon every voter in tins
city to intelligently consider this
park question, and take advnn
tngc of tho experience that has
been taught othoi cities, and by
which wo can profit by selecting
three park sites at this time,
when we can secure Jthem at a
reasonable price; that is the Cnt
lin, Jaogor and Cook 'sites, as I
believe they are the best sitos
that have beon offered the city,
and I want further to call your
attention to tho fact that there
is considerable agitation on the
question of consolidating the
city of St. Johns with that of
Portland, and as this is a thing
that is liable to happen and must
bo considered us very probable
that should we become a part
of the city of Portland we will
no doubt never have opportunity
to make these selections for park
sitos in tho various parts of the
city of St. Johns, as wo will
then be told that we have Col
umbia park, nnd that is sufli
ciont for our district.
Yours for parks,
adv. K. C. Magoske.
We buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real Estate
hint your properly with us il you
dem re to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey .St. St. Johns
Specialist In Dltmei of the Cyr, Ear, Nose,
mroai anu lungj
Oimrntive nnd Medical Treatment
llxpott 1'illiiiR of Glnsaea
Moderate Prices !kiiiti Mlil . Thlnl mill W .tilimlon Hl.
i'huHr Main ist ini A-4741. I'urlltml. Ore.
Transfer and Storage
W doUrer your coods to nnd from
II imrU of Portland. Vancouver, l.lnn-
Ion. Portland and suburban Lxnreti
Co., cHy dack and all points accessible
br wi:on. Plana and fumltira moving
Good Clothes
for Men and Women
'105 Washington St.
Portland, - Oregon
Notice is hereby given that in
accordance with Ordinance No.
51)6, nn election will be held on
Mondny, the Gth day of April,
A. D., 1914, in the city of St.
Johns, Oregon, for the follow
ing purposes, to wit: For the
election of the following named
officers for the said city for the
ensuing year, viz: Ono Mayor,
ono City Recorder, one City At
torney, one City Tresurer, three
Councilmen at Large, two Court
cilmcn of the First Ward, t(.
Councilmen from the Second
Ward, in the munner provided by
luw and tho charter, of the city
of St. Johns. '
And at said election there will
be submitted to the qualified
electors of said city for their ap
proval or rejection' tho following
proposition: "Shall the city of
St. Johns incur a municipal
bunded indebtedness in the sum
of Nine Thousand Five Hundred
($9500) Dollars for the purpose
of purchasing a triple combina
tion fire fighting auto truck, said
bonds to run for a period of ten
years, and bear interest not to
exceed the rale of six (G) per
centum per annum interest pay
able semi-annually.
And nt said election there will
also be submitted to the qualified
electors of said city for then'
approval or rejection the follow
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall
the city oi bt. Jonns incur a mu
nicipal bonded indebtedness in
the sum of Ten Thousand Three
Hundred ($10.y00) Dollars for
the purpose of purchasing!! tract
of land for public park purposes
(frcuuontly referred to as the
Catlin-Markwart tract), tho des
cription of said trad is as fol
lows, to wit: Tho southerly one
half (Si) of Lot Kightcon (18.)
and all of Lot Seventeen (17) in
North St. Johns Add., according
to the recorded plat thereof, said
bonds to run for a period of
Twenty (20) years, and hour
interest not to exceed the rate
of six (G) per centum per mi
lium, interest payable semi-an-ually.
And at said election there will
also be submitted to the (nullified
electors of said city for their
approval or rejection tho
Plumbing and Gas
Job work promptly Attended to.
l'lwmr Columbia IW0
107 S Jersey Street
c . v:tp i s' ill
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall
tho citv of St. Johns incur a inn
GW nVfWTOFFT nicipal bonded indebtedness in
. VY. V V Ll J I KLL I the sum of Five Thousand IS5.
000) Dollars for the purpose of
purchasing a tract of land for
public park purposes (frequently
roferred to as the Cook tract) :
Ihb description of snid tract of
land for said nark purposes is as
fnllnu'H. tn wit! Hnclnninir nt. n
3 1 1 S. Jersey Slreel SI, Johns, Oregon point in section six, township
one, north rungo one, oust of
Willnmotte Meridian in the
northeast stdo lino ot a zb acre
trnct of hum conveyed to A. L.
Maxwell by I'hilip T. Smith by
deed dated the llth day of May,
lhUH, recorded m nook zDU. page
). of public records of deeds of
said .Multnomah county, which
point of beginning is north 71
degrees, west 520 feet from tho
northenst corner of s-uid 25 ncro
trnct: thence south It) degrees.
west 3135.1 foot to tho northwest
corner of tho hind owned by Em
ma hummei-noid; thence north 71
degrees, wost 200 foot; north It)
degrees, enstJUl5.l toot to snid
northenst corner line of snid 25
ncre trnct; tnenco south 71 de
grees, oust 200 feet to the place
ot beginning, containing two
acres. Also, n tract of land do-
scribed as follows: Hoginning
nt u noun in section six. town
ship ono, north range- one, enst
of Willnmotte Meridian, which
point of boginning is south 19
degrees, west JW5.1 feet from n
point in the northeast side line
of u 25 ncro trnct of land convoy
ed to A. L. Maxwell by Philip
i. ami in uy wuuu tiuiun Mly
llth, 1898, recorded in book 520.
page 5. records of deeds of Mult.
nomali county, which point is
north 71 degrees, west 520 feet
from tho northeast corner of said
25 acre trnct nnd from snid point
. - . . i i" i i i . .i
Mlnht Ci.m;ma U1 ueKiiiiuug, running uience
. JOlinS M F 1 llirC south 19 degrees, west 1G7J feet;
1 ii. ...... ......11. rr 1 . 1
im-iii-v tiurtii ti degrees, west
200 feet; thence north 19 de
grees. enst 1(574 foot: thence
south 71 degrees, east 2G0 feet
to point of boginning, contain
ing ono acre, baid bonds to run
for u period of Twonty (20)vears
and hear interest not to exceed
the rate of six (0) per centum per
annum, interest pnvauio semi
And also nt said election thero
will bo submitted to tho qualified
olectors of said city lor their an
provnl or rejection tho following
proposition, to wit: Shnll
city oi bt. Johns incur n munic
tpnl bonded indebtedness in tho
sum ot Eleven Thousand Five
Hundred ($11,500) Dollars for
me mirnose oi nurcnasincr n
tract of land (frequently refer
red to ns tho Cnnles- trnct) : des
cribed ns follows, to wit: That
cortain part nnd parcol of Caples
tract oi hind in tho city of St.
Johns lying, situated and being
botwoon Polk street on tho east
terly side: Stanford street on tho
northerly side: Tyler street on
tho wostorly side, nnd Dnwson
streot on tho southerly side.
Fori rknv. onrdi at thii omWAlso that part of Caples tract
Never in the history of
the loom has there ever
been woven such a
wonderful variety of
Such a labyrinth of color. There never was such a variety of fashion. The interesting part of it all is
that your garment can be made fashionable, beautiful and attractive, and the price is moderate. There
never was such an assortment of materials at from 20n to fifln nrr vnrd. Wn sirn trvinrr tn iinnrfQ vnn fvnm
J O ' ww t y K A. A. VIII
week to week with the fact that we have an assortment that will gratify you.
At our store you can be served in a few moments; we are right at your door; we are your friends. Our
prices are not exorbitant.
Easier will be here soon and with the New Dress you will need a new pair of the Colonial Pumps.
We have them. '
The Toggery Spring Hats, Suits and Shirts will be ready for display during the next week.
We have taken the agency now for the Crossett Shoes for Men, $5.00.
You may choose now from the Regal, the Florshiem or the Crossett.
For The Garden! The Grocery Department displays the Luther Jiurbank
Seeds. With n purchase of $i.oo n book on flower culture written by Mr. Burbauk
given. This book is not sold but enn only be had with the purchase of seeds amount
ing to $i.oo;
Would you grow your flowers ;itli the idea of getting thcbcst results?
The IJttrbank authority is the best the world affords.
lying nnd being between Polk
street on the easterly side; Cen
tral nvenue on the northerly side;
Tyler street on tho westerly side,
nnd Stanford street on the south
erly side, nil within the city lim
its. Snid bonds to run for n pe
riod of Twonty (20) yenrs nnd
bear interest not to exceed the
rate of six (0) por centum per
annum, interest payable semi
annually. And also at said election there
will bo submitted to the qualified
electors of said city for their
npprovul or rejection tho follow
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall
the city of St. Johns incur n mu
nicipal bonded indebtedness in
the sum of Eleven Thousand
Five Hundred ($11,500) Dollars
for tho purpose of purchasing n
tract oi Innd for public park pur
poses (frequently referred to us
the Jnegor trnct) ; the descrip
tion of said trnct is ns follows,
to wit: Lots Ono to Fourteen
inclusive, in Hlock One. nnd all
of Block Two In S.St. Johns Ad.,
according to tho recorded plat
thereof, bind bonds to run for
n period of Twenty (20) years.
nnd benr interest not to exceed
the rnto of six (G) por centum
per milium, interest payable
And also at said election there
will bo submitted to tho quali
fied olectors of said city for their
approval or rejection the follow
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall
the city of St, Johns incur n mu
nicipnl bondo 1 indebtedness in
tho sum tf Eloven Thousant
Five Hundred ($11,500) Dollars
for tho purpose of purchasing a
tract of Innd for public park pur
poses urequontiy reierred to ns
tho plnzn): tho descrmtion of
snid tract is ns follows, to wit:
All of Hlock Twenty-seven (27)
of Jnmes John's Addition to the
lown of St. Johns, nccordinir to
the recorded pint thereof; said
bonds to run for a period of
Twonty (20) years,' and bear in
terest not to exceed the rate of
six (0) por centum per unnum.
interest to bo nnynble semi-an
1 iio lollowmtr nlnces hnve beon
the designated as polling places for
sum tHcciion;
First Ward -At tho St. Johns
Branch Library, Charleston and
Kellogg streots.
becond Ward At tho Counc
Chamber at the City Hal .
ihe polls to bo opened at Nino
19) o'clock (A. M.) in the fore
noon, and will remain onen until
Seven (7) o'clock (P. M.) in the
afternoon of snid dny.
uy order of the Council.
" F. A. RICE,
City Recorder.
Published in the. SL Johns Re
view March 20 and 2G. nnd Anril
3, 1914.
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
r ruraUr. AllVlmJt
m.n wffwiiiir J
tUnnvr TIm CAUSE
l. lmii nil wnaL
it i.BunnnrUt
iMrrjLj.. ! , ,!!!V"'IL'nu'lm " '"-lBll Ihe
iiii-nnni. iiHU im iiiiarvilrMI uuait.1
ItvTfll&lunlltf el rml 9t .'mui' ( l i.l
lin i ia,.v 7 . ..iii: ',.".."-.' . v..vr-T". .vf
. Jehti'i riuruuey and ill druggliU.
Gus Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second!
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and
205 S. Jorxoy Strot
See us for the Choicest CuLn
the Best Meals Obtainable.
Qrrfw ruttd and family Trlt Silldurf.
T. P. WARD. Proprieti-f.
Urine In your Job printing while
you think ot It, Don't watt uutll you
entirely out. We aro equlppod
turn out neat and tasty printing
Where Located
Portland (2)
Oregon City
Hull Hun
St. Johns
Widely scattered have been built
by the Portland Railway, Uglit &
Power Company for the purpose of
Reliable Electric Service
to its patrons. Through high
tension transmission lines each
of these generating plants are inter
communicative, so that the service
is Insured ogainst unforeseen
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Broadway and Alder Streets
Phone Marshall 5100
Home A. 6131
R. A. JAYNE, A. D.
Office ovar Flat National Dank
Offic Phone Columbia 282
lie: Phone Columbia 196
Pliyslcinn nnd Surgeon.
Da NIsht Onic In JJcChwney blk.
SL Jofma.
tPiatio instruction
Studio 401 Altn Street.
Ilrglnncraa HpctUlty
Phone Columbia 7
McDonald Building
Atk for I I
Conkcy's I I
Poultry I I
Booklet I I
Keep Your Fowls Free from Lice
Chicken Ucecost the poultryman more money
than all other Items of poultry expense com.
blned They kill thousands of chickens every
year. Prevent this loss by dustine your
fowls with
Conkcy's Lice Powder
a combination of effective lice killing Ingre-i
dients. It's quick and sure.
Kills thoLice.Docin'tHarm Chicken
Its use means blsser poultry profits. Restores
health and vitality to your flock. Guaranteed.
Price 25c and 50c
Conkcy's Lice Liquid
Sprayed about the poultry house will rid
your chickens of the life-sapping mites that
live In the cracks and crevices.
Qt 15c, half gal 60c, gal $1.00.
Conkcy's Head Lice Ointment
rubbed on the heads of little chicks will
quickly kill the deadly head louse without
injury to the chick. Safe and sure. 10c and. Jc
Yv , &k If Cd.r'. lie, KiHUf
Lauthers Mercantile Company
Office Phone Columbia 24
Residence Phone Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Piano Moving a Specialty. Haul
inc done to auu from Portland
Residence 400 East Richmond
Oflice 103 North Jersey Street
Many trips to fortiand.
order eastern star
Mtaerva Chapter No, 105
Meet Ever. First and Third
Tuesday livening of Each
aionib in Uickner's Hall.
Zells B. Johnston, Worthy Matron.
Mrs. J, A, Stephen-Secretary.-
Edlefsen Fuel Co.
Phoue Columbia 215
That Good Coal
One Ton $10.00
Two Ton $19.00
Cordwood, first growth $6.00
per Cord.
Leave Orders at St, Johns Water
First National Dank Building
Rooms 7 and 8
Holbrook BuildinK ST. JOHNS
Phone Columbia 61
First National Ilnnk building.
Open Evenings and Sundays
Oflice Phone Columbia 140
Resident Phone Columbia jS
No. 186 I. O. O. I.
Meets each Monday evening; in Odd FV
lows hall at 7:30. A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
Noble Grand. G. H. ttenham.
Trrasur-r. II. K. Clart
R:. Sec.. O. S. Havoc..
Fin. Sc tK. a:Vrisht.
Meets even- Friday night at
7:30 o'clock in I.'O.O. K
Hall, Visitors always we),
A. p. Md A. M.
Regular communicatioas
on first Wednesdays of
each month la BicVner's
Hall. Visitors welcoMe."
A, IT. UaTia, SswtUry.