St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 03, 1914, Image 3

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Wc have a Wonderful Hne of Brass Beds. They
arc the kind that add refinement and comfort to the
Brass Bed with 24 continuous posts; seven
ii in. fillers. Regular $45; special $34.50
Brass Bed. 214 in. straight nnsts snvon XA In.
I I m O
fillers and iu in. cross
special 27,00
Brass Bed with 2 in. continuous posts. Regular
$31. special 23.00
Brass Bed, 2 iu. straight posts: Regular $28;
special 21.00
Brass Bed 2 in. continuous posts. Regular $24;
Special I8.5Q
Brass Bed, 2 in. posts and 2 in. cross rods. Reg
ular $20; special 15.00
Brass Bed, 2 in. continuous posts. Regular
$17.50: special.... 13.50
Brass 'Bed, 2 in. straight posts. Regular $13;
special 9,50
Buy Where You Get Alost For Your Money
Ormandy Bros.
Howard O. Rogers
.. ,.. .;..' . .'V. is.'. r-iTfl
sssbHissHsHsssssss8ssV H '
IlUMBER: Slabwood! ;
'J Rough, Prompt Dry, ( X'"
Dressed, Deliveries. Green,
X Flooring, Qualit) Blocks,
Finish. Guaranteed. Trimmings
X Phone Columbia 131
4. 4-4- 4- 4 4
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
Abstracts of Titfe Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed,
l 1 r-r -
rods. Rctnilnr Si6
Shcrwin-Wiiliamt Patnlt and Varnishes
If you expect to do niiy
painting this 3pring, come in
now ami let's talk it over.
Use Slierwin-Willlnms Pre
pared Paint. There is none
better - covers more surface
lasts longer.
Wenrc mill giving Fr .nnlcito(
JAP-A-LAC. Mlc for 11 cnn.
complete Mock of Cnrdm
Tool. I.nvvn MniYen.,IIaMl ScciU.
31 1 North Jersey Street I
Local News.
Every knock is a boost.
DAN'S That's all. adv
Housekeeping rooms for Rent.
Inquire 535 South Jersey street.
For Sale Plymouth Rock egga
$1.00 per setting. G04 S. Hayes
Cyclone Cold Cure is curing
hundreds of colds. Get it at The
St. Johns Pharmacy. adv.
Wanted Two Or three work
ing girls to room and board. A
mother's care and advice; home
privileges. G25 E. Charleston
street. adv.
For Sale Thoroughbred white
Wyandott eggs, $1.00 for setting
of 15. Phone Columbia 270. or
call at 1008 S. Grcsham street.
The ladies of the M.E. Church
will serve dinner and sunner on
election day, April G, in the
church parlors, corner Hayes
and Leavitt streets. adv.
The Corona Club was delight
fully entertained at the home of
Mrs. Harrington, 417 Allegheny
street, Saturday evening. Old
rose and old gold formed the col
or scheme; light refreshments
were served, and the evening
was spent with games and mu
sic. The u Live Wires" of the Coro
na Club led a 'hike" on Wednes
day noon, April 1. Although
many shocks were experienced.
yet there was no fatalities.
No preaching service in the
Evangelical church next Sunday
morning on account of Annual
Conference. In the evening
the choir, under the direction of
Mrs. Mae Wright, will give a
recital composed of reading and
good music. Collection goes to
the choir to purchase music.
Maps of the Oregon National
Forest, showing the reserved
and unreserved sections, roads,
rivers, stations, hotels, and cab
ins and explaining in detail the
state game and (ire laws, are be-
in ir issued by the Government.
They can bo secured without uny
cost on application at Koom u;j.
licclc building. They are the
most complete pamphlets of the
kind over printed.
Assurance has been given to
the Portland Rose Festival man
agement that at least eight of
the most noted professional air
navigators in tho United States
will lake part in the national
balloon meet which will bo held
in Portland during festival week
in June. Tho balloon exhibit
will bo in tho form of an endur
ance contest, tho air craft re
maining longest in the air win
ning a cash prize of $8,000. The
date for the startof the race will
probably bo Juno 11.
Shopard & Gearin report tho
snloof a factory sito last weok on
tho Linnton road. Work of con
struction on tho factory building
will begin at once, 'lho factory
will employ about GO or 05 men
the year through. Mr. Shepard
sayR he is not at liberty to stato
just now the commodity manu
factured, but that it is a good
little boost for this section.
May there bo mom of tho samo
kind drop in and settle along our
Hne water front. Linnton
Within less than a month af
ter lho Portland Commercial
Club and allied organizations
throughout tho Northwest start
ed a campaign for an extension
of parcel post provisions, the
Postmaster General has issued
an order that in futuro seeds,
bulbs, cuttings, roots, scions and
plants, in trackages exceeding
four ounces in weight will bo
.subject to parcel post zonal rates,
In packages weighing four
ounces or less a flat rate of one
cent per ounce will apply.
A park mass meeting will bo
held in tho St. Johns rink this,
Friday, evening at 8 o'clock.
By invitation of Mayor Bredeson
E. T. Mische, superintendent of
Portland public parks, will give
facts and figures about parks,
H. E. Weed, landscape architect
of Portland, will show stereopti
con views in connection with his
lecture. A. Bacher, manager of
the Swiss Floral Company of
Portland will talk about flowers
in connection with parks. The
manager of tho St. Johns Green
house will speak upon beautify
ing homo grounds and givo more
information regarding the local
Flower Contest. All invited:
admission free.
Charles Fay died near Denver.
Colorado, March 30th at 7 a. m.
Mr. Fay resided at 216 North
Ivankoe street, and had been
afflicted with cancer for some
time. He left only Saturday to
see some of h's relatives in the
East before ho died, but death
camo before he reached his des
tination. For some time past
Mr. Fay had been employed at
the Metropolitan meat market,
and was well liked by all who
came in contact with him. He
had undergone several operations
to stay the progress of the can
cer, but without avail, but he
bore his great affliction without
complaint. The deceased was a
quiet, unassuming man and re
spected by all who knew him. He
leaves a widow and step child
to murn his loss.
Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's
barber shop. adv.
All patent medicines, toilet
articles at special cut rate prices
at The at. Johns Pharmacy, ad
Picture framiutr done at Portland
prices at H. I. Clark's, the furm
utrc uiau. Adv.
"Watches" made over into
"Time-pieces" at reasonable
rates at Rogers', 309 N. Jersey
Don't let that rocking chair
remain in the discard wiien 50
cents will place a new rocker on
it at the Jersey Street Henair
Ambulance service, day and
night. St. Johns Undertaking
Co., successors to Blackburn
Undertaking Co. ; office Col. 527;
ucsiuencc, ijoi. zyy.
A line of tvnewriter ribbons.
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at the Review
oflice; S50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for live
Tho White House gives good
rooms and good straight board
for five dollars per week. Your
patronage is solicited. adv.
Obtainable to buy, build or im
prove farm, ranch and city prop
erty or remove incumbrance
therefrom. Special privileges
and reasonable t6rms. For prop
osition, address: Finnnce Dept.,
1527 Busch Bldg., Dallas, Texas.
SALARY to look after our busi
ness in your community. Intor-
csting.dignificd, healthful work.
International Magazine Compa
ny. 119 W. 41st St., New York
City. adv.
Where shall I got my haircut?
At Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
Our Peroxide ranked second in
govern mcut test of (Peroxides, for
efficiency and purity. This means
something; buy ours and you have
one or the best. No household
should be without it; beware of
cheap department store Peroxides.
A. C. Newell will speak at tho
ibrary Thursday evening. April
9th, on the proposed changes in
tho Bchool laws.
Tho St. Johns Pharmacy ball
earn was defeated by a score of
! to 1 in a five inning game with
the Piedmont Maroons at Penin
sula Park last Sunday. Tho de
feat ns due to rattier poor team
work and tnkinir unnecessary
chances, it is said.
For Rent Modoriv five room
iouso in St. Johns, clofio to bus
iness section; three rpomB furn
ished complete for housekeeping.
Yard and garden. All conven
iences. $18 monthly n advance.
Call at or address tiiii. t-fficce.
If you do not know Thad. T.
Parker, candidate for City At
torney, investigate. Ho is the
oldest resident attorney in the
city. It is to your interest to do
so. adv.
As the Mothers' meeting next
Monday falls on election day, wo
cannot meet at the city hall as
usual, but we have secured the
Evangelical church for that day.
So please remember tho Mothers'
meeting will be held at the
Evangelical church next Monday
at 2:30. Tho papers are both
very interesting and helpful.
Hie first one. A Woman's in
fluence," by Mrs. Hanselmnn.
The other. "Am I My Brother's
Keeper," by Mrs. LewiB Bellin
ger.- Reporter.
Tho Benedict Social Club held
delightful dancing party in
Bicknor hall last Friday even
ing, which was Inrgely nttended
and immensely enjoyed. Sneed's
orchestra furnished splendid
music for the occasion. The
club will givo another danco this,
Friday, evening in the M. V. A.
Benjamin Chanin. portraying
Lincoln, at the high school audi
torium last Friday evening at
tracted a large attendance, and
it was conceded to bo ono of the
best entertainments ever given
n tho high school. It was the
final number of the Lyceum
Randolph Graden wishes to
stato that he was incorrect when
he made the statement in last
week's Review that he had re
ceived the second greatest num
ber of votes cast at the primary
election for Councilman of the
First Ward. He says that he
took the figures from a newspa
per report instead of gottmg
the official count, hence tho mis
It is up to the people whether
ot not St. Johns shall at this
time secure more modern fire
fighting apparatus. That it is
needed cannot be gainsaid. iew
cities of its size have such inad
equate equipment as St. Johns.
The reduction in fire insurance
rates that better equipment
would bring, is well worth con
sidering. It is most discourag
ing to the fire company to be
compelled to get along with tho
present qeuipment, and it is said
that unless better and more
modern annaratus is sunnlied
that tho company in a large
measure will dissolve, Think
well how you vote on the fire ap
paratus measure,
Start Something! Vote 388 X,
Councilman First Ward, adv.
A few special deals on Colum
bia Phonographs which you can
not duplicate elsewhere; terms
to suit, at The St. Johns Phar
macy, ndv.
Our line of bulk chocolates and
fancy package candies is the
most complete and best in the
city. Come in and let us con
vince you. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Por Sale Silver Campiuc Kirns
and early seed potatoes R. I,.
Lamb, 613 Smith Avenue N. adv.
Do Something April Gthl Vote
38 X for Councilman First Ward.
W. Swart is havimr a fine res
idence erected on South Jersey
street, near Tyler.
Prof. C. H. Bovd is havitur a
handsome residence erected on
South Jersey street between
Burr and Buchanan streets.
K. C. Couch is havimr tho
store building which he recent
ly acquired adjoining his present
store "placed in a modern and
most attractive condition, and
will bo a beauty when completed.
ForSaloG room house close
in; will take lot as navtnent.
G19 E John street. adv.
Celebrate Election Dav bv vot
ing 38 X for Councilman First
Ward. adv.
For Salc-IGO Eirir St. Helens
Incubator, cheap. Also, a few
settings from, choice matings
White Leghorns, the greatest
egg machines in the world.
Come and be shown.- W. Loren-
zon, 013 Myers street, St. Johns.
If you arc not attendlntr Sun
day school, would like to see you
at the Baptist Sunday school at
10 a. rn. Sunday. Have a part
in a rapidly growing Sunday
school. Reporter.
A stcreopticon lecture will take
ilace this evening at 8 o'clock in
the High School auditorium,
given by General Manager F. w.
liild and talks will be given bv
other oillclnls of the Portland
Railway, Light and Power Co.
A musical program wi a so be
rendered. All are invited to at
tend; admission free. It will be
worth your while to attend.
If you want a Councilman tin
iledged to any organization or 38 X. First Ward
Councilman. adv.
Morning topic at tho Bantisl
church: "Why a Christian?"
Evening. "Christian Citizen
ship." Special music at tho
evening service.
A vote for Thad. T. Parker
for City Attorney means a vote
for a man who will perforin his
whole duty to all tho people in
the city. adv.
St. Johns people aro becoming
so accustomed to having cand
date cards given thorn that they
oven unconsciously extend their
mnd every time they see the r
own reflection in a mirror.
If the peoplo of Mexico were
as willing to work as they are to
light their troubles would
mve been amicably settled long
If you want a man to represent
you in the council who is free to
work for tho best intorosta of
tho city by being unpledged to
any organization or individual,
vote 38 X, First Ward. adv.
Apropos of Statistican Leslie's
report that California produces
a new baby every twelve min
utes, it may bo proper to observe
that before the city primary
election St. Johns produced a
new candidate every five min
Some idea of tho tremendous
influence that President Wilson
wields in tho House of Repre
sentatives may be gleaned from
tho bo majority vote given hw
tolls exemption repeal bill, when
also taken into consideration
tho fact that without the Presi
dent's support the repeal would
undoubtedly have been defeated
by about 402 to 0.
For the encouragement of the
wives of local candidates, let us
assure them that there aro many
cases on record in which the
bright smile and genial manner
assumed by hubby for campaign
purposes only, have become ha
bitual, and never-disappear even
after defeat at the polls,
Who is 38 X First Ward? Why
it is Marion Johnston, republi
can-progressive nominee lor
Councilman First Ward, 535
South Jersey street. adv.
Editor Review: In reply to a
communication in your paper of
March 2G, the St. Johns Grade
Teachers' Association wishes to
express its regret that, on ac
count of a previously arranged
meeting of tho association, the
teachers were prevented from
attending the able lecturo on
Ferns," given by Prof. Sweet-
ser on Wednesday evening, Mar.
18th.- Reporter.
Dr. Crambec has installed an X-
Ray and treatment machine iu his
office, which does excellent work.
It is especially adapted to relieving
back ache, nervousness, high blood
pressure, chronic rheumatism and
pleurisy. Also numerous other
Oldest Bank on
I'ltTKit Autzkn, Pres.
John N. Hnuu'Siw, Cash.
Independent Candidate
City Attorney
of St. Johns
Republic., Democratic and
Progressive Nominee for
n n: i-oR
Democratic nominee for
1 Yt-ari. 1 HIi. . KxiierU-uce
Vote For
Albert E. Dunsmore
Republican, Democratic and
Progressive Nominee for
Building Permits
No. 10- -To W. Swart to erect
a dwelling on South Jersey
streot, betwoen Mohawk and
Tyler streets; coat $1500.
No. 17 To C. II. Boyd to erect
a dwelling on Jersey street be
tween Buchanan and Burr
streets; cost $1500.
No. 18- To K. fi. Hmifih tn rn.
pair store building on Philadel
phia street hotwoon Hayes und
Ivanhoo street; cost $1500.
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co"
Accurute work. Reasonable fees,
II. Henderson, manager, jxi Nortli
Jersey street. Adv,
mm mrwm
The Business World
of to-itay Vests upon the bniik
account. If all banks were to
close up, the business of the
world would be set back n hun
dred years. Are you doing
business as other progressive
men nrc? If you have not n
bank account you are behind
tlienRc. llettcr open one at
the Peninsula
F. C. Kkai'P, Vice Pres.
S. L. Donut, Ass't Cash.
Clean Up! Clean Up!
I would urge that ull our citi
zens clean up all rubbish lying
on und around their premises.
place same in boxes or barrels
and place on tho curbs so that it
I may readily be removed by tho
I teamsters on April 20th, tho day
set aside uy the ciiy council as
"Cleanup Day." It is hoped
that all citizens will lend their
efforts In thus making our city u
cleaner and more inviting abode.
Now is the time to got busy.
1 Gluts. Bredeson.
I Mayor of St. Johns.
H. E. Mclntyre has returned
from a month's visit at St. Hel
ens. Mrs. Elliott Gordon is on an
extended visit in California.
Fifty members were added to
the Moose Lodge last evening.
It is growing at a marvelous
rate, having a membership of
about 300, with more to join next
Registration books open at
Judge Williams' oflice until
April 30th.
Watch out for the character
social given by the Christian
church in Bicknor hall April 13.
Tho ladies of St. Clement par
ish will give a dinner and sup
per on election day Monday,
April Gth. in tho McKcon build
ing on North Jersey street. Ev
erybody invited. adv.
Laurclwood Kebekah Lodge
No. 100 will givo a character so
cial in I. O. 0. l hall next Wed
nesday evening, April 8th, at
8:30. Como and bring your
friends and join us in an even
ing of fun and frolic, and hear
the splendid program that is
promised. Admission, 1G cents,
including refreshments, adv.
Mrs. N. O. Brooks of Chinook,
Washington, is visiting Mrs. E.
Bynrs and Mrs. Ed. Ashby.
Mrs. Brooks camo from Chinook
to attend tho funeral of her
brother, Gilbert Gorow of La
Center, Washington, who was
burled there March 21st. Mr.
Gorow will bo well remembered
by the old settlors of St. Johns,
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Gorow, bo'ng pioneers, and Gil
bert was born and spent his boy
hood days in St. Johns.
Private board and room at 212
North Ivunhoo street. adv.
Voto for Knrl C. Magesko
April tho Gth. Independent
nominee for Councilman Second
Ward, My platform is: Better
government, strict law enforce
ment, special iavors to none,
impartial service to all, and I
believo a section of tho charter
should bo amended so that none
but property owners should voto
on a bond issue and lower taxa
tion, adv.
Tho St. Johns Grade Teachers
Association was invited to a
luncheon at the "Huzolwood" in
Portland Wednesday evening,
given by tho Portland Grade
Teachers' Association.
Geo. S. Shepherd
Republican Candidate
Deep Water
To The Sea