St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 03, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Wcot Burlington Street.
la Saint Johns, Oregon, as mall matter
of the second claw under the Act of Con
dress of March 3, 1879,
All eommunlestlons should lis tddrtmd to
T6 RstUw, HI. Johm, vtttoa.
Subscription prlco $1.00 per year.
The question of public parka
for St. Johns arc now beforo the
neonle for acnuirancc or rcjec
tion. The question is an old one
in at. jonns. ai various iwiiua
in the nast nark sites have been
discussed and two different
tracts have been voted on. And
the chief argument advanced
airainst nark sites today is the
same as it was ever in the past,
and will undoubtedly be the same
vesterdav. today ant forever-
price too hiirh. It is said the
first tract proposed for park pur
noses in comparatively recent
years was the piece of land now
occunied by the Ilolbrook block.
Wo understand it was submitted
at a price of S1200, but was
deemed too hiirh in nrice. Co
dar Park was next discussed and
could have been secured for loss
than $10,000- too ltiirli m price.
Tho next effort to secure a nark
was the piece of land ovcrfook-
inir tho Willamette river, con
tainitur about seven acres and
priced at $18,000. This was the
most beautiful spot in St. Johns
for park purposes, but it was
turned down at the polls. The
Ganles and Harris tracts jointly
were then offered at $22,000. but
were voted down. In looking
backward one cannot help but
wonder al the mistaken that
have been made, when tho ad
vance in values is considered. It
is true that the Cuples tract is
lower in price than offered pre
viously, but it is not because the
land has decreased in value, but
because Mrs. Caples is desirous
of having a park on thatsite.and
has made the generous coneos
Would it not be a good idea to
get rid of that "too high in price"
lioodo It makes all the dillor
once in tno world whether wo
are buying or selling. It is a
fact there are a number of people
in at. ilohns who have lived here
many years, and are disappoint
ed men today because they did
not buy property here when it
could be purchased for little. It
always seemed too high to them,
and even today they will tell you
that all proporty is loo high in
St. Johns. They prolit nothing
. from experience, and permit the
outsider to jump in mul'tnke the
cream while they stand oil and
complain about high price
And so it is with us in regard to
parks. Vet how inconsistent
wo are! Wo love to tell how rap
idly values are going to increase
and what a largo mid important
place bt. Johns is going to be,
yet other people s land is too
high, but we hold ours nl a ion-
sonauio price, ot course, u m
doubtful if there is a man in St
Johns, were ho to own the site
olforcd for park purposes), but
would ask as much or more for
them than tho owners now do.
Tho only way to got at accurate
values of land is to compare
them in price with othor tract
of like similarity. If St. Johns
is to retrograde instead of ad
vance, it is a sure thing that
prices aro too high, Hut do you
uoiiovo that will bo the ease?
It is said that taxes are too
high already. That is true.
But tho interest on park bonds
would add very littlo thereto and
afford unlimited enjoyment. It
must bo remembered that the
interest is tho only thing that
St. Johns need concern itself
about, the average man in St.
Johns pays taxes on a valuation
of about $000. If nil the park
sues carry, based on this rate,
nis taxes wouui no iiieroHseuoniy
40 cents por year. Is it worth
that much to yourself rikI fain
ily? It is a fact beyond dispute
that St. Johns will be a part of
Portland long before tho bonds
can mature. The Portland Com
merco Club ovon now is work
ingon a plan whoroby to consult
dato tho county and city govern
mont, making tho limits of Port
land tho same as the county lim
its. A committee has been ap
pointed and is now laboring on
the proposition. It is also snid
that a constitutional amendment
authorized by tho last Legisla
turo whoroby it will be pos
sible for adjoining cities to oon
solluato, will bo voted upon this
Fall, and if it is votod upon, and
there can bo littlo opposition to
such a bill, it is almost a cer
tainty that another vote will be
taken on tho subject, nnd if the
majority voto at thoy did once
before, consolidation would be
an assured fact. Thorefore. it
The firmest foundation for your
future to rest on is a good, old
fashioned interest-drawing bank
account. It never fluctuates ex
cept upward in an interest-bearing
flight that magically increases
the sum total of the figures to your
credit. Each dollar deposited rep
resents one more mile-stone away
from adversity, that most abhorr
ed and unwelcome of all states.
Deposit now.
are always attractive to men and women of taste.
Neatness, however, is not the sole requirement in
footwear. Style and comfort are also important.
Our footwear combines all these good qualities and
that of durability beside. See our newest models and
they'll convince you. ur 'upp,y of ii:11 d'",, Drop n and
have arrived. Kindly
redeem your Coupons before1 April 1st.
S. & H. Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on charge ac
counts when Paid
in Full at least every
30 days.
S. & H.
Stamp are (lie Con
sumer's Discount.
Ten 10 S. & H.
This Coupon Good Tor
urchnso Amounting to 50c or
If presented upon mnklti
given will) the purchase
i! n tit
these stamps will be in addition to regulnr stamps
Not GoodAfter April 21st
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
boon doomed a noaoHsity in nil
modern and well mjulntod cities.
Why Bliotild St. Johns, so far ad
vanced in otlior things that con
stitute a metropolitan city, ho so
far behind in the matter of
jmrkHj can any one tell? Availa
ble sites aro becoming' more
scarce year by yoar, and it bo-
hoovea uh to ticcuro park sites
while park sitos are to be had.
He a inoKroBHivo and show the
world al hirire that St. Johns
will not Inniror be behind in tho
matter of parks and playgrounds
- and flro apparatus.
The accusation made airainst
the President in the Sonato dur
ing the l'nminm tolls debate to
the ell'ect that Mr. Wilson's pol
cy in favorinir'tho repeal of tho
exemption act is the result of a
secret deal made between him
self and the Ilrilish empire is
to say the least, an outrageous
slander upon the character anc
tnloiri'ity ot an lionosl. consuien
tions man. Any man so low in
iiilitllirimi) nu in rnnllv linlinvn n
man or Wilson's stamp utility of
such treachery to his country's
n tores Is should be put away in
a padded cell. The ('resident s
HiiUuonistie stand on tho exemp
Hon act is due absolutely to his
hiirh sense of honor. His own
mistaken interpretation of the
Unyn-I'mincofote treaty irivos
him no othor alternative than to
use hi influence in forciuir the
government to comply with the
provisions of Unit agreement, as
he erroneously views said pro
vision!. No sane troaty commis
sion would expect any sane na
tion to construct a canal at her
own cximmiho nnd then demand
the same amount of toll charges
from Iter own comb twine vossels
as those paid by tho ships of
fortMjrn countries. Such busi
ness diplomacy would be eaunl
in fairness to that of a man who
would build a magnificent then
tre and charge tho actors tho
same price of admission as paid
by patrons, of the houso.
uooa any one nmumo lor a mo
ment that hud Johnny Hull built
the canal that he would invite
Undo bam to come and snlash
about in it free of charge? Not
on your life. Sam would pay the
water rent all right. Doe any
one pretend to believe that Eng
land would oiler to reiwit the
canal in case the whole works
were to cvo in? Nixie. Eng
land has not even oll'erod to
maintain the canal, nor to buy a
new shovel to replace tho one
that Pat Ilolligan broko. It has
no qualms, however, in demand
ing that U. S. coastwise shins
bo forced to nay tho same toll
charges that English vossels
How much longer does the
civilised world have to wait un-
til some wise man comos along
and points out a way to secure
jist and impartial vordicts in
cases boforo the court without
tho aid of a jury ? The jury sys
tem is one of our most sorious
and most expensive handicaps
Reply to Query
All the latest and best styles are here in Ladies' Home Journal Patterns ioc and
15c each. New Style Book devoted to Children's Clothes 5c the copy. The price of the
Regular Style Book of Home Journal Patterns is 2c the copy.
Come in and look over our line of New Dress Goods. Our showing would be a
credit to any store of this size,
will hear inspection.
Our line of Children'! and Ladies' Ready-to-wear Dresses
Editor Review:
ed the iiuery of
We have not
Mr. Chas. E,
Garlick in last week's Keview
pertaining to the "Committee's
Report," as submitted in the is
sue of the Review of March 20th
the purpose 01 which ouery as
published in the Review is evi
dontly to call forth this reply
that it shall come out in print
with tho evident expectation
and Intention of making an at
tempt to make political capita
out ot it.
However, wo will assume tha
the gentleman has made his in
quiry in good faith, and make
him and tho pcoplo of St. Johns
such answer as wo believe to be
square and honorable, and to
which they are entitled.
First: Wo deny his allegation
that "tho representatives of tho
churches of St. Johns cntcrct
into politics to the extent of
placing a full city ticket in the
field for the coming city election
on April (ith," which is not the
case. If tho gentleman will ob
serve the list of names endorsee
by tho committco ho will see that
live of tho olovon wore placed on
the ticket by the primary, which
the lnw providos for, honco not
by the committoo. Kurthor. that
the other six names arc men
who have come out Independently
(which tho law also provides
ion. and the committee gave
them its indorsement, which
committee, composed qf citizens
of St. Johns had a perfect and
lawful right to do, of men law
fully boforo the neonle as candi
datos, notwithstanding that some
employed in tho interests of jus
tice, in murder trials and oth
or high criminal ollonces
tho impaneling of a part of the
nonulation of tho coimtv whoro-
is well to nrovido for tho futuro. in tho trial takes place is roquir
and get what wo noed now. and ed in order that twolvo mon
do sure 01 it. rortland will have "good and true." mav bo so eet-
to foot tho bill. Ami why should
it not, sinco wo will havo to as
sume an indebtedness far in ex
cess of our own, nnd wo will
havo need to burden ourselves
with more indebtedness in order
to play a littlo noarer oven.
Why should wo longer dolay
n securing parks? Thoy will bo
just as eisential tkis summer as
next. Tho children will onjoy
them as much. Parks have long
ed to pass judgment upon tho
guilt or innoconco of tho defend
ant Not only does this method
entail much additional expense
to the taxpayer and a loss of val
uable time to tho busy man, but
tho examination through which
one must pass in ordor to qual
ify as a Juror is humi ating
tiiidsoinotlnu's almost an insult to
tho lutehgence of tho averago
havo alleged that wo "had no
business to do it." Why not?
And further as to why the com
mittoo has been raised up. and
why thoy have taken said action,
we respectfully refer tho gentle'
man to tho report of tho commit
tee for tho answer. Wo think
that roport to bo good plain Eng-
isn and ought to bo understood.
and tho committee stands by the
report as a square statement of
what we meant to say, and says
what wo mean. To bo sure tho
gentleman can draw any, and as
many inferences from it as he
choosos; tho committee does not
exercise consorship in that re-
gard, but from tho nature of his
ouery he has seen fit to draw
some inferences that havo never
won mentioned in tho commit-
ee.and we doubt f even thought
Wo would like to call attention
to the fact that tho committee,
in its report, does not nuestion
or arraign the chnractor of any
man, personally or omcially.
he committco has not arraigned
I tho present city administration,
but has simply stated what ttie
committee and every other good
citizen of St. Johns ought to
stand for. It is not a church or
political ticket. Wo havo asked
no man his politics or religion.
Tho committco only asks for law
enfprcement "as thoy nro and
maybe." Every citizen has a
right to ask that much, and moro
than merely asking it, has a riuht
to demand it of tho city admin
istration. Tho gentleman has been a
member of tho city council dur
ing tho past year. Wo will leave
it to himself to answer whether
tho laws, both municipal and
state, have been faithfully en
forced in tho city during the
past year. Ho ought to know.
Phone Columbia 137
IO Years in St. Johns
the same men as the officials in
the same offices will do any
different the coming year than
the past? As regards to the mat
ter of how good government may
be obtained, we would remind
the gentleman that good govern
ment has been and probably
never will be obtained only as
the people demand it and "go
after it" .to secure it, and in
that regard we are not apt to
get moro than we ask for.
As touching the matter of this
being a wet and a dry issue, tho
committee decided, and wo be
lieve it has been so stated in
the press, to .nuke the direct
wet and dry and fight next
fall, and there S3 1)0 question but
what the matter of law enforce
ment is vitally connected with it.
Can a man call himself a good
citizen who does not stand for
law enforcement? And has any
man who does not stand for law
enforcement tiny right to ask or
expect tho sunnort of good citi
zens who do stand for tho eamo?
Tho committee has been raised
up "in response to an often ex
pressed desire and a deeply felt
need of such a committee to give
advice," for in many instances
the voters aro unacquainted with
tho candidates up for office and
of their fitness for tho place, or
what they stand for in tho mat
ter of government.
1 ho committee stands for law
enforcement, both before nnd
after election, nnd desires men
in 0 ce of tho same mind, ant
believing that the great majority
of people of St. Johns stand for
tho same. Wo have endeavored
to servo them in this capacity
and ask the co-oneration of al
good citizonswho aro thus mind
ed to stnnd with us and for
Signed--By order of the com
mittee. W. E. Ingalls, chair
man; w. it. lloiienbeck, secre
The Park Question
Editor St. Johns Review: the earnestly express
ed views of many taxpayers.
with whom I have conversed.
believe that those in doubt about
low to voto on parks should
Know that thero is a strong and
growing conviction that Mayor
liredeson did right in vetoing the
park proposition. Voters are
asking why they should pay the
irices asked for these pieces of
and that nobody else has seem-
d to want for any nurnose.esne-
cially as wo aro assured they can
be taken over by the city at the
assessed valuation if we need
them, saving taxpayers over
$10,000. The question is wheth
er the parties offering these
sites aro as much worried about
the "dear people" as thoy are
about selling their dear land.
Wo taxpayers can take the
money wo would have to pay as
our share of tho cost of these
parks and get much more pleas
ure out of it in our own way,
when and whore we like, than
by being driven into thisextrav
and if ho does not know, ho asiaganco by cunning trades be
an official should find out, and if
thoy haven t been enforced why
haven't Ithey? And if thoy
haven't been enforced during
tho past year what assurance has
tho citizens of St, Jojjns that
tweon owners of park sites and
politicians itching for office, or
otherwise. We are going to
head it all off by voting "X No"
on every park proposition.
Voter and Taxpayer,
M. E. Church Notes
Next Sunday is l'nlm Sunday.
Go to church.
One week from next Stiiulay is
Easter Sunday. Go to church.
Two weeks from next Sunday,
April 19th, is to be "Go to Church
Sunday" nil over the city. Cct
ready for It and go to church.
"OUT THE HABIT" of going
to church. You may just as well,
nnd better get that liablt ns some
other, and you arc alwnys welcome
at the M. E. church, the "Mother
Church" in St. Johns.
From next Sunday to Easter
Sunday Is Passion Week, and (here
will be special services each night
next week nt 8 o clock, except
Monday and Saturday nights.
A special Easter program is be
fng prepared by the Sunday school
and will he given on hastcr morn
ingat 9:50 to 11 o'clock.
Sunday Morning, April 5th, the
sermon will be to the "Faithful
Students;" Mrs. Urown's class. The
evening sermon at 8 o clock, sub
ject, "The Majesty of Your Citizen'
ship." You are extended a welcome
Now that April is here the hour
of the evening preaching service
will bent 8 o'clock, instead of 7:30,
as formerly. The Senior Epworth
league will also chance time ol
service from 6:30 to 7:00. All
othe services at the usual hours.
W. Edwin Inoau.s, Pastor.
Will Speak at Library
Mr. Arthur C. Newell of the
Civic League of Portland will
speak, under the auspices of
the St, Johns Grade Teachers'
Association, nt the library. Mr.
Newell is chairman of the com
mittee on education and child-
welfare. He is a graduate of
Oxford University and well known
as an inspiring speaker.
1 he subject of his address will
be, "The Proposed Changes in the
School Law." Owing to the fact
that there are niauy suggestions
under consideration, this address
will be of interest not only to
teachers, but to all tax-payers nnd
pntrous as well The Grade Teach-
i Association extends a cordial
invitation to the citizens of St
Johns. The date of the address
will be anuounced later.
The St. Johns Grade Teuchers'
Association has secured compli
mentary tickets from the Portland
Symphony Orchestra, enabling the
Corona Orchestra of Room 15 to
attend a rehearsal to be given
April 24th.
lis effective. A spoonful of this
' liquid put in n quarter of a pint of
water and exposed in the room,
will be enough to kilt all the flies.
To quickly clear the room where
there arc mauv flics, burn pyre
thrum powder in the room. This
st u pi Tics the flics when they may be
swept up nnd burned or fed to the
birds. Health Bulletin.
Should Be Exalted
Editor Review; If I was ask
ed to point out the man whom 1
thought deserved to be honored
(?) above every other man in St.
Johns, I unhesitatingly would
point to tho author of tho article
entitled "Swat tho Grafter."
which was iirintcd in tho last is
sue of the Keview.
A man who is so liberal (?) in
his views, so noble minded (?)
so utterly unmindful of selfish
interest, and withal so well
equipped mentally to advise the
unsopliiscated voter against tho
deep laid plots of the villianous
grafter to despoil him (the vo
ter) of his birth right, certa n v
deserves to be exalted (?). And
I know of no better way to show
our appreciation of his splendid
services thai! to send him to tho
Legislature (?). and if hanlv we
should fail in that, then by all
means let us do our best to send
him to Salem. There aro other
institutions there which, if he
could not get out of, would afford
a splendid field for tho further
development of his great talents.
Another bt. Johnsito.
uwm Hews 1 ma im tint mi
It It rcM)lvctl by the City of St. Johni,
That it (lectin It expedient nnd tieccn
Miry to improve Ilurr street
from the northerly line ol Dawson
street to tlic southerly line of Smith
Ave, In the city of St. Johns in the
follow-lii) mnnncr, to wit:
lly KNulltiL' suti! portion of street to
Krailc or sub-gruilc to be established,
nnd by lnyinir; a six foot cement
walk nnd a fifteen-fool curb on both
sides of sulil street, with ueces.uiry
cement crois-wnlk and corrupted
Iron gtitlcr.
Work to be done nccordiiiK to the
plain mid H.'Cificnlious ol the city engi
neer on file In the oflicc of the
city iciuiuir relative thereto,
which said plans nnd specifications'
and estimates are satisfactory and urc
hereby approved. Said improvements
to be made in accordance with tho
charter nnd ordinances of the city ol
St. Johns, nnd under the supervision
nnd direction ol the city engineer.
That the cost ol said improvement to be
assented on a pro rata bntit ns provided by
city charter upon the procrty especially
ami tiarticulnrly benentted thereby) nnd
which is hereby declared to be nil of loU
parts of lots, blocks ami juirccls of laud
between the termini of such Improve
ment abtitting upon, adjacent or ptox
iumtc to mid street from the
marginal lhus ol wild street buck to the
center of the block or blocks or tructs of
laud abutting thereon or proximate
That nil the property included In said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to lie I.ocal Improvement
distiict No. 103.
That the city engineer's asstosmeut of
the probable total cokt of mid improve
ment ol said street is f4 ,018.24.
That the cost of said street be
nsesed ngaiiwt the property
iu said local assessment district as pro
vided by the churtcr of the city of St.
Adopted by the council this 31st day of
Murch, VJU. '
v. a. men,
Published in the St. Johns Keview
April 3, 1914, and April 10, 1U.
Ways to Kill Flies
Some ways to .kill flies: Carbolic
acid may be used as follows: Heat
shovel or any similar article and
drop thereon 20 drops of carbolic
acid. The vapor kills the flies in
a room.. A cheap aud reliable fly
poison is bichromate of potash in
solutiou, Dissolve oue dram (one
teaspoonful) in two ounces of water
nu add a little sugar. Put some
of the solution in shallow dishes,
and distribute about the house.
Traps, nets, swatters, and liquid
potsous are among the best things
to use iu killiag flies. Also a so-
lutioa of foraalia or for&aldebydc
m imi k pain
No PAY L'stil Cured
No X-Ksy cr oths:
Libidis. WRITTEN
or SMC 00 lh UP.
net or body tool U
CANCER. U U.m fikt
BCGK seal iff. Icii.
roonltU or TWI'UM
hid it lut. VrCt I, Umt
Our PsMM IIm4 Plant Pflltir CWUS la 10 DATS
YOU nuy rcfiu to Ixlicro until TOO LATE
Hit mti it HAU7 PMK II etMsr it ytt sstiM
Atfress Old IR. I MRS. CHAMLEY & CO.
Furniture Mfg. Co.
533-535 Dawson St.
In the French Mock
Will KLr7tIi Furniture
Special Furniture Built to Order.
An electric massacre, only one
in town. Gilmore's barber shop.
Werk fer a Creator St Jebu.
It Is resolved by the city o St. Johns.
Oregon: '
That it deems it l-xpi-dient and neces
sary to improve Hurr ktreet
Iroui the northerly Hue ol Smith Ave.,
to the wutherly line of Bank street
!? rUi',e ,cit-v of St- Jol hi
the tollowiiiK manner, to wit;
I Dy Rradini" wild jwrtlon of street to
prude or subKrade to be established, and
by laylmr a su loot cement walk ami
a 15 loot curb on both side of said street
with necessary cement crosswalks and
corrugated Iron gutters, except at the
intersection of Fessendeu street.
Said work to he done according to the
plans and specifications ol the city enci
ueer on file in the officeof the citv recor
der relative thereto, which said plans,
specifications and estimates arc satisfac
tory and are hereby approved, Said im
provements to be made iu accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, and under the supervis.
Ion and direction of the citv engineer
That the cost of said improvement to
be assessed oil a pro rata basis, as
providMl by the citv charter upou
the property esneciallv ami
ticularly benefited thereby, and
which is hereby declared to be all of
lots, parts ol lots, blocks ami parcels of
land between the termini of such
menu abutting upon, adjacent or proxl-
mate 10 said street, from the marginal
lines of said street back to Uie center of
the block or blocks or tracts of land
abutting thereon or proximate thereto.
That all the property included in said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
dec ared to be ..jocaj Implement Dis.
tnct No. 109."
That the city engineer's assessment of
the probable total cost of said improve
uieut of said street is f4.15l.4Q.
inat me cost of said street is to be as
sessed against the property in said local
assessment district as provided by the
charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this 31st day
ol March, 1914. '
Published in the St. Johns Review os
April jd and 10, i?U.