St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 03, 1914, Image 1

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    H'lrlt. iity
St. Johns is Calling You
Is second In number of Industrie.
Is seventh in population.
Cars to Portland every 16 min.
Has navigable water on 3 sides,
Has finest gas and electricity.
Has two strong banks.
Has five large school houses.
Has abundance of purest Water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of95.000 monthly.
Ships monthl2.000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climato ideal and healthful.
Devoted to (he Interests of the Penlmnli. Uu AW.cturlne Center of the Northwest
rrr " - - . . .
I v JO . -'
On the Subject of Parks
for St. Johns
The committee appointed by
the city council. for the purpose
of dealing and treating with the
different phases of the park
question, submit the following:
That narks in St. John??, in tho
eyes of the committee, are a no
cossity, or at least a convenience
and source of comfort that would
afford pleasure and recreation for
young and old.
That to wait until a later date !
would mGntrthnt Sf .Inb
have no parks this year, and the
committee can see no object to
be attained by waiting for a so
called more favorable time.
That the committee has ton
much faith in the stability and development of tho city
NO. 19
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Hasa most promising future.
Distinctively o manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Has nearly 6.000 population.
Has a public library.
Taxable property, H500.000.
Has large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill.
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Better Fire Equipment
To tho Voters:
ihe City Council has wisely
placed unon the ballot nt. th
. . 1 1 "a 1 . . .
umr uiucuon 10 do neiu on April
uui a measure caning .lor a W,
500 bond issue for the purchase
of a high class pumping engine
iur uie city. cw people realize
the crying necessity for improv-
j'luiuut-iun in 01. jonns.
Lying between two great riv
ers and adjacent to Portland, St.
Johns is the natural shipping
ware house and manufacturing
center of the Columbia River
ui am. 11 ou jonns is to grow,
which it will, iti must be along
uiuau imcs, uui in order to do so
and to secure industries, it must
urst oe noio to oiler lire protec
tion to possible investors. At
the present time St. Johns only
has hand engines which were
out of date before tho flood.
Nor can tlin wntni mmnlu Unn
uu runeu upon, in order to have
adequate fire protection, at least
eignty pounds to. the
Candidates Galore
Library Patrons
Library hours:
Afternoon 12 to 5:30.
Eveninir 7 to 9.
Sunday 2:30 to 5:30 for read-
ng oniy.
to believe that values of land will ,,OUI .ua l0 ino square
decrease instead of increase I U3 V,", 113 cnuate size
and, therefore, is of tho offfi Tn8AW,Tld havo to i10 Jn8ta11
that land for park purposes will ?d As tho company fe entitled
never benny cheaper than it a ,80"al',c r?turn U)0M lts
present. investment, in order to get ado-
That tho objection raised on ?unto rc .Protection ther would
the grounds of dull tfmS 1 im. h9 necess tatcd an expenditure
founded, for the reason that an- Ti V cry iarp8umof monei for
parently. times are nXSS S 1 1 lh enmao in the size ot tho
a . . r - mnitiu n,wi M ai.. ..III. IUL UlU
the pressure,
wouiu entail a
now man has boon the case lor
the past several years, and indi
cations point to much better
times in tho near future.
That tho bonds will run for
twenty years, and it is incon
coivnblo that St. Johns will not
Lecture: Wodnnsrinv nvnnlnir
April 8th; Beffinnlnir nrnmntlv
at eicht. Prof. A. R. KwpM
f Jho University of Oregon, on
Wild Flowers of Oregon. Tho
lecture is illustrated. Free to all.
Miss Ruth Crouch of tho East
School will tell the stories Satur
day. Three o'clock for chi'dren
or tno tiiird grade and below;
four o'clock for those of fourth
graoo and above.
thirty adult books and ten
cniidron'8 books hnvo been re
cetved during the week. Re
views ot a few follow:
New Books:
Bradford Gamnlid-Lce, tho
Success is tho idol of the worl
and tho world's dols hnvn h..nn
successful. Washington. Lincoln
u rant, were doubtless very great
nut uiey were successful.
nl. I I ...... !....! 1 A .a
tfu voH'r will havo
" df- n (Making out
T hfl following candi-
ni ij 1 r the various
.v h names will ap
increase of'snnn say just how far t int nln
both of which VmtJ"t t success entered into
VOl'V milch Inrtrnr UlGir KreatllOHHY Horn u-na
cost oi water, not only for do- mn who remaina great, al
mestic supply, but for fire fight- though ho failed. Hero was i
ing. man who fa led grandly, a man
Wo are advised by impartial t who said that "human virtue
bo apart of Portlnnri ln.r i,. i iwrw, wno luivo Btudied the i ?.noyio uc equal to human calam
fore tho bonds enn mnfnw. a7i !Iromu.m oj lire protection in this I W and showed that it couli
in tho ovent of consolidation St c,ty,,it mt th? cleneat and beat "e equal to it. and so without
Johns should, by aiw inaS securing ado-1 Pretense without disnlny, with-
. . a ... i I 1 1 1 ! I I It 1 1 I'll 11HAI ntfl All trm I... 1 L . f 1 1 1 I Ull I I n t rxir. .v,.. I
reusoning, bo nronortionate v i ' ' Y - iv.-v.i.iuii ia uy mo '''uuanuaa, iuh un
burdened with IndolitSw P'chaseof the apparatus pro-.example that futuro Americans
As it now stands. St. Johns' nZ 1 P.03e.H-. V.Q also advised that I "ay study with profit as long as
. . . . -" " t inn i iinr n unriikki m i.z i.r l Mir twit n H. -..r
Illlhilitiou u w iiwvhiiuhuii ui una KlllU OI . ' u" 'llliriCUIl,
iihuiiiuu, it ,nnri!tnitnmvniill nnu fn- tfoif s IIiy Mntlm'o cn,
Hi'ta fnp nvtnni Un
is firmly believed by the commit ' "PP'tus would pay for itself in
tee that in the oven t of coSSdi fe JV. year by t ho reduction
non tt. Johns would get no
parks- ut-Portland's hahd8,-un-dor
tho assumption that Colum-
uia park won d servo fnr tlm
Lower Peninsula.
That all tho
in premiums now paid for insur
n tr tit
duo nro truck as proposed itl, inquiry into tho cause of
wouiu enaoio tno department to industrial depressions and of in
givo complete protection to all creaso oi want with increase of
The city'ot fn ue election
jt m r i next Monday i (f j0me size.
Interesting Notes for the'With thirt'-matca in
i niv- nnu nui'in nA IllUUSUrUS
'to vote upm.
his ballot,
dates havt
oflicea ana
pear on tl'
For Mayo :
Chas. Bxifijf) rep.-dem.
l' 9; U,.'M1',0flicndent."
A. W. Vincent socialist.
For Recorder !
Myrtle B. Brodahl', ind.
Albert E. Dunsmore, republi
can. -dem. -prog.
For Treasurer
H. D. Beam, demi.
I. Davis, socialist?
F. A. Rico, rep.-prog.
for Attorney
, O. J. Gatzmyer, rep.,
E. C. Gecslin. ind.1
Thnd. T, Parker, dem,
HownrcKO. Rogers, ind.
Perry C. Stroud, ind.
Councilmen at Lnrge
C. J. Anderson, socialist.
W. A. Carroll, ind.
O. M. Cornell, rep.-dom.-prog.
John W. Davis, ind.
C. C. Oihus, dem.
R. C. Stokes, socioliat.
M. T. Swan, socialist.
I'. W. Valentine, rep.-prog.
II. M. Waldref, dom.-nroir.
Councilmen First Ward-
U. IS. (Jarlick, dem.
R. D. Gradon, proir.
Geo. M. Hall, ind.
Jt. A. Jayno, rep.-dem.
Marion Johnston, rep.-prog.
Gnylord Mallott. hoc nltst.
Councilmon Second VVard
t. K. Uhadwick, rop.-dem.
Ilnrry Hunter, socialist.
Karl Alageske. ind.
J. I j. MiHtim- ?rft I
Geo.W.AIiinson, rep.dem.prog, I
vjwii. u. umnn, scMiailst.
R. D. Powell, Uul
Authority for Announcement
Dix Mother's Son.
Has been called the brightest
iovo mory oi mo season.
oeorge, Henry Progress and
iiuiu on iiiu IS3UQ lavorcd nnrks r, ..o, iu mu
?nd noting to th.'SS Si , Slw ' ,i? 5S5 !
ui piuce park sues on the ballot Kn ' '""lvl,HWI " Li,au
USS SAU STPSS.-L, protection is a matter lit
in general want arks H ! ' ..con8 ,,(?r?d tho small homo
nark site thnt h n,nB, VJownur! uuc n s a matter that
ings and tho people
iimoo mum- ,., ,lf ., "vrr..
ii nmu tuiuiuiuiy -rum
i i
ibiiuuib jum)iu nave uuvo.iln:
lIlfrfl lflMl I in nvimli,. ! ' II 1 III
which was withdrawn, will ho1. lh.'3 8 ? .subject that should
placed on tho ballots, and each m R i .',0 mo?fc cn,rol and
site will stand or fall I on its ow ' oughtful consideration. It is
merits. No falror met hod coS3:fo5 4your 0.Vn Protection and
bo conceived. coul(, safety -as well as for tho upbuild-
That tho committee would ad-1 ffi, riJ1 nJn1 ro -ommunitvI-1
vise every voter to make a wlJ&JW
sonai visit to tho various tracts ,VX t. fA'Z.,,-" VJr.tS? lur'
and become familiar with
That tho committee
held on tl n rJiK-a . of the outlying districts, to the wealth. Tho remedy.
I,;, ". i""fto! mn inmnq iwhuM fl... I.. i tionrirn llnn.H(i.!..i
Grubb and Guilford The Po
tato. A Compilation of inform
from overy nvailablo source.
Grahnmo. Stowart-Whoro So
cialism Failed.
An account of Willin
poio attempt to realize socialism
in our ii mo at New Australia
anu .osmo in Paraguay.
wartyn, Frederic-A Holiday
This remarkably cheerful ac
count ot English prison life
Binria out in th a fash on; I
at tho request of , ave recently returned to work
irom mo noiiday of a life time.
I have been taking tho finest
mt euro that tho wholo world
affords. I havo been doing 18
months' hard labor in an English
prison. One senrcely knows
whether to admiro tho author
ior nis ability to look on the
bright side of things or to wish
that tho authorities would doviso
some punishment that would
bring him some degree of re
morse instead of one that ho
tract is of March A. D. 1914. authorizing ouhlv aXL Mrt that 1 U,r'
rn CAM Afnln ' . . ? '
. I herewith announce again
..... ; thnt if elected to the office of
Matters ot Importance gfcy c?or,d ?r 1 win
T ""vv 'D omit v ot nko enrn nf n Mu
nicipal Court cases where it is
not proper for me to appear. I
made this statement once before.
but a Mr. C. E. Somers. of this
: city, denied emphatically
Receive Attention
.A petition for tho improve
ment of Philadelphia street be- this could bo done.
tween Hayes and Edison streets this authority.
witn warren i to itird suriacmg
was presented at the regular
meeting of the council Tuesday
evening, at which ull members
were present with ilayor Brede-
son presiding. The matter was
referred to the Ktrect committee
and engineer.
A netition for an nvc litrht nt
tho corner of Now York and Ed
ison streets was roferrwl to tho
water and light committee.
llie following bids were re-
The girls' basket ball team of
James John High played the
Forest Grove girls Inst Satur
day, and were again victorious.
At the end of the first half the
score stood 24 to 4 in our favor.
that The opposing team then growing
question desperate, the second half was
played with a reckless disrecard
Before publishing this an-. of rules. At the end of tho stc-
nouncement I was advised by ond half, however, our team had
several attorneys and also an ox-! scored four more points, and
Judge of Portland that this was 1 Forest Grove only one more,
perfectly regular. Since seeing ' The boys' team played u cur-
his statement in tho miner I tain raiser, tho Sophomores de-
wrote the Attorney General, giv
ing him sections 11, 74 and 75
of our City Charter, and tho fol
lowing is nis reply:
Miss Myrtle Brodhal, St. Johns,
Oregon. Dear Madam: Reply
ing to your letter of tho 20th in-
ceived on the improvement of :stnnt to this office nskmir whnth
Mohawk street: Star Sand Co.. nr or not i n Mm itVftnf nf vmii.
$4.GG0.07: W. S. .leans. $4,78.71; being elected city recorder of
ai. Kilkenny. $4.71.82; lu. St. Jonns, you could appoint u
i. awan, $i,of.iN; uociirun- doputy to attend ton certain
mining tio i.vuii.uj); v. w. portion of tho work, I beg to
mason, 4,'zz. i.o ; Andrew & state that in my opinion such u
l.niS)- .obu.zu; Jacob Hahn, deputy could bo appointed.
$4,327.21. Tho hid of Mr. Halm Yours very trulv.
bomg the lowest, ho was award- A. M. hllAWmmi
cd tho contract. Attorney General.
Resolutions far tho improve- There have been other reports,
ment of Burr street between circulated no doubt by tho op.
Dawson and Baulks streets wero nosimr nartios. which I lmvn wnt
"Swat the Grafter"
rln,:',,, """"wuwii "iu uaia upon
wnnli) in
nowiso recommend or advise tho
purchase of any particular tract,
but believes the public should of
itself judge what it wants.
That euch park site on tho bal
lot will be independent of any
other, and in each instance it
will require a two.thirds vote of
all tho votes cast pro and con on
each individual tract, Tho total 1
VOte Cast on nnrks rnlWWivnlv
has no bearing whatever in tho
matter, so far as each
concerned. Voters may vote in ! the undersigned
this subject
any person.
Notice of Sale
Notico is herebv rrivnn rW
by virtue of a resolution passed
by tho council on tho 10th day
me auirmative or negative on.cnattel property owned by the
each site, or mav vote in fnvnr city of St. Johns, thnt thn nn.
of one or more and ajrainst tho dersigned will sell at nublic aue
balance, or vote for tho ones de
sired and not vote against any
of the other sites. It is all a
matter of preference.
That if alj the sites proposed
carry, the annual interest on
the bonds would be approximate
ly $3000 on a $4,000,000 assessed
valuation, or o cents per year
iur eucn property owner who is
assessed $1,000.
Respectfully submitted,
I. B. Martin,
F. A. Rice,
C. E. Gariick,
f A. W. Markle,
tion to
the. highest bidder at 4
P. M.. on the 4th rlnv
in vviji-h a. u 1V11,
front door of the city hall
Johnson, Tom My Story.
mose who delight in stirring!
luiua oi oaiue and heroism will
find not tho east thrillim? thi
story of the good ficht acrainst
city of St. Johns,
following described
One rock crusher, daily capac
ity GO to 100 square yards.
One ten ton steam roller.
One boiler and engine, 80 horse
Mayor of St. Johns.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view March 2G and Apr. 3, 1914.
at tho Pr,vileffe ?3 Hved over in words
of tho. 'i. ?e ?f th? bramt soldiers of
Ol me fill liirinrr thn loot- n.. w n.
..... -..... vw ,01( ,yo jugjHua
I hereby announce myself
an independent candidate for welcome
me nnicfinr i ;rninoiimnn at 1 anni
for the city of St. Johns at the
April election. If elected, will
use my beat endeavors in the in
terest of good government, giv
ing you value received for all
public money expended.
The Congregational Church,
corner of Richmond and Ivanhoo
streets a homelike rhumb
Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preach
ing ii a, m. and 7:30 p. m.; C.
E., 6:45 d. m.: nraver mefitinf
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Wo
yOU .to theso and nil
other services of the church.
An electric massage, only one
in town.TT-Gilmore's barber shop.
For Sale Muscova Ducks and
Eggs for Hatching. These ducks
make no noise, grow to weigh
from ten to twelve ypounds, are
lainy gooa layers, easy to keep,
and for table use there are none
better. Call at or address 920
South Jersey street, St. Johns,
Oregon. Rdv.
SytoT "fe. when he realized that
property, to( father fifrht ncr was fnr him im.
possible. Tho book closes with
this message to those still in the
"It is inevitable that those
luiiKaKeu n me great strucrcr e
should sometimes become dis
couraged. The defeats of the
moment loom large and so ob
scure the vision of the worker
sometimes that they are not al
ways able to see that tho direc
tion of the general movement is
invariably forward. But it is a
forward movement, and this is
me word or cheer I would send
to those taking part in it. It is
in the nature of Truth
. . w s,w
Porter, Eleanor Pollyama will
uu popular.
laft, L. R, Greenhouse con
struction. . A complete manual on the
building, heating, ventilating
nu arrangement oi greenhouses
and the construction of hot beds,
frames and plant pots.
For Sale Eighteen laying
Brown Leghorn pullets. Call
504 S. Hayes, S(jv
Editor Review: A lix t.iv Wie
the abovo title, nunfod fmm ti,n
Nows.anpeara in your last issue,
in which it is crnftilv nttomntml
to givo the impression f Imi: I
tave been boost!
oonu issuo, whilo my onponen t
iur mu oinco oi fliayor. tno ni-ot:.
i. . s r .
wnt mcumuom, iir. Uredeson..
ornveiy tried to hom ntr i.n
groit" by n veto. Lot us seui
j no original scheme was to
combine several sitos and plnco
uiuin on me nniiot to bo voted
for as a unit, so that any ono
desiring n park ot nil must vote
for all or none. This scheme
was javored- -1st.
By nil owners who wisho.1
io sen jess popular tracts by hav
ing them combined w if 1 an
. . - . " IUIIV
wnicn tno peonio wanted.
2nd. Bv nil boostora wd
irymtr 10 enrn a foa nr n mm.
mission for engineering the
comoination. Uno Individual
confessed to mo that ho had been
promised siou by ono owner and
to be "taken care of" by unoth
erif ho made the deal stick.
Andhewaathn first individual
to yen "graft" when it bocame
evident mat tho council would
noi sianu ior it.
ard. uy all bankers naturally
iiivuicaicu in u oond IHSllO,
itn. uy Mr. Bredeson. who
was a member of the committee
wiiikh uruujjnt in a report favor
ing a combination of four tiraeta.
out omitting the very one for
which mo cquncij had a petition
BiKueu oy aoout tnree hundred.
asKing mat it be placed on tho
in is scheme was opposed by
myself almost singly and alone
for weeks. In tho mass moet-
inKa anu in me council I fouo ht
for tho idea of nntfinir ai i.
tract on the ballot independent
ux wcry omer ho mat the vobera
wiumseives might decide just
muw iimuy unu wnicn sites ttiey
T j ' ueai objections
and all kinds of objections were
muue, and when it became-appa
rem mac tne council would not
manu ior any combinatron
scheme., every ono of the abqve
iiaiiiuu interests lost their aveal
ior parKS. "it was a bad time
just now," "Uetter wait till
Bummer comes and witlu it, ier-
naps, a ditterent councill The
whole thing would bo killed if
orougnt to a vote now."" And so
some are abusintr thfi rumf!t -I V
giving the people a chance to -defeat
paries, and others riioufeing
graft" because wo are giving
them a chance to get parks one,
two. three, or none nvapfiv no
the majority decides. And Mr.
uredeson, who was in favor of
P. H. Edlefs'?n, manager of
the water worka was present in
response to a communication
from tho council in which tho
company was accused of charg
ing patrons for water cocks con-1
trary to the provisions of the
franchise. He stated that the
company never did charge any '
ono for supply iing water cocks:
thut tho company had nlwuvs
furnished them free of clmrgo at
a cost of SI. 50 unch ns oftmi iik
j three times to one property own-1
er; that tho only charge made ,
was for installation after thoi
first cocks were initialled byUhoL
company free: thut according to'
tho franchise it was the duty of
property owners to keep tho
cocks in ropiiir; and that the
property owners had tho prlvii-
onn rF S.witnll!.... tl... .....I... !P
tvu ui nmuiiitJiK uiv i:ui;n n
rthey so desired.
using the
I considered it worth whilo to do
ny, for I givo every voter whoso
voted 1 would care to have, more
'credit than to consider such
'childish things in selecting a
.city official.
1 1 am. however, not
'shortcomings of my
as stepping stones to an olllce,
as I find it works fnr better to
let voter know why I think I
am qualified for a position rather
than why I think others aru not.
Candhkito for City Recorder.
Another Opinion
foaling the Seniors 28 to 10.
the girls' teams have done
splendid work this season, not
yet having lost n game. There
are a few more games schedul
ed, which promise to bo very
spicy. Forest Grovo hopes for
rovengo next Friday on their
own lloor, and thoro arc two
games scheduled with Sellwood
Some snoniro and raisin cakes.
which looked very appetizing
and which their creators told us
woro quite ediblo, havo been
turned out of the ovens in tho
cooking room this Inst week.
Wednesday tho problem of bread
making will bo taken up by tho
H. S. girls, who are looking for
ward to it with mingled feelings.
Last Friday evening Mr. Clia
pin entertained a most apprecia
tive audience with his imperson
ation of Lincoln, giving a very
clear conception of our great
war President. This was tho
last of tho Course of Lyceum lec
tures irivon this vonr. Wo havo.
now had three of theso Lyceum
series, and all havo been verv
successful. Wo hope to secure
another Course noxt year as
good or better than those al
ready olfered,
The I nk K awnta ir r s hnd
planned a hike Sunday morning,
but tho condition of tho weather
prevented their going.
missives havo been glvetrou
to all tho students by tho Ger
man classes, which nro very
nuzzling, and, therefore, very
interesting, especially to those
who do not take German. They
seem to ho invitations to a Gor-
Mr. C.E. Somors. HIO W. John
Street, St. Johns, Oregon- Dear
Mr. Somers: Relative to tho
powers of tho City Recorder and
Hnniii 1st
A petition for the improvement . vmir Mimii.iiifil fmi-l t lot. n man nnrtv. to ho irivon nt Mm H
r m n. irn . "a i. ,,W,J"V f "" luo ...:.a o':.. . . "
" icuoh'K wiruia lutwwii Hiibmit tho following opinion:
SI. Johns avonuo and Bruco, l. Your Municipal Court was
street was refeared to the ongi- rrwittHl and dorivo Its iimvnm
i nun your city charter. Tho
('ity Racordor in Ex-olllcio Judge
of tho Municipal Court, and liio
sole power to exercise judicial
iiiuciions is lodged in tho Ku
Mr. Edlofseit. asked the coun
cil to define the. word "plumhor,"
so that he wouJd be enabled to
know what constituted a plumb
er wncn giyinjr permits to lay nr himsolf hv thn f.iiH,...
pipe. No ono seemed proparod It is nn elomontary principloof
to oiler a satisdactorv solution of . fniiuriditinmii in timt i.wii
tnc term. elarv cannot dolnirnin iln tiiiw..
J. B. F etcher snoko in behalf Hnna
ol a plumbers' ordinance, in i Rnemvlm- nmmni iniimt.
Which IIP Stromclv Urirod tho IIO- funcl lnns ns n iiwlirn In 1
cesHity of such an ordinancit.Riif.niil
and tho city nttornoy was di- 2. As to tho power of tho
rented to nrensn'G and submit an : tn ,.,,!
ordinance of (;ho nuturo reqnost-, other than tho Recorder" tho
power to act un tho judge of tho
Municipal court, i have to say
this: Your charter, so far as I
can 880, doos not directly extond
this powor to tho Council. Tho
only part of tho churtor which
might bu construed to lend color
to'uch power is Sec. (58, subdl-
Upon suggestion of tho Mav-
or, it was douided that a day for
cleaning up of tho city bo sot.
and April 20th was the day des
ignated for that nurposo bv tho
Iho emrinner was authorized
w nave corf ain connections with vimon 77. But this subdivision
iiiu airwur uiuon on wmnmniin nvtmw s in fim r,i. .,.,!!
, - --- v.. w..v.. Vw Villi I'UMIIVII IUtVUi
boulevard, aaui a hen entered nnlv tn itainhlinli m-nnnx nmnn,.a
.against tho property to pay the' antf bnronuB subordinate and
exponso thus, incurred. auxiliary to the donartinonLs nnd
heads thereof constituted by
this charter. But in tho vory
nature of a judicial oilico it can
havo no subordinatou or ouxili
ariejj. It cannot dologato ite ju
dicial powers, and hence can
have no judicial subordinates.!
Iho work of u judge in findinir
S. next Saturday.
Tuesday afternoon tho High
School students were trcatod to
a vory ontortninlng talk on
"Dreams" by Mr. Pitman of
Monmouth Normal Collogo. Mr.
Pitman's talk was in a vory hu
morous vein, and tho hearty ap
nlause at the close allowed that
it wus 'highly appreciated by
tho James John students. Reporter.
a four park combination is much I
opposed ta giving tho people a
chance to delect just what thoy
piease, and tmcs to head oil the
nrni ...: i. .. a
I am mat Lnir tho raco for Mnv-
or becauso many who had not
previously supported mo re-;
quested mo to do so, ns I had
made good on tho council. And i
whatever m istakes J may have !
made, my efforts in crettinir the!
park question on tho ballot in its
facts and applying tho law in a
given cane is a porsonal ono, and
baaed entirely on his own inter
pretation of tho law, and its ap
plication to the facts as he finds
them to exist.
present form is no mistake. If i . H theollicoof Municipal Judge
yoiuare not in favor of any park
at all, you have only to voto no,
and somo day you may want
something put on the ballot and
would havo a kick acoming should
the couniiiil arbitrarily refuse
you the oji portunity to votoon it.
I wish fi say here that tho re
ports bef i iir circulated to the
effect thai I am not ablo to oualif v
as freehoh ler, und that I would
appoint u certain former chief
of police i ire absolutely falBe.
ing coniei
the city o
ing to di
per copy,
inir same
F. A. Ric.
ID. Any person hav
; of the city charter of
f St. Johns and desir
jposc of same at 50c
may do so by deliver
to the undersigned.
ii, Racordor. adv,
is vacuted, then of course thb
Council is given direct power to
fill the vacancy. If the Council
did have tho powor to authorize
unothor to act as u Municipal
Judgo for and in behalf of tho
Recorder, it would create the
peculiar situation of having two
persons with tho powers of a
Municipal Court at the same
time, for which your charter
makes no provision. So I would
say that unless your charter has
beon so amended since 1907 as to
givo this power to the Council,
that ti io above is a correct state
ment of tho situation With refer
ence to your inquiry.
Yours truly,
John B. Cleland.
Mr. Cleland was Judgo of Cir
cuit Court of Multnomah county
for your. C. SOMERS.
adv. 010 W. John street.
Room 8.
Chester Davis has returned to
school ufter an ubaence of four
teen months. He has been in
Missouri during this timo. Ho
says he is glad to be back iu Or
egon away from tho excessive
heat and cold of Missouri.
Idn Pyeatt roentored school
Monday morning after an eight
months' absence. She is in tho
7B division, room 11.
Tho pupils of Room 15 nro dra
matizing Evangeline. Friday of
this week they will dobnte tho
following resolution: "That on
January 1, 1015, tho futuro man
ufacture, salo and importation
of alcoholic liquors shall bo pro
hibited in Oregon."
The "Student Talks" on ath
letics given in Room 15 lust week
wero very interesting and in
structive. Tho "Student Talks"
this week on recently accepted
books of fiction tond to broaden
tho intellect and keep tho gram
mar school graduating clnss ful
ly ubreast of tho timos.
Georgo Papas, a fourteen ve.nv
jold boy who recently came from
ureeco, has entered Room 1 for
tho purpo3e of learning English.
Ho is an apt pupil and is mak
ing rapid progress.
Mis3 Wilson of Room 5 has re
sumed her dutie3 after a two
days' absonco on account of ill-noss.--Importer.
For week ending Mnrah 27,
Kenneth Oat to and Christina
Toole of 5th grade had tho mp3fi
stars, and in Gth grade Jo3siq
McNiven and Jo39io Leffloman
had tho mo3t.
Miss Dunn was called away,
Wednesday, and Mrs. Thomas
taught for her. Miss Dunn has
resigned, and Mr3, Thomas, for
merly Miss Mitchell, will com
pleto the year's work in the 2d