AN ADVERTISING SALE OF GREAT MOMENT Will Commence Saturday, Lasting One Week, at the Big Furniture Store of the Penin sula. Such Values in Floor coverings, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleums, Curtains, Sewing Atnchincs, Etc., as have sel dom been offered in any Community. Ormandy Bros. FURNITURE ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. J) on ara cordially lnvittl to attaint ti SBonuila lectures Yadtttxdtitj aiwrtlfif.i, season tt $ o'clock Cectura room ili, Central Ciorary ,Uil,y. font ft unit yamltttt Sis, ' Leoturtrs for Quarter. Ending May 1st John A. Jeffrey, F, W. lobelmann. F. C Coulter, J. O. Stmrnt, Jr.. Frank Bonvilln, E. U. Phillip, Clifford I), I-Hi.. 1 1. T. Oillen. Cliot. E. 1 Urtilr.d, J. W, I'nar.on, Alvin I'oiter, C. C. Lewi. I pFMA.7Tiik?.Ttii?inT4Tii?fi?ii?!i7i: THE 5 jSt. Johns : Do fSSot t to give us a call J line of a Trimmed Hats, Shapes, at Till w s. -.- y-1 TT-v r 4 $ buy, for the style and price will I be a happy surprise to you. MRS. E. J. MARTIN, Prop. Phoue Columbia 670 lumber: siawood: ; J Rough, Prompt Dry, t Dressed, . Deliveries. Green, 1 Flooring, Qualih Blocks, 4 Finish. Guaranteed. ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 H. HENDERSON Real Estate, Loans, Insurance 2 Abstracts of Title Prepared, St. Johns JAP-A-LAC Make Old Things New itve your Hoot n coat of Jnp-A-J.tu U W) emy to imu you can do the work youmelf. lap AI.iic votuvH in 21 hetiutifiil color nml tlirrc in iiollilnn lilce It f'T milking ultl tlihiKH new. rum nicm rnrcm l oiih- ill our store NVxt Moiidny nml ni (or k Smuple. Can of Jap AUe.itWIiilely 1'RUH. (ii'tbiiKy w H 1 1 thai Gnrileu of yourn, vr haven (till lliieof SeeiN, fclinvcl. SwiiIm, Hot, Knkcn, ut the KlKht rrlcm. 9 1 2 : Millinery Forget and inspect our - T "k "1 T-N s4 TYA11 Trimmings 311 North Jersey Street Accurate Work Guaranteed 4 Local News. DAN'S That's all. adv Christian Science topic for Sunday, March 22, "Matter." Many a pious man begins a meal by giving thanks and fin ishes it in cursing the butcher. Cyclone Cold Cure Is curing hundreds of colds. Got it at The St. Johns Pharmacy. adv. The Sans Dicu Rieu Minstrels. Don't fail to hear them at jtlie M. W. A. Hall, Friday night. A shooting gallery has opened up for business in the Bickner building on North Jersey street. J. H. Smith left Tuesday lor Bar View, where he will remain for the summer. His family will join him there in a week or two. For Rent to responsible party with small family, a modern five room cottage, furnished, close to car line. J. II. Smith, Gil Cha pel street, St. Johns. udv. The President's vountrest daughter rides astride and without going into the propriety of the thing, wo want to say Hint nnv vntinrr lnrlv whn rmiHirl- ers the feelings of the noble liorse will follow her example. Tlin fVimmt PrnnMrn Act mnkntt it tinlnwftil for nnv one to solicit candidates to purchase 1 !-!. ..I- . . 1 1.. i. ucKuiB iu uny uiituriuiiiuiuiit ui take space in any periodical. The penalty for such solicitation is quite heavy. Something different - a Inugh, a cure for tltc Dines. near the '.'Darktown Four Hundred." The renort that S. G. Wright will be an Independent candidate for office is incorrect, as ho stales that he will not bo a can- ddato for any ofhee this spring. Mrs. II. G. Benham entertain ed the Debonair club in a most delightful manner yesterday af ternoon, preceded by a delicious luncheon. Howard 0. Hogers has filed as an Independent candidate for the office of City Attorney. Let a scandalous story once get started against an Individual and no matter how guiltless he mav be. insido of twenty min utes thereafter not only will the original libel be enlarged to ri diculous nronortions. but twenty other such slurs to his detriment bo sent out on the toboggan. "What fools we mortals boV" The dance ut the rink given by tho Fraternal Brotherhood Fri day evening. March 13th, was well attended, and a very pleas ant time was enjoyed by all present. The music furnished by the T. F. B. orchestra was excellent, and they were tho re nininntH of coninliments thrnucrh- out tho evening. As this, their first dance, was such a pleasing success, the Fraternal Brother hood have decided to continue their dancing parties until tho closo of tho8eason. Voters should read the park ordinances on the last page of this paper. It will be noticed that the prices of the Caples and Jaeger tracts include street im provements, and neither are higher than tho prico offer ed some time ago. Tho price of the Markwart tract also includes sewer improvements, and street improvement is included in tho plaza price. Couch & Co. havn again dem onstrated their faith and confi dence in St. Johns by acquiring tho Bailey property adjoining tho storo on tho west. A full basement is being excavated un der tho new possession, and it will bo fitted up in first class style. The grocery department will bo in the new storo room, while a full and complete lino of gents' furnishings will bo in stalled in what Is now tho gro cery department. Tho "Scrubs' defeated the lo cal fire deparment base ball club in an exciting five inning game at the Dawson street grounds last Sunday. The score was 3 to 2, in favor of the "Scrubs." Bonham & Currier are tho ex clusive representatives in St. Johns for tho famous Luther Burbank seeds. New potatoes and tomatoes from Florida are now in the local markets. Roy Wilcox, the transfer and dravatre man. has had a fine and attractive office fitted up in the room next to the McDonald block on North Jersey street. The vegetable vendor has moved into the Jower building. A man never appreciates so much the size of a load of wood when the pile dwindles down to the last stick as he does when he totes it to the basement. What has become of those jol ly old timers who were wont to carry about in their whiskers a quart or so of mahogany colored tobacco juice? WantedTwo or three work ing girls to room and board. A mother's care and advice; home privileges. 625 E. Charleston street. adv. E. R. Ingledue is having a handsome residence erected on East Charleston street. WANTED Young, man, 21 j ears of age. with a high school education, desires a position with n firm that affords an op portunity for advancement. Not afraid of work. Address "K," Rqview ofilce. Strictly sanitary. Gilmore's barber shop. ' adv. All patent medicines, toilet articles at special cut rate prices at The fit. Johns Pharmacy, ad Picture framing done at Portland prices at H. P. Clark's, the fund utrc man. Adv. An electric massnge, only one in town. Gilmore's barber shop. ' adv. "Watches" made over into "Time-pieces" at reasonable rates at Rogers', 30'J N. Jersey street President Wilson's daughter, Eleanor, is to wed a man 50 years of aire, who is tho father of six children. Why couldn't there be a satisfactory compro mise effected by having her marry one of the children? Lost A gold nugget watch charm. Finder please leave at this office ; reward. adv. WANTED.- Any person hav ing copies of tho city charter of the city of St. Johns and desir ing to dispose of same at $3.00 per copy, may do so by deliver ing Hiiuiu to uiu uiiuuraiKiiuu. F. A. Rice, Recorder. adv. A St. Patrick's Day social by the San Dicu Ricns and a teach ers meeting held Wednesday evening are among tho things crowded out this week, but will appear next week. Tho Fraternal Brotherhood an nounce their second semi-monthly dancing party to be held at tho Bknting rink Wednesday evening. March 25th. Tho hcsi- ttnion waltz will be featured, and other popular dances intro duced. All arc cordially invited to attend. Good music and a good time assured. adv. I desire to state that the re nort circulated by certain per sons to tho effect that if elected I will appoint a certain person as Demity. is erroneous and with out foundation, as I have made no promises to any one, and would be violating the Corrupt Practice Act if I did so.- Albert E. Dunsmore, candidate for City Recorder. adv. Wanted Girl to do Cooking and General Housework for family of three, Phone Columbia 516 or call 501 N. Hayes street, Monday, adv. C. E. Gceslinhas an announce ment in this .issuu as' an Inde pendent candidate for City At torney. Mr. ucesiin nns ucen a resident of St. Johns for tho past six or soven months, and has had four years' experience as prac ticing attorney. Legal advertising has crowd ed tho news matter considerably this week. Tho Live Wires of tho Com mercial Club had liin;lily divert- no: stunts in the club rooms last night, too late to give a detailed account in this issue. For Sale Silver Crunplne Hrrs and early seed olnloe.i R. I Lamb, 613 Smith Avenue N. adv. Don't forget the time, place or the girl iu the M. W. A. Hall. Sans Dieu Kien Minstrels. Hear the "Invincible Male Quar tette" iu old southern melodies. Friday night, March aotli, at M. W. A. Hall. The Jolly 'Steen club wus roy ally entertained at the homo of Chas. Muck Wednesday evening. The gamo of 500 was tho chief diversion, in which Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Marklo were awarded first prize, and Dr. and Mrs. Vincent second. A dainty luncheon was served and all had a jolly time. All the young people be sure and attend Sunday School at the Christian church Mrs. Ormsby, state worker of S. S. Association, will speak about the work in the state. She is a very accomplished woman and an in teresting speaker. Tho S, P. I. class is planning on a"hike" af ter S. S. a week from Sunday. All members and friends are in vited. Reporter. The Benedict Social Club held a most enjoyable dancing party in Bickner hall Monday even ing. Sneed's orchestra furnish ed delightful music for the occa sion. The next dance is announ ced to take place in the M. W. A, hall Friday evening of next week. According to C. C. Colt, presi dent of the Union Meat Uompa ny of Portland, Oregon is be coming noted as a hog and sheep raising state, bince iviz no hogs have been shipped to tho Portland stockyards from other states, the entire supply being drawn from Oregon. The ab sence of corn, which has always been considered indispensable to the finishing of good pork, has not troubled the Oregon farmer. as a combination of alfalfa, bar ley and other grains has been found an excellent substitute Farmer Smith of the O. W. R. and N. Railway, insists that within ten year3 Oregon will be one of the greatest corn produc ing states in the Union, and that the state will then be a heavy exporter of hog products, For Sale Eighteen foot canoe, brand new.- Mrs. Reason, 309 Philadelphia Btreet. adv. For Sale- Eighteen laying Brown Leghorn pullets.- Call 504 S. Hayes. adv. Dresser Commode Cabinet. Glass Cupboard and Albcrstecn Organ In a piano case for sale at 801 N. Fillmore, St. -Johns, Ore. Rhode Island Red eggs, $1.00 per setting: choice stock for sale. - Mrs. Blackburn, G52 Union av enue; phone East G775. Thoroughbred Blue Andulus- ians eggs. $1.50 setting of 16. 811 Lynn avenue; phone Colum bia 537. A few special deals on Colum bia Phonographs which you can not duplicate elsewhere; terms to suit, at The St. Johns Phar macy, adv. Our line of bulk chocolates and fancy package candies is the most complete and best in the city. Come in and let us con vince you. St. Johns Pharmacy. adv. For Sale White Orpington eggs for. setting from Blue Rib bon stock; $1.50 for fifteen. Also White Orpington cockerel for sale. 1008 South Hayes street. adv. firing In your fob printing while ron think of It Uun't wait until you iro mitlruljr nut. We aro equipped 'n Kirn nut nmt and tnt? prlnUnfi Vote For E. C. GEESLIN Independent, Non-Partisan Candidate for City Attorney ' Ad. 6 Committee's Report Tlin CJonnnil nnmmfftno of tho TInlfnd TomnurnncQ Forces of St. Johns desire to make n statement and submit tho following roport, viz: It boing tho earnest desire of large numbers of citizens re siding in the city of St. Johns that we must havo a clean city morally and otherwise. That we may have a corps 01 city oiiiciiiib that will faithfully enforco the laws as they are and as ihoy muy Iwi mid fn ro.mwiisn tn nn oftnn expressed desire and a deeply felt need 01 sucn, a commiueo in irlvn iirlvipo. after hnvimr mado careful investigation per taining to various candidates for tho several otllcos, desire to suu mit tho following list of nnmcs as candidates for tho various nflicoH tn which wo hereby irivo our endorsement, and urge that all good peoplo who stand tor high moral ideals, law enforce mnl ncnnoniii! mlmimstrnlion of city affairs and consequent T . 1 t . f lower taxation, 10 give an possi ble support to the men herewith presented: Mayor, H. O. Brown: treasur er, H. D. Beam; recorder, A. E. Dunsmore; attorney, Iliad. 1. Parker; councilmen ut large, O. M. Cornell. W. A. Curroll, J. W. Davis; councilmen first ward. Geo. M. Hall, Randolph Graden; councilmen Becond ward, J. L. Misner, K. U. Powell. Signed-W. E. Ingalls, Chair man; W. S. Kellogg. Secretary. BENJAMIN CHAPIN Who will appear in the High School Auditorium next Friday evening, being the final number of the Lyceum Course, and one of the best ever secured. Hear him. Work tor QreaUr St. Jotuu, ml lOnaaawnMamOoBnaBBaaHiOMMMi CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Peninsula National Bank OF ST. JOHNS, OREGON AT THIS CLOSE OF BUSINESS, MARCH 4, 1914 As reported to the Comptroller of Currency. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $191,984.13 Overdrafts 201. 8G United States Bonds at par 55,000.00 Bonds and Securities 23,352,81 Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 3,000.00. Cush on Hand, Due from Banks and United States Treasurer. 85,280.21 358,819.01 m LIABILITIES Capital Stock fully paid iu $ 50,000.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Nntionol Bank Notes Outstanding 50,000.00 Deposits 248,819.01 $358,819.01 Deposits, March 4, 1914 $248,819.01 Deposits March 4, 1913 209,093.76 Iucrease $39,725.25 Drafts and Bank Money Orders Issued Payable in All Parts of the World. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. 4 Per Cent. Interest on Saving and 'rime 'Deposits Q OZZSQ . TEN ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANTS Where Located Portland (2) Oregon City Silvertou Caradcro Estacnda Bull Run Boring St. Johns Salem Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Broadway and Alder Streets Phone Marshall 5100 Home A. 6131 Geo. S. Shepherd Republican Candidate For CONGRESS Deep Water To The Sea iv. Vote For Albert C. Dunsmore Republican, Democratic and Progressive Nominee for CITY RECORDER Adv. II. C. liaseleit was arrested for fishing with set lines on Willamette Slough by Deputy Warden Clark this week, and was fined 125.00 in Justice of the Peace Williams' Court. Our Peroxide ranked second iu government test of Peroxides, for efficiency aud purity. This means something; buy ours and you have one of tltc bast. No Household should ho without it; beware of qheap department store Peroxides. ST. JOHNS PHARMACY, adv. b1 Q Widely scattered have been built by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company for the purpose of providing Reliable Elactrlc Sarvlco to its patrons. Through high tension trAiismission lines each of these generating plants arc inter communicative, so that the scry ice is insured against uuforesecu interruptions. Phone Columbia 36S SANITARY Meat Market 202 N. Jersey St. We have received a car-load of live stock from eastern Oregon and will be selling it at wholesale prices every Friday ana Saturday. It is nothing but young stock, from two to 3 years old. Our Prices Are Low Hamburger , . ioc lb. Sausage 10c lb. Pork Chops aoc lb. Pork Steak 15c lb. Fresh Liver 10c lb. 5 lb. Pail Compound 50c Fresh Eggs 35c Wt Deliver to All Pirn of the City Wm. LESSINQ, Alanager ANNOUNCEMENT AilvcillMiurul To nut Citizhns 01' St. Johns I notice that Myrtle B. Brodahl has announced herself as au in dependent candidate for City Re corder, rills lauy was aeieaieu 111 the primaries by about one hun dred votes aud it does not seem to be hardly just and fair, after sub mitting herself to the decision of the primaries, to now come out aud announce herself as au independent candidate iu opposition to the one who won In the primary ngnt. In her statement she saya she will annoint a male Deputy Record er who will act as Municipal Judge in all cases where it is not proper for her to appear. This she has no power or authority to do. Under Sec. 75, of the city charter, it ex plicitly states that she has no authority nor power to appoint a Deputy Recorder to act in her place. The only persou who can act and determine cases that come before her court is herself, uuder said Section. Respectfully submitted, C. E. Somurs, 310 John Street FOH RENT crdi at thla offfo. Subiqrlt tot Ui SL Jotuu IUvlaw.