St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 20, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 West Burlington Street.
Tub Ruvikw is entered nt post office
in Snlut Johns, Oregon, ns mail matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
CKr:- . .
Official KWBfi9r of tta Olty of St. Joans.
All communications ihoold ! addMued to
ins atntv, bu Jobni, Of ton.
Subscription prlca $1.00 par year.
It is not a difficult matter for
the man with a Rood position, a
comfortable home and many
friends to criticise and condemn
the man who is in possession of
none of these essentials to an
enjoyable existence. How often
do we hear the remark made
when the army of the unemploy
ed is mentioned, "Oh. well, they
wouldn't work if they had the
the chance to do so." Such
statements may be true of the
small minority of down-and-outs,
but cannot be applied to the
largo majority of those who hit
the bread line. No man. no
matter how far he may have do
Bcended in the scale of life, can
possibly feel contented and hup
py with an empty pocket book
m his jeans, while those who
prefer continual idleness to hon
est labor of some kind are not
plentiful enough in one city to
comprise an army of hundreds
and of thousands of voluntary
Mi t
mm Ten
g '
IS. & H. I '
StamtK are 1
I -
I Phono
M. E. Church Notes
of living up to every cent you earn, is not
so much in the loss of money which you
might otherwise have saved, as in the ex
travagant habits thus culivated. The person
who saves nothing today would never save
a penny even were his income suddenly in
creased two-fold or even three-fold.
Therefore, the sooner you start
(hat hank account, the sooner
will your worries about the fu
ture be at an end.
Remember, we cheerfully accept small openlnz clepoxits
Office IMioue Columbia 24
Residence I'honc Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Piano Moving n Spccinlty. Until
ing done to ntnl from I'ortlimd
Residence 400 I'.nst Richmond
Office 103 North Jeney Street
Dully ml to mriiniiii.
(,11 Ail. OAli if kt, l'rop,
Airs, weaver, one 01 111c general
field workers, of the Woman's
Home Missionary Society, deliver
ed n very able address at the mora
ine service on "The Home Held
and its Work," 011 the Sth inst
ntul took the annual thank offerinir.
for the local society, which am
ottnted to over fifty dollars.
1 lie morning sermon last biitiday
morning was to the "Mary and
Martha Class," Mrs. Kerr, teacher.
iscxt biimluy morning the sermon
will be to the "Ilereans," Mrs
Short, teacher.
1 he Senior Hpworth Lunelle
gave a St. Patrick's, Day Social last
1 uesduy evening. A very pleas
nut time was Had Iy all
I lie bt. Johns Methodist hpihco
pal Church is one of the oldest or
gitiiizations in the Willamette Val
ley. and there seems to lie some
question as to which is the older,
the First M. K. Church. Portlatti
or this one. At any rate, and in
all events this one is the "Mothur
M. ..!. i .. r .1 11 :.. o.
vanillin ui 1 in. 111 (in ill 01. mini, n.
Services next Sunday, March 22, t lOfirK rlinilflirP
., w' v vs a I via llltui V
Mtnrrvii Ctinplcr No. 103
Mi't'tHl'.viry 1'irMl nml Third
Tticadny I'vt-nliig of Kiich
.Month In llickiicr'nlliill.
Zella It. JolitmtiiM. Worthy Matron.
.Mr. J. A. Stephens, Secrotnry.
We- buy or sell St. Johns Property
Real lislnte
List your propel ty with us
desite to nell miickly
20Z N. Jersey St. St. Johns
if you
you are
arc as follows, to which
cordially invited, viz:
Sunday School oiso a. 111; Morn
inn sermon 11:00 a. in.; subject,
"jjereans." junior i.unguc 3:00
p. tn. Senior League 0:30 p. in
K veiling sermon 7:30 p. in.
W. limviN I no ALUs, Pastor
No. 0047.
Report of the comlftioti of the
First National Bank
nt St. John, In the ittnte of Oregon, at
Hiceton of limine Miirch 1, 19H
(.onim nml discounts f00 CM M
Ovenlrnfls, secured "fc iiuu-c'd Ml
V. .S.boniUtimcurcclrcnliitlcm W.000.00
Other Iminl to secure xxtiil
wivlngs 0,000 W
JIoiiiIh, Securities, ule 6.'t,70.13
Dunking house, furniture mid
lixturo 3,000.00
Wc are Mighty Proud
of the fine showing of shoes here. Proud of the
style, proud of the quality, proud of our ability to fit
perfectly the feet of any man, woman or child.
And especially are we proud of the prices which
mean so much shoe value for so little money.
This Coupon Good For
10 S. & H.
If presented upon making, n purchase amounting to 50c or
more, these stamps will be In addition to regular stumps
(given with the purchase,
Not Good After March 15th
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 St. Johns, Ore.
S. & H.Green Trad
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on charge ac
counts when Paid
in Full at least every
30 days.
Gus Salmoncl, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Evangelical Church
sam,m?; Central Market!
Kvangulicitl Church:
School 9:45 n. 111., 11:00
preaching; 6:00 p. 111. Junior C. It.,
6:30 K. l4. C. I?., 7:30 preaching.
I Jr. poling our Presiding Klilur will
be with us and hold the fourth
quarterly meeting for the conference
year. Services during the week,
Wednesday p. in. Ladies' Aid
Society meets in the church, 8:15
p. 111. Choir meets, Thursday 7 30
p. in. prayer meeting.
Wc extend a hearty welcome to
all to attend the .service of Dr.
Poling, Sunday evening. Come
and commune with us at Lord's
The Philo Christo Sunday school
class surprised our congregation
with a .set of pulpit chairs last huti
.1 . 1 . ti t 1 . t
nay morning, mcyaiso nan uie
pulpit upholstered. (Jur young
people are doing .something new
every now and then.
The illness of the little daughter
of Kcv. C. I. Gates caused Mrs
C. II. Thayer to make a hurriod
trip to their home at Dallas hut
Wednesday. Reporter.
205 S. Jersey Strot
Sec us for ttic Choicest Cuts of
the Rest Me. Us Obtainable.
Order rillrti and rumlly Trail Soll(Al.
T. P. WARD. Propriety.
Specialist In Dlstisti of the Eyr, Ear, Nose,
inroai ana lungi
Opomtivo ami Method Ti raiment
lixpml I'itlniK u( Glar-i
Mmlerulo Prices
i-MT nVum liWg . Third ami Wolitnclon M.
i'lwM s awl A-imi. fotllauil, (Ice.
Mrs. Hvaus, Mrs. Day and family, Gladys and .Marie Hredusou;
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Titus and fain.
Other rd w.tntc owned .
I mic from Niitiotinl
Ikink (not ivte
Due (tout State nml
l'rivntc Ihnkh unit
It inkcru, Trust Com
iKiniw mill SivingH
Due from approved re
iervu nucnlii
ClnckH nml otliur
I'lUll itOIIIN
Note of other
tionnl II.uiU
I'nu'tliinal pipr etir
roiicy. nickulii.i-untit
I.nvfiil money rvtarvu
in bank, viz:
107 S Jersey Street
lUileinptloii fuiuhvlth
U. S. Troakiirer (5
pvrrt.of clrcnliition)
Total 801,020.80
CopitHl Mock jwlil in foO.000.00
.Sariiln funil 10,000.00
( iimvniMi prom, Ion uxpeil.
mm nml tiixim mii MM
Niilloniil Uiiik notouoiitstmul'g 50,000.00
Due to Tnut Co.n ntul Sav-
iiiliii Ilnnks IHn.M
Inillviiliinl ileiMtslts
Mibject to check.. fU7,70t. 12
IK'iiiiunl ccrtlflotUw
uldfMMlt 17,044,8.1
TiineIe)iiit 107,283.02
Cuitilled check 20.00
Cnahlur'h check out-
Hanillng 2,125.00
I'ontnl SaviiiK Dcp't 2,0.'i0.50
Kuscrvwl for taxe tun! Int. -(.(KXlloO
' ss:
A yotinur ditniHol of utlruotivo
nppeurnnco inndo the rouutlH of
St. JoliiiH biiBinoss houses Ttiea
day ondeavoritig to soli tickets
to what was purported to bo a
concert for tho benclit of somo
organization in Portland, In tho
larger business places and to tho
professional men she tried to
sell tickets on which the price
of one dollar wus printed. To
tho smaller business housos sho
olrered tickets to the samo allaii
with tho nnco of fifty cents
printed thereon. Possibly to tho
private citizen sho had tickets
priced at two bits. Sho dispos
ed of a number of tickots hore
at varying prices. The best
way would seem to apply tho old
axiom that charity liegins at
home, and give the Portland so.
hcitors the "marble heart."
An "Irish Meet" was held at the
home ot Mr. ami Mrs. C. I). Titus,
on South Greshum St., last Mon
day eveuiug. A most enjoyable
evening was spent in playitig games,
singing and telling Irish stories,
after which a delicious lunch was
served. Those preseut were: Mr.
and Mrs. Uoomsluiter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Meyers and daughter,
far. and Mrs. J. M. Blair, Mr. ami
Wo olYor a motion that Soil-
wood bo recalled from tho city
of Portland. Why not? Tho
only real use Portland has for us
lis to nay tnxos. hvoryllung we
do got we have to light for. It
took us throe years to got our
street signs. Wo can't get tho
city to look after our stroets and
streot crossings. Let us sever
our connection with tho old hulk
and attend to our own municipal
all airs. In all other cities wei
know of. suburbs havo rights
and privileges which tho parent !
city acknowledges anil respects; 1
uut nore lit rortlaiul nothing:
goos with our high toned Com
mission city government but
downtown and West Sido dis
tricts. And poor Lents, which
uvs just voted herself into tho
city, doosn't realize the rope she
has entwined about hor neck.
Our sympathy is with Lents if
that will holp her any.- Sellwood
A . . .1 ... 1 -1 1
mm yot man is sucn a suipiu
ass that he cannot learn any
thing by observing the experi
ence of others. The hardest job
we havo ever undertaken was
for "tho tail to wag tho dog."
and that is what is attempted ev
ery time a suuuru trios to get
anything out of tho big munici
pality. If we would profit by
tho oxnorionoo of our neighbors.
we will stay out of Portland. I
Linnton Leador.
Total 1801.020 80
Stnte of Oregon,
County of Multnomah
1, I'. T. Drinker, cashier of the above
imiiinl bank, tlo solemnly swear tlwit the
nlHive. statement in true to the Ih of my
1 1 ..
KimwieoKe huh IRJIUI.
I'. P. Drinker. Caller.
fcubMjribed ntul sworn to before me
this Uli, ilny of March, 191I,
W. S. KelkKK, Notary Public,
Multnomah county, Ore
R. M. Tuttle
Correct Attokt: A. It, Jobe.
C. K. Williams,
Good Clothes
for Men and Women
405 Washington St.
Portland, - Oregon
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Notice is hereby given that in
accordance with Ordinance No.
Gl)G, nn election will be held on
Monday, the 6th day of April,
A. I)., 19M, in tho city of St.
Johns, Oregon, for the follow
ing purposes, to wit: For the
election of the following named
ofiicers for the said city for the
ensuing yenr, viz: Ono Mayor,
one City Recorder, ono City At
torney, one City Tresurcr, three
Councilmen at Large, two Conn
cilmcn of tho First Ward, two
Councilmen from the Second
Ward, in the manner provided by
law and the charter of the city
ot bt. Johns.
And at said election there will
bo submitted to tho qualified
ma Summcrfield; thence north 71 1 in proposition, to wit: "Shall
degrees, west 2(50 feet; north 11) the city of St. Johns incur a mu
degrees, east 835.1 feet to said nicipal bonded indebtedness in
northeast corner line of said 25 1 the sum of Eleven Thousand
acre tract; thence south 71 do- Five Hundred ($11,500) Dollars
grces, tast zou loot to the place lor the purpose or purchasing a
of beginning, containing two
acres. Also, a tract of land de
scribed ns follows: Beginning
at a point in section nix. town
shin one, north range one, east
of Willamette Meridian, which
point of beginning is south 19
degrees, west 335.1 feet from a
point in tho northeast side line
oi nzo acre tract oi land convey
ed to A. L. Maxwell by Philip
i. bmitn uy uecd dated May
Uth.. 1898. recorded in book 520.
page 5, records of deeds of Mult
nomah county, which point is
tract of land for public park pur
poses (frequently referred to as
the plaza) ; the description of
said tract is as follows, to wit:
All of Block Twenty-seven (27)
of James John's Addition to the
Town of St. Johns, according to
tho recorded pint thereof; said
bonds to run for n period of
Twenty (20) years, and bear in
terest not to exceed the rate of
six (C) per centum per annum,
interest to be payable semi-annually.
I lie following places havo been
north 71 degrees, west 520 feet designated ns polling places for
irom the northeast corner of said said election:
25 acre tract and from said point
of beginning, running thence
south 19 degrees, west 1G7J feet;
thence north 71 degrees, west
2C0 feet: thence north 19 de
grees, east 1G7J feet: thence
bvCtWtlNUC n.. xU
UV o, wtcr im
tr SDK o.i tit UP. rC(
mi h lylun CANCIR.
it Kmi ri i'u utt
vt worA-r book
M" frMi tolifi'onuti
b:j Lump Woman 's Breast
tm )!mI in till iinmt mil KILLS QUICKLY
lj :y tn CURED 1O.OO0. Gl im Ma
SKrs. CHAHLEY fttfftWlk
A b 4JQ 'Jiimat St. 3 AH f RAKCISC0. CAL
KmClY UXU tiJu tc comoor.o i.lth CAKCLt
First Wnrd-At the St. Johns
Branch Library, Charleston and
Kellogg streets.
Second Ward At the Council
Chamber at the City Hall.
Tho polls to bo opened nt Nine
(9) o'clock (A. M.) in the fore
noon, and will remain open until
Seven (7) o'clock (P. M.) in tho
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Re-
view March 20 and 27. and April
3, 19M.
Notice of Sale
Edlefsen Fuel Co.
Phone Columbia 215
Tfiat Good Coal
Ono Ton $10.00
Two Ton $19.00
Cord wood, first growth $6.00
per Cord.
cave Orders at St. Johns Water
w fw miiiiiivm univni vital iuiq iwwii t.
electors of said city for their ap- south 71 degrees, east 2G0 foot
nroval or rejection t 10 fO OW Ilir to no nt of Iiotrinnintr. rnnlnin
proposition: "Shall tho city of ing ono acre. Said bonds to run
St. Johns Incur n municipal for a period of Twenty (20) vonrs afternoon of snid dnv.
bonded indebtedness in tho sum and bear interest not to oxetwl Bv order of tho Cnnnpil.
oi iNino iiiousnnu ivo tiunureti tiioratoofsix (o) percontum per
ivuuvj u iui WIIV IJU, IIUPU I illlllUlll. HILUllTnL IJUV11II1U HtMIH
or purchasing a triple combinn- annually.
Hon lire lighting auto truck, said And also nt said election thero
bonus to run for n period of ten will bo submitted to the ciunlificd
years, and bear interest not to electors of said c ty for their np-
exceeu me rnio oi six to; per provni or rejection tho following
centum per annum interest nay- nronosition. to wit: "Shnll tho
able semi-annually. city of St. Johns incur a munic
. And at said election thero will ipnl bonded indebtedness in tho
ou uu ouuiiiiul'u iu kuuiuuiiiicuiuuin oi uiovon inousanu iivo
nlnnlnwi nr a.ii.l iti rM II. aim I Tl.mili.nil C-1 1 r AA r-ll J
v.. uuiu VIVJ Kll VIIVII 11UIIUIUI Itfll.UUUI 1711111117) lOT XtlJ- 1 1... H
tract of land (frenuen y refer- K sjo"
red to as the Caries tract): des. xV .u,uTn.',0..f,uul,Vay
cribed as follows, to wit: That JSSS S' sel certaiS
ihi nurnnqnnf nnrMmainon .mnt Umu K:w ott,,r,(,,l I City OI OU JOIinS, tnat thO
(frequently referred to as the terly side; Stanford streeton the
northerly side: Tyler street on
the westerly side, and Dawson
street on the southerly side.
approval or rejection tho follow
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall
the city of St, Johns incur a mu
nicipal bonded indebtedness in
the sum of Ten Thousand Three
Hundred ($10,300) Dollars for
dersigned will sell nt public auc
tion to the highest bidder at 2
Plumbing and Gas
Job work promptly attended to.
l'hoiic Columbia 590
311 S, Jersey Street St. Johns, Oregon
How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or exnmintd at the Peninsu
la Title, Alwtruct and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable feei,
II. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street Adv.
Young lady wants position as
dressmaker's apprentice. Call
or write 612 Oswego st. adv.
nr curable. Allkloda
mn nulTt'iine n4
dawct-r. The CAUSE
U tlwftji laUrr.l
Dr. Ltanhtirdt
W FM.Rfll D
UbH im("rv Kiriilntr trIU by attacking th
1NTF.KN At CA V.xK. Tl. IIm are dril up and
prniutiwtitly cirel. U daya' treatment, 11.00.
UU, l-Kl'MlAHlTCO.. lluirlu,N. Y. If rw book)
St John"! I'tirxjcy and all druggist.
Columbia Furniture and Fixture
Manufacturing Go.
Will make your Fixtures, Job Work ami
Furniture Repairs at most reasonable
fuices. The furniture we make is ban
died and sold by
Furniture Dealers.
lVktronite home industry ami thereby
help your otvu homes.
533-535 Dawson Street
Fkknck Uloc.
Dressmaking At 519 S. Jer
sey strat. PHk Clumbiit l0.
Catlin-Markwart tract), the des
cription of said tract is as fol
lows, to wit: The southerly one
half (S5) of Lot Eighteen (18.)
and all of Lot Seventeen (17) in
(North bt. Johns, according to
the recorded plat thereof, said Ural avenue on the northerlv side:
uonua 10 run lor a nerioa or rvier street on the wostor v su n
in n i i I i - . m . . .
iwumy years, ana near anu staniora street on the south
interest not to exceed the rate er v side, all within the eitv lim
of six (6) per centum per an- its. Said bonds to run for a ne-
num. mieresi nayao e Bemi-an- r oa oi 'iwcntv toi venrs nml
ually. bear interest not to exceed the
And at said election there will rate of six (G) nor centum nor
1 1 1 i.iJaa1 il . . .
mso oo suomiueu tome quanneu annum, interest payable semi
electors of said city lor their annua y.
approval or rejection the follow- And also at said election there
ing proposition, to wit: "Shall will bo submitter! to the nunlifierl
1- -i ' rii ii It. . 1 - -
inu city oi oi. jonns incur a mu- electors ot saia city lor their
nicipal bonded indebtedness in approval or rejection the follow
tho sum of Five Thousand (S5.. inir nronosition. to wit? "Shall
uuuj uoiiars for the purpose of the city of St. Johns incur a mu
iiurciiusiiiK u iruci oi iiinu ior nicma Donctea inaenreoness m
public park purjroses. (frequently the sum of Eleven Thousand
referred to as the Cook tract): Five Hundred (11,500) Dollars
the description of said tract of for the purpose of purchasing a
o'clock P. M., on the 21th day
of March A. D 1914, at tho
front door of the city hall of the
-:,. r ti r i,
Also that part of Caples tract fo fowiLdDaBr bcri rfv Vn
lying and being between p0ik fo intr described property, to
street on tho easterly side; Cen-
One rock crusher, daily capac
ity GO to 100 square yards.
(Jno ton ton steam roller.
One boiler and engine, 30 horse
Mayor of St. Johns.
Published in the St. Johns Re.
view March 13 and 20, 1914. -
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled proposals will be received at the
oflice of the Recorder of the Citv of St
Johns until Mar. SI, 1914, at 8 o'clock
p. ui., for the improvement of Mo
hawk street, from the northerly line nf
Central avenue, to the southerly Hue ot
1'es.seuden St. In the manner nroviJeil hv
Ordinance No. 5S9. subject to the provis
ions of the charter and ordinances of thn
land for said park purposes is as tract of'land for public park pur- uleV etlmale 0
iSiiKineer estimate is f5.03l.57,
follows, to wit: Beginning at a poses (frequently referred to as
point in section six, township the Jaeger tract): the descrjp
one, north range one, east of
Willamette Meridian in the
northeast side line of a 25 acre
tract of land conveyed to A. L.
Maxwell by Philip T. Smith by
deed dated the nth day of May,
tion of said tract is as follows.
to wit: Lots One to Fourteen
inclusive, in Block One. and all
of Block Two in S.St Johns Ad.,
according to the recorded plat
thereof. Said bonds to run for
189S, recorded in book 250, page a period of Twenty (20) years,
5, of public records of deeds of
said Multnomah county, which
point of beginning is north 71
degrees, west 520 feet from the
northeast corner of said 25 acre
tract; thence south 19 degrees.
west 335.1 feet to the northwest
eorner of the land owned by Em-
and bear interest not to exceed
the rate of six (6) per centum
per annum, interest payable
And also at said election there
will lie submitted to the auali-
fied electors of said citv for their
approval or rejection the follow-
lliils must be strictly ui accordant.
with printed blanks, which will be furu
iihed on application at the office of the
Recorder of the Citv of St. tohns. A ml
said improvement twist be completed on
or before 60 days from the date of the
last publication of this notice.
No pruiiosals or bids will be considers!
unless accompanied bv a certified .rWi-
payable to the order of the Mayor of the
ij ui 01. lunus, cerunen Dy a respon
sible Uiuk for an amount equal to ten
percent, of the aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
My order of the City Council.
L1. . . . . Recorder.
Published in the nt. Johns Review ou
March 16, 20 itid 27, 19U,