St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 20, 1914, Image 1

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    t n
St. Johns is Calling You
U aecond in number of lnduittiet.
It teventh in population.
Can to Portland every 16 mm.
Hat navigable water on 3 lidei.
Hat finett gat and electricity.
Hat two ttrong banlct.
Hat rive large tcliool houte.
Ha abundance of purett water.
Hat hard turface street!.
Hat extensive sewerage tyttem.
Hat fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of 195.000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Dittinctivelya manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Has nearly 6,000 population.
Has a public library.
Taxable property, 4,500.000.
Has large dry docks, taw mills
Woolen mills, Iron works.
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St Johns is the place for YOU. '
Devoted lo tlio JntereiU-of the I'enlmula, (be Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
NO. 17
Work to Begin on Scenic
Boulevard Soon
The nronosjd eleven' mile Hill
side Drive, from the head of
Thurman street, Willamette
Heights, to Glen Harbor Audi
t on. near Jbmnton, became a
certainty last Tuesday night,
when the city council of Linnton
elected C. W. Woodruff engineer
for the road and ordered him to
invito bids for the work.
The council accepted the 80
foot right of way offered by the
property owners along the sur
vey anil announced that it had
begun condemnation proceedings
on a few small strips of land
that hinder immediate construc
tion work.
The survey completed some
time ago by Mr. Woodruff places
the drive midway between the
Linnton road and Cornell exten
sion, or skyline boulevard. It
runs on a lino half or three quar
ters of a milo west of the Linn
ton road, and attaint) its summit
when it crosses the Salzman
road, where the elevation is COO
feet The width will be 80 foot.
An assessment district has
been created to pay for the grad
ing and preliminary work, and
the property owners have pledg
ed themselves to stand 'the ex
pense of $75,000 necessary for
this shnro of tho improvement.
All but about 200 or 300 yards
of the survey at the southern end
lies in the prescribed city limits
of Linnton. Tho approach to
Hillside Drive from Portland is
now paved to the head of Thur
mond street. From thero the
route takes a northerly course
toward Linnton and terminates
at tho j'unction of Mount Adams
uvomie and the Germnnlown road
in Glen Harbor Heights. By
using the Germantown road the
Linnton nnd Cornell roads will
bo accessible. Both these, par
ticularly tho latter, arc famouB
for tho beautiful scenery which
they afford.
It is expected that tho prelim
inary work of grading tho right
of way for Hillside Drivo will
ho finished by next October or
November. Then after tho grade
has been allowed to settle during
the Winter, it is planned to hard
surface tho road for tho entire
Bull Run water will bo provid
ed all along the course of tho
road. Reservoir connections
have been made to supply the
property at an elevation of 1000
feet. Tho gas company also is
laying mains for tho distribu
tion of its supply in that terri
tory. The aim of tho promoters of
tho Hillside Drivo is to make
this new highline boulevard one
of the country's foremost Bcenic
boulevards. When their plans
have been fully developed it pro
bably will bo the greatest hillside
driveway among the many at
tractive ones in and about Port
land. From any point along the
route on clear days a sweeping
view is afforded of all the adja
cent country, including the city
of Portland, the rivers tributary
to it and the snow capped peaks
that tower on the eastern hori
zonMount Hood, Mount Ad
ams, Mount Rainier, Mount St,
Helens and the Cascade range.
Hillside Drive will be a delight
ful vantage point from which to
show visitors and tourists the
glorious detail and color in the
Oregon landscape and send them
home heralding aloud tho splen
dor of this local atmosphere. It
will compete with the country
known Council Crest as a scenic
viewpoint, but it will provide
the additional possibilities of
movement and latitude. At no
point will the road exceed more
than a 4 per cent grade, but
graceful curves will lend variety
to the journey. Furthermore it
will be free from the smoke and
dust of the city, and thus avail
an unobstructed view of the im
mense landscape.
Spaces for narking will be pro
vided on eitherside of the drive
way, and on the upper side of
the right or way sutncient room
will be reserved for a trolley line,
Individuals will set aside addi
tional strips of land skirting the
survey for private grounds
which they intend to beautify
with nark improvements.
According to RichardShepard,
who organized the property own
era and directed the program of
work, large sums of money win
be expended by the individual
West Side Notes
Frrm tho Linnton Leader.
Harry Oberon of St. JohnB has
moved into the residence proper
ty of Capt. Batter in the gulch
near the rock quarry.
Frank Leath, who recently
finished a fine residence in Whit
wood, now has several masons
laying a stone wall in front of
his home, which will add great
ly to the beauty of the place.
H. R. Thompson, who has for
some time resided at Glen Har
bor heights, where ho owned an
acre tract, has sold the same.
It is situated jti3t above the Ger
mantown road and is one of tho
most beautiful scenic sites on
tho hill Bide. We hope the pur
chaser, Mr. Dryer, will Boon
move to his new home upon the
hill and further beautify tho
.1. H. Canriirht of St. Johns
made us a call on Monday of this
week. He says he likes to visit
Whitwood real often, on account
of business and stir it affords.
J. E. Coffey, one of St. Johns
most trusty and best barbers.
called on the scribe Monday of
this week.
The Rose Carnival
The management of tho 10M
Rose Festival has announced the
program for tho four days to be
given over to this event, as fol
lows: Tuesdnv. June 9. noonArri-
vnl of Rex Orogonus on the Roy
al Barge, also the coming of the
Ouoon of the Curnival with a re
gal escort, and the formal open
ing of tho Festival.
Wednesday, June 10 -Great
decorated automobile and vehi
cle parade. Grand Festival char
ity ball at night.
Thursday. June 11 Tho Hu
man Rosebud Pnrade, on tho
East Side.
Friday. June 12. afternoon
Civic, fratornnl. military and
industrial parade. City and
state will ho asked to declaro u
public holiday for this ovent.
Friday night Historical elec
tric parade showing events from
the earliest times in Oreiron
down to tho opening of the Pan
ama ('anal.
In addition to the above main
events, there will be hold tho
annual competitive exhibit of the
Portland Koso society at tlio
Central Library, a special roso
show on tho Peninsula, tho in
ternational balloon meet and n
number of other loss important
nrnnrtv onors in the improve
ment of tho region affected by
.i TT 1. !!..
me new niKuwuy. uuiiuwb
the entire district subsequently
will be absorbed by Portland and
become a valuable adjunct to the
city. The property owners and
ronltv onrrmnnios interested di
rectly in the projected boulevard
are: Percy uiytn. w.j. uearin,
Mrs. Josephine Hirsch. J. W.
Cook, Thomas McCusker, H. L.
Pittock, Otto Cramer, L. G. Gil
lette. L. B, Menefee, Willamette
Trust company, Oregon Realty
company, James Anderson, Jas.
MacKenzio. aaizman investment
company, West fat. Johns Land
company, St. Helens uenity com
pany, and WUlatin investment
company, ail oi wnom win pay
for the clearing of tho land and
grading. J. B. Schaefer, Mayor
of Linnton, deserves a large
measure of credit for his impor
tant help in gaining tne sanc
tion of the Linnton Council.
Active work on the grading
will commence as soon as the
wnnthnr olftjirs sufficiently to
permit of operations under fa-
i i . .i ; a ; rn. i
voraoie cuiiuhiuhb. a mo tun
struction work will supply a
largo force of men with employ
ment for several consecutive
months and will provide the
market with an immense supply
of cordwood to be cut from the
timber that abounds in the lo
cality of the survey. Sunday's
Tho. nontrreffational Church.
corner of Richmond and Ivanhoe
streets a homelike church:
Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preach-
intrll a. m. and 7:au P. m.: U.
E., 6:45 p. m.; prayer meeting
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. We
welcome von to these and all
other services of the church.
Have you any pictures you
would desire to nave irameuj
r m l l T i. Y f
ii so, tne jersey oireet uepai
Shop, will do it neatly and at i
VArv raiiBAnahlo nrico
V. .WWW M.. W.W . -
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Library hours:
Afternoon 12 to 5:30.
Evening 7 to 9.
Sunday-2:30 to 5:30 for read
ing only.
Saturday story hour: Three
o'clock for children of third
grade and under; 4 o'clock for
children of fourth grade and
The Bonville Industrial Cor
porations League will give freo
lectures in tho library audito
rium on the first and third Fri
days of each month. The next
one will be April 3.
Library lectures begin prompt
ly at eight. Patrons are re
quested to be in their scats by
that time.
One of the bulletin boards on
the juvenile, side holds a list of
birds which may bo seen near or
in St. Johns during March nnd
April. The corner devoted to
native wild (lowers shows blos
soms of the shad bush, yellow
violet, spring beauty and mis
sion bells this week.
Now Books:
Allen Making the best of our
These stories have been writ
ten not for the literary enjoy
ment of tho general reader, but
for the enlightenment of fathers
find mothers. The effort has
been to present clear, contrast
ing pictures of the way in which I
various domestic problems us
ually are handled, and a better
way of treating them. Thore
aro two volumes, tho first dealing
with children from one to eight
years of age; the Becond with
those from oight to sixteen.
Chamberlain Design and con
struction. Unique and artistic designs
for tho worker in wood, leather
and pottery.
Faunce What does Christian
ity mean?
Tho author asserts thut our
current conceptions of the Chris
tian faith not only lack unity,
but they often revel in diversity
and divergence. Wo cannot
achive serenity and conquest un
til wo know what we aro really
trying to givo tho confused and
struggling world. Of courso
any attempt ut n unifying con
ception may succeed only by
sacrificing what some consider
vital. Certainly wo cannot in
clude all things that all Chris
tians have thought needful. We
must lcavo many cars standing
on sidetracks il we are to keep
tho mam lino open for through
trains. Some men will doubtless
mourn mat tneir privtuo car
was left on a siding. But others
may welcome a simple attempt
to Bhow what one busy man be
lieves tho main line to be."
Robinson FirBt lessons in
poultry keening. 2 vol. First
and second year courses ns they
appeared in Farm Poultry ser
ially. .
Robinson Common senso poul
try doctor.
McAllister Concrete roads
vs. macadam. By the dean of
the school of engineering, Uni
versity of Oregon.
Sherwood Daphne. An au
tumn pastoral.
Whitman German memories.
These pages embody memories
of Germany for a period of over
fifty years. Circumstances
early education, followed by ex
tensive business relati6ns during
a number of years; authorship
and finally journalism have
afforded the author exceptional
facilities for viewing German
ife from many aspects. Indeed.
thero can hardly be a class, high
or low, with representatives of
which ho has not come in contact
at one time or another.
Martin Our own weather.
A simple account of its curious
forms, its wide travels, and its
notable effects. The weather is
supposed to be a trito subject of
conversation, but Mr. Martin
succeeds in making it a most
fascinating one.
Fruit and Berry Plants
Now is the time to buy nur
sery stock. For apple, plum,
prune, pear, cherry trees, and
all other fruits and berry plants.
see J. H. CANRIGHT. 415 North
Leonard street, St, Johns.
Where shall I get my hair cut?
At Gilmore'8 barber shop. adv.
Interesting Ball Game
A most interesting game of
base ball was puljed off on the
Dawaon street grounds Sunday
afternoon. The game was be
tween tho St. Johns Pharmacy
team and the Portsmouth Fire
Dnnnrttnent club. Le and Whit-
stone pitched a magnificent game
for St. Johns, striKing out nine
teen men and allowing only one
hit, which occurred in the ninth
inning. He wns as steady as
clockwork nil the wav through.
and Catcher Poff took care of the
receiving end like a major leag
uer. Several of the locals have
not gotten their batting eyes
trimmed up yet,, but on the
whole, tho locals put up a good
game. While Portsmouth couiu
iln tinrliW with Whltstone's
delivery, yet they put up a fair
game in tne field. Lasher was
n new man tried at short by the
locals, and he showed up wen,
hntli in the field nnd at the bat.
The score was 7 to 0, in favor of
the locals. The St. Johns Phar
macy team is ono of the best am
ateur clubs in tho country, and
a number of good games will no
doubt be played horo tne coming
Tho Hill grounds on North Jor
nv urrnnt lmvo been secured.
and tho first gnmo thereon will
bo played aundny uctweon tne
lncnin nml tlio Brooklyn Grovs.
An exciting game is assured.
Registration books arc
now open at the City Hall
for City election.-
Last daytpegiater.; for
city election, March 31.
Ofllce open 7 to 8 p. m.,
-Wednesday and Friday
How It Is Done
How to approach tho editor:
Advance- to tho inner door nnd
givo three raps. Tho devil will
attend the alarm. You w ill give
your name and postofilco address
and tho numbor of years you
owe for the paper. You will
then bo admitted into the sanc
tum and will advance to tho cen
ter of the room, where you will
address tho editor with tho fol
lowing countersign: Hold the
right hand about two feet from
tho body with the thumb and
finger clasping a $5 bill, which
you will drop into tho editor's
hand, saying: "Wore you wait
ing for mo?" The editor will
grasp your hand and tho Dill and
will say, "You bet." Ex.
Building Permits
No. 15. -To E. R. Ingledue to
erect a dwelling on Charleston
street between Smith avenue
and Seneca street; cost $1500.
Ono of tho ridiculous require-
ments now being made of pros
pective voters is that they shall
give their ages when register
ing. Why should any ono be re
quired to disclose their ages, par
ticularly unmarried spinsters.
The essential, constitutional re
quirement is that they should be
twenty-one years or age. it we
are required to be twenty-one,
whose business is it how much
more than that a voter may be?
We admit that this squeamish
ness about telling ages is all
nonsense, but for all that there
is no just reason why a person
should be required to disclose a
non-essential. It is about time
some of these frills were lopped
off the statutes if they are there.
If they are not there, then tho
officials might as well drop them
now as later. Mt. Scott News.
Vice President Marshall says
"it's a good old world to live
in," It undoubtedly is to tho
man who can dig up the high
price required,
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
At the regular meeting of tho
city council Tuesday evening,
nt which all members were pres
ent, with Mayor Bredeson pre
siding, a petition for the privil
ege of grading a portion of
Cruikshank street and laying'
sidewalks in front of their prop-'
erties, was presented by Geo. IL
Lemon and J. T. Rasmusson,
which was granted by the coun
cil. As the supply of city charters
hud become exhausted, and there
being urgent need of several
more copies, it wns decided to
advertise for same, as conies
were issued to the citizens of bt.
Johns when the charter was
first adopted, and it is believed
that thero are still a number
that might in this way bo se
K. C. Couch requested permis
sion to make alterations upon
the Bailey building adjoining
his store, which ho recently pur
chased. Tho request was refer
red to the fire commission.
Fire hydrants were ordered in
stalled at tho corners of Hart
man and Myers streets, and
Cruikshank and Hnrtman streets.
Tho city recorder wns directed
to notify the water company to
replnco the wooden pipe on North
Willametto boulevard, which will
Boon be hard surfaced, with six
inch iron pipes.
Tho Mayor vetoed tho five or
dinances providing for placing
five park sites on tho ballot at
tho general city election next
month, and they were passed
over his veto by a five to two
vote. Councilmcn Munson and
,Waldref voting no. Alderman
Vincent made n row remarks in
which ho stated that he could
not understand why any person
should be opposed to permitting
tho people to vote on parks; that
all t no mass meetings held de
clared in favor of parks; that
tho park question wns now boing
placed before the people in the
fairest possible manner; that if
it had been tho intention of any
ono to tack a weak park site on
with tho view of tho stronger
ones pulling it through, that had
been defeated; or, if it was tho
Intention of any to attach a
weak site on the budget for tho
purpose of dofoating tho whole,
that had been overcome: that
each nark site now stands on its
own merits, nnd that if any one
hnd previously been in favor ol
parks, thero could he no reason
for a change of mind now. Tho
mayor's reasons for veto will be
found elsewhere in this pnpor,
us will also a complete descrip
tion of each tract to bo voted
Improvement bonds in tho
sum of $0,282.40 were awarded
to tho Peninsula National Bunk
nt liar and accrued interest.
An ordinance authorizing the
city recorder to draw a warrant
for 2,000 against the street
bond sinking fund for the pur
pose of transfer to tho interest
fund wns passed.
Resolutions directing tho en
gineer to prepare plans and
specifications for tho improve
ment of tiurr street were adopt
ed. The Seed Catalogue
I've got a new seed catalogue,
All full of pictures bright:
No flower bed or garden patch
Was ever such a sight.
They make me want to seizo my
And dig from morn till night;
I like my now seed catalogue, ,
Tis such a wonrdous sight.
The roses aro as big as plates,
The onions are the same;
To lug the watermelons 'round
Would mako a fellow lame.
The beans are 14 inches long,
r . 1 . . . 1 1 .
O. what a mess of giant stuff,
nr:.i.: i i. i i
I'll plant a bed of everything,
And then I'll watch them grow;
I'll get a magnifying glass
And study every row.
And if I get a summer squash
As big as half a crown,
I'll bo the wonder of the year
In this suburban town.
Pay your lubfcrtDUoa.
Reasons For Vetos
Following are Mayor Brcde
son's reasons for vetoing the
park ordinances:
To the City Council and mem
bers thereof :
Gentlemen: I nm returning to
you each and nil of tho proposed
park ordinances unsigned and
with my disapproval, and rea
sons therefor, to wit:
Ordinance No. 504 for the so
called Cook tract: ordinance No.
593 for the so-called Catlin tract; j
ordinunce No. 591 for the Jaeger
tract; ordinance No. 592 for the
Copies tract: Ordinnncc No. 595 1
for tho Woodhouse tract. I
As the reasons for disapprov
ing of anyone at this time apply
to all, I will state my reasons
for ali in one communication.
First. Park agitation com
menced a good while ago, and
with prospects of success.
becond. Tho people of the city
in mass convention arrived at a
harmonious agreement regard
ing park sites, long enough prior
to the coming general city elec
tion, so that had the recommen
dations then mnde been acted
upon, no voter now would bo un
informed regarding tho proposi
tion, or how lo vote on same.
I' or reasons of your own you
failed lo act. So the matter
dragged until near election time,
when the nuestion is so present
ed thai tho chances aro 100 to 1
that the only results wo could
expect would bo the expense of
printing- the ordinances, count
ing the ballots, and declaring
negative results. And these re
sults followed with so much
soreness that no favorablo ac
tion could be expected at any
time in tho near future.
Third. Due to tho fact that
tho promised wave of prosperity
that wuh to follow on the heels
of the new tarilf and currency
bills has not yet reached us, and
that close, stringent times still
lingoiv-thoro is a general de
mand for reduction of oxiionses
and a lowering of taxation. I
think wo should aid in tho move
ment ami thereby assist in bet
tering conditions and reducing
the laboring man's burdens, es
pecially under tho present state
of a (fairs.
My opinion is that the park
question now, undur existing
conditions, should be dropped
for tho present, at least. And
with a bettor knowledge as to
the intentions of our big neigh
bor to tho south wo can more
safely judge what to do. I de
sire narks, and tho parks so lo
cated as to bo of greatest bene
fit to tho city and tho people of
the city. No ono has requested
two in the center of tho city that
have hoard of. To bond tho
city at the present time in the
sum of $30,000. $40,000 or $50,-
000 under present conditions
would bo bad policy.
Charles Bredeson,
Mayor of St. Johns.
New Brick Addition
Lewis I. Thompson has drawn
plans for the erection of a two
story brick building to bo used
by the Portland Woolon Mills ut
St. Johns for tho housing of its
scouring nnd carbonizing depart-
monta, says tho Uregonian.
Two wooks ago Sunday the for
mer scouring plant was burned,
By 7 A. M. the following day
tho wires and motors were in
stalled and tho second day fol
lowing temporary machinery
was operating amidst tho ruins
of tho building. Now a com
pletely now structure will be
completed within a month. Tho
now building, which is to bo but
a unit of tho prosont $750,000
plant, will cover a ground simce
of 75 to 95 foot and cost about
$7000. A freight elevator, an
electric wiring conduit, a now
dryer and carhonizer will be in
stalled. Contracts have been let
for immodinto construction.
I heroby announce myself us
an Indopondont candidate for
the office of Councilman at Largo
for the city of St. Johns at tho
April election. If elected, will
use my host endeavors in tho in
torost of good government, giv
ing you value received for all
public monoy oxpended.
For Ront -Two fine rooms in
tho Holbrook building. Apply to
Secretary of the Commercial
Club. adv,
Items of Interest Regard
ing School Doings
Last Friday night the girls'
basket ball team met the Grcs
ham team on tho Greshnm floor.
This was the first game of the
season that our girls have play
ed all over the floor, although in
all other respects strict girls'
rules were used, Our players
showed splendid team work, and
ns a result, counted up a score
of 20 to 3. Ruth McGregor star
red with five free throws and
ono loui. Uladys 1'aimor shot
two, nnd Maggie Dickie threw
two nice ones as running center.
Florcnco Wnss did not take tho
trip because of illness. Burnico
Brownley. who played in her
place, did nobly. Prof. Rica of
Gresham handled the game alone
as referee In a very creditable
manner. Tho rootera who ac
companied tho team also got in
Bomo good work that was fully
appreciated. After tho gamo
the uresham team and conch
served a most palatable and
dainty lunch to their visitors nt
tho high school building. Tho
visitora warmly appreciated tho
graceful courtesy of tho Grcshum
high school representatives.
The entire trip was enjoyed by
the team and all who accompa
nied them. Tho only mishap
that occurred was that of tho
liny mascot, who fell down and
bumped her head and got her lit
tle basket ball suit soiled. Tho
Gresham girls will play a return
gamo in our gym on Friday of
this week.
Wild llowcrs have been finding
their wuy into tho school rooms
during tho past week.
March 17th was most appro
priately observed with all shades
of green in snoods and neckties.
Tho boys' basket ball team
wont to Washougnl last Wednes
day evening on tho "Jessie Har
kins" nnd returned Thursday
morning. In addition to spend
ing the night, they incidentally
dropped an unsatisfactory game
by tho closo score of 20 to lo.
Our pluy was not up to standard,
tho roferoo was absolutely
strange to the gamo, and tho
floor was covered with powder,
which broko up our team work.
All of these things, coupled with
a few lucky shots and tho con
stant fouling of our team, ac
count for tho loss of tho game.
On Tuesday evening a com
mittee representing the student
body, presented Mr. and Mrs.
Fry with a beautiful carving Bet
and serving tray. These gifts
arc but a small expression of tho
High School's appreciation of
Mr. Fry's work for tho past sev
eral years, as well as their
heartfelt welcome of Mrs. Fry.
Soma rousing cheers before the
door of tho oilico further voiced
the entire school's sincere wish
for tho long lifo and huppiness
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fry. Reporter.
North School Notes 5th Room.
Albert Haynes returned to
school after a long absence on
account of his mother's illness.
Tho older boys nro spending
spuro moments in tne scnooi
flower garden.
Wo are giving stars for per
fect lessons. All lessons ennnot
bo judged alike, but written
work is graded and is thus re
warded. For tho week ending
March 13. Birger Armborn and
Sherman Cochran of tlio 6th A
grade had the most stars. In
tho 5th A. Donald Lind, Kenneth
Catto, Chesley King nnd Ruth
erford Shnppeo hnd the samo
number of stars.
Wo will bo pleased to have tho
parents visit our room at any
time. - Reporter.
Don't let that rocking chair
remain in the discard when 50
cents will place a new rocker on
it at the Jersoy street Repair
Ambulance service, day and
night. St. Johns Undertaking
Co., successors to Blackburn
Undertaking Co.; office Col. 527
Kesidenco,.Col. 299.
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received nt tho Review
office; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
Tho White House gives good
rooms and good straight board
for five dollars per week. Your
patronage is solicited, adv.