St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 13, 1914, Image 2

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Published Every Friday
At 117 Wont Uurllngton Street.
Tint Hkvikw is entered nt post office
lu Snlut Johns, Oregon, ns iimil mnttcr
of the second class under the Act of Con
gross of March 3, 1879.
OfflcUl Miwtpiptr of th Olty of f,U Johns.
All eommanlratlonj dhoald bs iddrcMtd la
in lienew, bi. Johns, Oreron.
Subscription prloo $1.00 per year.
In answer to an honored Penn
syivania relative s recent query
as to the Review's opinion of
President Wilson's policies, we
editorially praised them highly,
but made exception in the cac
of Mr. Wilson's refusal to uphold
thel'nnnma tolls exemption plank
111 the Democratic platform.
Replying to our argument on this
question, the aforesaid Pennsyl
vania man gets back at us in the
following personal letter, which
we take the liberty of publishing
without permission, for the rea
son mat it sheds now light on
the subject, and is a strong,
masterful and thoroughly origi
mil digest of the mibjoct:
1 certainly agree with your
answer until you get to the toll
question. There our opinions
divide. First you say Mr. Wi
son readily accepted the platform
with all its provisions. If you
will read his letter of acceptance
you may come to a different con
clusion. While accepting it on
general principles, he said a plat
form is d liferent from a pro
gram. Then ho goes on and
outlines his program, pledg
ing himseii 11 elected as lar as
he can to put in force and oner
ation what might be called the
cardinal principles of Hip Demo
cratic party for which the party
has been lighting for for years,
namely, revision of th tariff
downward, currency reform.
control of railroads and trusts of
all kinds, and above all, wrest
control of the government away
from Wall Street, trusts, corpor
ations, political kings and bosses
and restore the government
again to the people, but did not
commit himself on the toll ques
"You say the innocent byslan
(let can readily discern many
reasoiiH why the coastwise ves
hcib should not pay toir. it so,
can the same bystander seo
any reason why our vessels in
the foreign trade should pay toll?
suppose our coastwise trade ves
sets would pass through the ca
nal free of toll, can the innocent
bystander toll into whose pocket
the toll would go- t no people or
the ship owners? A good guide
to go by is the reduction ot
jnc means security.
It's that in an adversity siege. Bank
accounts mean security in the face of sick
ness, lack of employment, or other numer
ous forms of adversity. Your money on de
posit never goes on strike, though you may
strike with safety if you nurse the totals in
the bank-hook. We offer you every induce
ment in the way of attention and courtesy.
gain, and
if so, what was your
Chamberlain, Senator
Horab, Senator O'Cormnn and
others who are abusing Presi
dent Wilson for doing what he
believes is right, and ho under-
stands the treaty, doing when
that treaty was before the Sen
ate of the United States for rat
ification? Why did they not en
ter their protest then and there?
When we glance over the
treaty made between Great IJrit-
ain and the U. S.. a treaty rati
fied at a time when the construc
tion of the Panama Canal was
under contemplation of construc
tion by this country, we are lost
in wonder that any intelligent,
patriotic American man or sot
of men could be induced to agree
to its terms and provisions. This
treaty stipulates in substance
that the nation responsible for
the construction of the groat
Panama "movie" (we did it
the $.100,000,000) shall allow tho ves-
tarilf. Tho new tariff law has sols of all other nations to enter
been in force about four months, and exit at a nominal flguro.giv-
Nearly everything that makes up ing us also that privilege, pro
tho living oxpensos of a family
is on the free list and on the
balance the dut'ea are minced.
How much cheaper can you live
now than you could six months
ago You say if this extra as
sessmont is forced on the steam
ship companion they wilj simply
piny mo .loiiii u. hci ana increase
the ratos of transoi'tNtion so
that passengers and ship)xrs
really bear the burden. That is
correct. If these companies my
a toll thoy have a right to add
the amount to tholr rates, but if
as you say it is possible for for
eign shins to come into comneti
lion in our coastwise trade, they
would add no more. Hut supposo
travel and trnusporuition jmy
the toll and transiiortntion, the
consumer Dually pays. Who do
wo pay to? Simply to ourselves.
ion say wo snout our money
to nuiid mo canal. That is cor
rect. It will likely cost us four
hundred millions, and 1 don't
think anybody exports to gut
one dollar ot tho nrincinn back.
The coastwiso toll is shnnv a tax
which, if tho people don't pay in
this way, the government must
collect by other ways or means
of taxation. If so, where is tho
ditioronce which way the people
pay it? Tho tolls are suposed
to pay. first, operating exienses;
second, intoiost on the debt:
viding wo nay the same price of
admission to our own show. The
canal was built at an enormous
expense by the American govern-
menu and until all oilier nations
desiring to use thai convenient
waterway agree to come across
with their proportionate share
of this expenditure or allow tho
exemption of lolU on American
coastwise vessels, the canal will
always remain as a monument of
rank injustice to a generous na
tion. The repeal of tho tolls ex
emption act should bo stubborn
i.v resisted until at least an un
biased international court of ar
bitration has passed judgment
on the question, since there is
uncertainty as to the exact inter
pretation or the treaty in regard
to the canal tolls. Until then it
will not be necessary to inform
our wisitui mend, .1. mm, and
the greedy railroad monopoly
that tho title papers of tho Pan
ama Canal xono are theirs.
The innocent bystander, al
though somewhat bruised and
shaken up. is still characteristic
ally curious and undismayed,
He now desires some ono to ex
plain why that if a party plat-
lonn is ditioient trom anrouram
when the Presidency is accent-
Mi how that it atirlilnnlv dovalrms
third, if a surplus, to pay on the into one whan n delegation of
principal, buppose the tolls, suffrasrettos assa the Canitol.
coasiwiso ineiudoq, uo not pay
expousos and interest, then wo
uiuw reoi i to outer ways ami This paper is in rocoipt of a
deficit. S
out tho coastw
; ""--. "V" mis paper is in rucoipi oi a
Sn J? it0. Vwt Vi "ewwUlysignwUoUer of thanks
IV "iH V'n t0,ln w,lh; Secretary W.J. Uryan in
istwise toll will .meet rottlril for a recont cony 'of tho
tho running oxponses and inter
est, thou why charge the coast
wise toll For two reasons- -first.
to apply the surplus to paying
tho principal of the dobt and ro-
duco interest on samo; second,
if all of tho dobt is paid, to ap
ply tho surplus to tho running
expenses and reduco taxation
elsewhoro. Hut you may any,
why not take otf the coastwise
toll? Hocause we cannot tako
that toll off without violating a
contract wo mado with England.
You say, not so. Hut that con
tract or treaty says this: that
the vessols of all nations shall
pnss through the canal on equal
terms, Now then, it seoms to
mo tho only question that can ho
raised is: Was tho Unitod States
a nation nt that time, ISiJS? If
wo were a nation, how can we
escapo paying tho coastwiso toll?
Or if wo can, why cannot wo
pass all our vessols through fro?
If not, why not? If tho nay Ing i
of tho coastwise toll is wrong,
thon our Koprospntutivoj and;
Senate simply made a bad bar-i
Review containing an editorial
referring to his excellent record
since 1800.
To tho citisens of St. Johns.
Oregon : At the ronuost of ninny
voters, I have decided to bocomo
an independent cant uuato for
the oilice of City Recorder at tho
coming election to bo hold on
the Oth day of April. 19W. If
elected I will appoint a male
Deputy Recordor. who will act
as Municipal Judgo in all casus
where it is not propor for me to
appoar, in connection with his
other duties as Doputy. My
Donuty will not bo connected
with any othor
The City, of St. Johns does or
dain as follows:
Section 1. That tho City of
St. Johns hold an election in
the City of St. Johns, Oregon,
on the sixth day of April. A. D..
li)M, for tho purpose of electing
Uity ollicers for tho City of St.
Johns as follows, to wit:
A Mayor, a City Recordor, a
City Treasurer, a City Attorney,
and also lor tho purpose of elect
ing Councilmen for tho City of
St. Johns as follows, to wit:
Two Councilmen for tho First
Ward: two Councilmen for tho
Second Ward and three Council-
men at Large.
Also tosubmitcortaiiuuiostioii
to the qualified electors of the
City of St. Johns, to wit:
To purchaso certain tracts of
laud for park purposes and to in
cur a municipal bonded indebt
edness to purchaso such tracts
as are sot out in ordinances and
mado a part thereof.
Also, to incur a municipal
bonded indebtedness tor the pur
pose of purchasing some flro-
fighting apparatus.
Section 2. And it is horuby or
dered that said election bo hold
on tho said sixth day of April.
11)11. between tho hours of 9
o'clock a. in. and 7 o'clock p. m.
oi said day in tho mannor pro
vided by tho City charter of tho
City of St. Johns.
boction !f. It is hereby order
ed that tho following Judges
ami uiuriws oi sum election, oo,
and thoy aro hereby appointed,
to wit:
Judges of tho First Ward- Day
Judgos: Mrs. C. H. Thayer, D.
E. Gonsolus, Thos. Scales.
Judgos of tho First Ward
Night: A. W. Marklo, L. L.
Cooper, L. B. Wilson.
Judgos of the Second Ward
Day: N. A. Goo. J. M. Shaw,
Mrs. N, K. Corbin.
Judges of tho Second Ward
Night: 11. L. 'Whistler, W. E.
Coon, Mrs. H. G. Lott.
Clerks of tho First Ward- Day
Clerks: J. F. Boono. Mrs. Effa
Hoam. Night Clerks: A. W.
Davis, H. H. Rawson.
Clerks of the Second Wnrd
Morta Gatton, Lula Gilhnoro.
Night Clerks: Jim Geo, Clyde
Wc are Mighty Proud
of the fine showing of shoes here. Proud of the
style, proud of the quality, proud of our ability to fit
perfectly the feet of any man, woman or child.
And especially are we proud of the prices which
mean so much shoe value for so little money.
This Coupon Good Tor
Ten 10 S. & H. & Free
If presented upon junking n purchase iittioiiiitiiij to COc or
more, these stamp will he in addition to regular stamps
jjlveti with the purchase,
Not Good After March 15th
General Mdse.
Columbia 137 , St. Johns, Ore.
S. &. H .
Stamps ate
Gl'.T IT
S. & H. Green Trad-
ing Stamps given on
all cash purchases,
and on charge ac-
counts when Paid
in Full at least every
30 days.
couch &, CO
Phone Columbia 137
and signed by the City Recorder, t
and shall specify the ollicers to
lie elected and tho time and!
place of holding such election.
Passed by tho Council this
10th day of March. 1914.
Approved by the Mayor this
10th day of March, 10M.
Attest: P. A. KICE.
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view March 13, 10M.
Kc(K)tt of the condition of the
First Trust & Savings Bank
In the Stittr of Oictio'n nt the close of
An Ordinance Providing the
Time nnd Alanner of Im
proving ' Atohmvk Street
front Central Avenue to
Fesscndcn Street in the
City of St. Johns, Oregon.
liumuewtMnrch -I, 101 1.
Loans ami discounts 10,820.81
Ovcnlrniu, sccuml mill
miwcurnl 91.01
Stock nnd other wctiritlcs, 10,750.00
IMnkiiiK limine 10,:K9.i;0
I'uriiitiirv mill fixtiirM 1,118.05
Due from hunk (not rohcrve
Imiik) 1 ,1)0-1.80
Due from nmnvtxl reserve
ImnkK 7.030.00
Checks mul other cuh Ilctiu .. 1,0'JJ.M
CiuJi on hand 1,00X88
Total fGo.IG0.85
CnpiUil stock Mhl in $50,000.00
umitviuwi nroiiti., int. ox.
Mii.o and tHxwt ixdd 1,29 I.IK)
Individual iluHlt tmlijctit
tochHok 13.TOC.G0
Demand certificate of deixclt, 40-1.20
Time Curltfinites of deposit .... 25.00
Stste of Oregon. )
County of Multnomah f '
II. I. II. Holhrook. President of the
above imiiiwI bank, do solemnly swear
Uwt the almve ktntmucnt i true to the
hoot of my knowledge nnd belief.
J. It. lloi.iiHOOK. rresidcut
SuWrilifil mid sworn to before me
lilt Dili day of March, 191 1.
K. 15. Ilruml, Notary Public.
Correct, Attest
Lawrence Holhrook,
I', S. Dornbcckcr,
Proposals for Street Work
Settled will be received At the
omce ui tue Keconler ot uie Uty ot ht
John until Mar. HI, IQI4, at 8 o'clock
. m., for the improvement of Mo
mwk street, from the uoitlierly Hue of
Cenlial avenue, to the boutherlv line o
l'et!iideu St. ill the manner provided bv
Ordinance Nu. 58U. sublect to the provis
ions of the charter and onlinances of the
City of .St. Johns, and the estimate of
the city engineer on file.
iuikiuvui s estimaie is
Uiils must be strictly in accordance
with printed blanks, which will be furn
ishel on application at the office of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns. And
said improvement must be completed on
or before bo days from the date of the
last publication of this notice.
No proposals or bids will lie considered
unlets accouivuiied by a certifird, check
payable to the order of the Mayor of the ot st. lonus. ccrttticu ny
;y ot ht. loiius, certitied bv a
Section 4. That the votiiur or!sib'c ,lrt,,li0.r ' uount equal to
nollinLMilnLuf? oloMimi lml,uI?e"- ll,e KKKe Pnl?
to ten
fixed as
nnd thoy aro, hereby
loiiowa, to wit:
Polling place for tho
Ward City Library.
Pollinir nlnco for tho Second
Ward- City Hall.
Section 5. Tho City Recordor
be, anil is hereby, ordered and
directed to give notice of said
election by publication in a
nowsjiapor publishod in tho
City of St. Johns, for nt least
uonio of the rumors circulated' Section C. That tho Chiof of Po
before tho primary oloctlon inti- lice bo, and he is lioroby, ordor-
Indoiiondont onndidato
for City Rooordqr.
I and directed to post notice not
loss than ton davs boforo suuh
olseUon noticos thoreof, which
said noticos shall be prepared
The tinht to re ice t auv and all bids is
t . .
iicrvoy rvserviii.
Hy order of the City Council,
1'. A. RICK.
Publishl in the St. Johns Review on
March 10,20 and 27, 1914.
Specialist In Diseases of the Eye. Eir, Nose,
Throat ind luns
Operative and Medical Treatment
Expeit Pitting of Glaei
Moderate Price
St-i7 licLum HUIk , ThlrJ suJ WshlnKoo Ms.
I'Uoucs Msfb sjt u4 A.4J4I. fottUna, Or.
For tho Children Plain and
fancy coats, bonnets and dresses
mado at reasonable prices at 50-i
S. Hayes street7"
The city of St. Johns docs ordain n
The council of the city of St. Johns,
having ascertained thccoit of liuDrovIiiK
Mohawk sticcl from the northerly
side Hue of Central avenue to the
southerly side Hue of l'cicndcii
Street hr the city of St.
Johns, m shown by the resolution
of the council of said city, dated on
the 17th day of Pel)., I0l4,nnd recorded
In the office of the recorder of said city,
and notice thereof having been published
in the St. Johns Review, a weekly news
paper of Kencral circulation, on the
2oth mid 27th days of Pchruary. 1914,
as shown by the affidavit of the'
foreman of said luipcr, which Said Hffida ,
vit is on file in the office of the city re
corder; and legal posting of notices of
such Improvement, us shown by the ndi-1
davit of the city engineer on file In the
office of the city recorder, mid no reiuon I
trancos having been filed, mid, as pro-j
vided by wild reMilutioii, the tngl-1
uecr's ircllmiuarv estimate of the cost of i
said improvement is 5,031.57, but shall I
be more accurately determined by said
Now, therefore, it Is hereby ordered
that said street be improved and the
time for the completion of said im
provement is hereby fixed at COdaysfrom
last publication of notice of propoals of
said work, which said proposals must be
filed with the recorder of said city on or
before the 3Ut dav of March, 1914,
at 8 o'clock, p. in. of said day.
That said street shall be improved as
as follows: II v grading same to the es
tablished, (trade by cut and fill and by
sldcwalkiug same on either side withG'
foot cement sidewalks 12 foot cement I
curbs entire length, together with ull
uecesMirv cement cross-walks mid iron
gutters; curb to have standard drain tile I
every fifty feet, hitch rings to be placed
in curb as directed by the City lingl-1
neer. '
The city recorder shall give notice by
publication for not less than three in
sertions in the St. lohus Review, the of
ficial newspaper, Inviting proposals for J
making said improvement. :
Said improvement shall in all respects
be done and completed in conformity
with the provisions of Ordinances No.tCO '.
and 302 except as otherwise provided 1
In this ordliiuuce; all ' work to be done '
under the direction ami supervision of,
the city engineer.
Tlut tue cent ot said Improvement
shall be assessed against the property in
the local improvement district d es
se ri bed in said resolution and designated
as and declared to be Ial Improve-
ineni uuirici no. tin.
Passed by the council this 10th day
of March, 19M,
Approved by the Mayor this 10th day
of March, iqi4.
Attest: P. A. RICK,
City Recorder.
Published in the St. Jolius Review on
March 13th, 19U.
Building Permits
Nos. 11, 12 and 13-To Empire
nvestment Co. to erect three
dwellings on Mears street .be
tween Macrum avenue and Ore
gon ian avenue; cost $800 each.
No. 14-To A. W. Davis to
erect store room on Jersey street
between Alta and Baltimore
streets; cost $1600.
Set to Spitzenherg and
Newtown Apples
Trees in perfect condition;
fourth year. Located in the best
part of the famous valley, in Fruit
Home Colony. On the Trout Lake
roaci ana aiso a puonc roaci run
ning along one side,
spring of water on
Probably worth $10,000 in three
years, with a large and ever in
creasing income therefrom.
A Rare Bargain at $7,000
Also 8 acres adjoining the
above orchard, five acres in bear
ing commercial orchard, and three
acres set to almonds, 3 years old.
Good house and other outbuild
ings on place. Will be sold at a
bargain. Gall at or address this office,
the place.
Fruit and Berry Plants
Now is the time to buy nur
sery stock, por apple, plum.
irune. pear, cherry trees, and
all other fruits and berry plants,
see J. H. CANlilGHT. -115 North
Leonard street, St. Johns.
Where Located
I'ortlaud (2)
Oregon City
Dull Run
St. Johns
Widely scattered have been built
by the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company for the purpose of
Reliable Electric Service
to its patrons. Through high
tension transmission lines each '
of these generating plants are inter
communicative, so that the service ,
is insured against unforeseen .
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Broadway and Aider Streets
Phone Marshall 5100 Home A. 6131