St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 13, 1914, Image 1

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    Historical Society
St. Johns is Calling You
- It secon J in number of Industries.
U seventh in population.
Car to Portland every 16 min.
Has navigable water on 3 sides.
Has finest gas and electricity.
Has two strong banks.
Has Ave large school houses.
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system;
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of $95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have ncceas to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has tcven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Has nearly 6,000 population.
Has a public library.
Taxable property, (4,500.000.
Has large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works, ,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Dox factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St Johns Is the place for YOU.
Devoted to the Interests ot the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOL. to
NO. x6
Summary of the Votes
Cast Saturday
More interest than was expect
ed was taken in the primary
election held last Saturday. Out
of 1171 voters registered, about
740 uyailed themselves of the op
portunity to vote. This is a far
greater percentage than is usu
ally the case at primary elec
tions. 25 to 110 per cent being the
rule in lute years. The beauti
ful weather, coupled with the
fact that the polls kept open an
hour longer in the evening than
previously, wore strong factors
in getting the vote out. As is
invariably the case where full
tickets are not in the Held, nu
merous citizens received compli
mentary votes for the various
olllces. The ladies who served
on the election boards performed
their new duties as well as the
men. Everything passed oir in
a smooth and pleasant manner,
with no friction of any kind.
The following nominations of
the various parties were made:
Republican Party.
Mayor Bredeson.
Recorder Uunsmore.
Treasurer Hice.
Attorney Gutzmyor.
Couneilmon at Large Cornell.
Valentine and Muck.
Couneilmon First Ward Jnyntf
and Johnston.
Couneilmon. Second Ward
Chadwick and Munson.
Democratic Party.
Mayor -Vincent.
Recorder Dunsmore.
Attorney Parker.
Councilmen at LurgerWald
rcf. Oihua and Cornell.
Couneilmon First WardrGar
lick and Jayne.
ACpundlmon Second 'Ward--.
Chadwick and MutiHon.
Progressive Ticket.,
Mayor Rredeson.
Recorder Dunsmore.
Attorney Stroud.
Counclimen at Large Cornell,
with Valentine, Muck and Wald
rof tied for second place.
Councilmen First Ward Gru
don, with Juyno and Johnston
nnd Garlick tie.
Councilmen Second Ward
Mjunson and Wilcox.
Following is the complete vote
cast in each ward by the differ
ent parties:
First Ward Republican.
For Mayor Bredeson I'll,
Wright 10G, Brown 1G, Vincent
25, McChesney, John Bauer and
G. M. Hall 1 each.
For Recorder Angell 19, Bro
duhl 83, Dunsmore 162, Knowles
44. Tanch 2.
For Treasurer Cook 161, Rice
134. Beam 10.
For Attorney Gatzmyer 129.
Stroud 72, Parker 39, Rogers 1,
Scott Wagner 1.
For Councilmen at Large
Cornell 211, Valentine 1G0, Muck
57, A. Scales 1, Waldrof 35. J.
W. Davis 11, L. F. Clark 1. Gar
lick 7. Martin 7. Parker 2. Oihus
6. Dobie, Jayne, Rogers. Perrine,
Hall. P. G. Gilmore. Horsman,
Lewis Simmons, Lafe Caples,
Chas. Fairly, Bonham, John
Jacks and S. G. Wright 1 each,
T. Scales 3, E. F. Day 2.
Councilmen First Ward Gra
den 130, Juyne 193, Johnson 144,
Garlick 22, Martin 2, J. W. Da
vis 2, Ingledue. Muck. Waldrof,
Drinker, Monahan, Hall 1 each.
Second Ward-rRepublican.
For Mayor Brede3on 94,
Wright G5, Vincent 12, Brown 6.
Brice. Lulu Gillmore, Martin and
Monahan 1 each.
For Recorder Dunsmore GG.
Knowles 41. Brodahl 44, Tanch
6 and Angell 34.
For Treasurer Rice 111. Cook
74, Myrtle Gatton. Tanch and
Beam 1 each.
For Attorney Stroud 41, Par
ker 32, Gatzmyer 78, Snow 2.
For Councilmen at Large
Cornell 121. Valentine 114. Muck
21. Waldref 20. J. R. Kerr 2.
Oihus 6, P.Belieu 2, K. C. Couch
2, Wilcox 4, Horsman, Russell,
J. N. Edlefsen. P. Gilmore. Thos.
Cochran. Thos.- Condon, Brede
son, H. Fletcher, W. A. Bennett
and Brice 1 each.
For Councilmen Second Ward
Mageske 2, Horsman 3, Chad
wick 101. Munson 161. Stadel
man 2, Jos. Crouch 2, Wilcox 2,
Misner. Hiller. J. E. Williams,
nee: Steinfeldt. Hill. J. MarK-
nart. Scales, Hajl. Brown, N.
First Wnrd Democratic.
For Mayor Vincent 43, Bred
eson 40, Wright 28, Brown 2 and
Martin 1.
For Recorder - - Brodahl 10,
Dunsmore 51, Tanch 15, Knowles
5, Angell G, Rice 5. Cook 3.
For Treasurer Cook 28. Beam
72, Rice 15, Dunsmore 3, Stroud
and Tanch 1 each.
For Attorney Parker 102,
Gatzmyer 5, Stroud 13,Geislin 1.
For Councilmen at Large
Waldrof 99. Muck 17, Cornell 32,
Valentino '19, Oihus 40, J. W.
Davis 4. Martin 2, Johnston 4,
Scales, Hull, Graden, A. W. Dn
vis. Beam and Keller 1 each.
For Councilmen First Wnrd
Garlick 91. Jayne 25, Graden 15,
Muck 4. Mageske. Hull, Cornell,
W. S. Gillmore, Bennett, Mun-
son, ,1. I'owen, vaieniine una
Martin 1 each.
Second Ward Democratic.
For Mavor- Bredeson 13. Vin
cent 30. Wright 5. Brown 3.
For RecorderAngell 4, lunch ,
10. Knowles 4, Brodahl 9, Duns-i
more 17, Rtce 1.
For Treasurer--Cook 11, Beam
33, Rice 12.
For Attorney - Gatzmyer 8.
Parkor.45, Stroud 10.
For Councilmen at Largo -Oihus
21. Waldref TilCornell 17.
Muck 14, Valentine 9.Chudwick,
P. Belieu, Vincent, Misner, Ma
son, Munson, Stndctmun and
Hiller 1 each. '
For Councilmen Second Ward
-Chadwick 14. Munson 15. Ma
geske 2. Muck 2. Misner 2, Ma
goon 3, Tunch, Knowles, Graden,
Johnston, Garick, Kerr, Stadel
man, Mason and Brown 1 each.
First Wnrd Progressive.
For Mayor-Wright 3, Brede
son 2, Vincent 1.
For Recorder Dunsmore 4,
Brodahl 2.
For Treasurer- -Cook 2, Rice 4.
For Attorney Gatzmyer 3,
Stroud 3.
For Couneilmon nt Large I
Cornells Valentine 2, Waldrof
3, Oihus nnd Muck 1 each.
For Councilman Mrst ward
Waldrof 1, Jayne 2, JohnRon 2,
Garlick 2. Graden 3.
"Second1 Wnrd Progressive.
For Mnvor Bredeson 5.
Wright 1.
For Attorney Parker l.btrouu
3, Gatzmyer 2. ;
For Recorder Dunsmore 1,
Brodahl 2, Knowles 1.
For Treasurer Rice 3, Benin 1.
For Councilmen at Largo-
Muck 3, Valentine 2, Waldrof
and Cornell 1 each.
For Councilmen second Wnrd
Munson 2, Wilcox 1.
West Side Notes
Frrm tho Linnton Leader.
J. T. Harbin, superintendent
of the rock Quarry, will build a
blacksmith shop at Whitwood,
where he will do tho work of tho
quarry as well as that of tho
public there.
J. C. Poison, who resides at
Willamette station. Portlnnd.
has purchased several acres of
land on tho Cornell road, and is
now clearing the same and is
contemplating building a fine
residence thereon. Ho will also
put out a fino apple orchard, her
ries and grapes on the place.
The new pump house for the
Kennedy Construction company,
situated at the corner of Markle
street and tho Springvillo road,
is neanng completion, and will
be ready for use in a few days.
Tho house is built of first class
brick with a solid cement floor,
and is apparently built for all
Mr. Olson, who owns an acre
of land on the Springville road.
between Markle and Manslield
streets at Whitwood, has built
out of small fir logs a very nice,
commodious little bungalow, and
when the trees nnd brush are
cleared away, it will afford one
of the most sightly and unique
homes that can be found on the
hieghts, and will be envied by
many who chance to pass that
F. Rothlisberger is busy these
days grading and leveling down
the yard about his home just
above the Claremont hotel. He
is making it a beauty spot for
pleasure seekers the coming
summer. He is also building a
pony railroad leading up to his
place to save his patrons the
tiresome climb. Fred will serve
soft drinks, candies and cigars,
and have games for those who
come. He expects to have it in
readiness by May 1st next. The
grounds will be furnished with
seats and field glasses, and back
of the grounds are many nooks
for those who wish to lounge in
the shade and partake of the
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Library hours:
Afternoon 12 to 5:30. .
Evening 7 to 9.
Sunday 2:30 to 5:30 for read
ing only.
Lecture in the Library audito
rium 8 o'clock Wednesday even
ing, March 18; Oregon Ferns by
A. R. Swcotser. Prof. Sweotser
is the head of the botanical de
partment of tho University of
Oregon, This lecture, which
has proved popular at other li
braries in the county, is illus
trated with lantern slides. All
library lectures ure free.
Monday evening. March 1G,
the Bonvillc System gives a lec
ture in the auditorium.
Story hours for tho children
every Saturday afternoon in the
auditorium. Three o'clock for
children of the third grado and
below: four o'clock for children
of tho fourth grade and above.
The books which were in the
window exhibit on Jersey street
may now bo had at the library.
The lecture on tho great, dip
per by Prof. Dunne nnd the at
tractive photographs of astrono
mical observations now on dis
nlay in the auditorium ure caus
ing a noticeable increase in the
call for books on popular astrono
my. That the St. Johns Review is
a popular paper is demonstrated
by the fact that it is the only li
brary periodical which must be
watched in order to prevent urt'
cles from being surreptitiously
clipped. If necessary, it will be
kept ut the desk to'bo asked for
by each reader in order to avoid
tho shears of the vandal.
New Poultry Books:
Crane 6,000 laying hens on
one acre ''Crane's- System, "
Hogan Cnllof tho hen, or Tho
science of the selection nnd
breeding of poultry 1913.
Jackson Chicken money; how
to make farm flocks profitable,
Robinson Principles and prac
tice of poultry culture, 1912.
Woods- How to raiso chicks,
Gardening Books:
The library has the best au
thorities on fertilizers, spraying,
pruning and treatment of gar
den pests. O'Knne's book on
Injurious Insects is invaluable to
tho home gardener as well ns be
ing written in such an interest
ing fashion ns to hold the atten
tion of even ho who has no bugB
to fight. There are also books
on best methods of vegetable and
flower gardening nnd separate
treatises on the various vegeta
bles for those who wish to spe
cialize. Ask for our rose books
and sweet pea books. Greineis
How to make the garden nay
will give the busiest and the la
zest man the ambition to go dig
ging for garden gold.
clear, sweet mountain air as it is
wafted in gentle zephyrs through
the pines and firs of the hillside.
Capt Snow, one of St. Johns'
oldest attorneys, made us a
pleasant call on Monday. Cap
reports this tho first business
trip over on this side of the river
for a long time. And, by tho
way. he says he can see wonder
ful changes for the betterment
of Whitwood and its surround
ings. He is looking fine, and we
think him good for about 30
years or more yet.
At the home of the bride's par
ents, in the presence of imme
diate relatives of the groom and
bride Tuesday noon, March 3rd.
a quiet wedding was solemnized
when Karl Edling and Kleah L.
Hathaway were united in mar
riage. Rev. Sitler of Long
Creek, Oregon, officiated. The
groom is a bright, energetic
young man of sterling qualities,
and is the son of Valentine Ed
ling of Germany, while the bride,
who is well and favorably known,
both in St. Johns and Portland,
is the daughter ot Frank Hatha
way, merchant at Ritter, Ore
gon. Mr. and Mrs. Edling will
reside in Montana after May
Man is never quite as old as he
feels when he gets out of bed at
6 o'clock in the morning.
St. Johns Looking Up
From Sunduy's Oregonian:
"The outlook for St. Johns
this year is excellent in all
lines." said J. F. Gillmore. rea
estate man, who has lived there
for the last eight years. He has
studied the situation closely.
and says tho improvement in
conditions is genuine. Mr. Gill
more reports that:he has recent
ly made four cash sales which
uggregate $5000.
"The most significant feature
of these sales is that they wero
all cash. Two were for lots and
houses and the others were for
vacant lots. I hnVo made more
sales during the months of Jan
uary and February of this year
than any corresponding months
for the Inst eight years since I
have been in business in St.
Johns. Several new stores have
been opened in St. Johns recent
ly. Wo hope to have another
large woolen mill in St. Johns
before another year. A man
from the East has been investi
gating conditions here, and was
favorably impressed. He has in
view a two acre site here. He
left for tho East to take up the
money end of the plan to erect
tho woolen mill. The more fac
tories wo cun get hero the bet
ter, as thoy will furnish jobs for
skilled men. Tho St. Johns Com
mercial Club is growing in mem
bership nearly every meeting.
It has taken up the mutter of
having tho Columbia boulevard
paved from St. Johns to Rose
Park, a distance of about seven
miles. It will carry a hard sur-
fucu pavement along and through
tho manufacturing and iiulus-
trinl districts. It has appointed
an clficient committee to take
up tho matter with the County
Commissioner. Also the club
has taken up the mntter of a
roadway to tho Union Meat Com
nany's plant, for which there is
a right of way along the North
Hank railway, bt. Johns should
have an entrance to tho inter
state .bridge, at
"Work has been started on the
improvement of tho Willamette
boulevard. The gas company is
laving its mains on the street in
advance of the paving of the
street. Other utllites will bo
laid also in advance of the im
provement. Tho cost of this im
provement will be $18,000."
Sovcrnl residence sales have
been mado in St. Johns recently.
Mrs. C. A. Kroyor bought two
lots in Point View of H. C. Bade
for $800. L.F.Clark sold u lot to
Arthur Clurk in Chipmnn's Ad
dition, nominal price stated.
Annie J. Jenison sold a lot in
Clifford's Addition for $350.
The East St. JohnB Land Com
pany sold to Ivan Ilielt two lots
in East St. Johns for $800. J.
W. Breeding sold to J. H. Wi-
berg a half lot in Oak Park Ad
dition for $600. Tho Hazol Cloud
Investment Company sold to C.
W. Borders a lot in St. Cloud
Heights Ad. to St. Johns for a
nominal price. East St. Johns
Land Company sold two lots in
East St. Johns to Frank II.
Brown for $850. Tho most im
portant building built was that
of the Star Sand Sand Company
on the wnterfront. a warehouse
dock, at a cost of $15,000.
The matter ot purchasing an
auto combination chemical fire
engine and selection of parks for
St. Johns is under consideration,
nnd will bo decided at the spe
cial city election.
New Business Building
McKinney & Davis, tho realty
men, have a new fireproof busi
ness building on the corner of
Jersey nnd Baltimore streets
well under way. It will be 25x
60 feet in size, and constructed
of brick and tile. When com
pleted it will bo occupied by
Fairchilds, a Portland meat mer-.
chant. It is Mr. Fairchild's in
tention to make the new market
the most attractive and most
sanitary of any market on the
Peninsula, which will include a
modernly appointed built-in ice
box and glass counters. The
building will be neat and attrac
tive and serve well the purpose
for which it is intended.
For Rent Two room house and
four lots; fine fruit, such as
pears, prunes, cherries and other
small fruit; close in; $6 per
month to suitable party with
small family. Call 512 E. Tyler
street. adv.
For Rent Rooms, cheap. Ap
ply 502 NorthMvanhoo street.
Matters oF Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the regular meeting of tho city
council Tuesday evening. Mayor
"Bredeson presiding.
A petition signed by a number
of property owner asked that the
water company be directed to
lay four inch water mains on
North Willamette boulevard in
advance of the hard surface im
provement now under way. The
mutter was referred to the wa
ter and light committee.
City Attorney Gatzmyer re
ported on the status of the pro
posed opening of Decatur street.
and stated that the matter had
been dropped in 1911 owing to
objection on tho part of property
owners, and that an easement
for sower laying had been prom
ised. The report was accepted.
and no further action taken nt
tliis time.
A resolution directing tho en
gineer to prepare tho necessary
data for the improvement of
Burr street between Dawson and
Banks streets was ordered draft
ed for presentation next week.
A report of tho city treasurer
showed that a bnlance of $1609
remained in tho general fund.
Tho canvassers of tho primary
election returns, consisting of P.
r. Hunson. P. W. Hinmnn and
Recorder F. A. Rice, mado its
report, showing a couple of mi
nor changes over tho results nt
lained by the election boards.
A bill from Dr. L. IS. Uraves
for $100 ns remuneration for ser
vices rendered during the small
pox scourge was referred to the
finance committee, as some un
certainty existed among tho
councilmen as to just what tho
city physician was expected to
porfqrm for her regular salary,
and what constituted additional
A deficiency appearing in the
interest fund, nn ordinance was
ordered drafted providing for
transferring $2000 from tho
bond sinking fund to tho inter
est fund.
Tho city recorder read letters
from tho city officials of The
Dalles. Rosoburg. Vnncouvor.
Albany. Med ford nnd one or two
other cities showing that the en
gineer s salary in these places
ranged from $125 to $175 per
An ordinanco fixing tho sala
ries of tho various city ollicials
for tho ensuing term, and elimi
nating tho oflico of street com
missioner was passed. The only
change made over tho present
rate of saluries was to increase
tho engineer's salary from $112.-
50 to $125 per month. Alderman
Munson made a motion that the
councilmen's wage be reduced to
one dollar per week, but it was
voted down, live to two. Alder
man Wright then mado a motion
that tho Mayor receive $5 per
week and the councilmen $3 iier
week, but this was lost on n four
to three vote.
An ordinnnce providing the
time and manner of improving
Mohawk street between Central
avenue and ressenden street
was passed.
An ordinanco proyiding the
time nnd place for holding tho
general city election April Gth,
and appointing election boards to
serve thereat was passed. D.C.
Lewis gave as his opinion that
tho hours of keeping the polls
open should be changed from 9
to 7 to 7 to 7, in order to give
tho working man a bettor oppor
tunity to get to the polls, but as
the charter fixes tho hours, no
change could be effected.
An ordinnnce was passed pro
viding for voting upon bondsfor
the purchase of a triple combina
tion auto fire engine at the city
election, as was also ordinances
placing the Jaeger, Caples, Cook,
Catlin-Markwart tracts and a
block of ground for a plaza west
of tho city hall, on the ballot
April 6th.
A resolution authorizing the
Mayor to sell the road roller and
rock crusher apparatus owned
by the city was adopted.
A committee consisting of
Councilmen Martin and Garlick
and Recorder Rice and A. W.
Markle was appointed to write
an explanation and instructions
as to how the different measures
may be voted upon, for the ben
efit of tho voters.
A southern paper says Dr. An
na Shaw broke her "limb." And
tho blamed doctor set her leg,
The Panama Tolls
Editor Review: After due
thought and careful considcra
, tion and having been importuned
I by njargo number of men for an
opinion as to the justness of the
message placed before Congress
upon the Panama Canal toll, I
I enter upon this subject with tlo
I liberation and thought, nnd offer
I what follows as an opinion of
! mine written from a law point
I of view.
I It is a well known fact in 1901
j there was a treaty made nnd en
tered into between the United
States and Great Britain settling
the question of toll, called the
canal toll, as between these two
great contracting parties and all
other nations who would pledge
tncmseives to respect and obey
tho treaty made between the
nbove named parties. The word
ing of satd treaty I quote word
for word, that till who mny read
this letter may read and judge
for themselves as to thu menn-
ing of the text of said treaty,
which reads as follows, to wit:
"The government of tho Unit
ed States and Grout Britain, hav
ing not only desired in entering
into this convention to nccom-
piish a particular object, but al
so to establish a general princi
ple, thoy hereby agree to extend
their protection, by treaty stip
ulations, to any other practica
ble communications, whether by
canal or railway, across the isth
mus which connects North and
South America, and especially
to tho inter-ocean communica
tions, should thu same nrovo to
be practicable, whether by canal
or railway, which are now pro
posed to be established by the
way of Tehauntepec or Panama.
In granting, however, the r
joint protection to any canal or
ruilways us are by this act snec
ified, it is always understood by
tho United States and Great
Britain that tho parties con
structing or owning tho sumo
shall impose no other charges or
conditions of truffle thereupon
than the aforesaid governments
shall approve of as just and
equitable, and that the samo ca
nals or railways being open to
the citizens and subjects of tho
United States and Great Britain
on equal tonus, snail also bo
opon on like terms to the citi
zens and subjects of every other
statu which is willing to grant
thereto such protection as tho
United Status and Great Britain
engage to afford."
1 bus you seo, or can see. that
under this Article VIII. called
tho Clayton-Bulwer treaty, was
made and entered into in 1901.
Remoinber this treaty was made
and signed by Theodore Roose-
volt, or whilo ho was Pros dent
of the United States.
To make it plain to tho read
ers ot tins article, i now suy
while this treaty above quoted
was in full force nnd effect, Con
gress passed the so-called Canal
Act in rJl2, an act exempting
United States coastwiso traders
from paying toll in passing over.
across or through by way of ca
nal or railway, the toll exemp
tion, which is a violation of the
treaty of 1901 between tho
United States and Great Brituin.
It is scon clearly that the act
of 1912 wus and is a violation of
the troaty mado and enterod in
to between tho United States
nnd Great Brituin. which is now
in full forco and effect. It is
also apparent that the canal
treaty exempting coastwiso
tradors should bo repealed for
the reasons nbovo set forth. It
is also well known that there are
thoso who uro eager to criticise
the present administration and
charge that the administration
is catering to tho good graces of
England, when tho facts are that
Congress should repeal said uct,
which is in violation of the
treaty of 1901. I hold that Con
gross should do right because it
is right, and not through fear;
and it seems fitting that tho
President of tho United States,
seeing the violution of the treaty
of 1901 by the act of 1912, should
use his whole influence as the
head of the nation to show to
tho world that the nation which
lie represents cannot afford, if it
is a powerful nation to insist up
on unfair doa'ing.
Capt. B. L. Snow.
Fruit and Berry Plants
Now is the time to buy nur
sery stock. For apple, nlum.
prune, pear, cherry trees, and
all other fruits and berry plants.
see J. II. CANRIGHT, 415 North
Leonard street, St. Johns.
Work for Greater at Jobai.
Items of Interest Regard
ing School Doings
Saturday evening the boys'
basket ball team defeated tho
Sellwood Y. M. C. A. 21 to 18.
It was the fastest game of the
Six of tho basket ball girls,
nccompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
White, left for Silvcrton Satur
day afternoon with enthusiasm
enough to defeat any team. The
day was extremely beautiful and
every minute of the trip was en
joyed to the fullest extent, ex
cept for a few moments of fore
boding before their arrival. Tho
Silvcrton girls played a fino game
but J. J. II. S. girls managed to
carry off n score of 6 to 19. Tho
results of the game kept a num
ber of the giris awake a good
share of the night, but they
were all ready bright and early
to catch the morning train homo.
The Silvcrton girls proved to bo
ns hospitable as they were good
Wednesday the boys' team goes
to Washougal, and Friday the
girls go to Gresham. One week
from Friday both Gresham teams
play return games on our floor.
Tho pupils of the James John
High School wondered at Princi
pal Fry's mysterious absence on
Inst Friday, but lat,er the mys
tery was cleared when they
learned of his marriage to Miss
Elizabeth . B. Books of York,
Pennsylvania. The pupils of the
High School certainly wish Mr.
and Mrs. Fry a long nnd prosper
ous life.
Tuesday the pupils of thu
High School were released for
tho last two periods in tho after
noon in response to a petition
for a holiday. They went to Co
lumbia Slough, accompanied by
the touchers, nnd hero a lunch
was served and all had a jolly
Muriel Noble is welcome us u
new member of the entering
Freshman class.
Dr. Thomas Green, giving tho
fifth numborof tho Britt Lyceum
course, delivered his lecture on
l'Pl.n r 11... M,I..,.I
Friduy evening. March 6th. in
the High School auditorium.
The subject was well handled.
Dr. Green has just recently tak
en a sixteen months' journey
around tho world, having as his
purpose the study of tho att tudo
of each of the great nutious to
ward international pence. 11 is
to bo regretted that a larger au
dience did not greet him, for tho
address was splendidly worth
while. Reporter.
Had a Jolly Time
The Order of Moose held an
interesting session in tho rink
lhursdny evenng of last week.
After tho business of the even
ing, in which 31 new members
wero initiated, fivo exciting box-
ng matches were pulled off, tho
star bout being between two
marines from tho Boston, who
put up a rattling exhibition.
Cooky nnd Vorno Hall; Lowell
Anderson and Norman Nelson;
Raymond McCnrty and Johnson,
and Anderson and Aiken all put
up interesting and exciting con
tests. Moose pictures were
shown at the Multnomah for thu
edification of the Order, and
they wore said to bo most inter
esting and entertaining. Feast
ing, story and song followed at
the rink. A visiting Moose from
I'ortiand entertained tho crowd
by singing a song in three lan
guages, and the Mooso orchestra
from Portland rendered delight
ful music. About 27o wero in
attendance, including the degree
team, band and orchestra from
Portland. Everybody enjoyed
the event immensely.
Tho Congregational Church,
corner of Richmond and Ivanhoe
streets a homelike church:
Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preach
ing 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in.; C.
E., 6:45 p. m.; prayer meeting
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Wo
welcomo you to these and all
other services of tho church.
Havo you any pictures you
would desire to have framed?
If so, tho Jersey Street Repair
Shop will do it neatly and at a
very reasonable price.
NoU tho labol or your fapr.
w. ue ana uuriey 19 x ecn,