St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 05, 1913, Image 3

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    Gifts of Furniture
Here are some
Rockers, Plain or Upholstered
Dining Tables, Dining Chairs
Bookcases, Morris Chairs
China Closets, Davenports
Dressers, Dressing Tables
Small Rugs, Sewing Machines
Dinner Sets, Cut Glass
Fancy Hand Painted China
Lamps, Plain and Fancy
Velocipedes, Express Wagons
Graphophones, Clocks
Bird's Eye Maple Bed Room Suit, $75.00
This is a. very handsome Bird's Eye Maple, 3-piecc bed room suit iu colonial design, nobby
new solid End Bed with "Napoleon Roll" tops, beautifully grained wood Case Dresser in
Em jure line, four drawers and secret Jewel drawer with large top and French plate glass
mirror. Swell dressing, table curved lines, large top and French plate mirror j6x2.j.
oAf Ormandy Bros. 0PZ
Local News.
Start Somcthinjr!
DAN'S -That's all. ndv
Strictly sanitary. - Gilmore's
barber bijou. . adv.
Mrs. E. S. Wright and child
rou havo returned from n visit
with her mother und brother at
Callin, Wash.
Don't bo fooled; there is but
one KODAK: it is made by the
it at Currins. adv.
Mrs. Weeks entertained the
Dobonoir club very pleasantly at
a delicious luncheon at her home
on ' Willamette boulevard lust
The schools of St. Johns donat
ed largo quantities of supplies
for the poor Tuesday of last
week.' Each pupil added to tho
accumulation of groceries and
provisions that were forwarded
to the Orphans' Home at Port
land. ,
William Wilson, after spending
seven weeks with James Dick
son and family nt the Ogdon
ranch, departed Saturday even
ing for Indiana, where ho will
spend the winter. He expects
to return to this section next
A mass meeting will bo held in
the city hall tomorrow evening.
Dec. (5, at 8 o'clock. The Word
recall movement and the local
water question will be discussed.
All people interested in edu
cation and better government
are urged to be present. , Good
speakers will be present. Com
mittee. Wanted 1000 people to attend
the Women of Woodcraft's Bazar
on Friday afternoon and even
ing, December 12th. Great va
riety of useful and ornamental
articles for sale, consisting of
quilts, cushions, aprons, etc.;
also eats and drinks of best
quality at lowest cash prices.
Come and see us. -Committee.
D. L. Page, after a six months'
stay in Los Angeles, Cal., has
returned to St. Johns. Ho is
Yery enthusiastic over the cli
mate of the Southern city, but
says that labor is a drug on
the market and the streets are
alive with men out of employ
ment Mr. Page, however, was
sniipt!!fiil in KflmirinGr remunera
tive employment during almost
the whole of his stay.
In behalf of myself and family
I wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for the many kind
nesses shown during the illness
and death of my beloved wife.
Also for the many beautiful
floral offerings.
William W. Moo.
Substantial gifts will be cherished and the giver be remembered long after the
mere trivial trinkets have passed from sight and mind.
Have you seen the very handsome display of useful holiday goods in Ormandy
Bros, big show window? We can only put a few suggestive articles from each line
in the window. We'd like to have you sec our full line and see how iu prices we
A man is never too old to learn,
but ho may bo too obstinate.
E. J. HulTord is having a neat
garage built at his residence on
Central avenue, J. II. Crook 1 tid
ing tho contract.
Do von read our monthly cir
culars? It will pay you to do so.
They always contain bargain
prices. Currins for Drugs.
President Wilson says his con
science is his boss, If all men
wore like that wives would bo
relieved of a load of responsibili
ty. Mr. John Jackson and Miss
Znna B. Simon, both of Liunton,
were married November 27th at
tlio Congregational parsonage
by Rev. James E. Murphey. The
young couple will make their
home in Liunton,
Barry Truman has Sold his
harboring business on North
Jersey street to Mr. Coifee. who
has taken possession. Harry
will go to tho Coos Bay country
next week, whoro he anticipates
launching in tho same business,
His many friends here will be
sorry to see him depart.
Have vou ever investigated
our prices on sundries? Better
come in next time you wish
something in tho sundry lino.
We are sure you wouiu 00 sur
prised and II you buy here you
rinSaysSo. adv.
The St. Johns merchants are
constantly at the head of the
procession and are ready for the
Christmas shopping. It is,
therefore, the duty of public
spirited citizens to patronize
home merchants and home people
in general. But do your shop
ping early, and to bo certain
where to buy, consult the ads.
in the Review.
D. N. Byerlee, who has been
conducting a newspaper at Wil
lamina for the past year, is mak
ing arrangements to start a news
paper at Linnton. Mr. Byerlee
is an all round good fellow with
many years of newspaper exper
ience, and we wish him unbound
ed success in the new venture.
The new paper will be known as
the Linnton Leader.
Mr. Magrew, the father of the
unfortunate lad who was killed
recently by a cavein of sand in
the northern portion of the city,
desires us to state that he au
thorized no one to circulate a
petition Tor funds to pay funeral
expenses; that he had money of
his own for that purpose. He
also wishes to thank the people
of St. Johns for their kindness
and sympathy extended toward
the family during their sad
which are sure t
Royal Easy Chairs
Library Tables
Buffets, Desks
Coaches, Beds
Room Size Rugs
Hall Racks, Jardiniers
1847 Silverware
Portable Electric Lamps
Trunks, Suit Cases
Doll Carts, Go Carts
Pictures, Mirrors
203 S. Jesey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Columbia Phonograph Dealers
If you are at all interested in a Talking Machine, mul have
nny intention of buying, you cannot afford to overlook the Special
Prices we are making tills month. See the display in our window
and come in and talk to us.
Xmas Cards and Booklets
We have them on display in immense quantities. The
prices are better than ever before, and the beauty surpasses any
thing you ever seen before in St. Johns.
Our Xmas Candies
Are the nicest line we have ever offered before. Our Holiday
Boxes consist of an assortment of "Lowney's" finest candies.
Taken altogether, we will have a better line of Xmas sugges
tions at better prices than you will find elsewhere.
For our Calendar Day this year (January 1st, 1914) we will
have a big surprise to offer our lady customers. An
nouncement later.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
o please
Madam, Read fticCall's
The Fashion Authority
McCALL'3 U n lirit, illtlle, hnl.
ora.ljr l(IU-p( monthly
M.l.iln. Id. I It .tiding It, lli'pl.
n.ia and fflcl.ncy of l.lOO.i.00
woman och munili
Karl) luii It I'limnil nf ftuliMM. IW
wuik. lninim iiuit u ri. bimI
of Ulwr wmiib miii imtiH-t win. .i .
for women. 'I Iht art mnr limn
III lltKV.1 llMlflK II r I III- 1 vl
Xd'AI.I. I'AI I I.IIM In iwili iuiv,
Mrt'AM. I'ATTKIINH m hum. .r
lrl. ni, lniiii(ir iM MutHMiir. im.ij
I0tiit licenLMili.
Tlio imULIirra f IM'AI.I.'M will - I
tlimiuinU of ilxll.r. rixn lit IImi
iiioniiia in "filer in kwn Mri'U.I l- . I
will lioulilrii lli, all hiImt wihii h
muuliiM al aiir print. II - . r.
MrUAI.I.'H It only UK a ur; iu.i.n.i
woith II CO.
,Ti M,r 5.1il A.. 0. Mtf.ll Ni'.i. f, ,
frnm your Mm ropy of JIK'AI.IH, ir u
lUbKflt quickly.
m Mcuu conrm, nt w,a m s u. .v.
tNnTK-AiklaftlwtawWM.rAI I '
111 H.lllM C.UWtfM. lUMpb . . v
!,. 4'Wf U rt. wa i..a
You get full wuUjlil unci firm
lunlltT at tho Central market Jusi
rr awlilla
It speaks well for the preacher
of the country that the world is
growing better, notwithstanding
the small salaries they receive.
Put KODAK on your gift list.
We have a large assortment of
Kodaks and Hrownio cameras.
Currins for Dings. adv.
Sermon topics in First Haptiat
Church, Sunday, Dec. 7, 11)1:1.
Morning: The Fear of Alan.
livening: "lie sure your sins will
find you out." Good singing.
The time is coming when the
government will demand oxper-
; .' 1 l i .'it.
ii'iivi 111 uvuiy uuimriiiiuiii, wun
the possible exception of the
vico-presidoncy, where there is
nothing to do.
It is always interesting when
two men, one with thirty-five
cents and the other with a Cana
dian dime in his pocket, begin
telling what they would do if
they had a million dollars.
George Simmons, a fonner well
known citizen of St. Johns, but
now a prosperous rancher of
Ridgefield, Wash., was in this
city the Inttor part of last week.
He informs us that himself and
neighbors had just finished the
shipment of a car load of potatoes
to Mexico. Oeorge says his
family are all well and getting
along fine.
We are in receipt of a copy of
the Palm Beach Post. Florida.
and we note that W. L. Thorn
dyke, formerly editor of the
Review, is secretary of the pub
lishing company issuing the
paper. "Thorn" will be remem
bered by many of our citizens
as the most sprightly, satirical,
jolly, ell'ervescent, immaculate,
optimistic, breezy, don't-enro-a-
rap, yet withal good lellow, that
ever came "down the pike."
May he succeed well in tho land
of alligators and mosquitoes.
P. G. Gil more has purchased
the harboring business of F. 12.
Stevens on North Jersey. Ow-
tig to til health which did not
permit of steady confinement,
Mr. Stevens was forced to close
out the business, but will assist
Mr. Gilmore iu the evenings and
on Saturdays. It. II. Patterson,
a first class tonsorial artist of
lialdwin. Kansas, who has been
in Mr. Gilmore's employ for sev
eral months in his Philadelphia
street shop, will have charge ol
the Jersey street Bhop.
George F. Heusner was grant
ed a franchise to operate a broad
guage street railway line in
Port and. extending from the
approach to the proposed new
interstate bridge over the Uoi-
umbia. over various streets on
the peninsula to and across the
Uroadway bridge, thence on
Broadway to Flanders, thence on
Flanders to Tenth, thence on
Tenth to Salmon, thence on Sal
mon to rourth, thence on rourth
to Flanders, and thence to Broad
way. It is said that the road
covered by this franchise will
form the Portland terminus to
t it ti
an inicrtirimu line which win
tap Southern Washington.
At the school meeting held
last Friday ovoning in the Cen
tral school building for the pur
pose of fixing the tax levy for
school purposes for 1!)1U, very
few citizens besides the school
board woro prosont. It was
found that in order to provide
$8,000 for payment of the school
block recently acquired and also
for free text books that a tux of
seven mills would he necessary.
This is an increase of two mills
over last year, and on the school
district valuation of ovor$l,100,
000, an amount in excess of
$30,000 will thus be raised. Had
it not been for tho tree text
books and the purchase of the
school block, a tax of l.7 would
have been sufficient.
A good "Id English house
warming and Thanksgiving sup
nor woro givon by Mr. and Mr.
Sam Crompton in their now
home. 1031 North Hayes street.
Thoso prosont woro Mr, and
Mrs. Sam Crompton, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Hommingway, Mr. and
Mrs. C. It. Chad wick, Mr. and
Mrs. Jainos Catto, Mr. and Mrs.
Irish. James Clarkson, G. C.
Martin, M'ss Mario Clowes, Lena
Lawrence, Missos Annie and
Nellie Farrell and Kate Mcin
tosh. Music and songs were
rendered by some of those pres
ent. Later in tho ovoning re
freshments woro sorvod, after
which all departed at a late hour.
satisfied with having a real good
time.--One who helped with tho
good eats.
Tho A. G. Long Company of
Portland gave an oxcollont dem
onstration of the workings of
their auto truck and pumping
engine on the streets Saturday
afternoon. A largo number of
our citizens witnessed tho dem
onstration and were particularly
pleased with tho showing made.
There can be question but that
the apparatus is a splendid suc
cess in every way. Streams of
water wore thrown longdistancos
with apparently little eifort, and
tho auto made 35 miles per hour
with ease in coming up from tho
water front. It scorned to bo
the gonoral opinion that if this
city purchased a fire engine it
should be of the naturo of tho
one demonstrated by Mr. Long's
renrosontativo. A combination
chemical and hoao truck also
gave an exhibition.
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
John N. Kw.iti'SlCN, Cash.
Where shall I get my haircut?
t Gilmore's barber shop. adv.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. lf. Clark's, the furni
ture num. Adv.
For Rent" Four apartments in
tho French block : rent very low.
Inquire in the store below.
For the Children- Plain and
fancy coats, bonnets and dresses
made at reasonable pricos at R04
S. Hayes street.
ltemeinbor. when you want
QUALITY candies, tho kind with
the lingering delicious taste,
An electric massage, only one
injtown.- Gilmore's barber shop.
An ambulance of beauty and
durability is now at the com
mand of the neon 0 ol hi. .loims
at the SbJohns Undertaking Co.
on North Jersey street. Calls
answered day or night. Adv.
Lost- Lady's gold handled um
brella Monday evening of last
week. I toward offered for its
return. Mrs. Maud ronton, 72!)
10. Richmond street.
Saturday. Doc. ()th. a candy
sale will bo given by tho Senior
Millie Class of tho Christian
church at Mrs. Shultxs' Millinery
store. adv.
Milk for sale, of the richest
and best quality. Right from
tho cow to the consumer, tjows
have all passed the strictest
tests. Leave orders al Bonham
Currier's. W. L. Churchill, adv
White Plymouth Rocks.- I havo
for sale at $1.00 each several
extra fine White Plymouth Rock
cockerels. S. C. Cook. 1002 Os
wego street, St. Johns.
Will there be n VICTROLA in
your homo this Xmas? Now
records on-snle the Ztillt ol eacu
month. Come in mid hour the
grcMtesl musical instrument of
modern times. Currins for
Drugs. ml v.
(i. W. Ovemtroet, plumbing,
heating, gs fitting; jobbing and
retiring promptly attended to.
Work guaranteed. Prompt at
tention given all calls. Cohim
bLSOO. 11JJS. Jjrsey street.
Come in and look over our club
bing prices on magaxine sub
scriptions. Remember wo will
get for you any magaxino pub
lished, on very short notice.
Currins for Drugs. adv.
The Congregational church,
corner Richmond and 1 vanillic -a
homelike church; Sunday
school 10 a. in.; preaching 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. in. ; C. K OMfi p.
m. : prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7:80 p. 111. We welcome you
to these and all other services
of the church.
Who does your prescription
work? Are you sure that you
are getting exactly what tho
doctor has ordered for you? Wo
use only Quality drugs in our
prescriptions, and wo KNOW
I IOW to compound thorn. Cur
rins for Drugs. adv.
The publishers of The Youth's
Comiwnion will, as always at
this season, present to every
subtiriber whose subscription is
paid for 1S)M, a calendar lor tho
new year. It is a gem df calen
dar making. Iho decorative
mounting is rich, hut it is sub
ordinated to the main purposo to
produce a calendar that is usetui.
Mr. S. C. ordored a lino big
duck for Thanksgiving dinner.
No one was at home when it was
dolivered, and as thore was no
C. O. D. tag on tho bird, it was
loft ooso in the hen yard, the
family looked in vain for the
headless duclc they woro oxnect-
iiiL'. and disappointedly dined
upon a roast of nork, instead of
the roast duck their mouths were
watering for. They also looketl
in vain for tho owner of the
stray duck they found in their
hen houso. None of the neigh
hoi's claimed it, so Mr. S. C.
finally took it over to Mr. C. C,
who wanted to raise ducks, as
well as chickens. He is some
what of a weather prophet, and
thinks wo will havo good weathor
for ducks from now on. Mr. S.
C. has found to his sorrow that
ho chanted himsolf out of a feast.
but Mr. Duck has found a hapny
homo, and quacks his thanks
ovory day for his narrow ojcapo
from tho ovon. A Subscriber.
This Bank Offers
criiivctiiriiri- mul ronrlty to
i'v r Inwitiost m ill or woman
i'lllitr. l-'iiti'W il-.siii. here
.in- fur H-ifi-r tlini tliev can He
r'sortlnTo mill .irr jM . avail
able (or liuiiii" purpose a H
011 kept i Ik' iictiial caali In your
Miin-liiirKlar proof tafe. Mart
an (UTiniiit aiirl free yourself
from the worry about the safety B
..1 . i.
01 your Ciinii,
S. L. Down, Ass't Cash.
vai'lts i or hunt
Young Men and Women, we
need you. and you need us. The
Senior Bible Class of the Chris
tian church.
The many friends of Mrs. So
phia Cole, mother of Miss Eliza
Cole, fl() Salem streqt, is criti
cally ill, with little hopa of her
recovery. Sho is in her 80th
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, lias just
been received at the Review
office; fiOe each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for Ave
Thursday, Nov. 27, tho Senior
Bible Class of the Christian
church had their first business
meeting at the home of Mrs. G.
W. Overstreet, their teacher.
Many splendid ideas- were sug-
f tested und adopted for the bene
it of the future work of the
Tho revival meetings at the
Kvangelical church are increas
ing in number and interest. We
are interested not alone in our
own congregation, but in the
general good of the community
and are glad to welcome every
body in our services.- J. A.
Goode, Pastor.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dorrie
entertained the Jolly 'Steen club
at their home on Oswego street
Wednesday evening in a most
enjoyable maimer. The game
"500" was tho principal diver
sion of the evening. Dainty
refreshments were served. Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Muck won the first
pri'.e; Mr. and Mrs. IS. It. In
gledtie second prisce, and air.
and Mrs. A.W. Markle thoipietit'
G .L. Purrine oll'ors some valu
able suggestions as to the method
of deciding the park question,
inn communication on first page.
It might be well for the citlsens
of the first ward also to follow
the suggestion offered by Mr.
Perrine, and pick a site that
would meet the approval of the
great majority of eitisensin that
ward. Til is would relieve the
city council of quite a responsi
bility, which they would no
doubt appreciate. However the
park scheme shall finally be
decided, the desirability of a
pla.a west of. the city hall should
not bo overlooked.
"Oregon First and AH Ore
gon," is auggostod as the slogan
of the Oregon I2xHsitlon com
mission in charge of arrange
ments for a display from this
state al San Francisco in 1016.
In addition to a building of Ore
gon wood, furnished with Oregon
furniture, with a restaurant
serving Oregon food, and with
.sidewalks made of Oregon brick,
it is now proposed that soil be
taken from Oregon to completely
re-surface tho Oregon building
sito on tho Imposition grounds,
and to plant therein native Ore
gon (lowers, shrubs and small
trees. To secure the necessary
material for such planting, it is
suggested that an exhibit garden
be established in Portland and
school children all over the state
be unlisted in the work of col
lection. The commission has
been assured that iace for such
a garden would be provided free
on the campus of Reed College.
If but one specimen is received
from each of the 2A00 schools of
the state, a considerable tract of
land will be required to care for
them until they aro shipped south
for permanent planting.
Piano and Violin Lessons
50c an Hour
Violin pupils will have advan
tage of playing with Piano and
vice versa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stine.
711 W. Johns St.
Columbia Furniture and Fixture
Manufacturing Co.
Will moke your l'ixture. Job Work mul
furniture Kuiwir ut must rcawubfct
Jiricet. Tim furniture we make !- tiaa
lletl ami sold by
furniture Dwlert.
l'Mtronlw hum Iniiuntry ii" p
help your own liouicn.
533-535 Dawson Street
l'lUNCll 11I.QQK.