St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 05, 1913, Image 1

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    Hlitrrlitl Ititttr
St. Johns is Calling You
U areond in number ol lnJuitilti.
It eventlijn population.
Can It) I'orllantl every 10 inJn,
Hat navigable water on i ahlaa.
I lai fined rh nnl electricity.
I ina two ttrunji bank,
I laa lives lartfe acliool liouaea.
Ilaa abuiulanee of purc.t water. Imd tutface atreela.
Hat extentivc teweiaRe ayttem.
liaa fine, modern biick city ball,
Ilaa payroll of f')j,(KX)'.
Shlpt monthly 2,000 carl frriulit.
All railioaji have ncceii lo it.
la gateway lo Portland liatbor.
Climate ideal nnd healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Ilaa MVtnthutihta.
IUi it met premlilHU future.
Distinctively manufaaturtfttctif
Adjoin, the eily el 1'ottlaml.
I laa neatly 6.0UO popuUtten.
Ilai a public library.
Taxable preperty, f 4,500.000.
ilaa large dry deck, hw mM
Woolen mill, iron wsrki,
Stove worki, atbettsi factory,
Ship building plant.
Veneer and exceltior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and other.
More induitriei coming.
St. John it the place for YOU
Divotcd lo tht Inttrtili ol Hie Pcnlniul. Ibt ManuUcluilnj Center ol tht Northwest
VOL. lo
NO. 4
Bachelors to Give Poor
Children Real Xmas
The Bachelor club has launch
e 1 unon a most praiseworthy and
ennobling project, and that is to
Kive the poor children ol bt.
Johns a real Christmas with all
the rood cheer that goes with it.
The Club has completed ar
rangements for conducting a
systematic campaign for funds
and supplies to make a thorough
success of this laudable project.
Members of the Club have been
assigned different sections of the
city to solicit cash, wearing ap
parel, groceries, shoes, etc., and
also to ascertain the names of
all the worthy poor children re
siding in each district. The
strfres and other business houses
will be solicited for funds and
supplies, and it is confidently
believed by the Bachelors that
at lea3t $500 in cash or its equiva
lent will in this manner bo se
cured for disbursement where it
will do the most good. Any one
having knowledge of poor child
ren in the city tire nlxo request
ed to notify members of the Club,
ns the members are quite anxious
that none be overlooked ut
Christmas time.
The Bachelors have announced
a Charity Ball to take place in
the skating rink Monday evening,
December 22, which the Club
will finance und turn over the
entire proceeds to the Christ
mas fund. Rudd's orchestra
will furnish the music, and it is
expected that this dance, the
first charity ball to be held in
the city, it is said, will be the
most largely attended and most
joyous over given on the pen
insula. Tickets $1.00 per couple;
extra jadies 50 cents each.
Tho Bachelors aredeservingof
unstinted praise for entering
upon ami iMiding4hoir energies
to such u noble purpose, To
.r.' prxir children happy at
Chr'.-tmns lido is a project that
cannot be lauded ton highly, and
it proves anew that the Bachelors
are of the salt of the earth nnd
tho Club is composed of the most
humane; charitably disposed and
tho- best young manhood in St.
Johns. Tho people of this com
munity should show their appre
ciation by rendering all possible
aid. so that tho Christmas of 1913
in St. Johns may be the lumpiest
generally that this city has ever
Big Livestock Show
From all over the West, nnd
from some of tho Middle Western
states, come reports of intending
exhibitors at the International
Livestock Exposition to bo held
at tho Portland Union Stockyards
December 813. Guernseys from
Wisconsin, Holsteins from Ari
zona, Herefords und Shorthorns
from Montana will be seen on
dress parade by theaide of fancy
livestock from the agricultural
colleges of California. Idaho.
Washington und Oregon.
Stump's herd of Jerseys from
Monmouth, Oregon, from which
tho grand champion heifer for
the United States nt the National
show in Chicago was taken, will
be entered, and the Brown, Minor
and Ounn Shorthorns are also,
on this circuit. Many entries of
sheep from the most prominent
flocks of the Northwest will also
be shown.
The exposition oflicials have
been fortunate in securing the
services of some of the most
famous livestock judges in the
Union to take care of the classes.
Practically all the men selected
have been judges at the Inter
national Livestock Exposition or
the National Dairy Show at
Chicago, and all are noted for
exceptional ability and fairness.
Commercial and booster clubs all
over the Northwest are enthus
iastically stirring up interest in
the event, full special car parties
are promised from a number of
the cities of Eastern and Central
Oregon, and it is expected that
many people all over the country
will take advantage of the re
duced railroad rates.
Who is your prescription com
pounder? Have you used care
in his selection? Remember
we use one kind of drugs and
give you one kind of service in
this department THE BEST.
Get it at Currins, adv.
Postal Savings System
Information for the public
concerning the rostnl Savings
The Postnl Savings system is
established by authority of the
Act of Congress approved June
25, 1910, for the purpose of pro
viding" facilities for depositing
savings ut interest, with the
security of the United States
Government for repnyemt.
The faith of the United States
is solemnly pledged to tho pay
ment of deposits made in postal
savings depository offices, with
accrued interest thereon, ns pro
vided by the postal savings uct.
An account may be opened nnd
deposits made by any person of
the age of 10 years or over in his
or nor name, or ny n marneti
woman in her own name and free
from any control or interference
by her husband.
Deposits will be accepted only
from individuals, and no account
will be opened in the name of
any corporation, association,
society, firm or partnership, or
in tho name of two or more
persons jointly. No account
will lie opened in the name of
one person in trust lor or on
behalf of another person or per
A person may open a postal
savings account ut any deposi
tory postomce, nut no person
may at tho same time have
more limn one postnl savings
account, either ut the same
ofllce or ut different offices.
All accounts shall be opened
in person by tho depositor or his
authorized repesentutive. After
opening, an account,, a depositor
may forward subsequent deposit
to the pojtofllco by registered
mail or by money order made
payable to the postmaster.
No charges or fees are collect
ed or required from depositors in
connection with the opening of
accounts or tho subsequent de
posit or withdrawal of pionoys.
When a person applies lo open
nn account, ho shall, furnish the.
necessary information to enable
the postmaster to nil out an ap
plication, which the depositor
will then bo required to sign.
Deposits are evidenced by
postal savings certificates issued
in fixed denominations of $1, $2,
$5, $10, $20. $50 nnd $100, each
bearing the name of the deposi
tor, the number of his account,
tho dnte of issue und the name
of the depository oflice. The de
positor shall sign a duplicate of
each certificate, which tho post
master will retain. No account
may be opened for less thnn $1,
nor will fractions of u dollar bo
nccepted for deposit.
No person is permitted to de
posit more than $100 in any one
calender month nor to hnvo a
totnl balance to his credit nt any
time of more than $500 exclusive
of accumulated interest.
Amounts less than $1 mny be
saved for deposit by purchasing
10 cent poatul savings cards and
10 cent postal savings stamps.
Each postnl savings card bears
blank spaces in which such
stamps may bo affixed from timo
to time. A postal savings card
with nine postal savings stamps
affixed will be accepted as de
posit of SI either in opening an
account or in adding to an exist
ing account.
Postal savings cards and
stamps are not valid for postage,
and postmasters will not ex
change them lor postage stamps
nor exchange postage stamps for
postal savings cards or stamps,
Interest at tho rate of 2 per
cent per annum will be allowed
on the amount represented by
each postal savings certificate,
payable annually. Interest will
not be paid for any fraction of
a year. Deposits will bear in
terest for the first day of the
month next following that in
which made. Interest will con
tinue to accrue nnnually on a
postal savings certificate as long
as it remains outstanding, cer
tificates being valid until paid,
without limitation as to time.
A depositor may at any time
withdraw the whole or any part
of the deposits to his credit,
with any interest payable there
on, by surrendering, at the office
of issue, postal savings cer
tificates, properly indorsed, for
the amount to be withdrawn.
When a depositor, for good and
sufficient reason, is unable to
appear in person to make an ad
ditional deposit, the amount to
be deposited may be sent by a
representative or forwarded by
registered mail, or- by a money
order made payable to the post
master. New accounts cannot
be opened by mail, but a person
who desires to open an account
Sex Hygiene in Schools
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Nov. 25. Tho tench inc of sex
hygiene in schools is u part of
tins year's topics conducted by
the University of Oregon with
parent-teacher associations. Tho
difficulties of the problem nre
thus recognized by the Universi
ty in its announcement of the
"The necess'tv of teachinir tho
children the facts of sex and
reproduction is now nretty iren-
erally admitted; just how and by
whom is a more difficult problem.
The concensus of opinion seems
to be that it should be taught by
tho parent; it is likewise gen
erally agreed that the parent will
not do it. It, therefore, devolves
upon the teacher.'
The ordinary teacher, unless
possessed of a knowledge of
biology nnd human physiology
and of broad human sympathies,
cannot do it. Our normal schools
and colleges are introducing
courses to fit teachers for this
work, but at present there uro
few. Nor should it be attempted
without careful study and pre
paration. The parents do it much more
easily if they begin when tho
child is young; three or four or
five years of age, whenever the
child first asks concerning his
origin. The knowledge cun then
be imparted gradually und in
connection - with plant or nnimul
life, and will thus assume its
proper relationship and not ap
pear an isolated problem peculiar
to mankind.
Evidences of lack of instruc
tion in sex hygiene ure seen in
tho indecent pictures so frequent
ly found on the school premises,
the language among the children
and tho stories told by them, and
in the offensive notes so often
discovered by the teacher in their
possession. If children could be
taught the simple truths of sex
hygiene in the proper way,
dflicultios of this- kind would bo
ensily remedied."
and is unable to appear at the
postofike, may forward the
money by n represontntive, who
will be provided with an applica
tion form, which shall be proper
ly filled out by the intending de
positor. In case of the death of n de
positor tho amount standing to
his credit will bo paid to the ex
ecutor or administrator of his
estnto upon compliance with
necessary requirements. In
case of the death of u depositor
intestate, where no formnl nd
ministration is desired by his re
latives, tho Third Assistant Post
master General mny authorize
tho postmaster, upon obtaining
an affidavit in proper form, to
pay tho amount to tho persons
entitled und iv the State luws to
receive it.
A depositor may exchange the
whole or any part of his doposits
in sums of $20, or any multiple
of $20 up to and including $500,
for United States registered or
coupon bonds bearing interest
at tho rato of 25 per cent per
annum, payublo semi-annually,
redeemable at the pleasure of
the United States after one year
from duto of issue, and both
principal and interest being pay
able 20 years from such date in
United States gold coin. The
exchange may bo made us of
January 1 and July 1 of each
Postal savings deposits which
have been exchanged for bonds
are not counted ns a part of the
maximum of $500 allowed one
depositor, and there is no limita
tion upon tho amount of postal
savings bonds which may be
acquired by a depositor.
Postal savings bonds are ex
empt from all taxes or duties of
the United States, as well as
from taxation in any form by or
under State, municipal or local
Within the past few days can
ned and dried fruits valued at
$15,000 have been shipped from
the Eugene Fruit Growers' can
nery. The shipments included
four carloads of apples, returning
an average of $800 per car to the
growers. The carloads sent to
the East have been sold at more
than $2 per box, of which 50
cents is deducted for freight.
Two carloads of prunes were also
shipped, each car bringing about
$2500 to the producers.
Do you get FULL WEIGHT
and QUALITY in your house
hold drugs? Better get them
here and be assured of the best.
Currins for Drugs. ady,
More About Parks
Editor Review: Will you give
mo space for u few words in your
vnlunblo paper to the people of
North St. Johns on the question
of a park?
It seems that the Council or
somebody is muddled on this im
portant question. I have con
fidence in tho judgment of the
common people more than law
yers or real estate men, who ure
working for their own pecuniary
interests. Of course the real
estate men own the earth and
have the people foul, but the
people who mukoSl. Johns a fit
place tti live in !arc the people
who arc building homes here and
have not got them for sale. Now
theso people ure willing to en
dure hurdships for the suke of u
home. They nre willing lo live
in shacks for a wljile, that they
mny build u boavtiful home later
Wo nil agree that St. Johns
stands sadly in need of parks and
should have parks for tlie accom
modation of our wives und child
ren. It is not the purpose of
thisnrticle to describe just how
they should be arranged that
is another consideration that
can be handled after we get
the site. Now, I hnvo a proposi
tion for the people of North St.
Johns, nnd that is this: That
we cull u innBS meeting for our
part of town to consider this
important question of just how
we want our homes improved,
and just whnt wu arc willing to
sttcrillce for it. Also location
for our park in our midst. And
let's not worry about the other
part of town, but advise them
to do as wo have done, and then
we nuiy co-operate with them in
beautifying the whole city. Then
when strangers visit us they
will remark what a beautiful
home you have! In regard to
real estate, I tun only interested
in two lots on North Edison
street. This is my home, nnd 1
urn anxious for n pnrk down this
way, and I willlmllengo any
one in St. Johns to show a more
beautiful park site than the one
located between North Edison
and Fillmore, running north -100
feet from North St. Johns avenue.
1 have no sympathy for that
argument that we ure soon going
into Portland, and now is the
time to buy and let Portlund
help pay our debts. I sny if we
are soon going into Portland,
lei's go in clean and willing to
pay our own debts. So whethor
wo stay out or go in, let's pro
vide an ideal homo for ourselves
and work to that end, nnd if the
time over comes when wo do go
into Portland, Portland people
will know that they will have to
do something for us because we
have ideals. Now let's whoop
up tho mass meeting.
Yours for parks for our wives
and children,
G. L. Per r inc.
Death of Mrs. Moe
Mrs. Nina Secrello Moo of
9035 South Jersey street died
Wednesdny night, November 20,
1913, nt tho St. Vincent's hos
pital, Portland, of blood poison
ing. She was born in tho stato
of Washington September 22,
1891, and consequently was 19
years, two months und four days
old at the time of her death.
She was married to William Moe
June 12, 1911. Besides her hus
band she leaveB a little daughter,
Wylla, two sisters, Mrs. June
Freeze of Seattle, and Miss Mary
Hayworth of Rainier, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. D.
Hayworth of Rainier. The death
of Mrs. Moo was a particularly
sad one on account of her youth
and the circumstances surround
ing her demise. She was a fino
young woman and was greatly
liked by all who knew her. The
funeral took place Sunday after
noon at 1:30 at the Blackburn
undertaking parlors, and was
largely attended by friends of tho
deceased. Rev. James E. Mur
phey, pastor of the Congrega
tional church, conducted tho ser
vices. Interment in the Rose
City Park cemetery.
Building Permits
No. 49-To J, H, Crook to
erect a garage on Central avenue
between John and Leavitt streets
for E. J. Hufford; cost $200.
Mexico is our notion of no
place for the person with a sweet
A Neat Address
A brief nddress delivered by
Rufus C. Holmnn, Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
for Multnomah County, on the
occasion of the opening of tho
St. Johns Library November 22:
Mr. chairman, friends and
neighbors of St. Johns: I ad
dress you as friends und neigh
bors, for ullhough I live in u
distnnt part of the county on the
other side of tho river, yet there
are no barriers between us nnd
our problems, hopes und nmbi
tions are one.
In olden times and in other
communities where the inhab
itants of the land lived in ignor
ance nnd superstition, the strang
er was looked upon with sus
picion, if not with actual enmity
and was usually an unwelcome
Caesar, when describing anc
ient Gaul, speaks of the numerous
warlike tribes there and the
rivers nnd mountain ranges
which separated them one from
the other, but he says that the
greatest barrier which kept them
npurt was tho lack of knowledge
of each other.
Now, with civilization.und en
lightenment comes mutual under
standings nnd fellow sympnthy,
nnd instead of a strong, vigorous
people working nt cross purposes
nnd continually thwarting each
other, we find harmony nnd unity
of action and progress for the
common good.
This, to my mind, is tho im
portant work of the library as
sociation. Not only is a place
of comfort und convenience pro
vided for nil those who will but
push open the door und enter,
wherein the treasures of all the
nges may bo garnered and glean
ed, not ns the miser counts his
goid, but ns the grout und good
Creator distributes 1 1 is sunshine;
but through constantly meeting
together und studing the prob
lems und progress of nil the peo
ples of history, we ure taught
that what is your neighbors'
welfare is your welfare, and
what is your nation's problem
is your problem, and like a good
citizen you will bend your back
to the task und work for the suc
cess of our various public enter
prises. I repeat, this, to my mind, is
tho great and important work of
the public library, nnd therefore
u proper institution to be includ
ed in the governmental program;
for, as you know, the public
library is maintained by a spec
ial tux levy not to exceed 5-10 of
a mill in any ono year. To what
use you will make of it rests en
tirely with you. Whether this
library shall be a deserted place,
us silent us the tomb und useless,
or whether it shall bo used to
its fullest capacity as a place of
common interest, nnd the build
ing, books nnd contents worn
out in t:me, us nil useful tools
are, remains with you.
It is horo to bo usod wo be
seech you to make tho most of it.
The great fund of information
contained in tho books here is
useless while hid behind the
bindings. You must transfer
that information to yoursclvos
und put it to work for your own
nnd tho public wolfnro. In that
way only can each of us do his
part in raising tho standard of
our citizenship.
It is but proper that at this we
should all acknowledge ourgrati
tude to one of our noblo citizens
who is ono of your townsmon,
who, by his generosity, bus
mude possible this handsome
institution. I rofor to Mr. M.
L. Holbrook, who donated this
vnluable plot of ground upon
which this building is erected.
May he live long and prospor,
and may this place bo so con
ducted and patronized that ho
will never have occasion to re
gret his most generous act.
Modern government is inter
esting itself today, not so much
wth armies and navies and war
as of old, but more and more
with internal development, such
as river and harbor improve
ments, scientific highway con
struction, improved schools and
library facilities. Let us make
the most of our opportunities.
Let us not deny tho privileges
of a liberal education to some
struggling Burns or a Lincoln.
Let us take the best of care of
this property and all that per
tains to it, but by constant use
let us wear it out and thereby
add some bright and happy
moments and possibly years to
the good people of St. Johns.
CurrinSays: The ono BEST
gift is u Kodak. Kodaks and
Brownies, $1.00 and up. adv.
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present nt,
the regular meeting of the city I
council Tuesday evening, with!
Mayor Bredeson presiding.
Petitions for arc lights at the
intersections of Polk and Fos
senden streets, Enst Charleston
and Scott avenue, and ono 250
feet north of CnlHn on Kellogg
were referred to tho water und
light committee, as was also a
romonsinnce againsi me propos
ed removal of an nre light from
tho corner of Jersey nnd Trum
bull to one block east on Kel
logg. Judge Williams also ad
vised against the removal of this
light from its present situation.
M. J. Carson asked that the
liquor ordinance be amended to
provide for issuing liquor licenses
on Alta street, which was re
ferred to the liquor license com
mittee for report next Tuesday
evening. Tho Star Sand Com
pany asked for additional time
on the improvement of Central
nvoik'o. claiming Hint had weath
er had interfered with more
rapid progress. An extension
of thirty days' time was grunted.
A communication from I). C.
Lewis relative to the park ques
tion was read and tabled.
The city attorney reported
adversely on tho remonstrance
of Mrs. Nancy Cnplos against
being assessed for tho iron gut
ters on Polk street. The report
was accepted and the remon
strance rejected.
A report of the city treasurer
showed u balance of $2,053.53
remaining in the general fund.
Ordinances assessing the cost
of improving Polk street between
Fessendcn street and St. Johns
Heights Addition und Burlington
street between Jersey nnd Cen
tral nvunuo wore passed.
A resolution directing tho city
engineer to prepare plans and
specifications.for tho construction
of a sewer systom in South St.
Johns was adopted.
The city attorney requested
another week in which to render
an opinion upon tho legality of
several park propositions sub
mitted to him a couple of weeks
Aldermen Vincent und Wilcox
were nuthoriicod to interview
County Road Supervisor Small
relative to hnving tho county
make nocessnry repairs on Col
umbiu boulevard.
The onginoer nnd street com
mittee wero directed to devise
means of abolishing stagnant
water on Polk street at Fosson
den. Quite a lot of discussion was
made on proposition of a fire
ongino, in which several council
men. Chief of Police Allen, (1. L.
Porrino, Chns. Andorson, Carl
Majoske, Leo Cormany, J. T,
Harbin und others took part.
No definite action was taken in
the muttor, Chns. Anderson
took occasion to state that he
and several others were prepar
ing to circulnto petitions asking
tho city council to call an election
for tho purpose of voting bonds
for a new wator plant.
The chief of police and chief
of the fire department wore in
structed to see that the Multno
mah theatre place a sign ut its
rear exit.
Upon Councilman Wilcox's
suggostion, the street inspector
was authorized to orect a small
hoso house near the city dock.
Clias. Anderson asked for per
mission for tho holding of a
Word recall mooting in the city
hall Saturday evening, which
was granted.
The city attorney was directed
to draft a rosolution dirocting
the engineer to prepare plans und
specifications for tho improvo
mont of Willamotto boulevard
botweon Burlington street and
St. Johns avenue.
The following bills wore al
lowed and ordered paid:
Gatton & Son, hauling, otc,
$3.75; S. M. Bugbee, hauling,
etc., $35.00; Bert Olson, 1 days
work on streets, $10.00; Edgar
Auboury, i duys work on street,
$1.25; Julius Newman, 5 days
work on street, $1.25; Bort Ol
son, 2 duys work on streets (in
spector,) $0.00; Mrs. L. Rose, 4
meal tickets, $10.00; St. Johns
Review, printing, otc, $49.90;
City of St. Johns, street assess
ments, $537.89; Kilhnm station
ary Co., supplies, $15.90. Total,
Start Something!
Lost to Hood River
Thanksgiving day tho St.
Johns Junior football tonm trac
ed to Hood River nnd played the
High School of that place. Al
though at n disadvantage in
weight and not receiving a
"square deal" from the official!,
the St. Johns team put up a hard
fight. From a very difficult
angle Hood River shot ovor a
field goal for three points, tho
first scoring of the game. SL
Johns was the next to score when
Williford made a 35 yard run
nnd crossed Hood River's goal
line, 'but Burnell failed to kick
goal. The first quarter ended
with the score G to 3, in favor of
St. Johns. The remainder of tho
game was much faster, but till
the scoring was done by the
heavier team. The game ended
with tho score: Hood River 22
and St. Johns (5. A good crowd
was out for the game. The
students showed a little school
spirit. Those who took tho trip
wero W. liarnell, W. Wrinkle,
E. Hintt, W. Vincent, Capt. Mc
Gregor, Eatinger, V. Larson, B.
Sundstrom, B. Williford. N.
Nelson, L. Bellamy, M. Tooling.
C. Cook and L. Dunsmore.
A few weeks ago the St. Johns
Juniors defeated Arlotu 25 to 0,
und a week later Sellwood 13 lo
0. They also downed the South
Portlund Juniors G to f on tho
South Portland bottoms. Tho
only games lost this season uru:
The first game with Arlotu 18 to
7, nnd the one with Hood River
Inst Thursday 22 to G.
Next Sunday at 2:30 tho Jun
iors play Sellwood here. This
game promises to be a good one,
as the Sellwood team plays clean
und lust nail,
Fire Saturday Morning
Fire nt the wnrehouHO of the
Lauthers' Mercantile- Company
on Bradford street Saturday
morning at about 0:30 caused
damage to the amount of about
$5,000. The fire is believed to
have been started among somu
chair or other inflammable mater
ial lying between the ware house
und a freight car standing on
tho sidetrack. The theory n ad
vanced that some tramp slept on
the debris, und on leaving in the
morning dropped n lighted match.
The fire department was quickly
on the ground und controlled the
flames before they could reach
any other building. The greater
portion of the ware house was
saved, but much of the contents,
consisting of cement, coronla
and other articles, were miuud
by tho flumes und water. Ma
chinery und other material be
longing to the Oregon Fruit
Cleaner Company, stored in the
ware houso, were scorched nnd
damaged to some extent, Tho
freight car was slightly dam
aged by tho fire. There was
about $2000 insurance carried on
the property destroyed,
To Aid Unemployed
To the editor: We wish to
ask your kind co.oporutlou in h
movement to connect our unem
ployed with a jol. There rs
undoubtedly many resident! of
your county who could use tlw
services of u good hand this win
tor, ami thore ure many idle men
in Portland nnd other cities in
this state who would be glad to
have a place.
If you will behind enough to
run this letter and attached in
formation blank in a few issues
of your pnpor our plan will be
called to tho attention of those
needing a hand, Any requests
for labor made to our office will
at once be taken up with those
who are hunting for employment.
Assuring you that your co
operation will be greatly ap
preciated, 1 am. yours vory truly,
Oswald West, Governor.
Xeartet railroad station or .lll0t
Number of limn or wiui HMdwi,,,,
Character of work gftVmi
Wajjos to be jwicl ,
With or without board or lodging ....
How long services, if they prow MtUk
factory, will likely be uell
This blank tojbo filled out and
mailed to the Governor's Qfllas,
Salem, Oregon, that it may lis
brought to the attention of thole
scaking employment.