CURRENCY BILL Continued from first page. nor sup ALIAS SUMMONS In tlic Circuit Court of the Stale gon for Miiltiioiniili Count Peninsula Security Coiiimiiv turation, I'laiiililT, vs. Iiinii'f (.1 mill I'.lmlrn M. Crnuehley ami I wart, Defendants. No. 1)8038; Dept. No. I. To Jainei Crouclilev and I C T 1 1 Croucliley, R. Mnrkuiirt, dcfem III tlie iritilc of the slate en You nre ln ieby requested to n docs not make fticts nross the truth. Lot us sec how those National Bunk Hills are put into ci renin tion: At. n t.imu whnu fJovonimont The power to make iron, time n0nds sold below trar a law was to time retaliations governing rmsscd called tho National Dank the transfer of money, and the act. This law compelled all power, ii it, so cnoosoa, w act aa banks that wanted to become a clearing house. . National Banks to invest a cer- The DOWor to order as many tnin nnrrmitnirn of thi'ir r niiiul ii.iMVLT to tin? diinmliilnl niuiliiL-H examinations as the.V See fit. Ullt in It. K. iin nnr onnt hnndt nnd i the above entitled suit with tvwwiitl.1 hnl ..t,.J S nvn . WCCKS I rOIII U1C Mini: 111 1 lit- lirM lll' ICtl ivry uU...i ..wvvo ... (.( thl, notice, tCMvil: tllC Mil miiiiuiiiuiuiy uio prico ui uiusu f December. 1913. nml If you t.. bonds went up, fora market was do for want thereof, the tiiaintuf uni created, and ever since the banks take judgment nml decree against wn 1. .i ri It, l 4t,no Iw.twlu llf H)ll0W, ll)-Vit: ,i..v .. Wmy ,,uD,,t I'lrt: I'or UicMii.i of fifteen l un u i a prom urn, wn cn, oi course, is chly dollar. (fl.6S0) togitiicr uiu m a loiai ions 10 me ouyiug uaiiK. The Government taxes the bank for outstanding bank notes, or circulation; the bank has to keep a redemption fund with the U. b. Treasurer, for which it not loss than four nor year. Tho power of removal of directors of a certain class of Fodoral Reserve Banks, when, in their opinion, they do not represent the various industries of that district. The power to use thoir discro tion to admit state banks to the lystem Tho power to reject members onco thoy are admitted to the systom. Tho power to control the note issue with power to grant or refuse the application of Federal KuguTVu Hanks lor same. Tho power toremiiro one Kod oral Iloiorve Bank to rediscount for another. mo power to donne paper which slum he admissible lor re discount at a Federal Reserve Bank. i no power io suspend lor a period not to oxejeod thirty days and to renew such suspensions for periods not to exceed todays, any and every reserve require mcnt specilied in the act. You surely can comprehend the viist.niid in some instances tin limited powers this board would have if the House Hill should become a law. There is no like lihood, howovcr, that tho Senate will mm tho bill as it stands. Mi i in tact, the administration is wiling to accept .amendments. and a great many vhanges have boon made from the oriirinal draft of tho bill, upon the recom mendation of bankers and bus iness men of the country. I do not think the bankers in general object to Government control. I think this shouli be so. It has been suggested that a ' provision be incorporated in the hill providing for the appoint mcnt oi an Advisory Hoard, com posed of one banker from each district in which a Federal He- servo Hank would be located, Throe of which would have the right to sit in the olllcial meet nig of tho I'oderal Reserve Bonn and report their actions to the members of tho advisory boan as in tho case oi the advisorv terust lliereoti until niI. nt the .ik eight (8) k.t cent er minimi Ir ilu- 12IH day ol Matcii, I'jlii. Second: l'ur tlie sum ul two luiti.lit.l dollar. (f'200) uh attorney's fee Third: flint the uiml decree of lure I closure for the sale of the following des- ,.,.,;, .,.u tin iii,...iui ii lw.,,.u tlwi crlbed tireini, to-wlt: Lots elum illi cost ol shipping and insurance, as well as other minor expenses and it cannot count those notes into its legal reserve. This ar uncial marKci has saved tno Government millions of dollars annually in interest, for it could not float such an immense issue at two per cent, but would have to pay three per cent Now as to the loaning of this money: il, lor example, the bank with which I am connected (1'2) III block twtlilv three (2.1) Point View Addition, Mtilliiuiii.di County, Oregon, ncconlilig to the re corded jiIhI thereo' on file In the office of the County Clerk of Multuoiiiiih County, Oregon, be entered, nnd that the Sheriff duly sell the some according to the Inw ami iraclice of tills court. l'ourth: That the proceeds of the sale be npiilted to the several sums of money due the plaintiff, nml that lliedefewlaiils and each of them mid all pcrwJni claim ing under or through the halddefemtauts or earh of them Milseitiufil to October in, 1D12, the date of the execution ol III. hi i c 1 note and mortgage tiimn the .aid either as iiurcliascrs When you Shop, Shop at Boniiam ;urners Christmas Suggestions AT THE MEN'S TOGGERY limit i idlnnr n iiiirnlni&i'ra tir mi buys Say $f)0,000 Worth of GOV- cumbranccrs or otherwlw, be liarrcd ami ernmeilt Bonds, It has to pay foreclosed of all equity of redemption in gold for il, as we did, also a premium which we charged olf our dooks. Does any tine here think that we could not loan this $50,000 as advantageously as we can the same amount, alter we converted it into bank notes? Does any one here think that there are very many banks in the country that could afford to invest in two per cent Govern moiit Bonds and keep lliem in their vaults, and then in case they needed more money, go to tho Government and receive bank notes for them? More it is whore tho bond so cured currency inns to periorm i Us proper function. How many banks can afford to make such investments when they pay ; or I per cent, and in some in stances, higher on deposits, cover all expenses and taxes in opeint the wild premises ami every tutrt thereof I'ilth: flint sale be made of the said premises, nml the execution Issue auaiiKt thcsald deleudants, JaiuesCrouchtey mid i'.lmlrn m. Crouchluy, and cadi ol them for any deficiency which may remain alter applying nil ol tlic proceeds ol the sale ol said preiubcs properly appllcalde to the satisfaction of the said judgment ami decree. Sixth: I hat the plaintiff or nny oilier imrty to this suit tuav become Minluuer at tlic Mild wile, and mat lllcblierlll Issue it certificate of sale to the said purchaser or sold pruuiiseN, ami thereafter a Sheriff's deed If the mum is not redeem ed as provided by law and that the pur chaser be let into ixeloii of the ptcmlses ukjii production of the .Sheriff's certificate of sale therefor. Sevuntli: That the plaintiff have such other nml further orders nml relief as may to the court seem couilahlc and just. I'.Milh: That the plaintiff have his costs and disbursements ill this suit. Service of tills Summons is made umiii you liv pulillcalloii of the same in the St. Johns Uevlew, n weekly ticwsKincr. for six successive weeks by virtue of an 1 imr llin liimlfw udiiidi urn I iv no order sluitnl by the Honorable I means small, and still earn a ro.K:' 'ffi turn on their capital invested What sort of a man is he who simply plays hall with figures and never minds the facts, so long as he can create a prejudice in tiie minds of the people giving himself out as savor of the poo board provided for in tho Reiehs pk- and making political capita Bank of tiermany. Hut even out of the traiuaction? with this leaturo it is thought The Bank of lOngiand, as well tho powers of tho I'odoraJ Ho- us tho Roichs Bank of Germany nurvu iMiiii u niiuiiiu we reHiriuieu and thoir duties more fully donnod. Thoro is quite a difference of opinion as to the issuance of bank notes. The present admin- iniiiiLiuii nun iiiujiii iiv iinriy in CongroHR hold, as I stated before, that such notes shall be iaauci tlirough the Fejlend lvoserve Hanks, and be obligation of the (.lovornmenl. Such notes would i t no suuuroii uy commercial imner to tho oxtont of the par value of country I believe, hut tho spec issue thoir own bank notes, based on commercial paper and gold reserves, ami I do not think you ever heard that their notes were not considered good. I here are also people who pro. Date of first publication the .list duv October, 111 lit. D.itu of last publication the l!th oa of December, UH.'I. I'KIIUV C. STItOU). Attorney for I'laintlll, l'ltst National Hank building, St. Johns, Oregon. SUAl.MOiNS In tho Justice's Court for St. Johns District, Multnomah coun ty, btato of Oregon. U. U. Handy, l'laintill. vs. Isaac Bacus, Defendant. 'Io Isaac Bacus. Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore- When you shop, shop at Boniiam & Currier's The eoofls Purchased this season for our Holiday trade in the main Store com prizes the Men's practicable articles in which are included a well selected line of Hankerchiefs, Sweaters, Knit Goods, House Slippers for Ladies and Children, Rain Canes for school use; substantial fmmcs, tlic Character Dolls, and Building Educational Blocks. The Grocery Department is supplied with all the things to tempt the palate, besides many things of gilt nature in Dishes, Crockery, Roasters, and Cookers, Perco lators, and Aluminum Ware. A. Klorshuitti Shoes Ilonsu Slipptrs Nliby lints nail Cups Until Robi.H Sniokhu: Jackets Suit Ones Uinhrcllns Sweaters Dress Gloves Arrow Collnrs, Arrow Sliittg, 'Military finish Sets Safety Kuzors Silk Stl.spmKlcr.s Silk llnukcrchiefs Iyinon " -Initial " Silk iVeckwcnr Tie Pins 4 Tic'ClnKps,- CuTf Miiks I'ookct Knives Tie Sols Collnr nnd CuiT lSug4 SnioekiiiK Sets l' f Wnt5h l-'ohs " , Kancy Arm lliiiuls f Hulls Hosiery Sts. I- No matter when you Shop, Shop at &CURRiER'S SHOP EARLY tho amount of the notes, thus received by any Federal Kwiei've Hank, bueh notes, when paid out by that bank, would become a lii-s t lion on all or its asset. You will aeu thit these notes will bo ueoiired KiitU By the credit of the uovorumeut. Second. By a ipecilic deimsit , i , , . i i ... , . t ci inai as soon as t no nronosot tKi j" iu nurooy ret u iron to currcney bill is a law that there iippeiir and answer the comphiiut will be plenty of money for all i the above entitled action on Mini one can have it merely for ' before tho 20th day of Decem- the asking. That there will bo ', 101!.; and if you fail to so sulllfiont money to take care of nnnwor for want thereof, Plain the legitimate business of the till' will take judgment against you I or tno sum ot two hundred and twenty delimit and eighty seven cents, besides the cosU and disbursements of this action. and an order of sale of tho prop erty of defendant, which is un der attachment in the above en titled action, and which is in saitl county and state, ami is do- of Novombor. 19151. J. 13. WILLIAMS. Justice of the Peace of St. Johns District. Multnomah county, oinio oi uregon. ulator and promoter will lind it larder than over to have the banks linance tlieir schemes, for ororv bunk will cuili'iivm- Inonrrv assets of such nature which will possess tho duality of rediscount anility. Ibis is as it should he. No commercial Imnl; wluinlil lend itself to help speculative scribed as lollows, via: KiO airposiw or takeover permanent polos, 7a ciiickons, ono calf, one nvoitniontii. as it is nrinciimllv Plo of lumber, four cows and tho people's money over which P buggy; proceeds of sale to il is custodian and trustee, and e applied on payment of suit for wh en it must bo ready to judgment and costs and disburse miilra im iii-crniMt inir nml n,n. I110IUS Of this linlinn como a first lien on all tlie assets nient at any time. This summons is published by 01 Hint UanK. 1 franklv admit that thorn n.n order of J. I-. Williams. It is heal thst the tlovurnmont 1 1 l.lllKtii'onf tlw I m . - I "'til I X. i lft IIIVW I I I I BillV;t 1111 I V (MU W V Hiioiiui uoi uiuioi'uiKo to uuar-1 LTimi (mist nliii'i'il iii ilium mi, 1 1 named District (inlv niiido on tin. aHagenend rule it has not taken "Hi day the iiwiple of a community very long to ascertain who they are, But when I sneak of bankers. - . ' 1 mean the average hankf r oner- ating on legitimate lines all.ovoi tne united ijtates. and who are t reimtable. and these men should LCfll Veil fVl a V I Q . i... i i.i ...Li. i .. .1. . . Hill IH' IIUIU IICI'IIUIIIIIIUU nil' wiu sins of the few. . will find that bankers are as a rule trust worthy men. and that the nrac- tice of a community is to trust litem largely without implication. 1 think thoy are trusted moro than any other class of business men. 1 ho tmnkers always roalizo in order to have thoir banks prosper ami in good condition, the people must prosper, and that no panic is a money maker r.. .1... i i i... i.. nil lilt' UilllMM 111' lilt' IIL'UIIIO. let. I Congress should not considor T nhIK hlimiNirP .,i;i !.... I i. i. wiiiiu i uiuuuiv Iiiiviviii inn tiiiKiva mi nun UK I ti nt 1011. but bane it on sound and economic principles, which are !nmifikt Minn intr ri . I . biviuvi Vllllll ft( fcj Willi IUI III?. Our present bank notes arose- and I sincerely hope and boliove curod by U.b. Bonds. Now nml I tl,.i r.m.i....l!:,i,i.i , ;u, . .... uiuii ww mm mm some one u exclaiming in frantic fsshion how it.-. 1 1 . . uiu uaiiKs oi me ctaintry are robbing the Government ami tho peoplo. Just recently one of our own ronresonUtives in Con- gress, 1 bollovo, made tho state ment, that tho Government is lending tho banks ono billion dollars at ono per cent, which thoy in turn loan to tho pooplo at 8 or 10 nor cont. I presume he referred to tho National Bank notes, Of courso such a state ment doos wonder in winning his audionco and m sting pro juuico against the uanks, inn inglorious olhiiatQ of tho state, I Not. the by the federal Beserve Bttnk of commercial paiior einial to the itmoiint of tlie notes received. mi. ... tin . . i iiu i. vvnen m i out or a Kedeiid Kosorvo Bank thoy be- nut ee thoae notes, as under the plan they are slremlv amnlv suourud, mid that it would put an uuiiocoaaury resiwnsilillity and burden iiikiii the Government, wiuoli might enlist t'liilmn-ass- mont in times when the Govern ment would want to use its credits ireoly and unhampered, as inl im ciiihj oi war wiui x loreigu nation, it is further held that tno manner in which they must bo gotten into circulation would have a tendency for nidation. for a wink note, once it bus sorved Its purpose, should be automatically redeemed. A bank note is not money, and that suouiu not ue contused with rotd money. It is an instrument of credit, but the public knows they aro fully secured and thoro- foro generally accepted as money. Thoy perforin tne same func tions as checks, nnd like checks thoy should be cancelled when paid. tromr personality and will power, ami with the help of earnest and able men in and out of Congress will put a law on tho books that will bo fair to all, for it will roach every citizen, humble or rent, rich or poor, banker or armor. 8 A California man, who was married tho othor day at tho acre of 81, says ho has kont young on olivo oil. Ho is not a truo Cali fornium howovor. or ho would attribute his good health to tho glorious oliimuQ of thy state, 205 S. Jersey Strot See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order ritlrtl and family Trade bolldUU. T. P. WARD, Proprietor. Company Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture smmmm Com Show Excursion TO PENDLETON, DEC. 5th-6th Low Round-Trip Pares From All Stations In Oregon On the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co, Sale Dnto Dec. 1 to G Inclusivo 1913 Finnl Return Limit Dec. Stir 1918 $1,000.00 In Cash Prizes To W kivcii fur the bt Uxhiti.t of Corn jfiwii dtirfnr 1913 in country tributary to the 0 V R. & N. Every Corn Grower should otitvr his products in thU oontofit. Every Farmer should atleiul the shows which nre the first of the kind ever Kiven by a Railroad in the Nertluvwt for the bunefit of people nnd communities a long its liues. Ak Particulars of any Agent of the O-W R. & N. lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Slabwood ! Dry, Green, Blocks, Trim 111 ings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 f -f 4 R. A. JAY Nil, Al. D. Offue over Fu'it Nalionnl flAiilc Olfico Phone Columbin 262 Rci. i'lione Columbia 196 O. .1. QATZAIYIjR ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Hulldinu ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National Dank Huildlng ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON THAI). T. PARKER ATTOKNin AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Rooms 7 anil 8 Ilollirook IhiililiiiK ST. JOHNS OIL KAMBO DENTIST I'lione Coluuiliia 51 First Nntlmml Hunk bulldingt ST. JOHNS, OltlGON. ER IK WOMAN'S BREAST 'ALWAYS D:CINS n SMALL LUMP LIKE , THIS M'J ALWAYS POISONS 0 CEP GLANDS IH TIIE ARVPIT AtlO KILLS QUICKLY ft i wn. ei 1 1 DR. J. VINTON SCOn DENTIST Open Evenlnffs and Sumiaya bj pointinent. Ollice I'lioiii- Columbia 140 Ktililent riioiw Coliitubia 3S Ap- IF I FAIL TO CUREar.y CAKGCR orTUMOfi I TREATBEFOnE il Pclssns B:ss crDeep Chads noKHirt or pain No Pay Unlil Curedi No X Ttiy or tlttr wlndla. An Ulaml plant nulutha cura ABSOLUTE CUiP.mtf Any TIMOR, LUUP 01 Bote uii ilia Hp, f ra arlHHjylrngu r , r It Ntvtr riini unlit u U;. KOlAdC bOu Jrot (mi ium n il U tScuual rurol at luiria tVUITli Tt MUUU ANY LUMP IN WOMAN'S BREAST U CANCCR. Lima 1 bo uio. We reluto tlioutanili Dylna. . Wo bavo rurvu 10,000 In 20 vm. H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street Real Estate, Loans, Insurance I Bought, Sold and changed Ex- Attracts of Title TreiMircil. Accurate Work Guaranteed. PILES amcuratil. AllVtnd. man aulffrlns ami ilaiuivr 1h CAUSE lui iHl.rlt.L Dr. Lvunhardt'a HEM.Hfliri lakleta rrluc amaaintr taulla by attaVlnK lh. INTERNAL CAUSU Th. ptlra ara dri.J un anJ Iwnnanrniiy r ni. it cava irmimtnt. i lit. 1.KONII AltDT CO.. Ilulfalo. N. V. ifrt I. St. Johu'a rbarmacy ud all druggliti. 11.00. Ubal on your paper, How Is Your Title? Have your abstraats made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, AbMuct and Realty Co- NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. 1 r In order to Insure a channe of ad 'vertitement the copy for such chance tiiould reach this office not later than 'Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please Accurate wort Konsonnhlf. (fit. "d av the printer II. Ilemlerwon, innnaKtsri 3li North Jersey street Adv Not the labeln your paper, SuUsoribo f'r tho St . ua keep t)-Ett(l oq the city. loqna Hovlow the Uoluga ot LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. O. O. Sr. JOHNS. OHCGON Meets each Monday evenlnirln Odd FeH Ions hull at A cordial welcome to all visiting bri)tlu'r. Clias. II. Iloy.l, N. O. Alex, S. Scales, Sec, IIOLMfS LODGE NO. 101 KMGIIIS or PYIIIIAS Meets every l'riday nijjlit a' 7:30 o'ciirtk in I. O. O. I' ll.ill. Visitors always wel come. It. K. .MAXl'IHLDiC. C. I). 1'. IIOUSMAN. K. R. S DORIC DODGE NO. 132 A. r. and A. M. Regular communk-ations r ou first Weduesdavs of yS7y each month in Itickuer's N Hall. Visitors welcome. Itrnest S. Ilarri'itjton. V. M.J John Nocc. Secretary JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Pliysidun and Surgeon. Day & Night Ofllce In MrChesney blk St. Johns, - Orcf on. C. O. BOYER PHYSICIAN AND SUROHON ST. JOHNS SANITARIUM Comer Chicago street and Smith avenue. St. Johns Office hours: 10 to 12 a. 111. daily. Aho at Medical liuitdiii, l'oitland 1 to b p. m, Address DR. & MRS. DH. CHAMLEY& CO. A 436 VUEKCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CAU KINDLY MAIL this to seme one with CANCER Office Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Colutnhia 198 St, Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving a Specially. Haul ing done to and from Portland Ue.side11ce .100 Hast Richmond Office 103 North Jersey Street Daily trips to Portland. CHAS. SAGRRT, Piot. ORDER EASTERN STA tP Minerva Chapter No. 105 Mtets Kvery l'irst and Third f Tueaday livening of HacU Y Month in Ilickner'sIIall, Rnhy R. Davis, Worthy Matron. Airs-. Susie Rogers, becrelary. We buy or sell St. Johns Property AlcKlNNEY & AVIS Real Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your coods to and from all parta of Portland, Vancouver, Linn ton. Portland and Suburban Eznress Co., city dock and all points accessible oy wagon, r una and furnttura moving The Bungalo Grocery ct. Johns, Oregon Good Things to Eat Would be pleased to have your . patronage. Motto: Quality Phone Columbia 1 and Cleanline.vs G. W. RICHTMYER free Delivery You get full weight and first lualtty at the Central market. Just try awhila.