THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 Went llurllngton Street. Tint RitVlHW Is entered nt iost office in Snltit Johns, Oregon, ns nwll tnnttcr of the second class under the Act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. e--i OfflcUl Nuripiper or tht Oily of St. Jobnf. All eomnunlestloin houlJ be JJrcued to Th lUTUtf, St. Joljie, Oregon. Subicrlptlon prlc $1.00 per year. Start Something! 1 A strange thing happened in Portland lust week. One of the judges refused to grant a divorce. It has gotten to he the custom in such a general degree that di vorces are granted even upon the flimsiest excuse that any excep tion to the rule is a matter of remark. How a person could think of an excuse that would not work iti a divorce case is to he wondered fit. 1 People should get in the habit of sending any news item they have knowledge of to the local paper. It requires hut little trouble to do so, and a better paper is the result. News items are ever gratefully appreciated by the editor. If you have friends visiting at your home, it is only a matter of courtesy that you should see that note of the fact appears in the local jiapor. The guests appreciate it, and it is a mutter of commun ity interest. Send in the items. The Commercial club is taking up the matter of Sweet Pea Show bright and early, which augurs well for ji larger and -more com prehensive show than has yet taken place in St. Johns, Plans for a vigorous campaign in the way of a show on a more massive and broader scale than has yet been attempted, are well under way. and the people in general will he given no opportunity to forgot that n Sweet Pea Show will be held in St. Johns next July. A newspaper as a general ru isas good as its patronage just lies. The better the patronage the more time can he devoted U news gathering and belter talent can bo secured. It is ever u to the people of a coinmunit. whether or not the local papei is a good one. When it is reali'. ed that 08 per cent of all news papers that start rail, it can better he realized that it is folly for a newspaper to attempt to he ncuur man us pairouago just flow. Therefore, support the local paper if you desire it to im prove. r John Hayes Hammond, a prominent mining expert, statec ho lore a meeting in Mniwachu setts last week that he would no invoat in foreign countries while Hrynn is becretary of State, That is all right, John; thoro plenty of room for investment in this country, without seeking a foreign shore. Anyway tht powers of this laud are not ul together for the purpose of pro looting capitalistic interests in other count i' os. When one in vests in other lauds ho must take things as ho finds thorn. Hotter keep your money hero, John There are better investments e i 11 . jouns man in Mexico, no matter who is Secretary of State. 1 ho people of St. Johns ulioiil.l foul particular y nroui of it now library building, which was formally opened last Saturday. it is a most complete structure throughout, handsome in :ip pearancu and a model of eonven lonco and attractiveness. Few uitios of the sire of St. John? can boast of such a magnificent punlic library. The people of St, Johns are surely fortunate possessing it, and will no doubt avail themselves to a largo extent of its advantages. They also have reason to congratulate thoin- 1 soivos upon Having tne services of such an cilicient librarian as Alias Mabel Kuudall, who is most obliging, helpful and ad- nurably fitted in every way for the important position. QUIT THAT! YOU'LL NEED YOUR MONEY SOMETIME m i fY 'vrvvi a hiih KM 4 x rout iresldent l' the ITnlfeil States oneo wrotoi " IS .v I I'livnirnnt rots ehnrnotert tntltt youth nwny train It. On the other hmitl, the hnhlt o sttv tnx money, while It stll'l'ens the will, nlso hrljrhtons t lio onoi'u les. II' you won I1 ho sure tltttt you two he nlnnlnu; right, hurlti to stive" W'e nmiille eommerelnl ohoolitnx nooonnt of In llvhlunls' firms mid eonimules. Lot Of. 'If linn, I ho YOUli Itmilc Ws pny A per oont Interest on Savings Aoonunts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON Ji or user ckqumzA . I iwnv -Toil i i i "i i i rrr. 1 "Fresh New Laid Eggs for Breakfast Every Morning are almost possible if you get your supply at COUCH & CO.'S. "Back number hen fruit" has no place here. Freshness characterizes our dairy products, too butter, cheese and the like. We sell such quantities that nothing has a chance to get stale. METROPOLITAN MARKET Somehow the livening News, with all its readiness to dolvo into nauseous messes, failed to unearth tho police scandal now agitating the city of Portland. Wondor why! Whs it because tho police wore expected to act as solicitors for tho News without money and without price, and to II IIH'IUIUII WIU SL'lllUUII WOUIU III- tcrforo with admirable arrange ment. Slovor states that the News used coercion in endeavor ing to socure false evidence against Tom Word. The News seems to have gotten smeared a trifle with the mess that it is over ready to parcel out to others. It is always best to see that ono's own skirts are clean before calling attention to i the filth of others. The recall of Tom Word will receive no great impetus if Captain Slovor can substantiate his statements as to the. methods used by tho News in securing ammunition for tho recall. Start Something! .Ir, .-KIJi 4i. 1 .lit The old Frank L. Smith Market on Jersey Street I will sell meats at the following remarkably low prices EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK! Si! WVWVAv COUPON Cut Out This and wo will glva you 10 S. & H. Green Stamps FREE with 50c pttrchnsc in addition to the Stamps with the CASH purchase Not good after Nov. 30, 1913 COUCH &. CO. General Merchandise Phone Columbia HI St. Johns, Oregon Double Stamps will be given on all Purchases of $1.00 if accompanied by this Coupon. Oxford Tie and Rainy Day Socks fire what some young fellows call those fancy ones we are showing. And it is a fact that they are to pretty too be hid by high cut shoes. They are not a bit classier, however, than our neckwear, shirts and other furnishings. Just a peep at them will tell you they are the real thing in men's toggery. Take tho peep to-day. .' COUCH & CO. Phone Columbia 137 "PIONEER MERCHANTS" MSI 574 I ORDINANCE NO. Itoimd Ileuf Steak 17V Sirloi 17,'iC T-Hono " " I7c lloilhiK ' too &I2C Pot Uoiut " ....I3c & 15c Prime Kih " 15c Mutton Leg I2i & 15c Mutton Shoulder 1 10 Chopa... I2,'-' I.iimb I.egt) . . 13c " Cho 150 11 Sttsvv 10c I'oik Chops i7 & 20c " I,ur Konst i7vc " Shoulder UoiiHt 15c Pork Shoulder Chops 16c " Sparc Ribs a)c " Neck " ...4 lb. for 25c " h.uisuKe 15c Ilatnbtirger Stunk 15c Hams (Sugtir Cured) 18c Picnic Hams. . . . . 15c Hacon to Look I2'vc Iliicon (SiiRnr Cured) .... ia to 25c 3 lh. Pail Pure I.nrd joc Ulh. " " " Ojc i 1 k 10 II). " " Tl.25 ! Don't fonict our HVKKORKHX HUTTUR churned Fresh dnily, Ciuarnnteetl 65c a Roll. Watch this ad. every Friday for prices on meats tnat win oocam for the week following. GEORGE IMBODEN Proprietor Review 50c Per Year It i tho custom of many ucvs imiom to oiior nrcuuuiuH oc casioiuilly in oidor to iiciiuii'i u iirtroi' sul)scri)tion list. Uillor out tirliclos tiuit run tlu uitiuut roni hooka to household utensils ui'o tnus Hold out aa iiuiucomonts by various publications. Tho voviow has ilccKloit to inaumtnuo cannmiKU for a laruor suhscrin ion list in St. .lohns, Owintr to tho closeness ot tunos and a cor esponmiitf scarcity of the coin f tho realm, instead of ollennjr ireiniuius, tne Keviow will be sunt to nn v mlilritss hi St. .Inlum at ono-hall prico, or llfty cents ht year, which we believe will more anpreciated than a ore- nuuni would lie. Tills reduction in prico will hold trood only until January hrst. Present subscrib era may avail themselves of the bargain rate also by paving up arrears, it any exist, and titty cents for ono year in advance. ISvory home in St Johns should receive the Review each week. It is a duty every citizen owes to tho community, because tho larger the subscription list the bettor papor, and tho hotter tho papor tho more benefit it will bo to tho community. Take advan tage of tho bargain rate, and toll your friends about it. Oregon FARMERS' WEEK December 8th to 13th, 1913 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISH ING STREET GRADE OP WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD FROM BURLINGTON STREET TO ST. JOHNS AVENUE. Since tho duty has boon taken oil' of oggs tho price, is soaring around tho 70 cent mark. This will be a notable event in the educational history of Ore gon. Farmers' Co-operation will be the leading topic of a stimulating series of lectures. Tho weok week will be crowded with dis cussions, and demonstrations in every tiling that makes tor the welfare of tho farmer and homo maker. 1 WINTER SHORT COURSE January 5 to 30, I0N The College has spared no effort to make this the most com pleto short course in its history. A very wido range of couises! will be ottered in General Agri culture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry. Dairy tin?. Poultry Keeping, Mechanic Arts. Domes tic science and Art, Forestry, and Music. centres and discussions on Farm ers' uu-Ut'UKATlUN. at home and abroad, will bo a leading feature. Make this a pleasant and profitable winter outing. No tuition. Accomodations rea- sonable. Reduced rates on all railroads. For further informa tion address H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallis, Oregon. Farmers' Business Courses by Correspondence without tuition. ' It is ordained by the city of St. Johns: That tho Council deems it ex pedient and necessary to estab lish a cluingo grade on Willamette boulevard from tho north side lino of Burlington street to tho south side lino of St. Johns ave nue in the city of St. Johns, ac cording to the resolution passed I iv (lio nmnipil on tho 28th (lav of October, A. D.1913, declaring their intention to cause tne chantre to bo made, said resolu tion of intention wns regularly published for two consecutive publications in tho city omctal newHiiuncr. that the city en gineer having filed his affidavit certifying that tho renuired notice had been posted on the 3rd dav of November. A. D., 19111. trivimr br ef y the change ot grade proposed and tlto time within winch remonstanco against tho same may be made. hat the time having lapsed within which written objections or remonstanco against me sumo mav be made, and no written objection or remonstrance has been filed. WHEREAS: Tho City Council n accordance with tho city charter and ordinance of the citv of St. Johns, and in com )llance with the resolution ot intention missed by the Council on the 28th day of October A. D., 19iy. to change tho grade, the same bo and is hereby declared to be established as follows: Starting at an initial point on the north side lino of Burlington street established by ordinance No. 318. Established grade at north side lino of Burlington street and Willamette boulevard, center elevation, 107.3 feet. Established grade nt center specifications of the city cn- trinnM' on flli III thn nflico of tho city recorder. Passed by the Council this 25th day of November, A. I)., 1913. Approved by the Mayor this 25th day of November, A. D., 1913. CHAS. BREDESON, Mayor. Attest: F. A. RICE, 01 ty Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re viwJShDvemher 28, 1913. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING 34 Notice is hereby given to tho legal voters of School District No. 2 of Multnomah county, j State of Oregon, that a Special j School Meeting of said District will be held at the Central School 1 House on tho 28th day of Novem ber, 1913, at 8 o'clock p. m., for tho following object: To levy a special tax for general school purposes. Dated this 17th day of No vember, 1913. F. P. DRINKER, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: J. E. Tnnch, District Clerk. . Published in tho St. Johns Roviow Nov. 21 and 28. 1913. SUMA10NS. The WINTEilLHSS LAND of Flowers, Sunshine ami Summer Sports Low Round Trip Excursion Fares From All Stitlom on tht O-W R. & N. To San rranclvo, San Jose, Del Monlr, Paso Itoblrs, Santa llarbari, lxsAni;rles, I'asadena Klvcrtlilo and All Southern California Points Close Connections at Portland Afforded Passenger from Oregon Points Steel Coaches-Mock System nXCTRIC LIGHTED TRAINS Ask any Aunt of tho O-W H.ft N to licit outline your Trio of Philadelphia street on Wil lamette boulevard, center eleva tion. 115 feet. Established grade at center of Altn street on Willamette boule vard, center elevation, 117.2 feet. Established grade nt center of Baltimore street on Willamette boulevard center elevation, 119.5 feet. Established grade at center of Chicago street on WUliamette boulevard, center elevation 119 feet. Established grade at center of New York street on Willamette boulevard, center elevation 195 feet. Established uxade ot center Commerce, of Fessenden street on Willam- Numerous , ette boulevard, center elevatton, 118.8 feet. Established grade at center of Trumbull street on Willamette boulevard, center elevation, 117 feet. Established grade at center of Catlin street on Willamette boule vard, center elevation, 118 feet. In Justico's Court for tho Dis trict of St. Johns. County of f-.l. t. - r muiuiumuu, ouue oi u re iron. II. L. Uowles. P a nt T. vs. Mr. and Mr. J. D. Hessinger, Defendants. Civil action for the recovery of money. lo Mr. and Mrs. J. D. lies- singer. Defendants: In the nnme of tho State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before mo at my office and answer tho complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or before January 2, , 1914, and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the n aintiff will take judgment against you Charter Oak Heaters ST. JOHNS Heaters Prices Range from $1.25 to $20.00. See our line before you buy. HARDWARE fin for seventeen dollars and fifty five cents ($17.55). and for costs and disbursements incurred in this action, as prayed for in said complaint. Given under my hand this 19th day of November, 1913. J. E. WILLIAMS. JusUce of the Peace. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at this office aud others will be added as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, satisfaction of Mortgages. Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases. All these blanks at the uniform price of 30c per dozen. GOTO Columbia Furniture and Fixture Manufacturing Co, FOR YOUR Established crade at south side Fi lino of St. Johns avenue on Wil- Pitiirp lamette boulevard, center eleva- ' ,xlurt:s 533535 uawson street tion, 115,8 feet. According to th plana and l'houe Col. 514 St. Johns, Ore. The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, offices, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps, can be located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution of light. No other lamps possess these qualifications, theret fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company 1 i r