St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 21, 1913, Image 3

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    Comfortable Couches
A whole drove of them just begging for a home and a
chance to make some family comfortable.
An assortment of handsome hard
edge Couches, covered in two
tone Velour, brown and red in
plain and funcy patterns
- $7.65
Black imitation leather covered
couch, spring filled and nicely
i ' $9.oo
Spring edge wide, comfortablo
couches, covered impressed Ve-
- lours, green and brown
Imitation Simniah lontlim- phi.
ored, wide well shaped couch
Couch with golden oak frame, r
extra heavy steel construction,
spring frame, upholstered in
black leather
A dream, in wax finish frame in
mission design, lots of springs
and full soft upholstery, covered
in genuine Spanish leather, sop
urate leather cushion -
"Mold" Bed Davenports
Just like the cut
A very attractive and artistic piece of furniture
which can with just one motion be converted into a
comfortable bed. No article can quite take the place
of a Unifold Davenport.
Hero is n "Unifold" Bed Daven
port in mission design-arid wax,
finish, solid oak ends and sides,
a couch, and settee by day, a
downy bed by night
Unifold Davenport upholstered
in genuine Spanish leather,
spring edge seat and very best
Hteel spring coiistruction. Has
heavy quartered oak framo in
wax finish
v $58.50
Thanksgiving China Crockery and Silverware.
That nice Thanksgiving Dinner will taste oh, so much better if nicclv served on new dishes and silver-
i. We have a big stock of China Crockery, Glass and Silverware. This is a pers
to come and see.
personal invitation to YOU
Ormandy Bros.
Local News.
Satisfaction, is the
more, the Barbir.
word CH
Next Thursday is Thanksgiv
ing, j
Mrs. A. Learned entertained (
the Debonair Club in a delight'!
ful manner yesterday nfternoon. j
Messrs. Tunk and Heam are
opening up a furniture making
establishment in the French
Evon when it comes to com
mitting suicide men exhibit u
variety of tastes that is boyond
Conrad Staudonmaier of South
Dakota has purchased the hand
some residence of J. H. Kerr,
420 Oswego street.
Wanted Local man or lady
to solicit subscriptions for the
St. Johns Review. Most liberal
commission paid. Call at once.
Read the annual report of
School District, No., 2, on the
last page of this paper. It is
full, concise and complete and is
well worth clipping and pre
serving. A letter from W. E. Swengel
states that ho is holding down
a 320 aero claim and is in the
harness and hardwaro business
at Minidoka, Idaho. They like
it, he says, and the weather has
been fine.
A birthday party party was
giVen at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Knowles in honor of hor fifty
sixth birthday on Saturday last.
Mrs. Knowles was the recipient
of many nice presents. The
guests waxed merry around the
big feed. Those present were:
Mrs. 'J. H. Evans, Mrs. D. I.
Jones, Mrs. H. Lemon, Mrs. H,
Finch, Mrs. A. Holcomb, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. W. Nye,
Mrs. Husted, Mrs. Nolan. Mrs.
J. G. Marlett, Mrs. R. H. Know
les, Mrs. H. Knowles, of Port
land, Mr. J. H. Knowles, Miss
Sybiland Mryle Knowles.
Miss Fannie; Harley, w.riter,
lecturer and traveler, gave illus
trated lectures illustrated by
stereopticon views in the Con
iirecrational church last Friday
and Saturday evenings. The
subiect was "Old Mexicor" and
she depicted the life and condi
tions in that turbulent land with
a vividness that was highly in
teresting. As a descriptive talk
er Miss Harley has few equals.
Home life, manners and customs,
legends and ruins, cathedrals anU
churches, resources and natu'ral
scenery of Mexico were shown
with entertaining and instructive
descrintive talks. Those who
failed to be present missed a
rare treat.
! Some men like to see every'
other man do his duty as they
see it.
For information ask somebody
who knows. For misinforma
tion, consult a gossip.
j Remember the Stclzl Concert
Co. at the high school audito
rium next Tuesday evening. It
I will be well worth while. Go.
Men's styles have changed in 1
the San Quentin penitentiary,
stripes being barred. They
never looked good on the average
The Columbia Furniture and
Fixture Manufacturing Company
is the title of the new manufac
turing establishment that is
opening up for business in tho
French block. ,
Mr nml Misi .1 T Tlnrlim lit.
.1... ... W .
tended the funeral of William II.
nrtnipfi nr T.nhnnnn this wcok.
Mr. Donica wa3 formerly a busi-
ness man oi 1'ortianu anu was
possessed of many friends.
Tho St. Johns Dancing Club
will give an opening dance in
the skating rink tomorrow even
mcr nnil niRn n mn.qmiernde ball
on the evening of November 2G.
Thn rink as been thoroughly
overhauled and placed in better
condition than ever before for
Wliloanrfinfl nhsnrvnnoo of an-
nlo flnv. November 18. crave the
Oregon apple one of the greatest
bits ot advertising u nas ever
received. Apples and apple dish
es were served in hotels and res
taurants all over the United
States, Scores of menus and
nromises of co-operation have
been received at the Portland
Commercial Club, even far away
Alaska having fallen in line, and
newspapers all over the country
boosted the matter along.
Mrs. Minnie Mourey and Mrs.
xfoiwl firriorlnnrl nntertflined
PnrHnrwl Hive No. 7. Ladies of
the Maccabees, at "500" Tues-
day afternoon at tne iormer s
home, my &ouin nayea sireui,
Cf Tntina RpaiitiTnl chrysan
themums were used about the
rooms and a delightiui luncneon
was served. Card honors fell to
Mrs r.haa. O. Dean and Mrs. A
t Those nresent were:
,,, r, .
Mrs. J. W. uvans, airs, xuarina
Howell, Miss Ida UlarK, Airs. u.
n Hpnrv. Mrs. Unas. uean. wrs,
r.has fiiiehbs.Mrs. Chas. Netrele
o Airs Mnv wnson. Airs.
Florence Chambers. Mrs. Ida
Poffenberger, Mrs. F. M. Siefer,
Miss Sparmer, Mrs. G. W. Gos
nell, Mrs. 0. Long, Mrs. T. p.
f!mirlnn. Mrs. Beatrice Little.
Mrs. G. W. Tooven, Mrs. W. R.
Lawson. Mrs. u. w. ration,
f! Wflirner. Master Ken
iXk w w.
neth Strictland. One who was
203 S. Jersey Street
A line of typewriter ribbons.
both narrow and wide, has just
, been received at the Review
i office: 50c each. Also carbon
Typewriter ribbons for sale at paper at two sheets for five
this office; 50 cents each. I cents.
mrnSods 1
In '
Plumbing, Tinning
furnace Installing
Call-up Columbia 92
- for -SERVICE
Church of Christ
Corner New York SI. and Cenlral JUenue
Bible School 10.00 . m.
Communion Service 1 1:00 a. in.
Y. P. S.GE.6s30 p. m.
Evangelistic Services 7:30 p. in.
Junior C E. 3.00 p. m.
Prayermeelinu, Thuriuay 8:00 p. m g
St. Johns Pharmacy
Glance over our list of special priced articles. You will be
sure to find something you will need, and the saving is worth
while. Remember we maintain a "cut price on patent medicines
and toilet articles. Investigate our prices before going elsewhere.
25c Hill's Cascara Quinine. , , sisc
25c Pape's Cold Cure. 16c
25c Colgates's Talcum 15c
25c Foley's Honey and Tar ) 16c
25c Box Toilet Soap. ...15c .
25c Box Stationery r itjc
50c Chamberlain's Cough 329
50c Pape's Diuretic j 34c
50c King's Discovery 32c
50c Ballard's Horehoud Syrup 34c
jOcCarteVs K. & B. Tea 3icv
ffcSyrup Pepsin (Caldwell's) 34c
1 1. 00 Nebro's Herpicidev f : , , 64c
1. 00 Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound 68c
1.60 Wine of Cardui :- 64c
.i.ooPeruna ..68c"
Do$0U contemplate-buying a Phonograph.? We have some
thing special to offer in this line that you canuot touch in Portland.
I The hand that rocks the cradle
J shows its versatility when a
I spanking is needed.
It is easy to learn something
new every day, but so much of
it is not worth learning.
The man who pays the income
tax cannot expect much sympathy
from the other fellow.
One reason so many boys arc
named after statesmen is be
cause they have no rich bachelor
Now and then a mhn comes in
contact with a woman who makes
him waver on the equal suffrage
College professors work all the
time and get what is left after
the football coaches have been
paid big saluries for three
months work.
If you think the United States
is not a haven for the oppressed
you are wrong. Anton Wiszic
kiczk has just been naturalized
in Chicago.
There is one man in the coun
try who says he is able to tell a
woman's ago by looking at her.
Maybe ho can. but if he has any
sense he won't do it.
Says Mrs. Waldorf Astor: "I
believe the rich should have chil
dren." Of course. They should
have all the blessings they can
obtain without robbing the poor.
The Fire department will give
a dance in the skating rink on
the nvening of December 17th.
A thoroughly good time is prom
ised. Remember the date, and
Dr. Sarah Whiteside and Mrs.
W. J. Casselberry of Pennsyl
vania, Mrs. West of Seattle and
Miss Ella Laportc of Portland
were visitors at the woolen mills
A mistake occurs in the coun
cil proceedings on the flrst page
of this paper. On the location
of. an arc light in the northern
tinrt oft the city the location
should read 250 feet northwest
of Catlin on Kellogg.
J. R. Kerr, who is erecting a
flue country home for Mr. Mens-
inger of the Star Sand Co., ut
Marmot. Oregon, was in bt. Johns
for a day or two during tho past
Cards are out announcing the
wedding of Miss Emmn Rosaline
Muck to u. Terry iinckott at bt.
Johns. Wednesday, November
20th. Miss Muck is the dnugh
tor of ex-Mayor A. A. Muck and
is one of our most popular young
P. 11. Kraotscn oi Astoria ib
having n fine store room erected
on North Jersey street just south
of the nostollice. It is of tile
construction and will be modern
throughout. 25x01) in size and
costing $1800. It adjoins the
new building being constructed
by II. Henderson, W. J. Nolan
uis the contract.
Tho R. N. of A. of Hazoldoll
at University Park and Oregon
Rose Camp of Portland paid the
Royal Neighbors of St. Johns a
nleasant fraternal visit Thurs
day afternoon of last week in
the M. W. oi A. hall. The local
Camp had its regular meeting,
after which delicious refresh
ments were served to tho visit
ing Camps. All departed con
grntulating the St. Johns Camp
for ts admirable manner oi en
tertainment, and also extended
a hearty invitation to tho local
Camo to return the visit. Mrs.
Johnson of the St. Johns Camp
held tho lucky number for tho
tatted jabot given for tho Penny
Dr. Edmund Perrier, at the
Academy of Sciences, at Paris,
made nub ic this week the i is
covery that tho appendix excited
the activity of tho intestines
and he says that it should not bo
removed except in cases of ab
solute necessity. After exner
imentmg on animals with thoir
appendixes removed as in humnn
beings, Dr. Perrier discovered
that the secretions ot the giant
had a strong effect on tho inteS'
tional muscles and makes a strong
n lea that the academy shouli
suggest to French surgeons that
mey cease irom poriorining ap
nendix operations for any but
urgent reasons.
You'll Deserve
the minute you become n tie
posilor of till!) batik. I'or it
will menu that you lmve started
on the ronil to iiik-emlcuco
nml comfort which cnn only be
by the s.nlng route. You'll
coiiKrntulntc yourself too after
you l.nvc learned how quickly
little savings, regularly made,
mount up. Make a start to-day,
Oldest Bank on the
Pktiih Autzhn, Pres.
John N. Kw.M'SKN, Cash.
P. C. Knait, Vice Pres.
S. h. Donne, Ass't Cash.
Buy where you can buy the cheapest, and you will buy at
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Making Preparations
Stamps on a 50 cent purchase.
The St. Johns Commercial club
is already putting forth efforts
to make the Sweet Pea show o
1914 the greatest thing that ever
hannened. At a meeting of the
board of governors held Wednes
day afternoon tho date was set
at July 9-10, 1914, at which cups
and cash prizes will be awarded
The fo owing committees were
named to look after different
matters relative to making the
Show an unqualified success, the
chairman in each instance to
appoint his own committee:
Promotion C. C. Currin.chair-
Sweet Pea Seed Chas. S. Mc-
Gill, chairman.
Music P. G. Gilmore, chair
man. House -S. W. Rogers, chair
man. FinanceTo bo appointed later.
-0. J. Gatzmyer,
Special Advertisements
Picture framing done nt Portland
)rices at II. P. Clark's, the furni-
utre man. Adv.
Satisfaction- that is what we
nro sellipg. Arc you getting it?
(jurrins tor lJrugs.
For the Children- Plain and
ancv coats, bonnets and dresses
made at reasonable prices at 50 1
S. Hayes street.
Have you considered what Cur-
rin has saved you on your drug
nirchascs during the past live
yours? Currin's foV Drugs.
An ambulance of beauty and
durability is now at tho com
mand of the people of St. Johns
at the St. Johns Undertaking Co.
on North Jersey street. Calls
answered day or night. Adv.
Wo haven't made a sale till
( 9 A I
you are satistieti. you must no
Btttlslled or wo return your
money. Wo guarantee every
thing wo sell. "Uurrin bays
For Kent--5 room modern cot
tage, furnished. Will no rented
from Nov. l to small lamiiy,
reasonably. Apply to J. IC. Wil
liams, Ilolbrook mock. Adv
December 1st is our fifth anni
versary, if you win nolo our
new store you can see what dual
ity, service and price has done
for you ami us. "Currin Says
Milk for sale, of the richest
and bust quality. Right from
tho cow to the consumer. C ows
have all passed the strictest
tosts. Leave orders at Monham
Currier's. W. L. Churchill, adv
"Get it at Currin's." This is
a phrase wo have been stamping
. 1 r .1... .......
in our magnzmwi mi inu pum
two years. And when you seo
this phrase it means that you
can "Get it forlcssatCurrin's."
Currin Says So."
Dressmaking wanted. Call at
101(5 N. Jersey street. adv.
Currin Says: Tho best thing
to irivo is a Kodak or a Victor.
Currin's for Drugs.
G. W. Ovorstroot. plumbing.
heating, gas fitting; jobbing and
repairing promptly attended to.
Work guaranteed. Prompt at
tention given all calls. Colum
bia 590. 113 S. Jersey streot.
Quality, Sorvico and Price.
Get it at Currin's.
Lost Two suit cases in St.
Johns Friday evening of last
week. Finder kindly return to
004 Charleston streot, corner of
Smith avenue. adv.
Muv your magazines hero, and
you will find in them tho ads. of
all first class goods stamped with
our usage marked phrase, "Got
it at Currin's." "Currin Says
Ladies- -wear your own hair.
Bring your combings. Work and
prices that will please you. iirs.
P. Hill, 018 N. Jersey. Adv.
We load the followers. "Cur
rin Says So."
Get an electric head treatment or
massage at Gilmore's Harher Shop.
Make some one happy with a
Victor. "Currin Says So."
NOTICE. -A white Pitt bull
dog about ono year old, which
was taken up by tho police de-1
nartment, will be sold to tho
highest bidder at the city hall
Saturday, November 22, at 10
a. m. C W. Allen, Chief of Po
Wanted Day's work, or cur
tains to laundry: 13 years' ex
perience. 410 Oswego street.
Wanted Day work, or plain
sewing. 014 Hudson street, adv
Piano for sale $350 Crown
niano for only $75. 307 E. Mo
hawk street. adv.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox is GO years
old, and famous enough not to
care who knows it.
Wants Mass Meeting
Editor Review: As thcroscems
to bo so much misunderstanding
among many well meaning people
regarding proposed park sites,
due to some misconceived ideas
and misrepresentations deliber
ately made for the express pur
pose of poisoning the public mind
agninst the truth, I suggest
that wo have a well advertised,
well attended meeting, cither in
the city hall or high school au
ditorium, and there let the truth
be known, for it is tho truth that
makes us free.
Tho story is being freely cir
culated that one of the recom
mended park sites is a worthless
steep hillside, directly in front
of my place and that I had the
same recommended so as to pre
vent a river view from being obstructed.
For information of those who
nro reporting or giving credence
to these stories, permit mo to
state- That tho Western Cooper
age Co., a corporation, owns tho
land between my place and the
river and that tho same was
never thought of, nor considered
for ono moment by tho commit
tee: That tho proposed park site
extends from near Mr. Thur-
mnn's to a point soutii and west
of John Edlefcsen's and not in
tho same block to mine with
street extended. That no part
of any proposed park is in front
of my place and that tho ono
tendered by Mr. Stearns, which
embraces the Allen tract and
some of his, Is tho only one whoro
some birds or animals could ho
kont for benefit of tho children.
There Ib as much or moro lovol
land in tho Allen-Stearns tracts
as in tho Jaeger or Cnplo tracts,
besides the tender embraces a
road way to tho dry docks for
tho benefit of tho laboring men
of the city, who now have to
pass over private property on
their wny to labor. I wonder if
the laboring men of St. Johns
are to receive no consideration
whatever in this park location
yVhon tho Panama Lanal is
completed six times as many
ships will pass up the river as
now and that will mean six
tunes as much labor at tho dry
docks as now, provided the same
aro opened up, and that would
mean home employment, homo
work, and Incroasod homo In
dustry. Give us a public meeting so
the truth may become general.
D. C. Lewis,
In Justice's Court for tho Dis
trict of St. Johns. County of
Multnomah, State of Oregon.
II. L. Cowlos, Plaintilf, vs.
Mr. and Mr. J. D. Hessinger,
Civil action for the recovery
of money.
To Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hes
singer. Defendants:
In tho name of tho State of
Oregon, you aro hereby required
to appear before me at my ofiico
and answer the complaint filed
against you in tho above entitled
action on or before January 2,
1914, and if you fail to answer
for want thereof, the plaintiff
will tako judgment against you
for seventeen dollars and fifty-
five cents ($17.55), and for costs
and disbursements incurred in
this action, as prayed for in said
Given under my hand this 19th
day of November, 1913.
Justice of the Peace.
Switzotland has had a republic
for six hundred years, and with
out keeping her neighbors awako
at night.
Mrs. Parkhurst says women
aro driven to violence. Then it
isn't true that thoy smash things
for relaxation.