IIIitorlcl Society St: Jolms Is Calling You It second in number of Industrie. Ii seventh, in population. Con to Portland every 16 min. 1 Mai nnvigable water on 3 sides. 1 las finest gas nnd electricity. . Mat two strong banks. Has five large ichool houses. Mas abundance of purest water. 1 las hard surface streets. I Ins extensive sewerage system. I las fine, modern brick city hall. Mas payroll of J95.000 monthly. Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight. All railroads nave access to it. Is gateway to Portlnnd harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. St. Johns Is Calling You Mas sevtn churches. Has a most promising future. Distinctively a manufacturing efty Adjoins the city of Portland. Mas nearly 6,000 population. I las a public library. Taxable property, J4.50O.OO0. I las large dry docks, nw mills Woolen mills, iron work, Stove works, asbestos factory, Ship building plant, Veneer and excelsior plant, Flour mill, planing mill, Dox factory, nnd others. More industries coming. St. Johns Is the place for YOU. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to. the Interest of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI,. IO ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBIiR.ai, 1913. NO. 2 COUNCIL MEETS Matters of Importance Receive Attention All members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Bredeson presiding. Petitions for the improvement of Tyler street from Fossenden to Dawson by sideWalk, grade and 'macadam strip in center, were received tmd referred to the city engineer for rocommend .ation, A communication from the fire department .slated that a number of lire hydrants needed oiling and (lushing, aild the matter was referred to the' water company for uction. A communication from the O. W. H. and N. Company, in reply to a request asking the company to pluco the roadway between its tracks on Bradford street in bet ter condition, stated that under Mm tipniriuimia nl tli.i nnmri'inv'u franchise it was only required , to keep the street between its tracks in us good condition as the balance of the street; that tin's had been done, and even made better than the balance of the street to such a' degree that it was used almost exclusively by teamsters, wearing it out much faster than would bo the case if the whole street had been main tained in a more perfect condi tion. , It intimated, however, that the company was willing at any time to keep its part of the street in as good condition us the rest of the street. Comunication accepted ami ordered (lied. Arc lights were ordered in stalled at Polk and Hayes streets, Myers and Swcnson, Oregon ian and Astor, and ono on Kellogg street botween Catlin and Trum bull, upon recomendation of the water and light committee. " Arc lights petitioned for at Charles ton and Central avenue and Orc goninh and Swift were dis allowed. The city attorney rendered an opinion on the plea made by Mc Kinney & Davis that they were being charged too much for water at their real estate oflicc. Ho stated that according to the water company's franchise they weroboing charged no more than pormitted so to do under its pro visions. Attorney Gatzmyer also stated that according to the franchise the company wns not required to install lire hydrants at a greater distance than '400 feet from its nearest mains. A fire hydrant was ordered installed at the corner of Seneca and Polk streets, The city engineer stated that the remonstrances lodged against the proposed improvement of Hnrtmnn street between Central avenue and Oswego street repro ' Routed 35 i nor cent of thonroner- ty interested in the improve ment. The attorney was direct ed to prepare a resolution direct ing the engineer to provide tho necessary data for the improve ment; of the street. Claims of Portz and Emerson of $5 each for locating a sewer affrrded somo discussion. Street Inspector Shurts stated that the work took only three-quarters of an hour to accomplish, and he believed the charge somewhat exorbitant. Portz was allowed his claim, however, becauso he crawled into the sewer, but Emerson's claim was pared down fifty per cent, D. C. Lewis suggested that more conies of the city charter should be provided, and also that all live ordinances should be nrinted and placed in book form. The local printer was asked to give an estimate of the cost of printing more city charters. It was decided to require the water company to place all streets in (rood condition after they had been excavated for the purpose of laying water mains. The street committee was in structed to meet with the County Commissioners m order to as certain what proportion of cost the countv would assume in the hard surfacing of Columbia boule vard, which is a county road. An ordinance placing the city tax levy at nine hulls, the same as last year, was unanimously nassed. Councilman Wright broached the nark nuestion once more, and advocated a ballot to contain a list of nrotfered tracts, classified un der the headimr of "Park Sites" and "Plazas," the voter being given the privilege of voting for one of each only, the ballot Doesn't Happen Here (?) Again we are constrained to say that there are a good many mothers in this country who either are too busy to look after their daughters or else they are too indilforent to care about their conduct and future. Any mother who has arrived at the age when her daughters are ready to attend social events of tho neghborhood in company with her young men friends, should be wise enough to understand the importance of that young woman's conduct and the liberties the daughter may permit from her companions. Vet there are a'large number of girls who. do not know how to conduct themselves in company of many, or of two. Evidently tho girls of the town, who, some of thorn well under 18 years of age, are frequently seen out walking with their company's arms around them, have had short advice as how to behave n more nubhc nlacos. Girts are frequently seen riding on the cars with their escort's arms around them. They go to tlte local theatre and sit the run through in a sweetly loving em brace. A irirl under sixteen in company with a boy somewhat older attended the Isis Sunday evening and reversed tho cus tom. Over half of the two hour nroirram was nassed witli her arm around her escort, her hetid almost against his, and her lov ing eyes endeavoring to penetrate the depths of his visual soul. It was the limit of nonsense, and tho only excuse that could be offered for it was that she was too irrcon to know better. Such conduct lias a degenerating in fluence on all tho other young people who see it. And the girl becomes a joke in the Bight of her neciuaintnnces as well as of strangers.- -BenvcrStuto Herald. Of course none of tho girls in St. Johns are guilty of such conduct. also to authorize a bond issue in Rinn trrwifc nnnuisli to cover the cost of the highest priced jmrk site and also the highest, pnecu plaza, to bo reduced to fit if (homier nriced nronortv bo selected by the voters. Ho fav ored the Latlln, Stearns, dneg ger, Cuples, Cook, Vennum and one of Hill's tracts being includ ed in the list of park sites. Al derman Vincent advanced and advocated the proposition of placinganumberof tracts on tho ballot, each being separate and distinct in itself, authorizing tho city to issue bonds in sum largo enough to purchase tract, pay all street improvements, if any, and allow a certain sum for n acing same in proper con dition for tho purpose it is de sired to use it for. Thus, for instance: "Caplea tract (giving description of property,) $15,000, for the purchase, street improve ment indebtedness and placing in proper condition. Vote yes or no." The other tracts to no placed likewise on tho ballot. Each tract boing separate and distinct, it would require two- thirds of the votes cast lor any ono particular tract to carry it, and not two-thirds of all tho votes cast on all the various park sites. Alderman Martin's prop osition was a preferential ballot upon which to bo listed at least eight tracts, tho voters to make their choice, each one voting lor not more than three or four tracts, as the council may deem advisable. Also at the same time authorizing a bond issue in sufficient amount to cover cost if the highest priced tracts should be selected. It was final ly decided to ask for a written opinion of the city attorney as to thn lorrnlitv of a vote taken uiider any or all of the three pronosi- i . .1 1 ..... 24 tn ui.i 1 . nil r. llOIla, ill III IlilVC II 111 ii.-uuim.-an for the next session of Council, if possible. The following bills were allow ed and ordered paid: George Dearlove, wire work at ferrv lnn(lintrS).62! GeorcreSknar. four days' street inspector, $12; Pen insula Sana ana uravei co., ai yards gravel, $23.25; J. Klum, one and one-nan uays- worn with team, $7.50;' George Skaar, two days' work on streets, $5; Bert Olin. six days' work on streets, $15; total $71.87. The Congregational church, corner Richmond and Ivanhoe a homelike church: Sunday school 10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; C. E., 6:45 p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. We welcome you to these apd all other services of the church. Not Quite Satisfactory The minimum wage law is class legislation; it does not give equal justice to all. It Is an economic anomaly, because it increases wages without refer ence to the capacity of the . em ploye to earn or the ability of the employer to pay the increase. In its enforcement of the law, the Industrial Wclfaiti Commis sion places a heavy burden on one class of business and exempts others. It subjects the manu facturers of Portland to onerous conditions from which the manu facturers in other parts of the state and country are free. These conditions make profitable com petition well nigh impossible, and will drive certain Portland employers of labor out of busi ness. The minimum wage law has a spendid object in view. It is designed to better the conditions of working girls and women by increasing their compensation and reducing their hours of labor. Unfortunately, however, it does not and cannot increase their producing capacity, and they arc receiving all they are worth, in many instances. The increase in wages, therefore, is to be made without adequate return to tho employer. It is, therefore, tho purpose of the state, through this law, to put the support of its dependents on individuals. The girls and women, who, because of some mental and. physical disability, cannot earn what tho stute thinks is sufficient for their support, arc dependents. In passing this minimum wnge law, the state recognized them as such. Tho Industrial Welfare Commission, to which has been entrusted the enforcement of the law, has had a number of inves tigations which have all gone to the matter of how much it takes to support a working girl; the investigators have not sought to learn how much the girl can earn toward her support. The com mission, finding that a factory girl requires $8.!M a week to livo on, and neither knowing nor enring if it is within her power to earn or her employer's power to pay that sum, issues an order dcclnring $8.31 minimum wnge for factory girls. Everybody knows that somo girls cannot earn $8.31 a week in a factory therefore, tho state puts on a few employers tho bur en of supporting some of its in competents. Employers havo pointed out to tho commission tho injustico of forcing them to pay not only more than a girl can earn, but more than they can afford. Tho retort of tho commission is for cible, if not reasonable: It is a parasite business that cannot pny its girls a living wage- $8.34 a weok. Probably all the parasitism is not to be charged to tho busi ness. Is not tho incompetent employe whoso wage has been raised to a figure far above what sho can earn . something of a parasite? An important point that tho commission forgets is this: Tho minimum wnge scale for factory girls affects Portland employers only; in other cities of the state and country factory employers are required to pay their work peoplo io more than they can earn. When the Port land factory owner is forced to pay fifty or a hundred girls a dollar or a dollar and a half a week more than they can earn and more than his competitor pays, he becomes an object of sympathy rather than of tho -.5.1? 1 1L-I ll.. nuicuiu uuii. uiu commission heaps on him. He will also be come a bankrupt. Probably the Industrial Wel fare Commission has given some thought to the future of the girls, who, unable to earn the Inch wage that the comm ssion has been kind enough to try to pay them out of tho pockets of employers, will inevitably lose their positions. Failing to in duce one class of business mon to support a great number of tho state, s dependents, the commis sion undoubtedly has provided some means of support for the girls it has forced upon the streets Portland Spectator. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legal blanks are kept for sale at ' this office and others will be added as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases, - All these blanks at the uniform price of 30c per doiea. THE LIBRARY Interesting Notes for the Library Patrons The now library building on the corner of. Charleston and Kclloinr streets will bo thrown open to the public for inspection Saturday afternoon, .November 22nd at half past two o'clock. During the afternoon there will bo stories for the children. An informal program will be given 111 the evening at eigne o'clock. Among the speakers will be Mr. Hufus C. Holmnn, chairman of the County Com missioners and a member of the library board: Mr. Charles Brede- son, Mayor of St. Johns, and Mr. Charles Fry, principal of the bt. Johns high school. Mr. II. L. Sabin of the Board of directors of the Library Association nvill preside. The music, violin and vocal selections, will be given by Miss Frances Gill assisted by Miss Jean Brownlee. New Library Hours -After noon 12 to film: evening, 7 to y. In tho new building the library will open at twelve instead of at oni and will clpse at nine o'clock n the evening instead 01 halt past nine. The earner opening Is mainly for the convenience of the teachers and school chil dren who may desire to make uso of, the library during their noon hour. It is believed that the half hour earlier closing in the evening will work no inconven ience to the patrons in general. The library will no closed all dov todav. Friday. Hooks due on that day may be returned Sat urday or Monday at tho now building without fine. No books will be given out on Snf.uday, but Monday regular business will be resumed? Help the Boys and Girls It. i.t sdncorolv honed that every person having the welfare of tho Boys' and Girls'. Aid Society at heart win not ian 10 romomucri thorn this year. This Society tn eni'mir for nil tho donendont and neglected children in the stato who my uo committed to it by the proper authorities. 1 neir ImnWlnt is doscrintivo of some of the work thoy havo accom plished during tho past year, showing that they have passed 'I'M children through 1110 receiv ing Home at Portland during the past year. These children wore committed nom zi (iiiiereiu counties in tho state. Another irrnnd thintr which the Society nccompishes is the in vestigation 01 complaints 01 abuso and neglect among children nnd thoy will quickly have an iiL'ont on the snot. ;md what otherwise would bo nobody's business they make tho business of tills noble institution, and if there is merit in the complnint they see that the matter is brought beloro the proper au-tlim-irlos nnd tho children made such disposition of as may bo for their best interests. Therefore, 0110 cannot donate anything for a better cause than the work of this institution. Tluili' noflH jiro fiVfirvthintr that can bo used in a household- canned goods, groceries ot all kinds, especially sugar, provi sions, vegetables and fruit of all Winds. Tho railroad, steamboat and express companies running into 1'ortiand nave recognized tne importance of this Institution sufficiently to deadhead all dona tions shipped to it if properly boxed and plainly marked, "The Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon, Portland, Oregon." The results of tho work of this institution can now be seon in many parts of the state. Many of the children have now grown into mnn nnd womanhood, manv are happily married, and GO , per cent ot tno cases navo turneu out good and law abiding citi zens. Therefore, help the good cause along. The Little Gem Clothes Hack, something new and made in St. Johns. Strong and durable, take up little room; thoy can be hung anywhere, either in or out of doors. Made to order from 24 to 3G inches long any size you wish. Samples in window at corner Chicago and Ivanhoo streets. Stop and see a nice Xmas present for-" your wife or mother. Prices, 75c to $1.00. ad Suppression Often Wanted Sometimes it is amusing, some times it is sad, when requests are made to newspapers to omit from their columns items con cerning difficulties in which in dividuals find themselves. Few persons realize the responsibility resting upon tho newspapers. The first duty of a paper is to furnish news. The subscribers demands that he be furnished with all the news at the lime it happens and this is a duty over recognized by every member of the craft. Tho effort to prevent the publications of items which are recognized us news are fre quent more frequent than is generally supposed. Quito often the newspaper mnn finds himself in a quandary as to the proper course to follow, especially when families request the suppression of news concerning dnughter or son, wives or mothers. Fre quently it is the individual in trouble who becomes solicitous nnd begs that his family be saved the mental anguish which is sure to follow the publication of news concerning his escnpadc. Fear that his family will suffer never occurs to him until he is caught In tho wrong doing. The man who gets drunk and commits some crime while under the in fluence of strong drink hud little thought of his family while drinking. Once caught, he im mediately requests that the newspapur omit reference to his case "because of his family"--Exchange. A Roadway to Swift's The plan to open a roadway to tho interstate bridge across the Columbia Hiver is urged by tho St. Johns Commercial Club, now that the bridge is assured. That St. Johns will want entranco to the interstate bridge is without question. It. G. Brand is chair man of the committee on this roadway, which has investigated conditions. It was found that the Federal government will rcquirxj draw bridges over Columbin ami Ore gon sloughs, as both are to be dredged for boats. Tho com- milteee has found that it has an 8l)-foot space for this roadway, and tho main (mention is tho cost of construction tho amount of which lias not yet been deter mined. If St. Johns builds tho road way to tho Union Meat Com pany's plant tho latter company will construct tho roadway for the balance of tho distance. Bonds probably would have to bo issued to pay for the roadway, It is conceded that thoro will be great devolopomont on tho Lower Peninsula and this roadway will bo needed. -Orogonin. A Healthy Growtli A healthy growth in St. Johns school attendance is shown by tho monthly report of Superin tendent Charles H. Boyd. Dur ing this school year 1)21 pupils havo been enrolled, tho Inrgost number ever onrollod in tho local schools. Tho pupils now attending, number 847, aver age daily attendance during Oct ober boing 819, or 9(5.7 por cent. During 1912 tho total enrollment was only 879, tho attendance during October 812 and tho aver age daily attendance of those pupils during October 78!l, or 9G.4 per cent. Central grammer school has an uitra-school soccer league of six teams, and mny compote against teams from other schools later in the year. Tho sport is being encouraged by Principal Boyd as a substitute for foot ball, as soccer may be played in school clothes during recess with out donning uniforms.- Journal. Eight pigs, six months, 1GIJ2 pounds, ?123. This is a con densed story of what has been accomplished by a farmer at In dependence, Oregon, who recent ly hauled his pork to market and disposed of it. Each hog was six months old and averaged 204 pounds, making an average value of $15.38 a head, or.$2.5G per month per hog. "Never lot your pigs make hogs of them selves," is the advice of a prom ment farm expert 111 urging farmers to hurry tho growth ol their pigs and getting thorn to market when from G to 9 months old. Lafferty Makes a Talk Hon. A. W. Lafferty made an interesting talk in the city hall last Friday night. That Lafferty and the record he has made as Congressman are appreciated in St. Johns was evidenced by tho largo crowd that turned out to hear him, tho seating capacity of the council chamber being filled to its capacity, and more. Tho address was rather forced on Lafferty as he was served with a subpoena by Chief of Police Allen nnd signed by Mayor Bredeson demanding his presence at St. Johns on last Friday night, and to deliver a speech before an as sembled audience. Lafferty ao quiesed without it being neces sary to invoke the aid of a bench warrant. D. C. Lewis served as chair man of the meeting and witli a few complimentary remarks, in troduced Mr. Lafferty, who held the close attention of his audience for two hours. Ho gave a few sidelights into tho inner work ings ul the benato and House of Renrcsentations. and told how difficult a matter it was to secure the passage of any bill because of the immense amount of time taken up with appropriation measures. Ho told of rciorms that were badly needed and be lieved would eventually be in stituted. He showed how the telephone and telegraph com panies were in reality under ono head, and that the prices charged were undoubtedly productive of enormous profit and he favored government control thereof. Ho scored in 110 unstinted terms the methods employed by the As sociated Press and other avenues of dissembling news matter, how they suppressed and distort ed matters which would tend to aid and promote the interests of any ollicial or candidate the powers that bo weroun favorable to. Evon tho livening News, tho "great friend of the peoplo" had been muzzled, he said, so far as saying anything good about Lnllorly. which the editor had admitted was a fact. He also censured the altitude of the other Portland dailies in rofus- imr him recognition in any man ner except a derogatory ono. Mr. Lafferty dwelt to some length on the currency question and a bill which ho had introduced providing a means for farmers to secure money from the govern ment at a low rate of interest. Tho address throughout was in oresting and instructive and listened to with careful attention. Lafl'ortv is a n ens nir sneaker. and hits right out from tho shoulder. Boforo ho concluded his remarks ho paid a glowing tribute to St. Johns, which in his estimation, ho said, was the prottioHt spot in this or any other continent. A Local PQet's Muse On a quiet slough on a quiet day, Whore tho heron fish and the black bass play, In a canvas boat I drifted along, With a joyful heart, though I sang no song, Lost tho sensitive bass grow wary with fright, And run from my spinnor witli novor a strike. A splendid cast Aba! Ah, at last! With a cunning hand I mot tho striko, As ho rose from tho wator as swift as tiio light; With a Hood of joy my heart is rout, My rod witli a two pound bass is bout; Tho wator is whipped into foam 'round my boat, I know my spinnor is well down his throat. Hurrah for my skill, For now ho is still. I draw him near and lift him out. More prized by mo than tho finest trout, But how ofton mny I, and so may you. Go fishing down thoro to that duiet slough, And catch the best fish, perhaps unfair, And novor thank God for plant ing them there. -F. M. Inti't ulimi fi ltntiinnQQ mnn 11 ml ty UI41II1 I kjlta.) I VJtJ tlllll tMIt refuse to trado with him when you havo cash simply becauso you owo him for past accommoda tions. The way to got oven witli him for his kindnoss is to patron ize him whan you havo money and pay for what you want. HIGH SCHOOL Items of Interest Regard ing School Doings Dr. McLaren of Los Angeles, Cal., gave a lecture in the High School auditorium a week ago last Thursday night on "The Flags of All Nations." Every ono islcned with wide'opon ears and seemed to enjoy it very much. Last Saturday night tho Fresh men showed their talent in enter taining the upper classmen at the "first annual mooting of the Tramps" held in the High School gymnasium. Wo are glad to see Bessie Baron back at school again after sev eral weeks of absence. A neat little leaflet containing most of tho school yells has been published under the supervision of our enterprising yell leaders. Its primary purpose is to create school spirit by improving the rooting. The girls' basket ball team has accepted the first challenge of the season from tho Boavorlon school. The game will be played on December 19th on the James John floor. On the sninu even ing the boys' team from tho two schools will open their basket ball season also. Next Saturday. Nov. 22, the football team will play off the 0-0 tie game played tho first of the season with Ridgellold. The game this time will be played at llidgelield. The team, accom panied by a boat load of rooters, will leave the city dock at 8:!tU a. in. Saturday. In order that all who wish may take the trip, tho price has been put at the same figure as last Spring, when the track loam made the same excursion. In other word, a round trip of forty miles will be furnished for 2f cent, or about one-third cent per mile. But an arrangement has also been made witli Hidgefield by which St. Johns will get a rake-off on all paid admissions from St. Johns. The local management has, there fore, decided to sell a ticket good for the round trip on tho boat and admission to tho game for fiO conUi. Tho tickets are mm on sale by the High School students, and tho public, iwrents especially, are urged to purchase t ckets and accompany the loam and students. Thero will not be any lunch served on tho boat, but each porson will bo expected to carry along enough lunch for tho day, as thoro will lw little or uo chance to purchase anything to oat in Kidgofiold. The trip will bo takon. rain or shine. Don't allow a little Oregon mist to dnmpou your enthusiasm. Tho team is down to real work this week. A number of new plays havo been added, and some changes made in the line-up Everett Smith will boat full back. Sundstrom at loft half, and Capt. Hiatt has boon shifted to right guard for this jpme. Krougor is handling forward passes so well that he will likely bo used at end through the en tiro game, Hoporter. Aftor long, weary months of uncertainty and delay, Secretary of the Interior Lane has flnallj and formally approved the first unit of the Umatilla Irrigation Project, set aside $800,000 from tho reclamation fund to defray tiio cost and directed tho Rec lamation Sorviuo to begin con struction work as soon as pos sible. It is expected that work will bo commenced not later than December 20 and that the first unit will bo completed and 10,000 acres brought under irri gation within a year from that time, Aftor a personal inves tigation last summer, Secretary Luno is confident that the en tire project will be n success, but thinks it good business policy to complete tho first unit before undertaking further work. There is a groat doal said about making homo attractive so tho young people will not want to wander away from them ; but it is nprivato opinion one hardly dares to expross, that there is too much being done for young America in tho woll-to-do classes. They are coddled and humored and given placos, while tho par ents take tho rough onos, until tho parlor has como to bo looked upon as their orbit, while the mother "lives and moves and has her boing" in tho kitchen.