St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 14, 1913, Image 3

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    Extra Special Sale of Linoleums
Make the Kitchen Glean, Neat and Sanitary for Thanksgiving
For one week only at Ormandy Bros Big Furni
ture Store you will find some mighty savings in
good quality Linoleum. We have a large stock of
Linoleums. There are many patterns of every
grade. Here is a brief outline:
Nine different patterns of good quality, heavy, durable, printed 6 foot Lino
leum; regular 70c yard, EXTRA SPFXIAL THIS WEEK ONLY THE YARD 56c.
Three different patterns, extra heavy printed Linoleum, 12 feet wide; regu
Five different new designs in standard quality INLAID Linoleum, very endur
ing, sanitary and neat. THIS WEEK ONLY THE YARD, $1.12 1-2.
Very heavy Imported Greenwich THIS WEEK ONLY THE YARD $1.80.
of Ormandy Bros. 1 0PZTE
Local News.
Satisfaction, Is the word Gil
more, the Barb.T. adv.
Geo. A. Thompson is having ti
plcnsnnt little habitation erected
on Seneca street.
Tho dredge Columbia was
placed on the dry docks TuesJay
for considerable repairs.
A. C. Gcslor camo up from
Contrnlin. Wash., and spent a
day or two in St. Johns this
Miss Christina Herman, secre
tary of tho Word Recall Commit
ter, was a business visitor in St.
Johns Wednesday.
The morning topic at the Bap
tist church Sunday will bo "Mark
of a Christian;" evening topic,
"Weighed in tho Balances."
Good singing.
Hon. A.W. Lafferty will mako
an address in the city hall this
evening, to which tho public is
cordinlly invited. Lafferty is a
pleasing talker and has made
good in Congress. Hear him.
Company No. 2 in tho contest
"A mile of pennies," will give
a five penny luncheon at tho
home of the captain, Mrs. H. 0.
Brown, 318 N. Hayes street,
from 2 to 5 p. m. Friday, No
vember 21. Save your pennies
and don't forget tho date.
A new industry has just been
established in St. Johns by J. L.
and D. McLean, tho former of
Falmouth, Mass., who will raise
mushrooms all the year around.
From 80 to 40 pounds a day will
be raised at first. Tho facilities
will be the Spring.
Mrs. A. F. Overman and son,
Eugene, and mother, Mrs.
French, of Cleveland avenue,
Portland, were callers last Sat
urday afternoon upon Mrs. W.
E. Ingalls at the M. E. parson
age. They were former parish
oners when Mr. Ingalls was pas
tor at Lents some years ago.
The W. C. T. U. meeting at
the city hall next Monday after
noon at 2:30 will be of unusual
interest. After some very impor
tant business, Mrs. M. M.
Sleeth. State Evangelistic Super
intendent of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union, will
irive us a Bible study. You will
miss something very helpful if
you miss it We invite you to
come. Reporter.
To our friends and patrons
We wish to announce that after
Nov. 20th, we will be located
at 107 S. , Jersey street in the
Holbrook block, next door to
Men's Toggery. Edmonson Co.,
.plumbing, heating and tinning,
Get nn electric head trentuictit or
mtiKsiige nt Gilmoic's limber Shop,
Ladies wear your own hair.
Bring your combings. Work and
prices that will please you. Mrs.
P. Hill, 018 N. Jersey. Adv.
H. Henderson, tho Abstract
man, is having a neat and mod
ernly appointed store building
erected on North Jersey street
near Chicago street. It will be
of brick and tile construction and
used for store purposes.
A number of St. Johns folks
attended n dancing party given
by Mrs. Heady and Mrs. Bonhnm
in ArtiBnn Hall, Portsmouth,
Monday evening. All report a
most delightful time, ltudd's
orchestra furnished the music.
Tho city tax levy for this year
will no doubt be mndo by the
citv dads next Tuesday evening.
Tho probabilities aro that the
mill rate will uo nine mills, the
same as last year, which, together
with other moneys received by
the city, will approximate about
Mrs. Rilla L. Motheny. daugh-
ter of Gov. J. H. and Mrs. J. H,
Fletcher, returned to her home
in Washington state on Thurs
day, after a stay of two weeks
with her parents and brothers In
this city. She is a most lively
and affable young lady. It is
just one year since her last visit
here, and to say that her stay
was immensely enjoyed all
around, is to put it very mildly,
While Mrs. C. It. Chadwick
was after her cow on Wednes
day about 5 p. m., she had the
unpleasant sensation of hearing
a bullet pass so near to her head
that she cpulcl teel the wind of
the bullet and plainly hear it
sing. It is said that the report
did not come from the nearby
woods, and that it was easily
heard in the direction of Swen
son street Tho police have been
notified of the occurrence.
The Royal Arcanums gave a
delightful dance and entertain
ment at an open meeting of the
new Order Wednesday evening.
A large attendance was in evi
dence and enjoyed themselves
to the fullest extent in dancing
and playing cards. Organizer
Kirkwood made a neat and in
teresting address. A sumptous
repast was also served. Sneed's
three piece orchestra furnished
excellent music for the occasion.
The Royal ' Arcanum Order is
the latest to organize in St.
Johns, and it promises to soon
become one of the leading fra
ternal organizations of the city.
The order fs growing at a rapid
rate and promise many pleasur
able entertainments during the
coming year,
edmondson co.
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Typewriter ribbons for sale nt
this office; 50 cents each.
Drugs and Medicines
We beat competition on Quality, Price and Service.
You always get what you ask for here aud we always
have it. Give us a trial.
This week we are offering a fancy line of Box Sta
tionery at one-half the regular price, Lay in a supply
now aud save money,
A special discount ou a complete line of Rubber
Goods, Fountain Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, etc., all
fresh and new aud guaranteed for one year.
We handle the famous
We are offering some special deals on Columbia
Phonographs which you cannot afford to overlook if
you are going to buy a talking machine.
Come in aud get our prices and terms.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
- for -SERVICE
Church of Christ
Corner New York SI. and Cenfnl Avenue
n:t.i.a.i I innn . ...
Communion Service 1 1 ;00 a. m.
Y.P. S.GE.6:30 p. m.
Evangelistic Services 7i30 p. ni,
Junior C 11 3.00 p. in.
I'rayermccting, I hurtuny d.lKJ p, m,
A line of typewriter ribbonB,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at the Review
office; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
m - -. . -
How easy it is to learn things
that are not worth knowing.
It requires the combined efforts
of two people to make a success
01 marrmge.
A woman with a beautiful mind
and a gentle heart looks good in
almost any kind of clothes.
A baby girl arrived at the
home of. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Spcdd during the past week.
Since the new tariff went into
effect a New York thief robbed
four safes, and all he got was $16.
The worst of it is. Uncle Sam
will have Mexico for a neighbor
always. She cannot move away.
Mrs. Vandusen of British Col
umbia has purchased the Boston
Restaurant on Philadelphia
Subject for debate: Resolved.
That the modern girl in a hobble
skirt could outrun an old-fash
ioned girl in hoops.
Automobiles are not afflicted
with spavin or ringbone, but
some oi them breathe as if they
might have the heaves.
After a man has nut in a whole
day minding his own business
he ought to be tired enough to
rest and let other people's busi
ness alone.
Our forefathers had their
"problems of the future," and
the coming generations will have
theirs. Nothing has been or will
be just right.
A masquerade party was given
at tho homo of Norman Brokaw
Friday evening, October 31st.
The event was immensely enjoy
ed by all present.
Marion Shorington. who has
been visiting his nunt, Mrs.
Chns. Aspcr. the past month or
so, returned to his home nt
Downs, Kansas, tins week.
"What shall n girl say when
she receives her engagement
ring? asks Trixie Fairfax.
Well, for one thing she might
say it is just what she was long
ing for. fc,x.
"German girls are forming a
society whose members arc
pledged to mnrry homely men."
Girls who can originate nn idea
like that ought to be well worth
Persons who grow impatient
with the littlo irritations of lifo
might learn a lesson in fortitude
from tho Uhiouogwhoismotiier-
ing seven puppies and four or
phan pigs.
Milk for sale, of tho richest
and best quality. Right from
the cow to the consumer. Cows
hnvo all passed the strictest
tests. Leave orders at Bonhnm
Currier's. -W. L. Churchill, udv
Alex Kerr advises us that the
"young son" which tho Review
stated arrived nt his homo sev
eral weeks ago, turns out to be
n girl. Our informant made a
pretty close guess, however.
Tho prohibition movement is
gaining momentum throughout
tho state with romnrkabio rapid
ity, and if tho wave keeps up its
sweep it will not be long until
tho state 01 uregon will bo num
bered umong tho dry states.
We can't believe tho statement
that ninety-nino out of every
hundred marriages in America
aro unhappy. But if it is true,
men and women everywhere nro
to be admired for their ability
to grin and bear it.
After Nov. 20th, Edmonson
Co.. will bo located at 107 S.
Jersey street, in the Holbrook
block, next door to Men's 'log
gory, where they will bo hotter
equipped to carry on thcirplumb-
Ing, heating and tinning trade.
Dr. James McLaren, dramatic
orator of California, lectured in
tho nuditorium of tho High
School building last evening, be
ne an addition to tho Lyceum
Course of lectures and enter
tainments. All those holding
Course t cketa were admitted
free. The lecture wus quite
pleasing and entertaining. "Tho
Flugs of the World" was his
Ghas. Sagert purchased tho
Smith dwelling on tho city hall
grounds on Burlington street at
Bublic auction held by Mayor
redeson in front of tho city
hall Monday afternoon. The
price paid was $340 cash. It
is said the dwelling cost origin
ally $1400. so that Mr. Sagert
seems to have struck a bargain.
He intends to remove it to one
of his lots on Charleston street.
On December 8-13 tho Pacific
International Livestock Exposi
tion will be held at tho Portland
Union Stockyards and. although
the opening date is still distant
more than a lull montn, breed
ers from all parts of the United
States and Canada are already
sending in their fancy stock.
Fifteen thousand dollars in cash
premiums will be paid out at tho
close of the show, the largest
sum ever ottered at an exclusive
ly livestock show on the Pacific
Coast. Recent winnings of
Pacific Coast cattle at tho
National Dairy Show at Chicago
have induced breeders,, of tho
Middle West to make important
entries in competition with Ore
cron breeders. James J. Hill.
who was sponsor for the original
show, has been invited to bo a
guest of tho exposition for at
least one day,
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
Pkthk Autzkn, Pres. P. C. Knapp, Vice Pres.
John N. Edi.kpskn, Cnsh. S. L. Domij, Ass't Cash.
o 0N A olo
THIS COUPON !g0Hd g;e2e &sfl-
Stamps on a 60 cent purchase.
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. P. Clark's, the furul-i
utrc man. Adv.
There is one KODAK it is
mnde by tho EASTMAN KO
DAK CO. Currin Says So. ad
Wanted Work by the day.
Mrs. A. Murind, 117 Swenson
street, near Oswego. adv.
Victor records cost no more
than other kinds. Why not
hnvo tho best? Currins Says
So. ! adv.
For the Children Plain and
fancy coats, bonnets and dresses
mnde at reasonable prices at 50-1
S. Hayes street.
Do you know about the tono
control in VICTORS? Better
lot us show you. Currin Says
So. adv.
An ambulance of beauty nnd
durability is now nt tho com
mand of the peoplo of St. Johns
at tho StJohns Undertaking Co.
on North Jersoy street. Calls
answered day or night. Adv.
Remember wo have all tho pop
ular magazines and will get any
magazine published for you.
Currin's for Drugs. adv.
For Rent- -5 room modern cot
tage, furnished. Will bo rented
from Nov. 1 to small lamiiy,
reasonably. Apply to J. E. Wil
HnniB, Holbrook Block. Adv
There's a "ono best" in every
line. In talking machines it's
tho VICTOR. Currin Says So.
For sale Household furniture
nnd chickens. 51!) East Bu
chanan street, St. Johns. Adv.
Do you get full woight and
Quality when you buy household
drugs? Of courso you do if they
nro bought here. Currin snys
so. adv.
For sale- Fifty chickenB and
18 Indian Runner ducks. Phono
Columbia 270. adv.
Better como in and listen to a
few VICTOR records, nnd learn
about our easy payment plan.
Currin says so. adv.
Tho Congregational church.
corner Richmond nnd Ivnnhoo
homelike church: Sunday
school 10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a.
m. nnd 7:30 p. m.; C. E., 0:45 p.
m. : prayer meeting Wednesday
at 7:30 p. m. Wo welcome you
to theso and all other services
of tho church.
You can buy a hot water Iwttlo
or fountain syringe hero that is
guaranteed for one year for tho
same price you nay for tho ordi
nary kind. Get It at Currin's. ad
Dahlias Special Seven fine
bulbs, all d liferent, for one dol
lar. Como and seo them bloom
ing now before they freeze.
Rose bushes. 10 cents each.
Glenwood Dahlia Gardens, 435
Lombard street, Portland, adv.
Dressmaking wanted. Call at
1010 N. Jersey street. adv.
Currin Says: Flashlight pho
tography affords a pleasant win
ter pastime. Get a free booklet
concerning it. adv.
NOTICE.-I want to say to
some St. Johns ladies and gen
tlemen, that unless they desist
in making remarks concerning
me, all of which are falsehoods,
they will be brought into court
and given a chance to prove
their malicious assertions in
court. A word to the wise is
sufficient. Mary Albert, adv.
The Littlo Gem Clothes Rack.
something new and made in St.
Johns, strong and durable,
take up little room; they can be
hung anywhere, either in or out
of doors. Made to order from
24 to 36 inches long - any size
you wish, bamples in window
at corner Chicago and Ivanhoo
streets. Stop and sec a nice
Xmas present for your wife or
mother. Prices, 75c to $1.00. ad
G. W. Overstreet, plumbing,
heating, gas fitting; jobbing and
repairing promptly attended to.
Work guaranteed. Prompt at
tention given all calls. Colum
bia 590. 113 S. Jersey street.
It's A Happy Family j
uiai cnii ioou over a savings
bank boot with pride, There's
no fear thete of hard times
like there Is In homes where
every dollar Is lived up to.
The Peninsula National Until:
invites accounts from family
men nnd women. Joint ac
counts by which cither can
draw money in case of illness
or incapacity ore much favored.
Why not open one.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Eastwood Nov. 9, a baby girl.
Por the second time a jury has
disagreed on the Constable Mitchell
perjury case.
Miss Pantile Harley will lecture
ou "Old Mexico" in the Congrega
tional church this evening.
It doesn't seem just right to
hurl old shoes nnd things ut a
newlywedded couple and let those
who come out of the divorce
court escape.
Earl Crouchley nnd Lena
Adams wore united in marriage
at tho bride's homo in Portlnnd
last "Saturday evening, only tho
immediate friends of the young
couple being present. Both
were former residents of St.
Johns, where they have many
friends, who wish them nil the
happiness life nlTords. They
hnvo taken up thoir residence
on Tenth street, near Mills,
James Dickson and William
Wilson on Monday viuited tho
north end school, presided over
by Miss Stevens, to learn how
tho St. Johns schools compared
with those of tho East, and they
were most ngreeably surprised
to find that the progress, method
of instruction nnd advancement
mnde by tho pupils woro su
perior to that obtajning in some
of tho Eastern Htates. They were
particularly impressed with pa
tience nnd lminslnking efforts
on the part of tho instructress.
Mr. Dickson was for a number
of years a school director in a
Pennsylvania town.
A novel contest is on between
tho two companies of the W. II.
M. S. of tho M. E. church. Tho
contest, "A mile of pennies,"
was suggested by Mrs. Donald
Patton, and after 11 vote wus
taken it was decided that tho
society take up the plan. Cap
tains were appointed by the
president, Mrs. Olson. Captain
of No. No. 1 being Mrs. Donald
Patton nnd of Co. No. 2, Mrs. II.
O. Brown. Tho contest is on
until tho first of April, when the
losing side gives the winners
it banquet. Watch for thoir
badges and if you have any
pennies to spare, just remcmbor
tho Captains, Ono of tho con
testants. No definite further action has
yet been taken on tho public park
proposition, but the latest move
being advocated is to call a
special election, the ballot to con
tain a list of prolfered tracts,
classified under the headings of
"Park Sites" and "Plazas' tho
voter being given tho privilege
of voting for one of each only.
The ballot also to authorize a
bond issue in sum great enough
to cover tho cost of tho highest
priced park site and also the
highest priced plnzn, to bo re
duced if cheaper priced property
bo selected by tho voters. Pro
vision will nlso undoubtedly bo
mado for money sufficient to place
tho two tracts in proper con
dition to serve tho purposes for
which they aro to bo secured.
Evangelical Church. Our Ral
ly Day services lastSunday were
a success. Much interest was
manifest and tho congregation
responded heartily to the call
for funds with which to lift the
church indebtedness and for
ward our future interests by con
tributing four hundred and fifty
dollars in a few minutes. They
were delighted in sharing in
this part of tho service. The
church in earnest in a commu
nity is a stimulus to all the in
terests of society.
Next Sunday is Mothers' Day
in our Sunday school and church
services. A program is prepar
ed and wo aro expecting a good
day. Arrangements have been
mado for assistance from outside
Sunday school workers. Tho
morning sermon will be in lino,
the theme, "Personal Responsi
bility," drawn from tho story of
Queen Esther. Special rovival
services will begin Sunday, Nov.
30. J. A. Goode, Pastor,