St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 14, 1913, Image 2

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Published Evorjr Frldny
At 117 Went Durllngtnn Stroot.
For That Thanksgiving Tramp
or for the dance in the evening, you'll need appropriate footwear. Sturdy,
comfortable shoes for the appetite creating walk. We have them and many
others sorts beside. And listen, we fit your purse as well as your feet,
Tint KBVIRW Is entered nt post office
hi Saint Tolins. Orecon. as junll matter
of the second class under the Act of Con
,;rc8s of IMnrch 3, 1879,
Offlclnl Hf.wippr of ttax 01 ty of At. Johns,
All eommunlcMloru should tit tddr.if.d to
Toe BeMfvr, Ht. Jouni. uroson.
Subscription price $1.00 per year
r il
The city authorities are favor
ably disposed toward securing
better equipment for the Arc de
partmcnt. More modern appi
uncos for fire fhrhtimr arc need
ed. It would seem that the boat
that can be gotten would be none
too trood for St. Johns. While
the fire commission has recom
mended a combination nose and
chemical truck, yet many of ou
citizens believe the equipment
wou d not be complete and ade
quatc unless a pumping engine
also be secured. The former
would cost about ?5(!00, while a
trinhi combination fire fighting
machine would cost close to
S10.000. It would be aiumrcn
to all that the best way to acquire
this equipment would be to vote
uuon a bond issue lor tne pur
pose at a special election. Twenty
year bonds would bo equivalent
to Portland eventually paying
the untie na . vm y this city in
the meantime would enjoy its
use by payment of the intcros
only. There is no apparent ca
or excuse for paying for sue
apparatus out ol tne genera
fund, with a corrosnoiiding
crease in the lax levy. It is not
right that our present population
should burden itself to provid
Homethimr that will benefit
much larger population later on
Lot Dos tori tv help to pay the bill
because it will reap a large
measure of the benefit).
If there be one better way than
another to ruin a town, it is for
those who live in it to iro abou
imoloirizimr for its existence,
There nru some who are always
ready to say, by their actions
at least, that this place don'
amount to much. They will to
Vou that the town is (lead; that
no one would think of stopping
here; that some town adjacent
is more rosnectab e more enter
prising, has better people, better
enjoyments, is ahead ol us in
everything. This is all wrong
Hvcn if it be true, no one shouli
cvdr admit it, when it conies to
to making a comparison. Kver
good citizen of this town, shouk
take a snecial local pride in al
that purlains to home. The
schools, the churches!, thonmuse
mnntfl. t ho business, nloasures
the plcfifiw, the eololfrntlons. in
fact everything should be loolc
on by our own people as just as
good as can be gotten up else
where. The town that nays
"we can, will always succeed
The town that nny. "Oh.
don't know. I don't think it wil
amount to much," in never of
muoh force. I f you have no locn
pride, borrow noma.
St. Johns citizens should spurn
their money in bt. Johns, hvery
time a citizen of St. Johns spends
his monoy elsewhere for goods
that are sold here ol as gooi
quality and al as low prices, he
works indirectly against himself
as a resident of St. Johns, who
is or should be concerned with
the unbuilding of his own city.
That it is the duty of every citi
zen of St, Johns who has at heart
the advancement and prosperity
of this city, to trade at homo
as far as possible to do so, needs
no argument. It means the
building up of more enterprises
in bt. Johns, which will con
tribute to tho city's growth and
enrichment all along tho line.
Tho wisdom of patronwing homo
industries and home people
should not be underestimated.
An old maid in St. Johns had
nearly passod through this jour
noy of lifo without attracting
any attention until one day. by
accident, she caught her skirt on
a nail and tore it just as high as
you now seo the slit, bho had
not noticed the effect that this
slit had given to her appearance
until sho noticed a neighbor man
who had called taking very much
of an mtorost in her, Anyhow,
this couple was seen frequently
in one another's company after
this, and the story goes that they
were soon married. I do not
know this to bo a fact, but as
she no doubt told her story, as
women usually do, hence the slit
skirts, tiood Government uiu
otto, Newberg, Oregon.
The Hnchclor Club has lensod
the skating link, und it iti being
placed in first clas condition
uaviusou x nuuiaim nave uis
continued their bankrupt stock bus
iness on North Jersey.
How Is Your Title?
''Have your abstracts made, con
tWiucd pr examined nt the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees,
unienderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street. Adv.
YOU It CA Itlihli&HXnSS Is tho only reason why
von Imvo not yet rented one ol' oor prlvnte surety
'deposit hoxes, mid put yotir vnlunhles, pnters will
imd (i'i'i.s mid enntrnets In onr lire mid hnrfrlnr
proof vmilts.
The rent ol' n prlvnte hox for n whole yenr eost s
hot very little.
TODAY, hrhifr In ynnrvnlnnhles mnl rent n pri
vate hox.
Let OUIt ttnnd he YOUli llnnlc
Ws pny 4 lvr vviit hitoront on &ttv!tiz AvoounlH
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice Ik hereby given that the imie-w-uifiit
for tin Itnpnivltig of N. I.i-otuinl
street front ,St. Johns iivenne to llrnce
Klreet. tin total cmt of which
S 1.250 -ID. wiih (Iwliireil by Ordinunc
No. 071, untitled "An ordinance dcclur
iiil the cost nf Improving N. Leonard St
from the northerly line of St. Joints nv
mint lo the norlherly line of llrnce
Street, in the city of St. Johns, Oregon
mid aefwliii! the Property benefit
thcichy, ilerlnrltiK such iicMineiit mid
direction the entry of thv same in the
docket of city Hens."
The cost of said improvement is levic
iitmii all the lots, twits of lots and imr
rclsol hind within the hoiindarlen of the
district, as follows: ltetueeii the north
erlv line of St. Johns avenue mid the
northerly line of llrnce sheet.
A statement of wild aewtiient has
been filtered in Ihe docket of city liens
November 11. HUH, and wild ncMimcnt
Is now due and Niyahle at tin olhcu o
the rtcorder of Ihe city of St. Johns. Or
Kou.auil will lie ileiiiiiueiit mm near in
teret after Noveiuhei 10, I9IR, mid i
not (mid ou or before December (I, 101!)
nroecrdltiui. will be taken for the col Ice
lion of the same by sole of pmerty
provided by the city chatter.
1'. A. KICK,
Citv Uccorder.
l'liblUhcd In the St. Johns Review 011
Nov. 7 and I I, IU1II.
Proposed Assessment
Notic e is herebv uivi ii that aiMxirllou
inent of the cust of IlllPrnvllil! K. I'olk
trret from the ninth line of l'eieudeil
street to the moth line of St. Johns Ills,
Addition, total font of hIiu Ii is f rtVlr7f
tins I we 1 1 Mpitortioneil and l 011 (lie 111 the
tifm eof the mideriilied. kiibju t to ex
a initiation.
AseMllcut dlslilct rxlentU buck lo
the renter of lots, blocks or ttucts nl
land almtliiiK on said treet as provided
Ity the city charter ami roMiliitlotti..
Keiiionstraucr HUatiiM km 11 MtiiHiriiou
meut may lie tnsde in writing and lllwl
with the undersigned tiutll 5 o'clock
M.Nov, at. lUl.t.
I'tiblished ill the St. Johns Iteview
Nov. 7 mid I I. 1D1U.
December 8th to Kith, 1913
Thirt will bu a notable event in
tho educational history of Ore
runners' uo onerntion will ue
the leading topic of a stimulating
series ol centres, ino wcok
week will bo crowded with dis.
cuasions. und demoustnUious in
every thing that makes for the
welfare of the farmer and home
January 5 to 30, 19M
The College has snared no
elVort to make this the most com
plote short courso in Us history.
A very wide range or courses
will bo olVered in General Agri
culture, Horticulture, Animal
lusbnndry. Dairying, Poultry
(eej)ing, Mechanic Arts, Domes-
ic bcionco and Art, L'ommorce,
'orestry, and Music. Numerous
ectures and discussions ou Farm
ors' CO-OrEHATlON, at home
and abroad, will be a loading
onturo. Make this a nleasant
and prolitnblo winter outing.
No tuition. Accomodations rea
sonable. Reduced rates on all
ailroads. lor further informa
ion address
II. M. TKNNANT, Kegistrar,
Corvallis, Orogon.
Farmors' Business Courses by
Correspondence without tuition.
Several Good Snaps
Here's a snap in St. Johns. 5
room houso for sale, lot 50x100.
all fenced, tino porch, bearing
ruit trees, cess pool bricked 32
'eat deep, four blocks from car
me; all Kinds ot chicken coops,
'rice for a fow days. S750, one-
ml f cash,
On ixoru snap! ' Kcmeinber
the bridge is going to be built
(5i acres level land seven miles
from Vancouver ferry, four room
house, stable of 13 stalls, wcl
and numn: $1000 dollars, cash
Also, '10 acres nine miles from
Astorin, second growth fir, one
half mile from railroad track
2i miles from Knappa. For i
short time, $1,000 cash. Sec ,).
Webster. adv.
Quarterly Report
Aug. 1st to Nov. 1st, 1913
Cah ou h.iud Ocucral I'tttid
August 1st, 1913
Oeneral f3i.43
I'lnes t-12.00
Mccm.cs 208 CO
Hngiueer'i r er ct. lU'.'.IIil
Street bond sli
g iiiiti
Street Intercut fund
Total ,
Ocucral ' f
Siluriiw ,
Mght r.t
Health und charity
Street rejudr
UiKtd roller
City dock
interest on city ilodK iximts
l. 421. 3t
US 1.00
Street turn! sinking fund i0.Ufi7.Kt
Street Interim fund 4.87I.C3
Street 8Jtffl.
I'lre fund 17i.60
Total f3163ia0
Cash ou haud Nov. I, 19i. . . I,2(t7 49
f 85.801. 79
ItiveiiHiry fl2(l,027.31
lloml lmlellteo:lles
Improvement llouds.
No. 10 J. C. Scott, successors
ami assigns to operate a water
No. 31- I'ortland ucnoral hlcc-
trie Company, a supply of elec
No. 31 -0. W. U. and N. Co..
to lay sidetrack on Bradford
street from Hlock 0 to Hlock 8.
James John Addition.
No. 78 O. W. K. and N. Co..
to ay sidetrack on Bradford
street to Philadelphia street.
No. I'M Homo lolophone
Company, to operate a telephone
and telegraph systom; M00 per
year, payable January 1st of
each year.
No. Ms- racillc lelenhonoand
Telegraph Company, to operate
telephone and telegraph systom:
$100 per year, payable October
1st of each year.
No. 237- Portland Gas Com-
puny, to operate a was plant;
SdOO per year, payable Decem
ber 1st of each year.
No. 312- Portland Railway.
Light ami Power Company, to
operate a street railway system
on Fessenden and Jersey streets;
!N)0 per year, payable December
st ot each year,
No.365 Mount Hood Railway.
Jght and Power Company, to
operato an electric light and
power system; two per cent
gross earnings, payablo 1st ot
each year,
bt. Johns Lumber Company.
ease of Bradford street; $20 per
year, payable January 1st ot
each year.
Ordinance No. 503 Port and
Railway, Light and Power Com
pany, uawson street; ?i July 1st.
St. Johns Lumber Company.
Turlington street: $150 nor year.
payablo semi-annually.
r, A. KICK,
Published in tho St. Johns Ro
low Nov. 14, 1918.
Photic Columbia 137
and wa will glv you
1 0 S. & H. Green Stamps FREE
with 50c purchase in ndditionto the Stamps
with the CASH purchase
Not good after Nov. 1G, 1013
General Merchandise
St. Johns, Oregon
Double Stamps will be
given on all Purchases of
$1.00 if accompanied by
this Coupon.
Wc Have Never Been
Found Out
in an attempt to deceive our customers for the simple reason that we don't
attempt to do it. In buying groceries we insist on getting exactly what we
pay for and we believe you are entitled to the same privilege. So we give
you exactly what you order weithcr you come in person, send your little girl
or order by telephone. .
Phone Columbia 137
The St. Johns Millinery
Closing Out Sale
I am now giving the final cleanup
prices on everything away below cost.
Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Flow
ers, Ribbons, Velvet Silks, Velvet
Molines, Veiling and Fancy Furs.
If in need of anything in this line, it would pay
you to come and see for yourself.
Shapes from 25c up to $3.00 for the best it the
house, regular $7.G0
Trimmed Hats from 50c up
A nice line at .$1.75 $2.50 and
Welcome to Look if not Buyina Just now
Mrs. E. J. Martin
Phone Columbia 670
Be Comfortable this Winter
Get one of Perrine's Vacuum Fireplaces
and you'll be happy. No smoke, little
fuel and big heat. See Perrine about it.
Quality -
Phone Columbia 131
Slabwood '.
Prices Range
from $1.25 to
See our line
before you
Charter Oak Heaters
-4 -m m 4 - 4- 4
H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance
J Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guarauteed.
Proposed Assessment
FOn RENT cardi at hi offlcj tioi).
Notico is hereby given that
apportionment of the cost of im
proving Burlinirton street from
; the east line of Jersey street to
to tne west line ot Central ave
nue, total cost is $1,530.10,
has been apportioned and
is on file in the ofllco of the un
dersigned, subject Tto examina-
Assessment district extends
back to the center of lots, blocks
or tracts of land abutting on
said street as provided by the
city charter and resolution.
Remonstrances against said
apportionment may be made in
writing and filed with the un
dersigned until 5 p. m. Nov. 24,
1913. F. A. RICE,
Published in the St. Johns Re
view Nov, 7 and 14, 1913.
Subscribe tor lb lohna Ruvlow
aud keep ycBtad oa the 4o4bi ot
The Best Light
At The Lowest Cost
ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes,
offices, shops and other places needing light.
Electricity can be used in any quantity, large
or small, thereby furnishing any required
amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps
can be located in any place, thus affording any
desired distribution 01 light.
No other lamps possess these qualifications, there
fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are
rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
Read the Review and keep posted.