Hliterlcil levin. St. Johns Is Calling You I tecond In number of Induttriet. It seventh in population. Girt to Portland every 16 min. Hat navigable water on 3 aides. Mat fineit gat and electricity. Hat two strong bankt. Has Ave large school houses. Has abundance of purest water. Has hard surface streets. Has extensive sewerage tyttem. Has fine, modern brick city hall. Hat payroll off 95.000 monthly. Sliipt monthly 2,000 cart freight. All railroadt have accett to it. It gateway to Portland harbor. Climate ideal and healthful. St. Johns Is Calling You Hat seven churches. Has a most promising future. Distinctively a manufacturing city. Adjoint the city of Portland. Hat nearly 6,000 population. Hat a public library. Taxable property. $4,500,000. Hat large dry dockt, taw millt Woolen millt, iron workt, Stove workt, atbettot factory, Ship building plant. Veneer and excelsior plant, Flour mill, planing mill, Box factory, and others. More induttriet coming, St. Johns Is the place for YOU. ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to lb latereiti ol lb Peninsula, tbe Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOI,. 10 ST. JOHNS," OREGON,- FRIDAY, NOVUM BUR 14. 1913." NO. 1 THE FAR NORTH Another Interesting Letter From Rev. Patton On board the Reliance, Mon day, Oct. G, 1913, near Hot Springs, Alaska, 80 miles up the Tnnana river. -Dr. II. 0. Brown, wife, friends and brethren of St. Johns, Oregon: We are now about 200 miles from Fairbanks. When we think of the distance already traveled, the few miles between us and our destination seem small. Yet we are farther from Fairbanks thar wo were when at Circle on In jl Wednesday. By trail wo could have then reached Fairbanks by traveling overland 1G0 miles. We have now traveled on our fifth steamboat, being transfer red three times in the river by lashing the boats together. The rivers are getting very low bo causo of cold weather in the mountains. The Tanana is a swift stream and really too shal low for easy navigation at this time of year. Wo have been al most 28 hours going less than 80 miles. Not infrequently does tho vessel strike a sandbar and has to twist about before getting loose. The boat is pushing n barge with probably 150 tons of freight. There are more pas sengers than regular accom modations, so a lot of the men sleep on standees in the freight room. This is the last vessel up tho Tnnana to Fairbanks this fall. The Tanana volley is indeed a beautiful plain, covered with n growth of underbrush among tho spruce and other timber. Wo passed Hot Springs at 7 a. in. Hero tho river flows only a short distance from the hills and mountains to tho north. Tho snow now comes close down to tho vftlUty. "The atmosphere hero Is not quito freezing. Tho sky is hazy and a few scattering (lakes of snow nro Hitting about the boat. This isn small steamboat com pared, with tho others wo had been on. Sho had been used on tho Bmaller rivers until just re cently. Sho made n number of trips up tho Koyukuk during tho summer. They carried in all, to the minors in those parts, about 500 tons of freight and pro visions. Sixty tons of tho 500 wero rum. I really believe that would bo a very good proportion to all parts. Not far from one half the cargo on this trip is rum. Even tho drinkers them selves say it would be a great blessing to Alaska if tho country could be free of the awful curse. It is now almost ten a. m. ; will lay this asido for today. 7 p. m. Tho crow is now tak ing on wood. The wood camp here is run by an old pioneer by tho name of Davis. Ho also has a fish wheel for catching salmon and white fish; but the most in teresting of all tho possessions of this hormit-liko man is his fox ranch. He has a correll inclosed by wire netting set deep in tho irround. Hero he has artificial caves for burrows in which these little creatures sneak away when straneers approach, They also rear their vounir in these dens. Ho markets tho foxes when crown at about $900 each. At about 4 p. m. we passed the mouth of the Kantishna river, where it flows into this stream, the Tanana. The Kantishna is seldom placed on maps, yet it is navigable for steamboats more than 1G0 mile3. One of tho pas sengera told us some of his ex- neriences where he spent a win ter seven years ago 265 miles up the Kantishna prospecting. As we see these rivers and learn of the vast territory which they drain, more and more we get some trrasn of the vast territory of Alaska. We have now been steaming un the Tanana for nearly 39 hours, and are almost exactly half way from the mouth of the river to Fairbanks, hence we should at this rate reach Fair banks at least by noon Wednes day. The lights were turned on this evening at 4 Mo. mey an say the days will shorten very rapidly from now on. About 4 n m wo auw rrrflaf. nnmhora of w, .... w o . , 1 l I- I i ,.l.2.ninv nl.All An the banks. The rabbits are now us in the main auditorium of laying off their brownish grey ' the church last evening, summer garb and are becoming! We are greatly pleased with a beautiful white. We occasion-, the town. It is in many ways a ally see ptarmigans fly across the modern little city. In fact, un river. They, too, are of a dark j jess one actually knew he was in color in summer, but are now as the Far North, he would sup white as snow. It is raining pose he was in some Oregon town quite hard since dark, and the in the midst of some unusual atmosphere is much warmer than this morn ng. Oct. 7. 7 o. m. Supper is now over. We, indeed, had a great spread: Mashed potatoes, sliced tomatoes, baked heart, roast beef, baked graling, noodles, pudding, and many other things too nu merous to mention. Today has been mostly clear und the air sharp and invigorating. During a greater part of the day n high range of mountains loomed to the southeast. They seemed to be made up of almost solid snow. ihey appeared to be about the same distance from us as Alt. Hood from Portnnd, but upon in- a mm . it quiry i found that tney were more than 200 miles distant. We iust left Ncnana. a quaint looking Indian village of several hundred inhabitants in and about he village. We spent ono and one-half hours there while the crew took on wood. Tho stores urry numerous curios and much first class merchandise. Rev. Mr. Betticher of the Episcopal church is missionury to tiiese Indians. He got on the boat to go to Fairbanks. Ho will either return over the ice when it cov ers tho river or by row bont, U time will permit. Wild game becomes more plentiful ns we ascend the river. Ptarmigans, grouse and rabbits at times seem to be playing hide and seek. They tell me that these aro not tho real jack rab- its. They are poasibly not as arge as thu jack, and not as active. Wo are now about sixty miles from Fairbanks. This would be only a little over four hours run on good water, but swift as the current is and shallow as the water is in places, wo will do well to got through by three o'clock tomorrow Wednesday. 9 a. m.. Wednesday. October 8. Tho vessel made good progress during tho entire night. The sun rose brightly this morning at a few minutes past six o'clock. The night being clear the pilot did not have to use the search light but little in order to see the river channel. J had a long talk with Rev. Betticher of Nenuna. Ho has been nine years n Alaska, and is really in. love with tho country. I was re marking to him regarding tho apparent undone health of the Indians which we meet on the shore from time to time. Ho says that tho strong, healthful Indians are mostly out in the woods, either hunting or build inir littlo cabins--caches- for storing meats and provisions for winter. Wo see a great many of the caches along the river. Thoy tell mo that theso caches are built throughout tho hunting region to protect provisions from dogs and wild animals. They build them by either placing poles, trunks of small trees as piling, about eight feet long, or selecting trees close together and cutting them down high up; thon building a small cabin, as it wore, on stilts. Theso caches are often built up in the moun tains where meats can be Kent without of necessity bringing an entire carcass to camp at once. An Indion village enjoys tho result of tho hunt at all times. If an Indian kills a moose, the meat is common property for the villacre. and all enjoy a feast or famine, according to luck of the hunter. 1 1). m. We are now but a littlo over two miles fromChena. They oay that it is highly prob- I I !l A I 1 1 I L - aoie mat we win nere ue iruna- ferred bv rail to Fairbanks, be cause of tho slough being too low for navigation. However, the contain says he may be able to take the vessel loaded to fair- banks. We have passed a num-. ber of fish wheels this morning. The fishermen sell dried dog sal mon at from 8 to 10 cents per nound. These fish are used en tirely for dog feed. One can see tons of them hanging on frames to be smoked and dried. Friday. 8 p.m. We arrived safelv in Fairbanks by tram n. m. Wednesday. October 8. A happy group of Methodists were at the denot to welcome us I had telegraphed our coming while at Fort Gibbon at the mouth of the Tanana river. The parsonage having been rented for sometime past, we went directly to the reception or read ing rooms of the church. Here we will remain until the renters can tret themselves adjusted. A i " . . - l..AH.llAnnaMWA.AntAn 111(10 IT Mian cold weather. This thought would be marred, however, by the many beautiful log houses, with the earth lifted about the foundation so as to have the floor beneath the surface of tho soil. The river is full of floating ice. The sky clear and stars twinkling except as tho Northern light ap pear to molest them. Although it is cold. I have no use for an overcoat as yet. This atmos- ffiftft" M"k Similar conditions in Oregon. Our trunks, etc., all came through nicely. We wero great ly surprised to find that tho articles were in no way injured, with the exception that the sew ing machine was affected by the salt atmosphere. Not a trunk wus injured. Some of our ar ticles that we had feared were left in St. Johns showed up in the packages. We nro having n lovely in troduction to northern prices. Everett had slightly ripped tho outer sole loose on one of his shoes; the cobbler charged 50 cents for the few stitches to re pair it, Tho cobbler has been here for two years. His family is in Seattle. He says he is growing lonesome, and is now getting ready to return home. His one regret is that ho is to leave Fairbanks: says he can easily send home $100 per month, pay his rent, live handsomely and keep a good bunk nccount. I really did not doubt his word, as I saw probably two (toys' work piled up in front of him. 1 took my shot gun und walked out back of the base ball park for a short time today und se cured seven fino rabbits and two timber squirrels. Wo will thus notcontinuully pay from 35 to GO cents a pound for meat. Now, f any of your friends grow dis contented with tho prices your laundries charge, just send your nens. etc.. to Fairbanks by nar- ccl'post and tho laundryman will do a first class job at tho follow ing schedule: White cuffs 25c, starched shirts 50c. collars 10c, and all elso accordingly. How- over, the treasurer placed $50 in my hand to tide ub over until tho first Sunday's service. Take prices, however, in other lines, and they compare very favorably with Portland. Carnation milk is $-1.75 a crute: selling at this price would make it less than Portland, freight, etc., consider ed. Take it from every stand- noint. wo will no doubt Hvo ns easily as any place wo havo over been. Beech entered school the next morning after our arrival. Tho school extends through four years of high school work. Hooks aro furnished; equipment in every way up to date. Fairbanks is u good littlo city now. Tho gener al opinion is that its future is doubtful. Tho placer mines are not eaual to a few years ago. Quartz mining is as yet in the experimental stage, bnould it bo that the government would build u railroad lino from the coast to Fairbanks, wo would at once be on a permanent basis. Tho river-boats carried passen gers and freight 500 miles above Fairbanks on tho Tanana this summer. Thus you can at once see we are very centrally located in this magnificent valley. Dr. Parson has done a great work in Fairbanks. Ho has truly been a man of God in a wicked city. God has used him to form and establish the charac ters of some strong men in this place. We are now truly anxious to know where he is placed in his former field of labor. Mrs. Patton joins in sending best wiBhes and a prayer for the work at bt. Johns, Your brother in Christ. J. J, PATTON. A Chance to Make Money "We require the services of an active man or woman to look after the local subscription in terests of Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeening. Hearst's Maga zine. Harper's Bazar, Motor and Motor Boating. We pay a gen erous cash commission and a Monthly salary which is regulat ed by the amount of work done. It can be carried on in spare time or full time, just as preferred. It offers an unusual opportunity, as many of our representatives now earn $5,000 a year. You can do the same. Write today for full particulars. Address, Charles C. Schwer. The Cosmo politan Agency Bureau. 119 W. 40th street, New York City. In every political campaign there are 10 forlorn hopes to one foregone conclusion. COUNCIL MEETS Matters of Importance Receive Attention am mnmt,nnl i,MOnf f tliS o-m eting of the clty council Tuesday evening, with Mayor Bredeson presiding. A petition for an arc light at the corner of Polk and Hayes streets was referred to the wuter and light committee. A request for a, firo hydrant at the corner of Polk und Fes senden streets was refused by the water company on the grounds that it compelled the company to extend its large muins farther than its franchise demanded. The city attorney was directed to investigate just what the city's rights arc in such matters. Remonstrances signed by 35 iroperty owners objected to tho proponed improvement of Hart man street on the ground that it was not a needed improvement ut this time. Referred to the city engineer to ascertain the iroportion of property represent ed by the remonstrances. McKinncy & Davis complained of overcharge by tho water com pany for use of water, and nsked that the council have same ad justed. Tho city attorney was ouuested to give an Opinion next week rogurding tho merits of tho complaint. W. T. Bush complained that thu drainage at the Whitwood Court quarry was very bud and should rcccivo immediate atten tion. Matter was referred to the city engineer for adjustment. A communication from the water compuny stated that a firo lydrant had boon Installed at Decatur and John streets, as re quested. A communication from S. C. Cook suggested that tho city, bo divided into three dis tricts on tho park ataation. each district selecting a park site for ilnyground purposes, nnd tho city as a wholo selecting a tract for show or rest purposes, cen trally located. Communication accepted and ordered filed. W. J. Mapkoy was allowed a claim of $35 for loss of work and medical attendance occasioned by boing injured ut tho Burling ton sireot fire several weekB ago. This was tho first claim present ed since tho city decided to in sure tho firo department. lhe I'ire Commission recom mended that tho city purchase a modern combination hoso nnd chemical truck of not less than seventy horse power and eighty preferred, to invito demonstra tions of different makes, invite bids and call a special election for tho purpose of voting on bonds for the purchuse of the same. Alderman Martin thought t would bo better to secure a pumping apparatus also, but members of the Commission stated that it would bo impractic able. On motion of Alderman Vincent it wus decided that council act in accordance with the recommendations and invite demonstrations to take place hero November ami. Mayor Bredeson stated that ho had an important engagement to fulfill at this time, and Presi dent of the Council H. H. Wald- dref took tho chair. The mprovement of Bur ing ton street between Jersey and Central avenue was accepted. A resolution directing tho en gineer to construct crosswalks and corners at Stafford street on Polk was adopted. The following bills were allow ed and ordered paid: Postmaster, stamps, $20; Chas. E. Miller, sharpening tools, etc, $2.G5; Geo. Skaar, 8 days work on streets, $7.50: Cochran. Nutting Co.. Ex. curb & grade on E. Polk street. $23.60; Bert Olin, G days work on streets. $15.00: Geo. Skaar. 3 days work St. Inspector. $9.00; The Bristle Co., 200charts for water guage, $1.74; Joseph McChesney, rent city library, $20.00. Total, $99.49 After Nov. 20th, look for us at 107 S. Jersey street in the Holbrook block, where we will be triad to meet all our friends and patrons. We thank you for nast favors and hope, through courteous treatment and prompt service, to merit your future patronage. Edmonson Co., plumbing, heating and tinning. There are times when it looks as if Huerta loves himself for the enemies he has made. A Pretty Wedding A pretty home wedding was that of Miss Hazel Couch and Hnrley C. Peterson of Forest Grove, which took place Wednes day evening, November 5th, at the home of tho bride's sister, Mrs. F. A. Robertson, G23 North Fillmore street The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives of tho bride and bridegroom and a few friendB by Rev. Milton St. Johns of the Seventh Day Ad ventist church of Portlund. The maid of honor was Miss Louise Couch, another sister of the bride, and Harry Smith of Walla Walla acted as best man. Mrs. Peterson is an extremely pretty und popular girl, a recent graduate of James John high school and the daughter of K. C. Couch, a former state representa tive, who Bcrvod 'three terms as mayor of St. Johns. Tho bride groom is a prosperous cattleman, tho son of a prominent ranch man of McMinnville. Immedi ately after the wedding supper the ncwlyweds started on an au tomobile trip to Forest Grove where they will make their home. Tho bride was radient in a gown of crepe meteor, brocaded with chiffon and caught up with " a orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of Bride roses and lilies of the vnlloy. Miss Louise Couch woroagownof silk poplin trimmed with brocaded mcssalinc, and bore a bouquet of yellow rose buds. The home was prettily decor ated with dahlias, ferns and cosmos. Linnton Quite Active Mayor SchaefTcr of Linnton figures that tho now water sys tem of that pluco with tho pipe ine nnd tho reservoirs will cost $150,000 when completed. The )ipo lino is finished and wuter runB into tho lower reservoirs by gravitation. Sovcral high ser- v co rosorvo rs nro under con- amotion, ono to bo built is near tho sito of tho proposed St. Helens Halls school. 1200 feet above the Linnton road near the junction of tho Gormantown nnd Cornell roads, which is thu high cat point. Water is pumped into tho higher reservoirs by electric Sumps. Bonds to the amount of 100,000 were issued to pay for tho pipeline, nnd the reservoirs, costing about $500,00, uro to be paid for by tho property benefit ed. Work on tho sower system, costing $25,000 is in progress. Tho city council of Linnton has et the contract for tho erection of $1500 building to be used ns a repair station, fire house and city hall. A fire station iias been built between Whitwood Court und Linnton. A pressure of 85 pounds furnishes fire pro tection. Tho city council levied 7 mill tux to tako caro of tho water bonds and to pay Port land's charges for water. Now that Linnton Is supplied with Bull Run water tho town's growth will be more rapid than ever before, it is expected. Oregonlan. The Woodpecker's Wail A woodpecker sat on a knotty limb: his head was red and tern per grim: tor the world was out of whack with him. He had hammered tho stumps till his head did swim: ho had looked for worms till his eyes were dim ; he nunched each tree and knot and limb, und darn the bug there was for him. Not u song he sung, not a woodland hymn, for how can a bird with hunger slim, and gaunt starvation grewsome grim, looking right into the eyes of him. get up a voice like a cherubim, and with melody make the welkin swim I His crop was vacant, and only a whim, was in the stomach of him. I hen he flew to the river and drowned him, and never made an effort to swim. His last words were "Oh birdie trim, why did you vote for that black hawk so prim, who got to work on each wood land limb, and placed a trust on the bugs of thim? I'm like the old farmer, gaunt and grim, who gets surrounded by u rim of trusts that fill him to the brim with wind till there's naucht in the stomach of him." The woodpecker then was out of breath, and the fish that ate him starved to death. Ex. NoU thu Ubil on your ptpw. THE LIRRARY Interesting Notes for the Library Patrons The St Johns branch library will open its new building on Kellogg and Charleston streets on Saturday, November tho 22nd. There will be stories told in the afternoon for the children and in the evening the adults will be invited to inspect the now build ing and to listen to a brief in formal program. No books will be exchanged on that day but the following Monday the library will be ready for regular busi ness. It is the intention to keep the library open In its present qunrters, if possible, up to the very day of the opening of the new building. The new books: Beach Iron Trail. Of course you remember Kip ling's "If" about the man who could keep his head in any emergency. Well, here he is, the hero, as Rex Beach has drawn him in his now Alaskan story. There were plenty of things to stand up against, too other men's scheming. lack of funds, storm glaciers and mis representation. But lie won his light against nature, ub he won the heart of an unusual heroine. The scene of their wild wooing on the bridge threatened by the flood is more dramatic than any thing tho author has ever writ ten. Tho above review is that of tho publishers, written to soli tho book, hut tho lovers of Rex Beach's former stories will doubtless Bharo its enthusiastic pruiso of this latest one. Cooke- -Tho Joy Hringcr. When a girl has decided to elopo witli ono man and finds icrsclf married to anothor. there is need for considerable adjust ment, even if tho two men are brothers. After aomo dramatic and dangerous experiences in tho grip of real life in wild Ari zona, where her undesired bus girl tho band is u ranch owner, the finds she hasn't married wrong mun after all. Collier Germany and tho Ger mans from an American Point of View. Last week's papers reported the untimely death of Prico Col or, tho br hunt young writer. Germany and the Germans is hi most recently published book. "A factory town with a gar den attached surrounded by an armed camp." That is modorn Germany, as Mr. rrico Uoiiier sees it. He finds much more than this, however, nnd reports it ull in tho clear epigrammatic stylo which lias made for his earlier books so wide a circle of readers. Yet ho is more than a reporter. He is a student of nntionnl char acter of keen insight. When this ia added to a thorough y dovot ed American point of view tho reader's appreciation of what it 1b to bo an American, as well as what it is not to bo un Ameri can, is considerably heightened. Nothing Alarming Editor Review: In wandering around your town the other night, I noticed a red light on tho top floor of tho Central Hotel, at tho side of the building. What is it there for? As t was the only red liirht I noticed in a building in St. Johns, I urn a little curious about it. Answer in the Re view, and oblige, A Visitor. Noth nir duncerous or appro hensive about this red light. It is there for u purpose in no wise sinister. In order that fears, suspicions and surmises of the "visitor" and others may be allayed, it might bo well to state that the light is placed there as a "guiding star" to the cruests so that they may locate the fire escape without and difficulty in case of fire. It is located at tho tiro escape, that is all. O. S. Franklin was arrested Sundav bv Denutv Game Warden li. II. Clark lor shooting oit tne bridire near tho Vancouver ferry and was fined $25 and costs be fore Justice of the Peace WI1 hams on Monday. His gun and hunting license were confiscated. J. F. Sauvin was also arrested Sunday by Mr. Clark for taking trout under size on the Columbia. and his sentence was suspended by Justice Williams, HIGH SCHOOL Items of Interest Regard ing School Doings1 The Freshman class have in vited the upper classmen to tho first annual meeting of the "Tramps," Saturday, November 15th. The unique invitations have excited the curiosity of the students. Miss Ethel Coupe, a former student of the Jumes John High, visited the school Monday after noon. The entertainment Friduy eve ning was well attended by par ents and patrons of the school; After a short program in the au ditorium, the visitors were shown over the building in groups, each of which wns leu by two or more student guides. The laboratory was the center of interest up stairs: the experiments perform ed to show the work or somo of tho students, were watched very attentively by our guests. The sewing room was also of inter est, especially to tho mothers. They wero interested in the dis play of stitchery exhibited, and in the equipment for practical work. They were then taken downstairs into the gymnasium where tho grown up boys made fruitless uttcmpts at climbing ropes nnd performing thoir stunts of their youthful days. After journeying thru tho long halls, nnd up and down numerous flights of stairs the guests wero glad that the next stop wns at thu cooking room nnd horo both mothers und fathers agreed was the moat satisfactory department of all. They showed their ap proval of the delicious cocoa and wafers by many appreciative words. Many promised to como again, which is just what the teachers and students greatly desire that thoy should do. Last Saturday tho James 'John High football, team playedjtbe high school of Oregon City at that place. Tiie latter team out weighed tho St. Johns lads sev eral pounds to tho man. Before sixty minutes of rough play was finished tho scoro stood 38 toO in favor of Oregon City. Follow ing is tho line up of tho homo team: c. HufTord: rg. Thayer. Cook; Ig, Plnskct; rt, McGregor; t, Uugbeo, Bellnger; re, Jower; e. Smith. Kruger; q, West; lh, Capt. Hiatt: rh, Thurmond; f, ,mul9trom. Snturday. November 22nd, tho team goes to Ridgefield, Wash., to play the high school there. Having played a no score game on tho St. Johns field, theso two tcnmB will work hard to settle tho question which ifl the bettor, and therefore it promises to bo an exiting game. This is our lust schedule game of the season, Reporter. To Install the Exhibit C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Oregon Developement Leag ue, who is to neau tno uregon delegation at tho United States Land Show In Chicago. Novem ber 20 to December 8. has gone east to install the exhibit. Ore gon will occupy two booths in the Lund show and will also have lecture room privileges. From five to eight Oregon repre sentatives will bo in attendance at all times. The exhibit will consist of agricultural products of every sort contributed by commercial clubs in all parts of the state and is one of the most complete ever assembled in Oregon. All of the exhibits were shipped from Portland last Saturday in a speciul baggage car via the North Bank, Great Northern and Burlington roads. Building Permits No. 47 To H. Henderson to erect a store building of brick and tiling on Jersey street be tween Chicago and New York streets; cost $1100. "Japan is buying heavy ship ments of wheat. What does this mean? ask3 a concerned Portland editor. It probably means that the Japanese intend to eat. Wheat, ground into flour, is often used as food. Kansas; Paper.