THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW DY A. W. MARKLE Published Everr Friday At 117 Wost nurllngloti 8trcot. TiiK KKVIKW Is entered nl post office In Snlnt Joint, Oregon, ns innil mnltcr of the second class under the Act ol Con gress of March 3, 1879. The Ticker Tells the Tale Of the improvement and decline of stocks, but not our static. For there can be no improvement in our Men's Furnishings, for they already arc perfect. And no matter how often you come here you will, never see any decline in smartness, quality and big, values. OfflcUt Ktwipiper of lb Oil 7 of St. Johns. All communications ibonM b uddrmul to Tne HOTltw, hi. Jonm. ureiton. Subscription prloo SI. 00 per year. On Friday of Inst week at Salem a tnuretly was enacted. Two livoH were anufFed out by tho hanirman's noose. And the pity of it is that thoy were young 1 1 i men. more uoys, jusi ruacuuig man's estate. And they died to satisfy the majesty of tho law. Not that proof absolute was at hand proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that thoy Mail com mitted the crime of murder. Thoy botli dijd protesting their innoconce with their last breath. But a murder had neon com mitted and enough evidence was secured to make a jury believe that thoy had committed the crime. The jury, the judge and tho governor did not know that thoHo boys had perpetrated the crime, but they had been con vinced that such wjis tho case And so thoy wero condemned and then logally murdered in turn. Not that both committed the murder, but that one did, and tho other was bin companion The law recognized no difference between the one who wiolds the murderous weapon and tho one who is associated with him at the time. So in order that a murder might lie avenged, a wrong righted in the Might of the law, another wrong was done and to our mind a greater crime committed. Two lives paid the prico of one. It Is iro'fi all oi'lho o)'l'trts iintl soll'-tlonlnl tlmt It oasts foOU'A' YOirii OUW HOME. Van onnnat ho mawlng .someone olso's tirnss. JIA A'i SilO 11 intuit Ii '! tmly six your mitl yan'll luivo ooiisltl ornhlo avor 7"vO THOttSAXI) dollars with which ta htiv 11 hanio of vour awn. Than ytm'll na lattfsvf hvtir'lhonnwotoatnotl lenaolc ol' t hu rout onllvotar. hot OUli llnntl bo YOlllt llnnli Ws iny A por oont Intorost tin Savings Aootmnts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON occurrences, it would not. They would have undoubtedly occurred just the same, and the degener ates would have been just as safe from the arm of the law as thoy are now. for the very good reason that they have never been up- lire homed. Had they been On J of the most W' torllltlon woulcl have ORDINANCE NO. 571 rigid and uncompromising com mundmonta of the Scriptures is: "Thou shall not kill." This commandment has never been (nullified, it makes no excep lions. No man. no body of men. are given the .right lo take the life of another. When that law of God is broken, punishment mint follow. Hut it is not man's ritrlit to avenue the dentil of an otTior by taking the lift of the murderer. '1 hat right (Sod re Kurvos unto himself alone. Alan is a strange creaturu. He will dig with unabated energy many foot into the earth to rescue an entombed miner, no mattor whether that miner is tho worst character in the com nihility. Ho will scale the mouii tain tops and descend into the dent Mr ol tliu sou. oven riHUini? his own life to save that of an olhur, and vol ho Will hound his fallow man to the death if he is convinced Hint he litis committed miirdor. Ho delegates tho an thority f idiii (!od without His pormimion to take a lifo for a life, or two lives for a life, as illustrated in Inst Friday's tragedy. biiroiy capital punishment is asauining a power tlmt we do not posftMM. and n thing that we have no right to invoke. May the wish of these two young lads who so bravely met their death at Salum who, while breathing a murisago ol forgiveness and charity to all, expressed hope that it would be the last hanging in Oregon, conio true. To bo consistent, the wonder ia that Governor West did not commute their sentence to im prisoiiuioui lor me. ihni man Wobb, who was saved from the gallows by the governor, surely iiofiorvod imaging much more than these two boys, but the former had a daughter to plead hia cause. The governor should bo consistent, and trout nil nun derors alike. Why should he not change the sentence of all murdorors to life imprisonment since he rightly does nut believe in hanging? Mr. West 1ms ninde an admirable governor, of whom t ho atato should justly feel proud. but iu tho hanging Inst week, it soomi to us tliMt lie might have done differently mid kept his dignity and sol f respect. lhe Sterilisation Act, one of tho mutt iniquitous measures ovor presented in the state, went down to n well merited defeat at had no eifect upon them, be cause they would have long ere this given up their earthly career, lhe present laws are fully sulllcient to cope with such cases, without mutilating what might be innocent individuals. It is so easv to say that other boys and men should lie .steriliz ed for tse practice of sodomy or the crime against nature or other perverted sexual habits, for being convicted for lolony or lor rape, all of which the measure covors, but when it comes homo to us, and it is our boy or girl that has niadu the departure from virtue, how dillerent, and how we would denounce such a law. There is such a wonderful dill'er once between our own children and tho children of another, in our own eyes. It is well that the voters of Oregon have Hought the light rather than the darkness of the ages. Nature sees to it that habitual criminal' ism, moral degeneracy and so.v ual perversion is seldom trans mitted from one generation to another, and thus the babies are practically safe, 'lis well that the measure was defeated, and may it never again rear its ugly head in Oregon. An Ordinance Declaring (lie Cost of Improving North Leonard Street from the Northerly Side Line of St. Johns Avenue to the North" erly Side Line of Bruce Street, and Assessing the Property Benefited There by, Declaring Such As sessmcnt and Directing the unlry ol Hie Same in (lie Docket of City Liens. The cltv nf St. Johns does urilnlii ns ioIIowk: Tlmt the council 1ms considered the tirouweil iisvsNtncnt fur tumrovt nir North f.cotmril street hum the northerly side line of St. Johns itvenuc to the northerly sideline of llrure si net, intheclty of St, Johns. Oregon, mill nil objection ninde thereto, iindlirrelivaKoertiilnt,ilcteriMlnes ml declnres the whole, coot of milil fin iirmi'iiiLMil In milliner nrovideil liv Onll iiiime No. M l to he the stun of 2150.40, ,ui(l tlmt (lit special Mini peculiar benefits iiccrtitiig to c.icn mi or vui mere of or in reel of luml wlllitn tile as sessment district, hy reiiMin of said im iirovcmcnt mm in instiiroiMirtioti to sucn lienelits, are in the respective amounts net optKisitu tne nnmier or description of nidi lot or uitl thereof or ixircel of land in the following' annexed assess' nient roll.iiud said aseisinenl mil .which is numbered O'J, is hereby adopted and approve! as tne .iMtCAkiiiuui lor mm im provement, mid the recorder of the city of St. Johns is diicvted to enter n stute- nient of the aM!incut hereby made in the docket of city liens, ami cause notice thereof to lie publisheil as provided by clmrtiir, uhluhaMMiuut is as follons: Tho park proposition is alVord ing the city (latin plenty of food for thought those days, .lust how to make selections that wi please the great majority of the people is a dillicult conclusion to I . I f 1 11... .1 1 1 A arrive ai. uni iney nave uuinu decided to let the voters make their own selections. It is prob able that n straw vote will bo taken to secure tho sentiment of the citizens, Cards may bo sunt to each votor with a list of prellored park sitos thoron, with the request that each votor in dicate what tract or tracts ho or she favors, and how many. and return same to the ollico of the city rocordor. Such a plan would got tho truo sentiment that could be gotten in no othor way. unless an election bo hold for tho ptirpoao, which would bo more costly hut no more sat isfactory, a t 6 r i ID 1' 1 'i SUMMONS In tho Justioo'sTourt for St. Johns District, Multnomah coun ty, State of Oregon. u. u, Hanuy. riamtiii, vs. Isaac Mucus. Dolondant. lo Isaac Uncus. Defendant: In the name of the Statu of Ore- i i.i iron, vnu are noronv reoutred to Tuofidny s election. And it appear and answer tho complaint would have aullered a far great-1 in the abovo entitled action on or and more overwhelming de- or before the UOth dny of Decom- fcat had the votein in lfeneml bor. 191JJ: and if you fail to so roalistod iu full import and per- answer for want thereof. Plain- nioioufiiioss. The promoters of I till' will take judgment against tho measuro worket upon the vou for the sum ot two hum red sympathies of the women voters and twenty dollars mid oightv- Uy tho plott tlmt it would save the seven cents, hesidos the costs bnbiofi, On the contrary it act- and d sbursomonts of this action. ually placod the babies in roal aiul an order of salo of the prop dangor, in the years to conio orty ot dotendant, which is un thoy would Imve been subject to dor attachment in tho abovo on- this pornicious and most cruel titled action, and which is in and cold blooded law. had it said county and state, and is do- passed. It is so easy for tho scribed as follows, vis: 100 young to stray from tho pnths of polos, T8 chickens, one calf, one virtue, and one nusntop would, pile ot lumnor, lour cows and Addition Lot lllock Amt iioiimxik's in Sii . .. $rj.:io II (VI.20 1(1 IM.20 Ill 111.20 17 IVU20 18 tH.lW 10 IU .20 20 (VI.20 21 04.20 22 IM.20 2i 82.1tt i. an 2s.Ki 2 04.20 04.20 tM.20 04.20 01.20 tM 20 01.20 01.20 IM.20 04,20 01.00 37.01 04.20 04.20 04.20 64.20 04.20 04.20 01.20 04.20 04.20 SC.40 32.69 04,20 01.20 04.20 IM.20 OI.JO 04,20 04,20 04,20 04.20 22 9i.43 II 33 71.03 12 61.20 Ill 04,20 ...,14 04,20 IS 04.20 10 04.20 .....17 0420 l8 04.20 19 04.20 20 04.20 21 41.48 1 34 6i.8ii 2 04.20 3 64.20 4 04.20 5 04.20 6 64.20 7 04.20 8.. 04.20 .. . 9 64.20 tO 125.45 it i . it it ii ti ii M It II II H II II I I .3,.,,,, , ,,, ...... 4, .... . .... Q 2 I tM IMI 1& 11 IS 98.... ,M..m .....14.. ""lit!!!!!! t 1 J Ii ij ""Aft ft .! i , I I I We Have ii , pay for and wo Byou exactly what or order by telepl SXul COUPON and we will glvo you 1 0 S. & H. Green Stamps FREE with 50c purchase iu addition to the Stiuup.i with tne CAbll Not good nfter Nov. IS, 1013 COUCH & CO. General Merchandise Phone Columbia 137 St. Johns, OrcKm S. & H. Green Trading Stamps are the Consum ers' Discount. Insist on Getting Yours. an attempt attempt t Never Been Found Out deceive our customers for the simple reason that we don't Jn buying groceries we insist on getting exactly what we believe you are entitled to the same nrivileire. So we give you order weither you come in person, send your little girl lone. COUCH & CO. "PIONEER MERCHANTS" The St. Johns Millinery Closing Out Sale I am now giving the final cleanup prices on everything away below cost. SHAPES, TRIMMED HATS Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Flow ers, Ribbons, Velvet Silks, Velvet Molines, Veiling and Fancy Furs. EVERYTHING IN STOCK MUST GO If in need of anything in this line, it would pay you to come and see for yourself. Shapes from 25c up to $3.00 for the best it the house, regular $7.50 Trimmed Hats from 50c up A nice line at $1.75 $2.50 and $3.75. Welcome to Look if not Buying Just now Mrs. E. J. Martin Phone Columbia 670 Prop. Be Comfortable this Winter Get one of Perrine's Vacuum Fireplaces and you'll be happy. No smoke, little fuel and big heat. See Perrine about it. Wizard Triangle Polish Mop Special Offer for a Few Days The Wizard Politih Mop $1.50 We give with eacli 1 qt. of Polish Free (Value Si.oo) The Mop That Gets in the Corners O'Cedar Polish Mop $1.00 and S1.50 O'Cedar Polish 25c and 50c ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish, t 4- 4-4- 4 4- 4- t Slabwood '. Prompt Dry, Deliveries. Green, Quality Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 under such a law, have uuule thorn subject to a imnisliniont far bitter than duath itaelf. In stead of "saving the babies" it would havo been a constant men ace to thorn. Much capital in favor of tho measure has been 0110 miKtry; proceeds 01 sale to be nnnliod on payment of said jmlKinont and costs and disburse- ments of this action. This summons is miolishcd by ordor of Hon. J. 12. Williams. Justice of the Peace of tho above Total l'a!nl bv die council Nov.. 1913. f 4250,40 this Stlt tUy of mado of the terrible tragedy of nainod District duly made on tho tho Hill family, the little Port- JJlst day of October, lyw. land irirl and othora of liko J. 12. WILLIAMS. nature, tho claim being made Justice of tho Peace of St. Johns that a atQi'iuzatioii law would District. Multnomah county, havo jirovontcd thosodistressinff1 State of Oregon, naygr this 5th tlay of Nov., 1013. Ull.Afc. UKl'.DlttjU.N, Mavor. AttM: 1. A. KICU, Recorder. I'ublUlicil in the St. Julius Review on Nov. 31. 1013. H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street J Real Estate, Loans, Insurance f Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. Subscrlbo for tho St auii keoy pcated ou Uiw clgr. lohua Hovlow tho UoIdki of According to a newspaper law which recently went into effect, the names of the editors, busi ness managers, owners, etc., must be published in the paper every six months. All reading matter and editorials of an ad vertising nature for which money has been paid, or for which money is exnected. or for which ' money has been promised, must uu nun IV I'M iUlYCI UOCIIIUIIl. i licit- charges for 'entertainments is made, those notices must bo paid for as the law directs. Free notices of such a nature are now a thing of the' past. How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Petriusu. la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, nmnager, 311 North Jersey street Adv. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office, not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and mvi the printer The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, oflices, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution of light. 10 other lamps possess these qualifications", there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Read the Review and keep posted.