St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, October 24, 1913, Image 1

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    Historical 5oclty
St. Johns is Calling You
Is second in number of lnduitris.
! seventh in population.
Gin to Portland every IG min.
Hat navigable water on 3 tides.
Hat finest gai and electricity.
Hat two strong banks.
Hat five large school houses.
Has abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Has extensive sewerage system.
Has fi.-ie, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of J95.000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have uccess to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Hat leven churchei.
tint a moil promising future.
Distinctively a mnnufacturinK city
Adjoint the city of Portland.
Mas nearly 0,000 population.
1 las a public library.
Taxable property, f-4.500.000.
Hat large dry docks, saw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Devoted to Ibe Interest! of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOI,. 9
NO. 50
Rev. Patton Tells About
His Trip to Alaska
. The following letter was writ
ten by Rov. J. J. Patton, former
ly pastor of the Methodist, church
of this city, to his brother, and
because of its interesting and en
tertaining nature, we have se
cured it for publication:
On board the Casca, Sept. 23.
1913 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Pat
ton, St. Johns, Oregon, U."S. A.:
We are now on the Casca steam
ing down the Yukon from White
Horse. The trip of 110 miles
.Monday on the Alaska-Yukon It.
It. was full of interest. The
train uscended the White Pass,
along dizzy looking canyons.
Sometimes we could look almost
straight down to the river in the
canyon many hundreds of feet.
In order to make the grade the
road is very crooked. The train
was made up of both freight and
passenger cars. As we reached
the summit we passed for about
one hour at full speed along a
most beautiful lake. This lake
is the real source of the Yukon.
Sometimes vessels passed out of
.the luko and thus really go from
the very source of the river to
Its mouth at Nome.
White Horse, the terminal of
the railway, is a great shipping
town. The docks compare very
favorably with those at the
large shipping points in Oregon.
Everything is on the rush, as
there are but few days left be
fore the Yukon freezes solid
against navigation until next
June. However, the atmosphere
is only chilly at present. The
snow line is but a short distance
un the mountSfirSTao.
1 was much surprised to mi
the Yukon really a large stream
. so far toward its source. Al
though the water has fallen a
great deal becauso of ice form
ing in the upper mountains, yet I
would suy that there is onoha!f
as much water flowing in it here
now as in tho Willamette at
Portland in the summer time.
Both tho freight on board and
the passengers are remarkubly
made up in variety. I will try
to let you have somewhat of an
idea of our surroundings. Tho
vessel has u capacity of a little
over one thousand tons. She is
about lf0 feet in length, and 1
would suppose about 3G feet in
breadth. Thoy have the lower
part of tho vessel stacked full
of all sorts of freight excepting
four small pens where there are
38 ftno beef cattle standing.
Thoy hud a diflicult time to get
space for my trunk of books and
' the sewing machine. We ar
rived barely in time to get our
freight on. It cost $22.45 to
ship these two pieces from Skag
way to Dawson, our next port.
If you should stand on the front
'deck you would see an interest
ing sight in tho way of a large
scow filled with hogs and beof
cattle. Tho scow securely lashed
on in head of the boat. There
are 1G0 of these large cattle from
Calgary carried by this steamer
on this trip. It is estimated that
they will dress 1100 pounds each.
This meat to retail at about 37i
cents per pound. Thus you at
once see that each critter will
cost the consumer about $-112.50,
making the cattle carried with
this boat worth $06,000. It costs
about $75 each day to feed them
in transit. The swine, like the
cattle, are fatted ready to slaugh
ter. They will need no cold
storage to cure all this meat
from now until next June.
As to the passengers they
are vet more interesting. Tho
wealthy miners of the interior
are no doubt much interested in
the, welfare of the passenger
department. Wo have become
quite well acquainted with both
the men and women on board.
None of them seem to regret
they are going to Alaska. One
woman is from Missouri. She
is on her way to Dawson, Can
ada, where she will, upon her
arrival, become the wife of a
miner. Another is a bright,
witty, handsome English girl of
twenty summers, who will, upon
her arrival in Dawson, marry a
Erominent placer miner, to make
er home about six miles from
Dawson. These women are not
of the frivolous sort, as one
might suppose, but would com
nare favorably with our own
mothers and sisters.
We are now steaming through
Lake Lebarge, a beautiful body
of water of a deep blue, sur
rounded by gray hills and moun
tains dotted with clumps of
evergreen trees, with an oc
casional growth with autumn
leaves. Snow covers the upper
Ducks are plentiful all along
the river. Frequently they will
not fly or rise until the boat is
almost upon then). Yesterday,
as we were crossing the divide,
a number of hunters got on tho
train after their sport had ended.
One bunch of men had six moun
tain Bheep. Two women were
loaded down with ducks, grouse
and ptarmigans. Tho women
had shot the birds with a 22
special rifle. Wo could see the
rabbits running about in the
brown grass and weeds from the
car window.
I nrobaby should have said a
little more about this boat. The
passenger department is beau
tifully urranged. Curpets good
enough for a dwelling; the latest;
ntnnffin lillllin mill lltrlli !nir I
There is much discussion as to
whether wo can reach Fairbanks
this Fall. Some say yes, while
other say wo cannot. There
were a number of old timers in
Skugway who warned us not to
make tho attempt, but wait until
June. But 1 believe wo will he
able to get through. The next
four days will settle the question
definitely. I asked the captain
of this boat if one could find
anything to do in Dawson if we
got shut out from further navi
gation. Ho said it would all de
pend upon what a man would
work ut. Said there were no
weaklings in this part. If men
would not do what was offered
them that the citizens did not
wait for them to starve, but
simply made up a purse and
shipped them out to savo feeding
mem. l nsKcu mm wnai winter
laborers received, and ho said
that wood choppers were paid
$-1 per day; so I guess I am
physically sale, whether ice
bound or not.
1 admire tho healthful appear
ance of tho people. Both men
and women look strong. 1 really
belie vo if the doctors hero were
as plentiful as in tho States in
proportion to population that they
would need to hunt another voca
tion. I got up this morning at four
o'clock and found it not dark,
but rather a queer twilight, by
which tho crew could see per
fectly to work about tho vessel.
Wo are now within a low
miles of tho north end of Luko
Lebarge. Tho waves aro run
ning as high as we saw them at
any time up tho coast. How-
over, as the scow load of cattle
and swine is ahead of tho boot,
wo experience only a queer
trembling sensation interspersed
by a rocking motion from side
to side.
2 n. m. I bel eve I said before
noon that we were hearing tho
northern extremity of Lake Le
barire. It proved to bo a bend
and at tho same time a point of
.1 f. If Xt.
the mountain exienuing inio uio
water: for we aro now steaming
once more on the Yukon, having
just sent ashore a number of
fishermen in a life boat, and in
turn took on a largo box of white
fish for the market at Dawson.
This fishing station is situated
at tho northern end of the lake.
Tho fishermen live in log houses.
The logs aro thoroughly cement
ed so that they are very
The lake will soon freeze over
and those who have seen it in
winter sav it is a curious sight.
The ice heaves in windrow like
appearances. This is somehow
caused by tho peculiar expansion
in freezing. As the ico thus
rises, there are fissures formed
through which the water rushes,
and then at once freezes and thus
presses more and on the original
ice. This only serves to force
more water through new fissures
until the lake has much the ap-
nearanco of a hay field newlv
windrowed. This breaking of
the ice, they say, sounds much
like sharp explosions, and will
even jar the immediate vicinity
as a heavy blast or slight earth
nuake. You will notice that I call this
the Yukon river, yet geographi
cally it is called the Lewis river
until much farther north.
5 p. m. Just passed Hootalin
nua. nronounced Hootalink.
There are about a half dozen log
cabins. A more lonesome look
insr nlace I never saw. There
was no nlace for the boat to land.
so they lowered life boat and
nut six or eicht cases oi con
densed milk, a sack of mail, a
passenger and a gun in it, and
rowed ashore, while the vessel
was held in the middle of the
river bv the wheel reversed.
The river runs very swift here
and the whole affair looked haz
ardous. The box of fish put
aboard at Lake Lebarge proved
not to be for the Dawson market,
but rather for the crow and pas
sengers on the boat. Most of
them were white fish, but part
were lake trout. I had seen some
fine specimens of trout along the
Oregon coast, but Lake Lebarge
yields tho largest I have yet
seen. One measured almost 28
inches in length and its body
was nicely proportioned to its
length. One of tho boat crow
said that they sometimes caught
them weighing as much as 14
pounds. The white fish appear
to be from one-half to three
pounds each.
It is getting cloudv. Should it
become extremely cloudy at night
they cannot run the boat at this
time of year, but must drop
anchor until morning,. As tho
cold strikes tho mountains it
naturally cuts off the water sup
ply by freezing. This at once
causes shallows that make navi
gation dangerous at night.
7 p. m. - it is yet light enough
to run the boat very easily.
We had baked white fish on
the bill of faro for supper. To
bo sure we all gave our order for,
this famous food of tho north.
They are first class. Tho only
thing against them is, they have
so many small bones.
Wo just met a vessel, tho
Dawson, on her way up stream.
There were a lot of passengers
on board. Guess I will lay this
epistle to one side until morning.
5 a. m., Wednesday, Sept. 21.
-For an hour there has been a
beautiful, almost flaming hori
zon, which makes it almost us
light as day. If I did not know
differently, I would suppose that
tho sun was about to rise. I
was out early walking on the
deck. It is not at all cold this
morning, as there is very little
breeze. Tho clouds cleared away
early in tho night, so tho vessel
did not anchor. They stopped
for nbout two hours for wood.
They burn a little over a cord an
hour. There is plenty of spruce
trees about eight inches in
diameter along tho flats which
people cut for tho boats. There
is an occasional tree twelve or
fourteen inches in diameter.
I will try and remember to writo
down the timo when tho sun
rises today.
G a. m. -Tho sun's rays are
now striking the tops of the hills
about 2000 feet abovo tho river to
tho west and northwest.
G:30 a. m.- -As tho boat passed
by a broad flat, or level tract, I
got my first view of tho sun for
today, bo you seo oven in the
latter part of September wo aro
not so far behind Oregon for
broad daylight.
8:30 a. m. Wo just passed
through a very narrow place
called tho Fingers. Tho moun
tains evidently once joined here.
There are a number of high rocks
of immense sizo in a row across
tho river. Tho Canadian gov
ernment has blasted out a safe
channel between two of these
rocks. However, the officor on
duty must see that tho boat is
well in line to pass through or a
disaster would bo inovitablo.
Tho water flows veryswiftly at
lino jMiuil, iuu liiiiwuii oaya
that there is an average of two
feet fall per milo from White
Horse to Dawson.
Thursday. 10 a. m. -rho can-
tain had the boat tied up at dark
last evening. There were quite
heavy clouds, so there was not
sufficient light to be safe to run
as tho water is getting very shal
low in tho broad places. The
fog was so dense this morning
that they could not move the
about until 9:45. The boat stop
ped for wood at 7 p. m. yester
day evening for a little while,
and I took my rifle and went
ashore. It only took a few
minutes to kill five jack rabbits.
They are so numerous that they
soon chew the bark from a wil
low tree when cut down. We
can seo many of them this morn
ing skipping about among the
11 a. m, We will soon bo to
White river. This is the stream
which the miners ascend to
reach the new strike on the
Shushanna. There is a real
stampede to this district One
man from Mt. Vernon, Wash.,
got on board the boat last eve
ning at Coffee Creek, who had
just come from Shushanna. He
is calm, and little given to boast
ing, as many of the miners are.
It is very interesting to talk with
him. One would need both much
grit and money to make the trip.
He said that all foodstuffs, ex
cepting fresh meat, were $1 a
pound anywhere near tho mine.
He went to the mines in August,
1:30 p. m. The capjtain says
that the boat will roach the
Concluded on last pag;e.
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
Watch the ljbrary bulletin
board for notices of free lectures
and interesting meetinirs in Port
land of St. John's, also for lists
of the new books and various
items and notices of especial
The ibrary la now open for
your uso from 2:30 to 5:30 on
Sunday afternoons.
New Books: '
Bradford The Brook Trout
and tho Determined Anger.
A little pocket, volume contain
ing several descriptions of a fly
fisher's paradisennd a few prac
tical suggestions for the young
Collins-Tho Wireless Man.
his work and adventures on land
and sea.
A juvenile book which will
without doubt find its way onto
many an adult library card, for
once glanced into, it is as hard
to get out of as is the latest pop
ular novel. Mr. Collins, thanks
to the wireless men, through
whoso courtesy he has been per
mitted to "listen in" on many
wireless conversations, is en
abled to tell us that ho has made
himself familiar with tho wire
less game from start to finish.
In his first chapter ho takes us
across the Atlantic in a wireless
cabin -a privilege fow of us will
be granted in real life. In the
second chapter he introduces us
to tho wireless boy or amateur
operator. "An audience of a
hundred thousand hoys," so he
says, may bo addressed almost
every evening by wireless tele
graph. Beyond doubt this is tho
largest nudionco in tho world.
No foot bail or bnso ball crowd,
no convention ocohference, com
pares with it in size, nor gives
closer attention to the business
n hand. Tho skylineH of every
city in the country aro festooned
with the delicate antennae of
tho amateur wireless operators.
They will be found skilfully ad
justed to thousands of barns or
haystacks in tho most remote
parts of the country. Lota
message bo flashed from some
high powered station any whore
between tho two oceans and it
will bo skilfully picked up and
read by thousands. On every
fair night nftcr dinner timo and
when, let us hope, tho lessons
for the next day havo been pre
pared, tho entire country becom
es a vast whispering gallery."
Other chapters of particular
interest deal witli some stirring
wireless rescues, novel uses of
tho wireless and tho Wireless
Hodgson Carpenters and Join-
era' Pocket Companion.
A handy reference book and
guide to practical carpentry con
taining useful rules, tables, data
and memoranda together with
tho solutions of various problems,
to which is prefixed a thorough
treatise on carpenters' geometry.
Desiened particularly for use as
a handbook by the workman that
has not had timo or opportunity
to thoroughy commit to memory
the principles it contains.
O Kane- Injurious
to recognize and control them.
Tho best observers agree that,
in tho average, insect denrada-
tions equal at least ten per cent
of tho value oi uii larm crops.
Our agricultural products in this
country have now reached an an
nual worth of $10,000,000,000.
The total damage wrought by in
sects, therefore, may fairly be
placed at $1,000,000,000 each sea
son 1 This is nearly five times as
irruat as the combined annropria
tiona for tho U. S. army and
navy; is equal to tho entire
bonded debt of the U. S. ; is more
than four times tho annual prop
erty loss by fire; more than four
teen times the annual income of
all colleges in this country; is
sixty times greater than the
funds alloted annually to the
U. S. Dept. of agriculture."
The author of this treatise
thinks this immense loss may be
reduced materially by the adop
tion of nroner methods of pre
vention and control, and his
book aims at giving the knowl
edcre necessary for an intelligent
campaign against these serious
enemies of the nation's wealth.
When you buy here you must
be satisfied or we cheerfully re
fund vour money on anything
you may buy. Currins for
Drugs. adv.
Childhood Memories
Though dear to my heart are tho
scenes of my childhood
When fond recollection pre
sents them to view,
I'd not cure to live there again
in the wildwood.
Amid those remembered sur
roundings, should you?
My health was suberb and my
appetite splendid,
I nto my sowbelly and greens
with a zest,
But I'm glad that comestible
ordoal is ended
Such food nowndays I could
never digest!
My hickory shirt and shoes of
rough leather,
My jeans pantaloons that could
stand up alone,
My 10 cent straw hut- all my
wardrobe together,
Perhaps cost my father a round
silver bone.
Ah, those trusty jeans breeches!
Those rusty jeans breeches!
Those stiff, scratchy breeches
that stood up aloud
You hud to undress if you'd get
to your itches
Those unyicding breeches hard
as a stone!
The drafty old farm house, the
windows that rattled,
Tho fireplace to which after
dark we'd draw near.
All facing the fire like troopers
While l-oasted in front, frozen
stiff in theroar!
And the cold of the bedroom:
The feather bed bulging!
Tho bliss of sweet sleep then
4 'clock call!
Dear memories! You'll pardon
the tears I'm including
I'm weeping for joy to be rid
of it all! - Ex.
Tariff Reductions
Now that tho now tarilV is
aw. it is time, for Oregon to con
sider tho changes in tho posi
tion of its leading industries
wrought by tho now duties. Wo
must adiust our business to new
conditions, which open tho mar
kets of our chief industries to
the competition of tho world.
Wo had a duty on raw wool
equal to flvo to seven cents a
wind on the scoured neoco; now
wo havo free wool.
Wo had a duty on lumber rang
ng from $1.25 to $2.75 nor thou
sand feet; now wo havo free
Wo had a duty of twonty-fivo
cents a bushel on whoal; now
whent comes in free.
The duty on flour wub forty-fl vo
cent a barrel; now it is wiped
Thero were duties on milk of
two cents a gullon; cream, flvo
cents a gallon; oggs, five cents a
dozen; now all aro free.
Buttor and chooso rormoriy
paid a duty of six cents a pound;
this is reduced to two and one
half cents.
Outs will now come in at six
cents instead of fifteen coins a
bushel, and oatmeal will pay
only one-third cent instead of
ono cent a pound.
Uattlo formerly puid and
$3.75 a head; sheep, sevonty-fivo
cents and $1.50 a head; hogs,$l,50
u head; now all come in free, as
does fresh meat ot all kinds,
which was subject to a duty of
ono and one-half cents a pound,
Ann es. neachos. cherries,
plums, pears and quinces paid a
duty ot twonty-nvo cents a
bushel; now thoy only pay ton
We had a duty of 30 per cent
on canned fish; now it is 15 por
cent. Fresh, dried, smoked,
salted or frozen salmon paid
three-fourths cents to ono cent
per pound; now all are froo.
On jute bags wo paid seven
eighths cent a pound plus 15 per
cent; now wo pay 1U per cent.
Wheat comes in free; the bags
in which wo ship our wheat aro
still taxed.
These are a few examples of
the bearing of the new tarill on
Oreiron's eading industries.
Watch how it works. -Orogonian.
Six ner cent loans on farms.
orchard lands, city resident or
business property, to buy, build,
improve, extend or refund mort
gages or other securities; terms
reasonable; special privileges;
correspondence invited. Uep't.
L. G18 Commonwealth Bldg.,
Denver. Colo., or Dept. I, 749
Henry Bldg., Seattle, Wash.
Carpet and Rug Weaving done
reasonably. Call 521 E. Tyler
street, St. Johns. -Adv.
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the regular meeting of tho city
council Tuesday evening with
Mayor Bredeson presiding.
A petition signed by 341 voters
asked that tho Caples tract on
Dawson street bo included in
the system of parks to be placed
on tho ballot. Alderman Wright
moved that this tract be one of
tho tracts that should be placed
on tho ballot, which was carried
without a dissenting vote. Lat
er in the evening when the ques
tion was raised as to how the
park tracts should bo placed on
tho ballot, tho Caples tract was
further discussed, and upon
representation by Attorney Gatz
myor that Tyler street, adjoin
ing tho tract on the north, was
in litigation, although tho title
to the property offered was clear
enough, and that the city might
experience some difficulty in se
curing this street, which tho at
torney seemed to deem essential
if tho tract was secured for park
purposes, tho motion was recon
sidered and made to read that
the council would consider the
Caples tract when the question
of parks was acted upon. No
definite action whs decided upon
as to the manner of placing
tracts on the ballot. A petition
from property owners in the
northern part of the city asked
that additional ground he includ
ed in tho Catlin tract for park
purposes when it Is placed upon
the ballot. It vas finally de
cided that all park matters be
loft on tho table for further con
sideration. The Portland Woolen Mills Co.
asked that Crawford street be
tween Burlington and Pittsburg
be placed in a more pussublo
condition. Tho matter was re
ferred to tho city engineer, al
though the contract for the im
provement of this street by hard
surfacing has been let.
A communication from the
Commercial club asked that
council lake stops toward hard
surfacing Columbia boulevard
between Dawson and Jorsoy
streolM, and tho engineer was
directed to uncurtain if the prop
erty would stand for such im
Tho I'ortland Hnilwuy, Light
and Power Company voluntarily
olio rod to reduce tho price on arc
lights in the city after January
first from $4.0(1 por light per
month to $1,30, tho sumo price
winch I'orllund will onjoy nitor
tho first of tho your. Whilo tho
lighting contract of the company
with the city requires a reduc
tion whenever I'ortland recolvos
a lowering in niton, yet tho
willingness ot the company to
roduco tho ratos without thoir
attontion being called to tho pro
vision in tho contract, was ap
preciated and tho offer readily
accoptod. Tho company also
notified tho council that an arc
light had been installed at tho
corner ot hast Kichmond and
Seneca stroota, as requested.
A committee lrom tho lire de
partment asked that a chomlcnl
engine bo purchased by tho city.
Matter was referred to tho firo
commission for recommendation
as to tho firo equipment that
might bo noodod mid it was the
sense of tho council that same
bo plucod on ballot at a special
A report of Chief of Police
Allon for the months of August
and boptombor showed 25 arrests
made and $123 in linos collected.
A notico of appeal from tho
viewers' report on tho oponing
aim extending oi at. jouns avo
i i i n n i i
nuo by Morris u. urban was
sorved upon council and the mat-
tor rolorrod to tho city attorney.
Mrs, Smith requested and wus
granted permission to luy a
cemont sidewalk in front of her
three lots on North Jersey street.
The city recordor was author
ized to procure ono of Polk's dir
ectories for tho current year.
Tho Star band Company was
granted permission to hard sur
face hull ot Kichmond street be
tweon Bradford and tho river,
and also construct a dock over
half of tho street.
An ordinunce amending tho
dog muzzling ordinance in which
provision was made to keopdogs
muzzled the your around was
passed, as wus also an ordinance
directing the Muyor to sell tho
houso on tho Smith property on
Burlington streot to the highest
The city attornoy was direct
Items of Interest Regard
ing School Doings
In a hard fought foot ball game
last Saturduy, James John High
tied Ridgefiold High, tho score
being 0 toO. Both teams played
a clean, open game. Our toam
made n splendid showing in its
first gome. This year's team is
the first foot ball toam James
John has had for five years.
Jower starred at right end.
Following is the line-up:
Ridgcfield - - Potter C, 'Mm,
II. G. L.. H. Weber. R. T. L.,
Murray 11. E. L Keith. Perry,
L. G. K., Uoseman, L. T. H., L.
Weber L. E. R, Brunkow Q.,
Brice. Morris, R. II. L Perry,
Ilorst, L. H.H., Cnpt. Shobert, F.
James John High Hufford C,
Plaskcl. Lundstrom, R. G. L.,
Lear, Bellinger, R. T. L., II.
Smith, Krcuger, R. E. L.,
Thayer, Cook. L. G. R., Mc
Gregor, L. T. R., Jower, L. E.
R., West, Q., Capt. Hiatt, R. II.
L., Thurmond, L. II. R., E.
Smith, F.
Referee -Supt. Jones of Ridge
field. Umpire - L. Cochran of Wash
ington High.
Head Linesman (Khufu) An
derson. Lino of quarters 15-15-15-15.
The prospects of as strong a
debating team as that which won
the Columbia River champion
ship last year aro bright. Those
who have decided to enter tho
High School tryouts for making
the stale league teams are: Eu
gene Thurmond, Hazel Hull,
Maggio Dickie, Frank Bugbee,
Louise Sterling, Homer Plusket,
Florence Wass, Lulu Day, Cath
erine Gensman and Droit Lar
son. They have begun their
preparation with enthusiasm and
this bids fair to make a close
contest for places. The now
bulletion of the State league is
out, with its record of last years
work and the rules which are to
govern this year. Tho pictures
of James John's teams, ehnin
nions of the Columbia River
district, are given a pugo in the
Last Friduv afturnoon un us-
sombly of the student body wus
culled to awako enthusiasm in
foot ball. John McGrogor was
elected yell loader for the prosont
somester, and Florence Wass,
Veda Rosing lias returned
from Eastern Oregon and taken
up hor school work.
Thoro lias been some rumor oi
a school annual this year among
upper classmen. Let us hope
this will bo carried out with suc
cess. Reporter.
od to proparo an ordinunce
chunging tho grade on William-
otto boulevard botweon Huriing-
ton street and St. Johns avenue
to tho new grade outlined by tho
city engineer.
The ch of of police was in
structed to notify Bickner Bros.
to construct oaves on their build
ing at the corner of Jersey and
Burlinirton stroot to tako caro of
tho oxcoss water during rainy
Tho following bills woro allow
ed and ordered paid: J. E.
Tanch, coupon No. 11, city dock-
bom Is. Sl.bOO: uoorgo bkaar. ft
days work on stroot, $12.50;
George Skaar, ono day street in
specting. $3; Bert Olin, streot
work and inspecting, w, uoorgo
II. Lemon, flvo days work on
street, $15; total, $1,817.50.
V. V. Wilson, roprosonting
tho National Rating Loaguo of
Chicago, was hero this week get
ting tho co-operation of the mer
chants of this city in compiling
their Red Guide Book, which is
issued twice a year. A number
of tho merchants of St. Johns
havo joined the League and will
furnish names for this credit
report, which will bo issued by
tho Leaguo in tho near future.
No matter whore ono may move,
tho merchants in the town
selected for tho future homo may
get a line on your reputation for
paying your debts by simply
referring to tho "Rating Guide"
published by tho League. Each
merchant sends all debtors' no
tico before allowing thoir names
to be published, giving all a
chance to escape being published
as poor pay.
Subscrlbo for tho St. Johns Rovlow
and koep pcatod on tho dolngi of
the city,