Changed His Mind I beheld the nntlercd monarch as he stood beneath the pine, With the dignity of freedom breathing forth in every line, With the small head set firmly on the proud neck, arched with grace And the clean limbs, built and moulded for the leader of the chase. Then my heart beat hot within me and the hunter's keen desire Took possession of my being, seemed to set my brain no fire. All the instincts of my fathers, handed down from sire to sale thereof. son, Wakened from their dormant slumber, sprung to life and claimed their own. I could sec those spreading- an tlers set above my study door And the pelt, mg of beauty, no mv smoothlv no ished lloor. Toasts and steaks and tender cut- Johns, and, ORDINANCE NO. 566 AN ORDINANCE DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE CITY RECORDER TO SELL CER TAIN IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE CITY OP ST. JOHNS, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, STATE OF ORE GON, IN THE SUM OF $8570.79, IN DENOMINA TIONS OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, EACH OR LESS. The City'of St. Johns does or dain as follows: That whereas, under the pro visions of the charter of the City of St. Johns pertaining to said improvements bonds and applications have been filed with the City Record er by interested parties under said charter and the bonding provisions thereof, aggregating the sum of $8570.79 for street improvements in the City of St. lets teased my palate with a ZOBt, And the nrowoss of tlw hunter nerved my arm to do its best. Then I stalked him. slow and si lent, like a tiger at his prey, Stooped and crawled and twisted onward, Uotliy urusnou eacn twiir awav. And the sweat streamed from my forehead and the dust was in mv eves. For I thirsted for the slaughter and the winning prize. Whereas, under the said char ter and its provisions the bond lion docket has been made up, and, Whereas, the Council is hereby authorized to issue the bonds in denominations not exceeding the sum of five hundred dollars each and in all equal to the total amount of unpaid assessments, and, wnereas, mere is unpaid as scssmcnts for which bonding applications have been made in the sum of $8570.79 and. Whereas, it is provided that bonds by their terms shall mature in ton yours from the date of the R. A. JAYNE, Al. D. Office over First National Bank Office Phone Columbia 282 Ret. Phone Columbia 196 0. J. GATZMYER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Uuilding ST. JOHNS . . OREGON PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER Firtt National Dank MulMing' ST. JOHNS . . . OREGON DR." RAM BO DENTIST Plionc Columbia 51 First Nntlonnl Dunk building. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST by Open Evenings and Sundays polntment. Office- l'lionc Columbia 140 Resident I'honc Columbia 38 Ap- iigB"Vi And at last, I see him standing motionless within my range, Ami liSa tlnii tin (I fmtMi urn fond. illiu Ilia ivji flint ... v. i I I I i it ing just beyond him.and the sV uonus mm i o payauio in iKum 01 uiu unucu amies, ana nwt tlMKl It , , , . m Wntiillv lwmnfifnl Murrain., nirs lonr interest at uio rate 01 not make a 11 dure, cn m mm Ul :u" 'f i'ul M'ni" SWOni puyitiiiu HUJiii-uiimuuiy.HiiKi inicr And the artist in mv bosom aL P eviuoncm uy coupons thrilled with owitncy replete, uuacuc i to uio sa u uonuH. Now therefore, tho Citv of SL There ho Htood, a wondous creat- Johns, does ordain as follows: tiro, moulded by tho Hand That the City Kocordor of the Divine. City of St. Johns be and ho is Why should I, another creature, hereby ordered and directed and seal his destiny? Is mine remiirod to issue nineteen bonds Tho right, with careless fingers, which shall bo improvement to meddlowitn uio's tangled Donds of the City of St. Johns, skein' Multnomah County. Oreuon. and JV , I 1 1 1 1 fl t ' yuiouy 1 turned aim loitiiim, witicn said Domls and coupons turned and went duck nome tiiereoi snail Do properly signed again. Dick Posey. as required by tho law and the charter of tho City of St. Johns and which said bonds shall bo in the following numbers, dates and denominations: You Kot full wolslil ntul nuulltr tit tho Central umrkot. trr wlill. Mrsl Jtisl NOTICE ' Tho treasurer of tho city of St. dolniH, urogoii, will redeem on November 1, 191!!, tho follow ing outstanding Improvement Honda: Numbers 91 to 1 1H inclti- sivo. Tho said bond will conuo to boar iutoroat after above date. HoikIh may bo proHontod for payniunt at tho Flint Nation tilillunk, St. Johns, Oregon, or treasurer's ollleo. J, 13. TANCII. Troamiror. I'tiblishutl in tho St. Johns Ko- viovr, Oct. 10, 17 and 2-1, 191.1. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS City of St. Johns, Ore. Number. 6.14 635 636 637 638 639 6.(0 f..,i 6-15 o.jfl 6-17 6.19 650 651 G53 Date. Sept. 15, 1913 11 11 Oct. 11 ist, 1913 II II Amount. $500. 00 50(1.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500 00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 13.87 500.00 500.00 500.00 56.9s LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. O. .ST. JOHNS. OIICGON Meets each Mondity evening In Odd Fel Ions ball at 7:10. A cordial welcome to all vislllliL' brothers. Clm. it. lloyd.N. O Alex. S. Scales, Sec. IIOLMtS LODGE NO. 101 KNICIItS or I'YIIIIAS Mtit ivirv l'rlilnv f 1 1 1 111 n luifTijo o'clock ill I. O. O. 1' jr Hnll. Visitors nlwiiys wcl come. H, U. MAXl'IHI.D.C. C. 1). 1'. HOKSMAN, K. K.S DOKIC DODGE NO. 132 A. r. nnd A. M. Kcitulnr commiinicflliout on flrst Wctlncsilny o encli month in lllckner Hall. Visitors welcome Jtrnesl S, lliirritnjton. W, M. joiiii isoce, fiecrctnry JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Dy & Nleht Ofllco In McCbeinoy blk St. John. - Oregon. Office Plionc Columbia 34 Residence Plinne Columbia. 198 St. Johns Uxprcss, Transfer nnd Storage Co. Piano Moving a Spccinlty. Until nig done to ntul from Portland Residence .100 Knst Ricliniond Office 103 North Jersey Street I'.iuy iritis 10 roruuiiii, CI IAS. 8AGHRT, I'rop, ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Chnptcr No. 105 -Meet Hvfryl'lrst nnd Third niewbiy KvciiIiik o( Hnch .11011111 111 lilckner'Nltnll. K"bv R. Davis, Worthy Matron. Mr. Susie Uppers, Secretary, We buy or sell St. r(ins Property AlcKINNGY & DAVIS Ren I Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell ciuick v 20 N. Jersey .St. St. Johns If your tire blown up, blow 11110 cue Sealod PronoBuls will bo ro coived by tho tindortiigiunl at his nflleo in tho CMv of St. .lnlmu Oregon, until six P. M, on tho E Alh day of Nov., 1918, for tho Kiuoof tho whole or any part Total $8570.79 riiat tho City Uecordor of the City of St. Johns, shall publish notice of tho time and nlaco whon sealed bids s ball bo roeo vod nnd oponod for tho sale of said bomU, which Maid bonds shn bo sold for tho highest nrico ob- tainablo, but shall not bo sold for loss than par ami accrued inter out. Right is reserved to reject and a bids for 1 10 snid bonds and to ro-advortiso for other bids and sales for tho of Honda of tho City of St, Johns 8m,V"' , i. n.n n im - , m issued under Ordinance No. f(i(!. . 1 8S . ? Oounci! this 1 UH at not loss than par and ccrtu,i l'ft Llt!-tui. Peninsula Garage , 207 B.Jersvy Si. mid have it readied In 11 neat mid workmanlike milliner. Automobile ami Mnt,.n-vi.. r. iiriiiK and sunplle.. 1'lioneCol. C32. uio lor Hire iy the day or hour. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage We delivor vour I'nrwU tn n.l II pnrta of Portland, Vancouver. Linn- tOII. Port I ml Mill! Sllhllrlmn V.i,,... Co., city dock nnd all winta accetalblt by wagon, llano and furiilliir mo 4 log Central Market ! 205 S, Jersey Strot A month ago closed our eighth year of business in St. Johns. The success we may have attained has come because we have at all times given you value for your money. Stores have come and gone: we have maintained the policy of treating our patrons as we should expect to be treated were the circumstances reversed, and we are still here and increasing our sales in most of our lines from month to month. We could not do this if we did not give you your money's worth al ways and adjust with a keen sense of right any difficulties that come. The time has gone forever now when it is necessary for you to send from your community to have your needs supplied. Our profits are not spent in extravagant buying but go back into the stock to increase our service in the community and to pay our employes whom we also expect and who do spend their salaries in St. Johns. Spending your earnings out of town whether going to Portland or some where else injures your own home, your community' your patriotism. In the stock of our stores you will find everything to wear and many things to use in your home aside from as large and well sorted a grocery stock as you can find in cities twice the size of St. Johns. BONHAM & CURRIER 1 Approved by tho Mavor this Mth day of Octobor. A. I)..10lii. uhas. wusnrcsoN, Mayor, Attest; J- A. KICK, City Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re view Octobor 17, 1918. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment interest. Said Honda to bo dated as follows: $70111.87 Sopt. 15, 19151. $1550.92 Oct. 15. 191JJ. Amounting in till to $8570.79, All of said Itouds aro ismiod in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars or loss and all of tho ?aid Honda aj o payable ton years after ditto of said Honds. All of said Honds aro coupon Honds bearing intorost at tho rato of six per cont payable somi-an- nually subject to all tho con- Notico is horob; ditions imposed, directed and apportionment of stipulated by section 131 of tho nrovinir N . Leonard stivnt from uiarter ot tlio Uity of St. Johns. i no right la rosorvod to ro. deem any and all Honds at any interest paying period at or af tor ono year from date, All bids must bo accompanied by a certified chock for two per cent of tho amount of tho bid, and tho said check shall bo pay able to tho City of St. Johns, and tho said check shall bo re tained by tho City of St. Johns as damages in case tho bidder to whom tho Honds aro awarded by given that tho cost of im- tho north lino of St. Johns Ave. to tho north lino of Hruco Ave., total cost is $-1,250. .10 has boon apportioned and is on lilo in tho ofllco of tho tin dorsigned, subject to examina tion. Assessment district extends back to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of land abutting on said street as provided by tho city charter and resolution. Remonstrances against said apportionment may bo made in Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rird and romlly TraJa SoflcJltd, T. P. WARD, Proprietor. REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS The following list of legul blanks anikept for snlc at this ofllco niul others will be lidded as the demand arises; Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Deals, Uealtv and Chattel Mort- Rages, batistacttoii of Mortgages, Contracts fot Sale of Realty, Hills of Sale, Leases. All these blanks ut the uniform price of 30c per dozen. NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment rails to accept and pay for the writing and tiled with tho un- samo wttiun tittoon days alter .dorsigned until 5 p. m. Nov. 3. uiu uccupiunco oi uio mils. The money is to bo paid and tho Bonds aro to bo dolivored at St. Johns, Multnomah County, Oregon. I ho right is reserved by tho Council to reject any and all bids, F. A. Rice, Hocordor. Published in the St, Johns Review, 0t.. 1X24, 31, 1918. 1913. R A. MCE. Uecordor. Published in tho St. Johns Re view Oct. 17 and 21, 1913. Mow is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the PciiitiMt la Title, Abstract and Realty Co1 Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 31 1 Nortn Jersey stteet, Adv. Notice Is hereby uivcu that ptxrtlun- incut of the cost of iinjirovin; l'ox ktrcct (win the Miith Hue of Uvcgo &ircci o 1 ne noun line oi I'lmriekton street, total cot of which U f!H3.02 has been iixrtioucl uuil is on file in the otlice of the uiiileriKiicil, subject to ex amination. Assessment district extends luck to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of IhikI abutting on mIi street as provided oy uie ciiy cniiner ana resolutions. Kemoustruiice against stud apportion ment limy be made in writing and filed with the undersigned until 5 o'clock P. M. Oct. 27. 1913. V. A. UICK, Kecorder, Published, in the, St. Johii Review Qct. JO mul 17, l'Jia, THE WEEKLY OREGON IAN Including 4 Page Supplement Until January 1, 1 91 5 MORE THAN AN ENTIRE YEAR For 75c During the Bargain Period Ending Oct 31, 1913 To Newor Present Subscribers Who Hand Us Their 75c Now . Mail or bring your subscription today to the office of the ST. JOHNS REVIEW Bargain Day Agents of the Weekly Oregonian r i Otl I 1 (