T Ormandy Bros. 0PE CREDIT FURNITURE OFFICE THIS week we offer you Bargains in din ing tables. We have the most complete line of dining tables ever offered on the Peninsula. We can sell cheaper than the high rent stores. Why not get a Dining Table Cheap Six foot extension dining tables, highly polished, 15 inch top Regular $12, special only $8.50 Plain oak, six foot extension dining ta ble, mission design finished in wax Regular $11,' special only $11.25 A golden polished, quarter sawed oak extension ta ble; has colonial pedestal and feet. A very pleasing and substantial table Regular $28, special only $21.50 C foot extension table in quarter sawed oak with wax finish and lock attachment-- Regular .$27, special only $22 45 inch top, 6 foot extension table; has colonial base and feet, all quarter sawed oak with wax finish Regular $27, special only $24.30 A quarter sawed oak, six foot exten sion tablevith 42 inch top. Has round pedestal and plain feet Regular $18, special only $14.40 45 inch top, six foot extension dining table, wax finished, quarter sawed oak; has round quarter sawed pedestal with flat, solid base Regular $22.50, special only $16.50 Attractive cluster pedestal with five separate sup ports which spread apart as table is extended 'to 8 feet; has a quartered oak 48 inch top, all in wax fin ish Regular $40, special only $32 Another beauty is a 54 inch top, 8 foot extension ta ble with 12 inch octagon pedestal, colonial design; has heavy solid feet extending to top of pedestal Special only $54 Carpet House Furnishers Goods Taken in Exchange Local News. Ihc word Gil-mlv, Satisfaction, is more, the Barber. N. J. Bailey ia erecting a hnndsomo dwelling on Hnyos street, near Richmond. A young son nrrived at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kerr one day Inst week. T had. T. Parker will open up ofliccs in tho Holbrook building next Monday to resume tho practlco of law in St. Johns. Butter is now being put in half pound packages by the Hazolwood Creamery, which is a convenience to those who use but little butter. W. N. Hugunin of Syracuse, Now York.iB a guest of his kins man, P. W. Ilinmnn. lie ex pects to locate permanently in this section. D. S. Goode, brother of Rev. J, A. Goode. ia rapidly recover ing from a serious operation per formed October 9th. We understand that J. R. Kerr &Son have received the contract for the erection of a $10,000 residence near Mount Hood for Mr. Mensinger, of tho Star Sand Co. nni'linorton street from-Jersey to Central avenue is rapidly being Jmnrnvod bv sidewalks and grado. which will improve the appearance of this thoroughfare considerably. Mrs. T. S. Noonan and family Inft Sundav evening for Lead. South Dakota, where they will meet Mr. Noonan. who is engag ed in the mining business there. The Noonans have resided in St. Johns for tho past seven vaars. and their friends were loath to see them depart. The oneniro? of the Panama canal last Friday was greeted in St. Johns by all the whistles in tha citv blowing. It is believed that the dawn of great things for the Northwest greater, in fact, than anv citizen can fully realize is breaking with the openingof this great short cut to the pastern mancets. flontrressman Lafferty has baen appointed a member of the stih-eommittee of the House finmmitrefl on 'Interstate and Fnreitrn Commerce to draft legislation to nrevent the mis hranriintr and adulteration of commodities entering into in terstate commerce. Mr. Laf ferty wjll be very glad to receive tho viflwa nf his constituents as to what provisions should be included in tho bill, and anyone desiring to offer suggestions is rnrdiallv requested to write to him at WWngto. uci nu cieciric ncnu ircnimcm or niassngc lit Oilmoru's Barber Shop, Ailv. There are big plans in the making for a roal Halloween evening for all friends of the Epworth League, at tho old "Cntlin" house on N. Fillmoro St., Oct. 31. Keep that dnto open. We will tell you moro next week. J.E. Coffee has sold his harbor ing business on North Jcrsoy street to n gentleman from Mon tana. Dick Perrine, who hna been conducting tho old Hull barber shop opposite tho Multno mah, has discontinued the busi ness, which will be occupied by the party purchasing from Mr. Coffee, and tho Coffee shop abandoned. A. A. Johnson, a former woll known citizen of St Johns, but who has been located at Wald port, Oregon, for some time, visited tins city the later part ot ast week. While lie likes his new location rainy wen, yet ne says thero ia no place like St. Johns for him, and he ex- Sects to move back hero in tho pring. Thirty volunteers have been enrolled in Portland to start a campaign of education in favor of tho interstate bridge between Multnomah County, in Oregon, and Clark County, in Washing ton. A tho civic clubs and or ganizations of Portland aro lined up behind this movement and it is expected the bond issue to be voted on at the November elec tion will carry by a big majority. The water rate case was heard before tho Railway Commission at Portland last week. A num ber of St. Johns citizens testified It will be sometime yet before a decision will be arrived at by the Commission. The decision will establish a precedent, for all small towns and cities of the state in the matter of water rates, and for this reason the greatest care will no doubt be exercised by the Commission Miss Anna Hillis. who has been making her home with the family of Roy Kennison, 922 Burr street, for the past year, became wondering in mind lasflhurs day and was taken in charge by Chief of Police Allen. After snending Thursday evening in thef detention room of the city hall, being the first occupant to spend a night there, the Chief notified the Sheriff's office and she was taken to Portland, where she will likely be placed in the county home. She has no rela tives here, but had a brother in Independence who had been con tributing to her support. She had been quite deaf for a number of yoars. EDMONDSON CO. 203 S. Jersey Street Sis IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Typewriter ribbons for sale at this office; 50 cents each. WANTED VOLUNTEERS - for -SERVICE Church of Christ Comer Hew York St. and Central Avenue Hible School 10.00 A m. Communion Service 1 1:00 a, ni. Y. P. S. CE.6;30 p. m. Evangelistic Services 7:30 p. m. Junior C. E. 3:00 p. in, Prayermeeting, Thursday 8,00 p. m. I I VBtt A line of typewriter ribbons, both narrow and wide, has just been received at the Review office; 50c each. Also carbon paper at two sheets for five cents. -- AT THE - St. Johns Pharmacy You will find the finest line of candies in the city. Always something special in our window. Lpwney's Chocolate Our Specialty Just received, a large line of the latest Columbia Phonograph Records Also a few special deals to offer on Machines, which would pay you to look into. Feed Your Poultry Dr. Hess' Panacea It will shorten their moulting period and thereby in crease their egg production We Maintain a Cut Rate Price on All Patent Medicrnes and Toilet Articles Our Precription Department always in charge of a competent diuggist. Prices the lowest. The. St. Johns Pharmacy R EL, ABLE DRUGGIST Picture framing done nt Portland prices nt H. V. Clark's, the furni- I litre ninn. Adv. Carpet and Rug Weaving done I reasonably. Call 524 S. Tyler I nt,i) Cf 1 A ,1.. Wanted Elderly lady to look after children and help in light i housekeeping. Call 029 S. Ivan- I1UU Oil UUL. For the Children Plain and fancy coats, bonnets and drosses made at reasonable prices at 501 S. Hayes street. All the latest phonograph rec ords for Columbia, Victor, or Edison machines. Get them at the St. Johns Pharmacy. Adv. Better get your household drugs here. Full weight QUAL ITY drugs cost no more than the other kinds if bought here. Look for tho quantity statement and then compare them with other packages. Currin Says So. adv An ambulance of beauty and durability is now at the com mand of the people of St. Johns at the St.Johns Undertaking Co. on North Jersey street. Calls answered day or night. Adv. Everybody's using it Minuet Talcum Powder in tho large can purest and best. Get it nt the St. Johns Pharmacy. Adv. Remember, "if it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't a KODAK. Use Eastman films and chemi cals for the best results from your camera. Currin Says So. uuv Fine stock of forns, palms, cyclomen, geraniums, cut llowers and bulbs on sale at The St. Johns Greenhouse, 8M No. Kellogg St., Harry K. Spalding, Prop. Wanted 75 or 100 feet of poultry wire, also one dozen lay ing hens, Plymouth Rocks or Rhode Island Reds preferred; must be reasonable. Call U02 E. John street, this city. Adv. Cyclone Cold Cure is guaran teed to cure your cold. Contains no quinine. Get it at The St. Johns Pharmacy. Adv. How about those magazines that you want? You can got them here as soon as out. Cur rin Says So. adv C. A. nruggemann, an expert desiirner of lloral nieces, lias been hired by Harry K. Spald ing, proprietor of tho St. Johns irreenhouses. to take care of the local trade, and can be found at the greenhouses, 8M N. Kellogg street. For sale Household furniture and chickens. f121 East Bu- chanan street. St. Johns. Adv. barn and chicken house with 2J acres of hind in Nowberg for St. Johns nronorty. Inuuiro at the Bunirnlo Grocery. -108 N. Jorsey street. St. Johns, Oregon. Anv. Currin Suvm: Gut an onliirg ing camera and spend the long wintor evenings at homo living over your summer vacation, mi. Want to exchange A good young team for St Johns proper ty. U. sngert, iu;i rs. dorsoy. a uv. For Rent- T room modorn cot . a f 1 1 1 i 1 tago. furnlHiieu. win no rented from NOV. 1 to SlUll 111111 1 IV. reasonably. Apply to J. E. Wil liams, Holbrook Block. Adv Currin Says: Bottor come ii and hour some of tho Intost roc ords. Victor Talking Machines, needles and all the accessories. adv. Who fills your proscriptions? Ask your doctor about us and our methods. Wo use nothing but tho best drugs obtainable and insist on absolute accuracy and cleanliness In proscription work. Wo can fill all ordinary prescriptions. When we can not nil them as writion wo ten you so. 11 you reanzou now im portant your proscription is, you would bring it to us. Wo are experienced and educated in tho pi CaCi ipilt'll uuainuon, mm uiuv a our nobby, uurrin says do. adv, Evangelical Church Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m., theme, "Knockora and Boosters;" 8 p. m., thomo, "Sow ing and Reaping;" K. L. C. E., 7 p. m. ; Junior 0. E. ( p. n. ; prayer meeting, Thursday 8 p. in. Tho Congregational church, corner Richmond and Ivanhoo -a homelike church: Sunday school 10 a. m. : nreaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; U. 15., urtfi p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. We welcome you to these and all other services of tho church. Do not forget the W. C. T. U. meeting at the city hall next Monday afternoon. We expect Mrs. Additon to give us one of her splendid talks in the interest of the working people, and as wr lire all working neonlc, it will be of interest to us all. Those 'vhn missed the last meeting resillv missed a treat, as tho . . . i .. papers anu taiKS were most ux celient.- ueporter, It is said that Dr. J. N. Grant of this city slipped oil to Van couver, Wash., Wednesday and became a benedict. Tho Dr. ro fuses to confirm the report, how ever, but his friends contend that it is a fact. "ACROSS LOTS TO RICHES Moat financial failure are caused by trying to go too fast. Thoie who go "across lots," or the get-rich-ijuick route, encounter many pitfalls. The main-traveled road to success is the one which leads to the savings bank. It may seem slow to some, but proof abounds that those who keep on it succeed in accumulating money and learn to handle it wisely. 7,1 every.pay.day deposit at the f cninsula Dank nnd you will "arrive" sooner than those win Suggestion) ikr to riches. Make iio take the route National across lots PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK Oldest Bank on the Peninsula I'HTHK Autzhn, Pres. John N. Kumu'SKN, Cash. V. C. K.VAi'i, Vice Pres. S. L. Donne, Ass't Cash. 4 ON SAVINGS 4l iwtwl Alternate Car Service St. Johns is to have n now method of operating its street cars, beginning Monday, Oct ober 20. Tho loop begins at Wall street and Lombard avenue, running north to Fessenden street which it follows until it reaches Jersey street and con tinuing down through the heart of St. Johns until Lombard is reached. Tho new scheme pro vides that alternate cars coining from Portland pass over Wall street making the loop, lhe opposite cars pass down Lombard street to St. Johns ami go out on Fessenden street to Wall and Lombard streets reaching the . Mil. . main tracK at tiiai point, ine new arrangement gives practical ly a local car service In me at. Johns district. The now schedule was worked out by the officials of the com pany at the romiost of the St. Johns Commercial Club and riHitiired an oxnend turo of SMHH). Cars going by way of the south track of the loop will lie mnrKOd south s do" and those going on the north track "north side." For tho nresent the regular schedule now in force will be maintained, which later may be changed if adjustment is found tiecossarv. All nassengers on the cars will be supplied with, schedules showing how each car will bo routed, which should be carefully studied so that all may becomo familiar with the rout ing. The company deserves a largo share of commendation for going to the expense of making this convenience for tho St. Johns folks. In fact, tho company has evorboon fair in all its dealings with St. Johns folks, and given as much and more in tho way of service than the patronage justified from a financial stand point. Commercial Club Meet St. Johns Furniture Company Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged A Farewell Party Tho Commercial club mot in monthly session Wednesday eve ning with a fair representation nroaent. President Penimll was unable to bo present and Vice President Bonhuni presided. In rusnonso to a written plea for endorsement of appropria tion for the University of Ore gon it was tho senso of the meet ing that it bo henrtllv in favor of tho stnto giving the institu tion tho support nt'oded and ro- liiostod. A representative oi Polk's Directory was present and solicited the support of tho C ub n tho way ot taking a page of advortising in tho diroctory, which was referred to tho board of governors. An invitation to attend an interstate bridge ban- quot at garago at 1MU Album 1.1 T ii. T"l it I avenuo by ine worm rorwnuu Commercial club Saturday ovo- ning. Novomber 1st, at which a number of prominent speakers aro expected to bo present, was oxtondod. Practically overy member presont agreed to go, and many will tako their wives also. A communication from D. C. Low is, of tho park com- mitteo, stated that a selection had boon mado and submitted to tho city council for considera tion. Mayor Hrodoson, who was present, stated tho locations of tho tracts solected. It was do cidod to await tho action of tho council before takingany definite action hv the club. It was do- cidod to call tho attention of tho city council to Columbia boule vnrd between Jorsey and Dawson streets with tho suggestion that it bo hard surfaced. 1 he elec tion of olhcers were made ny susponding tho rules and tho secrotary casting the ballot for an canuinaius, which -.voio unti ed as follows: Presidont, II. W. Bonham; vice-president, II. h. Pennell: second vice-president, Peter Aut'on; treasurer, J. N. Kdlefsen. Board of Governors C. C. Currin, C. S. McGill, A. Larrowe, F. P. Drinker, A. W. Markle, S. W. Rogers, O. J, Gatzmvor. W. M. Tower. P. II. Edlefson. It. G. Brand, C. R. Thompson. A farewell party was given in honor of Jerome Whistler at his home. 811 N. Smith avenue, last Saturday evening, Oct. 11, by the young people or the Church of Christ. The party was given In order that he might meet with his friends and have one last jolly good time with' thorn bo- fore he ieit this city, uvory one enjoyed a very pleasant eve ning, playing games and having an all around good time together. But best of all was the "eats," served in two courses and which were those things appropriate to this time of year. There wero thirty-five present to wish him success in his new work, viz: Edna Green, Lester Emerson. Frank Carlson. Clarence and Fred Herwick, Robert Johnson, Lucy Buckles, Cloo and Frances Nutting, Rose Stelfens. Flora McNiven, Kenneth Hood, Viola ami Ed. WosthelVer. Lizzie and Ed. Powell, Julia and May John son, Alda and Gilbert Ovorstreot Misses Summers, Ilazol Peter son, Miss Iloversgart of Port land, Willard Cox. Carrie Byorlee, Miss Meade, Earl Mooro, Joronio Whistler, Mr. and Mrs. R. I). Powell, Hugh mid Clarenco Whistler and Mr. and Mid. II. L. Whistler. Joronio loft St. John Tuesday for Ccntralia, Wash., whom ho will enter the employment of Calef Bros.' Furniture Co. in that place. He will he missed ' y his many friends hore, and es pecially by the young porplo with whom he has met Sunday after Sunday for almost five years. But wo hope he will not forgot, while making now friends there to come back and say "hello" to his old friends horo once in a while. of Clyde C. Lindloy had one his loirs sovorolv bruised by heavy casting falling against it while at work at tho Peninsula Iron Works, Wednesday. Postmaster T. J. Monnhnn and wifo and daughter, Mrs. C. H. Thayer, have returned from a delightful visit in Eastern statos. Whilo on the trip tho party wore present at tho wedding of William Monahan, thoir son and brothor. at Montana. Mr. Mona han statos that tho people baok in St. Jo aro at least 26 yours bo hind the people in this section in tho way of progress and ontor priso; that tho wator which is takon from tho rivor is thick with mud, and has to lie clarified before it can bo drank, which glvos it an insipid tnsto. Also that tho street car service is far inferior to ours. Ho says that ho would not livo back in Miss ouri again if thoy would jjivo him half of tho country. M. F. Loy has roturnod for a short whilo from Eastorn Ore gon, whoro he is engaging in the cattlo business. He expects to go back in a fow days. The Commonwealth Quartotto at tho High School auditorium Tuesday ovening gave splendid satisfaction, and all were greatly pleased with the iirst numbor of the Lyceum Course, The at tendance was largo and ap preciative. William Wilson, formerly of Clearfield, county, Penna., ar rived in St. Johns tho first of thd week and is a guest ot tin. friend, James Dixon, and family on the Ogdon farm. Mr. Wilson is mute pleased with this section of tho country and may decide to remain permanently. The park committee has mado its report, and it lies with tho city council to either adopt, amend or rojoct tho same. T ho committee states that it mado its decisions without fear or favor, and that the selections mado wero tho host of those submitted for selection. The council wjj!! no doubt take action next w?ek.