THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 WcBt Burlington Street. Tim Kkvihiv Is entered at nost office In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mail matter of the second class under me aci 01 v-oii- ,rcss of March 3, 1879. Officlil Kwpper of th Oltj of HI. John. All communtcallona ihoold In mldrimd to The Uarlaw, 8U John. Oraion. Subscription prloe $1.00 par year. The following squib taken from the Grosham Outlook proves how much confidence some editors have in the great National game of baseball, and such items cause more harm to the snort than any other kind of knocking. 'Tis a pity that editors will give ex pression to such an unworthy and unmerited thought: "That world's championship series will be a see-saw to the end. Of course it would never do to shut the mimes oil' loo soon. There is too much money in the irate receipts to curtail the sport before the specified number of games have been played." 1 A couple of years ago a cranky sortof an old man came into this office and stopped his paper be cause something in it did not hist suit his fancy. We have frequently met him on the street since that tune and it is amusing to nolo the look of surprise on the old fellow's face that we are still in existence regardless of the fact that he stopped bis pa per. Someday and it wont be long either- that old gentleman will turn up his toes. His earth will bo still forovor. Neighbors and friends will follow Ins life less clay to the silent city and lay thorn to rest among the Mow ers. An obituary will be pub MHhufl in tlioso co liimnn tI inir what a kind father, a good neigh bor and beloved citizen be was which the recording angel will overlook for charity's Hake, and in n very short time he will be forgotten. As he lies out in the cold, cold graveyard wrapped in the silent slumbers of death, he will never know that the last kind word spoken of him was by the editor of that paper which in Mie he so sp lofti v "stopped." Did you over pause just a moment ami think that your editor, whoovor he may bo. will write your obituary some day I'Jxchango. Ladies- wear your own hair. Hring your combings. Work and prices that will Please you. Mrs. 1'. Hill. 018 N. Jersey. Adv. Persons desiring to join the crowd from the Commercial club at the bridge banquet ir von by the North Portland Commercial club at 1M0 Albina avenue No vember 1st, should notify Secre tary .1. 13. Miller of the fact immediately so that proper ro- ervation may be made. The price is fiO conU per pinto, and it is curtain that thirty from the Commercial club will be present. Hotter go along and show the folks that St, .lohui is there with both foot. Take your wife along. Postmaster Monahau state) that there are still a number of people in SL .lohim who fail to givo inoir menus their proper iKKirosu, and iiieiviore mueli mail comett to the local office without the utreet mldretis. TIuk romilU in much delay in delivery, and in some canes nmil is return ed to the Portland office becHUKe it is not properly addretMcd Caro should be taken in lurnisb iug proper wldraMi to friends in other sections whom St. Johns folks aro in correspondence with to insure safe and quick delivery. Preliminary plans havo been made and another conference will be held at Albany on October 1!0 in the movement to combine the oight Willinmottc Valley counties in the preparation and installation of a great valley exhibit at the Panama-Pacific imposition i aun I'nincisco in 1910. It has boon decided that tills is a hotter plan than to attempt to put in an exhibit from eacli county. The proposition has mot with general approval and its success is already assured. Hatched in April, 1912. and conunoncing to lay at the ago of live and one-half months, a hen at the Orogon Agricultural Col- lege has brokon the world's record for the production of cacklebernos in one year, Sho laid 23 oggs in twolvo months, which is tho highost record in tho United Stntoe and two more than the world's record. Hor most notablo feat, and which probably has never been equalod, was the laying of 95) eggs in 100 consecutive days during tho spring months. Tho hon is a cross between tho Plymouth liock and Whito Loghorn breeds. I GUARANTEED fT "?" II $4.0O $3.50 $4.00 I I Valentine Bltganowjkl'i Faith In Matters ' Shattered When Hoard Disappears. TELLS OK $990 NOW LOST I IcHirditiK lor three years, fearful of intruititiK Ilia anvinRa to hnnka, nnil lmvin Implicit confidence in the lately of mattresses, Valentine llieituriownki, I law you uuy numvy H(tlfllV 730 Gnrtlen Street, lint come to grief Hictinnowski Imd saved f'X), f600 in Kotd and $390 in hills, and had it hid den in the house. When he went to count his shining yellow pieces and the bright new bills Sunday morning, he fonnd them all missing, he say!. The police are investigating. -Milwaukee, WU., Scfllncl. Hint tuin lv htirnt up or FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON 1 China Pheasant and Duck j SEASON NOW OPEN I Get them while you have the chance 22 cal. Rifles, $1.50 to $ 6.00 Double bbl. Shot Guns, 12.50 Single " 5.50 ejectors - - 6.00 Peters Shot Gun Shells 55c, 65c, 75c per box. HUDSON BICYCLES I THE BEST FOR THE MONEY r Bicycle Tapes, Bicycle Lamps Inner Tubes, Etc. Puncture Proof Tires, ,$3.50 each. III!!!!, Cut Out This COUPON and we will give you 10 S. & H. Green Stamps FREE with 50c purchase in addition to tlic Stamp with the CASH purchase Not good nftar Oct. 29, I0I3 COUCH & CO. General Mcrclinndisc Phone Columbia 137 St. Johns, Oregon S. & H. Green Trading Stamps are the Consum ers' Discount. Insist on Getting Yours. -WE TALK SHOES- because the kind we handle are worth praising. But the shoes themselves talk better than we can. Our stock of Boys,' Youths,' Misses" and Children's School Shoes have never been more complete, and at prices surprisingly low. A trial means more shoe satisfaction than you ever had before. COUCH & CO. .... UJ ...... , s "PIONEER MERCHANTS MILLER HARDWARE CO. Phone Columbia 30 I HEATERS The home comforts are not all there if you aro without one of our Charter Oak Heaters. They give the home the cosy, snug, homelike feel ing, and a finishing touch to the rooms. ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. LOW COLONIST FARES To Oregon and Washington from All Parts of East and Middle West Write your neighbors ami friends to come to the land of plenty September 25 to October 10 Choice of attractive scenic routes with superior accomodations and fast time, via: NORTHKRN PACIFIC, OR HAT NORTH-1-RN, HURUNC.TON KOUTK From Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Min neapolis, and St. Paul direct. To nil points on the S. P. & S. from Aklivitte, X. O J52.05 KnnM City. Mo fSo.OO Atcliiwin. Kas.. S0.00 Louisville, Ky 42.85 Atlanta, (5a 61.70 Mcuipiiiw, Tcnn , 4260 llMtou, Mutt. .f 65.15 Milwaukee, Wl 30.70 CharleHon. S. C. .L 64.76 New York. X. V 65.00 ChutUuoogft, Twiiiia. . . . 48.40 Oklahoma City, Oklo 35.25 ChicaKo. Ill t, 33.00 Omaha, Xebr 30.00 Cincinnati. O A. 42.85 l'tonu. ill 37.00 Denver. Colo X 30.00 Vhiladelplila, Va 64.75 Detroit, Mich f 43.60 St. LouU, Mo 37.00 !HMoiiiv, iowa..mtv 32,84 St. Paul, Minn 30.00 Dtilutli, Minn " 80.00 Wheeling W. Vo 4G.75 IiulinimpolU, Iml... 40.C0 Washington, I). C 64.75 Uincr cinea in proportion. Stopovers nllowed. Local agents will accept deposits in prepay ments for ticketsf Colonist tickets good in tourist ideepers by paying the proper charge. Details upon application to R. II. Crozier. Asst. Gen' I Pass. Agt. O. M. St. Johns Millinery Closing Out Sale Beginning THURSDAY, OCTOBER16 Going Out of Business Portland, Oregon Cornell, Agent St. Johns, Oregon ORDINANCE NO. 567 AN ORDINANCE APPROP RIATING FROM THE GEN ERAL FUNDS OK THE CITY, MONEY TO PAY THE EX CESS COST OK EESSENDEN STREET IMPROVEMENT, OVER AND AHOVE THE AMOUNT LAWFULLY AS SESSABLE TO THE PROP ERTY RENEFITED. Mow Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined ut the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Roalty 'Co1 Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 311 Kortlt Jersuy street. Adv. l'ho City of St. Johns doos onluin as follows: That thero bo and horobv is appropriatud out of tho Gonoral I'imdB ol tho City, not other wise appropriated tho followincr aniounts 01 money, as is reouir- od to pay tho excess cost of the improvement of Fossomlon street being1 that portion thoreof lying: botwoon Smith Avenue and Oswego streot, over and abovo tho amounts lawfully assessable to tho pronorty benefited by said improvement : Lot a. liloek -I, Unmos Ad dition. &J7.27: LotO, Rlock -1, Grimoi Addition, $.100.S-l; Lot 7, niook 11, Oak Park Addition, 'No. 2, $7.28; Lot 5, Rlock 10, Oak Park Addition. No. 2, ?122.2.'. Total, $27;US2. Said oxcess amounts to tho sum of Two Hundred Seventy threo (9273.02) and 02-100 Dol lars, faco value of tinredoemed warrants issued for said im provement. " Passed by the Council this Mth day of Oetobor, A. D.. 1013. Approved by tho Mayor this Mth day of October. A. D..1913. CHAS. BREDESON. AInyor. Attest: F, A. RICE, City Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view October 17, 1013. -- The Bungalo Grocery St, Johns, Oregon Good Things to Eat Would be pleased to have your patronage. Motto: Quality I'liont Columbia ' Motto: and Cleanliness G. W. MCIUMYER free Dellff tlruit; Hi uui job unuttiiK wtfe you think of It. Dou't wait until you ro eutlrely out, Wu artt equipped to (urn out uent aud taatj- prlatlnft prompt! at I'orUuud prices or Iota. The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, odices, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution 01 light No other lamps possess these qualifications, there fore "it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland; Railway, Light & Power Company I find it too hard to run my busi ness with my baby to look after, so de cided to close out right when you all" are in need of Hats. I have over four thousand dol lars worth of Millinery to go at Reduced Prices. Be among the first to get your choice out of the fall stock. Mrs. E. J. Martin Phone Columbia 670 Prop. : lumber: Slabwood .' t Prompt Dry, Dressed, Deliveries. Green, t rM ; n isi-. ti i t I Rough, Hock Trimmings f ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 I H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street 3 Real Estate, Loans, Insurance i Alwtracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. V T