4MNlllllllllBBCESSIBSilCIIIIBHK3IIHIIIIIHllllllllllllllllllllPIIIIIHi AS 50 Note the plain nickle trimmings, ornamental and easy to keep clean. Look at the wanning closet, wanning shelves, chimney damper, shallow fire box, large ovcn. The Crescent is truly a modem range. The con struction is scientific gaining the most heat with the least amount of fuel. The Crescent is a handsome, durable range. The body of the Crescent is made from one sheet of Weltsvillc Polished Steel. There are no seams. Tripple walls arc formed by an underlining of asbestos boards and steel plates, strongly rivitcd. This prevents radiation of heat and insures durability.. We will take your old stove or range as part payment on a new Crescent. A $13.00 Healer for $9.90 Our Prices Are Right and We CASH . AMlMJlf D- I OPPOSITE or Urmandy biros. P0St CREDIT FURNITURE OFFICE Local News. Jack Hess has returned from , Cnnmla. The park committee has not yet completed 'its report. , Some miscreant poisoned Titos. Cochran's white bull dog Tuos day evening. W. V. Stadelman and wifo have returned from a very pleas- j ant visit in Vermont. Gail Perrino has returned from Kahuna, Wash., where lie was engaged during the grjater part of tho summer. Jack McNiven of Centralia, Wash., spent n couple of days with relatives and friends hero this week. B. J. Wood of Hood River was a visitor in St. .Johns Wednesday nnd paid this oflico pleasant call while here. G. L. Perrino, who has. been placing some of his famous fire places in McMinnville. is spend ing a few days here, after which he will return to McMinnville nnd placo several more. A telephone polo at the corner of Burlington and Hayes streets was broken Sunday by being run into by a River Express Compa ny truck. George A. Johnson, an expert tonsortul artist oi kock island, 111., has accepted a position in Gilmore's .shaving parlors on Philadelphia street. C. E. Bailey and Wynn Man ning have returned from an ex tended tour of the southern counties of Oregon, liiey re port a delightful and healthful time. . Dear friends, neighbors nnd co:worker3: We desire to thank each and every one for thought ful Windnnss. lovinc svmnathv and beautiful flowers during the illness and death of our beloved daughter. Sincerely, J. IS. tof fee and family. A fire which destroyed an un occupied house on the corner of Edison ana uurnngton streets, fit-. .Tnhns. attracted a irreat deal of attention on the West Side early Monday night, the retiec ftnn hointr so brilliant that manv thought a bad conflagration was in progress.- uregonmn. V. HnfTnrrl nf this eitv has again carried off the honors at the Salem State f air with nis hicrh bred chickens. He won Run first nri7ps on non. eock. hen, pullet and cockerel; four seconds on cock, cockerel, hen and millet: three thirds on hen. pullet and cockerel. They were white faced black Spanish chick us Range for Nickel trimmed, enst lined, enst top mid bot tom. Gnrnct Hcnter Ju'st like tlie picture. Hody of Wellsvillc steel, enst lined with basket or open lining, Plain nickel trimming nnd foot rail. Small draft under front door to start fire quickly. A tM?rfect nlr tli'lil fient. ij) er. The Gurnet is n very much Hked henlcr. It comes in several sixes. We will take your old stove ns part payment. Get an electric head treatment or mtissne at Gilmore's Harbcr Shop. Ailv Mrs. J. C. Scott loft this week for n fortnight's visit with rel ntivcs'iuid friends in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Leggettof Newherg, Oregon, have been guests for tho past week at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.D.K. Hora man. A supply of Interstate Bridge boosting buttoits has been left at this oflico for sale at 25 cents each. There is no profit in these buttons fot' distributors. All money received from their salo will go into tho bridge campaign fund. In Vancouver during tho campaign recently ended there, over 3,000 buttons were sold at GO cents each. Every one should wear one of these buttons. Call at tho Review oflice and get ono nnd help the cause along. Miss E. Caples states that the Caples tract on Dawson street which is under consideration for park purposes, will bo offered to tho city for $10,000, instead of $12,000 as first proposed. She considers in making this price that her mother has made a most generous concession, that it is well worth the original sum ask ed, and that few people, if they owned the tract, would be will ing to dispose of it at a figure as low. alio says tins concession is made in view of the fact that so many, children especially, are so much interested in the city securing tho tract for a play ground, and that it would afford her mother and herself much pleasure in having a park situ ated upon what was their land. William M. Duncan was struck by a switching engine on the Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Sunday morning while on his way to work at Portland Manufacturing Company's plant in this city. Both legs were severed and ho was removed to the St. Vincent's hospital.where he died shortly afterward. Mr. Duncan was aged about 59 years and had been residing with his daughter at Portsmouth while his wife and son were on an ex tended visit in Canada. He leaves a widow, one daughter, Mrs. Strange of Portsmouth, and two sons, E.A. of St. Johns, and Earl, who is now with his mother on their return from Canada. Deceased was a former resident of St Johns, was a dea con of the Church of Christ of St. Johns, and a member of the I. O. O. F. and W.O.W. Lodges, The funeral will take place Sun day afternoon at the Church of Christ in this city, Kev. J. U. Johnson pfliciating. Satisfaction, is the word Gil morek the Barter. adv. $34.20 A $15.00 Healer for $12.15 A SHASTA HUAT KR, just like the picture, built to heat the whole room. The body is of Wellsvillc Polished Steel It is cast lined, cast top nud bottom nnd retains the heat. The Shasta is trimmed with nickel nnd footrail. It has "swing off" top, and large square door. It is ojie of the most durable heaters made. The Shasta comes in several sizes. We will t4 your did stove as part payment. Will Make the Payments Right 203 S. Jersey Street Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Typewriter ribbons for sale at this office; 50 cents each. MODERN NCTIIODS IN - AT THE - St. Johns Pharmacy You will find the finest line of candies in the city. Always something special in our window. Lowney's Chocolate Our Specialty Just received, a large line of the latest Columbia Phonograph Records Also a few special deals to offer on Machines, which would pay you to look into. Feed Your Poultry .Dr, Hess' Panacea It will shorten their moulting period and thereby in crease their egg production We Maintain a Cut Rate Price on All Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles Our Precription Department always in charge of, a competent druggist. Prices the lowest. The St. Johns Pharmacy RELIABLE DRUGGIST wanted! VOLUNTEERS - for -SERVICE Church of Christ Corner New York SI. and Central Avenue liiblo School 10.00 a.m. Comirjupion Srtvico 1 1 :00 n. in. V. P.S. C. E.6;30 p. m. Evangelistic Services 7:30 p. m. Junior C. E. 3:00 p. m. I'rayermeetlnii, I liurulay B.UO p. m, A line of typewriter ribbons. . both narrow and wide, has just i been received nt the Review .office: f)0c each. Also carbon paper jit two sheets for five i cents. Picture framing done nt Portland prices nt H. V, Clnrk's, the ftirnl litre tnnn. Adv. Hotter get yollr. household drugs hero. Full weight QUAL ITY drugs cost no more than the other kinds if bought here. Look for the quantity statement and then compare them with other packages. Currin Says So. adv An ambulance of beauty and durability is now at the com mand of the people of St. Johns at the St.Johns Undertaking Co. on North Jersey street. Calls answered day or night. Adv. Remember, "if it isn't an EASTMAN it isn't a KODAK. Use Eastman films and chemi cals for the best results from your camera. Currin Says So. adv Wanted 75 or -100 feet of poultry wire, also ono dozen lay ing hens, Plymouth Rocks or Rhode Island Reds preferred; must be reasonable. Call 302 E. John street, this city. Adv. How about those magazines that you want? You can got them here as soon as out. Cur rin Says So. adv 1 or sale or trade- 7 room house, barn and chicken house with 24 acres of land in Newherg for St. Johns property. Inquire at the Uungulo Grocery. U)a N. Jersey street, St. Johns, Oregon. Anv. Currin Says: Get an enlarg ing camera and spend the long winter ovenimrs at homo living over your summer vacation, ad. Want to exchange A good, young team for St. Johns proper ty. C. Sagert, 103 N. Jersey. Adv. For Rent 5 room modern cot tage, furnished. Will be rented from Nov. 1 to small family, reasonably. Apply to J. E. Wil liams, Holbrook Block. Adv Currin Says: Hotter come in and hear some of the latest rec ords. Victor Talking Machines, needles and all the accessories. adv. First Christian Science Society Sumlnys 1 1 n. in., Wednesdays nt 8 p. in. Rending room open on 1 ucs. flairs, nud Snt. from 2 to 4 p. in. All cordinlly invited lo the services nud rending room. Subject Sundnv: "Reality." Two pieco house dresses made at tho Oddity Shop, 201 Rich mond, corner Ivanhoe street, for $1.00 and up. Come and bring your material. ad. Wanted- -Plain sewing at most reasonable prices. Address 528 S. Ivanhoo street. Children's sowing a spocialty.--Adv. ltp. Tho Women of Woodcraft will give a literary and musical en tertainment at Bicknor hall Tues day evening, October M. Re freshments will bo Borved. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission, including re freshments, ten cents. Commit tee, adv. Announcement Greonhoupo stock in full assortment, consist ing of ferns, palms, cyclomon, geraniums, cut llowors and bulbs ou sale at St. Johns greenhouse, 811 N. Kellogg stroot; Harry K. Spaulding, Prop. adv. No matter what you got hero, it must bo satisfactory to you, and any article bought at any time which doos not ploaso you return it to us and wo will ro place it or rofund your money without question. You abovo all must bo satisfied. Currin Says So. adv. Six per cent loans on farms, orchard lands, city resident or business property, to buy, build, improve, extend or refund mort gages or other securities; terms reasonnblo; special privilogos; eorrespondonco invited. Dep't. L. 018 Commonwealth Bldg.. Denver. Colo., or Dopt. I, 749 Henry Hldg., Seattle, Wash. Adv. Who fills vour nroscrintions? Ask your doctor about us and our methods. Wo use nothing but the best drugs obtainable and nsist on absolute accuracy and cleanliness in prescription work, Wo can fill all ordinary nroscrintions. When wo can not fill them as written wo toll vou so. II you realized how Im nortant vour prescription is, you would bring it to us. We nro experienced and educated in tho prescription, business, and thut's our hobby, uurrin bays &o. adv. At the Good Samaritan hospi tal Tuesday. Sent. 30. death claimed Merna.tho second daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. IS. Cotlee. Merna was sick but a brief threo weeks, and a was done that hu mun skill knew to do, but to no avail, and another beautiful bud has been transferred to the liar den Eternal. Father, mother, a sister and brother miss hor sun shine and love. The funeral was conducted by her nastor, J. K Johnson. Thursday at Holman's undertaking parlors, after which they took her to that ueautitui 1 f .1 1 fit f city 01 uio ueau, luvurviuw ecru etery. The Port of Portland Bar Tug Oneonta arrived at tho dry dock and is tied w for a general over hauling. It will be docked for cleaning and pafnting before taking its station at the mouth of tho Columbia again. IliK thliifl nre accomplished nftcr Kilning the inrntcry over little tiling. The conquest of your nickels, building them ncrumilouMy into per tnnticnt fortune, will lend Inevitably to the conquest of your ilo'llur. If yotuwss tlie "nickel lngc" cxcctiiiL' to exercise your Kiivinu ow cr 011 lnrnc amounts, you nppronch the blKcr problems inexperienced, unprepared. Open your saving nccotuil now nt the 1'eiiitiMtlii NiUiotml Dunk nud be Kin the conquest of your smidl coin. PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK Oldest Bank on the Peninsula I'ktuu Autzun, Pres. John N, Kdi.M'SUN, Cnsli. 4 ON SAVINGS M. F. Zimmerman is building! a neat little residence on New ton street. L. F. Davidson and family are recent arrivals in St. Johns, nnd have taken up their residence at 010 Central avenue, N. Do not fail to hear the Com monwealth Quartette at the high school auditorium next Tuesday night. It will be worth while. Columbus Day, Sunday, Oet toher 12th. is a public holiday. and Monday tho day following' ...Ml I. .. I... ,1. .. t 1... win ue ousorveu uy me ihiukh of St. Johns. The Barkontino Punko was docked on the Port of Portland Dry Dock (St. Johns) hist Fri day evening for caulking, clean ing and painting and some new planking. Alex. Cochran, a prominent business man of LaGrande, and wife are guests of his mother, Mrs. Irwin, at the Irwin Room ing House. They may decide to locate here permanently. Tho Rally Day services of the Church of Christ in the audito rium of the High School building Sunday morning were most in teresting and each number on the program carried out in a faultless manner. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ashby returned home the first of the weok from Scappooso where they had boon visiting relatives. Ed says there is good fishing and hunting in that part of the country. Tho Eastern Star gavo a ban quet and entertainment in Hick ner Hall Tuesday evening'in hon or of Grand Sentinel Chas. A. Fry. Almost 100 guests from Portland were in attendance, ami tho event was greatly en joyed. Edward Erickson, who was wounded in the nock recently, is getting along in fine Hhape. He was cleaning out a boat on tho Oirdon bridge. Mirniu Donald son was in tho boat with him with a 22cal. rifle, and inswing- ntr it around while shoving in a eartridgo It was discharged, the ball striking Mr. Erickson, on the left side of the neck. Aflnr sovornl vonrs of lltiira- tion involving claims in the Si- otz counlv, tho announcement disc iiikI. Iiquii mnrie that the sol- tint's linvii flnnllv boon victorious and that patents to tho land will immediately be issued by the Govornment. With all' uncer tainty as to tho future romovod, development will eortainly pro coed with groat sliced. Tho rail roads have long boon anxious to tap that rich timber section, and tlioy aro now froo to go ahead with the work, M'lui first millibar of the Hitrli School Lycoum courso will ho given in the auditorium of tho high school building next Tues day night, Tho Commonwealth Quartette will bo tho attraction, and it is heralded as tho host in Ha lino nn Uio circuit. Lovers of good music and singing can not atlord to mm it. 1110 outer five attractions will appoar on tho following datoii: Stelzl Con cert Co., Nov. 25; Dr, Thomas Green. Fob. (5;Floyds, magicians, Feb. zi ; Uhapin, impersonating Lincoln. March 20: Howfnan. character portrayals, March 2(!th. A rosidonco near tho corner of Burlington and Edison streets was totally dostroyed by fire ear ly Monday ovening. The dwell ing was unoccupied at the time. Tho origin of tho flro is un known, but all evidonco points to incendiary origin. Upon dili gent inquiry wo have been una- b e to ascertain tho owner 01 the dwelling or whotltor or "not it was insured. Uwing to tho still wind blowing and tho breaking out of the firo all over tho roof at one time, it presented a most beautiful spectacle, evon if des tructive and a monaco to adjoin ing property. Tho fire depart ment was early on the ground, and in spite of the wind, suc ceeded, after arduous effort, in savinir adjoining nroperty. al though it was on firo a number of times. Every time there is a nro the people of St. Johns feel more proud of tho local firo de partment. Thoy handle it with such an admirable manner and got to tho scone with such celer ity. Tho loss sustained was about $1500. F. C. Knaih', Vice Pres. S. L. Domic, Ass't Cash. 40 Wedded Saturday Charlton Straw Currin and Miss Lottie Losic Bailey were united in marriage at the First Baptist church, Portland, by the pastor Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock, Mr. Currin certainly put one over on the Bachelor club, of which he had been a leading member. He told them about the wedding Tuesday evening, but they scolVed nt the idea and would not believe it un til they had made a visit to the house and seen the bride. That he will get his ut the hands of the Bachelors there can be no mistake. When and where and how has not been divulged, but plans are well on the way. The bride, who is an attractive and accomplished youiTg lady, has resided at Klamath Falls for the past two years, and formerly came from Cadillac, Michigan. The groom is ono of St. Johns' brightest, most promising ami most popular young business men, being associated with his brother, C. C, in Currins for Drugs pharmacy. Thoy have taken up their residence at -110 N. Kellogg street, which the groom had already prepared for his mate, and where they aro at home to their friends. The Review joins with tho hosts of friends in wishing the happy young couple a most hap py and prosperous journey down the stream of life together. St. Johns Furniture Company Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Ex changed The Bungalo Grocery St. Johns, Oregon Good Things to Eat Would be plcnsed lo Imve your pntronnge. Motto: Quality nnd Clentilitiass O. W. ItlCMTMYlH Chant Columbia I firt I)li,eff NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice ii liuruliy kIvuii Unit mxrtlou menl of the cost of iiiiifovtiu; l'..x btrvut from the Mmth lino of 0uvtC Rlrcut to the north lint- of Clmrlttton street, total itMt of which Is IUS.02 IiiisIrhmi lipitortlonwl ntiil U 011 file In the ollireof the nnilerilgiiel, Mihjeel to ex idiiiimtloii. AtMMinent district oxtemli back t the center of lot, block or triicU of laml ubnttiiiK on wid otreet u liroviill by the city chiirter unil nwolntionk. KemoiiBtmnct' agHiiiht wlil HpiKtrtioii meiit nuy be tnatle in wrltlnj; uml filed with the nntterfclKneU until $ o'clock 1'. .M.Oct. 27. lllia. I'. A. KICK. Keeartler. I'nblUhutl in the St. Johns Kuvlew Oct. 10 nml 17. 19111. NOTICE The treasurer of the city of St. Johns, Oregon, will redeem on Novembor 1, 191H, the follow ing outstanding Improvement Bonds: Numbers 91 to 118 inclu sive. Tho suid bonds will cease to bear interest after abovo date. Bonds may bo presented for payment at tho First Nation al.Bank, St. Johns, Oregon, or treasurer's oillce. J. E. TANCH, Treasurer. Published in tho St. Johns Re view, Oct.10, 17 and 21913. Tho Congregational church, corner Richmond and Ivanhoe -a homelike church: Sunday school 10 a. m. : preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; C. E., 6:45 p. m. : prayer meeting Wednosday at 7:30 p. m. wo welcome you to these and all other services of tho church. Rain came the first of the first of tho week', purifying the ut mosphere and checking illness.