t .ARMAGEDDON OF THE SCRIPTURES Startling Presentation ot Com ing Events. i PASTOR RUSSELL'S VIEWS, doctrines or teachings, we mny bo sure (be true Application will tit well. A froR hns n sago look, n vlu took. It swells Itself up In nn npparenPcn dcaror to Impress tbu beholder, list great month well represents It chief power, uoafl to cronk. Applying Uicscv symbols, we learn (be placing of monopolies and utilities oml ttie supplies of nature In tbc bands nf tbe people for the public good. The crisis will bu reached when the hither to upholders of law shnll become vlo Intors of the law and resltors of tSe will of the majority as unpriced li.v the ballot. Tear for the fntiiie will ' Churches of All Denominations and the Civil Power of Earth Are About to Unite In Common Cause Pcworful Influence Preparing For the Dattle of Armageddon A Reign of Anarchy Will De the Remit of the Warfare Until The Messiah Takes Control. Ilrookiyn, N. Y., r. a. -Tlii' Ilrooklyn Academy of Musi o w a rrowded to thu 111" It today to hoai l'nstor ItiisncllV discourse on thu "llnttlo of Arma geddon." Ills text wan: "lie gathered them together unto h placed railed In the Hebrew tongue A r in n f; d d n u." (Itcrtilatlon xvl, in.) The Hpcakcr anld: Armageddon In tin; Hebrew nlgutlles the "IIIII of Meldib)," or Mount of De struction. It was famous im a battle field In Old Testament Milieu. The ford lias teen tit to associate the iiaiuo Arinagtsldon, with the great eon trovctny between Truth nnd Hrror. right and wrong, (lod and Mammon, with which this Age will close, perish, and the New Ago of Messiah's glory that nn evil spirit. Influence teaching. lead the well moaning iuiikkc to depor will conic from the I'rotcMnnt churches nllmi; and anarchy will result when federated, from the Church of Home, SoclalWiu fulls, and from tiio Civil authorities, nil In ! The Cloud's Silver Lining, full agreement. The spirit of all will. nri,t. would Ik; this outlook for bo boastful! nn Mr of superior wisdom , f1r(l ,,, ,V(. , lV(, , ,,,,,, ana Knnwicugo win no prouuiy nssuui-ed-all will croak In harmony. All will tell of dire results that would follow, Inrolvlng the Interests of both Hie present nnd thu futuio life, If theli coiinsnl bo not followed. Howover con Hiding tbc creeds, the differences will be Ignored In the general proisltlon that nothing undent must be disturb ed, or looked Into, or repudiated. Thu Dhtne authority of tbe Church, nnd thu Divine right of kings, liable from the Church, will not be n Mowed lo conlllct. Any persons or teachings In conlllct with these boastful nnd tin bio Word of Mod assuring Us of n glorloiH outcome! Divine Wisdom has withheld until our day tbu great knowl- , edge and skill which Is at tbe samo Hint; breeding millionaires mid discon tents. Ilnd Mod lifted tho veil a thou sand years sooner, the world would have lined, up for Its Armageddon n thousand yeHrs sooner. Hut that would have been too kooii for (be Di vine purixise, because Messiah's King dom Is to bo tbu groat Thousand Year-Pnbbath of the world's history Mod In kindness veiled our eyes until the lime when the gathering to Ar scriptural claims will be branded as niageddou would Immediately precede everything rife, at the mouths of thou "frogs" speaking from pulpits and platforms and through the religious and macular press. The nobler sontl menu of some will, be tdi'ituglcd by tbe philosophy of thu name evil spirit which spoke through Caluphns. tin1 high nrlest. respecting .lesus. As t'ala- plum declared It expedient to commll a crime In violation of Justb e. hitman and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and Ills Messiah's taking to Himself Ills great power, and Ix'gtiiiiliig Ills relgu. lteve latlon xl. IT, 18. "Send Them Strong Delusions." St. Paul wrote prophetically of our lime, that It would bu one of serious trial and testing to many professing to be Christians. Tbe reason flir this be stnles-they received not the Truth In the love of It. (II ThessalonlniH II. 10, 1 1.1 They preferred their own errone' necessary to their self iirotecllon. Thu croaking of these "frog" spirits or doctrlnoa will gather the kings and princes, financial, political, religious and Industrial Into one great army. The spirit of fear, Inspired by tbe eninklngs of these "frogs," will scourge the passions of otherwise good and reasonable men to fury, desperation In their blind following of these evil tilrltx. kvII ilocliliies. Iliev will be iiu iisncrcu in. lie nan purposely useu re,y Hnrrlflcn life mid everything inguiy nyiiiooiicni ngurett oi nieccn in ,, (, nr f wlmt they nilsltlkeiliy 41... . I . .... I . 4 I fill. I.. I teachings, so this "frog" spirit wl ! theories, the Apostle explains, and prove oi every tioii ii.hi i i-Iilor,,foro ,Mi will g vo them over to u thu last book of the Illbte. evidently with n view to biding certain Impor tant truths until the duo time far (licit revcalmcnt. Hut even In tbe due Mine, tho I II bio assures us, '"None of thu wicked shall understand" (Daniel ill, U, 10 none who arc out of hart har mony with Mod-hut 01114 thewlso of 111m peoplo-tho "wlso virgin" class of thu Mauler's parable. I hav.o long avoided presentation of my understanding of our tosj and lis context. 1 take It up now by reipiest and because I bqllove It Is' duo tlme'to bo understood. I dlsclalip any special Inspiration. In some parrl'nlars my views agree with jliosit of other Itlblo students, mid In 'other respects (her disagree.-, Kncb -hearer must use Ida own Judgment, do Ida own lllblo study, mid reach hi own conclusions. Kindly remember that I inn not re sponsible for tbe figures of speech used by tho 1-ord. My InterpretalloiiH do In deed rons'tltiitu n terrible iirmlguiucnt of lustlliitlons which we have nil rever enced mid which embrace good people, of good words mid gnnd'works. Mod's saintly tx-ople In those, various Institu tion, being comparatively few, are Ignored when systems uh h whole arc dealt with In prophecy. The Dragon, Dealt, Falio Prophet. Our context tells us that three Im puro spirits (teachings) will go forth from tho mouths of thu Dragon, the lleast mid the Tulso Prophet, and those three will be In accord, mid symlMillcnl )y thu doctrines nie represented by "frogs." Thoi.0 Ihreii doctrines nro to hnvo it mighty luiluciiro throughout tho civilized earth. They mo to gather Mm kings nnd their armies to tbe Kroat Uottlo of Armageddon. The ecclesiastical king mid princes, and their retinue of clergy and faith ful ndbercnts. will bu gathered In Milld ptmlnux I'rotostaut mid Ciithollc. The kings mid captains of Industry, and as many ns can be liillueneed by them, will be gathered lo tho wtnio side. The pnlltb'nl kings mid prince, with nil their heiicbmcn mid retainer, will fol low In Hue on the samo side. The financial kings mid mervlwut princes, and till whom they can Inlluoneo by tbe most gigantic wor evsr ywt oxortis- ed In .bu world, will Join tho shiiio Ida, according to this prophecy. These "doctrine of ileiuoiiH,M repre sented by tho "frogs," will lewd many uoblo people In Ibla great nrnv) to as uino an nttltiijlo ipilto contrary rto their ireference. I'or a lime the wheels of lllorty mid progress will be turned backward and medieval re straints will be considered' ucfortwary for self-preservation -for the uwlnto jfcnce of the irseut order of MHurm In giving tbbi InterpielNllon. It Is iiiH'ehmry for us to lad leu to what U ymbolUcd by the Drugou. the Hen!, nnd tho False I'repbet lllblo students of ucarly nil denoiulimtloiiH ngree'vvlth uh (but tho "Dragon" of llevelttlbui represents tho purely Civil Power Protectant Interpretem generally igrH thut thu "Itenst like a leopanl',' ilteve lutlon x 111, '.'i reirtHMnts thu Piaey Hut fewer etlll, wo fejr. w III Ih ready to Hupiort our view Mmt PrototitnutWiii Is thu'"lmago of tbe lleiul" (Itevelatlou x 111, t) In our context given another name, "tho I'uUe Prophet " Wo urge no ouo toMicceit our Interpretation, nor nun 1 1 wu lldnk hard of any who rvfueu it. Wo will neither slander nor othtrwliio Injure tbmn'now. nor thront uu them with eternal torture They bir the name right to tbulr views that 1 have, and tho name right to make tuvui kuowu to others. And 1, fur oil, will be very glad to consider any thing which opK)iiouttt may nt forth a their Interpretations of our text. 'Unclean Spirits Like Frogt." Tho aymbolUms of Scripture, right ly understood, uro always forceful Wbn the Holy Spirit used n "fnjs" to symbolically represent ceitalu suppose Is Justice, truth nnd righteous. iickn. under n DUIne arrangement. l-'or a brief time, as we understand the Scriptures, these combined foices of Armageddon will triumph, l-ree speech, free malls, mid other liberties which have coino lo bo the very breath of tho masses In our day, will bu ruth lessly abut off under tile pica of neces- 'strong delusion," nnd let them believe the lie which they preferred, and let them surfer for missing the Truth which they did not love. Thus I hey will bu In the condemned lioit. "Ilght lug against Mod," because of their lack of lovu for tho Truth, It Is sad to any that wo all its Chris tians havo been tailoring under a thor otigh delusion respecting Mod's Plan. Wo have claimed that Christ set up Ills Church In Kingdom power, and that the Church has been reigning on the earth as Ills representative. On the strength of (till delusion, .lews and heretlcH have been persecuted to death as opponents to Christ's Kingdom. All the while we thoughtlessly repeated the l.onl's prayer: "Thy Kingdom come; Thy will bo done on earth, as In Heaven," We knew that the Iledeemcr said that He would come again to any, inn giory or un i. in coiiiiu.i.i .s M , ilU, ((, Joltt.tf .rx : but of I Im Church, etc. All will hcciii to bt W) , w (, Scrlt llr,.N. We were serene, until me , great aocia. expi.mo. lruki , Hi-r tpt i r symbolically in our coniexi ueni-iiiMii '- lliirlhiniake." An "earilniuake," In Hi-inbnlle Intictllice. MlsilllleH social revolution, and he declaration of the context Is that none like unto It over before occurred, (llcvclatloii xvl, 18. 111.) Jesus described It as n time of trouble hiicIi iis never was since there was n nation. -Matthew xxlv, 21. '' The Lord Will Onther Them. Thn false, frog-llko teachings will gather together Into ouo host the great, say, "all nations were drunk" with thu falsi; doctrine. It Is this false doctrine that will constitute the "frog" spirit which soon will begin to croak mid to prepare for Armageddon, Tho lllhle presentation Is that tho world Is ii section of (lie universe In rebellion against Divine authority, un der thu captaincy of Satan mid his as sociated fallen angels, lly Divine grace .lesiis has already "tasted death for every mini," mid the merit of that sac the rich, the wise, thu learned and the rltlce must, eventually, grant Adam and kings of the earth, to battle. At this Juncture Dlvlnu Power will step for ward, mid our text tells us that ,' Miull gather tho marshaled bouts to Armageddoii-to the Mountain of De striictlon, Tho very thing which they sought to avert by their union, feitem lion, etc.. will be the very thing they will hasten. Other Scriptures tell us I overtake" that Mod will lie represented by the aware. Mmit Mcrttluh. nnd Hint He will be on tho Hide of tho mui, Thus wo read In Daniel ill. I: "At that time ahull Michael 1 1 Iiu Modllko One- .Messlali) stand up"- assume authority He will his posterity n full, fair opportunity for the attainment of everlasting life. All who thus see the Divine program and are walking In tho light may know something at least respecting tho "times mid seasons." These brethren "are not In darkness, that that day (and that buttle of Armageddon should them "uh u thief un Armageddon Not Yet but Soon. I'or forty year the Armageddon forces havo been mustering for both sides of the conlllct Strikes, lockouts and riots, great mid small, havo been take potfet.loii of Ills Kingdom In a merely Incidental skirmishes as the manner little looked for by many of I belligerent parties crossed each other's those who erroneously have been I paths. Court mid Army scandals In claiming that they woro IIU Kingdom, Huropc, Insurance, Trust mid Court mid mithorlxcd by lllm to relgu In Ills scandal In America, havo shaken pub iiamu and In 111 hIisiiI. lie coutldeiice. Dynamite plots, charg Jvsiu declared, "Ills servants ye are ed by turns on employees mid on o unto whom ye render service." Some may be rendering mtvIcc to Satan mid lo error, who claim to be rendering service to Mod nnd to righteousness; and Koine of these may be serving Ig ploycrs, havo further shaken conti deiico and tended to make each dis trustful of Hid other. Hitter and angry feelings on Itoth shies are more and more manifest. Tho lines of battle are uormilly, as did Saul of Tarsus, who I dally becoming more distinctly i nrked. Central Market! BOS SU Jersey StVoot -5eeus for the Choicest Cub of the Best Meuts Ohtainnble. Orrftr rUled and family Trade SolidUd. "veilly thought that be did Mod n serv ice" In persecuting tho Church. The mm inn principle holds trim reversely As an earthly king dees not hold him self responsible for the moral character of each soldier who lights In his bat ties, so the Lord does not vouch for the moral character of all who will enlist mid light on IIU side of any question "IIU servanta they are to whom they render service,1 whatever tho motive or object prompting tbeiii The same principles will apply In the coming llattle of Armageddon. Mod s side of that battle will be the people's side, and tho very nondescript host the people, will be pitted at the begin iiIuk of tho battle. Anarchists. Social 1st, and hot bended mdlcnls of every Hi-bmil of reason nnd unreason, will be In the forefront of that kittle. The majority of tho ior mid the middle cInsm prefer peace at almost any price. A comparatively smalt number, Mod's consecrated people, will at heart be longing for Messiah's Kingdom. These will Ude tho l-onl's time and wult,m tleuOy for It; they will be of good courage, knowing tho outcome outlined In thu "more sure word of prophecy.' to which they have done well to take luted, "a imto a light shining In a dark place until thu Day duwn."-ll Peter I. It) The masses will t restless of their rotdruluts, but will le conscious of their own 'Weakness as compared to (lie kings nnd princes, financial, religious anil imiltlcal, which will then hold sway Hesldcs, thu masses havo no sympathy with anarchy. Thoy realize truly thut tho worst form of govern liiei.t la better than none. Tho masses will seek relief through tho ballot and IHMiceful readjustment of earth's nf fairs for the ellmluatiou of evil, for REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS Nevertheless Armageddon enniiot el lie fought. Oilier mailers Intervene. according to prophecy. Meullle times havo still two year o run the "image or l lie neasi or inn context must yet twelve ir--power The Imago must be transformed from a mere iilcchaulsm lo n living force Protestant federation renllxes that Its organisation will still be futile unless It receive vllalltatlou-unliws It clergy directly or Indirectly shall bu recog uUcd as possessed of iiostollc ordlua Hon and authority to teach. This the prophecy Indicates will couin from the two horned boast, which, we believe, symlMillcally represents the Church of ICuglaud. Highhanded activities of Protestantism mid Catholicism, opera! lug Hi conjunction for tbe stippiesslon of human liberties, await this vivifying of (he Imago. This may come soon, hut Armageddon cannot precede It, but must follow- perhaps a year after It. according to our view of the Prophecy Still another thing Intervenes: Al though the Jews are gradually flowing , Into Palestine, gradually obtaining con I rol of the laud of Canaan, nnd nl- . though reports say thut already nine , teeu millionaires are there, uovcrthc- less prophecy requires an evidently larger number of wealthy Hebrews to 1 bo there before the Armageddon crisis ! be reached. Indeed we understand that "Jacob's trouble" In the Holy i l.uud will come at the very close of ! Armageddon. Then Messiah's King dam will begin to be manifested Thenceforth Israel In the laud of prom Ise will gradually rise from tbe ashes of the past to the grandeur of proph eoy Through Its Divinely apHlnted polices Messiah's Kingdom, all iower ful but Invisible, will begin to roll away the cuoe and to lift up mankind The Bungalow Store 408 N. Jersey St. The following list of legal blanks are kept for .sale at this oflice ami others will he added as the demand Warranty deeds, Quit Claim Ul utu tuincuiuiicrjr, ut trfdlll Deeds, Kealty and Chattel Mort- Frw fldarc Tnhnrrn Ptr alios. Sat sfnot on of Mnrtcnees. ..a-.., .....,., !outracts for Sale of Kealty. Hills of Sale, Leases. All those blanks nt the uniform BOYS! KKfif MEN 1 jngjfctodafeBaEaT IB rffrffr'i'wM if not, oomeiand see Ours You will buy The Peck Line-All Wool THE MEN'S TOGGERY BONHAM & CURRIER, Owners I JOB PRINTING of the highest class only, done by the ST. JOHNS REVIEW 117 Philadelphia St. Columbia 321 H -4 ... C-Jti I If not. come and !, wf - r You will buy I I . T. P.'WARDProprietor. E. F. Moore, Prop. price of 30c pur dozen,