St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 12, 1913, Image 3

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$1 i-n
I Lfuwn
$1 A Week
We have an enormous stock of Heaters, all sizes, styles, and all low
priced. You can have any one on credit, one dollar down and one dollar a
week if you wish.
Come and see them and talk it over. Here are some we could not show V
The Selco
in three sizes. Oblong, square
shaped, body or polished steel,
has east lining, top and bottom,
is trimmed with nickel, has nic
kel foot rails, square door in
front and nickel bound squares
of mica so lire shows through,
makes a very cheerful lire.
Size 18, $12.60
Size 20, M.85
Size 22, 17.55
Noxail "Box Heater"
It's a large heater for a small
price. It will take a large piece
of wood and throws out lots of
heat. Noxnll has steel body, is
cast lined; has cast bottom and
cast top, .ind a swing off top.
It's nickel trimmed and has foot
Size 22, medium, $11.05
Size 25, InrRC, $12.60
Merit "Combination"
Coal and wood heater.
Is a very satisfactory stove.
The body made of Wellsville
polished steel. The trimmings
are of nickel. It is equipped
with duplex grates exactly like
a range. The Merit comes in
!l different sizes.
Size 18, $16.25
Size 20, 17.55
Size 22, 19.60
Shasta Heater
"Made in St. Johns"
The SHASTA is too good to
omit, and it's too good for you
to overlook. It's of Wellsville
polished steel, cast lined, nickel
trimmed, a showy stove and a
very serviceable one.
Garnet Heater
"Made in St. Johns"
A stove that will give satisfac
tion anywbore. A handsome
beater of Wellsville polished
steel, cast lined, a perfect air
tight heater.
Coal Heaters
We have some mighty good
buys in coal heaters.
These come in round bodies.
They have cast lining and are
(itted with shaker grates and
ash pan. Tliev are all trimmed
with nickel and make good ap
pearance. Priced low.
Size 11, $ 5.85
Size 13, 7.20
Size 15, 10.10
Size 17, M.40
Size 19, 16.20
T Ormandy Bros. 1 0PStE
Local News. ,
Mrs. Chas. Asperand son have
returned from an extended visit
in Kansas.
Theodore Bugboe is taking a
law course at Stanford Univer
sity in California.
Schools open next Monday,
and the all too short vacation of
the youngster will bo at an end.
Mrs. Shepnrdson of Catlin,
Wash., is a guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. 13. S. Wright, on South
Mrs. F. W. Valentine and Mrs.
A. A. Muck have returned from
n pleasant ten days' outing in
the hop lields near Gervais.
The St. Johns Undertaking Co.
Rarlors in the McDonald block on ,
lorth Jersey street are rapidly!
being placed in lirat class condi
tion. The Edlefsen Fuel Company
purchased a line team of borses
and a wood wagon at Constable
sale last week, the price for the
outfit being. $261.50.
Perry C. Stroud and family
left last Thursday evening for
Portage, Wis., where they went
to attend the funeral of Mr.
Stroud's maternal grandfather.
They expect to return about the
first of October.
Lewis Clinton Likinsand Miss
Eliza Maples, two of St. Johns
young people, were married by
Rev. James Murphoy at the par
sonage September 4th, at 3 p.
m. The happy young couple have
taken up then residence at 1109
Lynn avenue, St. Johns.
Postmaster T. J. Monahan,
with his wife and daughter, Mrs.
C. H. Thayer, left Tuesday for
St Joseph, Mo., and other East
ern cities They expect to be ab
sent about five weeks. D. E.
Brodahl is in charge of the sub
station here during Mr. Mona
han's absence.
The Thodo Facelund, the
steamer which was badly dam
aged by running into a vessel
near Astoria recently, has dis
charged its cargo of lumber tem
porarily at the city dock pend
ing repairs to the vessel. Sev
aa linnrli-prl tlinusnnd feet was
Vltl ... " " - ---
discharged, we understand, for
which the city receives cents
per thousand as storage charges.
The Bachelor Club opened the
season with a most cieiighttui
Aanna in thf rink Wednesday
Thfi rink was sunerb-
ly decorated, the music was the
finest ever, the rioor was in per
fect condition, the attendance
..Tnn loxrra 0fl tlil ft 5 fMI III I' TintHS
were taken to see that all had a
good time. And they had it,
Get nn electric head treatment er
mnssne ut Gilmore's Hnrber Shop,
K. W. McKoan left this week
for a sojourn at the beach re
sorts. Congregational Church- Sun
day School 10 a. m. : preaching
11 a. in. and 8 p. in.; C. E. at 7;
p. m. I'rayenueetmg Wednes
day at 8 p. m.
This ofllco is indebted to L.
H. Campbell for a number of
Hartlett nears of giant dimen
sions which he presented to the
forco on Wednesday.
A. J. Wright and family havo
removed from San Diego, Cal.,
to St. Johns, where they will re
side permanently. Mr. Wright
prefers St. Johns to San Diego
as a place in which to reside.
N. A. Gee is able to be around
once more after a long and se
vere siege of illness, cauBed by
his digestive apparatus neglect
ing to perform its alloted func
tions in a proper and satisfactory
Mossrs. J. N. Harney, Chas.
A. Fry and S. L. Dobie were
elected as a nominating commit
tee at a special meeting of the
Commercial Club Monday even
ing. The committee will select
candidates to be balloted upon
by the club at its next monthly
The first case of smallpox to
visit St. Johns for a long time is
here. Miss Minnie Fitzsimmons,
residing at 109 Swenson street,
is the victim. She recently re
turned from a visit to The Dalles,
where she believes she contract
ed the dread disease. Her home
is under quarantine.
The W. C. T. U. meeting at
the city hall next Monday will
be very interesting. First the
delegates will be elected for both
the county and state conven
tions. The subject, "The Town
in Order," which was to have
been discussed two weeks ago,
was postponed on account of
Labor Day, and the same sub
ject will be taken up at this
meeting, A large attendance is
hoped for.
M. J. McCarty. "fake" blind
man, who was sentenced to 100
days on the municipal farm at
Kansas City. Mo alter he had
gazed for 30 seconds at a split
skirt, is far from being down
cast. "Gentlemen." he said,
"it was worth it." McCarty
was wearing a "help the blind"
sign when a brunette, with a
skirt slit to the knee, dropped a
dime in his cup. J. W. West, a
clerk, saw McCarty gazing after
the skirt. After West had done
some staring himself he called a
NoU thi label on your piper,
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Tyjewriter ribbons for side at:
this office; 50 cents each,
I "Study to show thy
self approved unto
God, a workman that
needeth not to be a
shamed, rightly di
viding the word of
We want
500 Studying
in the Bible School
Rally Day, Oct. 5
Church of Christ
n U...V.A. pi ..j p.. 1.. 1 1
I iurnci new ion 01, nu ucimai dignuc g
A lino of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at tho Review
ollice: 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
Some Advantages to be Gained
by trading at
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Our new price schedule allows
you a saving of practically 25 per
cent over the regular price on all
patent medicines and toilet articles,
thus comparing favorably with the
best prices obtained in Portland.
We will replace any article not found just as we
represent it; an item worth considering.
You can have your goods delivered to your door
on only a few moments notice.
Our prescription department is always in charge
of a competent druggist.
We' are always ready to serve you politely, pleas
ingly and rapidly.
We appreciate your patronage.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Cut-Rate Druggist
Curry combs, brushes, 20c up.
.1. u lirooks.
Picture frnmitiK done nt PoMIrjhI
prices nt It. F, Clark's, the furui
utrc man. tf
Currin sn.vs: There is some
thing you need listed on our
(ireen Stamp Circular this month
carrying extra stamp value.
Drop lop whips, lashes, etc.,
25c to fiOc. 110 1 N. Jersey street.
, Currin says: Kvory time is a
good time to KODAK. Let us
show you how free of charge.
Sweat pads, IOc and f0e. .1.
C. Brooks, 301 N. Jersey.
Wilbur Bellinger was operated
upon for an abscess on his arm
at St. Vincent hospital Sunday,
and is Retting along nicely.
Compare the size of the pack
'ages of QUALITY household
drugs that you buy here with
those bought elsewhere and note
the difference. It pays to get
your household drugs from us.
Currins for Drugs.
For Sale 75 one year old
chickens at 70 cents each. Call
812 Willamette boulevard, north.
First Christian Science Socletv
Sundays 1 1 n. in., Wednesdays at 8
p. in. Reading room open on Tues.
Tlnirs. and Sat. from 2 to 4 p. 111.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject' Sunilav:
This year we will have a larg
er lino of school supplies than
ever before and will also carry
all books that are required in
the local schools.- Currins lor
Private tutoring in Grammar
School. High School or Civil Ser
vice Branches. Book-keeping,
Shorthand or Commercial Studies
taught in your own town. Ad
dress 722 Folk street for appoint
For Sale- Hartlett pears and
Italian prunes. L. II. Campbell,
122 K. Leavitt street.
Currin says: We will develop
any size roll film free of charge.
Special cut rate prices on print
ing. We use EASTMAN TEST
ED CHEMICALS and prints are
made on VELOX paper, the pa
per made to lit the amateurs'
negatives. Bring in your next
roll of lllms.
I.o.ut- A irnld wntuh on Rich-
mond street dock. Finder please
return to 712 S. Edison street;
Wit luivit lint mm (innlilv iti
W .....V ... M
our prescription drugs and chem
icals - THE VKKY BEST and
we have had education and ex
perience in prescription com
pounding. Better bring your
next prescription to us and note
the care it gets. Currins for
For Sale -li in. Barnes power
lathe: new center shaft.- HOI
N. Jersey street.
Currin says: When you want
candy out ol the ordinary, candy
that luiK a delicious lingering
taste, then come to us. We have
nothing but the finest. Not the
cheapest, but the best.
Evangelical Church.- Sunday
School 10 a. in.; preaching 11 a.
111., theme, ,4Tempest Tossed;"
8 p. in., theme, "Profit and
Ijmm!" K.L.C.E.. 7 11.111. : Thurs
day 8 ). 111., prayer meeting.
Bally Day will lie taoptoninor 6,
There will bo many interesting
fenturoa of tho program to be
annouucod later.
We are always on the lookout
for tho host for our
have added the famous DItUNA
line of household romedies to our
stock. They each and every one
have a money back guarantee
with them. Currins for Drugs.
Miss Jessie Wilson, daughter
of the President, has a most de
voted prospective husbnnd. Ho
cently the two went out riding
together, and the young lady was
nicked up unconscious after full
ing from her horse, and yet her
companion knew nothing of tho
occurence until informed of the
accident some time lator, accord
ing to press reports.
Bryan is still being criticised
for spending his vacation in de
livering lectures. His eriticizors
profess to believe that Bryan
. - i 1 1 1 A 1 I
cannoi givo any inougni 10 1110
Mexican situation and other im
portant matters unless ho actual
ly be at Washington; that any
consideration he might givo the
question while on a lecture tour
would be unofficial. Partisan
press is most unjust and unkind.
At a narental gathering re
cently, says an exenange, a
lady toasted the gentlemon as
follows: Uless em. tliey snaro
our joys, they doublo our ex
penses, they rmadruple our cares,
they excite our magnanimity,
they increase our self respect,
awaken our affections, control
our property, and outmancuver
us in every tiling, mis wouw
be a dream world without them.
In fact, I may say without fear
of successful contradiction, that
without them this wouldn't be
much of a world, anyhow. We
love them, and tho doar things
cannot help it. We control thorn
and tho precious follows don't
know it.
Satifcfactiou, is the word Gil
more, the Harbor,
The man who knows the facts about his finances is the one
who 1.-.111 command, on occasion, financial support.
I low impossible to know any facts about one's nuances when
In. administers his ittiids in cash, writing 011 record of his transac
tion as he goes along. He knows little of what he did with his
money a month or a year ago; but the neat and orderly recording
of tcceipts and disbursement.) on the stubs of a Peninsula Nation
al Hunk check book, and 011 the checks themselves, writes the
facts of one's finances into permanent history, and enables him to
.show up at any time the disposition of his resources. I
Oldest Dank on the Peninsula
Pi ti:k Ai tzi-n, Pres.
John K. Ivdi.hi'SUN, Cash.
V. C. KNAi'i', Vice Pres.
S. I Doiiik, Ass't Cash.
THK COUPON i good for 10 Extras.
I I IIO WUrUH &H Green Trad(ng
Stamps 011 a 50c purchase.
A September Wedding
Mr. L.J. Wright ami Miss Cor-
dellia C. Davis were united in
marriage at the home of the
bride, 72 1 North Ivanhoe street,
Wednesday afternoon at 5
o'clock, by Rev. J. II. Lundsbor-
ough or Oregon City, an uncle
of the bride. The wedding was
a quiet affair, only the imme
diate friends of the bride and
groom being present. Miss
Clara A. Nelson rendered Lohr
endren's wedding march. The
bride enrrried white rose buds
and maiden hair ferns. The
home was decorated with twining
llowers with myrtle and ivy.
Many beautiful presents includ
in silverware and cut glass were
received. The bride wore white
char mnuso and veil of white
tull held by a wreath of Lilies
of the Valley. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Inuerman
Davis, father and mother of the
bride. Mr. and Mrs, G. A.
Wright, parents of the groom,
Lvdit Lorene Davis, Horold Da
vis, Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Cud
mor, aunt and uncle of Sellwood,
Mrs. Ceo. Ingrain of Oregon
City, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J.
Wright, Mrs. It. It. Vinson of
Cottage Grove. Mr. and Mrs.
J no. N. F.dlefsen, S. L. Dobie,
Miss Grace Cole, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Carl Nelson, Miss Florence
.lensen. Frank Staudeumier,
Miss Clara Nelson, Viola Con
roy. The bride is an accom
plished mid attractive young
lady, while the groom is one of
St. Johns' brightest and most
iromiHing young men, and has
icon on the clerical force of the
Peninsula National Bank for sev
eral years. Tho newly married
1111 r. after a Honeymoon, will lie
at home to their friends at '110
Willamotte boulevard October
1st. The many friends of the
young couple join witli the Re
view 111 wisiung mem a mosi
happy and properous journey
through the changing scenes of
Of Escheat Property
Will Go To Alaska
Rev. J. J. Patton, pastor of
the Pioneer Mothodist Episcopal
church of St. Johns, has been
transferred to Fairbanks, Alas-
ka. He will leave this city ear
ly Monday morning. September
lfi, with Ills family for Seattle,
where they will take a boat for
the North. Rev. John H. Par
sons, who has spent ten years in
service of the Methodist church
in Alaska, has accepted an invi
tation to proach from Rev. Pat
ton's pulpit in St. Johns Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday
ovoning at 7:30 there will bo a
farewell service to Rev. Patton
and wife.
Fairbanks is the leading pul-
nit of A aska. and it will take
three weeks to complete tho
imirnov. ll is nocossary 10 envo
at once in order to roacn ineir
destination before winter sets
in. Thoir departure from St.
Johns will be regretted by our
citizens, as his work at this
place has accomplished a great
good, the church having been
built up in membership as well
as in a number of improvements,
the debt of formor years being
raised by his untiring efforts.
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Multnomah
State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs.
J. P. Finley, as Administrator
of tho estate of F. M. Frasure,
deceased, and all persons who
claim to be heirs at law or next
of kin of F. M. Frasure, deceas
ed, and all persons claiming an
interest in the estate of said de
ceased. Defendants.
By virtue of a judgment order,
decree and order of sale issued
out of the above entitled Court
in the above entitled cause, to
me directed and dated the 29th
day of August, l'Jlll, upon a
judgment rendered and entered
in said Court on the Mth day of
July, 1018. in favor of the Plain
till", by which judgment it was
ordered, adjudged and decreed
that there was echeated to the
State of Oregon the following
descrined property, to wit:
Westerly half of Lot Thirteen
(111), Block Two (2), of Willam
ette Boulevard, acres in Mult
nomah County, Oregon: and Lots
Five (5). Six (0). Seven (7).
Eight (8) and Nino (9), Block
Three of Fortune Place, in
Multnomah County, Oregon,
which said order directed me to
sell the said real property as on
execution, and out 01 tho pro
ceeds of such sale to pay all costs
incurred in said cause, and the
expenses of said sale, and to pay
the remainder of the proceeds of
such sale, if any, to the Treas
urer of tho State of Oregon.
Now. therefore, by virtue of
said order, judgment order, de
cree and order of sale and in
compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Monday,
the (ith day of October. lUlll. at
at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Kast
front door of tho County Court
House in Portland, Multnomah
County, Oregon, sell all of the
said real property at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, in accordance with
Section 7!170 of Lord's Orogou
Laws, the proceeds of said Kale
to be applied as by said order di
rected. T. M. WORD,
Sheriff of Multnomuh County,
Dated this 2nd day of Septem
ber. 11)13.
First issue Sept. 5, 11)13; last
issue Oct. 3, 11)13.
Francos Moore Hammond died
at the homo of her mother, Mrs.
M. O. Moore, 1808 Bast Tenth
street, Portland, Sept. 4, 1913.
of heart trouble, Tho funeral
was hold Sunday morning, Rev.
John H. Boyd of the First Pres
byterian church of Portland ofli
ciating; interment in tho family
burial lot in Oregon City. De
ceased was a sister of Airs. L.
N. Bollinger of St. Johns.
For Snlo- Six room house and
lot, fruit treos, grape arbor,
strawborrioB in, also river view.
Owner on tho place to show.
914 S. Edison street. 2tc.
Officers of the City of SI. Johns, Oregon
Mayor I'lui tlrnUauu
Htror.Ui A Kk-
Tirawtrct ) ii Tmt
Altuiur) O J (lalimycr
lumhitr J O HurHHi
riiy.lcUii Ilr I, It lra
Cliiil ol I'olk W. Alteu
liny IHilk -II Mih'I
HUsM IHtlHr-J fi. Junt. It. W. Ntr
A. W. VliiPrnt II. M. WaUrcl
K. tl. WrltfM
C It Oarlkk I. I. MuiUh
Ceo, Muhwhi Kay Wlkui
Klrrct sail Dock. -Koy Wllcoi. A. W. VU
cMl. II M. WaUlr.f.
!.k'cuc C. I(. Ciitlkk (iu. W. .Mmiiwh,
ft (1 WiIkIiI
Witrr ami I.lilit -U M U lUnl. I II
Mttlllli. A W Vliireut
t'iimiK't h ( Wright. (io. V. Muhuw.
C l(. (.muck
Health ami lulic A. W
Wilcoi. I H Martin
I.kiwor l.wnr-(!). W.
Wilirhl II M Waklrcl.
UiilUiinK ami (trouml
WiUoi.CIt Oarlkk.
Vlnvcnt, Koy
Muuwu, S, ti.
T. U Martin, Koy
St. Johns Furniture
Gus Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and Ex
changed HrlOK lu jour job prlutliig wUUa
you think of It. Doa't wait until you
ara entirely out. Wo are equipped
to turn out neat and ttuty printing
promptly at Portland prlcea or la.