S(.JoitHkCM!HK You It rrtitK in fwifttUlimi Cm la IVttUn4 rt)r Id mn. Mm tuvK(it wtf n idn. !( t wn MtwftK ltV. MM flf Utg MtlHMt) ImM llt kttMmlmwe l iutrt rtrt. Hm rttrntiw wrlM )'"g' ll Itnn, mmlnn titwk nKj ImB. )! i)i)lff'UM9 mtttM. Ships mnnlhli- 2,(lO r height. AH mrirfwJi h rr t H It eslrway t I'woUml hstlmt Climotr tilrol hd healthful St. Johns Is Calling Vou IIm rn hurshtt. Mt ithmI fomiifB fwtWs. Dtttltrtttrtly tnsnulsstutf ng hy AdHnt ll.e ity f Petllnrwl. Mm firstly 6,000 ppUlHMi. Hat public llhrl. UitbU (riitr. H.MXI.WO. Ms Uiirn tliy lk, mw mtll Welen fniWs, iren wells, Slnve wuiV, aiWttes fastttfy. Ship bulMlnj plsnt, VVnrr nnd rstcltrar t4tt, llsur mill, pUning min, Hu fsctery, nd ethtf . Mere induttrtrt eemtag. St. JeliM ii the pUf a er YOU, ST. JOHNS REVIEW DtTtt4 tU Ukttrti 6t lb PtBlnnta, Ik MifclBrinr Center el tbt NorthweM ST. JOHNS, OKKGON, I'RIDAY, SKPTKM HKR n. 1913. VOL. f NO. 44 COUNCIL MEETS Matters or Importance Receive Attention All member were present nt the regular weekly meeting of the city council Tuesday even ing with the exception of Coun cilman Wnldref, with Mayor Bredeson presiding. The Portland Woolen Mills Co asked that Crawford street tit the intersection of Philadelphia lie repaired, and the engineer una street committee was an thorized to remedy the defects. .1. F. Mitchell, who had the hones in one of his feet liroken hy being run over by the hose truck while returning from a fire several weeks ago, put in a claim of $2l.(5.r for medical at tention ami loss of two weeks' time. As the accident happen ed previously to the passage of the ordinance insuring firemen, and us the accident happened while returning from a (ire, the claim was rejected. A monthly financial statement showed that there was $(i.-10:i.Gf still remaining in the general fund. A report of the city engineer stated that there would be at lca3t $700 excess cost in the pro posed improvement of Willam ette boulovnrd between Burling ton street and St. Johns avenue, without taking into considera tion any bonded indebtedness that might now exist upon any of the property nffecteu. Mat ter was held over for one week in order that tho engineer might uncertain definitely what the ex cess cost would probably amount to, including present bonded in debtedness. An ordinance was passed ac cepting deed from J. 10. Kirk for a strip of land on Willamette boulevard between Burlington und John atreets, which was ac quired by purchase for tho pur pose of straightening the boule vurd, the purchase price of $200 being generously donated by A. S. Benson. A resolution directing the city engineer to prepare plans, speci fications una estimates for the improvement of Willamette boul evard between Hurlington and Richmond streets with concrete surface and cement sidewalks, 15 foot curb, was adopted. The mutter of dilapidated pavement in various parts of tho citv was discussed, but definite action deferred until a more thorough investigation had been made. The following bills were allow ed and ordered pnid: H. Williams, burning weeds, $5; Peter Thompson, burning weeds, $5; St. Johns Hardware Co., supplies, $7.20; J. T. Har bin, sharpening tools, $$1.25; Edmondson Co., supplies. $5.75; Bort Olin, street work, $15; 13. C. Robison, street work, $15; John Kline, street work, $12.50; Oregon Journal, adv., park sites, $3.G0; Barthold Barg Co., steel tape, $3.90; F. L. Emerson, burning weeds, $5; Bonhnm and Currier, supplies, $3.03; J.Hahn, street repair, $5; Tho Oregoninn, advertising, $4.80; Evening Tel egram, advertising. $2.90; mak ing a total of $110.88. Surprise Birthday Party A surprise birthday pnrty was tendered Thomas Cavanaugh at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Crouch. 931 North Ivanhoe street, Monday, April 8th, the occasion being the 80th anniver sary of his birth. Besides the family several of the neighbors were present. Appetizing re freshments were served, and useful presents from those pres ent conveyed their high esteem. Mr. Cavanaugh has been living with his daughter for the past five years, having come here from Chicago. He has about re covered from a stroke of paraly sis which he suffered last Oc tober. While he has lived the time allotted to mankind, yet his host of friends join in wishing him many more years of useful life. W. E. Swengel and family have moved to Minidoka, Idaho, where they will make their fu ture home. Mr. Swengel had been in the harness business in St. Johns for a number of years, and will continue the same busi ness and also add a line of hard ware in his new location. A More Excellent Way How the Hallway clubs of the Southern Pacific have contribut ed to the "Safety First" move ment is well described in an edi torial from the Los Angeles Times: The common carriers of the country have learned that John Barleycorn in the habiliments of Death sits at many a railroad crossing, at many a switch, and on many a siding.nnd rides upon the pilot of a hundred engines every day in the week. They might have nailed up the saloon door to their employes, and prac tically did so by forbidding a trainman under pain of dis charge to enter any habitation where John Barleycorn had his domicile. Hie rule would have t one little good if they hndnot'u discovered a "more excellent i way.'' Block systems are good, audi so arc all other mechanical de 1 1 , i i , vices, but unless you get the man at the throttle valve to leave whiskey alone, deaths occur on the track. By the introduction of a "more excellent way" a re port upon the Southern Pacific system shows that in four years ended July 30, 1912. 150,000,000 persons had traveled on trains of that road "without killing a single passenger through collis ion or derailment." In one small railroad town of 3,000 in habitants, twenty-nine saloons had flourished, and kept on flour ishing in spite of the rule for bidding trainmen to patronize these places. Then the road in troduced its "more excellent way" in the establishment of a club house to take the place of the saloon, and six months later a tlozen of the saloons had closed their doors because they would not nay. Two years after the club was opened only seven of the twenty-nine saloons remain ed in business. Guidance was superior to obstruction, and ed ucation left prohibition away behind. Something had to bo done, for no man was required to pay en trance fees nor monthly dues to enter a saloon, so the railroads had to make their clubs as free as water that runs in the rivu let or as tho air that circulates around the globe. Tho saloon is tho most democratic place on earth, where all distinctions are left behind as each man enters the tloor. So in the clubs all men stand upon a plane of social equality. Another thing, the railroad club houses assume good behavior on the part of all who enter them, and there is never seen a sign prohibiting swearing, smoking, expectorat ing, or any other improper act. lhere are no rules of conduct. Tho men are put upon their mnn- hood and upon their good behav ior. In an article in u recent is sue of the Outlook, tho discus sion upon this subject closes as follows: "bocial welfare work ers will find food for reflection in tho remarkable success of this enterprise, which vigorously suppressed every tinge of pater- nn ism and patronage in order to lay hands upon the most elusive, unwitting individual, the adult. independent, self respecting worker, and keep him out of danger, tho danger zone of saloon." tho Destroyed by Fire The residence of former Coun cilman J. E. Jennings on Hart- man street was almost totally consumed by fire at about one o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings had been liv ing in Portland for some time and their house here had been vacant. A part desired to rent the house, and Mr. and Mrs. Jennings came out Sunday to clean it in readiness for occupan cy. After coming down stairs with his arms filled with miscel laneous articles, Mr. Jennings accidentally struck an oil stove that had been used in heating water. It was upturned and a blaze started immediately in such volume that Mr. Jennings was unable to extinguish it. The fire department made good time in getting to the scene, but the flames had gained such head way and it requiring about 900 feet of hose to reach the flames, that they were unable to save the building and it was almost totally destroyed. The loss is estimated at $1500 with insur ance of $1000. Satisfaction,' is more, the Barber, the word Gil WHAT IS NEW In the World of Fashion able Dress The simple dress this season is really charming. The lines are straight, the waist blouses enough to give an easy comfort able look, the skirts are trim and narrow. Of course there are women who carry these things to the extreme, whose waists blouse so that they hang over their girdle, whose skirts are so narrow that they can scarcely linltblo. lint thouo women ntt-lon. dure every fashion. If you take dress like that illustrated, formed by combining 7017 and skirt (5913. you will get just the riirht linos the wnisL cln.4o.qnt ' the front and you have a choice . . : . . of the cool looking open neck fin ished with Robespierre collar. and a trim high neck with smart turn down collar, that gives the fashionable mannish note. Then there are the olbiw sleeves shown with turn back culT, but if you prefer a long sleeve, one in regulation shirtwaist shaping is provided. There are six pat terns sizes 31 to -I I. antl for size 30, 2 1-1 yards 3G inch material required. The skirt is in five gores with the front closing that is so comenient, and you mny work buttonholes through, or use snap fasteners underneath, and trim tho lap with buttons covered with the skirt material. Five sizes for this, 22 to 30, and the 21 inch size requires 31 yards 3G inch material. If you wish to combine tho waist and skirt in one piece effect, a girdle of soft satin or moire will give a pretty finish. The same simplicity of lino noticeable in mother's clothes is carried out in the suit for little son, of which a good example is 7537, which is thoroughly prac tical, and possess the advantage of being adapted to overy mate rial. White or natural color lin en with collar, cuffs and pocket of blue, and wide black patent leather belt would be very good looking, and there are galateas, plain and striped, cotton poplins, repp, chambray gingham and pique available among the wash materials, with serge, woll bed ford, corduroy and cheviot in the heavier fabrics for cold weather wear. Three sizes, 2, 4 and G, and the boy of six requires three yards 36 inch material. Each pattern is 15 cents. A Popular Minister Rev. James E. Murphey of the Congregational church has re ceived an unanimous call from his congregation for another year. Rev. Murphey has been a most faithful and earnest work er, and his efforts are appreciat ed by his congregation. Not only is he popular with his con gregation, but with the citi zens in general, all of whom are pleased to know that he and his family will remain with us for another year at least. Princi pally through his efforts tho en largement and beautifying of the church edifice has been made possible, and it is now one of the finest edifices to be found in any small city. Rev. Murphey performed considerable of the carpenter work with his own hands. fit Work tot QrUr St, Jofeu, ,A ' Buyers w!la Success In order to cement a closer community of interest between the jobbers and manufacturers of Portland on the one hand ami the merchnnts and the buyers from three states of Oregon, 'Washington and Idaho on the ' other, over 300 merchants trnv- i1iil tit lWthmil nnd lviMHti'ivd jut Buyers' Week headquarters. The vangunrd oi nuyers uegnn ! showing up before the day of 1 VJilOU (ILIUM (Hill mui viwuu- ! ing the hendqunrtere from early morning uiuu me con oi me I u-oolf wliir'li vi'mh filled with bus iness antl pleasure planned by the reception and entertainment committees of the Jobbers anil Manufacturers of Portland. As each man registered, theatre tickets were given him, so that his wife might have some way of amusing herself while he was about the city on business or nt f niwlinir unv nf tho inooLillirH or entertainments that had been provided. A blanket ticket was also given each guest which pro vided for every detuil.even down to car fare, for the various enter tainment features which hud been given the visitor during the week. From the standpoint of both the buver and jobber, the first Buyers' Week was ac knowledged a distinct success. Honor the Living When all our cares are ended and we are laitl away, when safely we have wended to a realm of endless day the folks will come a trooping to take a farewell peep, antl watch with eyes down drooping while we are planted tleep. Ah, then they'll round us flutter to shed the briny tear, and many a lip will utter kind words we cannot hear; they'll come with wreaths a twining, they'll laud 4us to the skies, and show their tributes shining to dull, unseeing eyes. Yet oft we tread a winding and rocky path of life, while folks go on unminding, nor help us amid the strife, and oft we droop und languish a long und drenry while, yet see, to soothe our anguish, no bright und friendly smile. We' leuve the words unspoken, tho helpful praise unsaid, till hearts lie cold and broken within their narrow bed. The world seems always giving the dead the voice of cheer. Why can't it show the living more kindness while they are hero? If we could como from glory ami hear folks praine our clny, we'd smile at their sweet story and upward wing our way. ISx. Lafferty Quite Active Renresentativo Lafferty intro duced in Congress a memorial of tho last Oregon Legislature, call ing for the enactmont of a law closing the drawbridges at Port land for two hours each morning and evening, und bus nlso culled tho memoriul to tho uttention of the Board of Army Engineers, asking that a Departmental reg ulation bo issued at once to that effect, without waiting for a law. Representative Lafferty secured tho existing order, which closes tho bridges for two half hour periods each morning and even ing, on June 25, 1913, and he is in full sympathy with tho mem orial asking that tho closed pe riods bo made two full hours. If the War Department, which has control of the matter, refuses two full hours, Mr, Lalforty will endeavor to secure the passage of a law making such closing mandatory. He has also introduced in Con gress a memorial of tho last Ore gon Legislature, requesting Con gress to investigate the grain bag trust, and has also called the memorial to the attention of the Attorney General, with a request that his department investigate the matter and prosecute any combination found to exist. How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the I'eniusu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 311 North Jersey street. Subscrlbo for the Bt. IoUub Review and keep vested ou tbu dolus of tnu city.- a i a TEXT BOOKS Will be Furnished by the School District By a vote of 90 to 1(J it was decitietl that the school district .should furnish text books instead of the parents hereafter. This applies to all gradcK except the high school, antl will be inaugur aetl at the coming term of school. The vote was taken at a school meeting held in the high school auditorium last Friday evening, at which Chairman of the Hoard. F. P. Drinker, presided. Geo. H. Lemon antl A. W. Davis act ed as tellers. It is estimated that the initial cost to the dis trict will be between $2500 nnd $3000, with an annual maintain ance expense thereafter of about $500 yearly. The increai'e in taxation involved in free text borks will be but slight. A person paying taxes on $1000 valuation will thus have his taxes increased to the extent of GO or 70 centh the first year antl 12 or 15 cents thereafter per vear. antl a large percentage of our citizens are not paying taxes on so large valuation us $1000. The nttendnnce, while large lor a school meeting, was not as large as might have been expect ed on a matter of so much im portance. The Flax Industry The Salem Commercial club has appointed a committee to encourage the llax industry in this state. Simultaneously with this announcement comes that of II. A. Brewer, manager of the Portland Linseed Oil Company, that the Willamette Valley flux crop is exceedingly gratifying, and that it has been proved by actual demonstration that flax can be grown profitably for seetl, as weil as for fibre. There are about 300 acres of flax grown at the present time in the Willam ette Vailey. The farmers in Eastern Oregon antl Western Idaho also are beginning to mine flux again. Arlcullural exports are nowairreed that the flax crop does not really exhaust the soil, as once supposed. I lie rortland market guarantees tho flax grower $1.25 a bushel, but tho farmer will get as much over that price for his crop as curront quotations call for. Last year a Portland company gave every grower who asked for it a M pound sample ol llax seed, and this gave tho industry quite a boost. In the Hop Fields Tim boo season started last week with an army of over 10, 000 people, who will garnor tho crop this year. Tho crop thin year will amount to about 130, 000 bales, which is valued at $5,- 000.000, thus placing Oregon first amongst all the nop produc ing states in the union, avorag ng about 40 per cent of tho total output of tho United States. The crop is of a bettor quality than lor years past, according 10 prominent growers. Growors tiro expecting big prices for their crops this year, quite a number having contracted their output for 20 cents a pound. Lust week's ruin, while tempor arily embarrassing the pickers, greatly benefited tho hops, both m quality antl weight. A large number of St. Johns folks aro included in the army of pickers. Three Railroad Systems 'Plii-no railrrisifl svstoms now nnnnnnt Port hind with the tinner Willamette Valley, for President Strahorn, 01 tne ronianti, iuu- irene and Eastern, drove the golden spike at Monroe last Wetlnesday noon, near tne noun tlary of Lane and Benton coun ties, thereby completing the West side link of that lino from Portland to Eugene. Over 1000 visitors journeyed to Monroe for the occasion, which goes into history as the beginning of a new era in development of the country that is adjacent to tho new lino. For Sale Set of Trap Drums. Columbia 218. Frcc BiblLTraining 1 The Bible Institute of Im An , nelen ojtwta iU Pall torm Sep tember 22. This nchool trains young men und women for all ikintlM of Christian work nnd jmrke no charge for tuition. Any Christian young man or Woman of good moral character, 1 properly accredited, will be re 'coivetl. The course of study in cludes: Biblical Introduction, Bible Chapter Summary, Analy sis of Scripture, Book Studies, Bible Doctrine. Use of the Bible in Christian Work, Sermon Preparation, Teacher Training Methods of Christian Work antl Missions. Under the splendid leadership tif Dr. R. A. Torrey, of International fame, all stu dents are assured of a thorough, systematic antl satisfactory Bib lical education. For full partic ulars address T. C. Horton, Su perintendent, Auditorium Build ing, Los Angeles, Cal. Money in Hogs In our last issue we stated Hint one hog, which weighed 550 pounds, was sold hy Charles Langbehn und brought him nearly $50. Mr. Langbehn now informs us that he sold five hogs tit tho time ami they averaged 55G pounds, or u total of 2780. The price paid was 8 cents und the five porkers brought him $222.-10. Mr. Langbehn says with prop er attention hogs can be made to pay a better profit than any oth er farm commodity, and that he realizes more than $1 per bushel on all the wheut he feeds them. Besitles the five sold on tho mar ket he has another five promised tt the same firm, antl while they will not average quite as much as the first lot, yet they will bring him around $200. Tekoa, Wash., Blade. Prophesied Years Ago The arrival of the diaphanous hobble antl the slit skirt is the fulfillment of the prophecy and the hopes of SirCharlos De Puy ster Goldwin of Scotland, who lived 200 years ngo, according to an ancient manuscript found recently by M tax ruith Corson Skith in an old trunk in the at tic of her homo at Cornish. Col orado. Tho munuscript wus dat ed 1701, antl reads in part: "The tune hath come when I think there is much to be re vealed to my children's children in clothing the human form. 1 cannot bolieve that men will forover wear wigs, swords antl kneo brooche antl such like fop perioe. Ladies should not be so circumspect in their drosses, which are cumhorsomo and the long trains which supply their mnjotitios of this year of our Lord seems to mo nuught but a design to conceal that which the Croator meant should bo revoal otl. Perhaps posterity will learn that there is nuught to be ashamed of in that which God hath created, no matter what station in lifo may be men tioned." To Be Pitied That man is to bo pitied in whose character tho milk of hu man kindness bus turned sour und whose stock in trade is in vective nnd adjectives. Every mnn should, curly in life, estab Mali u consorship over his (bought nnd speech. Whon they bogin to bo too harsh and critical; when ho finds there is a tontloncy to chronic fault finding and uncharitable criticism, he should strive to get anothor view point before his character is per manently warped. Reformers are always needed, but a common scoltl is not a reformer; rather a deformoiv Ex. The human body, says an ex change, consists of tho head, thorax, abdomen and logs. The head contains tho brains in case there aro any. The thorax con tains the heart and lungs; also tho liver and lights. Tho abdo men contains tho bowels, of which there aro five a.e. i. 0. u, and sometimes w and y. The loirs oxtontl from tho abdomen to the floor and have hinges at tho top andlmiddlu to enable a ,1 - 1 .1 lyiiQW 10 ii wnen siao'img, or stand when sitting. ANNIVERSARY Of Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gunsolus A very pleasant social gather ing was held at the home of Mr. nntl Mrs. I). E. GunsohiH, 120 Fcssentlen street, September 3d, it being their cotton wedding. The decorations were fine anil the many dainty, beautiful and useful presents were highly ap preciated by both Mr. antl Mrs. Gunsolus, but the most amusing one was when one package was opened and found to contain a roll or cotton hatting, it was soon discovered that one G. A. R. man. in his haste to procure a present, did not tuke the time to inquire what he snouiu get. but hnstened to tho store lor his purchase, and when on arrival at the store remembered it was a cotton wedding, and in his ex- tement could not think of any thing else, so procured the roll of cotton batting, which can be used in a comfort, and we have an invitation to the comfort tacking, which we hope will be 111 the near future. Covers were laitl for twenty-eight, antl the very nice and dainty refresh ments that graced tho tables will not soon be forgotten by those so fortunate as to be present. Hie afternoon was iiassed in so cial conversation. Among the many friends present was Mrs. Bemer. an old time iriend 01 Mrs. Gunsolus. As always hap pens to such pleasant gather ings, the time for home returning came too soon, and we, after wishing them many happy re turns antl thanking them tor their kindness, took our leave, telling them we expected to re turn with our paper presents in one year, but we will have to keep an eye on our G. A. R man, or he will put in an appear ance with a roll of wall paper under his arm.- -Ono of those present. Has Right to Consolidate The Supreme Court Tutiwlny, in an opinion by Justice Bur- nott. ndinoH the decision of Cir cuit Judge Eakin that the citio of Seaside and West Seaside had a legal right to consolidate. E. B. Tongue. District Attorney 01 tho Fifth Judicial District, filed quo warranto proceedings to de termine the legality of the offi cials of the consolidated city to hold office. Attention is called to the attempt of Portland to an nex St. JoluiB. the cases being declared dissimilar. Regarding the Portland case, the opinion says: Tim iii'iH'oihti'ii was inuuerur- atod solely upon tho petition of some individual residents of SL Johns, ami by virtue of the pro visions ot the special act incor porating tho city of Portland. It was an effort of Portland to absorb St. Johns under the char tor of tho former, in the absence of any motion of consent of the latter. There was no concerted action hotween the two munici palities as required by suction 2103, Lord's Oregon Laws, so that tho Portland-St. Johns case is clearly distinguishable from the present one." urogoniau. In order to Insura a change of ad- vertltement the copy for tuch change should reach this otllce not later man Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and save the prlntsr NOTICE OF Proposed Assessment Notice is hereby given that npportionment of the cost of Im proving E. Richmond street from the north lino of Smith Ave. to the south line of Fessendon street, total cost is $2,008.10. lias been apportioned, und is on file in the office of the un dersigned, subject to examina tion. Assessment district extends back to the center of lots, blocks or tracts of land abutting on said street as provided by tho city charter and resolution. Remonstrances against said apportionment may be made in writing and filed with the un dersigned until 5 p. m. Sept. 22, 1913. F. A. RICE, Recorder. . Published in the St. Johns Re view SopL 5 and 12. 1913.