St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 05, 1913, Image 3

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Hiiir, (Ik ferhtf.
Heaters! Heaters! Heaters!
Soptombor is here and the dump rainy days arc upon us. It's time to order that
hoator and get the homo in readiness for fall and winter. You know an ounce of pre
vention is worth a pound of cure. Keep the home warm and dry and you will have
little need for the doctor. Here arc the pictures of our two favorites.
. in rrwllnii
Just like the picture
very linudsomc heat
ur. llody is tnndc of
Wollsvillc polished
steel, caM lined with
tmsket or open lining,
cast bottom, "swing
off" toptondinit lnre
wood, plain nickel
trimming nnd footrnil,
lnrc square door,
.screw draft in front
nnd small draft under
front door to stnrt file
quickly a perfect nlr
tij;ht heater. The
Ctaruet radiates the
greatest amount of
heat for the least
amount of fuel con
smiled. The Oatnet
is made in 3 sizes:
Size 1 8 small, $9.90
Size 20 medium $11,70
Size 23 large, $13.50
A regular comfort, just
like picture. The hotly
is of Wellsvillc polished
steel. It is cast lined.
That retains the heat,
It has a cast bottom and
top. The Shasta is
nickel trimmed with side
foot rails. It's the most
durable wood burning
heater made. It will
Inst a life time. This
heater also comes in 3
Size Number xo small
Size Number 23 medium
Size Number 24 large
Wc have some other attractive heating stoves at very reasonable figures. Box heaters,
combination coal and wood heaters, coal heaters, and alrtlghts.
T Ormandy Bros. 0PSE
Local News.
The St. Johns cars wero the
first to fro over the new Broad
way bridge Another honor for
St Johns.
A. T. Boldon, of Mnrahflold. is I
spending u few days in St. Johns
circulating among his old time '
friends. !
four local young men wore,
taken in charge by the St. Johns
police force for passing worth
less checks this week. j
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to tiie many dear friends
for their kindness during our re
cent sad bereavement. Mrs. M.
E. Beebe, Miss V. G. Beebe, A.
L. Beehe.
We acknowledge receipt of an
invitation to attend the sixtieth
anniversary of the marriago of
Mr. and Mrs. William II. Hamil
ton. Sr., at Gresham, Oregon,
Sent. 3rd. They had lived in St.
Johns for n number of years,
and are well nnd favorably
known here.
Milton Seelcy, of Michigan,
was a guest of his grandfather,
P. W. Hinman, Sunday. Ho
has gone to Corvallis, where lie
will teach chemistry and science
in the Agricultural College, He
is a bright young man, and is
bound to make his mark in the
A public meeting for the pur
pose of arousing sentiment to
ward the recall of Sheriff Word
was held on the Peninsula Na
tional Bank corner Saturday
evening. A man named Coltrin
and Seneca Fouts were the lead
ing speakers. Quite a crowd
congregated to listen to the ad
dresses, and it is said a number
signed the petitions for the re
call, which were circulated by a
young woman.
The annual picnic and barbe
cue of the St. Johns Volunteer
Fire Department, held along the
Willamette river below the ship
building plant Sunday, was well
attended and hugely enjoyed.
Members of the company, their
friends, members of the city
council and city officials kept
coming and going throughout
tli Hnv. A barbecued ox furn
ished hot beef, and there were
ham and cheese sandwiches and
nthpr pdihles in bounteous sup
ply. A ball game was pulled off
UeiWCeil lllc lliuiucu mm oniric
men, and a number of wrestling
matches occurred. Little Merrill
Wilcox, neatly attired in firemen
raiment, was the mascot of the
event, and was the most import
ant personage on the grounds.
F.vorvhndv had a most iollv time.
and the event will not soon be
forgotten by those m attendance.
Get an electric head treatment er
massage at Gilmorc's Iinrber Shop.
Don't forget to vote on the
free text book question at the
high school this evening.
A young daughter came to
grace the home of Recorder F.
A. Bice last Friday morning.
Chief of Police Allen and wife;
Iinvo returned from a pleasant i
visit in British Columbia. .
Congregational Church- Sun-1
day School 10 a.m.; preaching I
11 a. m. and 8 p. in.; C. E. at 7!
p. m. Prayonneeting Wednes
day at 8 p. m.
In some of the Middle States
prayer is resorted to to bring
rain. In Oregon all that is nec
ossary is to send out the hop
pickers, and it comes in copious
A special meeting of tho Com
mercial club will be held on
Monday evening next for tho
purpose of choosing a nominat
ing committee. All members are
urged to be present.
Labor Sunday will bo observed
in the Congregational church
next Sunday. The subject will
be, "The Church's Opportunity
for the Laboring Man.1' Special
music; all welcome.
The American Express Com
pany hns secured W. C. Roe as
agent for the express business
in St. Johns. Any one desiring
to ship by American express
may do so by lenving parcel at
Roe's confectionery store on
North Jersey street and it will
receive due attention.
Mrs. Lillian Ludwig Curtis, a
bride of two months, died at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wray, 208
South Jersey street, Thursday,
August 28, after an illness of
several weeks. She was aged
1G years and G months, and was
the wife of Benjamin Curtis of
this city, and daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Ludwig, also of
St. Johns. The funeral services
were held at the Blackburn chap
el Saturday, August 30, and the
remains wero laid to rest in Co
lumbia cemetery.
Mayor Albee and the City
Commissioners have agreed that
all of the I. W. W. agitators
who recently were arrested and
convicted on charges of disorder
ly conduct, will have their sen
tences suspended providing they
leave the city and do not return.
Attorneys representing the agi
tators have agreed that if this
action is taken by the Council
their clients will leave the city
immediately. These include C.
Peterson and John Randolph, and
in all probability Tom Burns.
one of the most rabid leaders of
the crowd. -Portland Daily Ab
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
I "Study to show thy- !
self approved unto
God, a workman that
needeth notto be a
shamed, rightly di
viding the word of
We want
500 Studying
In the Bible School
Rally Day, Oct. 5
Church of Christ
Corner New York SI. and Cenlral Avenue
A lino of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at the Review
ollice; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
Some Advantages to be Gained
by trading at
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Our new price schedule allows
you a saving of practically 25 per
cent over the regular price on all
patent medicines and toilet articles,
thus comparing favorably with the
best prices obtained in Portland.
We will replace any article not found just as we
represent it; an item worth considering.
You can have your goods delivered to your door
on only a few moments notice.
Our prescription department is always in charge
of a competent druggist.
We are always ready to serve you politely, pleas
ingly and rapidly.
We appreciate your patronage,
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Cut-Rate Druggist
If. lU-nCniw of itwbpiniUnci
th. fimt of thr wk in
St .!!. n
I' tni iteming Am at Portland
Mk.hmU - CtitrVft, the fmnt
,tt!u nun U
i mil'- : THv in mmv
1 1 m in m nwi hated nti twir
Jitvt tt Mh Circular this month
mrrj itig rlm aUtmp vulue.
l orSal.' Set of Trap Drum.
Columbia 21s.
t'urrin iwyn; Every time in
Wt timi- to KODAK. Lt ua
b vim how frr of churxv.
J Wanted Csimble woman to do
I housework. Call 880 Smith
j Ivnnhoc.
i Compare the sine of the imck
KiH of Ql'AMTY household
drugs tlmt you buy hero with
i those bought elsewhere and note
tho dilVcrcnce. It pay to got
your household drugs from us.
' Currins for Drugs.
' For Sale 75 one year old
chickens at 70 cents each. Call
812 Willamette boulevard, north.
Lost Small black dog with
i bald spot on side of head; collar
I with padlock; answers to name
of "Pin." Return to 302 Hit-
; .1 II 1 mm mm
ciianan, or can uminiinu n;
Jack McNiven, now at Con
tralto, Wash., was in this city
tho fore part of the week, hav
ing come to attend the Christian
Endeavor picnic Labor Day.
First Christian Science Society
Sundays 1 1 n. in., Wednesdays tit 8
t). in. Reading room open on Tues.
riiurs. ninl Snt. from i to . p. m.
All cordially invited to the services
mid reading room. Subject Stiniluv:
This year we will have a larg
er line of school supplies than
over before and will also carry
all books that are required in
the local schools.- Currins for
Private tutoring in Grammar
School. High School or Civil Ser
vice Branches, Hook-keeping,
Shorthand or Commercial Studies
taught in your own town. Ad
dress 722 Polk street for appoint
ments. Currin says: We will develop
any size roll film free of charge.
Special cut rate prices on print
ing. Wo use EASTMAN TEST
ISO CHEMICALS and prints are
made on VELOX paper, tho pa
lter made to lit the amateurs'
negatives. Hring in your next
roll of Minis.
For Sale Six room house and
lot, fruit trees, gruno arbor,
strawberries in, also river view.
Owner on the place to show.--911
S. Edison street. 2tc.
Wo have but one quality in
our prescription drug and chem
icals THE VERY REST nnd
wo have had education and ex
perience in proscription com
pounding. Rotter bring your
next proscription to us and noto
the care it gets. Currins for
Wanted By rosponsiblo party,
at once. Three or four room
house, furnished, close in; must
be in good repair and rent rea
sonable. Address .1. K, 1024
South Jersey street.
Currin says: Wlion you want
candy out of tho ordinary, candy
that has a delicious lingering
taste, then come to us. We have
nothing hut tho linost. Not the
cheapest, hut the bust.
Dr. J. Vinton Scott and Miss
Francos Dittmor wore married
at the home of the bride's moth
er, Mrs. Rogina Dittmor. in Now
Orleans Soptombor 2nd. They
will lie at homo in St. Johns
Thursday of next week. The
Dr.'s many frionds join with tho
Reviow in wishing the newly
married couple all the happiness
this old world affords.
T. R. Qunllev and Mrs. Qual
loy, parents of Mrs, John T, Po
terson, died within a few hours
of each other at their homo in
Genosee, Idaho, last week, tho
lattor dying first. Grief ovor
tho dentil of his lifo time com
panion is bolioved to bo tho di
rect cause of Mr. Qualloy's de
mise. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson
wore in attendance at tho fu
There will be quarterly meet
ing services at the Evangolical
church Sunday, Septombor 7th,
at 11 a. m. Presiding Elder C.
C. Poling D, D. will preach.
He needs no introduction to tho
people of St. Johns as he lias
boon associated with our work
here from its incipiency. Sacra
ment of the Lord's supper will
follow the sermon. Come and
worship with us, especially if
you have no church homo in bt.
Johns and desire to take com
munion witli us. Preaching at
8 ti. m. by the pastor: subject.
"How God Moots Emorgoncy."
- Pastor.
We are always on tho lookout
for tho bast for our customers, so
have added the famous DRUNA
line of household remedies to our
stock. They each and ovary one
have a money back guarantee
with them. Currins for Drugs.
whrti it p to W writ known at a ImmU Yon hm wmtt a
M rncr t ymt iMlvKtiU imhitt) l rtpMt4Mlttv. A m
t. mi lMkrr will hl a low way
Y.hi my I about to rmhark in an iMmrtmrnt eMtrruriM, K
into tmMttroft or buy mm ptporty. Vk I btttr qMalifo! ttt
tviw you, pcthapK giv yet a Simncinl lift, than vonr IwuWwf
Tb I'rwiwwiU XalfcMtal IVihU takn eccint 4vftMU hi rM
.lit inn uch aiwMattct to its depositor n it may. Arc ym t
)o) inn hMaittewt irlatfoHD liert ?
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
I'l TFH Al Tl N. Prr.
J'min X Kui.muks, Cah.
V. C. KxArr, Yice Vtn.
S. h DoaiK, Aw't Caali.
rtvl a j-J
THIS COUPON is K00(1 fm 10 Extra s
llllO WUrUII 6lH Greon Trading
Stamps on a 50c purchase.
Continue to Plan
The Hlhle School of the Church
of Christ held their regular
Workers' conference Tuesday
evening. The main ouject tor
discussion was plans for their
lliillv Hiiv hmi'IMiwh. In lw hnld
Sunday, October nth, at which
tune they expect at least not) to
be in attendance. Ilcnorts of
committees were heard and sug
gestions as to future work made.
It is manned that they shall
twite- the President of the Com
mercial Club, Chairman of the
School Hoard and Mayor Bredo
son to give short addresses on
tins occasion. Mayor Alhee of
Portland will also he asked to be
n attendance and make a talk
along with other prominent peo
nle of the stale.
The services will probably be
held in the High School mill lito
riutn, provided proper arrange
ments can be made. One object
of this Kally Day service so plan
ned is to show that they are
working in harmony with the
Commercial Club for the advance
ment of St. Johns: that they de
sire to assist the mayor and coun
cil in tho establishment or good
government, and that they are
attempting to keep abreast with
the advancements made by the
public schools along educational
lines in teaching.
The school is divided into diff
erent departments with superin
tendents for each department
having their separate teachers
nearly all of them being gradu
ates of the teachers' training
course. The school will be re
organised after October nth, and
will contain about 21 c usses
witli 11 trained teacher at head
of each class.
Tho Christian Endeavor of the
Church of Christ gave a Labor
Day mcmc and launch excursion
Monday. A goodly number of
tho young folks wore in the par
ty, witli Uev. J. It. Johnson and
wife as chanerones. They left
at about !):!!() a. 111. on the launch
for Sauvies Island with nlenty
of provisions to last out the day.
After disembarking, some made
nronaration for dinner, while
others explored the island around
the camp. One of the features
of tho dinnor, which was served
in royal style and lit for any
king, having been prepared by
tho young ladies, was a large
steel head salmon which had
been caught on a silver hook
while on tho way, and friod to
tho queen's taste. After dinner
base bull, croquet and other
gamos wore enjoyed. Lunch
was again prepared at 7 :!!(), af
ter which a largo bonliro was
built on the beach and songs
and stories were entered into
with much onjovmont. Tho
party returned at lOtfO, very en
thusiastic over tho day of pleas
ure, and will not forgot it for
some time at least until the
sunburn and soreness wears
Proposals Wanted
Any owner or owners, legal
authorized agent or representa
tive of any vacant lots, blocks
or any real ostato within tiie
boundaries of the city of St.
Johns suitable for public parks
or play grounds desiring to dis
pose of such property for public
parks or play grounds, are re
quested to kindly s-.'bmit sealed
bids to Mayor Chas. Hredeson,
chairman of the park committee,
giving price, description, loca
tion and area of tho tract or
tracts. Any and all bids must
lio submitted on or boforo tho
15th day of Soptombor, 191U.
Hy order of tho Council.
City Attorney,
Published in tho St. Johns Ho
viow August 22 and 29, and Sept.
5, lQia.
Of Escheat Property
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Multnomah
State of Oregon, Plaintill', vs.
J. P. Kinley, as Administrator
of the estate of F. M. Erasure,
deceased, and all persons who
claim to be heirs at law or next
of kin of V. M. Erasure, deceas
ed, and all persons claiming an
interest in the estate of said de
ceased. Defendants.
By virtue of a judgment order,
decree and order of sale issued
out of the ijbovo entitled Court
in the above entitled cause, to
me directed and dated the 2!)th
day of August, lDHI. upon a
judgment rendered and entered
111 said Court on the Mth day of
July, 1813. in favor of the Plain
till, by which judgment it was
ordered, adjudged and decreed
that there was echeated to the
State of Oregon the following
described property, to wit:
westerly hair or Lot Thirteen
(111). Iilock Two (2). of Willam
ette Boulevard, acres in Mult
nomah County, Oregon; and Lots
Five (f). Six (0). Seven (7),
Eight (8) and Nine (.)). Block
Three of Fortune Place, in
Multnomah County, Oregon,
which said order directed me to
sell the said real property as on
execution, and out of the pro
ceeds of such sale to pay all costs
incurred in said cause, and the
expenses of said sale, and to pay
tho remainder or the proceeds ot
such sale, if any, to the Treas
urer of the State of Oregon.
Now. therefore, by virtue of
said order, judgment, order, de
cree and order of sale and in
compliance with tho commands
of said writ, I will, on Monday,
tho (5th day of October. lOl.'l. at
at 10 o'clock a. 111., at the East
front door of tho County Court
House in Portland, Multnomah
County, Oregon, sell all of the
said real property at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, in accordance witli
Section 7:170 of Lord's Oregon
Laws, the proceeds of said sale
to he applied as hy said order di
rected. T. M. WORD.
Slier ill of Multnomah County,
Dated this 2nd day of Septem
ber. 1913.
First issue Sept. 5, 1913; last
issue Oct. 3, 1913.
Proposals lor Street Work
.Soul oil troosiilii will lie received at the
offlre of llic Kecoriler of the City of St.
Julius until Buiit, 10, 1913, lit H o'clock
ji. 111., for the liniirovviiiviit of Itiitt
iltirlliiKtoii St. from tlicaut line of Jerevy
itrt'ft, to tilt urfct line of Centra! uyuiih
In tiie milliner provlilixl hy
Ordinance No. MM, subject to the imvl
ions (if the charter ami unliimucun of lit
City of St. loliim, unit the estimate of
the city ciiKliicor on file.
KuKiueer'ii entimnte is fl,lWi.7t.
Mils must tie strictly in accorilaiiee
witli printed blanks, which wilt be furii
iklicil on application at the ollice of the
Keconler of the City of St, Johns, Ami
suiil improvement imut be completed on
or before 60 days from the dute of the
last publication of this notice.
No projiowiU or bids will lie ennsidurud
uuleM accompanied by a certified ehevk
uyable to the order of the .Mayor of the
City of St. Johns, certified by a riMH)u
sibfe ti&uk for an amount eipml to tun
percent, of the aKKK'ne proposal.
The rlf;ht to reject any and all bids U
hereby reserved.
lly order of the City Council.
l'.A. RICK.
Published in the St. Johns Review on
August 29, and September Gaud 12, 1913.
Sealed bids will be received
by tho undersigned at his oflico
in the City Hall until G
p. m., September 16th, 1913,
for supply of wood for uso
of Jtho City Hall, estimated at
20 to 25 cords.
By order of the Council.
Published in the St. Johns Re
viow Sept. 5 and 12, 1913.