St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 15, 1913, Image 1

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It MvonJ in number ol Industrie.
Is Mvrnth in population.
Cats lo Portland every 16 mln.
I las ttavitable water on 3 sidt.
Mil ftnrtX (as end elwtikilf.
I to I wo (Itoni hanks,
lias five Ulgt kIiooI
lias abundance ot putral water.
Has litJ surface atterta.
Hat rttrn.ive sewrrete system,
lias fine, modern btick city
Km payroll off 95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 car frrlght.
All railroads nave arrets lo it.
It gateway to PotlUnd liatbor.
Climate ideal and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Hm seven chuichts.
Hat a mot promising future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoint the city of Portland.
Hat neatly 6,000 population.
I lat public library.
Taxable property, f 4,500.000.
lat large dry dock, taw mills
Woolen mlllt, iron wotkt,
Stove wotkt, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and exceltior plant,
Flour mill, planing mill,
Bo factory, and olhert.
Mote induttrlet coming.
St. Johnt it the, place for YOU.
Uiveted to lb latertU et (he PtnlRMila, lit Msnufacturlat Ctater of thi Northwest
VOI,. 9
NO. 40
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the rcRulur nicotinic of the city
council Tuesday evening with
tho exception of Aldermen Wal
dref und Wilcox.
A petition for nn arc light ut
the corner of East Richmond and
Seneca streets was referred to
the water and light committee.
County Assessor Heed directed
the attention of the council to
tho fact that under the provis
ions of a recent law tho tax levy
for the city of St. Johns, along
with other districts, must be in
the hands of tho Assessor not
later than December 1st of each
year, and for greater conven
ience to his office, requested that
same be placed in his hands by
November 1st, if possible.
A claim of $50 as retaining
fee of the defense on tho Wil
lamette boulevard case now
pending in the Supreme Court
was presented by Attorney H.
E. Collier and ordered piiid by
tho council.
The Portland Woolen Mills Co.
asked that necessary repairs be
made on Crawford street north
of Pittsburg street, claiming
that tho same was almost impas
sible during rainy weather.
Matter was referred to the city
engineer for recommendation.
Chief of Police Allen recom
mended that tho system of red
light police calls bo made more
Senornl throughout the city and
oxes for such calls bo installed
ut various places in the city.
Referred to the health and police
Tho city engineer reported
that tho rock now being taken
'from tho Whitwood quarry by
the lessees was all from tho land
owned by tho: city. Tho'city 'at
torney, who had been directed
to investigate tho status of the
c'ty's interest in reference to
quarry mntterB, asked for and
was granted further time in
which to make a more thorough
investigation of conditions.
An ordinanca regulating the
liquor trafllc with reference to
carrying samo into places of
amusement, cigar stores, etc.,
passed first reading.
A remonstrance of about 05
per cent of the property inter
ested in tho improvement of
East Polk street oetween Fes
senden street and St. Johns
Heights Addition was unani
mously rejected, Considerable
time of the council has been
taken up each session for some
time past in listening to objec
tions to the improvement of this
street. Alderman Vincent stat
ed that in spite of the large re
monstrance ho had been given
to understand that only five
property owners objecting really
reside on tho street, and in ab
sence of proof to tho contrary,
ho favored pushing the improve
ment through. Alderman Gar
lick believed that the improve
ment was highly important ow
ing to the fact that several ponds
of stagnant water were created
in the street every year during
tho rainy season, and improve
ment seemed to bo tho only
method to effect n permanent
cure. Alderman Wright favor
ed improvement becauso the
street was rather thickly popu
lated and that more people get
off the cars at that street than
any other outside the Jersay
street stop, and in winter time
they were compelled to travel
through the mud and slush al
' most to their shoe tons in effect
ing the journey to their homes.
Aldermen Martin and Munson
also believed the improvement
vitallv necessary. An ordinance
providing the time and manner
01 lis improvement, uy aiue
walk and grade was unanimous
ly passed.
A resolution for the improve
ment of Central avenue between
Buchanan and John streets by
sidewalk and grade was unanU
mouslv adonted. as was also a
resolution providing for the hard
surface improvement of Craw
ford street between Burlington
and Pittsburg streets.
The city recorder was granted
a ten days' vacation.
It was decided that the Port
land Railway, Light and Power
Co. be notified to cut down the
weeds on its right of way on
Fpssnnden street.
Rills amounting to $540.28. the
greater portion of which was for
WeCU CUUinK HHU aucci, nuin,
were allowed and ordered paid.
A Modern Way
Dear Sir: Your fovor, recent
Received and contents noted.
If, as you say, I'm your "soul
No more need here be quoted.
Still, when you ask me for my
You i)ledire"a life's devotion."
Such I.O.U.'s please understand,
Arc scarcely to my notion.
My Inwyer rates extremely low,
This contract that you proffer.
I am a business woman, so
I must reject your offer.
Such poor collateral, you see,
My banker won't consider,
"For Move preferred' or 'bonds
says he,
"I cannot find a bidder."
However, if you care to make
A little business journey.
The matter you may freely take
To J. Brown, my attorney.
There half your worldly wealth
And your life nartnor make me.
Then I will joyfully bo thine.
bue Smith.
P. S.Como, take me. Ex.
Tribute to Street Car Men
Hot Snrinirs. S. D.. August 7.
lOlH.-Editor St. Johns Review:
Much is being written regarding
tho Pacific Coast States, espe
cially of Oregon and her wonder
ful climate. Returning tourists
are universally impressed with
tho varied resources of the coun
try and with tho thrift and en
terprise of tho larger cities.
Good impressions lormcu uy
visitors depend upon much out
side of whut nnturo has done
for that section, and among the
most deserving subjects for
complimentary mention I wish
to speak a w,orcl ot commendation
for the people' who have first
care of tho stranger within your
gut 03. I rofcr to those engaged
m tho passenger transportation
business, particularly of the
street car trainmen.
During a four month's stay in
Portland and Sound cities 1 had
occasion to patronize tho street
cars n great deal and can truth-
fu y say that for courtesy and
attention to the traveling public
I urn sure that no other city or
street railway system in the
United States can boast of as
efficient a body of employes as
is to bo found in .Portland, ure-
gon, nnd particularly on ine at.
Johns cars.
Owing to ago and physical in
firmities 1 pm'hnps required more
attention than the ordinary
traveler, and in no case could a
member of my own family have
licen moruaoucuuua iur my cum
fort and welfare. There was a
marked contrast in tho service
rendered in Portland and Seattle,
much to the credit of the first
named citv. In one instance
only while in Seattle did I notice
it. . i t i ii i : r
me cnivutruua uiiuiiiiuu ui mu
Portland street car conductor,
and that was on a California av
enue car. I did not nsk, but
supposed that he must certainly
have had training on some of
the Portland lines.
Mrs. M, Bleakney.
Building Permits
No. 33-To Minna Bahr to
erect a dwelling on Ivanhoo
street between St. Johns avenue
and Maple street; cost $500.
No. 34 To John verdigan to
repair dwelling on Hudson street
between Oswego ana Kicnmona;
cost $200. '
No. 35 To Geo. Friar to erect
a dwelling on Central avenue be
tween Oswego and Mohawk; cost
No. 30 To H. G. Thyng to re
pair dwelling on Alma street
near Uentrai avenue; cost $zuu.
No. 37 To E. Kline to erect a
dwelling on Hartman street be
tween Oswego and Charleston;
cost $150.
How. is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
H. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street.
Subscribe tor the lit TohHe Review
and keep posted on the doings ot
the elty.
In the World of Fashion
able Dress
Perhaps the prevailing fond
ness for the one piece dress enn
best be explained by its general
becomlngness and the youthful
ncss it imparts to tho wearer.
Be that ns it may, however, you
see these appealing.simple frocks
everywhere worn by smart wo
men who are known to have re
fined taste in dressing.
It stands to reason that during
the hot and sultry days of sum
mer this modoof dress is practi
cal in the extreme, ns nothing
is better calculated to give com
fort and good service. Natural
ly a great deal denonds upon the
material employed, ns many nn
attractive design is spoiled be
yond recognition through an in
judicious choice of fabrics. But
selecting materials nowadays is
a task of pleasuro amid the pro
fusion of tho lovely stuffs shown
at the shops; not a bit high pric
ed, cither.
Really indispensable is the
casy-to-slin-in dress, during your
vacation in tho country. You
can don it in the morning for
your walk, and bo in perfect
trim for lunch hour, without
having to spend those precious
moments "dressing over." The
first model, 7820, live sizes, 34
to 42, you can mnko effectively
in tiny check voile or albatross,
with whito ratino for" tho trim
mimr sections, etc. Tho other,
7822, the pattern for which also
comes in tlvo sizes, .51 to vi, is
simply dear, in roso linen or
nonlin with the tiniest pearl but-
tops all the way down the front
closing, alio dmerent shades ot
roso color, you know, aro very
strongly favored, but if ono's
complexion is inclined to bo sal
low, it should, of course, bo
Notice of Final Account
In the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Multnomah
In the Matter of tho Estate of
Hattie Jayne, Deceased.
Notice is hereby jjiven that the
undersigned administrator of the
above entitled estate has filed his
final account herein and that the
Honorable T. J. Cleeton, Judge
of the above named Court, has
designated the 18th day of Au
gust, 1918, at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon in the Court Room of
Department No. G at the Court
House in tho City of Portland ns
the time and place for hearing
objections to the said final ac
count and the settlement thereof.
R. A. JAYNE, Administrator.
Perry C. Stroud, Attorney.
Dated at Portland, Oregon,
July 11th, 1913. Date of first
publication July 18, 1913. Date
of last publication, August 15,
In order to assist hunters who
may become lost in the woods, or
whomiKht possibly meet with
some disabling accident, State
Game Warden Finley has arrang
ed a code of signals which he
wants every hunter to learn be
fore entering the forest. If lost
or disabled, fire two shots ten
seconds apart: wait sixty sec
onds, then fire one shot This
is to be recognized as the official
signal of distress, Any hunter
hearing it will at once fire one
shot in answer and lose no time
in rendering any possible assist
TWO 7,ri
Good Times Ahead
Increasing optimism is the
dominant tone in every present
day utterance of the men who
conduct the business of the Na
tion. . .
Farmers are optimistic, and
tlinv linvn n riirht to bo. for this
vimi-'n prnn nrndllcLlnil. whiln not
promising to bo a record break
er, will be well within the aver
age. As agriculture is the principal
industry of tho nation, all other
lines of uctlvitv are favorably
affected. A revival of trade
limit nxtinrfc nntl domestic coin-
cidont with tho marketing of the
Fall crops is predicted by men
who are well informed.
In tin, vnlmnn nnd imtim-tnncG
of its business, transportation
in the United States, ranks sec
ond to agriculture. Railroad
presidents and steamship officers
arc optimistic. They anticipate
n nnnnnn f increased business
and bigger earnings. With un
e it...- . i
expansion 01 ujiemwiiK iuvuhu iu
mnnt- tint ( itirrnnsinir
1 1 1 1 btiv. v.... . . ----- - n
operating expenses the railroads
believe that they can make a
showing sufficiently sntistactory
to investors to attract European
funds for extension and develop
ment work.
Railroad development in the
Mtilrnrl RtntoH vlrtunllv him boon
at a standstill in tho last year,
due partially to wholesale rato
reductions and n decreasing bus
iness. This made European cap
ital cautious. War in tno minor
Nlnflnnn of Rnatorn FumtiQ drew
heavily upon European coffers.
This demand was met by "cash-
ing in" American securities anu
investing tho money at home.
Nmv fiin Klhintinn in clmntr-
ing. Tho monev market is be
coming easier. Bankers who
have been calling in their loans
nnd ineronainir thoir reserves
are preparing now to look about
tor investments, further unnn
clal relief is nromi U through
tho adoption of n Tuny oncy moas
nrn. whnrhnr tho' currency bill
pnsscs at the present session of
Congress or not imnKers taxo a
hnnnfnl vlmv nf tho future bo-
cauBC of the ovident intention of
the administration to provide
somemnnnerof currency reform.
.a . m , 1
Bankers, thcreioro, join with
the farmers and tho railroad men
in nvnrpRstnir nnttmintlo flflnti-
ments regarding business condi
Despite a prospective adverse
rnrlfT mnnfficrnrnrs. too. nro nil-
titnistic, and not without cause.
Tho greatest manufacturing in
stitution in tho country- tho
r t .1 o 1 .. i c .,..1 .., :,..,
Ihir nnnnirh orders on its books
now to operate all its mills con-
A? I-- f 1 1 ..I .. ! ..
unuouHiy iur me next, bix
months. Its net earnings in the
nnnrtnr nn.lnd.iiino 80 wore $40.-
000,000. This reflects favorably
upon an other mnnuiaciuring
Tho big department stores in
Portland and olsewhero report
IncwMiBorl Hill oh. Their owners.
as well as the smaller merchants,
are optimistic of tho future.
These favorable reports from
the industrial centers givo hope
and encouragemont to wage
earners everywhere, ine cie-
mnml for nWillnd nnd unskilled
labor is increasing. Wage3 are
growing better. There is a pro
nounced sentiment among em
ployers to divide more equitably
the profits of their business with
their employes.
This wave of returning pros
perity is moro noticeable now in
rim Knar. whoro the inactivity
of the last few months also was
more perceptible- than in the
West. The West will lengthen
its forward strides with the sale
of the season's crops,
Portland, the commercial cen-
fnr of rim Northwest, is full of
optimists who base their opinions
upon actual facts and not upon
what they wish conditions would
be. Oregonian.
That the number "13" does
not always stand for bad luck is
indicated by a recent statement
from the Northwest Fruit Ex
change that an order for thirteen
car loads of Oregon Jonathans
has just been received from
dealers in Johannesburg. South
Africa, at a price almost three
times that of the average receiv
ed laBt year. This order com
pletes a chain linking Europe,
Asia, A(rica and South America
with the apple districts of the
Pacific Northwest. The ux
change has also received an or
der for seven car loads, three
Jonathan and four Rome Beauty,
to go to South America.
Prk& Um gospel oft St. Joluu.
Be of Good Cheer
We cannot, of course, all be
And it's html for us all to be
We are sure now and then to bo
And wo don't always do as we
To be patient is not always easy,
To bo cheerful is much harder
But at least wo can always bo
If we make up our minds that
we will.
And it pays every time to be
Although we feel worried and
If you smile at the world and
look cheerful
The world will soon smile back
nt you.
So try to brace up and look
No matter how low you are
Good humor is always conta
But you banish your friends
when you frown. Ex.
Drowned Sunday
Mrs. Jessie Turner, wife of II.
W. Turner, a photographer, was
drowned on Willamette Slough,
half a mile west of the Burling
ton ferry, where she and her hus
band lived in a houseboat, Sun
Mr. Turner left home early
Sunday to tako some pictures of
a new oil plant near Linnton,
and when he returned in the af
ternoon tho wifo was missing.
Search revealed u broken vailing
nt one side of the houseboat and
grappling brought tho body to
tho suriacc.
It is thought Mrs. -Turner,
whilo watching passing boats on
the slough, leaned upon the rail
inir. which broke. She was 22
years old.
A Large Contract
One of tho largest paving con
tracts let bv tho city of Portland
this year was that awarded last
wcok by tho City Commission
for tho paving ot wiuameuo
boulevard from Wabash avenue
to the city limits of St. Johns.
Tho contract went to tho Warren
Construction Company for $74,-
' Tho paving will open the way
for residents of the Peninsula to
go into tho city in a direct course.
During tho winter season the
Willamotto boulevard in the dis
trict to bo paved has been almost
impassible. The boulevard is
paved now to within a milo nnd
a half of the St. Johns city lim
Notice of Final Account
In the Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for Multnomah
In the matter of tho estate of
Thomas Foster Barton, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned executrixes of
tho above entitled estato have
filed their final account heroin,
and that the Honorablo T. J.
Cleeton.Judgeof the above nam
ed Court, has designated Wed
nesday, tho 27th day of August,
1913, at 1:30 o'clock in tho af
ternoon in the Court room of tho
Circuit Court. Department No.
G, at the court houso in tho city
of Portland as a time and place
for hearing objections to the
said final account and the settle
ment thereof.
Nnncy C. Barton, Executrix.
Eily N, Roe, Executrix.
Perry C. Stroud, Attorney.
Dated at Portland, Oregon,
July 23, 1918. Date of first pub
lication July 25, 1913; date of
last publication August 22, 1913.
Buyers' Week in Portland
Sept. 1-G,willbe the occasion for
entertaining merchants from all
parts of the Pacific Northwest.
An elaborate program has been
aVranged providing for daily op
portunities for merchants to
meet each other as well as their
Portland hosts. The jobbers and
manufacturers of Portland are
behind the movement. Special
entertainment is to be provided'
for tho members of families of
the visiting merchants.
Not the Itbil on your papsr.
It it rcnolvcil ly the city of St. Joliim,
Tlmt it deems It expedient nnd nccc.
snry to Improve Hail HurlliiKton utrcet
from the cntt line of Jersey Mrcct
to the west line of Central avenue
in the city of St. Johns in
the following milliner, to wit:
ny KrnuitiK Mini txmiort ot street to
'rule or suliiumlc to !. established, nnd
inyiiiK n six loot cement smewnue nnn
12 foot curb on both sides ot said street
with necessary cement crosswalks nnd
Iron suiters.
Said work to be done according to the
)lnus and specifications of the city engi
neer on file In the office of the cltv recor
der relative thereto, which snld plans,
lcclficnt!ons and estimates arc saiisfne.
tory nnd are hereby approved. Snld Im
provements to be mnilc In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the
city of St. Johns, nnd under the supervis
ion nnd direction ot the city engineer.
That the cost of snld Improvement to
be assessed on n tiro rata basis, ns
provided by the cltv chatter upon
the procrly especially nnd par
ticularly benefited thereby, nnd
which Is hereby declared to be nil of
lots, parts of tots, blocks and parcels of
laud between the termini of such Improve
incuts abutting tiion, adjacent or proxi
mate to mild street, from the marginal
lines of snld street back to the center of
the block or blocks or tracts of land
abutting thereon or proximate thereto.
That nil the property included in said
Improvement district aforesaid Is hereby
declared to be "Local Improvement Dis
trict .no. 1U."
That the city engineer's nsscssmcnt of
the probable total cost of snld Improve
ment of said street is f 1,095.74.
That the coil of snld street is to bo as
sessed nuntust the tironcrtv In snld locnl
nMCftsmcut district ns provided by the
city charter of the city of St. Johns.
Adopted by the council this Cth dny
of August, 11)13,
V, A.,
Published In the St. Johns Review on
August 8 mid in, 1913.
Proposals for Street Work
Scaled proposal will be rrcelvcd nt
the office of tuc recorderof thcclty of St.
Johns, until August 'JO, 1013, nt H o'clock
p. in. for the Improvement of l'ox
atrcct from the north line of
Clmrleitou struct, to the oouth Hue ot
Oswego street in the tnnuiier provided
by Ordinance Number KM, subject
to the provisions of the charter and ordi
nances of the city ot St. Johns and the
estimate 01 tuc city engineer on me.
Kugiutcr'ft estimate Is 1,237.8 1.
IlliU must be strictly In accordance
Willi tlie printed niniiks, which will be
furnished 011 application at the office of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns,
And said improvement nut be com
pleted on or lM.'(ore 60 days from the date
of the Inst publication of tills notice.
No proposnliorblds will be considered
unle uccompaiiied by u certified check
iKivnlile to the order of the mayor ot the
city of St. Johns, certified by n rcsttousl
blc bank for 1111 amount eqiml to ten per
cent, of the aggregate proOMil,
The right to reject nuy und nil bids is
hereby reserved.
ny order 01 me city council.
1'. A. RICH.
Recorder of the city of St, Johns,
Published in the St. Johns Review
iiigut 8, lR mid 22, 191:1,
Proposed Assessment
Notice is hereby given that
apportionment of the cost of im
proving Fessenden street from
the west lino of Oswego street to
Smith avenue, total cost is $10,
718,10, has been apportioned and
is on file in tho office of tho un
dersigned, subject to examina
tion. Assessment district extends
back to tho center of lots, blocks
or tracts of land abutting on
said street as provided by the
city charter and resolution.
Remonstrances against said
apportionment may bo made in
writing anu tiled with the un
dersigned until 5 p. m. Aug.25,
1913. F. A. RICE,
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view Aug. 8 and 15, 1913.
Summons by Publication
In Justice's Court for tho Dis
trict of St. Johns, County of
Multnomah, State of Oregon.
J Civil action for the recovery
of money. T. P. Ward, plain
tiff, vs. Chas. Moy, defendant.
To Chas. Moy, defendant: In
tho name of tho state of Oregon,
you aro hereby required to ap
pear before me at my office and
answer the complaint filed
against you in tho above entitled
action within six weeks from
the dato of the service of this
summons upon you; and if you
fail to answer for want thereof,
tho plaintrff will tako judgmont
against you for sevonty-three
dollars and soventy-four cents,
and for costs and disbursements
incurred in this action, as pray
ed for in said complaint.
Given under my hand this 24th
day of July. 1918.
JubMcc of tho Peace.
J. F. Mitchell, Constable,
Dato of first publication July
25, 1918; last publication August
29, 1913.
I'ltonc Columbia Gl
First National Dank building.
Opcn KYanlngi and Sunday by Ap
pointment. Office Miotic Columbia 140
Kesiuetit nionc (.oiumuiu 30
Physician and Surgeon.
Dny Mfht Omc In McChwnay Uk.
St. Johoa, - Orf.
Office over First National Dank
Office Phone. Columbia 202
ties. Phone Columbia 1
First Nntlonal.lUnk Building'
McDonald Building
Odd Jobs of nil kinds Prompt service
nouses movcu, rniscu ana rcpaircm
Contractors, House Movers mid
I'hone Columbia 56
801 IvuuhocSt.
St. Johns, OrcKou
No. 186 I. O. O. r.
MmU tach Monday evening la Odd Fi
lows hull nt 7:30. A cordial welcome to
nil visitltiK brothers.
Chas. II. lloyd.N. (5.
Alex. S. Scales, Sec.
It your tire blow up.blow
into the
Peninsula Garage
307 8. Jarsay St.
nnd have it rcuifrcd In
ii.-. it mill workmanlike
manlier. Automobile and Motorcyle re
pilrinti and supplies. l'lioneCol. CXI.
Autos for hire by the day or hour.
Transfer and Storage
Wa daltver your foods to and from
11 parts of Portland. Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban Hzprsss
Co., city dock and all points accessible
by wagon. Un u4 furnltura msvtas
Meets every I'riduy night nt
7:30 o'clock in I. O. O. 1
Hall. Visitors always wel
The United Artisans
Meets every other 1'rklay even
ing In the M. V. A. hall
iu the Ilolbrook building.
A. r. and A. M,
JUKulur communications
on first Wednesdays of
each month in Odd Pel.
lows' Hall. Visitors wcl-
Jimest S, Harrington. V, At,
joint jsoce, secretary
We liny or sell St. loluis l'rojmrty
Real Estato
List your property with us if you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Minerva Chapter No, 105
Meets Kvery First anil Third
Tuesday Uveuiug of liach
Mouth in Odd PellowHall.
Kubv It, Davis, Worthy tutron.
Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary.
Office Phone Columbia 24
Residence Phone Columbia 193
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Piauo Moving a Specialty. Haul
ing done to and from Portland
Residence 400 East Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
Dally trips to Portland,
Central Market!
208 S, Jersey Street
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable.
Orter rated and ramtty Traits SoHdUd.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
VOn RENT. ord at this offloe.