St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 08, 1913, Image 4

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    . A Tar ttry.
Count Bojwrtn. Mnw ModJ'ffca'a
kutbnnd, n rttBc swalef
Tabor fer Modjutorn rvnt npff-aran
Ih IVorer, and tbr fMOfder f dramat
ic art In PfOTrr alil what part h
'VH." enld the fetwt, "Ibwe U
Mary 8tnnrt.,M
nvw wmte lir aaVrd Tar,
"rWwr." mM tlw count.
Notice of Final Account
In tho Circuit Court of tho
State of Oro-on for MitHttomnh
In the Mnttor of the ltotatc of
I Initio Jsym. I)teniod.
iSOUW ! heflHJY K1VIH1 UlHl UI0
MiWi flrnt elaaa dramatist I aide i lindrritrniJrf Mtlrnittiatnitorof UlU
above pnliUra twUtte Iwta fllwl lilt
ftnul account Hmwii and Owl the
llottnfHlik1 T. J. Clo(on, JimIk
of the shove mtmwl Court, Iimi
tlMijtrMttpd the lSUi day of Au
KbU 1D1S. at H o'clock in the
enoon in the Court Room of
Diwrtiupnt Nn. 0 at the Court
House in tho City of Portland an
the lime and place for honriiiKi
objections U the raid Until ac
count and the settlement thereof.
It. A. .IAYNH. Adtniniitmtor.
Perry C. St mud, Attorney.
IJaled at I'orlhtntl, Oregon,
July 11 th, 101 Jl. Onto of first
nnblicntlon July 13. 11)151. Date
of tail (ul)lictitioii, August IS,
HI Taka
"Surety, nurtdy," ald the cennt
-Jlr l imt tHutrlmi.M
"lluwphl Nrwor heard ef him.'
cjimmeHtrd Tabor. "What e4o dor
M,Aa Veu Like It,' 'Aiitwiy ami Cle
otra, Muchplh'"-
Wlto wreln themr
"Ilow'a lio flood writer r
"Hxrerlenl. ciertlcwt."
Wril," mM Tnhw rwstfwi lively,
"thene fellow iHr be nil right m author-,
tmt they nln't we mmtM
known to nult the oirt t here.
What we want Is noHHSMHK iwtHOnr.
Koiueltiliid lint cvwrhwlfi heart nf.
I tell you what ymi d-yoM net her Ih
Blvo na iwmethlni? of Haft r
Faarful Fnls of Ravallla.
In theno day when eaeewtkMM. If
held nt nil. nre inoatly carried out In
nrlvnto. It li dlfllcult for w to wider-
nlnnd tho feeling of mmnrr with
which nn old tlmo tutilt wIIhwihI ii
twtiulnr oiwittlun. Men h llliiHiHltll
HurtonV npccjimt from "I'lic I'hIo nf
Henry of Nnvrn"-f Hits m-ciic wImii
Unrnlllnc, llio niMHMiln of I lie king,
had, nfler KhwIiliiK tnrlun. hern litrn
nnundor ly wild how: "III" ivxrvti
tlonrr hml Iiokiiii to ilUtnotnlior hint
nnd wnt nliont to hihI IiIh mimlm Into
tho (-)ih1 ciiltlion wlicn I lie viihI
cniwil nroTrntpil htm from dolus ko.
They ench ri'auhrd n itorllmi nf the
Ixxly of the lilnu'H titMinwIn. nnd iiumi
nf them nhtnliird nni. 'I'luit iiIkIiI
ninny lionllroj blnitd In nnd iirnnnd
1'nrlM, nnd In their miiUt wore run
hiiiuimI ploc(H nf lliiviillliic'ri fminc: on
hnru d(Hira In ntlirr plin im were nulled
nlmlhir mcmiim of liU lindy, n linwl;
nnd owIh nnd ciiirlon i-rowx wen mill-
rd nn n wnrnlntr In oIIhtm of lliclr
Qrant and Picktlt.
Now ovldcni'it thnt tho grout inon
nro tho truu inoii--tnii) In tlicrniolvivi.
to their country nnd to their frleudx-
nnnunni In u nlory told In Colonel Mrli-
olim Hiulth'i hook, "(Irniil, the .Mini of
Wlillo CJnint wnn pnwliloiit (ienernl
(i. K. l'lekett, who led tho fiilnl chnrKi
flgiilnit tho Union foncH the hint dny
nt QcttyHhuri;, culled nt the Wlillf.
IIoiihu to pny hlft rtvipeclM. (Imut knew
thnt lili old I'oiurndo nt Went I'oln'
hnd heen inndo u poor mini liy thi
wnr nnd olfured liliu tho tuiindniMilii
of VlrRUiln. while norely needlin; help,
(Jcnurnl I'k'kett knew tho henvy drnfl
iniidn upon thu prenionl liy olllco neek
"You can't nfford to do thU for me,"
honnld, "nnd I en n't nfford to tnlie It."
"I tun nfford to do nuylhltiK I iiIciihh
that U rlulit," Omtit replied tpilelly.
Stiininons by Publication
Pint National lnnfc hulUlni.
Open KYiilnc and Sumityi by Ap
pointment 04k rWM ColwtH 140
Kntilrdl Itmtir ClmlM V
Physician and Surgeon.
Day A Night Office In McCheanay btk
St, Jahm, Of tfon.
R. A. JAYNfi, AU I).
OlTwp nver Hrat Nalinnal Hank
Offite I'linne Cnlumlua 22
Htn. I'lmnr ColombiA 1
Rrat National Bank IluiMinB'
McDonnld Iluildlnu
Odd join of nil kind Prompt service
Mouse niovcii, rnisi-u nun repalrtd
N. A, GEI2 & SON
Contrnctora, Mouse Movers nnd
Phone Coliimblit V
) l Ivnnliof St.
St. John, Oregon
In Jtmtico'8 Court for the Dia
trlct of St, luhiiH. County of
Mtiltuomali, Stale of Oregon.
(;ivil action for the recovery
of money. T. P. Ward, plain
tilt, vb. CIiiib. Moy, tlefentlanl.
To Chits. Moy, defendant: In
Ihu name of Ihe ulale of Oregon,
you are hereby remureti to an
pear before me at my oflico and
answer ihe complaint f Hod
HKiiinslyou in the above entitled
action within six weeks from
the dale of Ihu service of this
summons upon you; ami if you
fail to answer for wttnt thereof.
the plainlill' will take judirmcnt
against you for seventy-three
dollars autl seventy-four cents.
timl fw mute tiiwt 1 1 tut tu iumit nt t u
t 1 il.! I (111 VlrllllllK UlllIIICrBa
ilium ifn in iin uutiwii, un iirav- ni.... tr v r
en lor in saiti complaint. Alex. s. scnicx, !Uc
u I ven untlermy hand this 2lth
day of July. 1S11H.
J. li. WILIilAAIS,
Juslice of tho Peace.
J. I. Mitchell, Constable.
Dale of Urn I publication July
2f, 1!)11J; last publication AukusI
No. 1 8G I. O. 0. r
sr. joiins, ourooN
Mceta each Monday uvenlwr In Odd Fel
lona hnll nt 7:.o, A cordlnl welcome to
Notice of Final Account
I( your tire blow up.hlow
into tuc
Peninsula Garage
207 S. Jaraav St.
and have It reimlrcd In a
neat and workmanlike
Automobile nnd Molorrylc rc
(wtlriiiK nnd auppllc. PlioncCol. RfJ.
Anion ior litre iy the tiny or Hour.
Papperad lea Crtnm.
"Thero'n pepper In thnt." wild a re.i
tnurniit wnlter, polulliiK t n hiuiiII
liver Hhnkur ho hud plneetl IhhIiIo ii
henpliiK dlah of leu ereiim ho wux ear-
rliiK to u Kiitwt. "Kure. I I'm to put on
tho Ico criHim, too," he replied when
nil Inquirer failed to neo tho louuiv
llon between tho two.
"I.otH of folkM want to put pepper
on their lein. You neo, If u iiihii'k
ntomiivh Ih hoiinIIIvo tho cold ertmin
hurtn him, but pepper U NtlmulnlltiK
cuoiikIi to overcome tho elToeU of the
cold. And tho funny llilnn Im Hint you
don't tiiHto tho pepper nt nil. The lee
(renin In no cold Hint It klllx the oth
er. If you don't bellevo It I'll give
you Homo with pepper, mid you'll Hud
thnt tlivro'n no tiiHto of pepper I here
nt nil."
Thero wnsn't. New York Sun.
Mllat' Qrava.
"Which Ih the deepen), (ho lonueit.
tho broudeHt nnd tho Hiiiiillet khivh
In tho churehynrdr mild u pedontrluii
to hU companion whllu inwlllntlim
nmoni; tho tumlm In tho burylimitrouud
at Hsuer.
"Why," replied bin counwiilou. "It
In that In which poor Milt Million lion
buried, for It contain Mile below thu
nod, MIIcm In IoiikIIi mid Mile In
breudth, mid yet, nfler nil, It Ih but n
Iluttoti'hole." lViirNon'H Weekly.
In the Circuit Court of tho
State of Oregon for Multnomah
In the matter of the estate of
Thomas Poster Harton, deceased.
Notico is hereby triven that
the undersigned executrixes of
the above entitled estate have
(lied their final account here in.
and that the Honorable T. J.
Clccton. Judge of the above mini'
ed Court, has designated Wed
nesday, the 27th day of August,
r.)i;(, at i;;;o o'clock in tho af
ternoon in the Court room of the
Circuit Court. Department No.
o. at the court house in the city
of Portland as a time ami place
for hearing objections to the
said linal account and the settle
ment thereof.
Nancy C. Harton, Executrix.
Mily N. Hoe, Executrix.
Perry C. Stroud, Attorney.
Dated at Portland. Oregon.
July 21. JUKI. Date of l tint mil).
Mention July 25. lDKt; date of
lasl publication August 22, 191!)
Transfer and Storage
Wo deliver your irooda to nnd from
nil pnrta of Portland. Vancouver. Linn
ton. Portland and Suburban Exnroai
Co., city dock and all polnta acceaalblt
by wagon. Piano and furnltura moving
Meeta every l'rlday nl.ulit n'
tit7:3 o'clock lit I.O O. r
5y Mall. VUltora ulwaya web
1'. h. iiAiiconc. C. C.
I). 1'. MOKS.MAN, IC. U S
Efftot of Tight Lacing.
"la tight lacliiK unwlne)'' a ttviehor
naked n younn Indy In n phyxloloKy
"Yen, It In very uiiwUe," wnn tho re
"Why Ih It unwlact" tho lonelier pur
"Itcctunia It buatn tho conut," atild
the you uk lady, BxoluitiRe.
SuceatiMirH to
St. JohiiH ti ml anil Gntvul ComMuy
I,. . JACKSON, Prop.
General Contrnutor
Wo are prepared to do nnv nml
nil kinds of excavating for street
work mm other piuposas. We
hIso handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton ami Pchsenden Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phone Columbia 236
The United Artisans
Meets every other Friday even
ing in IheM. W. A. hall
in the Holbrook building.
pome noonc no. 1 32
A. I'. and A. M.
4f ItcKulnr communicntloni
v 1111 limt WcducMlua ol
' each month In Odd I'd
Iowa' Hall. Visitor wel-
ICrntut S, llarrlui;ton. W, M.
John Noce, Secretary
We buy or sell St. K hits Property
Ren I Estate
List yotir property with tis if you
desire to sell quickly
20-' N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Daniel 0. Webster, A. B. M. D
Kcaldence, C97 Duwion Street
Ofllce, Plltor niock.
Unlvtrtlty Park. Portland, Oreion.
Not nil tho luutitlcM uru behind tho
Inrs.-CharloBton (S. C.) News nnd
(Julto no, Thero nro-yet 11 few men
ut lurso who try to do limine with
out ndvortlslnj;. Now York Herald.
The Bungalow Store
408 N. Jersey St.
DlatlngwUhing Marka.
Wlillo Mow do you mnimj;o to tell
those twin Hlaturs 11 part? Ceoll
VCUoa you kU.1 onu of them alio
throutetiH to tell her inu, whllo tho oth
er wbon kissed naya nho will tell pn.
Qolng Too Far.
naldueaded Man (In tho witness
box) Tho violent disorder was bu ter
rible that It mado my hair ataud on
ml. Judjjo (aovorely) Ho good enough
to remttinber thut you nre 011 onthl
Groceries, Confectionery, Ice Cream
Fruit, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.
E. F. Moore, Prop.
Now Is Your Title?
It 1 uot no much being exempt from
raulta nn hnvluc overcome them that
U an advanttjc to iul
The following list of legal blanks
ate kept for sale at this office and
other will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Healty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
, Contracts for Sale of Realty, Hills
f Sale, leases.
"All these blanks, ut the 'uniform,
patvc of 30c par dotvu,
Have your abstracts made, cou
tinned or examined at the
lu Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work. Reasonable fees.
II. Henderson, manager, 311 North
Jersey street.
Brln a your. Job printing wWl
you think ot It, Don't wait until you
are entirely out. W ara equipped
to turn out aeat and tuty printing
promptly, at Portland prloea or leas.
Subscribe for tho bt 'ohua Hovlow
aud keep pentod ou tho dolusa ot
tho city,
Work (or a Creator tit. Johna,
MIncrvn Chapter No, 105
Meets Hvcryl'irat and Tblr1'
Tucday liveuiiiK of Hnc'i
Month in Odd 1'cllowHull
Hubv H. Davis. Worthy Matron.
Mrs. Susie Holers, Secretory.
Ofliee Phone Columbia 34
Residence Phone Columbia 198
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Morace Co.
Piano Moving a Specialty. Hold
ing none 10 and irout Portland
Residence 400 Kast Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
Daily triiw to Portland.
Central Market!
205 S, Jersey Street
See us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Meats Obtainable,
Order Filled aud family Trada SolWttd.
T. P. WARD, Proprietor.
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertlsement the copy for such clianQc
should leach this ottice not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p, in. Please
remember this and save tha printer
You gut full weight and
quality at tbo Central market,
try awtiUo.
- -
If you would be comfortable during the warmest month of the year,
clothe yourself in white. Then if you are not cool, you will appear so
OUR MEN'S TOGGERY is showing' white trousers even. Then
there are white union suits, the B. V. D. and single garments; white neg
ligee shirts, white duck hats, white neckties, and white canvas shoes.
FOR THE LADIES: the Seersucker krinkly underwear, white shoes,
stockings and skirts, and yards and yards of the prettiest white material
for dresses from the filmy Kobe silks to substantial Indian Head muslin.
OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT carries all that goes to make the
inner man comfortable at all seasons, but just today while this copy is
being written, a water melon from our commodious refrigerator sounds
actually soothing.
BUT WAIT Watch for Pre-Inventory Sale beginning Tuesday,
August 19th.
Is giving away a set of By-Laws and a beautiful picture with
every dollar purchase. Call and get a copy of the By-Laws
and get acquainted with the