St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 08, 1913, Image 3

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    Sale Trunks, Suit Cases
Express Wagons, Velocipedes
In the Windows of Ormandy Bros.' Big Store is Displayed
All Week, a Complete Line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Teles
copes and Velocipedes. The Prices are All Reduced.
Good, Strong, Well Made
Priced from $3.50
to $11.00
Reduction in
Give ttie little one whnt he
or she needs more than
anything else in this world
Fresh Air
Our Fresh Air Go Carts
Priced from $4,50
of Ormandy BrosTpZT
Local News.
Every Wednesday is double
stump duy at Currins.
It takes a man who doesn't
have to live the simple life to
see the beauties of it.
Mrs. A. W. Markle enter
tained the Debonair club last
Thursday afternoon.
Irvin Gromachey is enjoying
the sea breezes at Garibaldi
Beach for a couple of weeks.
That Now Jersoy man who
killed himself when his wife
made him beat carpets has con
siderable sympathy.
Tho skating rink, which ltas
been holding forth on North Jer
sey street, has departed from the
citv. the management finding it
unprofitable to remain longer.
Judge J. E. Williams spent
Sunday at the splendid country
home of II. G. Ogden at Dayton,
Oregon, where Mrs. Williams
has been spending a few days.
Tho French aviator who took
six people into tho air should be
complimented not so much for
his flight as for the fact that ho
brought all his passengers safely
to earth.
Mr. Earle A. Rowell, Y. M.
C. A. lecturer, will speak at the
Congregational church Sunday
evening, August 10th. at 8
o'clock on "How Wo Get Our
Bible." Mr. Rowell is a con
verted infidel and will give some
of the facts that converted him.
From Weston, Oregon, comes
news of the first returns of the
1913 harvest season. From a
field measuring 38 acres, J. N.
York, a farmer at that point,
harvested 1103 sacks of extra
fine wheat, indicating an aver
age yield of a fraction over 77
bushels per acre.
Mrs. M. H. Fosdick has again
taken charge of the White House
hotel in this city. Mrs. Fos
rHnir fnrmprlv conducted this es
tablishment, and her old patrons
are highly pleased to .know that
she has once more taken charge.
Grin a a mnut pfficipnt Ifllldladv
and ever conducts the hostelrie's
' f wMoVi shn hns nVinrtre in a
high class and most pleasing
The lur of the woods was so
appealing this week that Dan
Williamson closed his grill room
for a fnw Hhvr and answered the
call. It was the first time after
eight years of continuous service
tlmr Dan's nlnce has been closed
for anv neriod of time. There-
fnrAhpuMll Via fiYtMised this time.
and the hope is extended that ho
enjoys himself to the fullest pos
sible uegre.
The Boy's Delight
Made strong, durable, easy
running and comfortable
Priced from $2.25
to ?3 50
John Clark is spending a cou
plo of weeks at Garibaldi Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kclloy
aro sojourning at Rocknway
Mrs. W. E. Ashby has return
ed from a pleasant visit at Ray
mond, Wash.
Frank Frailey and family of
Winnipeg have recently located
in St. Johns.
When a man is down he can
generally find out what the world
really thfnks of him if it thinks
at all.
Judge and Mrs. E. F. Wicker
of Kalama, Wash., were guests
of Mr. and Mrs, A. II. Blackburn
on Thursday and Friday of last
If peace can bo secured in the
Balkans tho task which Mr. Car
negie has set for tho remainder
of the world should bo compara
tively easy.
Congregational Church Sun
day School 10 a. m. ; preaching
11 a, m. nnd 8 p. m. ; C. E. at 7
p. m. Prayermeeting Wednes
day at 8 p. m.
r i ?,
une wonuers wnai rauroau
presidents will do with tho
!Jtn(llflflnr, mnnnv nnui thnt
they can no longer contribute
Creditors of the Pitchless Lum
ber Company, formerly doing
business at bt. Johns, will re
ceive about 20 cents on tho dol
lar by a settlement mado in Van
couver .recently. Tho company
failed for about $30,000. E. r.
Bouton bought the stock from
Barge E. Leonard, trustee in
bankruptcy of Portland, and
plans to revive the company.
Her health broken by many
years of school teaching in the
Middle West, Miss Al. B. Wheel
er came to the Willamette Valley
a little more than a year ago.
boucht about 125 acres of wild
land a tew miles south ot Mil-
waukie and commenced clearing
it with her own hands. By this
Spring she had grubbed out the
brush and trees and dynamited
the stumps on seven acres. A
nart of this land was planted to
oats, which at the present time
are more than seven feet tall,
and on another tract she is rats
ing every kind of vegetable that
can be trrown in Oregon. As a
result of. the strenuous outdoor
life, Miss Wheeler has complete
ly regained her health and says
she cannot understand why ev
ery one in Oregon does not take
up farming.
Bring In xour Job printing while
rou think of it. Don't watt until you
ara entirely out. Wa are equipped
to turn out neat and toity printing
pro aptly at PorUasd prima or leM.
Stylish and Serviceable
Genuine and Immitatlon Leather
Priced from $1 .50
to $8.00
Bright Red and
Express Wagons
Just the thing !u which to
haul Band, wood or babies
Priced from $1.25
to $4.50
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92 '
Typewriter ribbons for sale ot
this office; 50 cents each.
Better Prices
at The St. Johns Pharmacy
Our better price system is gaining in favor con
tinually. Since" we have eliminated the giving away
of prizes and coupons, and adjusted our prices to the
smallest possible margin of profit, we are gaining in
the favor of the public, who are the ones really bene
fited. Glance over this sample list for something you
may be needing.
25c Cuticnra Soap. ...... 17c
25c Colgates Dental Po. . . 17c
35c Tiz for the Feet .... 17c
6 ounce Sp. Camphor.. . . .35c
50c Liquocide ....34c
50c Chamberlains Colic
cure.. 34c
We carry a very large line of Druggist's Sun
dries, including such items as Rubber Goods, Combs,
Brushes, Mirrors, Blank Books, Stationery, Transfer
Paper, Bathing Caps, Sponges and hundreds of items
necessary to our existence.
ANSCO CAMERAS, Columbia Phonographs
and Records. Violin Strings (La Favorita Brand)
best in the world.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
50-feet Rubber Hose
Only $3,00
Regular price ft oo
Reduced a Third
Many attractive patterns in
strong out door hammocks.
This is a big saving.
are cordially invited to
attend the services, and
sure to find n hearty
every Sunday morning
and evening at the
Corner New York SI. and Central JUenue
1 m I
A lino of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow and wide, has just
been received at tho Review
office; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
50c Joynes Vermifuge. . . 34c
50c Doans Kidney Pills. . .34c
It.ooPinkhnms Veg. Co. 78c
1 .00 Wine of Cardtti. . . 72c
1. 00 Hood Sarsaparilla. .78c
1. 00 DeWitts Kidney
and Bladder Pills . . . . 72c
, SttUUfllMi, in tWe ww Oil
mote, the lUrixH.
Tho wWic hcIiooIh wftl opun
on Monday. September With.
! A grunt lint of bargains at tho
St. .lohitH UttrneM Shop. Site.
1 Wnntisl Work liv the dnv or
Mi .1.1.. tut 1.... -
Picltttc flaming done nl Pot tin ml
prices nl 11 V. Clatk'it, the Itttnl-
ttltc mini. tl
Currin says: Got your hot
weather comfort at Currins for
Bring your combines.- Mrs. I.
Hill, 018 North Jersey street.
Whitman's and Johnston's na
tional reputation candies.- Cur
rins for Drugs.
If it is dimes or sundries you
want, no to Currins; they have
the best for the least.
He your own photographer.
With a kodak it is easy. Cur
rins for Drugs.
First Christian Science Society
Sundays 1 1 n. in., Wednesdays at 8
t). in. Rending room open on Tucs.
Thttrs. nnd Sat. from 2 to 4 p. m.
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject Snmlav:
Photography with tho bother
left out- that is the Eastman
way.- Currins for Drugs.
Private tutoring in Grammar
School. High School or Civil Ser
vice Branches, Hook-keeping,
Sltorthnud or Commercial Studies
taught in your own town. Ad
dress 722 Polk street for appoint
ments. The art of cooking will be in
troduced into tho higher gratles
of the public schools at the com
ing term.
Watch our circulars for the
best drugs and btitidries at low
est prices. Currins for Drugs.
Full weight nnd measure of
the best household drugs for the
lowest price. - - Currins for
For Sale- About 150 fine Hhode
Island Hod chickens, year old
and Spring. Call 812 Willamette
boulevard, north.
Estray Notice. -A Holstein
heifer, about one year old, came
uiion the premises of tho under
signed about July 20th. Owner
may have same by proving nron
erty and paying charges. W. E.
For Snlo- Six room house and
lot, fruit trees, grape arbor,
strawberries in, also river view.
Owner on tho place to show.
014 S. Edison street. 2tc.
Mndame Williams, nnlmisr.
tells past, present and future,
gives advice on love, marriage
and business, and warns you
against enemies. She is a won-
rn - J f l Jl i .
tier, umce nours irom v uniii v;
on Sundays from 0 to 2. 321
North Jersey, corner of Chicago,
St. Johns, Oregon. pd adv.
MIhh Klmih Hiitlmwuv of Port
land, (laughter of Frank Hatha
way, formerly of St. Johns, has
mturmvl from n two months' so-
journ at Hitter, Oregon, a block
rrom Mcuuity not bprings in
Grant county, whoro Miss Hath
nwnv. with nor irrnnd father. Dr.
W. W. Hathaway of Marshall
town, Iowa, who met her in Pen
dleton have been visiting at the
home of Frank Hathaway.
Wanted atOnco- 100 hop pick
ers. Yard au miles from Port
land, fine camp grounds, situat
ed three blocks from small town.
Will furnish clean tents or bunk
houses, also some fruit and veg
etables. Will pay the same price
other yards pay. Only those
who intnrwl stnvinir tho entiro
picking season need apply. For
further information, call or write
at once 7M E. Richmond, or
309 Smith avenue, north, St.
An enjoynblo picnic was held
lnRt. fintiirdnv nt the home of
.Tiimon nificKnn on tho bountiful
Ogden ranch just north of the
citv. The party consisted ot
Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Ogden, son
T Aslnr. nnd dnutrhtor. Miss Flos-
sie, Mrs. Ogden's mother, Mrs.
r- n 1 1 J l .1 l. ! 1 .1 t
I. wriiFni. 111111 t'liiii irtm. wr.
and Mrs. A. W. Markle and chil
dren, isiizn Vinson and Mr. and
Mrs. James Dickson nnd family.
Denutv Game Warden Ervin
caught two more vcitims in his
net last week and they were
Court last Friday. One was W.
F. Campbell, charged with ang
ling without a license, and the
other Conrad sitnnr, without an
alien gun license. Uoth were
convicted and fined $25 and costs.
They were caught breaking the
law on Oregon Slough by the
alert deputy.
At the present time a farmer
in the Molalla District, about 20
miles from Oregon City, is har
vesting a crop probably not
grown by any other rancher in
the Willamette valley teasels,
His present crop consists of
about 70 acres, and during the
harvest season he will employ
about 40 hands at $2.50 to $3.00
per day. The teasel is a bur for
which the manufacturers of
cloth find a use in raising tho
nap of the goods, a process for
which no inventor has ever been
able to invent a mechanical substitute,
Thr I'rnitmiU Ntttaiul lUnk ulltr lRJit yrtt f wrvle In till
HMHHly V ywu tiuMnm
ON ITS RECORD for (tie conttlcnlKntt Wtvwr iH Uir uln that
tHVr fur thr Mtrl)' iul tll toing ot tlrlttH.
ON ITS RCCORD fur IrrtHiiK '"Uli lih iti lr4tt, M ichJw
inn n Mlllitclrv rctnintltig ot Iti truitrrhliu( tkrtr fHt.
ON ITS RECORD or ttimhng by Iti tttMmpr In tlmt ivf Mr,
att.t Mumling lth tlicm tn H nuttcm htilHg a IkxiIhr oh the jttwixrlt)
of tlic romiHHintv.
OWtJt tank on tk Peninsula
Pimm AiTxitN, 1'rc.H.
John N. Kdi.KI'SHN, Cash.
The City of St. Johns does or
dain as follows:
That the Council deems it ex
pedient and necessary to estab
lish a changed grade on Willam
ette boulevard from the north
side lino of Richmond street to
the south side line of Burlington
street in the city of St. Johns,
according to tho resolution pass
ed by the council on the 8th day
of July A. D., 1913, declaring
their intention to cause the
change to bo made, said resolu
tion 01 intention was regularly
published for two consecutive
publications in the city olllcial
newspaper that the city engi
neer tavimr filed his affidavit.
certify that tho required notices
had been posted on the 12th day
of July, A.D. 1913. giving brief
ly the change of grado proposed
and the time within which re
monstrances against the same
may bo made. That tho time
having lnpsed within which
written objections or remon
strances against the same may
bo made, nnd no written objec
tion or remonstrance has neon
Whereas, the city council, in
accordance with tho city charter
and ordinances of the city of St.
Johns, and in compliance to tho
resolution of intention passed by
the council the 8th dny of July,
1913. to change the grade, tho
same be and is hereby declared
to be established as follows:
Start nir nt an initial point on
the north side lino of Richmond
street established by Ordinance
Established grado at center of
Charleston street on tho Willam
etto boulevard- -cast side eleva
tion. 139.5 feet; center elevation,
138.8 feet; west side elevation,
138 feet.
Establ shed grado at center of
John street on Wlllnmetto boule
vard caBt side elevation, 125.5
feet: center elevation, 121.8 feet:
west side elevation, 124 feet.
Established grade at center of
Lcavitt street on Willamette
boulevard--east side elevation,
117.5 feet; center elevation,
110.8 feet; west side elevation,
110 feet.
Establ shed grade at south
property lino of Burlington
street on Willamette boulevard-
east side elevation. 108 feet:
center elevntion. 105 feet: west
aide elevntion, 102 feet.
Accord ng to the plans and
snec cat ons of tho city engi
neer on filo in the office of the
citv recorder.
Passed by the Council this oth
day of August, A. D., 1913.
Approved by tho mayor this
5th day ot August. A. v.. luia.
Attest: F. A. RICE,
City Recorder.
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view August 8, 1913.
Proposed. Assessment.
Notice is hereby given that
apportionment of tho cost of im
proving Fessonden street from
the west lino of Oswego street to
Smith avenue, totn cost is $10.
718.10, has been apportioned and
is on file in tho ofhco of the un
dersigned, subject to examina
tion. Assessment district extends
back to the center of lots, blocks
or tracts of land abutting on
said street as provided by the
city charter and resolution.
Remonstrances against said
apportionment may be made in
writing and filed with the un
dersigned until 5 p. m. Aug.25,
1913. V. A. K1UJS,
Published in tho St. Johns Re
view Aug. 8 and 15, 1913.
Hour room house, lust completed.
lot 50x100 on Iluchanan street for
sale; price $1050. See Johnson,
115 N. Jersey street.
Wanted GOO Hop pickers. In
quiro at 729 E. Tiosa.
K. C. KnaiI'i Vice Ties.
S. Do I) IK, Ass't Cash.
A Communication
Editor Review: Will you tell
an anxious inquirer why it is
that our city dads are so willing
to have cement sidewalks laid
out in the country where no one
has any use for them, and then
overlook the rotten wooden walks
right in the heart of the city
where hundreds of our citizens
travel daily? Is there any graft
in this? Let us know. An In
dignant Taxpayer.
Very probably because the
"country" property owners are
more enterprising and progres
sive than some of those in tho
heart of the city, and petition
for cement sidewalks while
others do not. Believe the city
dads show no preference in this
regard, bt. Johns city councils
have been quite loath to take the
nitintive in matters of public
improvements, preferring peti
tions instead. However the
present city council is more
broad in this respect than any
former one we have cognizance
of. It has taken the initiative
several instances, notably
East Burlingtrn. Crawford and
St. Johns avenue, all of which
proceedings hnvo been started
on for improvement. Possibly
others will be taken up in the
sumo mnnner later. There can
be no graft in the proposition,
jeenuse the opportunity docs
not exist. It is highly improba
ble thnt property owners aro
paying tributo to tho city coun
cil to keep their streets from be
ing improved with cement side
walks. Nor at tho low price re
ceived by contractors for cement
sidewalks could they afford to
pay tribute. So long as people
In tho "country" want cement
sidewalks and tnose in the heart
of tho city do not and remon
strate such propositions down,
the situation must remain un
changed until the city charter
be amended. Tiiore is not the
slightest doubt in tho world,
however, that a number of the
sidewalks "closo in" should be
replaced by cement walks before
a few legs aro broken. Ed.
During the past two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Miller. 708
Allegheny street, has entertain
ed Mrs. G. H. Rush of LaGrando
and Jerome Hart of Clinton,
Iowa. Mr. Hart is eighty years
of ago and says he likes Oregon
better than any place he has
ever visited and is well pleased
with St. Johns, especially, lie
says that he is afraid to tell his
Eastern friends the hcauties 01
tho wonderful Rose Show for
fear they will think ho is exag
Proposals lor Street Work
CunUil r.rfifuwnl. will lu. rnll'Ai1 M
III.. nfTir.' if llip rt-fortlrrof the citv of St.
John, until AuKitst 26, 1913, lit So'elwU
. 111, lor llie improvcuiuui 01 inx
ktreet from the north line of
("li.rli-.tmi lri-rt. to the tolltll line of
Oiwcuu ttrect hi the manner nrovliU'tl
1 it t re ....I.!.....
liy umiiiuiiic iiiuucr uti, kuujwh
to the provisions of the charter unl orili
iniircit nf tin. pilv of St. latins ami the
e&thuatc of the city enxineor 011 file.
. i 1 . a mix n
unuiiieer esiinmie ui,tj,oi.
111. ( mint In. Ktrictlv ill accordance
with the printed blanks, which will be
fiiniUheri 011 application at the otlice nl
the recorder of the city of St. Johns.
Aim win minrovcnicni mum oc wiiii
iti iir fifnrn rWi iIjivs f rnm the date
of the last publication of this notice.
ISO proposaisoriuus win uccommoicn
uulest accompanied by a certified check
.uiirnlili. tn tin. nnlpr n( ttie mavor of the
city of St. Johns, certified by u responsi
ble bank for an amount equal to ten wr
cent, of the ojfKrcL'ate proposal.
The right to reject any and all lil'U u
hereby reserved.
Hy order of the city council.
I'. A. KICK,
Recorder of the city of St. Johns,
Published hi the St. Johns Kevimv
August 8, 15 and 22, !?i3.
St. Johns Furniture
Gus Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and Ex
changed Found White silk glove. Own
er may have same by calling and
paying for this notice.
Work (or a Oruatar tit. JoUus.