THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW ' AY A. W. MftRU' ' T At 1'iibllMicd Kverj Prlilfty 117 VBt niirllngton Mrceu TliK UHVIKW I Htewd lit mil Hfliec hi Sftlnt John. Orgn, i(ih HUe of the cdenil OIim tinilcr Hit Adl 01 Cbti' h're of Mnroh J, ifijy. Job rrinllnr In ttl- f UNI lit JM rtlnllnt mth on All (nimnMtUe UnM l MrMl I Tht RYlew, Bt. Jh, Ortm. omeUl Hwippt ef ib oily ef . Jbn. Subiorlptlon prlot $1.00 per yenr. Tho quiHJlion of public mrki nml nlnvirroumis iihb nirnin been taken mi. and with irrettter vijtoi and tmrnostnwMi thnn Han yut boon oxnorienccil upon such i nroiact in St. Johftn. Tho Com morcial club took the initiative in tho matter by appointing n committee to invoHtitfulo sitoti The committee lmn made It re port, rocommendiiiff four nopii' nito aitos. aHof which it approv ed, and the aid of the city coun cil hns boon enlisted in me cause. TIih Hitos so ected will be care fully investigated and if found desirable for the purpose and rmiHiinnblo in nrieo. ontions will be secured and a special election will no doubt be called to vote ujion an issue of bonds for pur chsiso of same. If the sites so lected prove unsatisfactory after a more minute investigation, they will be discarded and other locations sought, wnen tnc so WtSmiH have been conclusively made and the election called, it will be up to the people to do the rest. It has been almost humil iating in the past that St. Johns possessed no parks or piny lrmuiuls. It is said that it is the only city of its size in Uncle Sam's domain that does not pos- 1 I . - ! 1 ! sess sucn places en recreation. There is not the slightest reason in the world why St. Johns should not have several parks. Few cities in the country have such a snlendid opportunity to purchase parks and then not pay for them as has St. Johns. It is a fact that cannot be denied that this e tv and Port and will have become consolidated long before JiTi year bonds would become due. This being true, Portland would necessarily have to lake over our indebtedness and pay our debts, even as wo wouK have to help pay Portland's al ready enormous indebtedness, Outside of tho interest the parks would cost us but little. Hut oni mistake should not be made In a bond issue for nark purposes Enough additional money should lie provided in the issue to thor oughly eiiuip tho parks with seats, swings, and other appara Iub that go to make tho modern nark. We have had one vivid illustration of an incomplete sit nation, and that was when the citv dock was built and no money provided to const met sidetracks thereto. It should not happen again. At least live thousand dollarx and the premium on the bonds undoubtedly should be consecrated to providing equip mont- A nark U practically use loss unless it is equipped with nronor conveniences and placei in an attractive condition. And it is much oasior to only pay the interest on equipment with Port land eventually paying the prin dim! than it would be to take the money out of the general city fund.and pay for it in high er taxation. Whatever is done, be sure that equipmont is pro vided for in the bond issue. With tho very able, and wo be- lievo almost unanimous help of tho ladios, tho voteof whom was not available at previous park elections, there is every reason to believe that nark bonds will carry by a large majority. Tho ladies roalix" much more than the male olemont tho value of parks and piny grounds. Cer tainly St. Johns should have parks, several of them. Hut do not forgot the necoasMry equip ment. That MUST be provided for. - - Tho worst habit thnt boys can fall into is that of loafing around on tho streets at night. It is then they cast their lot on slip iiory placos when at any mo ment thoy are likoly to fall from grace. All good and noble les sons taught them by their no thurs are counteracted and milli lied in idling and aimlessly loi tering out on the streets. They learn nothing that is good, but everything bad. The boys who spend their evenings in the sa cred precincts of homo with good books for their companions are tho futuro hope of tho republic. Thoy will till our legislative and congressional halls and sit in judgment upon men and meas ures, while the boys who run the atreoU will till our poniton tiartos, aim houses and lunatic asylums. Ex. How Is Your Title? fLffrve it and maKe it work . ( v. "i" . ; yv.7 i A I'tor vtm Imvo rnUotl ttmot hor n unnl sls.otl itllv ttt' nmnox tltin't lot It slln nwny )'rtini rem. lot I IHIO ITIflT' itf 'itiii' I'li'Hl thtmirht. Aliileu no Invest ttiunt whvi v ytni will jmt lit thinner VOIf I'KIXCI I'A I.. Iliiv no jiroporty nnytlihiu vlnu unlus ytm vtmr.Hi'lt' two ualnix tt wntoh It. Iltinlc ytmr intmuy. Thvn It w ill ho SAI'li. Tho hilorost wo pny ym In intiro ttintt yort'rn inont htmtlf will hrhifr'ytm hi. Lot OIIU lltinlt ho YOllli lltuilc Wo pny 4 poreont hiteroHt tin &nvhi(s Aeotitints FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON Shoes at Handsome Savings lure pair i is nn npportunity for the Kcoiiouiicnl Ihiycr to Save hy SiKJiicliiig. Kor the next ten days von can lniv any of s Shc8 in our store thnt is n year old for fi.oo, lormrrlv sold for $2.50 lo $3.5". We hnve decided to 'o thin 111 inlcr to make room for new stock. They arc nil Hih Clnss Shoes but n little out of dntc. Avntl Miursclf if this extraordinary saving. Undies $3.50 Oxfords for the exceedingly low price of 50c TlicjJe nrc in small sires milv. si s ?S,t,ut COUPON nS wa wilt il you 1 0 S. & It. Green Stamps FREE with soc pnrcho5c in addition to the Stntnpt with the CASH purchase Not seed attar Aug. 18, 1913 COUCH & CO. General Mercliandloe rilonc i. (ilmnl)lo 137 St. Jolim, OrrK'iti S. &. H. Green Trading Stamps are the Customers1 Discount Get them Proposed Ordinance No.,., AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ ING THE OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS SIGNS, TO LAY SIDETRACK AND RUN CARS OVER AND ALONG THE NORTH SIDE QV RRADFORD STREET BE TWEEN A I'OINT ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE OREGON-WASHINGTON RAIL ROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY THREE HUND RED 0100) FEET WESTER LY ALONG SAID MAINLINE FROM THE EAST LINE OF PHILADELPHIA STREET ON THE EAST LINE OF AL TA STREET, ALL IN THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS. Company shall, within thirty days after the passage and tak ing effect of this ordinance, file in tho olllco of tho recorder its written acceptance of tho same. Passed by tho Council. . . Approved hy tho Mayor Mayor. j Attest: ....Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re j view August 1 and 8, 1913. Recorder's Report , April 15 to July 30, 1913 Have your abstracts made, con tinued or examined at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Rwlty Co" Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, 311 North Jersey street. Get an electric head treatment or massage at llilmon'.s Harber Shop The City of St. Johns does or lain as follows: Section 1. Tho OroKon-Wash-nirton Railroad and Navigation Company, a corporation orKimiz ml and existing under and hy virtuo of the laws of tho State of OrcKon, its successors and as sinus, is hereby authorized and ptM'iuilteil (0 lay a sidetrack and run cars over the same, aloiur the north side of Bradford street, between a point on the mainline of tin Oregon-Washington X. road and Navigation ('oniimny three hundred (5100) feet wester ly along said main line from the east lino of Philadelphia street to a point, which point is the oast lino of Alta street, all in the city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon; said track to extend front its point of connec tion w th the line ol railroad or the Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Comnany to the plant of the Peninsula Iron Works. Section 2. Tho duration of this franchise shall ho twenty- five (27) years from and after the taking elfect of this ordi nance. Suction 21. The compensation to ue paid to the city of St. Johns for this franchise shall he the sum of three ($!.U0) dollars or annum, which said sum shall he paid hy the Oregon Washington Railroad and Navi gation Company to tho city troasnror of tho city of bt. Johns on or before the first day of July of each year. Section 1. Tho Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company, its successors and as signs, shall keep in repair that portion of tho streets occupied by its sidetrack authorized un der this ordinance as required by the council, and the said Oregon-Washington Railroad and Navigation Company, its succes sors and assigns, shall pay, prior to tho time of dolnupiency, any special assessment for the repair or improvement of that portion of tho streets between the rails of tho said sidetrack and ex tending one (1) foot outsido of such rails, and that portion of said street lying between tho two tracks of tho said Oregon Washington Railroad and Navi gation Company at said place, at. J in case of ft.iliuo or rofus;l to ccmph with tV.o notice to re pair, improve or maintain such portion of said t trect, or of neg lect or refusal to pny any lejnl assessment for repairs or im provements, the said city of St. Johns may doelare by ordinance tho immediate forfeiture ot tho franehiso horoin authorized. Section 5. Saul Oregon Wnsh- 1 ington Railroad and Navigation KHCKll'TK Cimli 011 hand, lidicrnl l'liml, AlMil ltUli, l'JIII fl.irr08.41 Taxen 0S7U.83 Ociicrul 744.28 l'lncn aio.oo MreiihCH SMW.W) KnghicrrH 147.61 Stivct II0111I SlnkitiK l'uuil 10015.02 Stuct lldii.l Interna I'nml 4S47.U0 StrcflH :i0.07 Total f47!184.Gl l)ibiirMMiiciiti Ociierid, C244.70 Salnrh 11439.31 l'irc Dcimrtmciit 293.78 UkIiU. &870.40 Wutor 073.31 Hughu-cr Drimrlttirul 1000.00 Sttcct UctKilr 1922.80 Health uiiil Charity 27.WJ I'rltittiiK 224 00 Library 00.00 City Dock ... i. .103.70 Koa.l Roller 1D.90 Street lloml Slnkliii; l'unil 1004S.02 Si n i l InturMl l'unil 4347.09 STRHHT .1900.97 CahC,viivnd l'unil Aiiuiit lt. - 1913 10321.01 THE BEST THAT IS MADE is the only shirts that we deal in. Our fine white linen coat shirts are per fect fitting and durable, and give satisfaction till they are worn out. Our stock of fine furnishings for men embraces everything in neckwear, under wear, umbrellas, shoes and hosiery that the up-to-date man needs for busi ness or dress wear. COUCH & CO. Phone Columbia 137 "PIONEER MERCHANTS" . . . M. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street Real Estate. Loans, Insurance . 0 a mm m mm a Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurutc Work Guaranteed. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 554 An Ordinance Providing (lie Time and Manner of Im proving Fox Street from Charleston Street to Oswego Street In the City of St. Johns, Oregon. Total. City Inventory lloml Inilibiitliiuk . Improvement llnniW.. ...47384.01 ..JI20.C27.3l ....70.000.00 ...201.005.05 FRANCIIISKS AND CON TRACTS WITH THE CITV. No. 1(5 J, C, Scott, successors and assigns, to oporato a water system. N'o. !U Portland General Elec tric Co., a supply of electricity. No. IM-O. W. R. and N. Co.. to lay sidetrack on Bradford street from Block G to Block 8, James John Addition. No. 78-0. W. R. and N. Co.. to lay sidetrack on Bradford street to Philadelphia street. No, M4- Homo Telephone Com pany, to operate a telephone and telegraph system: $200 per year, payable Jan. 1 of each year. No. Mb I'acilie telephone and leiegrapn t;o., to operate a telephone and telegraph system : $100 per year, payable October 1st of each year. No. 237- Portland Gas Co., to operate a gas plant; $100 per year, payahlo December 1st of each year. No. 312 Portland Railway, Light and Power Co., to operate a street railway system on Fes qenden and Jersey streets; $50 per year, payable December 1st of each year. No. 305 Mt. Hood Railway, Light and Power Co., to operate an electric light and power sys tem; two per cent gross earn ings, payable January 1st ot each year, St. Johns Lumber Co., leaso of Bradford street; $20 per year, payablo Jan. 1st. Ord. 508- Portland Railway, Light and Power Co., Dawson street; $1.00 July 1. St. Johns Lumber Co., Bur lington street; $150 per year, payable semi-annually. Published in tho St, Johns Re view August 8, 1913. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The rlt)Mf;titkfJolitui rlwa "tenlnhi n follows: The council of the city of St. Johui, hnvhiK axcrrlaliicil thecott of Improving I'nx Nlrcct from -the north idle line of Charlriton ttrect to the south able line of Otwco Mrect ill the oily of St.Johtit, us shown by resolu. tion of the council of Mild city, ilntcil on the 16th iluy of July, 1913, nml recorded i.. ..t ti. , t ... ... ..1.1 Ill .Hamuli; ill 1111: itv.u,uif Ul Mill Illy, ami notice thereol haviiit;lcen published in the ,st. John Review, u weekly news iKiiHir of nineml circulation, on the IKth ami 25th tiny of July, 1013 iin shown by the niTiilnvU of the foreman of wibl utiier, which Sahl nflliln vlt is on lite in IlicolVicc of the city re eonlcr; and lei; a I iKiktiiit; of notices of Mich Improvement, as shown by the nfli ilnvit of the city eiiiilnecr 011 file in the ollice of the city recorder: mid no re. iiioiiktranccs having been filed, ami, as provided by Mid reflation, the cnirU iiccr'a preliminary estimate of fal of uid improvement is f 1,237.84, but shall lie more accurately determined by said engineer. Now, therefore, It is hereby ordered that said street be improved ami the time fur the completion of said iui movement is hereby fixed at COdaysfrom last Hibllcatloii of notice of proposals of said work, which said iiroiH)nU itiutt be filed with the recorder of said city on or before the 20th day of Auctut. 1913. at S o'clock, p. 111. of ald day. 1 Hat Mlit street shall lie improved as 111 101 lows: m KraiiiiiK same to t lie e tuiiiikiied Krade tv cut ami till ami u sidewalkini; Mine on either side with 1 foot cement sidewalks lo be laid to prop erty line, aim coiimucuiiK a 1001 cement euros enure icnutii. touctner witn an uecck&ary cement cross-walks and corrl Kilted iutters:ifd walk u,"l tllru to have expansion joints as directed by the City Huuiiieer. nub to have four-inch drain tile every fifty feet, Illicit rinjis to ue piucen 111 cm 11 as uirtctcii uy tile city Huuiiieer. 1 he city recorder shall give notice by puoiicuuoii tor not less tiiau tnree in sertioiis in the St. Johns Review, the of. ficial iiewspaer, inviting proposals for mnkiiiK said improvement. Said improvement thai) in all reacts in- none ami completed in coiiiortulty witu l lie provisions 01 urilltiances o. 1C0 and 302 except us otherwise provided in this ordinance: all work to be done under the direction and suervisioii of ine eiij enniueer. That the cot of sahl Improvement shall be usseviei' ajjainst the property in the local impr vement district as ties. scribed in siid ri solution and desitciiateil us ami declared to be IK-a Improve- meui uiiiirici .. jui. Passed by the council this 5th day of AuKUst, 1913. Approved by the Mayor this 5th day of August, 1913 (.HAS. 11RKDKSON, Mayor, Attest: 1'. A. RICK, City Recorder. I'uullsiieii 111 the ht. Johns Review 011 August 8th, 1913 REVIEW'S LEGAL BLANKS RESOLUTION In order to Insure change of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this onice not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please 'cmember this and save the printer The following list of legal blanks arc kept lor sale at this ottice aim others will be added as the demand arises; Wurrunty deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages, Contracts fot Sale of Realty, Bills of Sale, Leases, All these blanks at the uniform price of 30c per dozen. ray your subscription. It Is resolved by the city of St. Johns, OrcKou; That it deems It expedient and urem ia ry to Improve Itast Hurliiigtmi street from the cast line of Jersey street lo the west Hue of Central avenue in the city of St. Johns in the following manner, to wit: Hy KrndliiK said portion of street to Kntile or subgradc to le established, and by laying a six foot cement sidewalk and ' 12 foot curb oil both 'sides ot snbl street 1 with necessary cement crosswalks ami ' Iron liuttcm. Kaid work to be done according to thei plans and specification of the city cngi-: ucer 011 nic in tne otnceoi tnecitv recor tier relative thereto, which aid plans seciucniions nnil estimates nrc satisiac tory and are hereby unproved, Said iui prnvemeiits to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of St. Johns, ami under the supervis Ion ami direction ol the city engineer. That the cot)f said Improvement to be assessed on a pro rain basis, as provldt-d by the cltv charter upon me property especially ami iwr tlcularly benefited thereby, ami which is hereby declared to be all of lots, iarts of lots, blocks and parcels o land between theteruilul of such liuprovi inents almttinn iiiwii, adjacent or proxl mate to naid street, from the marginal lines of said street back to the center of the block or blocks or tracts of laud abiittiiik' thereon or proximate thereto. That all the property Included In said improvement district aforesaid Is hereby iieciareii 10 oe "i.ocai improvement uis trict No. 104." That the city engineer's assessment of ine probable total cost ol salil Improve ntentof said street Is (1,095.74. That the cost of said street Is to be as sesseil against the property In said local assessment district as provided by the cuy cuarier 01 inecityoi bt. 1011ns, Adopted bv the council this 5tb dav Of AUKUSl, IVIiJ, 1'. A. KICK, Recorder, Published In Ihe St. Johns Review 011 August 0 and 15, 1913. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS Us fofty. fifth school year OCGRCE COUHSCS " msiiTIbn"n qriCoi Iumc I'NaiHCcniNa houi economic MiNifa. foii. Com- TWO-YEAR COURSE? In aqntcut Tunc Homc rcoNOM.ce mccmanic T roncBinv COMMincc Pharmao TEACHER S COURSES In uiiuiul IrainiuK. KilCullure, domestic science alnl art MUSIC, including pisno. string, band Inslruuienls snd voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tim Unkiciiuknt oh Kukau I.ipk'V ml a vATAl.OGUK will be mailed free on application Address II M Tknnant, Registrar, llw M ta ) Corvallis. Oregon. The Bungalow Store 408 N. Jersey St. Groceries, Confectionery, Ice Cream Fruit, Cigars, Tobacco, Etc. E. F. Moore, Prop. You got full weight and first quality at the Central market Just try awulla. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP COOL these hot summer duys, get a Caloric "Fireless Cooker" Prices 1 Compartment $10.00 2 Compartment $15.50 nnd $18.00 1 rv ' ' We can furnish you nlinost Anything for that Camping Trip 10x12 tents, special , $8.50 12x14 tents, special at 10.50 Camp Stoves, special at 1.35 Camp Stools, special at 25 Hammocks, special at 1.00 Clam spades, "sure yet 'em kind," special at 45 Garden Hose from $2,75 lo $6.50 lor 50-11 Coil DOG MUZZLES, ALL SIZES ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is tho most suitable for homes, offices, shops nnd other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in any place, thus affording any desired distribution or light. No other lamps possess these qualifications, there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company lumber: f f f f 4- Rough, Dressed, Flooriug, Finish. Prompt - Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Siabwood I Dry, Green, Blocks, Tri minings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 Read the Review and keep posted. 4 -f - 4 4