THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLR rubltihcd Brerr Frldar At 117 Went Uurllnston Street. Tiik Kkvikw U entered t iMt office In Sulnt Jobtn, Oregon, m mull mutter of the ecomt cln under the Act ol Cot). ,;rtuol Mnroh J, 1879. Job Printing titrated la Artl-elaM tiri llllli lor JcV rrlntlm cub nn dllr All cimmnnlfilloni boild ti IJtfMnl to Tht lUfUv, H(. John), Ofron, Offlela Nawipiptr of lh OH7 of BL Jtboi. Subscription prlo $1.00 per yenr, Since tho Commercial club lias tnkon up tho matter of pub lic parks and rocoinniended the purclmsu of sites therefor, it will now be un to tho city coun cil to brintr tho matter of votinir bonds for purchase thereof be fore tho people at a special elec tion. It is certain that the parks arc badly needed. Wo shall have more to say concerning mime la ter on. Republican newspapers thru out tho country are raising quite a hulialmloo because becrulary Bryan has announced that he will uivo a few lectures to aug ment tho salary he receives as Secretary of Statu. The charge is not made that the oliico de mauds tho personal attention of tho Secretary all the year 1 .1 1 fi nroimu. vjii 1110 cuiiirury 11 ih well known that this is not the case. Nor is it claimed that tho salary ho receives is sulliciont to pay the actual expenses of enter tainmcnt that tho Secretary is almost forced to k mats and others. I nity of the olllce that is injured. say his denouncers, and the fact is set forth that such a course is unprecedented. The fact of tho matter is that Mr. Hryan is different from many other oil) cinls. Ho is over active and on orotic, and refuses to become an ollicial drone. It is certain that tho duties of his olllce will not bo iiOKlecled if he decides to spend Ins unoccupied time in delivering lectures. And his lec tures are worth while, and it is a urcat pleasure to listen to them. Why should Mryan be muzzled because he is Secretary of State? Hryan is scrupulously honest, were ho not it wouli 1 1 not no necessary 10 lecture in order to meet his expenditures. It is true that he knew what the salary was before he accepted the olllce. nut he did not know that ho would bo denied the priv ilege or auirmentinK it in a mint imato way if he so desired. The trouble is that many people lind that Mr. Hryan is not aristocrat ic oiioukIi to suit them. Ho be lieves in work and cares not for fuss and feathers and pomp and aristocracy. He is a man com men in an ininir a commoner (AhoXjAj Off 8 Sr r a) ZmM I m ITT fir 1 1- Till DO IT NOW Tho OA li snro way to ho liulopvutlvnt N to ItASIC your inonoy whon you 11111U0 It nntl not "fool" It 11 wny. Von will I'lntl tluil your frtontls nral'ow whan yiti nsk thoni to hum you monoy, nn ismiriismiST. Lot OfIf llnnlc ho YOUR Hunk Wo pity 4 porooitt Intorost on SiivIiih AoottuntH FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON Shoes Here is an opportunity for the Economical Buyer to Save by Spending, pair of Lady s Shoes in our store tlint is a year old for $1.00, formerly sc Handsome Savings For the next ten days you can buy any sold for $ to S3.50. We have decide to do this in order to make room for new stock. Thcv arc all Hieh Class Shoes but a little out of date. Avail yourself of this extraordinary saving. Ladies' $3.50 Oxfords for the exceedingly low price of 50c. These arc in small sizes only, issst) COUPON and wo will give you 1 0 S. & H. Green Stomps FREE ! with 50c purchase in addition to the Stamps wttn tne UAon purclinsc Not good after Aug. 10, 1913 COUCH & CO. General Mcrchntidlsc Phone Columbia 137 St. Johns, Orc;oti S. & H. Green Trading Stamps are the Customers1 Discount Get them proposed Ordinance No.... AN ORDINANCE AUTHOKIZ- INC, TIIH OHEGON-WASII. INGTON KAILItOAI) AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS SIGNS, TO LAY SIDETRACK AND RUN CARS OVER AND ALONG THE NORTH SIDE 01-' BRADFORD STREET BE TWEEN A POINT ON THE MAIN LINE OF THE OREGON-WASHINGTON RAIL ROAD AND NAVIGATION COMPANY THREE HUND RED CSOO) FEET WESTER LY ALONG SAID MAJN LINE FROM THE EAST LINE OF PHILADELPHIA STREET ON THE EAST LINE OF AL TA STREET, ALL IN THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS. The City of St. Johns dot8 or dain na follows: Suction 1. Tho Oroiron-WaHh. iiiKton Railroad and Navigation lomnuny, a corporal ion orirnni. , ... fill 1 I WWIIII'illlJ , 41 Vlfl lllfl 411 llfll Wl,1"" truly. II oro ih no roat cry of e(i , , '0xliiUnr under and by Hhirkinj? duty and roHpoiiHihilitv wnun iiroHiutMiu xnoiui much time in (lulling or playing Kolf or irnvoiinjr arounti the country making hpoccIion, Buciiuho Bry an iioi-hIhU in upondinir IiIh va cation time in Homothinir that iH useful, onliuhtunint; and educa tional, ho iH condemned, not by uio niassoH, out Dy tlic nristoc racy. It in Hafo to iimiuiik that Company shall, within thirty days after tho passage and talc- intr eifect of thin ordinance, fllo in the ofllco of the recorder its written acceptance of the same. Passed by tho Council Approved by the Mayor Mayor. Attest: Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re view August 1 and 8, 1!)1!J. An Interesting Meeting virtue of the laws of the State of Ort'Kon, it HUcceworH and as hIkiih. in hereby authorized and permitted to lay a nidctrnck and 'iin cai'H over the mime, alone; the north Hide of Bradford street, between a point on the mainline of the Orctfon-WashiiiKton Rail- mad and Navhration Company three hundred (JJOO) feet wester ly aloiiK said main line from the II..".... ...Ill 111 I I IJ III'MIK otir V ,',,,,,,,ul "wiicmiot- tm8t iM0 or Philadelphia street .T ft n t,ui.H'!' to .n point, which point is the I?. " ...i.. .. l" ' H' , east line of Alta streot. all in the iiiv wiiiu hi neni nun speak and are willing to imy for the privilege, and ho loiur an he ncKlectH no public duty in ho do- imr. why the complaint? t New Library Building Tho now buildiiur for the St. .Johns branch of the county li brary Is well under way and will. it is hoped, be completed about December Urst. The site upon which the library ntandu is the Konorous irift of Mr. M. L. Hoi brook. It is most fortunately located on the corner of KoIIokk and UhimostonHiroctisaiKl prom ises to form with the school and playground opposite an import ant civic centre, in plannuu? the builduiK an effort has boon made to spare tho beautiful (reus now standing on tho lot. The building. Southern Colonial in style, is to be of red brick with white joints. In one end of tho long roadintr room will be shelved the books and mntra for trrown-ups, whilo the city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon; said track to extend from its point of connec tion with the line ot railroad of the Oreiron-Wiuhiiik'ton Railroad and Navigation Company to the plant of the Peninsula Iron WorkB. Soction 2. Tho duration of this franchise shall be twenty live (2M years from and after the taking etl'ect of this ordi nance. Soction U. Tho compensation to be paid to tho c ty of St. Johiiu for this franchise shall bo the Hum of three (:!.()( dollars per annum, which said sum shall be paid by the Oregon Washington Railroad and Navi gation Company to the city treasurer of tlie city of St. Johns on or before the first day of July of each year. Section I. The Oreiron-Wash- ington Railroad and Navigation Company, its successors and as signs, shall keep in repnir that portion of the streets occupied by its sidetrack authorized tin ner tins ordinance as rouuired by tho council, and the said Or- The St. Johns Commercial club held an interesting meeting Wednesday evening. Owing to tho steel bridge fire President Pennell was detained in Port land later than usual, and the meeting started at n later hour than is the custom. The com mitteeeon alternate railway ser vice reported satisfactory pro gross. Chairman of the coni" mitlee on parks, D. C. Lewis, recommended the purchase of throe acres of land near tho Stearns residence west of Wil latnette river and overlooking the mime, three acres of land on Buchanan street, three or more acres of tho Caplos tract on Dawson street, and one block of ground near Fessenden and Ed ison streets, costing in all about SJiO.OOO. It was decided to re- i or mo mailer to uio city coun ell with the recommendation that the sites he secured and a bond issue sulliciont to pur chase the tracts mentioned ant equip them properly be submit leu io mo people ai a specia election in the near future. roprosontntvo of a brick making concern asked lor live acres o land upon which to erect a fac tory for tho manufacture of a new variety of brick mado of sand and lime. Matter reform to the promotion committee. A communication from a furniture company asked for the donatioi of an aero of an acre of land to erect a factory thereon, claim ing that tho factory would fur nish employment for CO hands at tho start. Referred to a com mitteo composed of Messrs. Bail ey, Douglass and Allen for roc ommondation. VACATION TIME SHOES mu$t be natty, comfortable and sturdy. Without any one of these qualities outdoor footwear will prove unsatisfactory, you will find them all and more besides in our low cut shoes for men and women. Don't think their sup eriority means high prices. Come and learn different. couchT & CO Phone Columbia 137 "PIONEER MERCHANTS" H. HENDERSON 311 North Jersey Street Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Gunrautcal THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS A Communication zincs lor kTown-uns. othor end is devoted to the ehil- egon-Washington Railroad and dren, Tho lecture room, soating Navigation Company, its succos- approximate y lifi Demons, wil sors and assigns, shall pay. prior bo used forstory-telling, lectures to the time of delinquency, any mm emu muumigs, wane uio ll- Bi'immaouosiiium ui me repair hranan's room may sometimes or improvement of that portion bo used as a study room. Tho number of books and magazines in the library will be increased as tho demand grows. The building is tho gift of Mr. An drew Carnegie and will cost $15, 000. Messrs. Johnson & Mayer of Portland are the architects. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, In order to Insure change of ad vtrtltement the copy for auch change ahould reach thli office not later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and save the printer Get an electric head Uoatinuut or massage at Gilmprc's barber Shop. of tho streets between the rails of the said sidetrack and ex tending one (1) foot outside of such rails, and that turn ion of said streot lying between tho two tracks of tho said Oroiron- Washington Hailroad and Navi gation Company at said place, and in case of failure or refusal to comply with the notice to re pair, improve or maintain such portion of said street, or of neg lect or refusal to pay any legal assessment for repairs or im provements, tho said city of St. Johns may doclaro by ordinance tho immediate forfeiture of tho franchise herein authorized. bection 5. Said Oroiron Wash ington Railroad and Navigation bt. Johns minister a rep y to action of the city council in per muting sKatmg rink to run on tho Lord's Day. commonly called annuay: ljie pastors ot tho va rious churches of St. Johns whoso congregations petitioned the city council to not normlt tho skating rink to run on Sun- day still maintain that their viows of the question regarding the council's authority to close tho rink was correct, and fur ther, that thoso backing the ar ticle in tho St. Johns Review of Juno 20th, wherein tho refer ence was made that tho state ments of certain ministers was "unjust and unmerited," need a little information and further enlightenment. As rensonablo men wo held and yet believe that there are certain institutions ami amusements, that a city council can license and regulate with no advice from the stato or county. To bo sure such vocations as keeping saloon has many restric tions otherwiso than those laid upon it by a city council. A sa loon cannot open up in an opon field outside of an incorporated city without certain license restrictions- not even on ono's1 own personal property. A skat ing rink is governed far differ ently. They run by individual consent outsule of city limits. J. uu tl1 lliuiliuilt SllUil UlilSSl'3 ui institutions enter a city thoy ILLBBBaLBHBBLHsLBHBBBBafli awijweLwLLLLLaaLLLLLLLLLE ZSTibbbbbbbeBbbbbkIkIbb- f .' w bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbuIbbIEPEi ALbSBBBBBBBBBBBV .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr9flBBBBBlajSV What has been termed the "Wonder picture of the World" Joint Iliinyans f ilrlm.t Progress, will be seen at the Multnomah Theatre to day ami tomorrow. Placing this ureal work before the world in the form of moving piclmcs was no mean undertaking. It marks a new epoch in moving picture presentation. It is one of the most difficult feats in ciiiciiutntrnipliy attempted. Everything in connection with this production is in perfect harmony. The acting is particularly bril limit. The younger Salvia!, now the most famous member of that most talented family, 'ippears as Christian, Ivleauor Sernanti as Christiana and Almco Giovanni us John Jiunyan, in the prologue. I'reik'fick Htulson a narrator of well known ability, tleltvers n most graphic and interesting discriptive lecture. Special music incidental to tne production will he played by rrances Kay. These plcturas were shown at the Hellig Theatre last May for one week to fine business. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP COOL these hot summer days, get a Caloric "Fireless Cooker" Prices 1 Compartment 2 Compartment and SkH.oo MO.OO 515-50 We cau furnish you almost Anything for that Camping Trip 10x12 tents, special $8.50 12x14 tents, special at 10.50 Camp Stoves, special at 1.35 Camp Stools, special at 25 Hammocks, special at 1.00 Clam spades, sure get 'em kind," .special at J5 Garden Hose from S2.75 to $6,50 tor 50-fl Coll DOG MUZZLES, ALL SIZES ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. must comply with any and all i roquosts of tho council or not, run at alL We would cite, for example, the recent action of closing the skating rink at Lents by the Portland authori ties in compliance to the request of the good peoplo of Lents. James E, Murphoy. For Sale or Trrfdc A finofivo and a fraction acres of land under a good state of cul tivation, well improved, and a good new five room house. Situ ated ten miles south of Portland and three mih-s north of Oregon City. Splendid orchard, near car line. Unsement barn, and a hay bai n, hog house, duck and chicken yard, good well of water ed from mom. tain stream, plen ty of small iruits, orchard con sists of choic cherries, prunes, apples, pears, nuinces and peach es. Well sti ked with Jersey cows, hogs, horses, ducks and chickens. YVi I tako in exchange a house and lot in at. Johns to tho value of $1500 to $2000 as first payment; will give long time for balai ce at 5 per cent ir- terest, payable semi-annually,. and it tho interest and taxes are paid promptly when due will give 20 years time to complete the payment. Failure to nay taxes and interest when due, renders the whole duo and pay able at once. Clip this, will appear but once. R. L. SNQW, Jennings Lodge. Oregon. Not th label on your paper. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BRGINS U forty.fifih tclutol year Sl M.Mat n tan DEGREE COUHSCS imnvln'of 'QMICUI fUMl I'NQIMIKINa HOUr ECONOMICS MiNlNQ, fOfltalHf HIM. utner. PHtnMtr IWO'TEAH COURSES "I aiMit, tu homc rcoNOMic Mechanic ants roncsinv commirci phruc TEACHER S COURSES In uunual ImlnlliK agriculture. Uuuieitic cieoc ami art MUSIC Including piano, trlng, band llilriunf nil mill voice ctilture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entitled "Tn Unwiciimknt oh Kukal I.ihk" nd i I'atai.oouk will be mailed free op applicutlon Addrekt II. JI Tknnant. RegUtrar. nr. vs tail) Corvalln. Orecou. Madam, Read McCall's The Fashion Authority McCALL'S U Una. ututic, hnd. illiuUaUii lUO-paia monthly Miui Ikat U aildinf la iKa h.ppl. and cfflcl.DC d 1.100.UOO worn. a aaca monib. Karh Uui It Uliurul of rajMoni, rniirr work, luutattlux tliort tuvttt. au.l univt of Ubor-taiuur aiiU nionrr-utliic IJ ,i tot woiueu. There am murr tluui bi f Uia ntweil duirnt or tbe ivIrUalvd McCALL 1AT1'KKN8 In each iwua. McCALl, PATTKIINS am bmnut Ilia, ni, almplldtr auj ruiuvmr. Only to and li nnu earti. Tha publWiert or MrCAU.'S artll irwntl UiouiantU of dollan ailra In ilirt.uun.K nioaUu In ordr la knrp Mit'.l.l. Itml and abouldra abova all uthrr wiwii.ti . raaniJnu at anr prkis, Mi-OAI.Irt U ouljr UK a jrfar; u.utely north fl.Od. TJ Mj. SaVirt An. Qa. MiCJI NnOT F,-. ftom your Aral copy or Mi-CAI.I.'ii, ir lutucrlba quickly. m UiOU cmvst. 2 to J? x n r NOTt-AUIo..liTcoprlCAU. I'XVlM- The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, offices, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in anyplace, thus affording any . desired distribution of light. No other iamps possess these qualifications, 'there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company - - - t. lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, s' Finish, Prompt Deliveries. Quality Guaranteed. Slabwood .' Dry, Green, Blocks, Truuniiugs ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 Read the Review and keep posted. 4 4 - f -f . 4- 4 f