St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 27, 1913, Image 3

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or wrmandy Bros. POst
n i i ""he way to he,P yourself is
lln Ynn Knnw to he,p the "thep Fe,w"
UU I UU IVIIUTI fyou help the stores in St.
9 Johns, you add to the value
of property in St: Johns.
H You help St. Johns when you
help those who are making
St. Johns.
Do You Know
This week is Dining Tables week at Ormandy Bros.' big cash and easy
terms store. Here, for one week, will be shown the biggest, newest and cleanest
line of Dining Room Tables ever displayed in St. Johns. The prices are marked
down because we want you to know that we sell cheaper than you can buy else
where. A few of them are listed below.
Six foot extension tabic Royal Oak, highly
pollishcd 45 inch top square pedestal tfo rn
curved feet, rcg. ?ia, extra special . . .yO.Ol
Plain oak, 42 inch top, 6 foot, extension table
Mission, wax finish, large stpiarc o-io n
pedestal, reduced to tplx.UU
Quarter sawed oak, wax finished, 6 foot ex
tension tabic, the top is 42 inches. It has n
6 inch round pedestal, With claw
feet. Socially priced
Wax finished, quartered oak, .(5 inch top 6
foot extension table, lias 8 inch round qurir
tcrcd pedestal with flat solid base fljio nn
and curved feet priced down to plO.UU
45 inch top quarter sawed oak, 8 foot exten
sion table, lias 8 inch round shaped pedestal
claw feet, All wax finished and COA OC
very attractive. Priced down to. . AjLo
Here is nn extension table in n vcrv pleasing
design. Quartered oak in golden polish. Has
45 inch top, Colonial design pedes- eoj on
tal and feet. Priced down to .) V
Aquartcr sawed oak, 45 inch top, 6 foot extension table.
12 inch round turned pedestal with claw feet, GJOG nn
wax finish and lock attached. Priced down to. . ,HO.UU
An attractive cluster pedestal, 5 separate supports which
spread apart when table is extended. Its a quarter oak, 44
inch top, 6 fool extension table, wax finish and flJTQ OA
lock attached. Priced down to $O.OU
A beauty, quarter oak, wax finish, 54 inch top, 8 foot ex
tension table. Has 12 in. octagon pedestal, colonial design,
Heavy solid feet extending to top of pedestal. arj aa
Priced down to $01.UU
Kitchen and Break
fast Tables
Drop leaf kitchen tabic, 42 inch by
45 inch top. Has round turned
legs with castors. All dark glass
finished. Special $2.50.
Kuglish breakfast table, mission de
sign, squurc frame with castors,
fumed wax finish. Priced to
Another Kuglish breakfast table
top is 36x43, square mission frame,
fumed wax fluitih. Priced down to
Local News.
My, what a long winter this
has Leon!
Tho Swedish Petroleum
stove. "Ontlmus," at
For Rent Six room modern
liouso, river view. Seo K. C.
Trefin Opris is erecting- a com
fortable little dwelling on Ma
crum avenue.
Tito shoo shop will be open
evenings hereafter. Come in.
J. C. Brooks.
Mrs. M. F. Burghduff Is hav
ing a neat and cozy residenco
erected on Polk street, near Fes
senden. You can got full weight QUAL
ITY household drugs at our store
cheaper than elsewhere. Cur
rins for Drugs.
Ton acres fine land, 18 miles
from Portland, for salo cn easy
terms, or might exchange for
good city property. Seo S. W.
Rogers, owner, 309 N. Jersey
Currln Says: We would like to
get two girls to assist at our soda
fountain on The Fourth. Would
prefer girls with experience.
Apply at our store.
Miss Dixie M. Lewis, daugh
ter of D. C. Lewis, is now at St.
Vincent's hospital, where sho
underwent a most successful op
eration on last Monday. Her
rapid recovery is earnestly hop
ed for by her many friends.
' The Browning Amusement Co.,
touted as tho very best on the
Coast, will appear in St. Johns
with their various attractions
novf wfiftk for tho Celebration.
Everything Is moving along
swimmingly toward the Big Cel
ebration, and the eagle will
scream as it has never before
screamed in St. Johns.
Mrs. C. R. Chadwick passed
nnnthnr milestone alone the nath
of life, and the ladies of the
neighborhood tendered her a sur
prise party June 23. The most
aninvnhlA Avenf. nf the afternoon
was the delicious dinner. The
hostess received many pretty
and useful presents. The guests
AnnnrioA at lata hour, each
wishing the hostess manymore
happy birthdays, inose in at
tendance were: Mesdames C.
n r.hndwick. D. I. Jones. I.
Erickson, V. W. Mason. J. C.
Beroitt, J. li. Mariett. u. n,
Lemon, G. Brokaw, J. S. Jones,
.7 TV nhnhb. A. D. Holcomb. J.
T-T. Evans. Vida TalberL H. C.
TKnMi Tiajamusfton. Misses
Ada Parvy, Hazel and Vida'Ev-
Get nu electric head treatment or
massage at Gilmore's Harbcr Shop.
All shoo work guaranteed. -J.
C. Brooks, 301 N. Jersey street.
A. J. Guler Is erecting a hand
some residenco on Richmond
street, near Central avenue.
Everybody welcome at tho
demonstration given at Over
street's plumbing shop Saturday
Currln Says: Wo carry all the
leading magazines and will get
any magazine published for you,
if not in our stock.
Are you particular about your
Photo Finishing and Enlarging?
Thon bring it to us. Wo do it
right. St. Johns Pharmacy.
Did you get our special price
circular? Better get one of those
if you haven't already done so.
It contains some raro bargains.
Currina for Drugs.
Mfltlinrlist Enlsconnl Church.
comer Leavitt and Hayes streets
11 a. m.. address by a delegate
fi-nm tho World's Christian Citi
zenship Conference; 8 p.m., ser
mon by the pastor Allure
ments of tho World." Sunday
school at 10 a. m.: Epworth
League 7 p. m. All are invited.
Under a joint agreement of
the Southern Pacific and Santa
Fo railroads, it is announced
that a new railroad will bo built
along tho Oregon coast, con
struction to begin at tho present
northern terminus of the North
western Pacific line at Sherwood,
Cal, The road will be built up
tho coast to Myrtle Point, in
Coos county, and will then pro
ceed up the valley to the Rogue
river. connecting with the South
ern Pacific main line at Grants
Pass. It is stated that work will
begin this present Summer.
We have mastered the Know
How of the nrescrintion business.
It is our hobby. You get what
ia polled for nut unin exactlv the
right manner, first, last and all
tho time. Currins lor Drugs.
A very enjoyable time was
spent at the home of Mrs. D. I.
Jones, 133 Swenson street, in
honor of her birthday June yth.
A big dinner was served in hon
or of the event Mrs. Jones was
the recipient of many pretty
nresents. Each one expressed
her best wishes of many more
hannv birthdays of the hostess.
Those present were: Mesdames
D. I. Jones, J. H. Evans, J. B.
Marlett C. R. Chadwick. V. W.
Mason, G. H. Lemon, G. Brok
aw, A. D. Holcomb, J.D. (Jhubb,
H. C. Finch. M. Brown, E. Ras-
musson, J. C. Bernitt, and Mary
Klmdt of Portland, (J. sports,
Misses Ada, Carrie and Hazel
Evans and Gladys Cox of Mc
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
i Bible School i
10:00 a. m. I
CratrNewurk SI. md Willis Bwlmrd
Suinliiy Service
Illble School: 10 a. 111,
MoruliiK Service: 11 n, 111.
Junior O. !.: 3 n. in.
Y. l. S. C. K.-.-7 p. 111.
HvanijelUtlc Service: 8 p. 111.
Wednesday Training Clni,8 p. m.
Thursday l'riiycrmc:thig:8 p.m.
J. R. JOHNSON, Pitor
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow nndjwido, has just
been received at tho Review
office; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for fivo
Scores of Poultry Raisers, in St. Johus arc havitig
splendid success by feeding Dr. Hess Poultry Panacea;
it is a splendid preparation for feeding young growing
chicks as well as a good egg producer, as it prevents
indigestiou, cures roup, cholera, leg weakness, etc. It
enables them to grow fast healthy aud strong from the
Will keep your poultry free from lice, they will not do
well unle'ss you keep them free from this pest.
We also.carry in stock Egg Keep (solution of
water glass) the scientific discovery for preserving egg,
endorsed by the U. S. Qovernment.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Cut Rate Drug Store
' Satisfaction, Is the wotd C1I
more, the Hatbor.
Same old price for repairing
shoos. J. C. It rook. N. Jersey.
j Picture framing done at t'ottland
prices at II. I'. Clatk'5, the until-
litre man. tf
Two nice, largo, clean rooms
for rent, with or without Ivoartl.
Inquire 523 S. Ivnnhoo.
Meet mc nt G. V. Ovorstreot's
Saturday p.m. from flto i). 1 will
show you how to cut that gas bill
in two.
Photography with tho bother
left out that's what Kodak
means. If it isn't an EASTMAN
it isn't a KODAK. -Currins for
For Rent -A largo 7 room
house on Jersey street, close in:
rent $10. Phono Col. 297, or call
1035 S. Ivanhoe.
Congregational Church Sun
day School 10 a.m.; preaching
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; C. E. at 7
p. m. Prayermeetlng Wednes
day at 8 p. m.
Currln Says: Learn to Kodak
by the all by daylight methods.
Frje literature and free instruc
tion in any branch of amateur
photography. Let us bIiow you.
Gregg and Pitmanic shorthand
and typewriting taught in even
ing classes. Expert individual
attention. Apply, J. A. Mac
Leod, 1817 Portsmouth avenue,
Portland, Ore.
First Chrlstirfn Science Society
Sundays ti a. in., Wednesdays at 8
p. in. Heading room open on Tucs.
rinirs. and Sat. from 3 to 4 p. in.
All cordially invited to the services
aud reading room. Subject Sundnv:
Is the Universe, including Man,
Christian Science.
Shoes repaired promptly. Try
us.- J. C. Brooks, 301 N. Jersey
Dr. II. O. Brown announces
that ho will organize a mixed
chorus nt his home. 313 North
Hayes street, Monday evening,
Juno 30th. Any one who wiahef
to do so may enlist in the chorus.
Currin Says: Wo have just
received a largo shipment of
WHITMAN'S candles. Fresh
and fine and just from tho fac
tory direct. Better seo our can
dies first.
Houses for Rent One G room
house. $10: one 5 room house.
$10; one G room house, wired for
electric lights, $11. All have
modern plumbing. Inmiiro nt
301 IS. I'OBsendcn street, corner
Central avenue. -
Wo do Kodak finishing at the
lowest city prices. Come in and
bco samples and got our price
list. Remember, no money until
you are sausiieu. uurrins tor
ueonro u. niouiton, who was
a resident of St. Johns for near
ly eight years, died at his homo
nt Dairy, near Klamath twills,
Oregon, Juno 14th. Ho was
born near Unngor, Maine, fouru-
ary 8. 1819. In April, 1912, ho
left St. Johns and purchased a
small ranch at Dairy. Ho Ih sur
vived by his widow, two sons
and a daughter, all of Dairy, Or
egon. His friends hero will he
sorry to learn of his death.
Between tho bodies of her two
children, aged 5 and 7 years,
whom sho found dead when sho
attempted to awaken them Sun
day morning, Mrs. David Grant
of Beach, N. D found a huge
ratt esnnko sleep iur soundly.
Tho bed clothes had been out for
an airing Saturday.thosnnko ev
idently bolng brought in with
tho quilts. When tho children
retired, both complained of be
ing "pinched," but soon wont to
sleep. It was tho rattler that
had dealt them n death blow.
A kindergarten teacher in
Washington.with a pile of books
on her arm. was about to act
off a street car just as a gentle
man whom she thought sho
recognized as tho parent of a
upil in her school got on.
ood mornlngl" sho said, with
m V i ill
a cneery smue. insiaiuiy sue
saw. by tho quizzical exression
on tho face of tho man address
ed, that sho had mado a mistake.
Intending to correct It, sho add-
d nu cklv: "Oh. pardon mel
I thought you were tho father of
one of my children." Judge.
An entertainment preliminary
to establishing a subordinate
Council of Royal Arcanum in St.
Johns will bo given in Bickner
hall this, Friday, evening. It
will be the first entertainment
to be hold in Bickner hall since
it has been overhauled and re
modeled, and promises to bo a
most interesting event. Music,
speech and refreshments will
make up the program. Efforts
are being mado to secure a Port
land orchestra and several enter
tainers from the Portland thea
tres to participate. Morris R.
Cox, Past Grand Master of Ma
sonic Lodges of Oregon and also
Past Grand Regent of Royal Ar
canum, B. S. Josselyn, former
ly tho president of tho Portland
Railway. Liirht and Power Co.,
and Dr. Dyott, pastor of the
First Congregational church of
Portland, will bo present and
make addresses. The St. Johns
Council of Royal Arcanum will
bo tho tenth to organize in tho
state, which gives grand jurisdic
tion. All men of St. Johns arc
invited to tho entertainment.
Left For Gettysburg
L It. Chipmnn. one of the old
pioMeon of St, Johns, left Wod
nusdny for the Gettysburg Re
union, to rovlsit tho "Old Held"
where h participated in the
r;tvat conflict B0 years ago. He
s the only old veteran to go
from St. Johns who was in that
battle. L. It. Chipman of Bat
tery E, 1th U. S. Artillery, par
tictnateti in the following bat
tles: Winchester, Port Repub
lic, Bristo Station, Bull Run,
Chantilly, South Mountain, An
tietam, Charleston, Fredericks
burg, Chnncellorsvllle, Stone
man's Raid, Beverly Ford, Han
over, ueuystnirg July 2 and a,
Ilagcrstown, Boomsboro, Port
Conway. Brandy Station, Buck
land Mills. Stenhcnsburir. Rac
coon ford - - these Interspersed
with many skirmishes too num
erous to mention.
A lnriro number from St.
Johns gathered at tho train to
wish him a safe journey and bid
him Godspeed, among them the
G. A. R. and Relief Corps of St.
Johns. Mr. Chipman will visit
a sister in Obcrlin. Ohio, and
other relatives in Pennsylvania
for a few days on his return trip.
He will be absent about three
C. L. Johnson Dead
C. L. Johnson died in Portland
Monday morning of tuberculosis
of tho throat. "Drydock" John
son, as no was lamiuariy Known
through his long service as man-
ager of the dry docks in this
city, was a member of tho city
council of St. Johns for several
years. Ho was a man who made
friends readily through his sun
ny disposition. His numerous
friends in St. Johns learn with
deep reirrot of his death. Tho
Masons had chariro of tho funer
ni. which took place in Portland
Reasons for Veto
our paying teller's window hi
couldn't hand out the cash more
promptly than is done now. The
Peninsula National Hank carries an
ample cash reserve to meet all de
mands at sight. Its deposits arc
guaranteed by the capital aud sur
plus and also by the standing of its
stockholders and officers. Your
account is invited.
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
PitTitR Autzkn, Pres.
P. C. Knaiu', Vice Pres.
John N. Knuti'Sits, Cash.
S. L. Domic, Ass't Cosh.
St. Johns Furniture
Gus Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and
Mayor Hrodoson gives tho fol
lowing reasons for vetoing tho
amended speed ordinance, and
which was passed over his veto
Tuesday evening:
First: There nro only about
two per cent of tho population of
our city who uesiro tno specu
limit raised on account of tho
amount of dust raised by speed
Second: Tho danger is much
greater in high snecd for pedes
trians and vehicles on tno
Third: The present law avails
our pollco olliccrs a better oppor
tunity to iretn conviction ot nny
specif fiend. No person or per
sons hnvo neon or will uomoieBt
cd if thoy run at a reasonablo
rate of speed.
Tho present ordinance nas
been in force for tho past fivo or
six years, and I cannot, see that
business or safety demands Hho
For Salo Fivo boxos.contents
unknown, ono cooking range.ono
commode, one mattress, ono sit
ting room stnnd, four beds and
springs, ono ironing uoaru, ono
round dining room tame, ono
barrel, contents unknown, ono
too chest, contents unknown; all
tagged Ray Smith, Goldendnlo,
Wash. Will bo sold ten days af
ter the last publication of this
notice. Property of James Gard
ner of St. Johns. Taken on at
tachment of Justice Court of St.
Johns, First publication Juno
13, last publication July 18, 1913.
- J, Schmauder.
Evangelical Church There
will bo a Children's Day and
Patriotic program given at tho
church by the choir and Sunday
school Sunday, June 29th, at 11
o'clock to tako tho place of tho
regular morning service, which
promises to be very interesting.
Tho regular services will be held
in the evenintr -K. L. C. E. at 7
p. m., preaching at 8 p. m. Tho
public is given a special invita
tion to these services.
E. F. Moore, formerly of Ida
ho. has purchased the Bungalow
store near tho postofiice. and
will carry an uptodato lino of
groceries, contectionery, fruit,
tobacco, cigars, etc.
For Kent Four rooms on first
floor of eight room house, mod
em conveniences. Inquire at
535 S. Jersey,
"Here is iheAnswerTin
New International
Krrrr tV In your Ulk mill rrmllnr. ftt
home, on ihoiUrctmr. In llinnmrr, alioii
tllilK-houltou likely qur.lloll Ilia Iikhii
in ot ome ntu wntil. A rrlrml iuki
"Wliit mukri mof Ur Imntcii?" Vim mk
Ilia location of Lth Kalrlntut the ihoiiiiii
rUtlon of Jujultu. Wlutl la uhllt roalf
Tlila tftvr Cimtlon amwtri nil klniU of
iiur.liun. Ill tnilKilnKr,iii.(u,) rlilsinMir
Fiction, Korclitn Worili. Irmlm, Alt. bimI
txicncn. uun flnai auiAor u y
400.000 Words.
000 llluatratloni.
3700 Paaaa.
Tho only dlftlonarr Willi
III Mti dtrldrJpaot. tlir
ortrrlinl a "A Stroke of
On II1I11, vMiiuf, itronr,
Inilla lf. What a !!
faction toown lio HtrtlaH
Wclxlcr III n form tii linlit
ami to ronwnlriit to uhiI
Ono half Ilia ihlrknrB. ami
wolllil of llctuUr tUllllou.
On atronc lnwk paper, wu
HUH. DliallttxWX
Writ, f.r p.Uu. mu,
MmU.i Ull ,
rati .Mi
-w .1
Officers of the City of St, Johns, Oregon
Mayor Chan. Ilif.U.on
Krcoriler-I' A. KWe
Trcamter J. It- Tuiieli
Alloiuty-(). J. (Utamtr
Himlntct J. O. Hut ton
rhy.lcUn-tlr- U- It. Hiavw
Clilcl ol l-sllceO. W. MUu
Day rollce II Muck
Nl.lit IHillce J. .;joue, . W. Koittw.
A. W. Vincent II- M. WbUmI
K. 0. Wtl.lil
C. It Oatllck I. B. Maitta
Oco, Muntoii Key WtUwx
Btreet ami Iiocka-Uay Wilcox, A. W. Vin
cent. II- M Waldrcl.
l.lceiiM C. H. GailkL, Gee. W. Mummh.
H. (! Wright.
Water aud I.UIit-H. M. WoMr.f. I. II.
Martin. A. W. Vincent.
finance S. (i. Wright, Oao. W. Mjukmi,
C K, Oarllck.
Health and lollccA. W. Vlueant, Kay
Wilcox. I. U. Martin.
Liquor l.lccn(ito. V Muiimii, S. (I,
Wright, II M WaUlrel.
Hullilinii aud Rrounda I. II. Mattlu, Key
Wilcox, C.K. Oarllck.
Farm For Salo 40 aero farm,
25 acres cleared, buildings, all
in hay: 40 aero farm, 10 acros
cleared, million feet saw timber,
5 miles from Sifton car line; part
cash, easy terms. 1'. Chantlor,
It. F. D. No. 1. Brush Prairie,
Wash. Phono Tabor 8 125.
Miss Norma Moser. who has
been a guest at tho homo of her
aunt, Mrs. F. W. Valentine, for
the past couple of weeks, return
ed to her home in Cranbrook, 13.
U., tho hrst of tho week.
Remember, we give S. and II.
Green Trading Stamps, On
Wednesdays wo give double
stamps with every purchase.--Currins
for Drugs.
If you are interested in econ
omy, come, seo tho demonstra
tion of tho "Optimus" at Over
street's plumbing shop, Juno 28,
from 6 to 9 p. m.
NoU the labt on your paper.
FOR RENT Crda at thli offlca.