St. Johns k Culling You llat Mvtnchutthtt. I la a moat irofnUihc future. litlhttivelyamanuUlutlri(l)- Adjoint the titjr ( I'oitUml. Ha neatly (,QU0 population. Mat a public library Tatabla propeily, f 4,500.000, Ma Ulte dry dotal, aaw mill Woolen mill, iron wotla, So woiaa, aibetto factory. Ship bulldinf plant. Veneer and eiceltlor plant. Hour mill, planing mill, Uot factory, and olhett. Mote induttriea coming. Si. John it the place lor VOL). I mtoJ in tiutntt l intUttttaa, I Mh in population. Cm la IVnland rmy JO tnln. Mm iuivlctl walrt on aidf. Hut hft t rWiHcily. I tat utrnftt UatiKt, I lt fit- ltf mIiooI littuara. I lat abundant l ttrl water. I hi htA ut tttt-rta. Ilt ntrnttr arurrraa i)lfw, lUt fine, modern likt titjr Kail Hh payroll tlf9S.OO0 moniMr. Ship tmmtMr 2.000 rat liricM All tattroadt have rtr In it. la fairway to PotiUnd liattmf Climate ideal ami healthful ST. JOHNS REVIEW DtvaHi ta (In lata lb Fflmala. tkr Minutrtrt Ctr el tha NorthwrH ST. JOHNS, 0RH00K. FRIDAY, JUNK so. 1913. VOL. 8 NO. 3 COUNCIL MEETS Matters of Importance Receive Attention ' The city council met in ad journed, session Thursdny even ing of Inst week with all mom bcrs present The first matter to receive at tcntion was a petition to widen Central avenue between Charier ton street and the south city lim its to eighty feet, winch was re ceived and accented, and con' damnation proceedings ordered instituted. A petition for an arc light at the corner of Central and St. Johns avenues was referred to the water and litrht committee for recommendation. Petitions for renewal of liquor license hy M. I'. Joyce, T. A. Glover and T. D. Condon were referred to the liquor license committee. The Portland Woolen Mills Co, petitioned for the privilege of planking a pdrtion of tho road way on Bradford street between Chicago and Baltimore street, which was readily 'granted. Miss Eliza Cole asked that Sa lem street between Burlington and Bradford be oiled to allay tho (hint. Referred to the cntrf- nccf and street committee, which was also directed to investigate the feasibility of hard surfacing portions of Crawford and Pitts burg streets, in order to connect with tho ferry landing from Burlington street. Tho action of tho council the week previous in closing the skating rink on Sundays was re considered, and tho rink permit ted to run two sessions of two hours each, tho proprietors agreeing to reduce tho volume of music to a minimum. A remonstraneo signed by W. E. Ashby and W. II.- King pro tested against employing addi tional legal servicer In the water rate case, declaring that a hy draulic engineer would bo moro to tho purpose. After some dis cussion the document was order ed filed. A petition for tho improve ment of Polk streot betweon Fes feonden and St. Johns Heights Addition was read and a resolu tion directing tho engineer to prepare tho necessary data for such improvement ordered draft ed. C. E. Pottago entered a claim against tho city in tho sum of $1000 or more, for alleged work done on Macrum avenue a couple of years ago over tho amount al lowed him by former city engi neer, C. E. Andrew. Matter re ferred to Engineer Burson for in vestigation, and the council de cided to visit the street in a body Sunday morning and make .a personal investigation of tho situation. Bills amounting to $150, tho greater portion of which was for labor on the streets, wore allow ed. A report of the chief of police, covering work done by tho police department, was read and accept ed. It was decided to increase the speed limit for autos, motorcy cles and vehicles from eight miles per hour to fifteen miles, and the speed ordinance was or dered to be amended to meet with the higher rate of speed provision. This action was tak en on account of many protests against the eight mile limit by auto owners, and the report that the city was being boycotted by many drivers, A resolution providing for the leasing of the upper portion of the city dock to the Crown Col umbia Paper Co, was adopted. An ordinance assessing the cost of improving New York street between Smith avenue and Fessenden street was passed. The city engineer was direct ed to investigate the most practi cal manner of connecting side tracks to the city dock, to begin work upon seeking the most feas ible route when the water re cedes. The street committee was di rected to investigate the advisa bility and feasibility of improv ing St. Johns avenue between Edison street and the North school building. Condemnation proceedings will be required on this improvement With the exception of Alder man Wilcox, all members were present at the regular meeting of the city council Tuesday even ing. A petition asking that the Robbery in St. Johns Some time Sunday night the wife and baby of G. Southwell, living at 232 West Tyler street, were chloroformed and robbed. According to Mrs. Southwell's story, she passed the eveninir visiting at a neighbor's, coming home nt 10 o'clock p. m. The neighbor's wife accompanied her home, us Mr. Southwell is em ployed as night watchman at the new plant of tho Portland Gas company at Whitwood Court. After looking through tho house for intruders, but missing tho bathroom, Mrs. Southwell retir ed for tho night After falling asleep she knew nothing more till aroused by Frank Holla, a near neighbor, who delivers milk at the Southwell home. On investigating it was found the baby was under the influence of chloroform, and $2.10, all the money in the house, taken. Mrs. Southwell says she had a boil on her neck, which was broken when she was apparently grabbed by the throat. When she invoice the bed covers were all piled around her head and over her face bo she was nt'arly smothered. Mother and child havo been sick all day from the clFccts of tho drug, and they cannot get the bnby into tho bed room at all. but it will cry and shiver and shout: "No. no: man, man," as if it had Been a strange mil ii In flm mom. 'PilPMflnv'R man in the Orcgoninn. blowing of nir or steam whistles on t no sirecia or. at. jouns do . . a Jm 1 . t prohibited was received, and the attorney was directed to urattan ordinance covering such provis ion, in compliunco with tho re- uucst. .. A netltion lor the opening anu improvement of St. Johns avenue from Edison to Seneca street was read and held over ono week for written report from street com mitteo and engineer upon the nroioct. ,.- A rcmonstranco signeu oy oiirhlecn nronerty owners against tho proposed improvement 0 Richmond street between Wil lamette boulevard and the river was received, which declared that tho improvement was unnec essary and unwarranted. Refer red to tho city engineer to ascor- tn n tho amount or property rep resented in tho remonstrance. Tho Honor liconso committee ronorted favorably upon tho ap plications for renewal of liquor license by T. D. Condon, Sher man Cochran and 'lhos. Ulovor. Tho renewals were granted bv tho counc . and a new liquor license was granted M. F. Joyce, who asked for a now license in preference to a renewal in order to settle some difficulty attached to his old license. An nrc light was ordered in stalled at tho corner of Control and St Johns avenues. Mrs. Nancy Caples and II. E. Harris objected to tho proposed opening and widening of Cen tral avenue between unarieston and Buchanan streets to eighty feet in width, declaring that sixty feet was plenty wido enough for all practical purposes. A resolution providing for the widening to eighty feet, in con sequence, was laid on the table for ono week in order that moro consideration might be given tho matter. The following bids were re ceived on tho improvement of Richmond street between Smith avenue and Fessenden street: Star Sand Co., $2,2&1.98; M. T. Swan. $2,255.25: V. W. Mason, $2,397.60; Andrew & Harrer, $2,- 115.52; J. Hahn, $2,11)3.92. Tho contract wasawarded to J.Hahn, his bid being the lowest An ordinance providing lor in creasing the speed limit for ve il c es from eight miles an Hour to fifteen miles was unanimously passed. Hills amounting to were allowed. A resolution to improve Polk street from Fessenden street to St Johns Heights Addition was adopted. The city attorney was directed to draft an ordinance providing for the extermination of obnox ious and unsightly weeds and arush from vacant lots through out the city. Miss Ellizabeth Caples tender ed the use of the Caples tract of wooded land on Dawson street for use of picnic parties and oth ers during the f iremen's Juiy celebration, and she was given vote of thanks for her public spiritcdness. We do all kinds of conveyanc ing, with notary public services. McKinney & Davis. THE LIBRARY interesting Notes for the Library Patrons Remember to order your vaca - non poors. The New International Ency- A t 1 clopedia, which has recently been added to the reference shelves. is the 1012 edition, and surpris- ingly complete and uptodatc on all manner of subjects. Tho il lustrations and maps are of espe cial excellence. Twenty-five new juvenile books were received last week. Have you seen these books? Camper's own book. A handy Volume for devotees of tent and trail with contribu lions by twelve experienced campers and woodsmen. Con tains chapters on Tho Campllre, Horse sense in the woods. Com fort in camp, Grub lists, Canoes and canoeing, etc. Cable Kincnid's battery. Romanco of New Orleans dur- Inir the Civil War. Comfort Routlcdgo rides alone. Romantic story of the adven tures 01 a young rJngiish war correspondent in tho Far East during the Russo-Jupancso war. Hannay Simpsons' plot. The same fluent and engaging curate who delighted readers of Spanish gold reappears with a preposterous plan for marrying oil tho objectionable man of Bal lymoy to a young lady whom the Rov. "J. J." mlstukes for a no torious husband murderer. As entertaining as its predecessor. Jerome--Passing of tho third floor back. Written in tho author's moro serious vein. Relates how Mrs. rennyencrry entertained an an gel unawares in tho third floor back of her Bloomsbury boarding house. King-Wild olivo. Absorbing tale of lovo and ad venturo which shifts from tho Adirondacks to Buenos Ayres and back to New York. Saleeby Worry: the disease of tho age. Our be ng's end and aim" is happiness not necessarily tho material happiness of tho inch- r ato or tho epicure, but hann ness of somo kind. Thus to wor ry is to miss the purposo of ono's being: it is to fail to fail for self, to fail for others, and it is to fail gratuitously. It is worse than a crime, it is a blunder, but tho blunder is almost universal. Welsh--Famous battles of the nineteenth century. "The famous battles of tho nineteenth century havo changed the face of nearly every conti nent on tho globo and havo con solidated our own great nation. Therefore, a knowledge of them, their causes and essen tial to a true understanding of world history." Mr. Unas. Anderson has pre sented tho library with a copy of what has been called "the best aimed shot at the existing social system" tho book, "Woman Under bocialism," by the well known German writer, August Bebel. A rev ow of the book by a St. Johns reader follows: "Woman Under Socialism" by August Bebel treats of tho his tory and future of the compara tive and general relation of man and woman in regard to proper ty, marriage, physique and men tality. He shows that property ownership has varied from that exclusively male to that exclu sively female: from pure com munism to absolute monarchy; marriage from polygamy to poly andry; from patriarchy to matri archy; in length from a moment to a lifetime, and from absolute individual freedom to total con trol by the state; physique from male to female superiority and mentality the same. He shows in general thac the sexes have occupied all positions inter changeably and that property, marriage, physique and mentali ty have varied in all sorts of ways. .Usually, however, man has controlled the property, been the head of the house, had the best physique and the best brain. Uusually the few have had much and the many little. Marriage has been monogamous, continued for the greater part of a life time, has been somehow controll ed by the state, and has been ac companied by its looser form, prostitution. He draws these conclusions from facts from all times and all4 parts of the globe, and has accompanied them with a wealth of statistics. Concern- A Peculiar Malady Luther King. ' Rattlesnake King," died WcuWlny at Glen ada, Or., hospital. King said a month ago ho did not believe ho would live until August, and that at last there will be an cm of his nilliction, which he him- hpm tnrmiHi thoBcrnpnt's linmil : that the Bible Btenkn about." . . ... . and which has, perhaps, no par nllol. i Rocentlv the Evanirelical church !of Florence prayed in a body for this old man, upon whom for cigntecn years the Iord has vis tied n serpent curse so great that he must have hailed death as relief. In tho early part of August, 1875. thirty-eight years ago. Lu ther King wns picking blackber ries in the mountains of Idaho, when a rntticsnaKc, disturbed in its sice, struck quickly and without warning, and closed its teeth so firmly upon his leg. a lit tie. below the knoj, that he drag- trod it as he ran. whitming and jerking, for 200 yards or more. He reached camp all right, the poison wus extracted from the bite, the wound healed in a few weeks, and probably, as ho be lieved, all the subsequent history of the bite, the suffering it caused and its strange, almost incredible, manifestations would not havo occurred had it not been for ono circumstance the time of tho year. August is tho period of dog days, and during this month snakes shed. are blind and strike at everything they hear. It was a blind and shed ding snako that bit Luther King. For 20 years ho went about Bound nmrwcll, the snake bite practically forgotten. Then on tho Inst day of July, 1895. ho felt a peculiar irritation on tho bit ten leg, but upon' the instep and not just below the knee, where nppcarcd tho faint scar of the bito. Tho next morning, Ali enist 1. he woke ul feeling dizzy and to find tWat tho Irritating spot on his instep was a miming sore. All that month ho slept from 1 to 20 hours a day, drank little and ato scarcely anything, while the functions of the body stopped. On the first of Septem ber lie got out of bed and called for something to eat. By tho 4th of September tho sore was com pletely healed. On the last day of July the next year he felt again an itch ing on his instep, two itchings, and at tho same time ho felt diz zy as with maiaria. ine next morning tho year old scar upon his instep had revived into a sore and not two inches away was another sore, both running. Again ho slept tho whole month through, with little drink or food, and imagining in his delir ium that a rattlesnako was coil ed up on his leg, under tho 'skin, On tho first day of September ho got up hungry. By tho fourth of September, tho sores were well. And so each year for 18 years, with inexpliciblo regularity, on tho first of August, his state of enforced coma and fasting has begun, all the scars of the pre ceding year have revived, ac companied unfailingly by a now sore, and with equally strange regularity the sores have never failed to be healed by tho 4th of September. Ho now lias 18 scars upon his leg. That lirst sore upon his instep, like a periodic volcano, has revived 18 times, the second 17 times times, and thus it becomes a simple prob lem in progressions to find that Luther King, bitten once by a live rattlesnake, has been rebit ten 171 times by an invisible and ghostly snake that all through each August lay coiled there, a dread and unjust Nemesis, upon his leg. Journal. ing the future of woman and the state, he draws the following conclusions: "Her education is the same as that of man she joins in studies anu enjoyment with either her sisters or witn men as she pleases or occasion may serve. In her choice of lovo she is like man, freo and unham peredas in the kitchen, tho revolution win oe accompusneu throughout domestic life- the domestic kitchen is rendered wholly supeniuous by central in stitutions for the preparation of food warm and cold water, sup plies place bathing within the reach of all central laundries assume the washing, drying, etc. Under the new organization of labor only II hours a day would bo needed to cover the most pressing needs of all." Preach tho gospel ot 8U Jctma. 5 CENT FARE On North Bank Road to Swift Packing Plant The North Bank Railway has granted a special rate of five cents faro from tho St Johns dejwt to the Swift packing plant, Monarch mills and stockyards, and will carry 150 pounds of baggage on the fare. This is a big item for St Johns, as it will allow those working in tho above named plants to get to and from work for five cents, whoro here toforo it has cost ten cents on the street cars. Then it shortens the rido about five miles, as tho distance from St Johns to tho territory named is not as far as it is from Kenton to the same territory. To get from hero to Swift's and vicinity it was. nec essary to take the car ntSt Johns, go through University Park and past the Piedmont car barn: transfer at Mississippi av enue to tho Kenton car. and, on arriving at tho latter piace, pay a second fare to go over the via duct The new arrangement makes n short two mile ride. with no transfer and only one fare, and will be a great help to St. Johns and Lower Peninsular residents. The St. Johns Commercial Club has appointed a committee to net with tho Citv Engineer in plan ning a driveway from St. Johns to the packing plant and stock yards. It is desired by the club to build a roadway paralleling the North Bank Railway out as far as tho Oregon Slough, con necting witli tho roadway back of tho Monarch mills and giving a short, direct route to the Btock yards and adjacent plants. This will bo a part of tho main road leading to the proposed inter state bridge botween Portland and Vancouver and will bo of in estimable help to tho Lower Pen insular residents. It will also be of great benefit to tho Tuala tin Valley district, and stock and produce can be brought in from that section by way of tho Ger mantown and St. Helens roads, through Whitwood Court, over tho freo Linnton-St. Johns ferry and along the now routo- to des ignation, thus doing away with tho necessity of passing through Portland proper, as is now being done, and shortening tho drive 10 to 15 miles. Oregoninn. Juno 13th. The Prettiest Car Tho St Johns car decorated for the rose shower in Portland ast Friday was undoubtedy the landsomest and most attractive car in line. It was trimmed in avender colors and spruce, and the ladies who accompanied the car wore attired in white with avender trimmings. I he effect was most beautiful, and yet, once more, tho judges dodged giving St. Johns tho first prize. Last year St. Johns' car was decorat ed with roses, and tho roso scheme was carried throughout but a car decorated with mar guerites won first prize. This year it is said that St. Johns wus denied first prize becauso it was not decorated with roses. Tho St. Johns folks had nt least the satisfaction of hearing many spectators along the streets ex claim that St. Johns had much the prettiest car, and it aroused more cheering than all tho oth ers. Thousands 01 roses were thrown out to tho crowds, and St. Johns was well advertised. Tim Western Forestry and Conservation Association has re cently issued a bulletin predict ing a dry summer and urging the utmost caro and vigilance in preventing forest fires. Already about 800 men are in the field patrolling the various public and private timber holdings and more men will bo employed from time in tlmfi ns tho need occurs. It is estimated that nearly one million and a half dollars will be expend ed in patrolling the forests of Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. Farm For Sale 40 acre farm, 25 acres cleared, buildings, all in hay: 40 acre farm, 10 acres cleared, million feet aaw timber, 5 miles from Sifton car line; part cash, easy terms. r, Chantler, R. F. D. No. 1. Brush Prairie, Wash. Phone Tabor 3425. A Superb Thoroughfare That Portland will complete the hard surfacing of Willamette boulevard from Patton avenue to the North Bank bridge before the summer closes is now assur ed. A lnrge portion of tho street is now being hnrdsurfaccd. and the balance will be started in a very few weeks. When com pleted this will nlTord the most beautiful driveway that could be imagined. No other driveway in any place will excel it in scen ic beauty. That the boulevard should bo improved through St Johns is more apparent since the improvement of the Portland portion is well under way. The contrast will bo more noticeable and bo discreditable to our city. in company with A. S. Benson. J. E. Hillcr. C. C. Currin and P. u. unmore, yo editor made a 1 1 a 1 trip over tho boulevard from Richmond street to Patton avo nue Tuesday morning. Tho beauty of the scenery from the roadway is most entrancing, and that Willamette boulevard will soon become the most popular driveway on the Coast is beyond peradventure of doubt. Proper ty along tho way of improvement that was a drug on tho market a couple of years ago at $-100 and $500 per lot cannot be purchased today for less than $3,000. and there is very little of it on tho market at any price. It was only through tho indcfagiblo ef forts of A. S. Benson and Mr. Veon that the improvement of il- lametto boulevard was mado pos sible at this time. Tho right of way in widening tho streot nt places wus most difficult and in order to secure much of tho prop erty, Air. lienson was compelled to buy the land and donate por tions of it for street purposes. Now those property owners 'who were most bitterly opposed to tho improvement havo become its most ardent boosters. Wo also viewed tho proposed new roadway that cuts off at Mock's bottom and goes on an almost straight lino to tho Broad way bridge. It will cut off about two miles of distance over tho way the car line now runs to Portland, and will be of unsur passed beauty. It will bo eighty feet in width, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible Besides tho saving in distance, many of tho stops will bo eliminated. In connection with tho improve ment qf WMInmotto boulevard it will be the making of the Lower Peninsula. The scenic beauty of WMInmotto Heights will pule in comparison, and it will pvent ually bo the olito rcsldenco dis trict of Portland. In Campmeeting Moro than two thousand Sev enth Day Adventlsts from tho western part of Oregon are in attendance at tiio annual camp mooting which is now in session nt East 15th and East Davis streets, Portland, and will con tinue until tho Inst day of June. A city of tents is beautifully lo cated on tho tract known as tho acronantic field, which can be reached by transferring to Roso City car, getting off at 15th and Davis. Beliovers nro present from ull the thirty cities and towns in tho Conference. Moro than a score of preachers are in attendance, besides many Biblo workers who will assist in the Sabbath School, which will con vene each Saturday at 9:30. Prof. W. W. Prcscott and C. M. Snow nro there from Wash ington, D. C, where atho World Quadrennial Conference has just closed, and Elder A. J. Daniels, president of tho General Confer ence, is expected. Tho sermons in tho evening ut 7:45 will be devoted largely to doctrinal subjects, such as Tho Second Coming of Christ, Tho Millennium, The Inheritance of tho Saints, or tho Homo of the Saved, Nature of Man, Tho State of the Dead, Ministration of An gels, and Tho History and Des tiny of batan. A song Bervice before each preaching service will be led by a large choir and orchestra. There are more than two hundred family tents on the ground, besides several large pa vilions, the very largo ono for tho main service in English, the smaller ones for young people's meetings, children's meetings, Danish. Norwegian and German services; also a grocery and din ing tent- Contributed. Wo havo always led in quality, service and price, and wo are yet in tho lead. Currin's for Drugs. St John's Sweet Pea Show Ad "Sctteel Garden" Contest To be Held Friday, July llth Prizes for Sweet Pea Show range from $25.00 down nnd will be listed in a few days, first and second prize awarded in each in stance. Tho following will be tho classification for amateur growers only: Grand special prize Best ex hibit irrespective of class, silver cup, $25. Must be won three successive years to obtain per manent possession. Held this year by Mrs. R. P. Douglass. Class A Six or more vases, named varieties. Ten or more stems in each vase. Class B Best vase, any num ber, mixed. Class C Vase of 20 stems, pure white. Class D Vase of 20 stems, red. Class E Vase of 20 stems, lav ender. Class F Vaso of 20 stems, pink. Class G Best six vases of 10 steniB each, Grandiflora type, distinct varieties. Class II Most artistic vaso or bowl of Bweet peas. Ulass I- -Largest collection. Class J- "Juvenile." 14 veara and under best 3 vases of 10 Btems each, any three colors. miles and Kegulations. Rules and regulations as a- dopted by tho National Sweet Pea Society of America w ill irov- em the judging. Points in scor ing will bo apportioned us fol lows: Length of stem, 25 points. Color, 25 points. Size, 25 points. Substance, 15 points. Number of flowers on a stem. 10 points. Sweet nea or other fol aire can bo used with tho flowers unat tached. Commercial growers cannot compete in these classes. Entry -can oe mado by grower only. School Garden Contest. Entries must bo grown in school gardens not larger than 8x10 feet. They must bo tho product of tho child's individual effort Threo prizes will bo giv en in each class. Class ABest vegetablo tils play. Class B- Largest potato. Class C- Beat potato display. Class D- Largest head of let tuce. Class E Best loose leaf let tuce Class F Onions. 4 bunches. 5 onions in n bunch. Class G Radishes, small, round, not less than ten. Class II Radishes, long vari ety; not less than ten. Class I Turnips, best displuy; not less than ten. A Wide Reputation J. T. Harbin, tho skillful nnd efficient blacksmith, has worked up on extensive trado in his line. Ills shop is located at the corner of Ivanhoe and Charleston streets, and it has recently un dergone substantial repairs. His reputation for good work manship nnd rcasonablo prices has gone forth to such un extent that business comes to him from tho Union Meat Co,, Standard and Union OH companies, from Linnton, University Park, Kon ton nnd tho Tunlatin Valley. His shop is a constant scene of industry, and lio keeps several men on tho job mi tho time. Harbin's blacksmith shop is quito un institution for St Johns, and business is on tho increase steadily. When people come bo far to get their blacksmithing done, it surely speaks volumes for the class 01 work done at Harbin's blacksmith shop. How Is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or exatuiued at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co- Accurate work. Reasonable fees. H. Henderson, manager, 208 North Jersey, McDonald building, Tho result of a college train ing is shown in tho egg produc tion of a hen owned by tho Ore gon Agricultural College, which laid 99 eggs in 100 consecutive days. This animated egg ma chine is three quarters White Leghorn and one quarter Barred Plymouth Rock and is a descend ed of a long lino of heavy layers bred at the college experiment station,