Supplement to the St, John litvlow. Friday, Jww li, lSH THE EQUAL RIGHTS COMPANY Organized under the Bonville 99-Year System, is now most Successfully Operating two Stores, one located at Corner of Jersey and Leavitt Sts., St. Johns, Oregon, and the other at Lombard and Westanna Sts., Portland, Or. BY-LAWS BONVILLE 99-YEAR SYSTEM REVISED Edited and Compiled by J. "W. Pearson and Others J. O. Stcans, Jr. Attorney and Counselor at Law of the Portland, Oregon, Bar (Vpyrlghled IT l'fk Itoidlle, 1010, 1011, IMS. J'OnEWOItD. Thla la an eg of, leuia each directing II. aim It tin toltrrimHit f humanity, rnrli In ll manner lsit Unm adjiiatlng I hi- illrtrreiicea ami (tin ending Hi bltlcr aim between Capital aiHl tolr. .... Ami Ihla oiMHta the- uar In a seelra uf dial. Intensely thai, questions, tot us licrt brlelly consider one or Iwu of theae. Why la lint l,ator eallaltol wllli lla tirraent Ml What U the reneou tohlml lla ilrrp ami abiding UUtruil of Hi llll.llieaa. Ml It w ran loral I ho prlmo tea win w then bar lb krjr lu I ho Industrial alluatlon, ami arc In a pnalllon lii suggest a tan ami, Irl ua hope, a eall.fadnry solution, After yeare of eludy ami liillmal. naaoclallun Willi all rlaaeca ami conditions of people, I'rank lloavllle. origin alur of Hi. Ily-towa of lit IIjitIIIo W'Vur rlyalrtii, has leached a eeleutlllc auluilnn to thla great economic problem, a iHilullan baeed iiihiu ludlepulatd racla, adduced (ram a far-rrarhlug aualjsle -of liiiman tiatiir and human Imtllu tlona. That atock gambling ami stock watering, together with Illicit combinations of capital, commonly denominated "trusts," ami kindred evils growing vut or Hi preaeut methods of luaiiipiitalliig lam cotiitduelhiiia of pl la. ant at Hut rout of torlal IHe-awl lit rauae ufapreaeuls. -'ilar' Imlmlrlal unrrat, la lr. llonrlllaVunatokehle tout to A nil tohlml thla conviction lira a inata of facta ami fig tirra gathered fruni every conceivable source. In I heir ag gregate ao hug that volume would li required fur Ihelr recording. Ana w I'rank Itaavllte airs. "I'ut an end to stork train ff rrliiar. ami thus imhI alork gambling " 1'uc If a wan . Hot aril lila alock. It neeeeeerlly fellowa tint be eauuvt speculate, or In other words, gawhl with It. (Ilia eiery uiau a ebanee to acquire aleak In paring ei terprleea ami thereby put au end lu IhU steady areuniula lieu of eapllal by tit. favored few; Ibl gradual eeulralt a I Ian or lb lurtlluui of eat haute Into lb. bauds ef a bait doieti unscrupulous money ktoga. Make Ib par value of alock oh. dollar r store, ami atrlalljr fufbUI lla Mut obi fur vlibvr HMD or Ium. 'ItHia Hit It Hllblli tba lmc of aiNX lra to iHVral tuiall auiua frwil Hut la llluc at wwwrtoalll' vttM. rWI aalil I hi inr rHt or lb capital aluck uf f.J roriHirallwi fwr lu tfuMuilrr'a aliara lot tbla atiOico for bla oriaulialluu fr. Klnra b raooul aUI bla alofk, but luuat itciMMUl for bla financial rvtuma uiw illtldawU aria Inar tbcrcfrom. It folloM a a waltac of wir tbal bla tOorta Mill b dlrrclwl lowanl Imllluial mla for b oan uot lar I ho "(reran out" nam au ruiitiuou lu bualuwa Uf. lola)r, nor rati b trab ami aril flfijr r nut of tb capllal alock aa irouwlrra abarv, ami than atbl out from uuilur ami lra tliu aiuall alockbolilvr wlib oul a Morlk lea bit of gilt ilcvoraloil ivr to abow fur lila uioucjr. A careful (wruaal uf b follow Ink lljr ljwa Hill con line lh uorrJuillcvlyrcailrr tbal a uulwaal. or arcu a uatloa-wldo, adoption of lb. llouillla Hjalrm of oricaultluii corporatloua, la aur to roault lu notblkK but au Imlualrlal aliil itoclal Uiftluir, aluro a Wore aau and r-ullall dla trlbullou of HrallU would luvvllabljr follow a auporraaiaii of alock gambling and lla bord of altaadaut trlla, wblflt lbaa lljr-ljixa cbvck at ttttf turn. Tb reader will alxi olwcrvo tbat lb. Ikiuur wU la bandied lu a moat uuljuo. tbougb mllrcly alwiil luauucr, lio uucb for a grfilua for lualgbt lulu lb troubled ovrau ot buuau HoakuoaMM aud luUumWrataudiuga, Head, aluJr tb followlug Hum rarvfutljr, couipir wbat Jou bato read wlib jvut omu eiwrlua, aud Ibeu pata udgiuent uiwii tbla a). turn. .SorU lTio Ural vwrtorallou a.lontlug tb Iloovllla 1)9 lear Nralrui lljr Ijma naa orvauUn lu tb Stat of Ore gou, MarcU b', 1013. CODE Or BY-LAWS of tba COMPANY Organlatd umlar and by vlrtua of tb Aftar tka aala af tb. flrat four par cant ot th capital atack of tbla Corapanjr, tka bajaoc, or lat alltr par cant thereof, akall bite a, ipeclHid Umltatlau ou tb. laraatt In eaatmant tbat can t. mad. therein br any one peraon. All of th atock af thla Compnr ahall be aeld atrictl at par value, and tan per cant thereof ahall be allowed the pro neteia of thla Compear for their acrricea in orgaaiiiog the aame. All atock laired ahall be en a common baali, non aaaeiaable, nen-uilg nable and noa-tranaferablo for a period of nlnetr-nine jaara from data of iiiue, ear. aa it mar pan br the lawa or deaeont and dlitributlen, or br deeiie. The par ralua of th atock of thla Couiranr ahall be one dollar par ahare, , No cartiScaU of atock ahall be lnued until th aame ahall hare been fullr paid. , No Uatallmont payment ahall b allowed, All atock cartilcatea ahall bar. plalnlr printed thereon the following conditional That auch atock la non-estate-able, and nen-eulgaable, and la non-traatferable for ninety nine yearai that dlTidtnda ahall bo allawed and paid only to the perion to whom aald atock It itaued, or to bit belli or aiTiieca, and that laid atock la fully paid for, DEFINITIONS, In thee, lly Mwa. unleaa the context Indlcalra differ ently, the follow; cipreaalona bar tbia weaning: Tb "Syateut" uieana tbe "Honrillo Ninety-ulna Year Non Tranarerablo Uytteuii" and tb "Couipany" meaua tb. " ' Company." Wordt Imnlylog tbe lua.cullue gender aball alao apply to tb. friululuc. Word Implying on neraou or Iblug aball apply to tbo majority of that data, aud conreraely. "lilr Idcnd" meana all accumuUtlou of money over aud aboeo the general cieuae aud tbo amouut received for alork and tbo auni or auma aet ailda by thee. Ily-Iwa to tb aoreral fundi. "1'romoter" meant tbat direct lufluenc wblcb forwarda tbo organliatlon of a company: wbeiber It roualeta of oua or more men or a combination ft ineu bound together by mutual lutereala la Immaterial, pro viding tbat tbo loteryat ao working ahall oUerte tbe rule aud rratrlctloua of tbeae lly Ma iu tb mlnuteit detail) wlib tbo umlerataudlog tbat any luKrrata one engaged In lb promotlou of tblaorgaulaatlou aball bar no recourse whereby to add to tbelr nombera: and that tbla Intereat aball recelr lu payment for Ita arrrlcea ten per cent of tbe capital atock aa herein nroTlded, ARTICLE I. Officait and Stockholders. Section 1. Tbe cororalo power of thla Company aro and aball be retted lu a Hoard of Dlrectora (who ahall be atuckuoldrre ot tbe Company, eicept aucb powera aa aro reamed by tbeae lly Lawa to bo eierclaed by tbo Company aa a whole. Tbe corporators preaeut at tbo flrat meetlog aball be luipectora of tbo election, and aball certify wbo were elected Director, and mutt appoint lb. time ami tbe ' place of tb. first Dlrectora' meetlog. Bald lioard of Dl rectora and the election of the same aball be gorerned by tbo reading of tbeao lly-Lawa. Sec, 3. Tbla Company does and aball eoneltt of atock boldrra wbo shall bar. purchased on. or more abarea ot tbla Company'a capital atock. Sec. 3. In all cates of aalea of atock by thla Company tb purcbaaer aball algn tbeae lly-Lawa, wblcb algnlng ahall conttltut a contract between the purcbater and tbla Company. ARTICLE II. Adjainiitratiott. Section 1. Tbe officers of tbt Company aball oonalat of a lioard of aeren Dlrectora, no more, no lest, a Vlce-l'rea. Ident, a Secretary, a Treaaurer, and ooe Auditor: tb I'retldent and tbe Vlca-1'retldent to bo chosen from tb. lioard of Dlrectora. The Treaturer shall be selected by a majority of the lioard ot Directors. Tbo President ahall appoint a Finance Committee constating ot three membera of lbs Board of Dlrectora. Tbe I'retldent. Vice I'rf aldent, Auditor and Treaturer or any member ot th. Hoard ot Di rector! may be remcred from office at any time by a role representing two-tblrdt of tbe atock ot (be Company at any riwtllng ef (he Umpiny, cr br i rperlat meeting of ft jBfnpaHy. If tMllr.1 tit tbat u7aet . art, r. il IKrrctxra aball be elrctrjUfw a tern) of, one feata f Until tiiHr aucrraanra bat Iwu elrcli-d. and liite iniallneal. A (leurral ilanager ahtll i etrrlrl ! Ilie Iiirpe4r l arrt at tbelr pleaaur. 11w laoa(rr shall net be dlaehatgnl eicept Umi a roncufa reury of fwir or tb lllrrrluea or an action ot tot retire" arniTng twu-lblrda t lb aturk of Hi Conipauy at any item-rel loerllog Ihnrof, -r by special inrt-llng of I lie Uwtnpaiiy If oallnl fr that purmr. m, 3, 'lb lllrrctore ahall cli. tb I'rrahtent ami Vtryl'rralilciil for a Irrin of one? irar. ftrr. I, Tbo Auditor ahall to circled by lb Obuipany for a Irriu of on year. rr, ti, Tb lilrrclore shall einplny a Hecrrlary la rrie at the pleasure of II" Heard. ARTICLE III. Cutlet of Omceri, rWllon I. Tb I'rraldent aball prralde at all meelhigt (f lb Utmitliy, and alau or lb Hoard or Dltrcturat bo aball algn all rcrlltiealre or stuck, cvnlrecle ami l-iii(ey; aiicea, alai document a or agrreuienta tbal tbo Hoard ir Dlirelora may by rrmdiillon riulre hi in In algn) ami aU-i the inlnutr-a or lb rvrrvdinge or all inretliiga or III lnivany ami Dlrvclors. II shall bat tbe itKludy of lb Immla of all the orUcera and euiployre under, etcept bla uniii, wblrli aball to Bird with tb Hccrviary. II ahall han Ilia ileebllng role In raa of tie. In Hi all wiw of lb I'rralilcnl. th Vlco I'naldeiil aball l-elferlil lira ilullen. S, Tbo Hecrrlary ahall keep In proper l-ka full ami preeiae in I ml lea of all ot the prurrrdluge of tbo tVin PanJ ami ll.iatil ot Dlrectora, II shall cwmleralgu all a til flea Ira of slink, rwitraela, contvyancea, docuineiita aud mftrrtiiMitai and shall n-rfriii all dutlm t I ulnar lu bla fine ami audi other Uutlea at lb Hoard uf Dlrectora may rniiirv. nee. 3. Th Tiraaurcr aball to apMnleil by ami auli- la Hoard of Dlrectura. Ilia dulli-e aball to lire Jeel Iw eetllieil by that laly. rtec. 4, A majority ot lb Hoard ot Dlrectora alia I cwttatliut a unoriiiii. A concurrence of tour Dlrrelot aball to nretwaary for llm transaction of all bualueao liiTtdring ' I to etpemliliir of money, or I ho election of Hi oltlrr-ra, Mr, 4. 11i abaeoce of a Director lualeaa from an linalvMabi eauae, to to paaml Uni by a iiialertly of lb Dlleelorai for Hire succvaslt Inevlliigt aball to ileeluiil In to ami aball art aa a realgnalloni whereupon lb III leeiora shall irncvnl In till audi vacancy until lb lietl trgular Hireling of lb Cuuipauy. rV. U. 'lh Amlllor shall audit tbo areminla of .tb IVmpany ami see Ibat they aro correctly kept, ami ali4ll lay torero r-aili iuarlrrly uirvling or tb lloanl algnnt alatriiieiil of lb lecelpia ami illaUirariniHita and of tu artalra or lb I'ompany alucv the last Hireling ami l noi lit Mu at the che or tb quarter, lliery line iiiiMtbt lie shall audit a balance abort allowing I ho aaele ami lla I'll 1 1 lea of tbo tViiipany. II shall bar authority In call for ami etaniU all records, touchers, iaiera ami ilncii liiruta tolciigliig to tbo linnpanr. AUTIOIX IV. Th rower, Iletlrlcllen and Uutlea ef th Director are and ahall bet SrclliHi I. Tit colleen all regular ineellnga of tb Company ami to call special Hirelings thrrruf upon lb wrlllru ri'tural of on third of tb shareholder of aald Ifiiniplliy, or when ilccuird iircraaary. Nollco or all luce I luga of the Company ahall to am I lu each member by lb Hivretary, rlrti, -'. To apMlnt ami bato full control of audi aub iHdliiaio agrula, eluplnyea or orllcera aa tb bualneaa of tbla Company may rtulr llnrludlug alau the major cm Cera In all uiallera mil proildril fur lu tbeae llr-towa), Heart I ho tbelr dullr, Ua tbelr rouiriiaalloii and rniulr '' (tout rtrry perwu epiioluted to auy uttlco or employment haling lb recvlpt, inauageuieiit or eipemllluro of monily, . agwudai or, things of value on lb an-ounla ot thla iViin-, liauyrramU eecuilly aa' lh Hoard vf Dlreclora may ileeui' ' Iircraaary. Hm. 3. Tu make rulra for lh management of lb Ouipeiiy ami braurtoa ot tb buslueaa lu wblcb tbla On pany may rugag. ntv. i. I ruler Into any ami all lawful ronlrarla or ddlgaltuua rullal l.i tbo Irauaariluu of tb iNiiiipauy'a atlalra for lb foreiaidiug or tbo iurHHea for wblrli It woa fwmed. He. . To trad, toy, sell ami eiehante. Kee. 0. Tu perfuiui ami do all other acta ueceeaarr t to ibm for lb tuna ef rarrylug Into erleet tb objeet or object far wblcb Ibl CoiHy la formed. H. T. Tu art an all grirrancee and rumplalnta, TV) eoMalder and deter will, the meella ami Jim I lee ot etasii rjec. B. Tu allrml all inevlluga of I ha Cmnpanr, fee. P. 'In eau.e lu to kept a complete rrewrd of all irauellaaH ami luuirealliiga of tb Omupauy. Kre. IU. Tu IramHiel all Imalueaa for ami lu the Oaw H 'a uaiue, ami lb legal aria ami order under lb totter drlegaird l them, .ball have lb aame pewer "1 erTeet aa II they were tbe aria of majority of I lie aloak bold era ef tb louiHy at general meetlutf Ibi-rrof. Hri. II. 'In cau.e all an-ounla of tb bualneaa narrlol Mt for tto t'uMipaoy In to regularly riilrrrd lu Ibe pret tookt. Hrf. 13. Tu remlrr tto stockholder or Ibis Company a full rriiert otery months, shewing I to rc- Ipla, ill.lmraeinejl.. elc.. iluilug Ibat -rrl..l, the same lu bo accouiNiulel by the (leurral lauagrre luontbly aud quarterly lr-rla In Hie Hoard, (rc. lit. Tu auuiially lake lutrulory of tbe alock of the OMiipauy ami tuhuilt elalrmeul ot tbe aam. wlfh all tb iircraaary vouebcra up to tbe day of I lie month, of lu each jcar. In to mad out ami laid before Ibe Amlllor uot leaa Ihau there day torero tbo rrgular annual mrrllng of the Unmpauy. U II. Jo auperilae all ottlc-ra and eiuplejea of tb IVinpaiiy, aifl lajar tbat their dullra are properly per formed. He. It. To eft galde such fuudt ga may to deemed MaMpMaTTa "fec Id. Tu til ami declare dlfldeada out of the proflli. In lb lutal ami mantw brrrlu prorldol. He. IT. To fill vaeauelra nceurlng In Ihelr own num tor until Ibe first rrgular auuual meeting following audi vaeauey, ARTICLE V. Mailings, Section 1. The tegular inettluga of tbe Hoard of Di rectors shall be bold ou tbe lay ot earb inoulh at tto prludpal plac of bualneaa of this Company. Kpeolal meeltnga of Ibe Hoard may to brld on the written rail of tb I'rratdeut, or upon rniueet of tbe majority of the Hoard upou police lu all ciaea of at leait meuly four toora. See, J. The regular meellngt of tbla, Company shall to held ou the day In lb month of of rafli ear at the principal plaro of liualuess, wblth inrrlUg aball to I he regular auuual election meetlog of lb (Viiiwuy. K.i 3. A apeclil meeting at lb Company may to relleil by tbe Hoard of Dlreclora, or on the wrlllru iet llou of uue or more persona wbo severally or jolully rep resent not loss Ihau ten per reut of tbe Block of Ibe (Vmu pany, thirty days' notice tolug miulrnl In el I her aa and such rail ahall dearly a forth the object of 'the special meeting. Kro. i, A iunruui at a etockholdrre meellog ahall con slat of Iboao larraous who rrpreaeut through IhHr cmbloel lieldlugt tMO-lhlrda ot the J'tld up stork of the Ikuipau)'. fieci. S. Tbo I'liianco Committee sbtll meet at least monthly aud rtamlue all bills contracted by or through Hie autbarlty of tbo (leurral Manager, and make a thorough ipveatlgallou of Ibe affaire of lb Company aud report tu Ibe Hoard of Dlrectora. ARTICLE VI. Election!. - Section 1. r.lectloni of officers shall to held on I he regular election day In , aald mouth tolug the lut moutb of tbe last quarter ot tb fiacal year of title Oeiupany. AU election to fill t vacancy shall to beld at tbo reg ular mod lug ot tbo Company following aueb vacancy. Sec. S. All dectloua ot tbe officers of tbo Hpinpauy, not otberwlao provided for brreln. shsll to by ballot, and a majority of volet cut pro rata to tbe amount of stock voted, shall to required to elect. Her. 3. Ou tbe first day of of earh year tbe Secretary ahall tend a Hat or the pamea ami ad ilresaeo of all of tbo stockholders In tbe Company, aud a notification to all stockholders therein of the officers tu to elected at tbe regular annual meeting; he aball alao rucjoae a nominating blank upon which a stockholder may nominate one member for each officer to to electnt, whtcu to to a valid uomlnallou and entitled to to on Ibe elec tion ballot nual to receded by tbe Secretary or tbe (Soiu pany at leaat tlity daya prior to tbe convening of tbe aald auuual meellug. See. 4. Upon tto day of of each year the Hoard shall receive tbe noinlnatlone made by be Btockholdera. and cause the Secretary to print a voting ticket with the namea of all regular nominees for earb office designated; and send tbe same to earb stock holder In tbe Cofiipanr, at least thirty daya prior to said election, and with said ballot shall to enclosed an enve lope addressed to the Secretary of tbe Company. Sec. S. Tbe ballots baring been duly prepared, shall to drawn out In auccrtslon and atauiprd with numbers, to tbat no two shall bear tto aame number. Sec. B. (Election provisions.) In case the election of officers shall not take place Un tbe day filed by these lly-Lawa. It shall to tbe duty of tb. Hoard to give notice of an election to -take place aa too a thereafter as prac ticable, and In tucb case tbe officers of tbe Company shill remain In office until auch election la beld and Ibelr auo. ceaaoFa qualified. Sec. 7. At the meeting of tb Hoard prevloua lo tb. annual election an Election Committee consisting of three shall to appointed by tbe Hoard from tb Binrkhelder outside of tbelr own body, to qualify aod Install the offi cer electr1. It shall to the duty of aald committee to see that all of Ibe provlalona of the Hy-Lawe relative ta tbe election of otfirera are carried out. and to formally administer tbe following obligation to each officer-elect at th annual meetlog, or within two weeks, thereaftert "I. uavlog been duly elected to tb office of aald ot tb. , ., , Company v - Obm iittL 7 BH"jLy"5W. SLaTST JLJ3Ba15 fSBES. 1L"'JJ!BLJ K9 31 - le''NaiiaVs!'jfl MejU't? Tto a Wee uWlgellaM toeing torn iMr adMfn- Maaett. al tto laerll at, sta-aliw tosaa- otttet- Watej q lea). HH to leMtaioa ittjiy I4(nel ami stoH atatev M lb saarfviiiiaia)!; aat baa detbra ltonir4rat4y iHeeisjieevi aiaa m irar !! et latmee iw quality wiiiihi lh Wile ei the peeH ae rallrhg te ansa i dta staall efen nrwH Hi aleeltoi day ireaw wieiHiir audi okaMIwi irM la) Tie t4b r a ll Hat. . pre, IU. AbeeeH Hoc I. to Mace Ka let. by malllog thefr iMltate. tlllali neliial and sealed, aabl toilet betHg auto lllliaail With tto loleT'k Slaw aial ,iUi. aimI Ibe im.i.iIut ef etftltlMiw ami store wbtcii to boots, ami addlMaawl te lite Seetvtary of Ihla Cvotoany, Held let leva lUall to opeeieil lu tto wo(r of tto leHeti a sal I to Heevetary. iKrforaj i4etwdtlag the hM tollvl. tto tetleee aajd AetJte tery atoll lecirj th teter'a altfualHre ami BlwkUeJbttag. fresM tto Meemtary'a took of lu-towa a tad awniiila. IHar. II. Tto pott atoll be ritl, toltoa rwtulwl ami rtiMfM MiHvnaeeel by Ilea reriiuN lotHmrtleu iu lb Xe rate m ih HakteMee AKTICLE VII, i una a, , ttoHtoi I. Tto Ml ot raptlal Meek ttoH ftMalllttl lit geberal fund ot I Ida UMiMiir AllTIcIfi VIII. Mannar el Conducting llotlntii. See I ww I. Tto lanlnaa u( toylmi and aelllHg rowi lueaetlleM atoll to ivtoluctnl on a atrktly eaelt toil or lla HiNtvaleHI. .S atwk lea t Islet Cuwiauy aball to eieiiangeil for tot eerie, adtleala or ottot romlHulllle uolll MteJi IMlrtKa. eadtalrvwle or I'Hiiiiiallile toe been first apralil by lit I'lieaure CotHMillee or Ibl ComtMNyi ami the aptifalaeH tahiattoH lawl Ulwa) audi ilMI, collalrfahl or rami lajwllttto by tto Mid I'lHam-e I'vwtHtlllr atoll to tto tosbt ot Hall open wbldt atMli rtong la made. Hre, S. tto Heard of Dlrectora ami Uewrral .Maoagtr etoll frame ruiee fee Ibe ewmlucl of tto dally Uiatueaa of tbla UewtuiH), ami II aball to Ito duly of tto Heard ot Dlrevlvt I II v tto ewtipwuallou ot Ito empteiee ot tide tompaoy, r. i. Tto Heneral Manager atoll select ami engage all e4iiplH)M, ami ahall lay audi appelHtuieuta tofore Ito I 'I rod or. fur apptotal. Ho eliatl aaalgu to lb rtuprie Ihelr rel-elll dot lee. lu r-aee of liriieol nervaall, Ito lieorral Jl a nailer aball tor auttorily lu Hiitdoy alii ami llml the OwuiMiiy tu y n rwaonabl wmpettaatleu tbH rur, piotldlug tbo BBiii la dene under I ho protrtlout or Ibea Hy-l.tH. AKTIOLE IX. . . ... . D'dilon or I'rontt. heeltoi I. This Company shall declaro dltldHol on the , day or Hi week ot tbe UHHttlt lor luoulbai of (and ), afire Ural pajlHit th rurieul rouae or lb t'empauy, unleaa olbrtwla pro dded beriNiii and I ho he I pruttta arerulHg lu Una Coiiipany lor said iiertol, alter audi current otpvuse bane nm paid, ahall to divided aa folium; lirali Tbe Dirretor or tbla UuuiiHiuy are MiipeMMrd to aet aald lulu iteu tral tuml su muvli or Ibe net miming of any pertol at I hey may dvvtn uovoaaary for furllieftug tto lutHoala or or enlarging Ito oiiall or Ibl tkwiiiiy. Mett, 3. 'lite tolauoe of the twt earHluga ef tbla Caw I'sny, for verb period. If any liter to. shall to divided by Ibe Dlrrelora bhhmiii tto slwktolder pro rata lu tto ttuui tor of abate tobwglng lu eadt shareholder, retierUl4y. .No tllvblvml aliall to declared uh any aluek twrrtoaed Willi lu lb wrtol ot uue otoe Hi dor lu Ito ilay set asW tote la for omHg tto ncrottula ot Ibl CoHiuy ami de dating dlddetel on lla earnloaM. ARTICLE X. Limits te an indabtedatti, Seetlsei 1. ThI lowpeoy shall keep In It Treeee eweti fumla auWdrat tu ter auy and all itetd wMeb ft may Itojtr Iw Ito Irauaat-lluu ef kasaleeea er eitofMbe. Any MlgiilkMi wr otdiaiatiusM wbloli Ibl Uowpauy may twririsH itoll to tully di-torat wltblai a nrtol eTulo! ttey feeati tto euulraclltsg Ibeeeut. , JW X. HorruwIuK by thU UNupauy U slrtedy iiieiieiit aod laelltor atull Ikla t'otsuaeur BMsT Mot, la.ll ur ki Ha a ate. weroliiiui reeelM er amr MaWMM Iwatteweot of a tea tore wlsalaawver, wit a aw ICWM Itol Bwtsilitg ie Ibia seclow atoll to toM I abfte gate It Hewer lo make and owdorae etocka, sn-alle. rl.. r lu lis Miaiatre vieltare. . . ItecelHa atiall to miulred tor all Master (. r 1-eo.le.l by tbla Uwhimh, ami aahl reveliua atoll to lele, Ito etoledy eV the Aualllor; eedi reoeiM aaj dl to HtiajH laken utait epeeiiy in iwtpuM rur wwdt ibe Hsuuvy waa v IwMtol. llpilons aateli H "Keiaarel otite etpaii.se1' auail uan oe luteeaietl. ARTICLE XI. Mlttellineoui, Sec Itol I. aeaueie ovrarrlug Id tto elect I re Mil of the Uotuiwny shall to llltol to Ito Itotnl vf Dkeeie, subjeet to th apHuial ot Ito luMttwuy at lla wen regal- tai wr at-eeMil meeiiwu. .. "Tfr .tJ....T leee irKaeriew leaner hum er viriue ei lb IIO.VVII.I.II w VI1AII HVrfrmi.'' atoll to rd oaT la jawjuetleai with tto uae ut tbla I'niiiiiany. um all ef It llletalure, adlellUlavg waller, ete., 4 oat all avlllleil iar Willi) mailer wlttrk tbla' CMuiwHy uey eauae le to r (tilatetl or iMItod. See. X t mi eerh alotk reellfirale lasueil by lt)b Itoat leuy aball to pduied riurda plainly aetllas forth tkal ike eaute Is tteai-aiieaiabls. ii-aelgl4e and teas Irataafrr able for a pertol ot uluety ado leer fretH tto listsaer I tot eif, and that Ito laarrtoaer ibereuf nem In all ot Ibe tvodltMMM ami reetrbctHMss, etprea aud IsaaslbM, In tolled lu tto sole ot atoek by Ibl UietMaoy lo Um; and II atoll to fttrtber stlpoUted lu writing itooat all eettM viva ot alork litiunl lay Ihla t'oaujiauy I tot tto ewuer I hereof atoll taut sell, Mortgage, pledge, aaelgn. dlapuaa of, or allrtupt lu aell. ittortgage, pledge, Baelgu or dbuyeee ef, auy ol bla right, till ur Interest tu ami Tu tto mm aturk, er any of It. m that Ito aame, er any lelereel Itorelu, atoll wot pauM tu a twt Iter, or oilier, tare lay V viae or lu Ito tegular order ot daeceot and dUlrlaMllblN uiimi tto deeeae of aald store owner. Her atoll lis a a by opera I leo of law. rU. t, Tto capital aluck ot tbla OowpaauT atoll cue Sl ef adoety per rent of the Uawpeay'e alotk. and the balance tleti wr reel) of Ito Cuwtauy'a alock atoll to ami hereby I set aside aa tbe pruattUera' altar. AU et Ibe atoek ot tbla CuwMny atoll to Issued oo a egaiatMtti toala, aad atoll to aadtl eatlr at bar tabu-. Sue. i. Tto ier value uf tbla UuaatMur'a atoek atoll to ewe dollar per altar and lu tto eient that tbt uaan pany H any of It rapllel tock. alitor above er toleur Ibe liar vatae aa aet furtb liereln. it atoll fuefell te Mr. I Tank lluutlllv. Ito owner of tto eupyrlgble eeverteg ito subject mailer of tto Ikaavlll 10 Year riyalem. or te bla ureeafura In Interest, all of lla rlgbla and wlellege of oprrallug umler awl by ilrtuo of Ito Heuvllle Oil Vear Sjre leiu. tto). u. Aflor tb Drat forty iwr rent of Ito t'omoaur a alaatk elude atoll bate been sold, wiitclt forty er reut atoll ba the liroauuteea' store, tlae tolatae at the atoek. or lait alily mr reel thereof, atoll have a a peel fled lliullat tori plaeed Uwu tbe large! uuiuber ut ttoree wWeri may ve saioi iu any one person. jo luor titan eee of stock lu Ibe last llily tier c-eot of thla Itouuaur'a teto Mid- tal ateek, aa tofelntofere t forth, atoll to tatad le auy ette ladliblwal person lu bla owu name ur for hit own uaru ami to aur nereeu wltu ltaa letfebuml aitare AC abaroa lu the first forty per rent of this Cuuipaity'e eepllal atock, u share or abarea lu Ito last eiuy per cent thereof shall to aolsl lu hi name oe to bla use. See, T. 'Ito following rule shall to utwl a a ttaeta far ilhidlug ami distributing tto store of atock of tbla Oam pany Inlu ttotr rwctlve elaaaee awl In dlapuxlug af tto atoek lu aahl el a nan: Of tto I aat aiity per cent ef tto capital alock of Ibia Cuuiiiaar no peraoH itoll pttrettat mare than one all haindredlb (1 GUO) part ttoreef. nee. H. lu Ito eient of tbla Coinutuy enlarging It cepllalliatloai, aucb euUrgeuuiat atoll to oueeled qaeler ami In wwfurwlty to tto rulee awl rvgulatlosta at I tote lly Laws, tbat la lo tay: No rsu who la already a alockholder In tb Cuwany shall to alUmeal to purctoae for bla own ua or I u 14 own lit mo any store er store of alock touted upon eaatlt eav Itrgement, but the new Issue of slock on aueb eulargeiitetit ahall to told umler Ito pre deli heretofore bum In Ibeae Hy-towa ami ouly to person baring no store er Intereat lu tbe varulug of Ihla Ouinpaur at tto lime of such eoIargeiM-ut, el I tor by direct uurcbaao or by virtue of tto lawa of deeceut and dlatrlbutloo. or by devlee. Nolblug herein cool a load shall to t-ouatroed lo prevent tbla CatMiuaur front eonaolblallag wlib auoltor eaautauaur or inwiiilee or Haul led under ami by virtue of th HON- VILLI! bv-Yr.AU n VSTr.iI. lu Ibe erout that a atelerlly Haul er of Ibe atoekboldor of I hit Coiuitaur. at anr auH apeelil meeting, eijiroaa by vote a tlealr so to de. Hut lu tto event uf Ihla Company ao couaolhlallng, all eertlfi ralea of atoek atoll to recalled and new certificate leaned to each aharetolder In tbla 1'wupauy lor. lu tto event Itol IhU UuMtpany'a ludlildualllr la merged lu tto eernetle name of Ibe eoinpauy or euuipaulee wllli wblcb It eoeiall date, to each tharetoUlor In audi eomiiauy). and Ito nil tu tor of abareat ao leaved atoll to eriual to tto ruinator ef stoma of belli (or all I ot such roanpanle ao eatataeiliUtiBg. tofere a merger, tare In tto eieat ef bh ealargeejeeat tt rapilalUalleu, wbeu Ito rule hereinbefore laid down aball gotern, Krfl. 0. Tbla Oeupany itoll not losue boads for any luritae wtotatwtor. KeC 10. Ifatlll euwb and every store ef tbe cajBllal alock f tUU Oewpeny la told awl dUisMwl of. It aton to the duty ef Ito Heard of IMreeioit to keep Metii iloek epoo Ito market aetl te adrerllae the aame fee lale Ifl the aufwtuatier tovlag (be large! general atreutatlou anil wblelt tt priuird and publiihed wlib the grealacl tHumtmf. In or aa uear ta I tie oily (or towu) In whlih thla Qeuipany os eterr alilr data. m ft eamtel Mook Ibta ItonDlsr ialeal anr persen lieeauae ef rate. I, seAjeet te tbe prfvlatant hereh sell slwk te an natural pereeo ef ejBBawt Hstol and lawful age wbo ahall apply far tbe asm etal teenier Ito saereuaae wire thereof. See. !. It atoll to Ito dHly ef every peraeri buyt-ng ateek In IMs tamtaay In algn tbeae lly-l.awe In tb a-e mf hot leet tban twe wllneaaea, and audi algnlng tllsrlo an abantnle rontraet I -el weed Ibe atoek ! tbla t'eutitany, ami It shall to ami hereby la ami aarreal or ami totwreri tbla Cemuihr and reeey stondietiier beren. that totere any ahtrr ell to entlltol to a cert I Ilea I e or stork. It ahall le Hih) lotnwany e elatemeeit remaining Ih nam Hotel lime, addreea or each ami cveer rptpora- tbm eeaMolaer ttndee ami br virtue ef tb HanvlTle mi Year SfaleM wberrln sueli person owns stHrk. ami the numtor ef storm ot alork tbat to own In such rsrtMralhm or rvanrn I Nstea. And It anr stoidoddrr of Ihla Unmnanr ahall to a atoreliebler In any other rvrp-traltoi or ewrueralratia or gaHtaed under ami by virtue ot tbe llnnvlll I'd ear Sra teen, and It tto earnings of his slnck In tbla Com piny rr any ratordar year, wlowi aiblr.1 to Ito rarnlnga ol aueli ottor ewrpeeslbm or FutiuralbMta for I hat calendar year atoll etreetl Ilial.lsal. then ami In tint eient stub share mateVr etoil toy In Ito Treaaurer ef lb Slat wherein be llto storetobleri la ibewlrltot, all proflla ao arising In etreea of the Mid IHM.taat, Ami In the event of the fall We of a Hie-ktolcW In comply wllli Ih allntallen a tore art ferlh. to alia 1 1 forfeit all of Ida right, till, and In- it-real In ami In any pcelta arlalng lrm Ilia alork In Ibta !" for lite iwn ea lemur jeara neti aucrcoiing in or ma osHieeieei in ratenpiv llierrin. Ami niea teny la empowered In reiilre from any alnekliebler in eworn statement selling for lh tbe nam ef earn and every riwooralhrn organised umler ami by virtu of lb Ibaatlll Ml Year Hrstrm In whb-li to la a alockholder. Ito linen (I nice of Ito aame. lint numtor ef alnrra thai be imfcla Ih recti, when imrrhaatal, ami I he illvMcmla ileclirnl ttorrnn for any e.erliVd erlt. of lime. Ami In Ih event nf nay etoretobrer rrfttlng In remlrr unln thla Company mm4i atalMHrnl wllbln ninety dara after a demand there for. Ibl Company aball ami la hereby aultorltrd In wllli ImIiI from aueb atorelodder all dlvblemla arlalng iiihhi hie atoek in Ihla Company, ami In turn lh aame Inln lla gen eral Ireweury, lit to rrdleirlhuled. pro rata, amongst the several atorrioddeca Ihere-if Ami earb ami every slock lieMer algnlng I lie, lly towa bv that aet agrees In rami dy wllli recti ami etery provlalmi herein set forlli and a HI Under t,a tswepauy In wlthtold from blin and In ap lewiirtale In lla Tera.ilry for redtatrlbulbm anwngil lla aewal sbareltoblrr all nf the prorlta arlalng nn bla hbl iwa lierrlii for a iwrlml or two yeara lint iiircccllng llw dleerwrrr nf aiirli Iramgrraslmi .... Anr atoreloibler violating the aplrlt nr Intent of Ibeaei lly-tow shall by such dm a I Inn forfeit all of Ida rlyhl. till ami Inleroal In and In anr "'! all earnings wlt'eli may error- mi hie alock III Ihla Company, tor and during tto pertol In which audi violation waa mutnilllrd. Nor baa Ibia t'ompanr power In amend or In any way rhang lliear lly too iluilug a erlod of nlnelr-nln veara frnm to dsle or the lmrprailrm thereof without first obtain ing Ito cooeenl of me owner, nr owner, nf ln eere light rnrerlng lb subject mailer f Ito llnnvllle tiO-Xear Nei-Trainreralir Hyalein and lb revocable vole nr. Hirer, rattrlto of Ito alnrklmldera nf Ihla Company; and In tb rvreit of lla ba doing, or alleniptlng an tu dn, without firal aldaloliHC anrli conariit. II aball forfeit al af lla rlglila Mai uelttlere r oieraliiiB . under ami br virtue of the llimvlllr l Year Hyslem ami ahall sublart llaeir to dlaae. MUm al Ito Inalanro and oplbin of tbo atate wherein II vma ereaMietl, ami shall br audi arl nr aria become lla 14 In l"rHk lleevlll. Ibe owner nf lh rivdgha reiver leg Ito stibjert mailer of Hi Ibmvtll 00 Year H'detti. lit tole. deileree or sucrreat. In th aunt ef IIO.IssI a HdHldalrd ilamagr. ami In n Ilk sum In lb alate herein II waa organlie.1: and br lb" adatdlon of Hire lly tow Ikla (Wpanr ami tbo ahareloddera lliereof la, aaal are. ftrer raliuoetl from denying lis, and tbelr, llaMlfly for n viola I loo or viola I lent ef lb ardrll er In tent ef Itoe Ur tow. , See I. Tit a OoerxHr ahall loit elL nr nrTer far Bale, nr Intadrallng laMor. rirrtd for medMnal puriwsee, ami Use Mir when Ito tmrrliaaee atoll firal pruenl an ejeder or btrerelpllon foe Ito samr. tlgnetl br a rewMlal tabt Idifel- rlan; amr atoll Ibl Ceaiminr sell or offer for ale. any I -- wLlrli li la gew genrrallv ildeeetool and Itarm- fei to BterateM Heine; II. eiceol for howInHmI tmrimwe. sod Ibe) nalr wtoM Ito pttretoaer ahall Mrt pratent an ertler nr weeerlpthm foe Ito aame. signed by a refmlsW pltfel rlan: nor aball ibl ('owor grant, torgaln. sell, aeejgtt, leea. rml nr anblrl tu any tieeswi. rwwrtaHr. etrlsai. e swrtsimtilp or aaanrlalban of perenn of anr natef wtol aortee, any crownd prrmlar nr pretmety lawVatglttg le er H inter tto ranlrnl nt this Companr, nntota liter to firel a written meeotiMMit totwreri Ihla Oeotpany ami awl, grenteei. torealoee, trrtoarr. aselgnee. vender, leeare ret.e er snidYsase. Awl Ito aald agreement ahall easnlaln a prlntetl or wdtle rlanee foeMldlMg Ito aale. er alter ef aal. m aajrh etosHola, perwlae nr prot-wty nf anr Inlaiteallog letaaar or any drne. Ito ihw of wldrb la generally delrlertoet aaal tormfwl lo Ito pec. .ma iialeg II. etreol far medUdojal loHpaiss. awl I too nnly wtoti Ito purchaser atoll Hol an eraser or trrarrldlwi for Ito aam elgned by a reiHilaM idijreMnni awl making one violation of stwli clause mult rlenl gretjeil for tto forfeiture of all Ito right, title ami Inteeeet which sorb person or pereona an vbslatlug tto lal war I tare lu aur grtntmls. oreutlaoa, or ttfetwrty, arajalred frmu tbla I'ouinetty In any of Ito manner berr- Intofaee set forth or otlterwiae. Awl In Ito event ef a eUiallaat ILat I Ikjenr er draff, or eltberl rlauao In Bald agreement in to as written awl contained. It ahall to Ito duly of Ihla Cowpeuy lo Inalllntr ami (weveerule In luJg MaMlt a tenia tide aull or arl tot far Ito imrttoa ef a reel log lla emtreet br wblrli saeli gruusola preaifaee or (aroetatty, ar aay baler eat Itoeela. waa rwteeyed le Ito I tea an er of awaa ae vlolallng tto aald aarermeot: ami le tote all ei Hsrh pi rami nr perxMsa' right. Hike and Inteeeet te aaal 111 Barb jrretraate. perm I see nr property declared forfslldl le thht Cetauaaor. And If Ibl' few pa nr atoll fall le prae e(e n suit ar art tot for Ito violation of tto mM agrre Htewl ee toerlntofaee aet forth, wllbln a reesonabl llote aflor Ito offense to laaen lieeught ta lla atleoltoi ttost awl lu Itol eot It aball toenaaa tto duly awl MlrllM ef any stark buhUr In Ikla CoatHMoy lu eeiniail Ito IHfeetera ef Ike Cowratay iby die awl peeer legal proeeeillage) te priateenl tto said aull or aellou for awl In totolf ef lltM rtaaaatany. Her. II. At Ito first Dlreclora' meeting of Ihla Oam kauy. tto blanka left lierrln atoll to Bundled wllli Ito itersssary nausea, dalea. figure, ele. aW 1.1 Thla Ceanueny way at any Urate to dleeelteal by I brer fiMtrtto veto ef lla slockhoMera, He. IU In Ito event of this (luutpanr far ovulating lly towa audllary torde, eueli auilllary lly-ljawe stoTl ami rmriteteae Ito atdilt or Intent of Itoe Hy-towa aaal ahall be ajsjiaitoj tore I u and dtall ttoat fafn n Ptarl aaal roallneallon of and In llmee lly towa. and dull to atjb arrltoal la the ataunrr awl style berelntoter set farlh. lawa III towa auall b baa leal iota a won. tegwijar with the atrtllierr lly towa iterete. ir any there he, au keek ahall to furnlatoil br title Clem pair for Ibe sure Hwlyajrp ate art roelli herein. On Ito loner left-toml eorner ef eateb awl tit. every be af II r towa of tills Ceotitaay. itoll la nrk every w liX"" -'.-upyiignieu ny rrtua tiauviiie, iniu. Vailng by peeir aball net be allawed. I errneaing er lagief ever na ewe as act by teJe UeBi- peel' hi nlDfeenll- Itredifldled. Altltt.l,a. Att, Order of llutlniii. Seel Ion 1. The urdec ef buslneae for a general meeting nf the CaBBpanr and IHreeteta thell tor I. Oalllag te order. Hell rail of offieera, Dlretlera awl alarklislilirs. . lleaaUng Ito wlnulee ef Ito prevtoM meeting, S. Ilenurl of altkere. 4. Ilesuwt at tto riuiitnllttn i faaaalderallou of eeauplaiuta ami grle ranees, 0. inert lost et olUeert. 7. Apiiolnllug eemmlllMM, ft. I'kAntatod bail files. 8. New bttslbeea. 10. laalaUallou of effieere. II lleouarka. .tdjofireioeeit. We. Ito umieralgneil Dlreeter ami aleckbeldera of tbt. Up Ooutiiaay do hereby feillfy ttoV ibe' 'foregoing iiv-taws are lb lly towa of ihla Cosunanr. which ta erganltetl uwler aud by vlrliMi of the I loo till Oo-Year Syilwu. and Inesr. poraleil uwlrr Ito lawa of (ho Stale or and Ibat llteer lit Ian a hate been adopted by the stock holder nf tbla Company without recourse, aave aa herein before art forth WHAT THE BONVILLE 80-YEAR BY8TEW DOES. It Flaeet Control In the Hands or the Majority, Olvea Real Competition among Indlvlduali, Direct Action ta the Feeple, and Seattara Universal Justice, without Cruih Ing Ufa out of Energy or Interfering with Our Frti sot form of Oorernraint. 'list preaeut dar. wllli lla III condition! ami many evils, la lis direct result of Ito coo I rot at Ibe leading Interests et Ike enunlry by Ibe ".pedal privilege" claa. The only way In wblcb thla evil may to eonuteraeletl la br cloning Ih avenuea whereby Ito fONTHOI, Ol' INTlilttlSTH. by Ito frw'. I obtained. Wheat Ibl Hyaleot la undraloo.l by th people, tbey will bo latMrr to deceived by ',nveatlgailoae" of big eerpora lloae, but will demand Ibelr right. The wheleatle rob, tor baa now carried en through atoek trantfcrlog will no lee gee he tolerated. The HI Year Kjratam haa torn away the dligutse under which predatory Interest! operate, awl tto people are be ginning to ae thing as they are. Tbla Sytltni takes the root ml front the few awl give It to the many. The asjhlrrt waiter of tbla System l copyrighted, for lly towa sewl ten cent lu stampe to the BONVILLE SYSTEM. Boi 1115, Portland, Oregon IV further Infer malbut a boot tbo 00-Year System, are Ito 3. JeiUM lledew. publlttot) be A. W. Msrklo at St. JolttM, Ore. Tide paper will contain at lent two columns f news eUetlt lb Myaltiu lu rath Issue, for yetrt 16 come. aaar er aaaaitiiH,, to lesiure set 1st lb atoll HIMtlMlMM NaJseTjaTe1 Hil IHW l! I