CASH -Jw D OPPOSITE or v-irmandy tsros. POst CREDIT FURNITURE OFFICE St. John's Sweet Pea Show Commcncmcnt Exercises And "School Csrdtn" Cmlul To Ik HcM Irliljy, July lllh Question Do You Know that Every Dollar Spent in St. Johns Helps You? Do You Know that Every Cent You Spend with a St. Johns Merchant Helps St. Johns? Do You Know that what Helps St Johns Helps You and what Helps You Helps St. Johns? DO VOU BUT IN ST. JOHNS? Question JUNE WEDDING PRESENTS June is Cupid's month. June is the month of brides, veils, flowers and weddings. We can't all get married but most of us have an oppor tunity to bless the union of two happy hearts. Some young couple. Let us start such travelers on their way with appropriate and useful wedding gifts. Ormandy Bros, displayed this week some choice selections as suggestions for wedding presents. Here is an assortment of--Delicate fancy sugars and creamers Fancy china chocolate sets Cut glass, always appreciated Charming salad sets Hand painted gold decorated cake sets, salad sets, Elates and berry sets as well as more modest ut very attractive fancy china Table and household silverware, standard makes American and imported dinner sets, white and gold or fancy patterns Furniture and home furnishings are never amiss New Reed Rockers Recti rockers and recti chairs so much admiral, particularly for .summer Use nrc nirnin offered nt prices within the rench of all. The patterns displayed arc moderate, therefore useful all year. Armless sewing rocker $3.05 White shelac finish reed rocker. . . . , 3.G0 Round arm rocker, so comfy 4.50 Large armless reed sewing rocker : 5.40 Reed rocker, white Selac finish G.95 Grass arm rocker, cane seat, very1 cozy 13.00 Tapestry covered, upholstered fume finish Reed rocker 15.00 Spanish leather, brown, fumed reed rocker. .. .15.00 Arm chair, fumed and upholstered 19.35 HONORABLE CREDIT HONEST MERCHANDISE Local News. "Savo your green stamps; thoy aro money to you. Currins for Drugs. Owing to going to press at an early hour this week, tho library notes were held over until next week. Mrs. G. J. Thome, Susan and baby Jano aro coming from St. Louis, Mo., this week to visit Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rogers. Most of tho local business houses closed yesterday nfter noqn in order to permit tho em ployes to take in tho parade at the Portland Rose Carnival. Congregational Church Sun day School 10 a. m. ; preaching 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; C. E. at 7 p. m. Prayermeeting Wednes day at 8 p. m. Ton acres fino land, 18 miles from Portland, for salo on easy terms, or might exchange for good city property. Seo S. W. Rogers, owner, 809 N. Jersey street. M. E, Church, corner Leavitt and Hayes Children's Day pro gram 11 a. m. Sunday, Juno 8; preaching at 8 p. m. ; Epworth League 7pm.; Sunday school 10 a. m. All aro invited. W. G. Turkington and family, after a residence of seven and ono'half years in this city, left yesterday for Irving, Oregon, where he owns 80 acres of fine soil. He has sold his residence in St. Johns to G, H. Fletcher of Portland. David E. Mitchell is a guest of his brother, Constable J. F. Mit chell of this city. He has been engaged in the automobile busi ness in Seattle for the past three years, but has closed out his bus iness there and expects to look up a new location in this vicini ty. Mra. A. Learned entertained the members of the Debonair Club at an elaborate luncheon last Thursday afternoon. Fa vors in the shane of beautiful necklaces were presented by the hostess to each of the mempers. The occasion was a most delight ful one and immensely enjoyed. The following business men have agreed to close their places of business Thursday afternoons of each week during the months of June. Julv and August: Couch and Company. J. Rassi, Short Grocerv. Metropolitan Market, fit Johns Cash Market. Central Market (which, however will keep open from 6 to 6;30 p. m.), Muck Grocery. Alex S. Scales, J. C. Brooks. W. Jower. Mrs. E. J, Martin, Mrs. B. E. bhultz. Get an electric head treatment or massage at Gilmorc's Barber Shop. Ovcrstrcct's coil is n big suc cess. His jobbing work In ev ery detail is satisfaction. Col umbia 590. It is requested that all firemen turn out at the practice races in tho evenings. The timo is grow ing short. No. 87, Mrs. Charles Purkn pile, G19 Mohawk street, won tho contorpieco raffled Juno 9th by Mrs. Brokaw. J.E.Bredeenhas returned from a threo month's sojourn in Brit ish Columbia. Ho reports times very slow in the Canuck country. Judge Williams had pictures taken of the lady jury Monday, and presented each juror with a copy or same. They win no doubt bo prized highly by the recipients. E. C. Hurlbert. a former pop ular townsman, is a guest of his brother, J. J. Hurlbert, this week. Ed. is a delegato of the San Diego Fair at tho Portland Rose Carnival. Various store rooms in the IIol- brook block on Philadelphia street were treated to new coats of paint during the past week, improving their exterior appear ance considerably. Tho city council mot early Tuesday evening and then ad journed until Thursday evening to take in tho electrical parade m Portland, as has been the reg ular custom. The gas boat Argosy will leave the St. Johns dock at 7 o'clock Friday evening for the Oaks. Every ono will view the Fire works from tho boat, staying thereon until the return trip is made. Round trip 25 cents. Wanted, at the Congregational church, Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, 800 jnen, women and children to attend the services. Gospel preaching.gospel singing. a home-like church where all are welcome. The K. of P. District Conven tion held in Castle Hall, Ivanhoo Lodge No. 1, Portland, Tuesday evening, Juno 3rd, was attended by a large number of local Knights, and all report a splen did time. A farewell party was given Miss Gladys Salmondather home on South Ivanhoe street Satur day evening by a number of her young friends. A most en joyable time was had. Miss Gladys in company with her mother and Jittle brother will leave Sunday evening on a three months' visit with relatives and friends in Minnesota, their for mer home state, EDMONDSOIM CO. 203 S. Jersey Street mmmmmmmmmmmm-J IN Plumbing, Tinning AND Furnace Installing Call up Columbia 92 Typewriter ribbons for sole at this office; 50 cents each. mm TAT TP TAT A XT T I VV vv niN 1 YOU in some department of the Church Sunday Service lllblc School: 10 a. in. Morning Service:! i.n. 111. Junior O. !.: 3 p. m. V. 1'. S. C. .:-7 p. in. IJvaiiKclUtlc Services: S p. ill.' Wedneiilay- Training Clan, 8 p. m. Thursday I'rayenncctlnj;:8 p,ui. J. R.JOHNSON, Paitor FIRSfGHURDH OTCHRIST Ceriw Hew Twk SI. tad Willis Beuttwd A lino of typowrltor ribbons. both narrow and wide, has just been received at tho Keview oilice; 50c each. Also carbon paper at two sheets for five cents. Special Price on Digest A Malt and Hop Tonic An excellent preparation for the run down condi tion, a geueral tissue builder and strengthing tonic. Often recommended by physicians, sold every where at 25c per bottle; special for a few days at 20c per bottle, 6 bottles for $1.00 We are agents for the Columbia Phonographs and can give some special prices on Standard Machines, a good assortment of records always on hand. We are closing out a stock of cylinder records at a very low price 15c each any quantity, can be played on either Edison or Columbia Disc Machines. Save, your tickets and win the Pri?e Phonograph given away each month at our store. The St. Johns Pharmacy Reliable Druggists Prists fr SmH lm Slww rang? from $Hfi.(H) down and will Ik llstwl in a few days, first ami pocond prim? awanlwl in oach In rtanciv The following will bo tho chwlflcntion for mnntour gnrnvors only : Gram! special prise Host ex hibit irrvsKctlvo of class, silver cup, $2f. Must be won throe auccossive yoars to obtain per manent iKwsossion. Hold this year by Mrs. H. P. Douglass. CInss A -Six or more vnsus, named varieties. Ton or more stems In each vase. Class It- Host vnsu, any num ber, mixed. Class C- Vase of 20 stems. pure white. Class 0 Vase of 20 stems. red. Class E Vase of 20 stems. lav ender. Class F Vase of 20 stems. pink. Class u Host six vases or 10 stems each, Grandillora type, distinct varieties. Class II-Most artistic vase or bowl of sweet peas. Ulass I Largest collection. Class J- "Juvenile." M years and under best 3 vases of 10 stems each, any threo colors. utiles and Regulations. Rules and reiru ations as n- dopted by the National Sweet Pea Society of America will irov- ern the judging. Points in scor ing will be apportioned as fol lows: Length of stem, 25 points. Color, 25 points. Size, 25 points. Substance, 15 points. Number of flowers on a stem, 10 points. Sweet pea or other folinirc can bo used with tho flowers unat tached. Commercial growers cannot compete in these clnsses. Entry can bo made by grower only. School Garden Contest Entries must be grown in school irnrdens not larircr than 8x10 feet. They must be the product of tho child's individual effort. Three prizes will bo giv en in each class. Class A Host vegetable dis play. tJlass U Largest potato. Class C Best potato display. Class D Largest head of let tuce. Class E Best loose leaf lettuce. Class V Onions, 4 bunches, 5 onions in n hunch. Class G lladishcs, smnll, round, not less than ten. Class II- Radishes, long vari ety: not less than ten. Class I- Turnips, best displny; not less than ten. Satisfaction. Is the word Gil- more, the Unrbcr. Girl Wnntod -To learn dress making. Call 535 S. Jersey. Vnv Rent R Room IIouso with Sleeping Porch 531 S. Jersey St. Picture frntninir done at Portland prices at II. 1 Clark's, the furni ture man. tf For Sale. Piano In first class condition. Rensonnblo price. Cull at this oihec. Fnr Ruin Chean 5 room house. onsv tonus: owner leavinir town. Address Anderson, 502 West Charleston street, St. Johns. For Rent - A lariro 7 room house on Jersey street, close in; rent $10. Phono Col. 297, or cnll 1035. S. Ivanhoe. Tf Ir rinnii'od hv tho Fire De partment that all contributions tn Mm Fnnrth of Julv celebration bo placed in tho hands of P. G. Ullmoro on or uoioro Juno loin. Tflrst Christian Science Societv Sundries n a. tn.. Wednesdays at 8 p. m, Reading room open on Tites. Thurs. and Sat. from 2 to 4 p. m. All cordially Inviteu to tne services and reading room. Subject Sundav; God, the Preserver of Man. I have purchased tho resldenco and household goods of Mr. Thomas Whitney and offer all for sale. Tho furniture ts in first, nlnss condition and includes all articles needed in a home. Will sell in lots to suit purchaser. Anna J. Canright, 415 Is. Leonard street. Tim KniiMmrn Pnmfip. cnmimnv will spend millions on its Oregon lines during tho next two years, nppnriWmr tn n fnrmnl stntoment of planned improvements that . 1 1 !n..l a it. nas oeen suumiueu 10 mo ouu fornia railroad commission. Tho company asks for permission to ihsuio bonds to tho amount of $30,000,0000 and gives as a rea son for the request the number of heavy contemplated invest ments in Luis siuie. iunonw these are: Electrification of lines in the Willamette Valley; rpr-nnst ruction of tho Sheridan- Wlllnmina railroad at a cost of $2,501,880; Corvallisand Eustern It. K $270,580; Pacific Kailroad and Navigation Co.. $131,540; Salem, Falls City and Western, $G8,080. Not the label on your paper. Tko fntowtag program for (VmwwteeineMt OA-ordWs will he ghf Uy the jmpfk f St, Cle ment's sckool Iw Uit M. W. A hall June ISth: Opening Song Children's CIhmi'. Piano Duet Mlasc Hasel Johnson and Audrey I,ognn. "Dick, iswl ami Guy" Kd. Parent, Win. ami Jan. Walsh. Scarf Fantastic Nine Girls. "Pinkety. Wlnkety. Wee" Olive Glenson, Hrownie Revel Fiftoon Hoys. Piano Trio ISiltran Harry. Gladys Faber, Ethol Perkins. Children's Symphony. Piano Eleanor Noonan. Dor othy Schnfor. Violins- P. Parent, C. Asse- tin, May Harron, Edna Hollnvm. Drum- Allien HonnutL Quail- -Thou. Wood. Whistle Ed. Parent, Trumpet- Eileen Harry. Nightingale Gladys Faber. Zither- Grace Rover. TriangleMary Hies. Hell- Ida Tooling. Castanet Lenoro Peters. Rattle- Vernn Peters. Cuckoo Grace Kemp. "You Know You Do" Eileen and Ed. Harry. "Honesty is the Host Policy." a comedy in four acts. Cast of Characters: Mrs. Strong, a retired Indy- Reco Anderson. Lillian, her neice Eleanor Noonan. Mary, Lillian's friend Doro thy Schnfoi. Miss Adams, Miss Buckley, Lillian's omployors, Ida Tooling, Grace Royer. First Customer Myrtle Mc Donald. Second Customer Gladys Fa ber. A Nurso- -Mary Rles. A Policeman Bessie Ban'on. Act I Mrs. Strong's Room. Piano Duet Misses Hazel Johnson and Mildred Poll. Act II Adams & Buckley's Store. Sunbeam Drill and Pantomime Minims. Act III -Garden. Act IV Mrs. Strong's Home. "If You Won't Be Good to Me" - -Grace Komp. Piano Solo Miss Bern Ice Hrownley. Distribution of Diplomas Rev. F. J. Kettonhofen. Graduates- Leo R. Brown, Ro co W. Anderson, Dorothy S. Schnfor. Besslo A. Barron. Palmor Method Certificates awarded to Leo R. Brown and Mary Ries. Wo do all kinds of conveyanc ing, with notary public services. - McKinnoy & Davis. D. N. Bycrlee, who is conduct ing a newspaper at Willamina, spent Sunday with his family on Richmond street. Owing to tho Rose Carnival the regular monthly meeting of the Commercial cluhwiu ho post poned until next Wednesday ev ening. Remember tho election for school director Monday after noon. S. W. Rogers is a candi date, and is a good man for tho position. Only ono director is to be elected. Do not forget tho W. C. T. U. meeting nt tho city hall next Mon day at 2:30 p. m. "Tho Mission of Flowers" is to bo the subject. Come and bring (lowers those that have them and all como pro- pared to speak- for a bouquet for any sick or lonely ones who do not have (lowers of their own. Reporter. 40 ncres.oak timber and brush, easily cleared; can all be culti vated; four miles from Oakland, Douulass county. Oregon: to trado for house and lot 01: vacant lota in St. Johns. Will give good trade. This is a chanco for somo young lollow to make a larm home, wo win assume street improvements or smnll mortgage.- McKinnoy & Davis. For Sale--Five boxes.contents unknown, one cooking rnnge.ono commode, one mattress, ono sit ting room stand, four beds and springs, ono ironing board, ono round dining room table, ono barrel, contents unknown, ono tool chest, contents unknown; all tagged Ray Smith, Goldendale, Wash. Will bo sold ten davs af ter tho last publication of this notice. Property of James Gard ner of St. Johns. Taken on at tachment of Justice Court of St. Johns. First publication Juno 13, last publication July 18, 1913. J. Schmauder. Seldom does a Bpeaker hold and sway an audience as did Ben R. Vardaman this morning at the state convention. When his time as up tho audience would not let him quit, but demanded that ho continue. Burlington, Iowa Gazette. The lecture of Ben R. Vardaman at tho business men'B banquet Monday night was an eloquent and instructive address. For two hours ho held tho close attention of tho audi enco with his wit and wisdom, satire and advice. Silver Creek. N. Y News. Mr. Vardaman will anneal in St. Johns and de liver an address on tho evening of July llth. A YEAR FROM NOW In thf m xt tH-tv t month n iin1rtMf Mint of DiuIhv Will tmm through Xoitr IihikU If you could mc it nil your pro. K'iM wnnM br mpil If .U ttjH-nd il all, -t It kiii now Hill Had you m n -UmlMill, fitMMcialh lint n little thought n.l c-nnfnl planning. ailcl by a saving acoawnt at the Peninsula National Bank will cnabl yon to look hnik nt your tar rffort with satisfaction. '' fr ward to the future with greater hojic PENINSULA NATIONAL BANK Oldest Dank on the Peninsula l'UTitu Ai'TzitN, l'rcs. V, C. Knait, Vice Pres. John N. Km.hi'Sun, Cash. S. h. Doni it, Ass't Cnsh. 40 ON SAVINGS 4 O No. 10103. KcH)rt of tin comhtiuii of AT ST. JOHNS in the State of Otctfon, nt tlic rtoM (if tiiuliicMt June -I, K)y. KlWOL'HCKH Loan ami tllncoiitit M77.SM.tfl Qverilriift, occuml uiiMtcM SMI .TO U.S.Itomlii ton-cure elroululimi 60,000.00 U. S. ItoncU to nccure l'ofttnl Siivlnus S.00O.OU l'rciiiluinn 011 U. S. lloml. . . . 800.00 II0111U, ScctttltliM, etc UMW.7I llnukliiK Iiuiim! 1'iiriiitiire ami lixture 3,UOU.UU Other teal eMitte owiuil ft.OJtO.OO Due from Stale nml l'riwite llanki mill ll.uikurt, Trtml Couitmiilcii, Suviue Hank li.lW.fll Due from approved reserve nuciit RQTOiMt Check mill other ciuh Items 1.S0MQ Note of oilier Na tional ltanki. 111.69. I'racllonal Paper Cur rency, Nickel mill Cent U04M lawful money reserve In Itauk, vlt: Specie 11,717.78 I. real Tender Noted unit Keilumptioii fiiuil with U. S. Trenmirer (5 er eut of circulation) MN.M Total. mum I.I.MIIUriMi. Capital stock jwlil In ...j Suriihu hunt I'tniivliUM profit, Im e.Npwt1 mm ami Utxwi imlil National Hank Nolo ihiIMiI'k Due toTrutt CuuiMultiiml Saving Hank Individual iloxwlw Mihjcct to check Demand certillinftM Ofllt'lXMit Time eurtlliaitoa of tWlt . . Certified Check Ciuhlcr' chwek cHitnlamilHg. rottnl Ntvliipiiip0Ua, 60,000 00 1JTTJI 8,80040 lQSU.TO S.1I 8.9TS.00 M0.Q0 MH.17 Total as. State of Oregon, I County of Multnomah. I I, J. N. ItillufMin, Cntlilar of U alovo iiuiikmI Uiuk, do wiUmnly awoar timt Hie nnove Mniciiittiii u irtta 10 UM hunt of my knowledge mid MM. J. N. ItdlefMUi, Caattlar. Sulfecrihed ami sworn to Iwfora mm, this 10th day of tune, 1018. h. J. Wriiiht. Notary Public. Multuoiimh county, Ore. Correct Attent: P. Antcu, P. C. Knupp. M. I,. Holbrook, Directors. St. Johns Furniture Company Gus Salmond, Mgr. New and Second Hand Furniture Bought, Sold and Exchanged Tho Children Day servico at the Congregational church last Sunday evening were largely at tended. A sjHonuiu program was rendered, which rolloctod great credit upon tho superin tendent ot tho bunday school. Mrs. C. E. Woodloy, as woll as tho children. Tho Sunday school is making great progross, con stantly adding to tho membership. Constable J. F. Mitcholl wf tho victim of an auto accidont yesterday. He was comlnic around a turn near Kosiondon street when the auto oncount8J cd a largo rock. Tho auto stop ped abruptly, but the Constable went on, traveling for a distanoo on his face, which shows much the worse for wear. The owner of tho auto who was with him and whoso namo wo failed tu learn, was also thrown over th' "dash board" and bruised to somo extent. It was a vory nar row escape from fatal accidont.