V THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW BY A. W. MARKLE Published Every Friday At 117 West llurllngton Stroot. TlIK Kkvihw lit ctiturcil nt post office u Stnt John, Oregon, ns nmil mutter of lite second cImm under the Act of Con- roMo( MhicIi 3, 1S79. Job I'rlHllnit enrolled In Anl-eUil itla llllfii Itr Job l'rlnllnr eh on Jellrerr. All MMtMnlMWeni bontd be tddrtfied to The Betiew, hi. Joiinn, uitgon. OQMtl Kewipaptr of the City of 8k Johns. Subscription price $1.00 per year. Bonhnm & Currier lmve an nounced that Wednesday after noon of ettch week their stores will b closed during" the summer rtil 1 IT. . 1 momiM. uiner lending stores are c osinff on Thursday afternoons. It is believed that later on most all lines of busmoss will take a half holiday during the summer, excentinir the industrial n ants. Portland merchants are adopting a like rule. This is splendid thing to do. and the natrons will no doubt appreciate the public sniritodiiGss of the businesH man, as well ns the employes. The Review has decided to fall in line, also, but as the middle of the week is our busiest we shall have to utilize Saturday af ternoons instead. Therefore, the uuviow oflico will bo closed each Saturday afternoon until further notice. -i Roses. ' y w!Mff 4i m il Wl HANDY Jf J CASH AX1 CIWIDnro vorynootl i'rlontls. WUon Cnsh Ion von, so tloos Cunltlfoi'ion. A t tttty vntv, ro x'hlliiir I'or wll'o untl ohlltlvon Is xi DUTY, llosUlos. I'LHASlIHIiS omi 001110 to you nnil yours In irvontoi' nnmnor, 11, ns you jfturnoy inoufjn no, you niwnys fil'HMj isiinrt innn you ninico nnti nnnic ino rasi. Vtmr tnunoy will avow rnjtltlly In our hnnlc. hot OUIt Itnnlcho YOUJt llnnlc Wo jtity A porcont Intovvst on Snvlnfxs Accounts FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. JOHNS, OREGON Th(i month of roios again is hero; TliQiwoeiMttiinoor all the year: With porfume swoot and beauty raro. I loan ti ful rotes grow everywhere. Tlioy Ml our yards with gorgeous bloom. The nlr is laden witli sweet per- 1 time. Thoy grow in rows and deep. aihi someumes in at our win dows peep. heaps of good things left after the party disbanded, wo under stand very little of anything was found when the Juniors appear ed on the scene next morning to straighten things up. Another u oasant party was given Saturday evening, Juno 7, 1 when the Freshmen entertained Lhu minur cliiH.miiL'ii. The nrn- icdgesj jrfam was divided into two parts, the first being the play, A Uaso of Suspension," given by ten of No. 0047. Kqiort of the condition of the First National Bank pi St. Johns, In the state of Oregon, nt iiiccioftc 01 hum n cm jtuiC'i, lyi.'i: UllSOUKCItS. mid discounts. , , . 213,170.60 Ovcnlnilt. secured & uimec'il 1.1.11 1. S. IhiiiiU to M-cureclrcuIntlon 60,000.00 Other bond to ncctirc jotnl imvingit 0,000.00 Horn, Securities, etc SO.JMIMl Thoy clMinbor over wall and sill, Kvon (o the-roof they climb with skill. Thoy cover cotUigo or elegant home. With myriads of perfect bloom. the histrionic stars of the Fresh- ,,ftl,k'"K 1,0,,M!' tumiiun mid man class. Jonas, the hired man of the n my. was ah y represent ed by Ueorgeliuiloru, Willi bincK hoard and pitchfork. Lillian ilodgins as Aliss Judkins made a very prim old fashioned teacher. Ilio second part was a mock Thoy bloom for rich and poor tho commencement in which person ages to no present ni ino rea graduation were tellingly imper sonated. After a ten minute same. Of ovury color, race and iiaino: Then trimt them kindly, give thorn care. And they'll 1111 yoiir yards with rosos fair. in termissfon camo the mock com mencement. This portion of the program consisted or the read - .. ... . m ui niu uiuan viuvwibiui . mini Ull, now WO lOVO UIO lloautUUl inibrv. historv. iiranhiMtv. wil fj it 1 1 ill HUM I'V'bMI WJ UIV TllllUHW IIIWKn it is uiu sweuiuet uowor tnai ......i , ,m,i r iiw. n,nilnni Mtl1Vt'e III 111 1I e W III VHWMIII grows. I Hon of the dinlomaH. Mnsica Wo'ro glad when tho month of June is here, The sweetest time of all the year. Kdith Ilullord. SCHOOL MOTES Happenings Told In An Interesting Way Under tho direction of Mrs. 0. M. Hall tho cltuu play of the gmdiiMt hiir clNSM of tho James John High is progressing (piite well, 'llie plgy, ,rTlw Juniom," is to be givtm TuetglHy, June 2 and win ue iwrt or uie program for the last week of school, l-or too insi two weeks regular re heMiiHls lmvo been held and uv- orytliing iwints towsiil an in torosting and successful produc lion. severHi oi uie cmsi are showing unsuspected dramatic talon L The following is the cast of the piny: isuwNixl Aloore liasil Smith. Or " II. f.... Pl "Thin" Smith Fmnk Htnrbee Domosthenea" Altrwyn T. Cooiimn "Silk" linger, HicketU numbers on the program woro a violin solo by Mavius West and a song by the girls' glee club. A r- ter the program refreshments were served in the laboratory, which was beautifully decoratet for the occasion. At a late hour all departed, declaring the enter tainment one of the best over given tit James John High. Kvcrctt Smith has returned to James John and again resumed the routine work of school. All the students were glad to learn that on Wednesday and Thursdny afternoons of this week thero was to bo no school. livery one was supposed to take n tho Koso bhow )ii those tutor noons. Saturday afternoon C.Magono. our star athlete, will participate in the 1'. N. A. athletic meet. held on the Multnomah field. 1 he drawing class of tho llrat term rreshmon presented Mr. rry with a argo desk h otter. which was the nroduct of their combined otforts. J. H. Ackorman. prosidont of the State Normal School of Mon mouth and former State Suporin tondont. will deliver the Com mencement address in tho Hiirh John Mc.Hscliool auditorium Thursday evening, .luno 27. 1. 1'. Drink er. I'rosfdont ot the Hoard of halucnt on. will nrosont tho di plomas to tho graduates. Wilbur Hoi- Cyril Ma- rWilly" Rockwell gone. Thomas J. Higltfleld - lSugone rmmnonu. Pretldent Fowlei' llavius WML Janet lisle Luelle Wholan. Mabel Gry--Uilu IJy. Verda Griswald - fidnn Hoi lenbeek. Violet Florence Wass. The graduating class of 1918 was delightfully entertained by tho second term Juniors on last Friday evening at the High ounooi. i ne lower nan was beau tuuy decorated with ferns and ivy, while a huge jardiniere fill ed with moss roses, the clasB Uowor, had Uie place of honor under the fountain, ltofresh- m out were served in lite Facul ty room, and needless to say. woro thoroughly enjoyed by all p refloat, a pink moss rose at each place again showed recog nition of tho Seniors. After an hour moat satisfactorily spont at inis uonutuui uibio. tho nartv Officers of the City of St. Johns, Oregon Mur--Clui llcrdMHi BwaiiWr---l' A Kfc TirMiir-'J. K THUcb Mi ItagUMMr -J.o. II m MM) l'irk-UD Ilr I. K lliv ChM o W. MUu Dey istttor-II Muck Nkl Vlk-J. li. (!. V. Noichs. COUNCIUUN AT lAKGf. A W Vluvrnt . M. WuKlttl i. (t. viiciu COUNCItMtN MUSI WAKD C K (Ullkk . B. Muillil COUNCItMCN SECOND WAKD Oo. Mvihmmi Koy Wikux COMMinttS 8IIttt auJ DOL-lk Ka- U'lUan. A. UV Vln. crM. It M VUltl. l.kttUMf C It. CUllltk, lieu. W. Mullein. i. O Wright. WttUr eud Lkhl-ll. XI. WaUrcl. I. II Mtiltiil A W. Vbut ltc H. O. U'llnhl. C.ta. W. Muiiwu. c n ;iikk I IcullU m l'ullct.-A. W. Vlunl. Uov U'Uan, I. II MaitlH. itrigai il. M wicl. I. II. Mattlu. Koy Uutbtlag ami OiouuJ Wik. C.H 0itlcC fixtures a.WW.OO Other mil cnUtc owned 1,100.00 line I rout Mnic nun 1'rivnte llnnks and Itrtiikent, Trust Com. tmiilen nud SiwIiilm hunks t.. 1,095.07 Due from niiroved ro itcrvc iiKculs 32,476.13 Checks nud other cmh Items., 217.80 NotiHi of other Na. tlounl Hunks 1,880.00 I'nictloiml wier cur rency, nickels, rents 0G.1G Lawful money reserve in kink, viz: SK.-cle 13,930.80 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 Dcrct.bf circulutloiO 2.COO.0O K!,a3I.C5 Total f 350,200.07 I.IAIIII.ITIHS. Ciiillat stock iMld In f 50,000.00 niirtiius iuiiii ,, iu,uuu.ue I'liiiiviiicn tiroiiis, leM exnen- m nud taxes ivi d -l.K.t-1.81 1 Niitloiml Uiuk notes outttaiid'i; 47,550.00 iiiiiiviiiimi ue Kikiis Mihject to cliifck.. 32,747.77 IK'iunud ceitlfieutes ufituiNMlt 10.752.10 TluuMleHMlt ,. 01,580.03 Cashier's checks out- ftaudliiK 5,000.52 I'ostal Savlnijs Dcii'i. 3.780.35 243,881.83 2150.07 Total Stale of Oregon, County of Miiltuoiuali 1, 1'. V. Drinker, cashier of the aliove iiniucil iHiuk. ilo solcuiulv nwwir that the iiimivc Miiieuieui is true to tlie liost ol my i. , .. i . ....... kiiowiiukc nun iKinei. 1'. r. Drinker, Cashier. KuUsi'llln-d nud sworn to leforc me this 1011. day of lime. iqi3. W. 8. KelK'k'. Notary mihllc. Multtiouinh county, Ore. R. M. Tuttle Correct Attest: A. R.Jobes, C. K. Willltttus, Directors. LOW ROUND TRIP FARE via I 11 wsiwmii i wwsMSMaMnMMnnsaMnMniisssjssMsmsBSBBfHMMiwHW' i- i Beginning Thursday, June We will close at noon Thursday of each week during the months of June, July and August Cut Out AI !D"tlVI This KSl and we will glvo you 10 S. & H. Green Stamps FREE ' with 50c ptirclia.se in addition to the Stamps with the CAbll purchase Not good ftr June 21, 1913 COUCH &. CO. Gcucrnt Merchandise l'lionc Coliimhla 137 St. Jol Oregon S. & H. Green Trad ing Stamps are the Customer's Discount. Get it. Contrary to the rumors that have been circulated, we have no intention of dis continuing the S. & H. Green Trading Stamps We have a limited number of copies of GOOD DRESSING Can be had for the asking 1 GOOD DRESSING tADItS IKWUOUHNAl PATTERNS You Can Hardly Wait for dessert time if it consists of . i i i 1 n , some 01 our aencious cannea or preservea iruits or some of our pure jellies or Jams. Nothing that mother used to put up with so much work and worry ever equalled them. And so inexpensive too. It's wonder ful how little they cost. Come in and get our prices. Phone Columbia 137 COUCH & CO. "PIONEER MERCHANTS" The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is the most suitable for homes, OiHces, shops and other places needing light. Electricity can be used in any qunntity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution or light. No other lamps possess these qualifications, there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company UNIVERSITY OF OREGON SUMMER SCHOOL Twenty-five Instructors - Fifty Courses Distinguished Eastern Educators Added to Regular Faculty University Dormitories Upen. Uoard aud Room at 3.50 per week. Reduced Railroad Rates Summer Carnival Pow Wow SPOKANE, WASH. JUNE 16-21 $14.90 Round Trip lickets ou sale June 16 and iS. Return limit June 23. Hus is the first year of Spokane's Carnival a week devfttPfl tn ivirnrlp nnnrork athletics, civic aud industrial 1?or complete illustrated catalog, address- features. Leaving St. Johns daily. Schedules and details will i be furnished ou request. R. II. Crozier.Asst.Gea'l Pass.Agt. l'ortlatul, Oregon O. M. Cornell, Agem St. Johns, Oregon V. C. Wilkes, A. G. V. & P. A. JUNE 23 AUGUST 1,1913 THE REGISTRAR, University of Oregon, Eugene IT PAYS TO OIL HARNESS To keep it pliable aud iu good condition, THE ST. JOHNS HARNESS SHOP Houses for Rent One (3 room house, S10: 0110 5 mom house. broke up. not. however, until tho 10vr"0 r lwm fe,8e' v,m,1 for ! dock last ; week nnnrcciation of the Sen to lin.i oioeinc hums. u, ah have "t i " n" " " boon shown in n luatv ehoor fm- "louorn iilumbinff, Inquiro at tho Junior cIrmm. Thin was fol. Wl ; Kwsoiulon stloot, corner lowed by cheer fi-oin all for tho Lo,l""al nvonuo. seniors, uie 1 acuity, and Inst, Vou k1 u woIkui nud iirat but not U'ilst, fur Jnmw JohnhuuI,t ut tuu Ceutral market. Just Ilitrh. AltligiiJih thm o woro I 7 nwhUo, The M. S. Dollar discharged a r ... .1 CwWn KmiS: tho u d0 tllis fr be"er Pr yo n possibly do recent lessees of tho dock, at the It was surpns it yourself. DO IT NOW! intr tho lloor snace rea ui red to' house n ship load of sulphur, the entire floor space of tno largo dock being completely covered. A number of vistors witnessed the discharging of tho first car go to unload at the city dock. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, In order to Insure a changt of ad vertisement the copy for such change should reach this office net later than Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please remember this and save the printer lirlng iu your Job printing wbllo you thluk of IU Don't wait until you aro eutlreSy out. Wa are equipped to turn out seat and tasty prlaUng promptly at I'orUaael prtcw or 1m. KEEP THE FLY OUT Wo carry a complete stock of Screen Doors Prices Range From $1.25 to $2.50 Including fixtures. Adjustable window screens 25cto35c Hot Weather Needs Hammocks $1.00 to $4.O0 Ice Cream Freezers 75c to $4.O0 Garden Hose t. . . .$3.75 to 7.00 per 50 feet Oil Stoves 54.50 to $11.00 Gasoline Stoves $3.25 to $16.00 ST. JOHNS HARDWARE CO. lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Slabwood ." Prompt Dry, Deliveries. Green, Quality Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 H. HENDERSON McDonalaBldg.,268 Jersey Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. Read, the Review and keep posted. -f 4- 4