RESOLUTIONS OF 8YMPATHY Whereas, it lias ploased the Supremo Kulor of tho Universe, in His wiidom, to lake away the lovely little son of our brother, W. E. Harrington, and, , Whereas, we bow our heads in submission to the will of God, V8 do sympathize with our brother and family in their hour of bereavement; therefore, be it Resolved, that th's Lodge ex tend our sincere sympathy to Bro. Harrington and family; and be it further Resolved, that a cony of these resolutions be spread upon tho minutes of this Lodge, a copy sont to Dro. Harrington and a copy to the St. Johns Review for publfcation.-W. J. Chanoy, C. K. Tooley, R. H. Sarver, Com mitte; Laurel Lodge No. 18G, 1. 0. 0. P. In Alemoriam Whereas. Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom, has deemed it bolt to call to His side the little son of Sister Daisy Harrington, therefore Iw it Resolved, that we. the mem- hoi's of Iaurelwood Robokah Lodirw No. KM), extend our sym imthy in this their sad hour of bereavement. Resolved, that these resolu tions be spread upon our min utes. n cony sent to the sorrow ing family, and a copy be sont to llio St. Johns Review and to mo Pacific Odd Fellow for publica tion. Fraternally submitted in F. L. and T. - Mrs. A. M. Gulp, Mr. Anna Gaines, Bessie E. Sliullx, Committee. In Aleiuoriniii Whereas, it lias pleased God in in His wisdom and mercy to call Home the beloved husband and father of our sisters, Martha Hoover and Ruby Markwell, and, Whereas, while we bow to tho will of Him who doeth all things well, we mourn with our sisters in their bereavement; be it, therefore, Resolved, that the tncmhors of this Ixxlge extend our frater nal sympathy to our sisters and thoir family in their hour of sorrow, and lie it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be unread on the min utes of this Lodge, a copy sent to our sisters and a copy sent to the Pacific Odd Follow and Si. Johns Review for publication. Hint Ream, V. P.. Com Merrill, P. N. G Mary Simmons, P. N Committee. Luu rel wood Rebekah LodgoNo. 100, SL Johns. IOWA MAN STUCK WITH PITCHFORK A farmer living in tho North ern part of Iowa stuck himself m the lcir with a pitch fork. The wound would not heal and for two years he had a running sore. He tried all the common salves and liniments and sometimes the sore would heal, but it always broke open again. Finally he healed it up to stay healed with Allen's Ulcerine Salve. This salve is one of the oldest remedies in America and since 18G9 it has been known as the only salve powerful enough to cure chronic ulcers and old sores of lomr standing. Allen's Ulcerine Salve acts by drawing out the poisons and healing the sore from the bot tom up. It is so powerful that it heals now cuts and sores in one-third tho time that common salvos and liniments take. And it heals burns and scalds without a scar. Sold by tho St. Johns Pharmacy una other leading druggists. Notice of Sheriff's Sale A splendid foundation has boon laid by the State Immigra lion Commission in the work of attracting farmers to Oregon from the countries of Northern Huron. A series of conferences with Germans, Norwegians, Swe dish and Danish irhiIc has re sulted in outlining the work to be accomplished and in tuHMiriug tho complete cooperation of sub stantia! people or these various nationalities now residing in Or egon. Committees formed of member of the different races will work with the Immigration Commission in seeking out suit able lands for colonisation pur iKMea, securing them at reasona ble prices and aiding the now comers after they are settled. Judging from the success that has attended the preliminary work, much may be expected from this organised effort to set tle Oregon's idle farming land. More interest is being shown in eugenic, the science of grow ing perfect babies, throughout the state since the first eugenic show was held last year at the State Fair. The first test of ba bios has just been held by the Parents' Educational Bureau of Portland, and this promises to become a regular institution. Babies are given a careful scien tific examination and defects lM)Iuted out to parent with in structions as to how they may be overcome. Parents who in tend entering youngsters in tho coining shows next Fall find Uitte preliminary tests helpful. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Multnomah county. A. L. Minor, plaintiff, vs. N. A. Geo and S. Gee, his wife, de fendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and or der of sale issued out of the a bovo entitled Court in the above entitled cause, tome directed and dated tho 20th day of May, 1913 upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 29th day?of April. 1913. in favor of A. L. Miller, plaintiff, and against N. A. Geo and a. Ueo, his wile, defendants, for the sum of $809, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the liith day of October. 1912, and the further sum of 20.01, with in terest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from tho 12th day of April, 1913, and for the sum of $80.00 Attorney's fees, and for tho further sum of S17.55 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and unoii tins writ, command ing mo to make sale ol the lol low ing dOHcriDcu real property, to w t: Lots One (1) and Two (2), in Bock numbered Five lb). St. Johns Park Addition to the Town of SLJohns, in tho County of Multnomah and btalo of Ore gon. Now, therefore, ly virtuo ot said execution, judgment, order. decree and ordor of sale and in compliance with the commands ot said writ. 1 will on Monday, tho 23d day of Juno, 1913, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Hast front door of the County Court IIouro in I'ortland, Multnomah county, Oregon, so at public auction, (xubject to redemption) to tho highest Didder for cash in hand, nlljthe right, title and interest which the within named deiend nuts (or eithor of them) had on the 1,'iOlh day of January. 1912. the ditto of the mortgago heroin foreclosed, or since that date had in and to the above doscribed nronerty or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order and decree, intorest, costs and accruing costs. 1. M. WORD, Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon. On tod this 20th day of May, 11)1 1!. First issue May 23d, 1913. Last issue Juno 20th, 1913. RESOLUTION That the Willamette Valley s tho one section of ths United States that can raise sheep equal to those of Kngland, was the statement made by Prof. Thomas Shaw, agricultural expert for tho Great Northern railway, in a ro cont talk at Salem. He also said that in this state conditions nre such that pork can be produced for less eost than U the case in tho corn belt of the Midlde West, while butter can be produced for r0 per cent lesa than in New England. Prof. Shaw insists that tho Oregon fanner, is, as a rulo, neglecting his opportuni ties u Saioin lias set its dates for Uie annual Cherry Fair for July 4 and 6, and it will include n iwtrj. otic Gulehration. tote Iuivq. boon takon to make this year's ovont Uio most elaborate affair of its kind over hold. Not the label on your piper. It U raolvetl by tho City o( St. Johns, Oivtjoit: That It tltHMim it uxpmllunt mill iu'Cui aary to Improve ltlchmomt stieot from the Itaat Huiurly lino of Willumvtto boulevard tt tiioKiutliildcof IMclimoiid street to h oJut WtO fvot went from lite eaaterly ioHrty tine of llrudford trvel iu tho city of St. John in the tallowing iiiHiuutr. to ut: ny KTKtiui); mini ixmion tu tiuii mci'i tu grade or unnruU to liw cetulilUUcU, ami ly laying it btamlanl condole jwve- mtriil. Work to bo done nccuriliiic to tho iUua ami specifications ol the city engi neer uu file in the office of tho city iccoiiltr relative thereto, which wild nliiim mul .iccificiittoii ami cutltuatoa arc satisfactory mul are hereby approves!. Said improvement to Im mailo in accordance with the charter mul ordinance of the city of lit. Joint, mul under the supervision ami direction of the city engineer. That the cutof Mid improvement tube a.! on it pro rata except extra to be AkMthMHl against property especially heiiriitetl thereby as provided by the city clwrter upon the property osneciully anil iMrticulnrly henefilted thereby, mul wliicii is hereby declared to be nil of lots part of lots, blocks utui juirccls of land between the termini of Mich improve meiite abutting upon, adjacent or prox imate to wid Street from the marginal lilies of said street back to tho center of the block or blocks or tracts of html abutting tbureon or proximate thereto. That all the property included in said Improvement district aforesaid is hereby declarutl to lie Local Ituproveiiicnt diitriet No. 99. That the city engineer's assessment of the probable total cost of said improve mailt of Mid street i fu,i76.8i. That the cost of said street be assessed OU a liro rut a basis against the property in will local assessment district as pro vided bv the charter of the city of St. Johtu. Adoptod. by tlie council thls27thduyof .May. 1910. V, A. KICK, K reorder. Published in the St. Johns Review May SO uitd June G. 1013. DR. RAMBO DENTIST Phone Columbia CI First National Dank building. ST. JOHNS, OREGON. DR. J. VINTON SCOTT DENTIST Open Evenings and Sundays by Ap pointment. Office Phone Columbia 140 Resident Phone Columbia 38 JOSEPH McCHESNEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Day & Night Office in McChcsnej blk. SU Johns. - Oregon. R. A. JAYNE, Al. D. Office over First National Dank Office Phone Columbia 282 Res, Phone Columbia 196 PERRY C. STROUD LAWYER First National.Bnnk Building ST. JOHNS - - . OREGON O. J. GATZA1YER ATTORNEY AT LAW McDonald Building ST. JOHNS . - .OREGON Alotorcyclc and Bicycle Re pair Shop 110 South Jersey Street Attto and Motorcycle Oils and Supplies Repairing una vulcanizing Wc can get you tires of all kinds. New ami fecund hand bicycles (or sale. J. M. and V. I WRAY, Props. Phone Columbln 587. Odd jobs of nil kinds Prompt service Houses moved, raised ami repaired N. A. GEE & SON Contractors, House Movers and Rcinircrs Phone Columbia 56 801 Ivnnhoc St. St. Johns, Oregon jafjK LAUREL LODGE No. 18G I. O. O. F Sr. JOHNS, OREGON Meets each Monday ovonlnjr In Odd FeV lows hid I nt 7:30, A cordial welcome to all visiting hroiiicrs. Chas, If, lloyd, N. O. Alex. 8. Scales, Sec. If your tire blows up, blow Into the Peninsula Garage 9Q7 S. Jaranv Bt. mid have it retired In n neat mid workmanlike inauner. Automobile and Mntorcylc re pairing anil supplies. nioneLoi. ui; Autos for hire by the day or hour, J. R. YVEIMER Transfer and Storage We deliver your Roods to and from all parts of Portland. Vancouver. Linn ton, Portland and Suburban Express Co., city dock and all points accessible by wagon. Plane and furniture moving HOLMES LODGC NO. 101 KMGIIIS Or I'VIMIAS Meets every l'riday night nt t:jo o'clock in 1. u. u. v Hull, Visitors always wcl come, V, I.. JIAI1COCK. C. C. I). V. IIORSMAN, K. R.S The United Artisans Meets every other Friday even ing in the M. W. A. Imll in the Holbrook Imilding. OOltIC DODGC NO. 132 A. P. and A. M. Rcuuliir couimuiilcatloiis 011 lirst Wednesdays of each mouth iu Odd I'd lows' Hall. Visitors wcl- liruest S, lIiirrlMyton. W. M, John Noce, Secretary conic. We Imy or sell St. Irlins Property AlcKINNEY & DAVIS Rcnl Estate List your property with us if you desire to sell quickly 202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns Daniel O. Webster, A. B. M. D Residence, C97 Dawson Street Ofllce, Plltor Block. UnHerslty Park. Portland, Oregon. ORDER EASTERN STAR Minerva Chapter No, 105 Meets Hvervl'lrstund Third Tuesday livening of Hach Mouth in Odd Fellow Hull. Ruby R. Davis, Woitliy Matron. airs, huste Rogers, becretary. OiTtee Phone Columbia 24 Residence Phone Columbia 198 St. Johns Express, Transfer and Storage Co. Piano Moving a Specialty. Until ing done to aud from Portland Residence 400 Kast Kichmond Ofllce 103 North Jersey Street Daily trips to Portland, CHAS. SAOHRT, Prop, Central Market! 205 S, Jersey Streot See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best Meats Obtainable. Order rffltd and ramtty Trade SeHdted. T, P. WARD, Proprietor. Subscrlbo for tho St. Jobna Roviow uud kcop pcstud ou tho doings or tho city, Who Pays for the Trading Stamps When we put on the Gold Bond Stamps, we told our patrons plainly that we did not like to do it; that the Portland competition had compelled, it, and we were simply responding to the demands of our patrons and would try it. We have used them freely now since January 15 and have learned something. It has cost us since January 15 $625 for stamps. They have been given freely and We Have Not Raised the Price of Any of Our Goods Up to This Time. We have learned now from Actual Experience that we cannot give these stamps away indefinitely and stay in business unless we raise the price of our goods. We might do that on some things that the public was not conversant with, but we prefer straight forward, open and above board methods. The only advantage we have gained in the expenditure of $625 for stamps is that our cash sales increased a few dollars each month over the corres ponding months of last year and a few accounts have been settled in 'full that had carried balances for months and months. The foregoing is sim ply a plain statement of facts. The answer to the question 'who pays for the Trading Stamps, is the patrons of the store. We have stamps enough to last until June 15 after that date, we discontinue them. A word to the wise, etc. BONHAM & CURRIER i OI An Introduction Introduction to tho Bylaws of tho Ronvillo 90 Year System written especially for tho Sys tem by J. 0. Stearns, Jr., of tho Portland Bar: This is an ago of isms each directing its uim to tho better ment of humanity, each in its manner bent upon adjusting the differences and thus ending tho bitter strifo botweon Capital and Labor. And this opens the way to a series of vital, intensely vital, questions. Lot us hero briefly consider one or two of these. Why is ndt labor satisfied with its present lot? What is the reason behind its deep and abid ing distrust of Big Business, so called? If wo can locate tho primo rea son wo then have the key to the industrial situation, and are in a position to suggest a sane and, let us hope, a satisfactory solu tion. After years of study and inti muto association with nil classes anil conditions of people. Frank Bonville, originator of the By laws of tho Bonville 99 Year Sys tem, has reached n scientific so lution to this great economic problem, a solution based upon indisputable facts, adduced from a far reaching anaysis of human nature and human institutions. The stock gambling and stock watering, together with illicit combinations of capital.common ly denominated "trusts," and kindred evils growing out of the present loose methods of manip ulating largo combinations of capital, are at tha rcot of social ills and the cause of present day industrial unrest, is Mr. Bon villo's unshakable conviction. And behind this conviction lies a mass of facts and figures gathered from every conceivable source, in their aggregate so huge that volumes would bo re quired for their recording. And so Frank Bonville says: "Put an end to stock transfer ring, and thus end stock gam bling. For if a man cannot sell his stock, it necessarily follows that ho cannot speculate, or in other words, gamble, with It. Give ovory man a chance to acquiro stock in paying enter prises and thereby put an end to this steady accumulation of capi tal by tho favored few; this gradual centralization of tho medium of oxchnngo into tho hands of a half dozen unscrupu lous money kings. Make tho par value of stock one dollar per share, and strictly forbid its be ing sold for either more or less. Thus put it within tho power of every porson to invest small sums from time to time, as op portunity offers. Sot nsido ten per cent of tho capital stock of proposed corpor ations for tho promoter's share. Let this sufilco for his organiza tion fee. Since ho cannot sell his stock, but must depend . for his financial returns upon divi dends arising therefrom, it fol lows ns a matter of course that his efforts will be directed to ward legitimate ends for ho cannot play tho "freeze out" game so common in business life today, nor can ho grab and sell fifty per cent of tho capital stock as promoter's share, and then slide out from under and leave tho small stockholder with only a worthless bit of gilt decorated paper to show for his monoy." A careful perusal of tho By laws will convince tho unpreju diced reader that a universal, or oven nation wide, adoption of tho Bonville System. of organiz ing corporations, is sure to re sult in nothing but an industrial and social uplifting.since a more sane and equitable distribution of wealth would inevitably fol low a suppression of stock gam bling and its horde of attendant evils, which these Bylaws check at every turn. TJie reader will also observe that tho liquor problem is hand led in a most unique, though en tirely simple manner. So much for a genius for clear insight into the troubled ocean of human weaknesses and misunderstand ings. Read, study the lines, care fully, compare what you have read with your own experiences and then pass judgment upon this System. You can buy Stock in the Equal Rights Co., which is incorporated under the Bon ville 99 Year System, provid ing you are not already a stock holder in that company l II Jj I I