St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 06, 1913, Image 3

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June is Cupid's month. June is the month of brides, veils, flowers
and weddings. We can't all get married but most of us have an opportunity
to bless the union of two happy hearts. Some young couple. Let us' start
such travelers on their way with appropriate and useful wedding gifts.
Ormandy Bros, displayed this week some choice selections as sugges
tions for wedding presents. Here is an assortment of
Fancy china chocolate sets Delicate fancy sugars and creamers
Charming salad sets Cut glass, always appreciated
Hand painted gold decorated cake sets, salad sets, plates and berry sets as
well as more modest but very attractive fancy cnina
Table and household silverware, standard makes
American and imported dinner sets, white and gold or fancy patterns
Furniture and home furnishings are never amiss
You need a refrigerator
NOW in the'warm weather.
Buy now and have all sum
mer to pay for it. Priced,
$8.00 to $28.0O
You will need a hammock
all summer. Get one early
and enjoy these delightful
evenings. We have a full
line of woven hammocks, al
so strong durable canvas
hammocks the prices are
from $2.70 to $7.
The housewife who needs a sewing machine will do well to look over our
stoSk. We present a group of dependable makes at very reasonable prices.
Favorite sewing machine, hand lift drop head, plain oak frame,
Priced down to "
Improved Melville automatic drop head, 4 drawer
oak case, carries 10 year guarantee. ?7 C
Priced down to p.OU
Quartered oak Improved Melville, 5 drawer, auto
matic drop head, full set attachment, j!)h ff
10 year guarantee. Priced down to . . .
automatic tension, quartered oak. 5 drawers, full set attach- tc
ments, 10 year guarantee, priced down to J)OUiO
automatic, in quartered oak cabinet case, 10 year guarantee fi?? A a
Priced down to ifdU.VU
of Ormandy Bros. 0PZra
L j
Local News.
Snvo your green stamps; thoy
nro money to you. Currins for
Mary and Dora Harbin aro re
covering rapidly from an attack
of the measles.
A steamer discharging its car
go at tlio city dock was an un
usual sight yesterday.
Tlio nrizo phonograph at the
St. Johns Pharmacy for May was
captured by V. II. Shanklin, 407
Jersey street. I
Congregational Church Sun
day School 10 a. m. ; preaching
11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; C. E. at 7 1
p. m. Prayermeeting Wednesi,
day at 8 p. m. j
Mrs. Hannah Vincent has re
turned from an extended tour of
the statu in the interest of the
Pvthian Sisters of the state, of
which she is Grand Chief.
M. E. Church, corner Leavitt
and Hayes Children's Day pro
gram 1L a.m. Sunday, Juno 8;
preaching at 8 p. m. ; Epworth
League 7pm.; Sunday school 10
a. m. All aro invited.
P.H. and Anton Edlefsen have
returned from a several weeks'
business, combined with pleas
ure, trip to Utah, Montana, Cal
ifornia and other states. Thoy
report a most pleasurable time.
To those ladies who are inter
ested in the Sweet Pea Show, we
would like to have your names,
suggestions and aid that we may
make this our best show. Com
mercial Club Committee.
J. B. Campbell, an erstwhile
citizen of St. Johns, but now a
prosperous rancher of the Tuala
tin Valley, made a brief visit to
this city the latter part of last
week. Ho is prospering finely
on his ranch.
A. C. Gesler and family have
moved to their new home in Cen
tralia, Wash. Their many friends
here were loath to have them re
move from our midst, but their
best wishes accompany them to
their new location.
L. Harding, who conducted a
confectionery store on Jersey
street for a couple of years and
which was destroyed by fire, left
this week for Chisholm, Minn.,
where he will engage in business.
His family preceded him thither
a short time ago.
Chas. SchaufT, the florist, pre
sented this office Tuesday with
handsome specimens of Prince
Camille de Rokam, Lyon, E. Toil
de Lyon. U. Dickson, Marquis
Sintey, Betty and Regonb Webb
roses. They were all perfectly
developed and were most beautiful.
Gail Pcrrinc is spending a few
weeks in Kalamn, Wash.
Get an electric head treatment or
massage ut Gllmorc's Darber Shop.
For a cool, refreshing soda, go
to Currins for Drugs.
Your choice out of six lots on
Jersey street between Fessenden
and Cat! in streets. These lots
have alloy. Buy now; property
will nover be cheaper. Call on
P. Hill, G18 N. Jersey street.
Thomas Whitney has resigned
from tho police force, business
affairs demanding his removal
to Michigan. As a rulo death or
dismissal aro tho only causes for
prying loose from municipal po
sitions. Tho Commission form of gov
ernment in Portland bids fair to
bo a great success. Good offi
cials havo been elected, and if
they fail it will be an indication
that commission form of govern
ment is a failure.
A piano recital will bo given
by tho pupils of Georgia Rich
Lydick, assisted by Flavius West,
violinist, Friday evening, June
6th, at 8 o'clock in tho Evangel
ical church. All are invited.
Children must be accompanied by
their parents.
To make our city one of the
most beautiful on the coast, wo
are asking the aid of the ladies
in our Sweet Pea Show, which
is to bo tho best yet held C. C.
Currin, C. H. Boyd, S. W. Rog
ers, Commercial Club Committee.
R. W. McKean, who has been
convalescing at the Ogden rural
home at Dayton for several
months, greeted his old friends
in St. Johns this week. "Bill."
as he is familiarly called, is look
ing fine, and his many friends
were glad to note his improved
A birthday party is being ten
dered this afternoon to Lois Al
berta Ford, the 8 year old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ford,
by the following girl friends:
Misses Ula Secrist, Emma Se
crist, Lulu Simmons, Vivian
Simmons, Velma Shaffee, Loret
ta Shaffee, Loretta McCarty,
Marguerette McCarty, which
will be followed by a birthday
Seldom does a speaker hold and
sway an audience as did Ben R.
Vardaman this morning at the
state convention. When his time
was up the audience would not
let him quit, but demanded that
he continue. It was a masterly
address and his missionary work
this morning will be bearing
fruit out through the state for
many years. Burlington, Iowa,
Gazette. Mr. Vardaman will
speak in St Johns on the even
ing of July llth.
203 S. Jersey Street
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
CaJI up Columbia 92
Typewriter ribbons for sale at
this office; 50 cents each.
TArxr xir a xt nn I
VV JL Vv x"x IN X
in some department of
the Church
Sunday Services
lllblc School: 10 n. 111.
MorntiiK Service: 11 11. 111,
Junior C. H.: 3 i. 111.
V. 1'. S, C. I.:-7 p. 111.
KvuiiKt-llitlc Service; 8 p. 111.
Wednesday Training Clan, 8 p. m.
TlmrwUy l'rayertueetiut; :8 juii .
first churdiTop Wrist
Corner Hew York SI. md Willis Boulevard j
A line of typewriter ribbons,
both narrow nndj wide, has just
been received at tho Review
oflico; 50c each. Also carbon
paper at two sheets for five
Special Price on Digesto
A Malt and Hop Tonic
An excellent preparation for the run down condi
tion, a general tissue builder and strengthiug tonic.
Often recommended by physicians, sold every
where at 25c per bottle; special for a few days at 20c
per bottle, 6 bottles for $1.00
We are agents for the Columbia Phonographs and
can give some special prices on Standard Machines, a
good assortment of records always on hand.
We are closing out a stock of cylinder records at a
very low price 15c each any quantity, can be played on
either Edison or Columbia Disc Machines.
Save your tickets and win the Prize Phonograph
given away each month at our store.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Reliable Druggists
Satisfaction, is the word Gil-
more, the Barber.
Girl Wanted To learn dress
making. Call 535 S. Jersey.
Tho new skating rink is in full
operation on North Jersey.
For Kent 8 Room House with
Sleeping Porch 531 S. Jersey St.
Picture framing done at Portland
prices at II. K Clark's, the furni
litre innii. tf
Everything for the amateur
photographer. C u r r i 11 s for
The Harbin blacksmith shop
on the corner of Charleston and
Ivnnhoo has undergone some sub
stantial repairs recently.
For Sale Cheap 5 room house,
easy terms: owner leaving town.
Address Anderson, 502 West
Charleston street, St. Johns.
A.C. Gesler attributes the sale
at good advantage of his house
hold furniture to a little ad in
the Review. It pays; yea, ver
ily. Currin snys: Remember, if it
isn't an EASTMAN it isn't a
Mrs. R. D. Swomrel and child
ren have just arrived from North
Dnkota.and will be iruests of rel
atives in St. Johns for several
Stolen or taken last Monday
nnr it lrom rear of 1. O. O. I
hall, one Erie bicycle. A re
ward of $5 will bo pnid for its
return. Alex S. Scales.
uurrm says: a wyai ucmcay
for any ailment that you may
Owing to want of snace two
excellent papers rend at the W.
C. T. U. meeting in the city
hall Monday afternoon aro left
out of tho Review this week.
We nro indebted for handsome
bounuets of roses to P. T. Han
son and Mrs. J. C. Scott. Thoy
were of rare beauty, and the
kindness of the donors is much
Tho First Trust and Snvimrs
hank is the title of the now in
stitution on Fessenden street,
which is located in the handsome
concreto building erected for
that purpose.
Fortune knocks at every man's
door once in n life time. Now is
your time. Property will never be
as cheap again. The best buys in
St. Johns today see P. Hill, 618 N.
Jersey St.
Currin says: You can cret full
weight guaranteed household
drugs hero ns cheaply as any
There will bo services at the
First Baptist Church Sunday.
Rev. Howell w'll preach. There
will also bo tho Communion ser
vices in tho morning. All mem
bers are requested to be present
at these services.
First Christian Science Society
Sundays u a. m,, Wednesdays at 8
i). 111, Heading room open on Tties.
l'liiirs. and Sat. from 2 to 4 p. in,
All cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject Sunday:
"LicxI, the (July Cause and Creator.'
I have purchased tho rcsidenco
and household goods of Mr.
Thomns Whitney and oirer all
for Bale. Tho furnituro is in
first class condition and includes
all articles needed in a home.
Will sell in lots to suit purchaser.
Anna J. Canright, 415 N.
Leonard streot.
Currin says: Wo uso Mt. Hood
Homogenized Ice Cream, puro
fruit flavors, and all served
scrupulously clean.
Tho Bachelor club picnicked at
Magoon's park, near Oregon
City. Sunday. Thoy report a
most delightful time, and rec
ommend this park to all who de
siro to picnic, as it is fitted up
with dancing pavilion, swings,
etc, and ice cream may bo pro
cured in any quantity right on
tho grounds.
Ray Wright is fitting himself
up a neat and cozy habitation at
924 S. Hayes street. It is not,
as some might presume, that Ray
is going to discontinue tho life
of singlo blessedness. His sister
will arrive here noxt week from
Newark, Ohio, to keen house for
him. At least that is what he
tells us.
Miss Cora Huff and Frank
Thornbrue wero married at tho
home of the bride's parents near
Multnomah station Tuesday.
Juno 3, at G p. m. Rev. J. J.
Patton of tho St. Johns M. E.
church officiated. The brido is
well known in St. Johns, and has
many friends among tho young
Ceople in this city. Mr. Thorn
rue is a chauffer, and is in the
employ of F. L. Young in Cen
tral Oregon. Tho happy couple
left Wednesday morning for
their new home in Bend.
Scales is right. Phone Colum
bia 210 for Groceries. Quality
stands for satisfaction, and my
motto is: quality always. There
fore, I have built my trade on
that which is the only fair and
legitimate way of securing pat
ronage. A package of my Cof
fee, Tea, Extract, Spices, or any
other article which you buy from
me is sold to you with that
grand privilege that if you do
not like tho goods, your money
is not ours but yours, and tho
goods are ours. Scales is right.
Celebration Notes
It is proposed that the parade
ue headed by the U.A.K., VV. U.
U and L. 01 u. A. It.
I'nrtics desiring concessions
during the celebration should in
terview P. G. Gilmore in regard
to same.
C.C. Currin, the popular phar
mncist, -will act in the capacity
of marshal in the parade July
A water war between the local
department and an out of town
compnny will be one of the feat
ures of tho celebration.
Col. L. D. Mahone of Portland
has been secured to deliver tho
oration in St Johns on July 4th.
lie is an elonuent and fluent
t I 1 I
mere is a possidi ntv that a
balloon ascension will be one of
the features of celebration. Ne
gotiations for securing such at
traction are now under way.
A representative of tho Van
Runk Amusement company will
bo in St. Johns tomorrow to com
plete arrangements for having
their street carnival here during
the jubilee.
All young Indies who desire to
enter the contest for Goddess of
Liberty in the Fourth of July
parade arc requested to leave
their names at cither of the local
Tho Firo Department desires
the names of 48 girls, between
the ages of ten and twelve years,
who aro willing, with their par
ents' consent, to participate in
tho parade on July 4th and rep
resent tho 48 states. Names will
be received at Gilmoro's barber
shop on Philadelphia street, or
at tmsomcc.
The Firo Denartment has de
cided to utilize two days in cele
bration of Independence Day,
Friday and Saturday. July 4th
and 5th, being devoted to the
purpose. There will bo interest
ing events and something doing
all the time. Tho Broncho Bus
ter race will take placo Saturday
afternoon. Ball games in which
the Commercial club ball team,
the business men's club and Un
iversity will participato will bo
played on both uuvb, a prize ot
$50 being awarded to tho win
ning club of the series. Several
lively four round amateur boxing
matches will take nlaco on Fri
day evening, and professional
wrestling matches will occur on
Saturday evening. It is also
proposed that each stato in the
Union will bo represented by a
little girl in tho parade. Now
features aro constantly bolng
added, and by tho time tho Fourth
arrives enough attractions tp fill
two days brim full of enjoyment
will havo been provided.
Evangelical Church
Tho church has secured Mr.
Leek from Colorado to tako
chargo of tho music. He Will
not only direct tho choir, which
meets for rehearsal Wcdnesdny
night at 8:30 o'clock, but will
also do solo work. Wo hopo with
his assistance to mnko tho music
quito an attractive featuro of
tlio church services.
Tho first Quarterly Conference
of this Conference year will bo
held over this coming Sunday by
tho District Prosiding Elder, C.
C. Poling of Portland. Preach
ing service on Saturday evening,
followed by tho business meet-'
ing; nlso on Sunday morning,
followed by tho Communion ser
vice, and again in tho evening,
preceded by tho Christinn En
deavor. Thcso sorvices will bo
held at tho usual hours.
You aro given a special invita
tion to hear Dr. Poling at these
services. Reporter,
Half the pleasure of photo
graphy is tho finishing of yotir
own work. It is doubly a pleas
ure when dono by tho All by
Daylight KODAK Way.
Now is tho time to buy proper
ty. You can get from ono to terj
lots on Central avenue between
Fessenden and Catlin at a price
less than two-thirds actual value.
See P. Hill, 618 N. Jersey.
Wo have all the called for mag
azines and will get any maga
zine published, if not in stock.
Currins for Drugs.
Mrs. SmithDid you say you
could havo hot water in fifteen
minutes? Mrs. Jones Yes;
Overstreet, at 311 S. Jersey, put
a coil in my stovo and I never
saw anything to comparo with
it. You just call up Columbia
590, and Overstreet is on the job.
Mrs. Smith And did I hear he
guaranteed his work? Mrs.
Jones Yes; he stands back of
everything ho does, and his
prices aro very reasonable, too.
Mrs. Smith Well.goodbye; I am
so enthused over it, I am going
to call Col. 590 and have one of
those coils put in my stove at
onco. I'll let you hear from me
just as soon as I give the coil a
Currin says: Come in and get
free literature and free instruc
tion in Kodak processes, It's
free to you for tho asking.
opportunities or emergen
cies arise will your acquain
tance at a good batik bring
to bear the support you
need ?
Many a St. Johns busi
ness mau can remember
the moment when the Pen
insula National Bank
helped him bridge difficulty
or command opportunity.
With resources of over
$300,000 this bank de
sires to become a factor in
the prosperity of more bus
iness men.
Oldest BanX on the Peninsula
ON 40
St. Johns Furniture
Gijs Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and Ex
Out of tho fryimr tmn into tho
fire is that what the people of
St. Johns havo dono in electing
an almost entirely new council.
Some good work has been dono
in tho matter of changes, which
t nnncarcd was the only way to
do it.lnit was that tho only thing
tho peonlo expected of the new
council? Not by any means, for
it was expected that they would
nractico stricter economy, and
not throw tho taxpayers' money
to tho winds, or in such a way
that it would only benefit some
singlo persons or a very few, or
to accommodato a few swell
heads, at tho expense of tho
common taxpayer, Two such
measures aro now before the
council. Ono is tho water ques
tion, and the other is the Wil
lamette boulevard. In the lat
ter, or tho boulevard case, if it
is true that tho council is paying
$180 of tho people's money out
on that farce to appeal a case to
tho Supremo Court, for a case
that docs not belong there at all,
and is a case that the council
nnd tho peonlo should decide,
for tho records bIiow thnt in tho
neighborhood of Buchanan, Polk
and Tvler streets, whore tho
greatest contention is on the
boulevard, tho first subdivision
provided for a CO foot street, and
tho second subdivision some
years later on the opposite side
of tho street provides for a 100
foot streot, which now leaves the
streot 80 feet wido. Now if tho
people of St. Johns want tho
street to bo 100 feet in width, all
there is to do is for tho council
to condemn tho strip and pay for
it, nnd widen it out to that width,
and snvo the $180 of tho ueople's
money. Randolph Gradon.
Annual School Meeting
Notice is hereby given to tho
legal voters of School District
No. 2 of Multnomah county, state
of Oregon, that tho Annual
School Meeting of said District
will bo held at tho Central School
house, to begin at tho hour of 2
o'clock p. m. to G o'clock p. m.
on tho third Monday of June, be
ing tho 16th day of June, A. D,,
This meeting is called for tho
purpose of electing ono director.
Dated this 5th day of June,
1918. F. I DRINKER,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: J. E. Tanch.
District Clerk.
Published in the St. Johns Re
view Juno G and 13, 1913.
The following list of legal blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
Deeds, Realty and Chattel Mort
gages, Satisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realty, Bills
of Sale, peases.
All these blanks ut the uniform
price of 30c per dozen.
You got full weight and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try awhile.