St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 06, 1913, Image 1

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StJohns is Calling You
It second in number of Industries.
I seventh in population.
Girt to Portland every 20 min.
Hat navigable water on 3 sides.
Hat finest gat and electricity.
Has two strong banks.
Hat five large school houses.
Hat abundance of purest water.
Has hard surface streets.
Hat extensive sewerage system.
Has fine, modern brick city hall.
Has payroll of 95,000 monthly.
Ships monthly 2,000 cars freight.
All railroads have access to it.
Is gateway to Portland harbor.
Climate ideal .and healthful.
St. Johns is Calling You
Has seven churches.
Has a most promising future.
Distinctively a manufacturing city
Adjoins the city of Portland.
Hat nearly 6,000 population.
Hat a public library.
Taxable property, f4,500.000.
Has large dry docks, taw mills
Woolen mills, iron works,
Stove works, asbestos factory,
Ship building plant,
Veneer and excelsior plant.
Flour mill, planing mill,
Box factory, and others.
More industries coming.
St. Johns is the place for YOU.
Devoted to (he Interests of tbe Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest
VOI,. 8
NO. 30
Interesting Notes for the
Library Patrons
It is now time to bo planning
for your vacation rending. No
special card will bo required this
year. All that is necessary ia to
bring in the list of books which
you desire several days before
you expect to Btart on your vaca
tion. Ten books, four fiction
and six non-fiction, can be taken
now and kept until October 1st,
if you arc leaving town. If you
aro not sure what you want, the
library hns lists which will help
The Popular Mechanics for
1912 is back from the binders
and is ready for circulation in
book form.
The attention of St. Johns an-
triers is called to the library but
lctin on fishing now posted and
to the books on the subject which
it lists. A few of those now on
the Bhclf arc:
Camp Fishing kits and equip
Holder Recreations of i
sportsman on the Pacific Coast.
Holder and Jordon Fish sto
ries, allctrcd and experienced.
McCarthyFamiliar fish, their
habits and capture.
Mackie Art of worm fishing.
Shcringham Elements of ang
ling. Van Dyke Fisherman's luck.
. Now Books:
Bolloc First and last.
A collection of brief, clover
and untodato essays on a wido
nrioty of subjects from Cheeses
to King Lear, and from Tho
Sources of Rivers to The End of
tho World.
Benton Easy entertaining.
Contains, among others, chap
ters on spring luncheons, cold
dinners, little dinners foV three?'
veranda luncheons, n brido's din
nro, picnic luncheons, men's din
ners and afternoon tea.
Conrad 'Twixt land and sea.
Tho book contains three sto
ries of love and adventuro in re
mote places of barbaric coasts.
Tho scenes aro never far from
shore, and for tho most part tho
decks and cabins of ships, yet
thcro is littlo of tho storm and
stress of ocean. Tho passions
portrayed aro rather those of tho
spirit'of man. Mr. Conrad seems
to write at white heat, almost
fiercely, as if defying contradic
tion. Tho terrifying glamour of
tho tropics hangs over tho tales.
Whilo tho actual descriptions aro
neither many or long, they are
vivid enough to overilow, us it
were, tho rest of the book. On
the whole, 'Twixt land and sea
has qualities which set it apart
from the mass of current fiction.
Crane Lame and lovely.
Short, crisp essays on religion
for modern minds, the theme of
which is lame and lovely human
nature and how to take tho crook
edness out of it. Mr. Crane says:
"The most important thing in
tho world to me is the weather
in my soul. Let it be sunshine
there and calm day nnd I can
front anything. No matter how
terrible the trial to como I have
half won already if I can meet it
serenely. And no matter what
prize and joy may be given mo I
have half spoiled it if I take it
with a troubled and muddy soul."
It has been charged against
Mr. Crane that his attempt to
write attractively has resulted in
sensationalism, but his book at
any event has directness and
Finnemore Jack Haydon's
A live boy's story.
Forbush Coming generation.
A concise account of tho forces
working for the betterment of
American young people. Tho
first part deals with the better
ment of boys and girls in the
homes; the second with the im-
Eortance of better births and
ealth; tho third with better
ment through education; the
fourth with betterment through
Erevention; and the fifth with
etterment through religious and
social service. The critics call
the book keen, progressive and
of sane view point
IJn route to Portland's Rose
Festival. June 9-14, the Royal
Oaks, of Oakland, Cal.will visit
many cities of the state on their
way north, making their first
stop at Ashland. As the Oaks
will travel by special train, they
will bo able to stop as often as
seems desirable and will bring a
message of good fellowship to
their northern neighbors.
A Remarkable Verdict
That newspapers in Oregon
may assassinate tho characters
of public ofiicials with perfect
impunity has been demonstrated
in tho libel case of tho Evening
News. With not tho slightest
proven justification or provoca
tion for so doing, the News stig
matized Commissioner Lightner
and Judge Clecton as "robbers,"
and strange to sny, tho jury up
held it in its unjustified asser
tions. Certainly u triumph for
yellow journalism. The Oregon
Ian in commenting upon the case,
has the following to say:
A jury in tho State Circuit
Court has acquitted tho editor of
tho Portland News of criminal
libel against County Judge Clec
ton and County Commissioner,
Lightncr. The Oregoninn will
not say that it is surprised at the
verdict, for it is aware that there
is with the public a great toler-
anco of assaults on and misrep
rescntations of public officials
by irresponsible journals, no
matter how audacious or vicious,
or unjustified; and it is not
strange that the general atti
tude should be reflected in the
action of courts and juries. But
it is well enough to suy briefly,
notwithstanding tho outcome of
this case, that Mr. Lightncr and
Mr. Clecton have been painfully
uniDooncd and wantonly Dueled
by this reckless newspaper; und
that they deserve to huvo lured
Tho News has long pursued
tho County Court with so-called
exposures of its corrupt metnods.
It reached tho climax when it
said that Mr. Lightncr and Mr.
Clecton wero "nlaln robbers"
nnd that Mr. Lightncr "ought to
he in jail" and Mr. Uiecton
"ought to bo fired." Tho result,
after a long series of similar ar
ticles, was a criminal indict
ment. The trial was in progress
n1sit 4- dnti c nil I tit MnH'fl
to prove its charges, it not on-
, failed to provo them, but it
id not try. It contented itself
with a variety of testimony de
signed to show that tho County
Court had violated a law requir
ing it to ask for public bids for
all supplies where the sum was
$100 or over. This was admit
ted, nnd tho pica advanced by
tho privato prosecutors that tho
law was merely directory nnd
that sound business methods
warranted tho commissioners in
using their discretion. It was
shown conclusively that tho
county had profited by this
course. It was not shown by
tho defense, nor was there from
beginning to end any effort to
show that Mr. Lightner or Mr.
Cleeton had personally benefited.
Wo are left to believe now,
from this remarkable verdict,
that County Judge Cleeton nnd
Mr. Lightner aro robbers, though
they have stolen nothing, and
ought to be "in jail" or "fired"
because they have preferred to
follow ordinary business prac
tices. Wo must believe, too,
that mad dog journalism is noi
ther to bo muzzled nor repress
ed, nor oven reproved.
From the interest shown in
tho 0,-W. R. & N. Co.'s corn
contest, it appears that Oregon
will become a big corn produc
ing state. More than 5 tons of
selected seed corn, enough to
plant 1.000 acres, has beon dis
tributed free of charge by the
company, while the boutnern ra-
cihc has distributed more man z
tons additional. This seed will
be planted throughout the Pacific
Northwest and means the corn
acreage of this year will be
twice as large as last.
An indication of the confidence
felt in tho future is shown in the
announced expenditure of about
$75,000,000 by tho various cor
porations in and about Portland
during the current year on im
provements, extensions and bet
terments. Bank clearings show
gain every month over the
corresponding months of former
years and 1913 looks like a big
year for the whole Oregon coun
Despite its unlucky final fig
ures, the year 1913 promises to
set a high record for business
and industrial progress. A re
port just made by a leading com
mercial agency states that pros
pects for a good year were never
better throughout the racihc
Northwest territory. Sales and
collections are good, manufactur
ing is going ahead well and, best
of all, the prospects
crops are excellent .
for good
Happenings Told In An
Interesting Way
The Vancouver track team won
an easy victory over our team
Friday, May 16. Tho final score
was 85-37, St. Johns taking only
three firststhe high jump, the
pole vault and the broad jump.
Vancouver has not been defeated
in track for two years. Their
school is so largo that they had
ten point winners to our three.
In tho track and field meet
held at Corvallis on the nine-
tccnth ult, Bill Magonc, our sole
renrcsentative. cantured first
place in the pole vault, and sec
ond place in tho high jump,
thereby gaining for us eight
points. There wero only three
high schools in the stato that
ranked as well in tho number of
points. While there Bill gained
a few pointers from tho veteran
trainer, "Dad" Moulton, and has
since been putting them to good
use. for ho has repeatedly clear
cd the bar at eleven feet, four
inches, which is tho state inter
scholastic record.
I'rlday morning, May 'i, a
most enjoyable half hour was
snout bv tho students in tho us
scmbly hull, singing patriotic
songs in preparation for the visit
of tiio old soldiers on the follow
ing Tuesday. Since the James
John students have been so en
thusiastic over tennis lor some
time, plans have been made for
deciding tho High School chum
pionship. The tennis players arc
grouped in sets according to
classes, each of tho classes being
divided in such a way as to make
it nossiblo to have single, dou
ble, or mixed doubles. Tho first
try outs determine tho cham
pions of each of the classes, and
thcTcloss teams will bo made up
of theso winners. Tho latter Bots
will decide tho champions of tho
school. Tho first sets of tho tour
nament wero played May 2oth,
Ruth McGregor und Floy Colfey
of tho Freshmnn class winning
tho set
On Tucsdoy. May 2Gth,in com
memoration of Decoration Day,
tho High School was visited by
a few veterans of tho Civil War.
Comrades Kelly. Nolon, Ross
nnd Drew gave very interesting
talks on their experiences in tho
wnr. Comrade Kelly, who was
with tho Army of tho Potomac,
made us feel the reality of war,
while Comrado Nolon put before
us tho true meaning of "Liber
ty," nnd its significance in equnl
rights of mankind. Comrade
Ross gave a very interesting
sketch of his marches and skir
mishes with Sherman's Army of
tho West. Comrade Drew made
us realize tho terribleness of sla
very and the Negroes' desire for
freedom, and also thoir eagerness
to volunteer for service in the
Union army. Ho compared tho
trjals of war to the struggles of
tho present nnd future genera
tions against tho oviis that con
front them. We heartily thank
these loyal soldiers for making
us feel thoir enthusiastic patriot
Thesniritof the Hiak Klatawa
is growing greater all tho time.
A good illustration of it was
shown in the enthusiasm and
readiness of tho girls in setting
their alarm clocks for an early
hike Sunday morning, May 25.
Every girl.who had promised to
start out with the first group of
hikers came, even if it was a lit
tle later than the time set. Per
haps it will be better in tho fu
ture to arrange all hikes this
early, for only two of the num
ber who had decided to come
later, ventured to follow tho trail
of arrows. The camp was ar
ranged and breakfast cooked and
served at eight-thirty. Every
one declared that breakfast; nev
er tasted so good before, it con
sisted of two eggs, bacon, buns
and coffee. Fortune smiled upon
us, for the whole morning was
delightfully cool, so that by the
time the other two Hikers arriv
ed our appetites were ready for
dinner. The rest of the after
noon was spent in tho shade tell
ing stories and talking. Toward
evening the ldnging for home
took hold of us and we broke
camp, sunburn was the most
direct and clearest evidence of
the long hike, but this is only
temporary; loyal good will and
enthusiasm for tho Klawata is a
result that will last always.
Wednesday, May '6, rather
Kettenhofen crave the nunils of
the High School an interesting
and profitable talk on practical
Widely Represented
In a report from the general
conference of Seventh Duy Ad
ventists now being held in Wash
ington, D. C, it is stated that
every country on the globe is
represented by delegates. Al
tho leading ministers in the
United States and Canada are
among those in attendance. The
leaders of the denomination in
Europe and Australia as well as
those oi the mission stations in
Africa, Asia and the Islands of
the Sea are there. Bluck skinned
and yellow skinned men and wo
men who have been reclaimed to
Christ from heathenism, some of
them having been among man
outing tribes, aro lending impor
tanco to tho power of tho gospel
by their presence. From tho
secretary's renort. wo take this
statement,"The Gospel as taught
by Seventh Duy Adventists is
now being preached in ninety
different languages and being
printed in seventy-five langu
ages. Sinco tho conference met
four years ago tho denomination
has expended $1,008,229.58 in
foreign missions. Contributed.
problems which confront the tit
izens of our nation. His discus
sion of "citizenship and itadu
ties" mado us realize that wo
ouirht to tako an interest in nub
lie questions und do what we can
toward furthering tho welfare of
the community. The pupils up
nrcciate theso talks, and hope it
will not bo long before we Bhnll
bo privileged to listen to another
renrcscumuvu citizen oi oi.
. i? r n .
Tho Sophomore, Junior nnd
Senior Classes received an invi
tation car y this week to attend
a party at tho High School to bo
given Saturday evening by tho
Freshman cluss. According to
recent rumors, thcro will be
something unusual in store for
tho upperclussmen.j and all indi
cations point toward a lino time
lor every one.
Preparation is now being made
to givo a Senior play during
Commencement Week in June.
All those connected with the play
ore taking a great interest, nnd
this augurs well for a great suc
cess. Although truck season is now
over, there is still somo interest
taken in this sport. A few of
the boys aro practicing for the
athletic events at tho Firemen's
celebration on the lth and 5th of
July. Tho High School will pro
bably make ono or two entries to
tho P. N. A. meet to bo hold on
tho Multnomah field Juno 14.
The Senior class is awaiting
with eager anticipation the re
ception which wo hear will bo
given them Friday evening, June
6th, by tho Junior class.
A great deal of interest is cen
tering about tho mock trial that
will bo given by tho English his
tory class early next week. Ow
ing to the fact that an unbinsed
verdict is wnnted from tho jury,
it is impossible to publish tho
particulars of tho case.
The High school students, es
pecially those of an athletic turn
of mind, aro looking forward
with very much interest to the
class tennis tournament of this
week. Tryouts have already
been held and tho class teams
are conscientiously practicing to
win. Later on singles will bo
played to determine tho cham
pionship player of tho school.
Tho sewing class- ot senior
girls has mado rapid progress
during tho last semester. Tho
fruit of their labor in draiting
patterns from their own meas
urements is now being realized
as they put this training into
practical use, and find nicely
made and perfect fitting gar
ments rapidly nearing comple
tion for Commencement. The
work has been so interesting and
practical that tho members of
the other classes are anxiously
ooking forward to the time
when they will take up this ad
vanced work.
The fifth class to graduate
from the high school has made
their plans for Commencement,
which will take place during the
ast week in June. Beginning
with tho Baccalaureate sermon
which will be given in the High
School auditorium on Sunday
evening, June 21, the week will
be taken up with other Senior
festivities, tho most important
of which will be the class play
on Tuesday evening, and Com
mencement on Thursday even
ing. The class numbers six, and
most of the members have al
ready made their plans for their
next year's work. Editor.
Oilmore's Barber Shot) a sne-
cialty on childrens' hair cuttiug.
Matters of Importance
Receive Attention
All members were present at
the regular meeting of the city
council Tuesday evening, with
Mayor Bredeson presiding. It
was an extended session, in which
matters of special interest were
A communication from the
Portland Railway, Light and
rower uo. stated that an arc
tight had been installed at tho
corner of Hayes and Mohawk
streets, pursuant to instructions
of council.
H. A. Carson asked that the
proposed improvement of Cen
tral avenue bo continued to the
south city limits. Communica
tion accepted and ordered filed.
Sherman Cochran asked for a
ronowal of his liquor license,
which expires this month. Re
ferred to the liquor license com
S. (J. uoolc. in a communica
tion, strongly advised against
tho employment of additional le
gal services in tho water rate
case, stating" that he believed
the services of on engineer
would bo moro to tho purpose;
that no question of law was in
vovied; that it was entirely a
question of facts and not "not
air," and that a battery of law
yers would likely provo more
harmful than beneficial. Accept
ed and filed.
lliomas Whitney tendered his
resignation as patrolman, busi
ness matters requiring his im
mediate attention in tho state of
Michigan making his departure
from tho city imperative. The
Mayor later appointed G. W. No
rdic to fill the vacancy, and the
appointment was unanimously
confirmed by the aldermen.
Representatives of tho Crown
Columbia Paper Co. of Oregon
City wero present nnd sought to
lease tho city dock for storage
purposes. They stated that tho
upper portion of the dock wns all
they desired, and whllo they
would bo handicapped by not
having rail facilities connect ng
with tho dock, yet tlioy would bo
willing to pay a reasonable ron-
tal for its use for a period of ono
year, council took a recess ol
ten minutes to discuss tho propo
sition, after which sums ranging
from to $200 to $300 per month
wero suggested by different
council. Tho representatives
wero then asked to mako a prop
osition, nnd ono of them stntcd
that $175 per month was the best
they thought thoy could do with
tho dock in its present raillcss
shapo. Alderrnnn Wright made
a motion that the sum of $2550
be charged for tho dock for ono
year, iho mayor and other
councilman thought not loss than
$200 per month should bo oxnet
ed. Tho Paper compnny ropre
sentntives finally acquiesced in
the payment of $200 per month,
payable in advance, provided an
option at tho same rato bo given
for tho second year und immedi
ate possession bo also givon;
lowover. in tho event of a side
track bo ng constructed by tho
city before tho second year ter
minates, said leaso then to be
come void. Tho conditions wero
agreed to by council nnd a leaso
ordered drafted.
Rov. Plowman, on behalf of
tho ministers and church mem
bers of tho city, asked that the
new skating bo not permitted to
operate on Sundays, On a four
to three vote tho request was
Bills amounting to $234.91
wero allowed.
Tho committee appointed to
secure legal talent on tho water
rate case reported that it had
agreed to secure the services of
Mr. Stroud ut a stipulated price
of $200. Report confirmed.
Charles Anderson vigorously
protested against the employ
ment of Mr. Stroud in this ca
pacity: that it was a waste of
public money.
A storm of discussion arose
over a motion to reconsider the
action of the council last week
in taking tho Willamette boule
vard case to the Supreme Court.
Attorney Gatzmyer stated that
the expense had already been in
curred and it was almost too late
to rescind the former action. A
number of property owners spoke
upon the proposition, and it was
thoroughly discussed by the
council, several of the latter ar
guing that tho property owners
on tho south side of the street,
who had won their case in tho
Memorial Day Exercises
Decoration Day was observed
in St. Johns in n quiet and peace
ful manner. Most of the busi
ness houses remnined closed
throughout tho day. The exer
cises of the day given under the
nuspiccs. of General Compson
Post, G. A. R. was interesting
and impressive. Ono of tho
most interesting, features of tho
day's exercises was the parade
held in the morning. It was
headed by over 400 school chil
dren carrying flowers, nnd wns
followed in order by G. A. R..
Sons of Veterans, Spanish War
Veterans, W.R.C., Ladies of the
G. A. R. The morning exercises
wero held ut Hiiro orchard,
where the local veterans had
erected a monument to tho un
known dead. The lino of march
was formed on Philadelphia
street, and proceeded to tho Hill
ground ut 10:30, where memorial
services in honor of those who
have answered tho last roll call
were held. At the conclusion of
tho memorial services the scho)l
children formed a square around
the monument nnd marched,
with heads uncovered, deposit
ing flowers upon it. Short exer
cises by tho Woman's Relief
Corps and tho Ladies of tho G.
A. R. followed. The lino of march
was proceeding on tho return
when tho noon hour nrrived.
Promptly upon tho second Com
mander Miller stayed progress.
and the assemblage stood for five
minutes with heads uncovered
as a mark of respect to the un
known dend. This is uu impres
sive feature that has not buforo
been observed in tho Northwest.
Tho school children were then
dismissed and tho parado re
formed for tho march to tho
Odd Fellows' hall, whero a brief
program was given. Tho mem
bers then marched to tho G. A.
R. hall, whero lunch wns served.
Tho lunch was followed by a mu
sical program of patriotic num
Tho local G. A. R. has become
one ol the strongest organ iza
tious in tho stntc. r ivo years
ago it numbered seventeen mem
bers. Today it has a member
ship of 109 in good standing.
During tho flvo years 25 have
been buried nnd soven transfer
red to other posts.
On last Thursday afternoon tho
members of tho local G. A. R.
Post visited tho public schools
at Portsmouth, Ockloy Green,
Peninsula und
Albiua Homo
short programs
stead, whero
were givon.
At tho uckloy
Green school somo very effective
decorations and scenery greeted
tho members. The stage had
been fitted up to depict a night
scene in camp, rour soldiers
wero seated about a cracker box
playing cards, while a sentry
paced to und fro on duty. Tho
littlo scene wns greatly appreci
ated by tho "boys," and Com
mander Miller said that it
brought back a flood of nearly
forgotten memories.
Tho Post desires to oxtend its
warmest thanks to tho business
men and citizens ol St. Johns
for able and generous assistance
Circuit Court should not be put
to tho expense of fighting tho
mutter boforo the Supremo
Court. Finally a motion was
mado and carried that $150 bo
allowed them to defend tho case
against tho city, and tho case
go through to a decision.
An ordinance providing tho
ime und manner of improving
North Leonard street between
St. Johns avenue and Bruco
street was passed.
The Mazamas. a society of
mountaineers of Portland, nro a-
mong tho best boosters the stato
ias. They are constantly explor
ing somo interesting region and
telling about tho attractions for
tho traveler. They uro all apos
tles of tho "Seo Oreon First"
movement and their healthful
outdoor activities might well bo
imitated by many of our people.
This week the Mazamus uro vis
iting tho Josephine County
caves. Tho Grants Pass Com
mercial Club is aiding to mako
the trip pleasant.
Houses for Rent Ono 6 room
louse. $10: one 5 room house.
$10; one 6 room house, wired for
electric lights, $11. All have
modern plumbing. Inquire at
801 E. Fessenden street, corner
Central avenue.
Fresh cow for sale Gives- 6
gallons daily of good, rich milk.
Address 1007 Oswego street.
Proposals Wanted
Bids will bo received by the
Board of Directors of School
District No. 2 of Multnomah
county up to 4 p. m. June 12th,
to supply the school of the dis
trict witli first growth, heavy fir
slab wood, not less than 2G0
cords. The Board reserves tho
right to reject any ond all bids.
Address bids care of
Clerk School District No. 2.
Published in the St. Johns He
view May 23,30, and June 6, '13.
Notice of Cost of Improvement
Notice Is hereby given Hint the iisscm.
mcnt for the Improvement of 1'cs.scii
den street from Jersey street to Smith
nvenue, the totnl cost of which
Is f 0,431.40, wns declared by Ordinance
No. 543, entitled "An ordinance declar
ing the cost of Improving l'csscndcii
street from the northerly line of Jersey
street to the northerly line of
Smith avenue, nnd nsscMlug the
protwrty benefited thereby, declaring
such nsscssment nnd directing the entry
of the Mine In the docket of city Hens.''
The cost of sntd improvement Is levied
upon nil the lots, parts of lots nnd par
cels of land within the boundaries of the
district described as follows: ltctwecn
the northerly line of Jersey street nnd
the northerly Hue of Smith Avenue.
A statement of such nncnmcnt has
been entered in the docket of city Ileus
May 28, 1913. nnd Mid nsesstncnt
Is now due nnd payable nt the office of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns, Or
cgon, nnd will be dcllumicut nnd bear
interest niter June 7, 1013, nnd If not
(mid on or before Tunc 27. 11)13. nro.
cccdlugs will be taken for the collection
of the same by sale of property ns pro.
viucti uy uic cuy dinner.
1'. A. RICH,
Published in the St. Johns Review on
Mny 30 nnd June 0, 11)13.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed tiroDosals will lie received nt
the office of the recorder of the city of St.
joints, mini juue u, iuiu, ni n o'clock
p. in, for the Improvement ol Rich.
moud sticct from . the north Hue of
Smith Avenue, lo the south lino of
l'csscndcii street In the maimer provided
by Ordinance Number 542, subject
to the provisions of the charter and ordi
nances of the city of St. Johns nnd the
estimate of the city engineer on flic,
Ilnglitccr's estimate is 42,801.80.
Ilids must be strictly In accordance
with the printed blanks, which will be
furnished on application nt the office of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns.
And Mid Improvement must lie com
pleted on or before 6o days from the date
of the Inst publication of this notice.
No proK)sntsorblds will be comddurml
unless uccomMiiled by u certified chock
Mynble to the order of the mayor of tho
city of St. Johns, certified by n reoini
hi e Imuk for nn amount equal to ten pur
Cent, of tho aggregate projiowl.
The right to reject any mid nil bids I
hereby reserved,
Uy order of the city council,
I'. A. RICH.
Recorder of the city of St. Johns,
Published in the St. Johns Revluw
May 30 nnd Juue 0 nnd 13, 1913,
How Is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, con
tinued or examined at the Peninsu
la Title, Abstract nnd Realty Co
Accurate work, Reasonable feus,
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
Any lady interested in tho cul
ture of sweet peas and in our an
nunl sweet pea show, leave your
namo with the Committee. This
year it is to bo larger und moro
beautiful than ever. Wo will
have many more prizes and ev
erybody will have a chanco.
Commercial Club, by Committee
C. C. Currin. C. II. Boyd. 5.
W. Rogers,
A splendid start lias beon by
the Stato Immigration Commis
sion in tho work of attracting
immigrants from Northern
Europe. A German hearing,
held recently, wus productive of
valuable suggestions and many
districts will co-ojierate in bring
ing settlers here, as well as in
aiding them on their arrival.
Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and
Dutch conferences along tho
same lino win uo uciu uy tno
The Battleship Oregon will not
be used us a target by the Navy
Department if this state can help
it. Resolutions strongly protest
ing against this action have been
adopted by many organizations
and a petition, as long as the fa
mous battleship itself, has been
signed und forwarded to Presi
dent Wilson by school children
asking that tho Oregon lend the
naval parado through the Pana
ma Canal.
Wanted Girl for housework;
must be ablo to do plain cooking.
Mrs. J. Markwoll, 116 East
Chicago street.