St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 18, 1913, Image 2

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Published Evory Friday
At 117 West Uurllngton Street.
Tub Kitvmw Is entered nt post office
In Snlnt Johns, Oregon, as mail mntter
of Uie Kcond cuus under the Act of Con
gress of March 3i '879.
Job Printing iccuUJ In flrit-clAM iik
Ulllt for Job Frlntlnc caib on dellrcrj.
All communication! ahonld ba addrenod to
Tlia Btrlew, fit. John, Oregon.
ODlclU Newapiper of the (Mr of Bt Johna.
Subscription prlco $1,00 per year.
f - . .X
This week witnessed almost
an ontirc change in municipal
gvommonl. The old oIHciala took
a back scat and the now ones
wore placed in the harness.
There is little to condemn in the
work of the old council find much
to commend. It was not that
they had made a failure of the
duty entrusted in their hands
that they were displaced, but
because of a spirit of unrest
among the people. Things wore
going along too smoothly and too
monotonously, and a change waB
dusirod apparently that the mo
notony be uroken, anil also a de
sire to see what a now council
manic body can do.
Tho new council looks good.
Thoy are all good citizens, earn
ust and show a disposition to re
alize and appreciate the heavy
rosnonsibi tv t need unon the
shoulders. There is much to
hope for and little to fear from
tho body now representing tho
citizens of St. Johns.
In missing from the old to the
now, we would say a few words
concerning tho new Mayor. Wc
havo known Charles Hredcson
moro or less intimately during
tho past seven years, and we can
attest to ins sterling qualities
There is an utter absence ol tie
coption and hypocrisy in his
makeup that is truly refreshing
Fear nor favor will never stunt
in the way of Mr. Hredcson per
forming his duty as he sees it.
One cannot help but like tin
man, and those who have known
him the longest like him the best.
Ho came to St. Johns when
was young in growth ami oxnor
iouco, and he realizes as well as
any one its further needs and re
quircmoiils. He believes in be
ing open and aboveboard in al
public matters, ami there .will be
no star cliainiier sessions witl
his consent during his rogim
Wo havo faith to believe that
Charles Hredeson would novel
have sought the high olncc to
which he has attained did he not
fool within himself that he woulti
mako good, that bo would couv
mand the respect and the ulti
mate confidence of all, and hit
administration j-eflecl credit up
on the city and himself as well.
With his many manly attributes
to assist him, there is good rea
son to believe that he will make
good in every sense of the term,
arid that city alVaiiu under his
guiding hand will be taken care
of in a manner never oxcelled.
Honoit, courageous. u true friend
and a public spirited man, we
predict that lie and the adminis
tration over which he presides
will redound to the honor and
bottormont of the city of St.
Tho now city attorimv 0. J.
GatKinyor, is a rising ami popu
lar young attorney with a ftituri
full of promise. He has dwelt
tiuiully among us for the past
row years, pursuing his choson
vocation and establishing him-
sou in the rospect and confldonce
of our citixens. He is ambitious,
onorgotit', thorough, it perfect
goutleman nt all times, and has
acquired a fluent knowledge of
law. Tlmt lie will guide the city
aright in a legal way past the
shoals ami obntHcle that occa
sionally besot u nuiniripnlity all
nro willing to concede.
Wo ahull not nt this time nt
tompt to enumerate the good
qtmlUlos of Ute new couueilnion.
but sulllce to say that in each
ami every instance they are men
to bo dopendod uihid and relied
upon to do their duty to the tit
torniOJt It is safe to sav that
all will receive a square (leal nt
taoir hands, and that every pub
lic matter will receive the fullest
and most careful consideration
hofore notion is taken thoreon.
With tho "ship of state" still
in good and safe hands, it is up
to us as citizens of St. Johns to
uaalst in every way possible in
making the new administration
tho success we believe it is des-,
tin ad to be. He slow to condemn ;
bo brand enough to view both
fiidos of n controversy boforo
criticising; .exercise jmtionco,
and do not expect too much: and.
above all. bo fair, lonsit orat
ami holpful, und the new admin
istration wil! do the rest.
a rank AmovNT
till '' r ' - t
wninon ol
ronnoot I'nllv sollolt tllO llOOUUlltH of
it" r lil ii tm in ii ii 1 1 )' vita I titmltninl linn mil
tlmtiirht )' mittliiir ntonov In ll'io hnnle for .vol, tintl
irlvliiir von ii hnnle hoole, u rigo lilm to (o.HO today.
Yo'n etui lllJY ClIliAlTHlt wlion you pay Litis
roixulnrlv with ohoolem you Itnvo a record of Juht
want yon "point mitt whnt you xpond It I'or, und u to
(rnl rovolpt I'uroyory hill you puyt you'll vvonunilxvt
you'll ho liulopondonl.
Jut OUIt Jlnnle ho YOU It Hunk
Wo pity 4 poroont. IntoroHtoii unylnfrs
First National Bank, St. Johns, Oregon
Happenings Told In An
Interesting Way
Last Thursday morning a very
onthiiBiHtic booster meeting was
held. Mr. Hoyd, the faculty and
different members of the stud
ent body expressed themselves
in regard to the importance of the
coming contests in debate and
The debate of Saturday even
ing was well attended and no
small part of the audience was
made up of St. Johns people.
The debate proved interesting
from the opening to the closing
speech. Although wo wore de
feated in tins semi-final debate,
we may justly fool proud of
what we havo done in this first
year's attempt at debate.
Last baturday afternoon J. J.
II. S. wiih represented at Colum
bia's annual open indoor meet by
Smith. Thurmond and Magone.
Thurmond ami Magone had a lit
tle hard luck. Thurmond was
running a good race when he was
thrown by a couple of runners
who stumbled in front of him.
Magone sprained his knee in the
pole vault, thus being put out of
further competition. bmith.
however, won second In the
In-ond jump, coming within two
inches of first place, thus making
three points for 111111103 John.
l'liis made moro points than all
the Portland high schools taken
together wore capable of in tho
open ovonls.
.1. J. II. will not atteinnt to
have a baso ball team this year.
but will devote all their time to
track and field athletics. We
have considerable talent in these
and by present indications this
will be without doubt a red let
tor season. There will be at
least four more meets, which
will makea well balanced season,
rite first will be witli Ridgofleld
High school April 2(5. There is
now a movomont on to charter a
ioat and make this trip a free!
for all picnic. A couple of I
weeks later tho U. of 0. will!
stage their annual interscholaris-,
tic meet, ami on May 17th Van
couver will bo tho scene of an
other dual moot. And some time
)efore tho ond of tho season a
triangular meet will be pulled I
off botweon ICstacada, (Iresham 1
and Junius John. Reporter.
Are You Tired of Taking Cal
omel, Salts and Pills for
Hilliotisncss and Stom
ach Trouble?
Hero's a Veronica Water testi-j
monial riirht at homo- Read i
what Mr. Jonson says- Write M
him. or go and seo him if in
doubt about what it will do for,
you. 1
I havo
It Is resolved by the City of St. Johns,
Tlmt It deems it expedient und neocs
wry to improve Smith nvcntic from the
southeast flue of Oswcuo street to the
northwest line of Columbia boulevard in
the city of St. Johns in the following
manner, to wit;
Ily KMilliiK said portion of nnlil direct
to the subside established und by
imvlni: said street with urnvel bittilllhic
pavement twenty feet in width together
with the iicccary tub-drains.
Work to be done according to the
plans and specification of the city engi
neer 011 file in the office of the
city recorder relative thereto,
which said plans and specifications
and estimates arc satisfactory and arc
hereby approved. Said Improvements
to he made In accordance with the
charter mid ordinances of the city of
St. Johns, and under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
That the cost of wjjd Improvement lobe
assessed pro rata and as provided by the
city charter ujkiii the property especially
and txitticularly benefitted thereby "d
which Is hereby declared to be nil of lots
part of lots, blocks and parcels of laud
between the termini of such Improve
ments abutting upon, adjacent or prox
imate to said. Street from the
marginal lines of said street back to tho
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
We've secured a limited number of
copies of
to distribute among our customers
and while the supply lasts, ANY
woman whether she's a regular
customer or not may have her copy
by simply calling at our pattern de
partment. There's no charge Good
Dressing will be presented FREE,
with our compliments.
1-T ,1M
pogoo of magnificent garments
This is only one of the things we are doing for -our customers no
where else in the city can you get a real MAGAZINE like this without
paying for it; and the "only way we can get our money back is by pleas
ing you, and perhaps selling one of our pattern. .
Good Dressing for May contains seventy-odd of the new styles with
New York Fashion Notes, Hints on Arranging the Hair, Instructions for
Making over Millinery, Color-harmony Chart; and many other helpful and
interesting articles. Call for YOUR copy before the supply is exhausted.
Couch & Co.
Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904
Our Piano Contest Closes on Tuesday May 20
Only four more weeks,
Vottfs are going fnst;
someone 'will receive
the beautiful
$400 Upton Parlor
Do not forget, we aUo
give the following
2nd prize, Caloric Fire-
less Cooker
3rd prize, N. P. Chaf-
. ing DJsh.
4th prize, 42-piece
I Dinner Sot
'5th prize, Enameled
Roaster -
6th prize, Sanitary Crystal Glass Freezer
7th prize, Decorated Stein
8th prize, Aluminum Candelabra
9th prize, Salad 13owl
10th prize, Hand Painted Vase
SPECIAL Five votes for every cent Cash Purchase
Next Saturday and Wednesday.
He sure aud ask for your votes, give them to your frieud if you are not in the
contest. (h
St Johns Hardware Company
The Best Light
At The Lowest Cost
ELECTRIC LIGHT. is the most suitable for homes,
offices, shops and other places needing light.
Electricity can be used in any quantity, large
or small, thereby furnishing any required
amount of light. Furthermore, electric tamps
can be located in any place, thus affording any
desired distribution or light.
No other lamps possess these qualifications, there-"
fore it is not surprising that electric lamps' are '
ranmiy replacing all others in modern estab-lislnnents.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Company
spoils, Livor and Kidney
How is Your Title?
Have your abntrtcU utada. con
tinned or uxniniiicd nt tliu l'ttiiusu
In Title, Abstract ntnl Koolty Co
Accurate work. Rwuouublu fw.
II, Ilctulursoti, malinger, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald bunding.
For Salo. Piano in first class
condition, lionsonuble "jirico.
Call at this ollico.
Typewriter ribbons for sale
this office; $0. cents each.
Biill'orod with dizzy
bios and at times I was so badly
discouraged tlmt I did not euro
to live. I had tried overytbim?
that tho doctor and my friends
hud rccommomled, without re
sults. A short timo ago my at
tention was culled to Veronica
Water. 1 nt once begun its use.
Now I havo no dizzy spells und I
fool like u now man; I say, in
fact, Votonica Water saved my
life. To my frionds who knew
of my condition boforo I began
to use Veronica Water it is un
necessary for mo to recommend
it, lnu to those who do not know
mo. l rocommonu tins wonuertul
water, ami say Kivo it a fair tri
al, Respectfully,
Nicholas Jensen.
Caro of Hank of Sellwood. 519
Sollwood Ave Portand, Or.
Got it at tho St. Johns Pharmacy.
I . ul ubiittttiK thereon or proximate
That nil the property included in said
improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declined to he Local Improvement
distiict No. 97.
That the city engineer's asst&sment of
the probable total cost of said improve
ment of said Smith avenue is
That the cost of said ktreet be assessed
against the property In said local assess
meiit district its provided by the charter
of the city of St. Johns.
AMoptett by tne council tins bth day of
April. 1913.
1'. A. KICK,
Published in the St. Johns- Review
April 11 and 18. 1913,
Slabwood !
Prompt Dry,
Deliveries. Green,
Quality Blocks,
Guaranteed. Trimmings
Extraordinary i
Valnp ' !
In Spring and Summer Hats I
1 5 Artistic Trimming, Full Line of S
1 o Dark and Light Colors in Large 1
Phone Columbia 131
and -Small Effects with Hio
Front as well as Low Back Trim
ming of Flowers and Novelty,
Grower and dealer in
Rose Bushes and Nursery
812 tf. l.eonanl Sta-ct
St, Johns, Ore.
I H. HENDERSON McDonald Bldg.,208 Jersey
I Real Estate, Loans, Insurance ;
g Arajts ot r ltie 1'repareu. Acxurate Work Guaranteed.
4th Door North of the
Multnomah Theatre
Mrs. B. E. Shiiltz