St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 11, 1913, Image 6

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    '-The' Bonvilej,5ystem
hindered, by tho interest or neg
lect, as the case may be, of tho
tllappcnings Told In An
I Interesting Way
Timo: Saturday evening April
J 12, 8 p. m. Place: Y. M, C.
'A. auditorium, Portland. Teams:
James John vs. Springfield. LJ
h The High School debating team
h ns noon ronmrKHUiy bucccs8i,ui
Ithis season. By winning four
Sdcbatcs from tho following
schools, Astoria, St. Helens,
IjfPnrk place and Woodburrt, . our
toam won tho Columbia River
district championship. !The
. jirospccts are bright for winning
mio state cnampionsnip, ns mere
,are only throe teams in the race,
hll tho othors having been oliru-
JSinatcd. Tho team is composed
of Edna Hollcnbeck, Lorena Haw
son and Basil Smith, alternate.
Strenuous and conscientious
-effort has boon nut forth bv the
I- team and conch and the student date was not important, but sini
neon o.
Tho responsibility ia ours. Let
Theirreatcst disaster of nast us assume it.
mistaKea would oe to allow tne
memory of -thernHdtliscdurage
us f ronirflctaindr futuro bimortun-
,ity. The baby of. yesterday has
blurred eyes, "distorted lface and
a broken milk bottle, and amis
t6ward mother. Thp mail of the
i.!..... - . y.i : 1.1. . L."
iium una u ajmrKiu in ma vyvt u
nUrnOSe On his fflce. a telescono
in his hand and ftf facing the fu
ture. Past mistakes are of fu
ture value only as wcnurire them
from our present and future
nHncinlpH. Tho overwhelming
sncriflco of the American peo
ple's money and public rights to
private interests, .resulting from
lax business methods, has flow
ed in with such volume as to ere
ate chaos and confusion. To
erect headstones or keep records
of these disasters is out of the
The item appearing in tho St Ts VcWnlll tlftrnV.incr
Johns Review March 28th under
PnHiim'' nml rofnrrTnVr. Kruno the BUSlfteSS Worfd
remote concern of which the
u w ,m
i-i II .(
body is onlliUBijisiic in oxnrosB-
ing their belief that we will win.
James John debates the ncgn-
i tive side of the question, resolv
ed "That the United States shall
maintain a large navy.
The state i divided into four
districts, namely: Southern Oi:
cgon, Coos Bay, Central Oregon
and Columbia River. North
Bend, representing the Coos Bay
district, defeated Klamath Fulls
of the Southern Oreuon district.
and will meet the winner of the
Springficld-St. Johns debate at
tho Stuto Univurity, I2tigonu,
May 81 h.
- - fi lm record Hint the team made
is one of which thu . school (oelH
proud, and it also indicates that
nly outlines that n $4000 co-oner-
ative company wus closed out by
court procedure for a default of
only $322. Such unjust warfare
has ever aggressed against any
and every cllortfor the establish
ment of any humane universally
just induscrial or social princi
ple. The oxecssivo tyranny of
capitalistic methods has been
both school and teacher and now
is demonstrator to the fast ad
vancing class that aro preparing
the foundation for universal jus
Well do they realize that an
exterior possible of penetration
from without is doomed, well
do they realize that an interior
subject to disease
What is?
to disease is doomed.
the team is composed of cai):jblHThe great onslnu'ght of corporate
debaters, imiuHng- an' Jntu?tft disaster has soared in the pool-
intr mill nvinmmr rvinlout. Nh I Din h mill
uig and exoitinir contest. No
admission fee will be chargeth
and it is hoped that ovory, $tu-
dent and many citizens will lend
tnolr nrosencu to irivo the team
the necoDHary support to defeat
their opponent and bring now
laurels to the school and city.
' f
A. farmer living in the North-
urn imrl of Iowa stuck hunsolt in
the leg with a pitch fork. Tho
wound would not heal and for
two years ho had a running sore.
lie tried all the common salves
and llnimontflund mimotimus the
sore would heal, but it always
broke open again. Finally lie,
lioalodituptpHtav liealod with prohibits proxy voting. You
Ai oii H u cor no bnive. cannot invest a dollar into an in-
In -try under tho Bonvillo Sys
tem without giving and receiv
ing mutual benefit. A. I'orter.
Appeal for Information
pic's minds the overwhelming I
necessity for protection, and
their ardent search lias revealed
properly protected and organized
co-oneralbn as tho only possible
T...I II... f 1 1 ...... 1 .... .1 - . ,
mm uiu oiuvuiiuiu cunccrn rcr
fcrred to been prohibited from
usHumingany liabilities whatever
it could not have been closed out
for a small debt.
The Bonv l o 99 Year System1
forbids purchasing in excess of
treasury funds. It is protected
on every point on which nust oi
operative ellorls have failed. It I
1H lumillori on n cimh liimin in iin
f''" "!!Jl?..,tf..r""-. Ji 99-YE3AR SYSTEM
tho majority of share holders.
holds their united interest by
rendering each the full earnimrs
oi ins investment it lie votes and
Our Ladies' Department
has enlarged the line of Ladies' House
Dresses and Children's School Dresses.
We have increased the stock of yard
age goods to comprise a moderate selec
tion of all the new wash fabrics.
The spring line of the A. E. Brown
small children's shoes is now in stock.
Our Grocery Department
is kept right up to the hour on all the seasonable goods the trade .de-
j mancis.
is ready to supply every heed of the well dressed man or youn man
from Hosiery and Underwear to Hat or Cap. We are experiencing an
increasing business in our Men's Department and the trade in other
lines is satisfactory. But, we wish to advise the readers of this ad
vertisement that if the St. Johns stores, our stores or other stores, had
the most of the patronage of St. Johns people, your business section
would be at least twice as large; the streets would present a busier
appearance; your newspaper would be a daily instead of weekly, and
the churches and schools would present a different proposition. Boost
for home patronage.
Northern Paclltc Railway
Corrected January 7, 1911
This salve in one of the oldost
rcmodios in America and since
18(50 it Iiiih boon known as tho
only salvo powerful enough to
euro chronic ulcer and old sores
of long standing.
Allen's UlcorTne Snlvo acta by
drawing out the poixonw and
healing tho lore from tho bot
tom up. It is so powerful that
it heals now cuUi and soros in
one-third tho time that common
salves and liniments take. And
it heals burns andHcalds without
a scar, bold by the St. Johns
rliarmacy and other leading
rlntllc .top. on flag
Norlli Cos.! I.linltcil via North lunk
Atlantic ItaprcM via rugct Hound
Atlantic liintr.t via Nuitli llauk
Twin City KaprcM via llitcrt Hound
Twin City Itipro. vU North lunk
nrr via North Hank- 7 11 ni
I'nittt Hound l.lmiteil,4wo p, m., Grays Harbor
ttattrm lUprovU ruitct Hound
Kattrrn ItamrMvIa North Hank
Mo. Kivcr ll)rrs via North Hank
7 13 a 111
7 p. I"
10 11 a m
4100 pin
- 7 1$ p 111
ll'Jl p 111
- 10.11 a m
203 S. Jorsoy Stroct
bend ioc for booklet. If
satisfied, return within
1 vi mm 1W111 imiii,) inwi)ii (in uiui.i 1 ,
" Consumers' Co-onerativo Co. of tnrce dftys niu we return the
Sealed Bids Invited
Tho Hoard of Director of
School District No.2 oiler for sale
to the highest bidder tho throe
frame dwellings situate on Hlock
10 back of St. Johns Central
school, St. Johns. Hids may bo
for one, two or threo of tho
buildings, must bo accompanied
uy corunoci eiiecK tor ton per
com 01 tne amount oi Did and
must be handed or mailed to F.
P. Drinker, Chairman, at the
First National Hank. St. Johns.
before 12 o'clock noon April 2-1.
1018. Tho Hoard of Directors
reserves tho right to reject any
and all bids and require the
dwellings to bo moved from tho
promises not later than 210 days
lrom April 21. 1S)1J. J.E.Tanch.
Clerk of Hoard of Directors.
School District 2, Multnomah
In tho columns of the StJohns
Review of March 28, under tho
enpuon oi "i;o-onorutivo store
rails," the nubile is made coir
nizimt of the bankruptcy of a
certain company known as tho
Cleveland." Thru some straniro
:..!. ......... r M,0i,.iJu'"
uivmiHiii' uiu iiiiiiiv vi iuu aunu
wherein the city, the home of
the defunct concern is said to be
located, is omitted.
Is tho nubile to in for that the
Clovoland mentioned in thoaforo
Haiti article refers to a eoi'tittn
metropolis of Ohio, or does it I'
hail from Texas, Missouri or the
South Sea islands
inisiness etuics ( emnm s ex
plicit detail in an important an
nouncomont of this kind. How
is it possible for tho nrosnectivo
nuyor to inspect tne said stock
and fixtures as advertised if he
has no knowledge whether the
Engineer s Hldg.. 478. is located
in tho north, south, east or west?
From tho present outlook tho
rapid increase of the cooperative
stores under tho Ronvillo 99 Year
System makes it imperative on
tho part of its promoters to keep
in touch with advertising of this
kind in order to avail themselves
of any possible advantacro ac
eruing from such sales. J.Webb
ami South Iknd llranclira.
Vacoll -aitrnj(rr - 400pm,
North con i.imitrn via Noniinank - - r- in t
North Coa.l Limited via Puutl Hound 611a 111
No. I'aclric llaprcaa via North 1'ank- ?na 111 '
Pacific HaprcM via North lank 7 iu p. 111
Pacific KiprrM via ruuet Hound 41 a, m
SVcHtrn ltiprr via North llauk - 7 mii, ni
Mo. Klvrr Itapreaa via North Hank ;, 111
Mo. Kltcr Itanreta via IMcet Hound HMD, 111
Portland. I'acuuia fli HcatllcKapreaa. - j top, m ,
lrom (ilynipU. boutli Hrud and lira). Ilaibor ,
I'uaet Hound Limited --..... 6 11, m '
Vacolt I'aMcugcr yjia. m
O. M. Cornell. Avent.
Spokane, Cortland & Seattle Railway.
fallbrldiic I'diKnscr (or I.yle, Ooldendatc. Ore
nk and local iwirita f:t a. m.
untrc limrcM, 10:11 a. ui.. (or Clilcaco.
HI. Paul. Umalia, KanuaCity. Bt. I.ouia, Walla
Walla'I'aKU. KoomtvcIL Orauddallra, 5olJu
dale. White Halnion, Vancouver and Oregon
1 rutiK coiiurtiMiia.
North lunk l.luillcd.711.1 p. in., (or Chicago 61
Paul, uiuana, Kantaa cuy, di. louu. nnokaur
Hpiai:ue. Kltivllle, Llnd, VaKO, KookvcII. and
Columbia Hlv.r Local. S'M P. lu . lor Vancouver!
L-arnat, wnue sairuon, i,ie,uranuaauca,i.iin
I'auoiiogc ana ail luicriuruiaic naiioua.
I Inland Umpire IUprea, 7:op, 111., from Chlca
KO, ni. I aui. uiuaua, muui vuy. Pi. i.oui.,
bnokaue, Knrairue. Kitavllle Llnd. I'aico
KooKvelt.Granddalc'. White Haluton,aud Van
North Hank Limited. 7iiJ a. ro., trom Chlcaco,
hi. Paul, thnaha, Kaii" louk, walla
Walla, iiku, Koocvclt. aud Vancouver.
Columbia Kiver Local 9: J I a. ui.. from Cliffs,
uranuuaiira, uoiocuuaie, i.jic wnue nairaou,
Camas. Vancouver aud all Intermediate Ha
I'allbrldiic Papfei jxxi p, 10. from Lyle, Gold'
cnuaie aim local poiuia.
All iraiu.aiop ior paucuicn.
Ticket! ou aale lor all polnti.
O, M. Cornell, Agent.
Proposals lor Slreel Work A Safe Prediction
Successor to
St. Johns Sand ami Gravel Company
L. D. JACKSON", Prop.
General Contractor
Soiilwl jiroiKKtiU will lm rvcuivtyl nt
(lie otlice oi tliu rvconwrol tliucitv of St.
John, until April 16, 1318. nt 8 o'clock
By Frank Bonvillo.
cl With tho nrcseiit rnnid irr'owtli
p. in. mr in iiuproveiiiant ol l'w- nf tho Ronv o 99 Your Svstom.
I,.. ..-. . '
somleii street (rum tlio woatcrly line of
0cko ktreet to tlia line of Smith
Avuuuu, lu thu manner provided
by Ordinance Number Ki6, subject
to the provUioiu of the charter uud ordi
nances of the city of St. Johns and the
estimate of the city engineer 011 (lie.
KiiKitieerV e.tlm.tte (610,050. It).
lllils must be ktrictly in accordance
with the printed blanks, which will be
fitrnishid ou upplication ut the ollice of
the recorder of the city of St. Johns.
And said improvement must be com
pleted ou or before 60 days from the date
of the last publication of this notice.
No proposals or bids will be considered
unless accompanied by a certified check
payable to the order uf the mayor ol the
city of St. Johns, certified by 11 responsi
ble bank for an uuiouut equal to tun per
cent, of the ugnrejjule proposal.
The right to reject any ami all bids is
hereby reserved.
lly order of the city council.
1'. A. KICK,
ltccorder of the city of St. Johns,
I'ublished iu the St. Johns Review
March 28 ami April 4 audll, 1913.
tho next iifteen or twenty years
will seo the majority of the
wealth of tho United States in
tho hands, and under tho control
of thu majority of tho people.
And tills will bo accomplished
without abolishing tho present
laws or the enactment of new
ones. Tne organization of tho I
Equal HiKhts Company on March
8th Issuiltcientevldenco to prove
this statement.
Under this system it will not
bo necessary for a man to hold
office, in order to be able to wield
as great inihienco us tho man al
ready in ofhee.
Don tbelievo it btudy the by-
laws of this system! Got post
ed! This Is no experiment.
This system is hero to stay. Its
progress may he facilitated or1
Postoffice Box 1 195
Portlnud, Oregon
We are prepared to do auv aud
all kinds of excavating for street
work and other purposes. We
also handle sidewalk and build
ing material.
Newton aud Kessendeu Streets
St. Johns, Oregon
Phoue Columbia 236
Odd jobs of all kinds Prompt service
Houses uioval,.raiseil ana repaireu
Contractor, House Movers and
Phone Columbia 56
801 Ivanhoe St.
St. Johns, Oregon
Note th tabl en your papw.
Plumbing, Tinning
Furnace Installing
Call up Columbia 92
Miotic Columbln'Cl
First Nntlonal Hank building.
Open Evenings and Sundays by
Ollke Phone Columbia 140
Kcsltleiit Phone Columblu 38
Physician and Surgeon.
Day & Night Office In McCheny blk.
SU Johns, Oreton,,
R. A. JAYNE, Al. D.
OHice over First National Bank
Office Phone Columbia 282
lie. Phone Columbia 1
Office Phone Coluinhin 34
Kcsiilcnco Phone Columbia 1
St. Johns Express, Transfer
and Storage Co.
Pinuo Moving a Specialty. Haul
fug done to and from Portland
Kc.sidcnce 400 V.nxl Richmond
Office 103 North Jersey Street
Daily trips to Portland.
The United Artisans
Meets every lfritla even
iiig in the M. W. A. hall
in the Holurook building.
Men, Women and Children
To aatitt in the winning ol
oul to ClirLt and in training
them for His service,
Sunday Services
mute cciiooi: 10 a. m.
MontltiL' Service; 11 a,
Junior C. K.: 3 p. tti.
V. P. S. C. K.:-7 a in.
Evangelistic Services: 8 p. m.
Wednesday Training Cla.8 p. m.
Thursday Praycnueetlng:8 p.m.
J. R. Johnson, Pastor
I Cixiik New York St. and Willis Btulcwd
First National Dank Duilding
Central Market!
20S S. Jersey Street
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of
the Best Moats Obtainable.
Order rd anil rtmfly Trade SoHdtett
T. P. WARD, Proprietor
Preach u gospel of St Johns.
Meets every V ridav night at
7:30 o'clock in l.'O.O. F
Hall, Visitors always wel
come. V. h. BABCOCK, C. C.
FOR RENT cards at this office.
Alotorcycle and Bicycle Re
pair Shop
110 South Jersey Street
Auto aud Motorcycle Oils aud Supplies
Kcpuinng una vulcanizing
We cati get you tires ol all kinds, New
mid second hand bicycles (or sale,
J. M. and V. P. WRAY, Props.
Phone Columbia 587,
No. 186 I. O. O. T
Ueeti each Monday evening ia Odd FV
Ions hall at 7:30. A cordial welcome to
all visiting brothers.
Chas. II. Boyd, N. G.
Alex. S. Scales, Sec.
If your tire blows up, blow
into tne
Peninsula Garage
207 S. Jaraav St.
and have it repaired In a
neat and workmanlike
manner. Automobile aud Motoicyle re
pairing and supplies. PhoneCol. 632.
Autos for hire by the day or hour,
Transfer and Storage
We deliver your roods to and from
all parta of Portland, Vancouver, Linn
ton, Portland and Suburban Expree
Co,, city dock and all points aeeeaeible
by wagon. Plane and furniture ma via
Not tho libs I on your paper.
A. P. and A. M.
Regular communications
on first Wednesdays 01
each month In Odd Pel
lows' Hull. Visitors wel.
Urnest S, Harrington, W, M,
John Noce, Secretary
We buy or sell St. rlins Property
Real Estate"
List your property with its If you
desire to sell quickly
202 N. Jersey St. St. Johns
Daniel 0. Webster. A. B. M. D
Residence, C97 Dawson Street
Office, Pllter Block.
University Park, Portland, Ortioa.
Order eastern star
.,K,cJ Minerva Chapter No. 105
'fwli Meets Rverv First and Thlid
I? Tuesday Rveuing of EarU
Odd 1'ellow Hall,
Ruby R. Davis, Worthy Matrou,
Mrs. Susie Rogers, Secretary.
The following list of local blanks
are kept for sale at this office and
others will be added as the demand
it Warranty deeds, Quit Claim
ueeds, Kealty and Chattel Mort
gages, batisfaction of Mortgages,
Contracts for Sale of Realtv. Bills
of Sale, Leases.
All these blanks at the uuifoim
price of 30c per dozen.
In order to Insure, a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
rememoer tnie and save the printer
Subscribe for the St. Johns ttevlow
and keep pcatnd on the dolnga yf
the city. '
You get full weight .and first
quality at the Central market. Just
try aw hue.
Advertise in St. Johns Review and Watch Your Business Grow