St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, April 11, 1913, Image 5

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We bought up a big bunch of brass and iron beds at very low figures.
Our customers get the benefit. For the next week, bed prices are way
down Down below the place where you can afford to do with a worn
out bed. ,
Brass Beds, beauties, two inch continuous posts, Satin
finish, regular $30.00 cut to
Big Brass Bed, large substantial, continuous posts, (JjQA AA
triple fillers, fly speck proof. Regular $45.00, cut to. . . .)Ov.UU
Best white enamel iron bed, two inch d0 rr ' Iron beds in several different and at- d C 'J K
continuous post,regular $12.00, cut to. ,PO.UU 1 tractive designs, regular $9.00 cut to. y -J
Bronze finish iron beds, two inch continuous posts,
large fillers, regular $14.00, cut to
Vcrnicc Martin iron bed very artistic and good value,
regular $13.50 cut to
Mahogany finish iron bed with round dj'y ff
posts, regular $11 cut to P
Cream colored enamel iron bed with Ql nil
brass fillers, regular $10.50 cut to P" "
Heavy frame iron bed, round straight if
to. .yv-uu
post with brass caps, regular $lo cut
Cream colored, heavy post iron bed
with drape fillers, regular $9.50 cut to
Continuous post, high head, Vernis dC? OK
Martin finish, regular $8.50 cut to. . . .)-
One and one-sixteenth inch coutiuu- t AA
ous post iron bed, white, reg. $8 cut to-P--'""
A good substantial iron bed, same dyf "J f
g. $7.5 v
design as high priced frame, rcg.
Bronze finish, round posts, large fillers ft A C A
regular $7.00 cut to O'f.Jv
Cross bar design, short fillers, round continuous posts, $6.50at$4.25
Just a good comfortable iron bed, regular $6.00 cut to. . . .$4.15
Chilless iron bed with 1 inch posts, regular $5.60 cut to. . $3.80
An excellent pattern iron bed, regular $5.00 cut to $3.65
Cloverleaf pattern, well known design,iron bed,reg.$4.50at?3.OO
Double angle iron, truss frame durable bed, reg. $3.50 at $2.25
Truss frame, strong iron bed, regular $2.75 cut to $1.75
Ormandy Bros
Local News.
I Get nn electric head trentincnt or
massage nt Gil more' rt Ilarber Shop.
j The hmhest quality, but low
Wo can servoyou best "Cur- est in price. Currins for Drujrs.
rin says so." j For Salo- G young laying hens,
Good saddle pony for Bale. D. i 75 cents each. 510 E. Charleston
L. Paoro. 1G5G Laurel street i street
I Currins havo the beat quality,
I Currins havo tho beat service,
Currins havo tho beat prices.
Currins for DniRS.
Gllmore'a Horber Shop a spe
cialty on chlldrens' hair cutting.
Wanted Young women to learn
weaving. Portland Woolen Mills
Remember, Double Stamp Day
every Wednesday. Currins for
, WT Don't bo surprised if you havo
ing at 311 South Jersey street w k f Rheumatism this
Inniiirn Main 40 lJ. k n. .r.,i
, 1 Bjiruig. uuat iuu ww iiucti
Wanted Girl for general parts freely with Chamberlain's
housework; good position. Call Liniment and it will soon disap
at 727 North Ivanhoo street ! pear. Sold by all dealers.
J. E. Hillor has been elected, Mrs. May Alderson and mother
secretary of tho Commercial and Mrs. A. Beymer and Mrs. J.
Club. Tho selection is an ad-, Tesdal of Portland wero guests
Daily March 15 to April 15th, to
Tlin wivlrltnir nf TInrrv Tnimnn
and Miss Josephine Sliced is an
nounced to tnko place at tho
homo of the bride on Wednesday,
flirt ao.
April iu, ui a p. in.
mirable one.
An interesting paper read by
Mrs. L. N. Bellinger at tho
Mothers' meeting Monday will
appear in next week's issue.
You take no chances with green
stamps. Each stamp buys so
much. You can buy a piano, or
any other article with green
stamps. Currins for Drugs.
For Rent Houso and 6 lots,
bearing fruit trees, berries,
chicKen yaru ana coops, 10 eiuw- "i, - pnnRtitnnLk
KP.OTe'no Cmmren- that he wi renderthe best scr-
of.Rev. and Mrs.Jamea Murphey
this week.
L. R.Alderman,Supt of Public
Instruction of Oregon, delivered
a splendid lecture in the high
school auditorium last evening
under the auspices of tho Com
mercial Club. It was well at
tended and hugely enjoyed.
Geo. W.Munson wishes to ex
press his deep appreciation of
the splendid vote ho received for
Councilman ot tne second warn,
512 E. Tyler street.
T T? PwwloVil Una finn raihhncra
U U. JWt MU ...w -! - 1
nlanta for sale. A large assort-
vico that he is capable of.
Mrs. Allen Blackburn, who un-
plants for sale. A large assort- , . serious oneration
mentofall kinds of vegetables . . f. nod Samaritan hosnital
and potting plants will be ready j soveral weeka ag0 waa brought
by May first, among them ueingU yester(iay much improved
the Mastadon Pansy, one of te , ;n health with every indication
finest pansies grown. that her recovery will beperma-
tj- iioa nnroTinnnrl nent As Mrs. Blackburn has
tftJ ." J , ... m
V -mm- r 1 1 t 1. 1 rl-.nrt ill F1
t a Clan AT Hnll hnrher shon on
kliw vivv
North Jersey street, and has
placed E. E. Hall, one of Port
land's beat tonsorial artists, in
charge. Harry will continue his
shop on tho east side of the
W. H. Milne, a former busi
ness man of St Johns, but who
has been in the agriculture busi
ness near Kalama. Wash., was a
guest of L. B. Wilson Monday
evening. He has sold his ranch
at an advantageous figure, and
may make his home in this vi
cinity once more,
J. J. Hurlbert, the energetic
and hustling insurance-man, hds
returned from an extended trip
in Southern California, and will
make his home in St. Johns for
some time to come. Jess, who
has more friends to the square
mile than most men. and who
has no superiors in his line of
work, accomplished a fine stroke
of business in the sunny south.
Hinnn ill fnr t.hfl Inst fifteen vears.
I iv r
this will be welcome news 10 ner
many friends.
Wednesday night, April 2nd,
rvnvpl to ha an evenincr of no
1!H1a imnnrrnneff sociallv in St
uvv - . w
Johns. That date was cnosen Dy
HiH Alumni Association of the
.Tamos John Hicrh for its second
dancing party of the season. In
response 10 me iiivuawuuB u
the Alumni, a large crowd of
hicrli Rchnnl stnrlenta and friends
eathered in the rink for the
Hanpf and from the first haunt
intr strains of a lovely waltz to
the last note of the "Home,
Sweet Home," the guests enjoy
nl tlipmsnlvfs la the fullest ex
tent The decorations consisted
nf Hrann crrane. nalms and red
and white streamers artistically
arranged. rneouore uugDee,
Cecil Magone, Howard Brice and
tfmnrvfiillmore was the commit
tee, and Rudd's orchestra furn
ished the music, which made the
occasion so enjoyable.
ChlcaKO J3S.00
1'corla 37.00
St. LouU..., 37.00
Milwaukee 30.70
Little Kock 42.60
Mcmplili 42.60
New Orleans 18.05
St. l'aul
KniiMM City
uiuaiiit. . .
St. Joseph
1'roiti other eastern points In proportion.
Tell your friemU in the Rast of this onnortunitv ofiiiovliitr West
(ares. Direct train service via IlurlliiKton Route, Northern Pacific, Great
em, and Spokane, Portland & Seattle line.
. f30.00
. . 30.00
.. 30.00
,. 30.00
.. 30.00
on. low-North.
You can tlepoult funds with me ami tickets will befurnlihcd Dconlc in the
Hast. Details will be furnlilml on rcijuest.
W, D. Skinner, Traffic Manager
O. M. Cornell
St. Johns, Ore.
This Beautiful Columbia Phonograph for only $20
Five dollars down and five dollars monthly. A bargain
you cannot afford to overlook if you are at all inter
ested in a phonogrph. See them on display at our
store. A large list of RECORDS always on hand.
The St. Johns Pharmacy
Picture framing done nt Portland
prices at II. 1. Clark's, the ftirtii
titrc man. tf
Currin says: We arc pleased
with our now store and we know
that it will please you.
A GOO card party will bo given
by tho Pythian Sisters in the I.
O. O. R hall Thursday evening,
April 17. All invited.
Wanted Position as stenogra
pher and general olllce girl. Ap
ply to Cordollla C. Davis, 727 N.
Ivanhoo street, St. Johns.
Dr. A. P. Ingrain, wife and
baby are visiting Mrs. Hose Rob
inson t before going to their
home in Coquillc county.
You have aided us in making
ours the best drug store, and wo
now hope that with your further
aid we can still enlarge it. Cur
rins for Drugs.
Artesian water has been struck
in Crook County and it is believ
ed it will bn of great benefit to
farmers and stockmen. The flow
was struck at a depth of 197 feet.
First Christian Science Society
Sundays 1 1 n. m., Wednesdays at 8
p. in. Rending room open on lues
clay and Saturday from 2 to 4 l m.
Alt cordially invited to the services
and reading room. Subject Sundav:
"Arc Sin, Disease and Death Real?"
Congregational Church Sun
day School 10 a. in. : preaching
11 a. m.. 7:30 p. m.: C. E. G:15
p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednes
day 7:30 p.m.; Ladies Aid Wed
nesday 2:30 p. m. A cordial
welcome is extended to all.
Farmers in tho Molalla-Canby
district of Clackamas County
havo a plan to market their pro
duce directly to the consumer in
Portland by bringing it to the
city on auto trucks and and cut
ting out the middle man. They
hope to savo 40 to GO per cent in
tho present cost to tho buyer.
Methodist Episcopal church
Leavitt and Hayes. 11 a. m.
"Tho power that saves and sub-
duos." 7:30 p. m., "Light in
darkness." 10 a. m. Sunday
school. The Sunday school
offering will go to assist sulVor-
ing children in tho flooded dis
R. W. McKeon made a visit to
St. Johns Monday, and every
body was glad to see him. He
is looking first nite, but is still
weak from his long and severo
llncss. He has been convalesc
ing at the nomeot ins sister,
Mrs. II. G. Oguon at Uayton,
Railronds and Commercial bod
es nro in leacuo with each other
to attract tho Panama-Pacific Ex
position travel in 1915 through
Oregon and Washington either
on route to the fair or on tho re
turn trip. Since many m tho
East aro already planning their
trip west, it is thought neces
sary to sturt this worK cany in
order to reach tho greatest num
ber of prospective fair visitors.
I wish to thank the votora of
the First Ward who voted to elect
mo Councilman. I tnko it as an
expression of your confidence in
my nullity to saieguaru your in
terests as property owners, and
also to assist in the work of im
proving tho city in every way
possiblo without seriously im-
na r ncr its credit. 1 am over
rcauy to listen to nuvicu irom
those who have tno citys wel
fare at heart, but n ease excuse
mo if your motivqia entirely sel
ush. t. . martin.
Tho collection of funds for tho
relief of tho flood and cyclono
swent narts of tho Midulo west
. - 11 .
has been a worK 01 tno past
week in which tho who o state
has participated. Money and
nrovisions havo been given with
a generous hand. Oregon's con-
tr tuition will total aoout
000. which speaks well for the
cronoroaitvof hertieonie. a teat
uro of tho work that merits spe
cial credit was tho gift of $100
by Chinese residents of Haker.
Tho two candidates for Mayor
mnde tho agreement before elec
tinn dav that tho osor would
wheel tho winner in a wheelbar
row from tho St. Johns Hard
ware store to tho postoiiico and
rfitum. Hi Her was iramo. and
about 11 o'clock Wednesday tho
nassersby wero greeted by tho
m m Kill 1 1 Vff
sight of Mr. inner wneeung mr,
Bredeson tin and down tho thor-
ouchfare. The trip was made
without accident, and tno two
contenders shook hands heartily
after the episode. Hiller is t
sure good loser.
Sheriff Tom Word made an in
terestincr address in tho city ha!
Saturday evening. The chamber
was packed to its utmost capac
ity with many others clambering
for admittance. Ho spoKo on enforcement, and favored
one candidate for the mayorship
no more than the other. Ho ad
vised the neonlo to elect tho man
that stood for the highest ideals
and as backed by the better ele
ment. Ho took occasion to score
'the Evening News in emphatic
terms. It was unfit, ho declared,
to enter any house, and as a pre
varicator has Ananias skinned
a citv block. Ho promised to
see to it that gambling would no
bo tolerated in St. Johns, no mat
ter who was mayor.
Save vour irreen stamps: they
are money to you. Currins for
Satisfaction, Is the word Oil
more, the Uarbcr.
Your co-operation and our
duality drugs with low prices
havo made our store the best. I
Currins for Drugs. 1
For Concrete lawn rollers see
V. W. Mason, or for sale at St. .
Johns Hardware Co. I
Currin says: Everyday is n 1
good Kodak day. Let us furnish
you with lreo literature about
Kodak "all by daylight" meth
ods of photography.
Have a limited number of Indian
Rtinncr duck eggs
and baby ducks, al
;x so Hnrrcd Plymouth
Vflnnd White
liorn eggs and baby
chickens. (Jail on
or address T. l
I.cvetis, lao South Olympia Street.
Photic Columbia 646.
Hlnck Minorca eggs for sale nlso.
It l rooked by the City of St. John,
Tlmt it deem it expedient ntul.ticecs
nary to litmrove Smith avenue from the
noiithcnst line of Oswego street to the
northwest Hue 01 Col ami) In boulevard In
llie city of St. Johns in the following
manner, to wit:
lly grndlng snld portion of said street
to the suK-grntic cstnbiisuca mm uy
iNivinu Mlil street with ernvcl bltulithlc
jxivcmcnt twenty feet in width together
with the necessary suiMiritins.
Work to be done according to the
iilnns and sncclficiUlons of the city cuirl
uccr on lite in the office of the
city recorder relative thereto,
which said plans mid specifications
ami estimates arc satisfactory ami arc
hereby approved. Said Improvements
to be made In accordance with the
charter and ordinance of the city of
St. Johns, and under the supervision
and direction of the city engineer.
That the cost of mid Improvement to be
assessed pro rata and ns provided by the
cltv charter tion the property especially
and iMttlculnrly benefitted thereby, and
which Is hereby declared to be nil of lots
parts of lots, blocks and parcels of hind
between the termini of such Improve
incuts abutting upon, adacciit or prox
imate to wild Street from the
marginal lines of said street back to the
center of the block or blocks or tracts of
laud abutting thereon or proxltuato
That nil the property included In said
Improvement district aforesaid is hereby
declared to be Local Improvement
district No. 07.
That the city engineer's assessment ol
the probable total cost of said improve
incut of said Smith avenue Is
That thecokt of said street be assessed
against the property In said local assess
incut district as provided by the charter
of the city of St. Johns.
Aiiopieii uy me council mis Bin uny 01
April, ltlia.
Published In the St. Johns Review
April 11 and 18, It) 13.
No. 0047.
Report of the condition of the
First National Bank
at St. Johns, In the state of Oregon, ut
the close of husluciM April -I, 1UI.I:
.onus anil discounts 11)0.823.29
Overdrafts, secured & unsecM M9
I'. S.iMiuiIstoK-curccireuiaiion w.uw.uo
I'. S. Uinds to secure postal
llouds. Securities, etc 20,881.00
lluiiklug house, (iiriiltiire ami
fixtures 3,WK).00
Other real estate owned I,&,J1,1)2
Due from State ami
Private Hanks ami
Hankers, TrustCom.
mule uud Savings
tanks 1.038.7.)
Due from approved re
serve mjVntH 32.120.07
Checks and other
cash items VfSi.VX
Note of other ISa
tlonal Hanks HO.00
Fractional jwper cur.
reucy, iiickcis.cciiis iv-,ui
Lawfuf money lesurve
in bank, viz:
Specie 15,053.85
Kcileiiiplioiiiiimi wiwi
r. ti. ireasurcr 15
iu.r rl. ( circulation! 2.500.00
' 63,385.72
Total f 338,188.03
l.lAWMTIIlii. 1
Capital stock iwld ill .50.000.00
Surplus fund. 10,000.00
ntiillvlileil nrolits. less exiicil
svs and taxes paid 1,875.33
National tank notes outstaud'g 50,000.00
Individual dcixMts
subject to clicclc,. flffil,077.Ul 1
Dcmuiid certificates
of deposit 12.100.07
Time deposits 85.W8.07
Certified checks. . . 110.32
Cashier's checks out
standing 1,1111.33
Postal Saving Dep'is, 3,385.35
The safety 1 tin- fuii ls
entrusted to' this Hmk in
directly nffccls the whole
community, as much, it
possible, as it diactly af
fects its depositors and the
Bank itself.
Thus, the chief concern
of its management, and of
the wise laws to which a
National Dank willingly re
sponds, have to do with
the safeguarding of deposi
tors' funds. "Safety first''
is the invariable iron clad
The record of the Pen
insula National Hank is
one that inspires confidence
in Its determination to mea
sure every transaction by
the rule of safety.
Oldest Bank on the Peninsula
St. Johns Furniture
Gus Salmond, Mgr.
New and Second
Hand Furniture
Bought, Sold and
For Hont A tuodorii cottatro,
close in. $10 nor month. Cull til
Hoviow ollko or 1035 S. Ivtuilioe.
Ilrlng In your Job printing while
you think of It. Don't watt until you
are entirely out. Wo aro equipped
to turn out neat and tasty prlntliiK
promptly at Portland prices nr less.
You will look n irood wlillo bo-
fore you find n bettor tuodicino
for couirhB mm coIUh than uiiuu-
borlaiu s Couirh Hciuody. It not
only uives relief it cures. Try
it when you have a cotign or
cold, and you aro certain to be
pleased with tho prompt cure
which it will olfect. Vov alu by
all dealers.
No. 10103.
Koivort of the condition of tins
01' ST. joiins
til the State of Oregon, at the vktm ot
business April -1, 1913:
Loans and discounts I
Overdrafts, secured & ituscc'd
U.S.Ikimls to secure clreiilaUim 8U.uuu.ou
V, S. llouds to secure IWIhI
Savings ri.uw.uu
Premiums on U.S. IUiimU.... mOO
llouds, Securities, etc 1,780.01
Hanking house furniture ttd
fixtures fmOj)
Other rval estate ownwl ,1WJI
Due from State ond rrmuu
Hanks and Hankers, Trust
Companies, Saving llauk RJTl.Sa
Due from approved
reserve aeouU mlM
Cheeks and other
cash items wiwjjii
Notes of other Na
tioual Hanks 1I9.S0
l'raclloiial Taper Cur
reucy, Nickels and
Cents uT
Lawful money rusurve
in lUnk, vli: ..,
Specie 18800 Ht3!.
Legal Tender Notts mm
Hedemption fund with U.
Treasurer (S per own w
Total f333,188.03
Stute of Oregon,
County of Multnomah
I, I'. T. Drinker, cashier of the above
mimed bank, do solemnly suear that the
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
l. V. Drinker, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to More me
this 10U. duy of April, I93.
W. S. Kellogg, Notary Public,
Multnomah county, Ore,
A. U.Jobes,
Correct Attest: Chas. K. Williams,
C. II. Russell,
Capital stock paid ill
tiuriiius mini
Uudivldel profits, m exptiu
scs ami lux us iim
National Hunk Note tmUtd'jc
Dividuiids umwid
Individual deposit
subjoct tocheek 171 411
Deuiaud certificates
of deiKsit
Time certificates of deposit . . 9.001.80
Certified Checks iW M
Cashier's checks outstuudlng. i'sSru!
Postal Savings deposits XT'I.'"
Total f80!i.lQ.s
State of Oregon, I
County of Multnomah, 1
I, j. N. Itdlefseti, Cashier of tit
above mimed lank, do solemnly wer
that the alKive statement Is trim to tlw
best of my knowledge and Ixiliuf.
J. N. Hdlefseu, Casliltr.
Sulscribed and sworn to Imforo nw.
this 9th day of April, 1913.
h. J. Wright, Notary Public.
Multnomah county, On.
Correct Attest; P. AuUeii,
V. C. Ktiapp,
M. I.. Holbrook,
Cut Out This Free Coupon
And bring to us, and on making a
purchase to the amount of 50 cents or
over, we will give you
20 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
in addition to those you are entitled to on your pur
chase. Present this coupon before April 21.