f THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW DY A. W. MARKLE Published Bvory Frldny At 117 West Burlington Street. Tim Uitviitw la entered (it post office !u Saint Johns, OrcRon, ns nmll Jimttcr of the second clnsa under the Act of Con gress of Mnrch 3, 1879. Job Printing oxteaUil In flrtt-clait iti Hills for Job rrlntlnr cash on d.llverr. All eonimunlrttlont shootd b addf-Mad lo Tho nTlt"T. flt. Johm. Orsgon. Official NTnpper ot tha Olty of Bt. John. Subscription prlc $1.00 par year. The annual city election has come nnd ironc. and as u result the reins of city government will be in nractica v new nanus. A new mayor and a new city attor ney will nrcside over the desti nies of the municipality. The men elected arc all irood citizens, and there is no reason why they should not make irood city oIII cials. And it is now un to the neonlo of St. Johns to aid in cv ery manner possible to make the new administration a success. lie slow to condemn, for there are limitations in the city char ter that dare not be ovcrstenncd, and all decisions must bo based upon its provisions. The vote of ladies may have been a factor in creating a new administra tion, because it is the first time in tho city's history that such u swceoinirchanirc has been ollcct ed. May the new officials make a record that all may feel proud of. ORDINANCE NO. 537 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING DEED FKOM CHARLES J. GULDEN AND DAISY S. GULDEN AS OWNERS, AND J. K. GRAHAM AS MORTGA GEE, TO THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS, CONVEYING CER TAIN PROPERTY IN SAID CITY FOR STREET PUR- POSES, AND DIRECTING THAT A PLAT THEREOF HE FILED IN THE COUNTY RE CORDS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. The City of St. Johns does or dain as follows: Section 1. That a certain deed from J. Gulden and Daisy Guld en, as owners, and J. F. Graham as mortgagee to tho City of St. Johns, dated the nth day of Feb ruary. 19155. and acknowledged ' before Thad W. Vreeland, Notary ruulfc for Oregon, on the at day of February, ll)l!J, convoy mir to tho said City for streo purposes the following describe! tract of laud, situate in the County of Multnomah and State of Oregon, to wit: Commencing at tho corner bo tween lots fifteen (15), sixteen 1(5. seventeen. 17. and eighteon 18, in North St, Johns, running thenco Northwesterly along tho lino between mud low liftoon, lo and eighteen, 18, one hundrei and thirty five, 135, feet; thence southwesterly and parallel with II.- 1! ..!.! l-.i i iiu iinu uuiwuuu sum iuih seven teen, ly.nnu eigiiteen, la, tiurty, HO, feet; thence south easterly ami paranoi Willi the said line between said lots fifteen, 15, am eighteen, 18, one hundred am thirty live, 135, feet; thence northeasterly thirty, 30, foot to the point of beginning. be and tho sumo is hereby ac cented by tho said City of St Johns. Section 2: Tho City Engineer oi the (Jity ot bt. Johns he, ant he is hereby directed to make and lllo as by law required, a plat oi tno portion ami tract o ground (luscnuoci in section ono of this ordinance ami that such plat bo filed within thirty days irom tno passage ot this ordi nance. Passed by tho Council April mil, Approved by tho Mayor Apr! 8th, 1913. A. A. MUCK, Mayor. Altustj F. A. RICE, Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re view, April 11, 1013. Goorgo I'ulltnnn, ohlol' owner oi tho lull jnnii ootnnnny, tHod worth tin almost tnonnoolvitblo lorlunot vol wnon no wnnn younu ninn no worifon lor DA V WAG JiS. But ho 1IAXICHD nnd SAV1SD his inonov whan ho wus young. At his douth ho lintl i itmiHinuiH worlelnir i'or htm. Ytm onnnot lonrn n hutior Josson In soltool or olsowhoro thnn thlsi SAVIi W1MX YOUNG. Lot OUlt Jinnlc ho YOU It Jltmle Wo pny 4 noroont. Intovoston savings First National Bank, St. Johns, Oregon WeVe secured a limited number of f 4 copies of "GOOD DRESSING" to distribute among our customers and while the supply lasts, ANYj woman whether she's a regular customer or not may have her copy by simply calling at our pattern de partment. There's no charge Good Dressing will be presented FREE, with our compliments. HOMF-URNAt j g LATEST FASHIONS .la Wf PATTEST fw 7 i COUNTER Style Book 80 pages of magnlfloent garments ORDINANCE NO. 538 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING DEED FROM NANCY CA PLESTO THE CITY OP ST. JOHNS, CONVEYING CER TAIN PROPERTY IN SAID CITY FOR STREET PUR POSES AND DIRECTING THAT A PLATTIIEREOF HE FILED IN THE COUNTY RE CORDS OF MUTNOMAII COUNTY. ORDINANCE NO. 539 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF THE OFFIC ERS OF THE CITY OF ST. JOHNS. OREGON FOR THE YEAR 1U13. typewriter ribbons for sale nt this ollice; 50 cunts each. Tho Civic Rottormont League will hold its next meeting in the city hall Monday, April 21, in sieiui ot ue.t Mommy as previ ously announced. Ren C. Crow mado a visit to this city tho first of the week. Mr. Crow while here opened ne gotiations for the purchase of a pipe organ to be installed in tho Christian Church at Inde pendence, Oregon, of which church he is now pastor, How is Your Title? Have your abstracts made, con tinued or uxatuiiied at the Peninsu la Title, Abstract and Realty Co Accurate work. Reasonable fees. II. Henderson, manager, soS North Jersey, McDonald building. J'y your ubscrlptlon. The City of St. Johns does or dain as follows: Section 1 : that a certain deed from Nancy Caples to tho City of St. Johns, dated August lll.lviz and acknowledged bofore E. E. Coovert. Notary Public for Ore gon, on me said aist day 01 AUg list. rJl'J, conveying to the snh City for street purposes, the lol lowing described tract of land, situate in the County of Multno mah and State of Oregon, to wit A strip of land fifteen feet in width contiguous to and par allel with tho northerly line of a certain thirty foot right of way heretofore deeded by Nancy Ca ples to tho City and Suburban Railway Company by a deed re con oil in bjok 2J3. imiro 9(5 Rec ords of deeds for Multnomah County, Which said strip of land fifteen feet in width com mences at tho easterly lino 0 1 vier street as now located am as deeded by a deed from Nancy Cnnlcs to tho Citv of St. Johns. which deco was recorded in book of deeds for Multnomah County in Volume 373. Pago 13. am running thenco easterly along tho northerly side of tho snu strip of land heretofore deeded to the said City and Suburban Railway Company to tho Wester ly line of Ifuchannn btrcct in the City of St. Johns as now located and ostnblished. It being the intention to dedicate a strip of land fifteen feet In width on tho northerly side of Dawson Street between Tyler and Buchanan Streot whoro tho said street is now but lf feet in width and to thorobywidon the said Dawson Street to sixty feet to conform to the remainder ot the suid uaw son Streot, which said streot is in all other places sixty feet in width throughout its entire length, bo and the snmo is hereby ac cented by tho said City of St. Johns. Section 2: The City Engineer of tho City of St. Johns be and ho is hereby directed to mnko and file ns by law required, a plat of tho portion and tract of ground described in section 1 ot this Ordinance and that such plat bo filed within thirty (lays from tho passage of this Ordinance. I'assed by tho Council this 8th day of April, 1913. Approved by tho Mayor this 8th day of April. 1913. A. A. MUCK. Mnyor. Attest: F. A. RICE. Recorder. Published in the St. Johns Re iew Apr. 11, 1913. The City of St. Johns does or dain as follows: Section 1 : That the Salary of the Mayor of the City of bt. Johns be and the same is hereby fixed at $3.00 for each regular meeting of the City Council which ho at tends. Section 2: That tho salary of each Councilman of the City of bt. Johns excepting such Coun cilman as may bo appointed as of tho Street Commit tee, be and tho samo is hereby fixed at $2.00 for each regular meeting which he attends. Section 3: That tho salary of tho member of tho City Council of the City of St. Johns who shall bo appointed chairman of tho street committco be. and the snmo Is hereby, fixed nt $3.00 for caclu regular meeting of tho City Council which ho attends while ho is so acting ns chairman of tho street committee. Section -I: That tho salary of tho city recorder or the City or St. Johns be, nnd tho samo is ncrouy, nxeu at $iw.uu per month. Section 5: That tho salary of tho Deputy Recorder of tho City of St. Johns be. nnd tho snmo is hereby fixed, at $50.00 per month. Section G: Tho salary of tho City Treasurer of tho City of St. Johns be, and tho samo is here by, fixed at $50.00 per month. Section 7: That tho salary of tho City Attorney of the City of bt. Johns be, nnd tho samo is hereby, nxeu nt yo.ihj per month. Section 8f That tho salary of tho City Engineer of tho City of bt. Johns be, nnd tiro same is hereby, fixed at $112.50 per month. Section 9: That tho salary of thoChiof ofPolicoof the City of St. Johns be, nnd tho same is nereoy, nxeu nt 500.UU per month. Section 10: That tho salary of tho Night Police of tho Citv of bt. Johns be, and tho samo is hereby, fixed at $75.00 per month. Section 11: That tho salary of each regular Assistant i'ollco or I'atrolnmn of tho C ty of St. Johns be, and tho same is here by. fixed at $75.00 per month. bection 12: That this ordi nance shall take effect and be. come operative on and after tho l lth day of April, 1913. I'assed by tho Council this 8th day of April, 1913. Approved by tho Mayor this 8th day ot April, 1913. A. A. MUCK, Mayor. Attest: F. A. Rice, Recorder. Published in tho St. Johns Re view on April 11, 1913. This is only one of the things' we are doing for our customers no where else in the city can you get a real MAGAZINE like this without paying for it; and the only way we can get our money back is by pleas ing you, and perhaps selling one of our patterns. Good Dressing for May contains seventy-odd of the new styles with New York Fashion Notes, Hints on Arranging the Hair, Instructions for Making over Millinery, Color-harmony Chart; and many other helpful and interesting articles. Call for YOUR copy before the supply is exhausted. Couch & Co. it PIONEERS" Distributors of Merchandise Since 1904 fiOl.l u.: hi Extraordinary m 8 In Spring and Summer Hats Artistic Trimming, Full Line of Dark and Light Colors in Large and Small Effects with High Front as well as Low Back Trim ming of Flowers and Novelty Ribbons. 8 I 4th Door North of the Multnomah Theatre lit Mrs. B. E. Shultz oo m lUI.k Ail The Mayor has set aside MONDAY, APRIL 21 as PI SEEDS SPECIAL OFFER: rU.J. U Will M. 11..I..M. AUUIwlU r uiu.Tou our Nruiftii.ni ruitotnar. PrlK ColKctloB RSftHtt'SSiiS; U4 (fri.. . fc.ife- U i.n.tu. la U. Vrito to-day j Mention this PMper. SEND 10 CENTS lUl 111 MtllB Ui liMlii Ikl , bit -'t'': w: -yam ' mm J, E. Tnnch, who was re-elected , City Treasurer last Monday. CLEANUP DAY Everyone is earnestly requested to place all the rubbish about their places in sacks, boxes or barrels before that time and it will betaken away at the City's Expense. Help Beautify the City by Doing Your Part The Best Light At The Lowest Cost ELECTRIC LIGHT is tho most suitable for homes, offices, shops and other plnces needing light. Electricity can be used in any quantity, large or small, thereby furnishing any required amount of light. Furthermore, electric lamps can be located in anyplace, thus affording any desired distribution of light. No other lamps possess., these qualifications, there fore it is not surprising that electric lamps are rapidly replacing all others in modern establishments. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company f f f f f f f f f f f f lumber: Rough, Dressed, Flooring, Finish. Slabwood '. Prompt Dry, Deliveries. Greeu, Quality Blocks, Guaranteed. Trimmings ST. JOHNS LUMBER CO. Phone Columbia 131 H. HENDERSON McDonaWBIdg.,208 Jersey Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Abstracts of Title Prepared. Accurate Work Guaranteed. RKASURV DKPAKTMKNT. Office oi the Sc. rtUry. Wa.hlnstoa. O. C Utrch is. 1511. Pronault are hercbv aollcitetl. to be onennl in (he Office ol the Supcrr Uing Architect, Trrmury DeUMtiacnt. Vhinaton. 1). Cat 10 o'clock A. M. ou April 14. 1011. fur the alc or donation to the United Mate of a corner lot. centrally and conveniently located and auitable for a Federal building site at Saint Johua, Oregon. The aitc niuhi uc approximately loua aquare reel in area aud If the lot ottered is rtxtaneular. it minimum 1 dlintutlou mutt not le leaa than lis feet. Upon application the Pcoimatter will suddIv tiroioeo tivc bidders with a circular living particulars at a pa W. O. McADOO, Secretary. to tequlrcmcuta and instruction lor preparation v iwu bui. uaia iu arcojnpanr same. Prack the go9l ol St. Jr. tuts, CHAS. SCHAUFF Grower and dealer in Rose Bushes and Nursery Stock 842 N. Leonard Street St, Joltus, Ore. For Sale. Piano in first class condition. Reasonable priee. Call at this office.