St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 14, 1913, Image 3

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    or Ormandy Bros. oppostte
TX)R more than a week, men
pi Drana new Furniture, Rugs,
are now nrenarpfl tn fnrmnli
dependable furniture awav below anv nrim f.h "Hifrti Ronf afnvn nju-
We like to have our neighbors come in and visit our store. It isn't any trouble to show you around.
have worked incessantly, hauling, unpacking, marking and assembling
Linoleum, Matting, Stoves, Ranges, Curtains and Home Furnishings. We
Here is tlie furniture of n mighty
snug bedroom. Only one of each
Heavy Sutin Finish Brass Bed, 2
inclt round posts. Regular $30.00,
Extra Special $21
Dresser nnd Chcffonicr, Dirdseyc
Maple, Norquist Qunlily Line, ser
pcutine front design, large bevel
plate mirror. Dresser, regular $26
Chiffonier, regular $34.75
Birdscyc Maple Stand and Ikd
Room Rocker. They were slightly
damaged but it does not show.
Regular price for the two $ 1G.00,
With the prospect of an
early spring comes thoughts
of house cleaning. Why. not
renew the floor coverings?
Wouldn't a nice new pattern
rug help? Here is a fine line
of new arrivals, sizes to suit
any room.
Axmfnster Rug, 9x12
High quality, long wearing rugs, in nil the
patterns of high priced Wilton rugs but so
much cheaper. .
Wilton Velvet Rug 9x12, $22,50
Seamless rugs in select blending of
colors and patchy cozy designs.
Seamless Tapestry Rug 9x12, $17,00
These rugs contain a wonderful amount of wear.
They arc very attractive, and the price can not be
Rex Tapestry Rug 9x1 2
Eric Tapcslry Rug 8 ft. 3 in. by
10 ft. 6 in.
Tapcslry Rug 7 ft. 6 in. by 9
Tapestry Rug 6x9
57.45 - '
$11.25 g
Local News.
Gilmore's Uarber Shop a spe
cialty on child reus' hair cutting.
A. M. Buckles 18 hnviw?
Get an electric head treatment or
massage nt Gilmore's Barber Shop.
Oliver Bnlko hns returned to
St. Johns after nn extended visit
through the southern states.
n J. T. I'oterson is itnvinir n
hnndsomo dwelling erected on
Smith nvenuc. near Richmond
A blcyelo repair shop hns open
ed for business in tho small build
ing on South Jersey, formerly
occupied by tho local gns com
pnny. Shnn Tlnnnlrlnrr. Prison rnn-
nro sonablo and satisfaction guarnn-
teed, uivo us a can. mho uoi
small rcsidenco erected on North
Edison street.
O. J. Gatzmyer has announced
himself ns Independent candi
date for tho ofllco of City At
torney. Bom To Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
March 12, a baby girl; weight 10,
pounds. Mother and oauo
uoing wen. ; - $r- -na xwi.
Mrs. Ruth E. Trumbo is 1 av- , 8treeU St JohnB
ing a $2000 residenco erected on , ran nv Lromlhvo to conat5.
Jutl." 1 Wn InlMti nnnoint Patio" with cTear conscience if
will bo modern in a its appoint- Chamberlain's Tablets.
Many havo been permanently
Daily March 15 to April 15th, to
menta and highly attractive.
The room in tho Holbrook
block to bo occupied when com
pleted by Currin's for Druga is
rapidly being placed in superb
condition, and will bo a beauty.
Gurrin says: When you want
tho very best In fresh package
candies you had better give us a
trial. Wo havo tho famous
Whitman and Johnstons candies
always fresh and always clean.
cured by their use. For salo by
all dealers.
Every merchant has some hob
by, something that ho always
tries to perfect in every respect.
With us this is tho prescription
department. Prescriptions aro
our hobby. Wo aro prescription
"cranks." Currins for Drugs.
Tho birthday of Mrs. Lillian
M. Stevens, National President
of tho Woman's Christian Tem-
Eeranco Union, will bo observed
v appropriate exorcises next
Mrs. Nancy Caples was tho
first woman to cast her ballot in
St, Johns, and it was eminently
fitting that this was tho case b u acqualn"ted with
Mrs. Caples is one of our oldest Jj m
your presence and words of good
cheer; 2:30 p. m.
The Peninsula National bank
was, we believe, tho first bank
ing institution in tho Northwest
to secure a supply of the new
nickles that are being minted
hv th irnvfirnment. Tho Penin
sula National secured them by
deeply interested in St. Johns'
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Bonham
entertained a number of their
friends at a dancing party in
Bickner Hall Monday evening.
The affair was a delightful suc
cess. Fernne's orcnesira jurn-
Ished the music. Delicious fruit snecial order. The nickels are
punch and wafers were served, j rather pretty, although they re
It was voted by all to be one of I semble beer checks more than
the most enjoyable events of the the old time five cent spots,
season. "The Laborer's Sunday or
has re- Rest Day" is the topic at tho
j vi - -
naluaA a rami oat: from the SUOCr
vising Architect's office. Wash-
inortnn. 1J. (J.. lor maps 01 ou
Johns and other information,
Vint a mnVAni Rnt site may
fnr nnqfnl business
Bids for a suitable site will be
advertised for later. Five thous
and dollars, we believe, has
beep appropriated forapostofilce
site in St. Johns. The building
will be erected when the popu
lation or business reaches the
required amount
Remember we will soon be in
our new location, in the Holbrook
block on Burlington street.
Here we will be better prepared
than ever to give you the BEST
in all that pertains to drugs and
the soiling of them, Gurrins for
Pnnrrrpcrntinnal church Sundav
morning at 11 a. m. All who
are interested in havintr a Sun-
so dav rest day in which they will
be rest from labor should avail them
selves of the opportunity to hear
the above subject discussed.
Come and bring your friends.
A perfect town is one in which
you see the farmers patronizing
the home merchants, the laborers
spending the money they earn
with their tradesmen, and all
animated by a spirit that they
will not purchase articles abroad
if they can be bought at home.
The spirit of reciprocity between
men and mechanics, tradesmen
and manufacturers results every
time in making the town, a, per
fect one to do business in. Contributed,
Chicago f 33.00 St. IViul W.OO
I'torln 37.00 Minneapolis 110.00
St. Uuii 37.00 Dnlmh 30.00
Milwaukee.,.. 30.70 Knniuu City 30.00
Little Rock -12.G0 Omalm 30.00
Memphis 42.W) St. Joseph 30.00
New Orleans 48.05 Lincoln 30.00
From other eastern points In proortiou.
Tell your friends In the I!nst of this opportunity of moving West on low
fares. Direct train service via Ilurllnutoii Route. Northern l'aclfic. Great North-
em, aml.Spokaue, Portland & Seattle Hue.
You can deposit funds with me and tickets will be furnished people in the
Hast. Details will be furnished ou request,
V. D. Skinner, Traffic Manager
O. M. Cornell
St. Johns, Ore,
Buy Your Drugs and Medi
cines at the St. Johns
Our stock is complete, quality is
guaranteed and the prices are right.
Just received one hundred pounds
of Sassafrass Bark, the old reliable
spring tonic and blood purifier,
which we are going to sell at 25c
a pound. Sulphur and Cream-tartar
tablets ten cents per package.
Special prices still prevail on all our
sundry line as soaps, combs, brushes,
pocket knives, purses, box station
ery, rubber goods, etc.
We have a few special deals on
phonographs which you cannot ex
cel elsewhere.
Nature Remedy Tablets, the little
tablet that is being praised so high
ly for stomach and liver troubles,
sample free for the asking.
See V. W. Mason for "all kinds
of cement work.
Picture framitiR done nt Portland
prices nt II. V. Clark's, the furni
ture tnnii. tf
Mrs. R. A. Glover of Salem is
a Kiicst of her sister, Mrs. C. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Burgford of San
Francisco are guests of the lat
ler's aunt, Mrs. B. S. Hoover.
Setting Ekes for Sale, also
day old chicks, thorough bred
white leghorns. W. Lorenzen,
G13 Myers street.
Gurrin says: Wo arc constant
ly trying to give you more rapid
and bettor service. Your wishes
receive first consideration here.
R. Alsbenre has moved his
tailor shop into a portion of the
room formerly occupied by the
St. Johns Furniture store on
North Jersey.
Methodist Church, one block
south of city hall 11 a. m., The
Gospel in Darkness. 7:30 p. m.,
Persistence of Faith. Epworth
League G:30 p. m.
Seed Corn. Golden Bantam
Sweet; best corn for this climate
as seed hns been acclimated.
Grown by L.II. Smith. For sale
at Bonham & Currier's.
First Christinn Science Society
Sundays 1 1 n. tn., Wednesdays nt 8
p. tn. Reading room open on Tues
day nnd Saturday from 2 to 4 p. 111.
All cordially invited to the services
nnd reading room. Subject Stindnv:
Comrreirntionnl Church: Sun
day School 10 a. m. Preaching,
11 a. m 7:30 p. m. U. u. iUb
p.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday
7:30 p. m. Ladies Aid Wednes
day 2:30 p. m. A cordial wel
come is extended to all.
Petitions aro being circulated
for placing tho names of J. 13.
Hlller and A. A. Muck as iude-
nendent candidates on the ballot
at the April. election, the former
for Mayor and the latter lor
Councilman at Large.
Jack McNiven. tho alert and
accommodating assistant at tho
former Ca of Bros.' store here,
has gone to Salem, where he will
bo identified with tho large Ca
lef store there. Jack will make
good wherever he goes.
James Schlowterbach, a prom
inent dairyman of Washougal,
and a brother-in-law of Mrs. T.
F. Lovcns, was a visitor in St.
Johns Saturday. Ho is looking
for n location in or near here.
and expressed himself as being
highly pleased wilh bt. Jonns.
Gurrin snys: You can get our
DRUGS in full weight packages
at Portland prices. Bettor give
us a trial.
For Salo-Whitoand Bull Leg
horns and WhitoWyandotts eggs
fnr linrolilnir. Also ntroiit for tho
St. Helens Incubator, a machine
that will hatch chickens that
will live. Guaranteed to hatch
80 nor cent of nil fertilo eggs.
Cnll and seo it. 219 N. Swon
son street. C. R. Chadwick.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hoover
havo returned from North Pow
der, Oregon, where Mr. Hoover
had been engaged in tho meat
market business. His health bc
camo impaired and ho decided to
return to St. Johns for treatment.
E. A. Markell has gono to take
charge of tho business during
Mr. Hoovers absence. Mrs.
Markwell accompanied him.
Mrs. Hnrris lost a small suit
caso last week, and put Police
man Henry Muck in pursuit of
tho same. After a two day
search, tho sleuth struck a true
scent and followed it to tho goal.
It was in tho possession of a
local citizen who claimed that ho
had not opened it nnd intended
to advertise finding it in tho
paper. Policeman Muck is to bo
congratulated upon his Sherlock
Holmes' ability.
Oregon will observe Salmon
Day today. It is expected to
make It a state wide event and
tho Governor and public oilicinls
have been invited to attend a
snecial observance In Portland.
President Wilson has been sent
some Oregon salmon with a ro
nuest that he havo it served on
tho White House table on that
date. It is expected this will be
como an annual event, ranking
in importance with California's
Raisin Day.
Remember wo give double S
and II Green Trading Stamps on
Wednesdays on all purchases.
Currins for Drugs.
Children aro much more like
ly to contract the contagious dis
eases when they havo coius.
Whooping cough, diptheria,
scarlet fever and consumption
aro diseases that aro olten con
traded when the child has a
cold. That is why all medical
authorities say beware of colds.
For the quick cure of colds you
will find nothing better tnan
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It can always be depended upon
and is pleasant and safe to take.
For sale by all dealers.
Notice is hereby given that
the firm of Blackburn, Chambers
& Lowry has this day been
dissolved by mutual agreement.
A. II. Blackburn, J. G. Chambers,
H. R. Lowry.
Not Ui Itbtl en your ppr.
Birthday Party
The Loyal Friends (young
married ladies' class) of the
First Christian church of St.
Johns gave Mrs. E. L. Green of
014 North Hayes street, a sur
prise birthday party on the eve
of March 12th. Tho members of
tho class with their husbands
and children met at 8 p. m. at
the church, marching in a body
to tho residence, where a most
enjoyable evening was spent in
a social way. A number of
games were played and readings
given by Mcsdames Keeler,
Green. Lott. Messrs. Keeler.
Johnson and Green. One unique
feature of the party was the la
dies wearing old fashioned
gowns ol the old popular crea
tions, while some of tho men
were clad in the old home worn
garments, giving a very vivid
eiiect of an old time party. Tho
long table was bountifully load
ed in ye good old way with tho
best of edibles, which the class
is getting famous for. Tho
names of the old Pntriachial
characters of the Bible and their
wives were used in securing
mrdners for the table. At a
ate hour the members departed
to their homes, wishing Mrs.
Green a great many more happy
birthdays. Among those pres
ent wore Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Green, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Keeler, Mr. and
Mrs. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Dun
can. Mr. and Mrs. Kcllcy, Mr.
and Mrs. Walker, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Beam, Mrs. Lott, Mrs. Wm. Cal
houn, Mrs. Coffey, Mrs. Davis,
Mrs. Strange. M. B. Green, Rev.
and Mrs.Johnson. Can. and Mrs.
Smith were invited guests, xx
Social Meeting
The regular monthly business
meeting and social of the Philo
Christo class was held last Tues
day evening at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Monahan, corner
Smith avenue and Oswego street.
Mrs. Althea Ogden was unani
mously elected secretary, the
resignation of our former secre
tary, Roy Beam, having been ac
cepted at our last meeting. Af
ter tho business session was over
all took pare in vocal and athlet
ic contests. For tho vocal con
test each was given half tho ti
tle of a song with which ho wuh
to find his partner. After all
had found their partners, each
counlo look their turn entertain
ing tho company by singing tho
song designated. Much amuse
ment was caused by the harmo
nious ducts. All took activo in
terest in tho various athletic
contests, among which tho most
popular one was that of testing
thoir strength with tho electric
battery. Refreshments consist
ing of popcorn balls and apples
were served. At a lato hour wo
departed for our homes, declar
ing this to bo one of our best
meotimrs this year, thcro boing
f9 present. Strangers and those
having no church homo aro cor
dially invited to meet with us
each Sunday at 10 a. m., corner
Ivanhoo and John street. There
will be sonio one at tho door to
greet you.- Reporter.
sale at
Satisfaction, is the word Gil
more, the Uarber.
Typewriter ribbons for
this office; 50 cents each.
For Rent Sovon room house
on Jersey street, close in; $10
per month. Phono Columbia 297,
or call at 710 E. Polk.
Gurrin says: You had hotter
take advantago of tho many bar
gains wo aro olfering now in ad
vance of our move to larger and
better quarters.
U-need-a Sunday morning re
fresher, a now thought, a new
start for tho now week's work.
Como and get all this and more
with it at tho Bnraca Bible Class
at 10 a. m. ; Baptist church, tf.
You judge a man not by what ho
promises to do, but by what he
lias done. That is the only true
test. Chamberlain's Couuh
Remedy judged by this standard
has no superior. People every
where sneak of it in tho high
est terms of praise. For sale by
all dealers. 1
Will have for a short time, Indian
Kttnncr duck eggs
and baby ducks, al
so Darred Plymouth
nnd White Leg
horn euKS and baby
chickens. Call on
or address T. If.
Levcns, 120 South Olympia Street.
1'lione Columbia 040,
T. P. Levens of 120 South
Olympia street was visited last
week bv two of his cousins, one
of whom ho had not seen for
nearly 54 years, their last meet
ing taking place in April, 1859.
in tho state of Illinois. Of course
the first mutual salutation was
"Why, you haven't changed a
bit since I last saw you!" Mrs,
Levens was also visited by the
Misses Irene and Margaret Hat
fey of Stevenson, Wash. Miss
Irene is assistant postmaster at
Stevenson. They were both fa
vorably impressed with St.
Johns, it being their first visit
The High Standing of
the Peninsuln National
Hank is equally due, to the
assures for Depositors, the
prompt and careful manner
in which every account is
handled and the personal
interest shown to each de
positor. The policy of this Insti
tution is as liberal as is
consistent with sound and
conservative banking and
every means known, that
contributes to SAPIiTY. is
employed in the handling
of its business.
Should you contemplate
a change in your bunking
connection, or desire to
open an account, we know
this Institution will meet
with all your banking re
quirements. PENINSULA
Oldest Bank, on the Peninsula
It Is rcoolvcil ly the City of .St. joint,
Tlmt It ilccms it uxpcillutit nn4 luctft
wiry to improve 1'uutiilun trtt (root
the west line of OiwMtu itrcci
to Smith n vci 1 ite in the city of ft. Jobtt
In the following itmniier, to wit:
lly griiilini; the iwtiil tmrtlon of ttrwt
to the estftblUheil Mibnule mill by
laying a fttmnltml concrete trnvtiiMiit t
Inches thick anil Hlxteen (eel wil mi
ench slilu mid (limiting the null m ihw
lalil together with nil nct'eMnry rom:rt
croMing nml tile ilmiim.
Work to he done m-conllng to the
nliiim mid upeelficnUoiiK of the city eiiKt
necr on file in the olfictt of lh
city recorder relative tlirto.
which mIiI jilan mnl iKH:lfieHtloin
nnd estimate are Mtlsfitctory hih! nru
hereby approved, vita improvoinuiim
to he made in accordance with tint
charter nnd ordinance of the city of
St. Johns, nml tinder the supervision
nml direction of the city engineer.
Thai the emi 01 tuna impriivoinuni 10
Ik: assessed nn provided hy the city clwr
ter upon the property oupeclnlfy nnd
particularly Dcncilltcti therein-, mihi
which I hcrehy declared to he nil of loU
lrnrts of lots, I docks mid parcels of land
between the termini of Mich linpmvu
nients nhutting iixu, ndacunt or prox
imate to said l'cMcndon Street from the
marginal line of iwid utrecl hack to tlm
center of the hlock or hlock or trxut of
land abutting thereon or proximate
That nil the iroHrty Included in mid
improvement district aforesaid lis hereby
declared to he Load Improvement
district No. 00.
That the city engineer' iitetMHiettl 0
the probable total cost of Mid (mKm
inent of said lrvviidun street it
That the cost of Mid l'eendH street
improvement I to be mmmnI mkhIiwI the
property In tid local HMteMineNt die
trlct as provided by the city chatter of
the city of St. John, nnd 011 h pro rata
Adopted the Ith day of Mr'h, 1111.
1', A. KICII,
Published in the St. John Uevlew
March 7th nml I I, 11) Hi.
Building Permits
No.ll-To Mrs. Huth K.Tnini
bo to erect n dwelling on Ivan
hoo street betwoon Polk nnd Hu
chnnnn streets: cost $2000.
No. 12- To W. B. Ilndloy to ro
nnir storo room for M. U. Hcl
brook on Philadelphia struot bo
tweon Jersey and Ivanhoo
streets: cost $700.
No. 13 To J. T. Potorson to
erect n dwelliiiR on Smith ave
nue between Richmond anil Clmr
leston streets; cost $lfi00.
No. 14 To A. M. Isucklo to
erect a dwelling: on ICdison struot
between New York and Chicago
streets; coat $125.
In Alcnioriam
Whereas, It has ploasod the Su
promo Ilulor of tho Univoine to
take from us our boloved sifttar,
Louisa York, it loaves a vttewiuy
in our Lodire whero hor abnenco
will bo felt by all.
Whereas, while wo deeply fftl
our loss in tho (loath of our ait'
ter, yet wo mourn not as thoio
without hope.
Resolved, That wo, tho mem
bers of Laurelwood Lodao No.
1fin I f). n. I. oxtoiid am
sympathy to thoboroavod family
in mow iiuur ui buituw,
Respectfully submitted, in P.
L. nnd T.- Efi'a Roam, Nollio
Renham, Hattie McKinney.Com
mittee. How is Your Title?
Have your abstracts made, cou
tiuttcd or examined at the Puuhuui
la Title, Abstract and Realty Co
Accurate work, Reasonable feys,
II. Henderson, manager, 208 North
Jersey, McDonald building.
Currin says: Save your S
and II Green Trading Stamp,
they nro equal to a l per aoill
interest. WeBivodoublostnipjl
on nil purchases made, on WM-nesday.